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The relationship between size of landholdings and household economic status is fairly clear, particularly in societies where agricultural exports dominate the economy. Less clear is the effect of differential access to and control of productive property within households and the ways in which it affects the economic opportunities of individual household members. This paper examines property holdings and inheritance patterns among coffeeproducing households in Costa Rica. I show that while cultural norms regulatin g labor contributions do affect the balance of authority within households, de facto property rights can significantly enhance an individual's decision-making power both within households and between generationally-related households. Unless new opportunities arise, as population increases, coffee production expands, and lands become increasingly scarce, we shall likely see increased stratification both within households—as women inherit less land—and among households, as some sons inherit at the expense of other sons and daughters.  相似文献   

Wei W  Xu Z  Shi SL  Tian QS  Wang HP  Liu JL 《应用生态学报》2011,22(10):2686-2692
运用参与式方法调查了内蒙古农牧交错区太仆寺旗不同类型农牧户的生计现状,分析了不同类型农牧户的生计策略、制约因素和提高途径.结果表明:纯农型家庭规模小,年龄结构偏大,整体文化水平低,生计策略单一,脆弱性和风险较大,引入非农生产活动是降低生计风险和提高生活水平的重要途径;纯牧型家庭以放牧为主要谋生方式,草场脆弱性对其生产活动影响很大,发展环境友好型高产农牧业是解决生计问题和环境问题的有效途径;农业兼业型和牧业兼业型家庭规模大,年龄结构轻,劳动力分工多样化,从事非农活动的比例较大,生活水平较好,尤以牧业兼业型家庭收入更高.  相似文献   

The use, processing, trading, cultivation and nurturing of wild edible herbs was recorded across a rainfall gradient in the Mpumalanga lowveld. Nine villages, in three transects across the prevailing west-east rainfall gradient, were sampled by means of 20 households per village. All households made use of wild edible herbs to some extent, with households in the wettest region using the greatest diversity. The duration of availability of selected species was increased through drying, storing and processing for later consumption. Such activities were more common in the drier regions relative to the wetter villages. Approximately 38% of the respondents cultivated or nurtured wild edible herbs within their homestead or arable fields, whereas more than 77% grew exotic commercial vegetables. One quarter of respondents traded in edible herbs, largely in the winter months. Very few obtained a significant income in this way, but even casual trading provided vital supplementary income for low-income households.  相似文献   

Decolonizing Time Regimes: Lakota Conceptions of Work, Economy, and Society   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the hegemonic forces associated with the spread of capitalism is a shift in the time sense of production from task orientation to labor timed by the clock. On the periphery of the global economy, Lakota households on the Pine Ridge reservation must make fragmentary allocations of time between clock-based wage jobs and task-oriented forms of production governed by social relationships. Despite a long and ongoing history of state policies designed to enforce the discipline of the clock, task orientation continues to dominate Lakota time-sense. Rather than active resistance to or internalization of clock time, Lakota practices flout time-values that interfere with the task-oriented demands of more materially certain, socially embedded economic activities. Lakota conceptions of time, born of their contemporary material conditions, are better understood when theoretical concepts of work and time are decolonized to remove the assumptions that emulating or opposing Euro-Americans is of central concern.  相似文献   

The extensive local and regional market for traditional, handcrafted twig and grass brooms in the Bushbuckridge municipality, South Africa, provides an important means of livelihood security for several hundred poor households in the face of increasing economic hardship. Participants in this trade were a vulnerable group of middle-aged to elderly women with poor levels of education and few assets. Over half headed their own house-holds, and several came from households affected by AIDS. Entry into the broom trade was mainly a coping strategy in response to crisis, becoming long-term in the absence of alternatives. Average net annual incomes for producers and traders were modest at ZAR 2,000 and ZAR 1,000 respectively (ZAR=South African Rand), although some were earning considerably more. While unlikely to provide a way out of poverty, the trade was critical in allowing diversification and in providing a safety net, assisting poor households to overcome adversity, meet several basic needs, and educate their children.  相似文献   

This paper examines how oil palm migrant farmers in Papua New Guinea are responding to shortages of land for food gardening. Despite rapid population growth and planting nearly all of their land to oil palm, virtually all families continue to grow sufficient food for their families. The paper outlines the diverse range of adaptive strategies that households have employed to maintain food security, involving both intensification and innovation in farming systems. While gains from intensification have been significant and built resilience, they have been incremental, whereas innovation has been transformative and led to large gains in resilience. The adoption of more flexible land access arrangements on state leasehold land that ‘revive’ and adapt indigenous systems of land sharing and exchange that operated through kinship networks on customary land are innovative; they have increased the supply of land for food gardening thereby reducing risk for individual households and the broader smallholder community. The paper highlights the value of understanding farmer-driven innovations and the role of indigenous institutions and cultural values in sustaining and enhancing household food security.  相似文献   

