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To evaluate changes in physical performance in institutionalized older adults through a program of physiotherapy exercises.

Materials and methods

A quasi-experimental study was conducted on adults over 60 years-old, institutionalized in Lima, Peru. The exercise program was implemented in 45 minutes sessions included warming-up, muscle strengthening exercises, balance, gait training and cooling phase, three times a week for 12 weeks. Physical performance was measured with the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) one week before and after the intervention. It included 45 participants, of whom 16 did not attend any of the sessions and was used as a control group.


The mean age was 77.6 ± 7.1 years, and 62.2% were women. The mean baseline SPPB was 7.0 ± 1.6 in the intervention group, and 6.9 ± 1.9 in the control group (P=.90). A change of 2.6 ± 1.8 was observed in the SPPB of the intervention group versus -1.4 ± 2.0 in the control group (P<.001).


The development of a physiotherapy exercise program for institutionalized elderly increases physical performance, which could be implemented in care centers for elderly.  相似文献   

Resumen y conclusiones Se observa la diferencia entre las variables productoras y no productoras de riboflavina, establecidas por sus caracteres morfológicos y microscópicos, y se estudia la influencia de ciertos factores y la inmunidad de otros sobre las mismas.Observaciones microscópicas muestran a las variables flavinogénicas de fácil y rápida esporulación.Factores físicos como la luz, la temperatura, el calor, la radiación ultravioleta, no determinan alteraciones digunas de mención. Las cepas flavinogénicas pueden perder esa propiedad, por cercanía de contaminantes, contacto con substancias químicas, etc.Antibióticos y quimioterápicos no ejercen acción sobre ninguna de las formas deEremothecium. Las sulfas actuan levemente sobre la forma blanca menos que sobre la anaranjada.Factores nutricios como el extracto de papa, el almidón y la peptona estimulan la flavinogénesis, por lo que se considera que agregadas en las proporciones establecidas al Sabouraud común, se mejorará el medio de cultivo y se obtendrán cepas de mayor rendimiento.Cepas altamente flavinogénicas se obtienen por desarrollo en medios conteniendo extracto de tierra; por exposición de la cepa a la radiación ultravioleta en estado de hibernación; por pasaje por caldos peptonados y por desarrollo en medios conteniendo riboflavina.Se observa que efectuando los transplantes cada cuatro dias disminuye el porcentaje de variables blancas. Por crecimiento en medios conteniendo riboflavina, se induce a las formas blancas a la producción de vitamina.Finalmente aconsejamos como medio de mantenimiento el uso de Sabouraud al que se agrega riboflavina en niveles no superiores 1 mg/ml y efectuar los repiques cada cuatro dias.
Summary The property ofEremothecium ashbyii to produce riboflavin is exploited for the industrial production of the vitamin. However, the fungus presents natural variability giving rise to several variants such as the orange one with a high level of riboflavin production, the yellow one with less productive capacity and the white one without flavinogenic properties. This problem is interesting from a biological and industrial point of view.The purpose of the present work was to detect possible differences between the two extreme variants ofEremothecium ashbyii (orange or strong producer of riboflavin and white or non producer form) so as to stimulate riboflavin production in the white strain and on the other hand, to stabilize the flavinic ones. To achieve this, the influence of different factors on the two selected variants was tested with the following results:Macroscopic observations showed morphological differences in the aspect of both variants and in the production of riboflavin.Microscopic observations showed that the flavinic strain sporulated rapidly whereas the white strain did so more slowly. Moreover, a relation was shown to exist between sporulation and riboflavin production.Physical factors such as light, temperature, heat and ultraviolet radiation did not determine appreciable alterations in the two forms studied. Antibiotics and chemotherapics did not excercise any action on either of the variants. The sulfamides had a slightly greater affect on the orange form than on the white one. Nutrient factors such as potato extract, starch and peptone stimulate flavinogenesis, and for that reason, it was considered that if added, in the established proportions to the Sabouraud medium they would improve the culture medium.Highly flavinogenic strains were obtained by development in a medium with earth extract, by exposure of the strain to ultraviolet radiation when it was in the hibernation state, by passage through peptoned broth and by development in a culture medium to which riboflavin had been added. The flavinic strains may lose its producing property due to the presence of contaminants, through contact with chemical substances etc.It was observed that by making transplants every four days and not weekly, the percentage of the white forms decreased. When the white form was developed in a culture medium with riboflavin, vitamin production was induced.Finally, it is suggested that Sabouraud's medium with the addition of 1 mg/ml riboflavin would be an adequate maintenance medium and that making transplants every four days, it would be possible to obtain a greater percentage of riboflavin producing strains.

