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In addition to acting as seed predators, some terrestrial mammals bury seeds via scatter hoarding. This study system used two permanent plots in examining the interaction between small rodents and the seeds of the palm Astrocaryum mexicanum. We tested how experimental burial, and fruiting status of the parent, distance to the parent, seed size, and microsite characteristics affect the survival of these seeds. Up to 34% of the buried seeds that were exposed only to ignorant rodent foragers (individuals not responsible for burial) survived. In comparison, less than 1% of seeds buried by scatter hoarding rodents survived in previous studies, a percentage that is comparable to the low survival of unburied seeds in this study (<2%). Although unburied seeds had very low survival, increasing distance and/or seed density positively affected survival of unburied seeds. Distance to parent had no effect on buried seed survival. Buried seed survival was most strongly and significantly determined by the fruiting status of the trees under which they occurred. Seeds experienced significantly greater predation if buried under “parent” trees that fruited during the experiment. Buried seed survival was also negatively affected by germination, as germination may signal the presence of a seed to foraging rodents. There was some indication of a positive effect of tree density on seed survival between the two plots, whereas differences in rodent abundance appear to have no effect on seed survival. Seed size and microsite characteristics had no significant effect on buried seed survival, likely due to the greater proportional effects of other factors and the longevity of A. mexicanum seeds. The results of this study were used to generate a hypothetical causal network showing how comparatively low recovery of buried seeds by ignorant foragers – combined with processes determining the removal of scatter hoarding foragers from their scattered seed caches – may affect seedling recruitment in A. mexicanum. 相似文献
The effects of seed predators on the recruitment of mangroves 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Seed rain mediated by frugivores is influenced by (1) the seed-deposition distances following fruit ingestion, (2) the disperser activity, as determined by its behaviour and habitat preferences, and (3) the structure of the habitat within the landscape. Here, we evaluated such components using the fleshy-fruited shrub Ephedra fragilis and the frugivorous Balearic lizard Podarcis lilfordi. We estimated seed-deposition patterns based on the displacements and habitat preferences of lizards, derived from visual surveys and telemetry data. The influence of variables potentially determining lizard habitat preference (i.e., height, slope, four measures of habitat abundance and four measures of habitat fragmentation) was evaluated at three spatial scales: 'home-range' (c. 2.5-10*10(3) m(2); telemetry data), 'within home-range' (c. 100 m(2); telemetry data) and 'microhabitat' (<100 m(2); visual survey). Cumulative lizard displacement (from each telemetric location to the initial capture point) saturated before the peak of seed defecation (seed-retention time), indicating that lizard home-range size and habitat preferences were the main determinants of the spread and shape of seed shadows. Shrub cover was positively correlated with habitat preference at the three scales of analysis, whereas slope was negatively correlated at the home-range scale. Model scenarios indicated that spatially-aggregated seed rain emerged when we incorporated the joint effect of habitat preference at the two largest (home-range and within home-range) scales. We conclude that, in order to predict seed rain in animal dispersed plants, it is important to consider the multi-scale effects of habitat preference by frugivores. 相似文献
Roshan Guharajan Todd W. Arnold Gilmoore Bolongon Grace H. Dibden Nicola K. Abram Teoh Shu Woan Mohd Azzumar Magguna Benoit Goossens Senthilvel K. S. S. Nathan David L. Garshelis 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2018,27(14):3657-3677
As large areas of forest are lost throughout the tropics, prime habitat of many species decline and become fragmented. The island of Borneo is a prime example, with accelerated clearing of forests primarily for oil palm expansion. Borneo is recognized as an important stronghold for the conservation of the sun bear (Helarctos malayanus), but it is unclear how habitat reduction and fragmentation is affecting this frugivore. We used camera traps and sign surveys to understand patterns of sun bear habitat use in a matrix of fragmented forests and extensive oil palm development, which has existed as such for?>?15 years: the Lower Kinabatangan floodplain in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Within these small forest fragments, squeezed between a major river and oil palm plantations, bears exhibited selection for areas farther from human activity (plantations, river boat traffic, and buildings), and were rarely active during the day, demonstrating both spatial and temporal avoidance of potential human-related threats. They selected large trees to feed and rest, and also exploited adjacent plantations to feed on oil palm fruits. We conclude that even relatively small forest fragments (~?2000 ha) within large agricultural landscapes can be important for sun bears. Our research highlights the remarkable adaptations this species has employed to persist in a drastically modified landscape. 相似文献