Costly signaling has been proposed as a possible mechanism to explain food sharing in foraging populations. This sharing-as-signaling hypothesis predicts an association between sharing and status. Using exponential random graph modeling (ERGM), this prediction is tested on a social network of between-household food-sharing relationships in the fishing and sea-hunting village of Lamalera, Indonesia. Previous analyses (Nolin 2010) have shown that most sharing in Lamalera is consistent with reciprocal altruism. The question addressed here is whether any additional variation may be explained as sharing-as-signaling by high-status households. The results show that high-status households both give and receive more than other households, a pattern more consistent with reciprocal altruism than costly signaling. However, once the propensity to reciprocate and household productivity are controlled, households of men holding leadership positions show greater odds of unreciprocated giving when compared to households of non-leaders. This pattern of excessive giving by leaders is consistent with the sharing-as-signaling hypothesis. Wealthy households show the opposite pattern, giving less and receiving more than other households. These households may reciprocate in a currency other than food or their wealth may attract favor-seeking behavior from others. Overall, status covariates explain little variation in the sharing network as a whole, and much of the sharing observed by high-status households is best explained by the same factors that explain sharing by other households. This pattern suggests that multiple mechanisms may operate simultaneously to promote sharing in Lamalera and that signaling may motivate some sharing by some individuals even within sharing regimes primarily maintained by other mechanisms.  相似文献   


A door-to-door questionnaire survey of 430 households in two areas of Baltimore showed significant differences in cat ownership that were attributable to racial composition. Overall, 29.9% of white households owned a mean of 1.9 cats per cat-owning household, compared to 6.8% of black households owning a mean of 1.0 cat per cat-owning household. The mean age of cats was 3.9 yrs and 1.8 yrs in white and black households, respectively. In contrast, dog ownership in the two areas was nearly identical, with 25.6% of white and 29.1% of black households owning a mean of 1.5 and 1.3 dogs per dog-owning household, respectively. Overall, 62.8% of owned cats were spayed/neutered, 51.8% had received a vaccination in the last year, and 34.7% had been wormed during their lifetimes. A total of 31.6% of households allowed their cats to free-range; 42.5% of the 87 owned cats were in this category. The estimated densities of owned free-ranging cats were 7.0 and 2.8 cats per hectare, for the two areas. Driving counts of free-ranging animals in the two areas suggested a larger population of stray or feral cats in the location with lower reported cat ownership.  相似文献   

樊江文  梁飚 《生态学杂志》2002,21(6):33-35,19
农牧过渡带 (或农牧交错带、半农半牧区 )是指我国传统种植业区和传统畜牧业区的镶嵌结合地带。近世纪以来 ,由于人口剧增 ,垦草种粮面积不断扩大 ,滥垦、过牧、滥樵 ,使草地植被大面积消失 ,沙漠化和荒漠化日趋严重。据报道 ,目前我国北方农牧过渡带荒漠化土地面积已达 1 6 7×10 5ha ,占土地总面积的 5 2 73% ,年增长率约为1 39% [3] 。赤峰市是我国北方农牧过渡带较典型、分布面积较大的地区。该地区资源类型丰富 ,互补优势明显 ,特别是农牧结合的潜力巨大。但长期以来这里区域生态环境恶化加剧 ,导致严重的贫困化。解决这一问题的关…  相似文献   

Alexia Bloch 《Ethnos》2014,79(4):445-472
Drawing on ethnographic research among transnational Moldovan households in Moscow, this essay considers how ideals of belonging, assertions of historically inflected rights, and aspirations for mobility are all part of the everyday practice of citizenship. Mobile subjects encountering increasingly restrictive post-Soviet citizenship regimes often recall incorporation into a greater historical polity than their current passports would suggest. Three key areas are examined: the intersection of citizenship regimes and popular understandings of belonging; the sense of rights driven by cultural logics informed by previous history; and the way in which ideals and practices of citizenship are diverse among migrants from apparently homogeneous migration streams. The post-Soviet context where the Soviet promise of enfranchisement continues to inform how people on the margins view citizenship illustrates just how deeply citizenship regimes come to be incorporated into popular understandings of belonging even long after formal citizenship ceases to exist.  相似文献   

Despite being a low-income, agriculture-based country with a subsistence orientation, Laos is in the early stages of a major economic transformation whereby rural households have been experiencing rapid change in their farming and livelihood systems. Some households have begun to engage in semi-commercial farming while others have adopted labour-oriented or migration-oriented livelihood strategies. This paper explores how rural households in six villages in the lowlands of Champasak Province in southern Laos make a living. These villages vary in their access to irrigation and to markets. Nevertheless, in all villages, long-term migration of younger household members to neighbouring Thailand has come to play a large role in household livelihood strategies. In some cases this is necessary to meet the household’s consumption requirements; in most, it is part of a diversified strategy in which rice farming still plays a significant role, though still largely for subsistence. The paper examines some of the issues involved in attempting to promote intensive, market-oriented rice farming in a context of an emerging on-farm labour shortage combined with an increasing flow of remittances from migrant family members.  相似文献   

