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This study aimed to evaluate if anuran species distributions in riparian and non‐riparian areas are influenced by environmental factors (i.e. niche) and/or by spatial factors (i.e. dispersal). The environmental variables analysed were altitude, distance from the stream and leaf litter depth. Spatial factors were represented by the eigenvectors extracted from geographical coordinates by eigenfunction analysis. The study was conducted in 24 km2 of terra‐firme forest in Central Amazonia, Manaus – Amazonas, Brazil. Between November 2008 and May 2009, three samples were taken from 41 plots, 21 plots being placed at non‐riparian areas and another 20 placed in riparian areas. We submitted the assemblage dataset to a partial redundancy analysis to evaluate the contributions of environmental and spatial variables (selected with a forward selection procedure). In addition, we tested if communities differ from riparian and non‐riparian areas using a db‐MANOVA. Species richness and species composition differed between riparian and non‐riparian plots. Some species were restricted to riparian areas. Altitude was the only significant variable (P = 0.005) explaining 21% of the total variance. When analysing the data from all plots using the partial redundancy analysis, 27% of the variance was explained by spatial and environmental variables. The environmental variables explained exclusively 4% of the variance in assemblage composition, and 13% was explained by environmental variables that were also structured in space (i.e. the shared fraction), while 10% was explained exclusively by spatial variables. In conclusion, our results showed differences between the assemblages of riparian and non‐riparian areas which can be explained by the distribution of anuran species along environmental gradients altitude and distance to streams, with little evidence of dispersal limitation.  相似文献   

Quantifying the role of spatial patterns is an important goal in ecology to further understand patterns of community composition. We quantified the relative role of environmental conditions and regional spatial patterns that could be produced by environmental filtering and dispersal limitation on fish community composition for thousands of lakes. A database was assembled on fish community composition, lake morphology, water quality, climatic conditions, and hydrological connectivity for 9885 lakes in Ontario, Canada. We utilized a variation partitioning approach in conjunction with Moran's Eigenvector Maps (MEM) and Asymmetric Eigenvector Maps (AEM) to model spatial patterns that could be produced by human‐mediated and natural modes of dispersal. Across 9885 lakes and 100 fish species, environmental factors and spatial structure explained approximately 19% of the variation in fish community composition. Examining the proportional role of spatial structure and environmental conditions revealed that as much as 90% of the explained variation in native species assemblage composition is governed by environmental conditions. Conversely on average, 67% of the explained variation in non‐native assemblage composition can be related to human‐mediated dispersal. This study highlights the importance of including spatial structure and environmental conditions when explaining patterns of community composition to better discriminate between the ecological processes that underlie biogeographical patterns of communities composed of native and non‐native fish species.  相似文献   

We studied the role of spatial (regional) and environmental (local) processes in the structuring of rodent metacommunities in three contiguous ecoregions that share the same species pool. The two northern ecoregions are mainly affected by anthropogenic processes (agriculture and urbanization) while the southern one is mainly affected by natural processes (flood and drought pulses). Local communities were described based on the analysis of 77 samples of barn owl pellets. To identify which processes (patch dynamics, species sorting, mass effect or neutral theory) structure each metacommunity we evaluated the percentage of variance explained by space (spatial arrangement of communities) and environment (topography, climate and land cover) in three Variation Partitioning Redundancy Analyses. The percentage of variance in rodent metacommunities composition explained by space and environment was between 38 and 61%, and was significant in all three analyses. The pure space fraction was significant for two of the three ecoregions, while the pure environmental fraction was significant for all three ecoregions. The processes that structure rodent metacommunities change across the region. In all three ecoregions the species sorting played a key role, while, mass effect was a structuring factor for northern metacommunities. These results can be explained by species-specific dispersal characteristics and environmental filtering.  相似文献   

1. The recognition that both local and regional processes act together in shaping local communities makes determining their relative roles in natural communities central to understanding patterns in community structure. 2. We investigated the relative influence of these processes on the phytoplankton communities of a highly interconnected pond system. We sampled the phytoplankton communities of 28 ponds concurrently with 20 local environmental variables. 3. We found that phytoplankton community variation, in terms of both phytoplankton community composition (PCC) and diversity, was only significantly explained by local environmental variables. These were mainly associated with the contrasting clear‐water and turbid ecological states of the shallow ponds studied. Clear‐water conditions favoured only a few taxa, resulting in a significantly lower taxon diversity and richness under these conditions. 4. The failure to explain variation in PCC by a dispersal model based on the water flow between ponds points at very effective species sorting. This is attributed to the high population turn‐over rates and sensitivity to environmental conditions of phytoplankton communities. Some evidence was found, however, that dispersal influences local communities through mass effects between neighbouring ponds. 5. Overall, our results emphasize both the strong selection pressure that components of the food web exert on phytoplankton communities and the high potential of these communities to respond to such environmental change, thereby effectively opposing the homogenizing effects of continuous dispersal.  相似文献   