Trabajo realizado en el Instituto de Industrias Bioquímico Farmacéutico, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.  相似文献   



The beneficial effects of physical exercise, in both the treatment and the prevention of several diseases, have been extensively demonstrated. The most common dementia, Alzheimer′s disease (AD), is a disorder in which exercise induces significant improvement at pathophysiopathological and cognitive levels. In the present work, we studied the relationship between physical exercise, oxidative stress, and cognition in the double transgenic mice model (2×Tg) for AD, APP/PSN1. This model is mainly based on the cerebral deposition of amyloid β plaques.

Material and methods

Eighteen ten-month-old mice were divided into four experimental groups: exercised 2×Tg (2×Tg-E) (n=5), rested 2×Tg (2×Tg-R) (n=5), exercised controls (control-E) (n=4) and rested controls (control-R) (n=4). We trained the animals for twelve weeks with a combination of forced exercise (treadmill running three days/week) and spontaneous wheel running. The animals were evaluated with physical and cognitive tests before and after the training period. We analyzed systemic and cortical oxidative damage and the induction of antioxidant enzymes.


The 2×Tg-R mice showed a decrease in their grip strength and VO2max as they grew older which was prevented by training. The 2×Tg-E group showed better memory than the 2×Tg-R animals. All the trained groups demonstrated greater exploratory capacity and less anxiety than the sedentary animals. Systemic oxidative damage was slightly decreased in the 2×Tg, although we found no difference in the lipoperoxidation and in the induction of the antioxidant defense in cortex between groups.


Physical exercise leads to improvements in the grip strength, VO2max, cognition, and memory in 2×Tg mice. These improvements are not significantly related to changes in the antioxidant defenses or a reduction in the oxidative damage brought about by exercise.  相似文献   

BackgroundDermatophytes can be divided into geophilic (soil), zoophilic (animals) and anthropophilic (humans) strains, depending on the source of the keratin that they use for nutritional purposes.AimsThe in vitro susceptibility of clinical isolates of dermatophyte fungi has been studied in the 3 ecological groups with several antifungal agents for the topical management of dermatophytoses in order to determine their relationship with the ecological group.MethodsA standardised dilution micromethod in a liquid medium was used for the determination of the in vitro antifungal activity of 9 topical antifungal drugs: amorolfine (AMR), bifonazole (BFZ), clotrimazole, econazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, oxiconazole, terbinafine (TRB) and tioconazole. The in vitro activity was obtained against 124 clinical isolates of dermatophyte moulds from the anthropophilic, zoophilic and geophilic ecological groups.ResultsThe in vitro antifungal activity was different depending on the ecological group, although a species-dependent profile was also observed.ConclusionsAzole derivatives showed a similar antifungal profile, being more active against anthropophilic dermatophytes > zoophilic > geophilic. Activity of TRB and AMR was different from that of azole derivatives (zoophilic > anthropophilic > geophilic). A higher in vitro antifungal activity against the 3 ecological groups was observed with TRB and AMR, whilst BFZ was the less active drug.  相似文献   

Di@bet.es study results are impressive, showing that diabetes affects 13.8% of the Spanish population. Not only the statistical facts are alarming, but the increasing incidence of this disease is a major problem, as pandemic proportions of type 2 diabetes are expected. Thus, the study of diabetes represents a challenge not only for health services, but also for the Ministries of Health and Finance. Technology has become an essential tool in the quality care of patients with diabetes, as it helps in the healthcare processes to obtain an optimum metabolic balance and prevent possible complications. Insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitoring and self-monitoring blood glucose have all proved their efficiency, and telemedicine it is making good progress. The indirect costs of diabetes in Spain are much higher than the direct ones, showing the importance of inverting the paradox. The optimization of resources depends not only on the ability of the physicians, but also the administration, to implant and sustain technological innovations in our system, and with that make it effective in terms of benefits. Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis are needed to prioritize and allow health management services to make the correct choices for approaching this prevalent chronic disease.  相似文献   

Summary A general review of knowledge complemented with personal observations ofEremothecium ashbyii, a high level fungus producer of riboflavin (vitamin B2), is made.Following a short history of the species, all the macro- and microscopic aspects of the cultures are investigated: hyphae, nuclei protoplasmatic inclusions, formation of sporangia (ascus) and spores germination of spores and appearance of riboflavin in the mycelial filaments. Bulbar forms, not previously reported in the literature, are described in this species for the first time. Finally, in view of the unusual morphology of the fungus, its systematic placing and phylogenetic relations are discussed.