The research reported here examines child nutrition in a population that is currently experiencing a transition in subsistence, shifting from nomadic pastoralism to a variety of settled lifestyles. We investigate the range of nutritional consequences of settlement both within and between communities by examining individual, household, and community-level predictors of child nutritional status. Data are drawn from the Rendille Demographic and Health Survey, which contains anthropometric data from 1,088 children ages 6 months to 10 years, as well as socioeconomic data from 640 households drawn from one nomadic and four economically and ecologically diverse settled communities. Comparisons allow us to test the widely held assumption that settlement results in nutritional improvements. The examination of individual and household-level factors highlights several important influences on child nutrition. We find a complex interaction between gender and birthorder, whereby firstborn sons have significantly higher weight-for-height scores than other children, potentially reflecting preference under a system of primogeniture. We also find a complex interaction between defacto female-headed households, where males are absent for over half of the year, and economic status. Young children from poor female-headed households have significantly lower weight-for-height than other children, possibly due to the fact that these households are amongst the poorest in the entire community. However, young children from economically sufficient female-headed households actually fare better than their counterparts in male headed households, suggesting that in households with any discretionary resources, female heads prioritize food acquisition relative to other concerns. Finally, our comparison of child nutritional status across communities, while controlling for individual and household-level variation, does not support the contention that settlement is associated with nutritional improvements. Rather, the effect of community, and its associated changes in subsistence and lifestyle, results in either no nutritional changes, or in the case of young children in the lowland desert community of Korr, diminished nutritional status. Our results underscore the importance of considering variation in sample composition and socioeconomic status when performing community comparisons, and highlight the central role of women in influencing the nutritional welfare of their families.  相似文献   

Farmers’ maintenance of agrobiodiversity is fundamental to global food security, particularly in a world increasingly affected by climate change. Biodiversity helps to buffer agroecosystems from stresses like climatic variability, and the crop genetic diversity conserved with biodiverse agroecosystems is critical for plant breeding both locally and globally. Yet, despite these benefits, few studies have directly assessed the implications of household–level agrobiodiversity maintenance on household food security. Drawing on survey data collected in Sri Lanka’s Hambantota District, we evaluated the plant diversity maintained by small–scale farming households in both homegardens and crop fields and determined the relationships between this diversity and their households’ food security. We also considered how a suite of additional demographic, household, community, and farm characteristics relate to both the plant diversity maintained by a household and their food security. Similar to previous studies, the age of the agricultural decision-maker and the age and size of households’ homegardens positively correlated with the overall species richness of farming systems. Older homegardens were also identified to be more evenly distributed in their species abundance, and market–oriented households had significantly higher species richness but lower Shannon Indices. Most notably, household socioeconomic status and material wealth were important to both agrobiodiversity maintenance and household food security, while no significant relationships between species richness and food security measures were detected. These findings suggest that effort aiming to increase the food security of small–scale farming households in Sri Lanka, and elsewhere, should target those farming households with a paucity of socioeconomic assets, as these households lack both agroecological and economic resources to overcome shocks, such as those associated with climate change.  相似文献   

Demographic and socioeconomic factors affecting infant mortality in Egypt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyses the relative importance of demographic and socioeconomic factors with respect to their role in reducing infant mortality in Egypt. Logit analyses of data from a nationally representative sample of Egyptian households, and for urban and rural households separately, indicate that demographic factors have more effect on infant mortality than socioeconomic factors. The results also show the need to improve housing in urban areas and sewerage systems in rural areas in order to reduce infant mortality. One of the most important policy conclusions, however, concerns the importance of providing a vigorous educational campaign to enlighten mothers and prospective mothers in both rural and urban areas on the positive effects of breast-feeding, longer birth intervals, and fewer children on the survival of infants.  相似文献   

The causes of agricultural intensification in a peasant community in the north central Andes are explored using a methodology derived from the tradition of Systems Ecology. Hypotheses derived from different research traditions??mainly development economics and anthropology??regarding the causes of intensification are integrated and evaluated for their relative effects. It is found that among the variables, household size is better at explaining the degree of intensity with which labor and technology are employed. The results suggest that technologically-driven agricultural intensification is generally forced upon households by the diminishing returns of their labor, and that this process is normally accompanied by increased financial debt for those peasant households who remain in agriculture and do not completely migrate to regional urban centers.  相似文献   