Aims Spatial processes and environmental control are the two distinct, yet not mutually exclusive forces of community structuring, but the relative importance of these factors is controversial due to the species-specific dispersal ability, sensitivity towards environmental variables, organism's abundance and the effect of spatial scale. In the present paper, we explored spatial versus environmental control in shaping community composition (i.e. β-diversity) and species turnover (i.e. change of β-diversity) at an alpine meadow along a slope aspect gradient on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau at different spatial scales of sampling (quadrats and plots), by taking account of seed dispersal mode and abundance.Methods We examined the relative importance of spatial processes and environmental factors using all species and four additional subsets of selected species. Moreover, we attempted to explore the effect of scale (quadrat refers to scale of ~0.3 m and plot of ~8 m) on their counter balance. The data were analyzed both by variation partitioning and multiple regressions on distance matrices. The spatial structure was modelled using Moran's eigenvector maps (MEM).Important findings Both spatial processes and environmental factors were important determinants of the community composition and species turnover. The community composition in the alpine meadow was controlled by spatially structured environment (17.6%), space independent of environment (18.0%) and a negligible effect of environment independent of space (4.4%) at the scale of quadrats. These three components contributed 21.8, 9.9 and 13.9%, respectively, at the scale of plots. The balance between the forces at different spatial scales drove community structures along the slope aspect gradient. The importance of environmental factors on β-diversity at alpine meadow increased with scale while that of spatial processes decreased or kept steady, depending on dispersal mode and abundance of species comprising the subset. But the 'pure' effect of spatial processes on species turnover increased with scale while that of environmental factors decreased. This discrepancy highlights that β-diversity and species turnover were determined jointly by spatial processes and environmental factors. We also found that the relative roles of these processes vary with spatial scale. These results underline the importance of considering species-specific dispersal ability and abundance of species comprising the communities and the appropriate spatial scale in understanding the mechanisms of community assembly.  相似文献   

Community-level selection is an important concept in evolutionary biology and has been predicted to arise in systems that are spatially structured. Here we develop an experimental model for spatially-structured bacterial communities based on coaggregating strains and test their relative fitness under a defined selection pressure. As selection we apply protozoan grazing in a defined, continuous culturing system. We demonstrate that a slow-growing bacterial strain Blastomonas natatoria 2.1, which forms coaggregates with Micrococcus luteus, can outcompete a fast-growing, closely related strain Blastomonas natatoria 2.8 under conditions of protozoan grazing. The competitive benefit provided by spatial structuring has implications for the evolution of natural bacterial communities in the environment.  相似文献   

During the spring clear-water phase of 1993, an enclosure experimentwas performed in the mesotrophic Schöhsee (Plön, FRG)in order to assess the impact of crustacean zooplankton on therotifer and phytoplankton community. Among the crustacean plankton,calanoid and cyclopoid cope-pods were abundant, but Daphnialongispina’ reached the highest densities in thisexperiment. The colonial rotifer Conochilus unicomis was notaffected by crustacean plankton. The two most abundant species,Synchaeta peclinata and Keratella cochlearis, increased exponentiallywhen macrozooplankton had been excluded from the enclosures,but did not increase when crustaceans were present. Birth anddeath rates of K.cochlearis could be reliably determined inthis field experiment, suggesting that this rotifer specieswas mainly controlled by exploitative competition rather thanby mechanical interference or predation. Daphnia ‘longispina’generally grazed selectively on the smaller ciliates and algae,thus depriving the rotifers of their phytoplankton resources.The dominant alga, the chrysophycean Dinobryon, increased, whethercrustaceans were present or not, but appeared to be grazed uponto a certain extent despite its considerable cell size and colonialorganization.  相似文献   

This study investigated the major environmental factors structuring, for a year, phytoplankton assemblages in the Sfax saltern (Tunisia): salinity and nutrients. A STATICO analysis based on 11 environmental variables and the abundances of 64 phytoplanktonic species was conducted. STATICO is used to analyze the stable part of the relationships between the environment and species, and then to determine how these relationships change over time. The analysis confirmed that the salinity gradient had a considerable influence on the composition of the phytoplanktonic communities. Bacillariophyceae and Dinophyceae dominated in the least salty ponds, whereas Chlorophyceae and Cyanophyceae dominated in the saltiest ponds, in accordance with the halotolerance level estimated for each species by calculating the optimum salinity and salt tolerance. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) ions could have a secondary influence on the phytoplankton distribution and its dynamics. Dinophyceae seem to be favored by high ammonium (NH4 +) concentrations, whereas diatoms seem to be favored by high orthophosphates (PO4 3?) and nitrates (NO3 ?) values. The Chlorophyceae Dunalliela salina thrived in the saltiest ponds when the NO3 ? concentrations increased.  相似文献   