Trabajo realizado en el Instituto de Industrias Bioquímico Farmacéuticas, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad de Buenos Aires.  相似文献   

大蒜素对白色念珠菌生长的抑制作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨大蒜素对白色念珠菌生长的抑制作用。以NCCLS方案检测了胡桃楸提取物和伊曲康唑(ICZ)、氟康唑(FCZ)、两性霉素B(AMB)和5-氟胞嘧啶(5-FC)对133株白念珠菌体外生长抑制作用。标准菌株JC1A的M IC结果表明大蒜素提取物对白念珠菌的抗菌作用相当于FCZ,略低于ICZ、AMB和5-FC;临床分离株对ICZ和FCZ的耐药率很高,对大蒜素提取物的耐药率较低。大蒜素提取物对白色念珠菌生长有强力抑制作用。  相似文献   

Ochoa G. Jos 《Biotropica》2000,32(1):146-164
The responses of small mammal communities to forest disturbance by logging were evaluated. The study area was located in the Imataca Forest Reserve (Venezuelan Guayana Region), where vegetation was predominantly lowland rain forest. Field analyses were based on a comparative inventory of species inhabiting primary forests and areas disturbed by selective logging. The taxonomic groups used as indicators of die ecological impact of logging belonged to the orders Didelphimorphia, Chiroptera, and Rodentia (families Sciuridae, Muridae, and Echimyidae). The following sampling methods were used: (1) mist nets; (2) traps in 2.4 ha grids (each with 120 stations: 60 at ground level and 60 in trees); and (3) diurnal and nocturnal sight surveys. Total sampling effort consisted of 1904 net‐hours, 10,320 trap‐nights, and 567 h of direct observations. At least 83 mammalian species inhabited die evaluated forests (74.7 percent corresponding to Chiroptera), of which 15.3 percent were restricted to primary forest. In logged areas, small mammal communities were characterized by: (1) higher abundances of individuals; (2) lower proportions of carnivorous and gleaning insectivorous bats; (3) increases in the relative abundance of frugivorous bat species that eat the fruits of colonizing plants; (4) higher proportions of aerial insectivores (Molossidae) at die lowest levels of die forest; (5) simplification in trophic structure of non‐volant species, widi semiarboreal predator‐omnivores being die dominant guild (followed by terrestrial frugivore‐omnivores); and (6) reduction in the relative abundance of mainly canopy‐associated species. These results are explained by: (1) lower availability of key resources associated with primary forest (e.g., roosts in hollow trunks of mature trees, canopy fruits, and tree‐crown continuity); (2) higher relative abundance of some food resources, such as terrestrial invertebrates and saprophytic plants, principally in areas where primary production is limited by low‐fertility soils; (3) increase of roosting sites under fallen trunks; (4) modification of microclimatic conditions at die understory level as a consequence of a greater incident sunlight after canopy opening; and (5) increase in density of early successional plants. The implications of these results to the conservation of biodiversity in forests managed for timber extraction in die Venezuelan Guayana Region are discussed.  相似文献   

Candida albicans produces germ-tubes (GT) when it is incubated in animal or human serum. This dimorphism is responsible for its invasive ability.The purpose of the present paper is (1) to evaluate the ability of rat peritoneal macrophages to inhibit GT production of ingested Candida albicans, obtained from immunized rats and then activated in vitro with Candida-induced lymphokines; (2) to determinate any possible alteration of phagocytic and candidacidal activities.The phagocytes were obtained from rats immunized with viable C. albicans. Some of them were exposed to Candida-induced lymphokines in order to activate the macrophages in vitro. The monolayers of activated, immune and normal macrophages were infected with a C. albicans suspension during 4 hr.Activated macrophages presented not only the highest phagocytic and candidacidal activities but a noticeable inhibition of GT formation and incremented candidacidal activity.  相似文献   

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