Hospital discharge rates after acute appendicitis were analysed in relation to the provision of household amenities and diet in 73 areas of England and Wales, nine health board areas in Scotland, and all eight health board areas of Eire. The rates of acute appendicitis correlated with the percentage of households lacking amenities, in particular fixed baths and hot water systems. Consumption of green vegetables was an additional influence on the geographical distribution of the disease.These findings support a relation between appendicitis and hygiene, which would explain both the rise and fall of the disease during this century.  相似文献   

We examine the dynamics of household vulnerability during the past 30 years within three different social-ecological upland systems in Lijiang, Yunnan. Interviews were conducted to construct coupled human-environmental timelines to facilitate the understanding of livelihood dynamics in the context of more general changes that constitute both constraints and opportunities. The results indicate that significant livelihood changes including specialization, diversification and migration have been primarily driven by socio-political influences. Overall vulnerability of households has decreased differently across villages. Nevertheless, climate change is a concern as households perceive increasing temperature, declining precipitation and unpredictable extreme events. In the future, households’ vulnerability might increase since important components of current livelihoods remain climate sensitive. Moreover, environmentally destructive practices such as illegal logging might reinforce the negative impacts of climate change and thus undermine sustainable adaptation.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, various organizations have promoted cacao agroforestry systems as a tool for biodiversity conservation in the Bribri-Cabécar indigenous territories of Talamanca, Costa Rica. Despite these efforts, cacao production is declining and is being replaced by less diverse systems that have lower biodiversity value. Understanding the factors that influence household land use is essential in order to promote cacao agroforestry systems as a viable livelihood strategy. We incorporate elements of livelihoods analyses and socioeconomic data to examine cacao agroforestry systems as a livelihood strategy compared with other crops in Talamanca. Several factors help to explain the abandonment of cacao agroforestry systems and their conversion to other land uses. These factors include shocks and trends beyond the control of households such as crop disease and population growth and concentration, as well as structures and processes such as the shift from a subsistence to a cash-based economy, relative prices of cacao and other cash crops, and the availability of market and government support for agriculture. We argue that a livelihoods approach provides a useful framework to examine the decline of cacao agroforestry systems and generates insights on how to stem the rate of their conversion to less diverse land uses.  相似文献   



Head lice infestations cause distress in many families. A well-founded strategy to reduce head lice prevalence must shorten the infectious period of individual hosts. To develop such a strategy, information about the actions taken (inspection, treatment and informing others about own infestations), level of knowledge and costs is needed. The present study is the first to consider all these elements combined.

Materials and Methods

A questionnaire was answered by 6203 households from five geographically separated municipalities in Norway.


94% of the households treated members with pediculicides when head lice were discovered. Nearly half of the households checked biannually or not at all. Previous occurrence of head lice and multiple children in a household improved both checking frequency and method. More than 90% of the households informed close contacts about their own pediculosis. Direct costs of pediculosis were low (less than €6.25 yearly) for 70% of the households, but the ability to pay for pediculicides decreased with the number of head lice infestations experienced. One in three households kept children from school because of pediculosis. Other widespread misconceptions, such as that excessive cleaning is necessary to fight head lice, may also add unnecessary burden to households. School affiliation had a significant effect on checking frequency and method, knowledge and willingness to inform others about own pediculosis.


Increased checking frequencies appear to be the most important element to reduce head lice prevalence in Norway and should be a primary focus of future strategies. National campaigns directed through schools to individual households, might be an important tool to achieve this goal. In addition to improving actions taken, such campaigns should also provide accurate information to reduce costs and enhance the level of knowledge about head lice in households.  相似文献   

Out-of-pocket (OOP) payments have severe consequences for health care access and utilisation and are especially catastrophic for the poor. Although women comprise the majority of the poor in Nigeria and globally, the implications of OOP payments for health care access from a gender perspective have received little attention. This study seeks to fill this gap by using a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis to investigate the gendered impact of OOPs on healthcare utilisation in south-eastern Nigeria. 411 households were surveyed and six single-sex Focus Group Discussions conducted. This study confirmed the socioeconomic and demographic vulnerability of female-headed households (FHHs), which contributed to gender-based inter-household differences in healthcare access, cost burden, choices of healthcare providers, methods of funding healthcare and coping strategies. FHHs had higher cost burdens from seeking care and untreated morbidity than male-headed households (MHHs) with affordability as a reason for not seeking care. There is also a high utilisation of patent medicine vendors (PMVs) by both households (PMVs are drug vendors that are unregulated, likely to offer very low-quality treatment and do not have trained personnel). OOP payment was predominantly the means of healthcare payment for both households, and households spoke of the difficulties associated with repaying health-related debt with implications for the medical poverty trap. It is recommended that the removal of user fees, introduction of prepayment schemes, and regulating PMVs be considered to improve access and provide protection against debt for FHHs and MHHs. The vulnerability of widows is of special concern and efforts to improve their healthcare access and broader efforts to empower should be encouraged for them and other poor households.  相似文献   

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