Trait-mediated indirect effects (TMIs) are changes in the density of one species that are caused by induced changes in one or more traits of an intervening species. For example, induced defense in a prey species may alter the nature of indirect effects that are mediated through that prey species. In the present study, we investigated the TMIs that stem from an interaction between a carnivorous whelk ( Acanthina angelica ) and an intertidal barnacle ( Chthamalus anisopoma) . Depending on the timing of the interaction, the predator either kills the barnacle or induces a predation-resistant morph. Based on previous work that addressed the direct interactions between Chthamalus and other species in the community we predicted and subsequently found that community structure varies as a function of these differing effects. Specifically, we found that Acanthina has a positive indirect effect on mussels when it interacts with (kills) undefended adult barnacles. In contrast, the predator has a positive indirect effect on an encrusting algae ( Ralfsia ) when it comes into contact with juvenile barnacles, causing the induction of the predator-resistant morph. We suggest that further research should consider the role of environmentally induced polymorphisms in structuring communities.  相似文献   

The relationships between floristic patterns and environmental variation in tropical savannas have been the focus of many studies worldwide. However, important aspects of these relationships, such as the role of geographic distance in structuring plant communities, have received little attention. We investigated the individual and combined influences of substrate, climatic, and spatial factors on the floristic‐structural dissimilarity between two savanna physiognomies in the core region of Brazilian savannas: one on plain relief with deep soils and another on steep relief with shallow rocky soils. Ten 1‐ha plots were sampled in each physiognomy. We modeled species abundance using multiple linear models and variance partitioning. Our results indicated that spatial processes that are intrinsically related to species variation have negligible effects on floristic variation. The most important predictors in our models were related to soil characteristics (mainly nutrient availability) and topography (relief and elevation). Consequently, the substrate component exhibited the greatest power (14%) in explaining the floristic‐structural variation in the overall variance partitioning. Our results provide the first demonstration of the individual and combined contributions of substrate, climatic, and spatial factors to the occurrence and abundance of woody species in the most diverse and threatened savanna in the world. We also provide evidence that neutral processes might not be strong predictors of vegetation structure where savanna substrates differ greatly; instead, community structure may be primarily regulated by environmental filters.  相似文献   

Trait-based approaches have become increasingly important and valuable in understanding phytoplankton community assembly and composition. These approaches allow for comparisons between water bodies with different species composition. We hypothesize that similar changes in environmental conditions lead to similar responses with regard to functional traits of phytoplankton communities, regardless of trophic state or species composition. We studied the phytoplankton (species composition, community trait mean and diversity) of five reservoirs in Brazil along a trophic gradient from ultra-oligotrophic to meso-eutrophic. Samples at two seasons (summer/rainy and winter/dry) with a horizontal and vertical resolution were taken. Using multivariate analysis, the five reservoirs separated, despite some overlap, according to their environmental variables (mainly total phosphorus, conductivity, pH, chlorophyll a). However, between the seasonal periods, the reservoirs shifted in a similar direction in the multi-dimensional space. The seasonal response of the overall phytoplankton community trait mean differed between the ultra-oligotrophic and the other reservoirs, with three reservoirs exhibiting a very similar community trait mean despite considerable differences in species composition. Within-season differences between different water layers were low. The functional diversity was also unrelated to the trophic state of the reservoirs. Thus, seasonal environmental changes had strong influence on the functional characteristics of the phytoplankton community in reservoirs with distinct trophic condition and species composition. These results demonstrate that an ataxonomic trait-based approach is a relevant tool for comparative studies in phytoplankton ecology.  相似文献   

1. The structure of biological communities reflects the influence of both local environmental conditions and processes such as dispersal that create patterns in species’ distribution across a region. 2. We extend explicit tests of the relative importance of local environmental conditions and regional spatial processes to aquatic plants, a group traditionally thought to be little limited by dispersal. We used partial canonical correspondence analysis and partial Mantel tests to analyse data from 98 lakes and ponds across Connecticut (northeastern United States). 3. We found that aquatic plant community structure reflects the influence of local conditions (pH, conductivity, water clarity, lake area, maximum depth) as well as regional processes. 4. Only 27% of variation in a presence/absence matrix was explained by environmental conditions and spatial processes such as dispersal. Of the total explained, 45% was related to environmental conditions and 40% to spatial processes. 5. Jaccard similarity declined with Euclidean distance between lakes, even after accounting for the increasing difference in environmental conditions, suggesting that dispersal limitation may influence community composition in the region. 6. The distribution of distances among lakes where species occurred was associated with dispersal‐related functional traits, providing additional evidence that dispersal ability varies among species in ways that affect community composition. 7. Although environmental and spatial variables explained a significant amount of variation in community structure, a substantial amount of stochasticity also affects these communities, probably associated with unpredictable colonisation and persistence of the plants.  相似文献   

The relative influence of niche vs. neutral processes in ecosystem dynamics is an on‐going debate, but the extent to which they structured the earliest animal communities is unknown. Some of the oldest known metazoan‐dominated paleocommunities occur in Ediacaran age (~ 565 million years old) strata in Newfoundland, Canada and Charnwood Forest, UK. These comprise large and diverse populations of sessile organisms that are amenable to spatial point process analyses, enabling inference of the most likely underlying niche or neutral processes governing community structure. We mapped seven Ediacaran paleocommunities using LiDAR, photogrammetry and a laser line probe. We found that neutral processes dominate these paleocommunities, with niche processes exerting limited influence, in contrast with the niche‐dominated dynamics of modern marine ecosystems. The dominance of neutral processes suggests that early metazoan diversification may not have been driven by systematic adaptations to the local environment, but instead may have resulted from stochastic demographic differences.  相似文献   

Cottenie K 《Ecology letters》2005,8(11):1175-1182
The processes controlling the abundances of species across multiple sites form the cornerstone of modern ecology. In these metacommunities, the relative importance of local environmental and regional spatial processes is currently hotly debated, especially in terms of the validity of neutral model. I collected 158 published data sets with information on community structure, environmental and spatial variables. I showed that approximately 50% of the variation in community composition is explained by both environmental and spatial variables. The majority of the data sets were structured by species-sorting dynamics (SS), followed by a combination of SS and mass-effect dynamics. While neutral processes were the only structuring process in 8% of the collected natural communities, disregarding neutral dispersal processes would result in missing important patterns in 37% of the studied communities. Moreover, metacommunity characteristics such as dispersal type, habitat type and spatial scale predicted part of the detected variation in metacommunity structure.  相似文献   

Trait-based approaches to community structure are increasingly used in terrestrial ecology. We show that such an approach, augmented by a mechanistic analysis of trade-offs among functional traits, can be successfully used to explain community composition of marine phytoplankton along environmental gradients. Our analysis of literature on major functional traits in phytoplankton, such as parameters of nutrient-dependent growth and uptake, reveals physiological trade-offs in species abilities to acquire and utilize resources. These trade-offs, arising from fundamental relations such as cellular scaling laws and enzyme kinetics, define contrasting ecological strategies of nutrient acquisition. Major groups of marine eukaryotic phytoplankton have adopted distinct strategies with associated traits. These diverse strategies of nutrient utilization can explain the distribution patterns of major functional groups and size classes along nutrient availability gradients.  相似文献   

In temperate regions, slope aspect is one of the most influential drivers of environmental conditions at landscape level. The effect of aspect on vegetation has been well studied, but virtually nothing is known about how fungal communities are shaped by aspect-driven environmental conditions. I carried out DNA metabarcoding of fungi from soil samples taken in a selected study area of Pannonian forests in northern Hungary to compare richness and community composition of taxonomic and functional groups of fungi between slopes of predominantly southerly vs. northerly aspect. The deep sequence data presented here (i.e. 980 766 quality-filtered sequences) indicate that both niche (environmental filtering) and neutral (stochastic) processes shape fungal community composition at landscape level. Fungal community composition correlated strongly with aspect, with many fungi showing preference for either south-facing or north-facing slopes. Several taxonomic and functional groups showed significant differences in richness between north- and south-facing slopes and strong compositional differences were observed in all functional groups. The effect of aspect on fungal communities likely is mediated through contrasting mesoclimatic conditions, that in turn influence edaphic processes as well as vegetation. The compositional differences observed in fungi are largely consistent with the coenologically described forest types, which indicates the usefulness of these habitat types as a framework to better understand environmental differences that influence fungal community composition at landscape level. Finally, the data presented here provide unprecedented insights into the diversity and landscape-level community dynamics of fungi in the Pannonian forests.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Most of the diversity on coral reefs is in the cryptofauna, the hidden organisms that inhabit the interstitial spaces of corals and other habitat-forming benthos. However, little is...  相似文献   

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