Theory predicts that a predator can promote coexistence amongcompeting prey, and so enhance prey diversity (the keystonepredation effect), by fostering dominance of slow-growing, consumption-resistantprey. In contrast, if the predator promotes dominance by fast-growingvulnerable prey, theory predicts that the predator is unlikelyto promote prey diversity. Theory is silent about keystone predationeffects when the predator does not cause a net change in thevulnerability of the prey assemblage. I present experimentalevidence that Daphnia can act as a keystone predator withoutcausing a net change in the grazing resistance of the phytoplanktonassemblage. No change in resistance was observed, despite strongDaphnia effects on the species composition of the phytoplankton. 相似文献
Petr Dostl 《Basic and Applied Ecology》2010,11(8):676-684
The invasive behaviour of exotic species is assumed to be due to the reduced impact of enemies on their performance, along with other possible mechanisms. I studied whether the seeds of exotics (6 species) are less impacted by seed predators and seed fungal pathogens than the seeds of their related natives (5 species). I also explored whether the co-occurrence of related natives and the time since introduction increased the percentage of lost seeds in exotics. Seeds were either left unprotected during a period of seven months or treated with fungicide, protected by seed predator exclosures or subjected to both treatments. Both treatments improved seed survival rate. Fungicide treatment had more positive effect on seeds of native than of exotic species but the fungicide-by-origin interaction was insignificant. When exotic species only were considered, fungicide had neutral effect on survival of their seeds, irrespective of the co-occurrence of related natives in the vegetation. Time since introduction was shown not to influence the proportion of seeds lost due to fungi or seed predators. Though the results of this study did not support enemy release as a possible mechanism causing the invasiveness of exotic species, it identified fungal pathogens as an enemy group with possibly differential impacts on native and exotic seeds, which thus deserves attention in future studies. 相似文献
Effects of mute swan grazing on a keystone macrophyte 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
MATTHEW T. O'HARE RICHARD A. STILLMAN JO MCDONNELL LAURA R. WOOD 《Freshwater Biology》2007,52(12):2463-2475
1. This study describes the early summer foraging behaviour of mute swans (Cygnus olor) on the River Frome, a highly productive chalk stream in southern England in which Ranunculus penicillatus pseudofluitans is the dominant macrophyte. 2. A daily maximum of 41 ± 2.5 swans were present along the 1.1 km study reach during the study period (late May to the end of June). The river was the primary feeding habitat. Feeding activity on the river at dawn and dusk was much lower than during daylight, but we cannot rule out the possibility that swans fed during the hours of darkness. 3. The effects of herbivory on R. pseudofluitans biomass and morphology were quantified. Biomass was lower in grazed areas and swans grazed selectively on leaves in preference to stems. A lower proportion of stems from grazed areas possessed intact stem apices and flowering of the plant was reduced in grazed areas. 4. A model, based on the swans’ daily consumption, was used to predict the grazing pressure of swans on R. pseudofluitans. The model accurately predicted the number of bird days supported by the study site, only if grazing was assumed to severely reduce R. pseudofluitans growth. The proportion of the initial R. pseudofluitans biomass consumed by a fixed number of swans was predicted to be greater when the habitat area was smaller, initial R. pseudofluitans biomass was lower and R. pseudofluitans was of lower food value. 5. We concluded that the flux of N and P through the study reach was largely unaffected by swan activity. The quality of R. pseudofluitans mesohabitat (the plant as habitat for invertebrates and fish) was significantly reduced by grazing which also indirectly contributed to reduced roughness (Manning's n) and by inference water depth. Wetted habitat area for fish and invertebrates would also be lowered over the summer period as a consequence of the reduction in water depth. It was estimated that, while grazing, an individual swan may eat the same mass of invertebrates per day as a 300‐g trout. 6. There is a need to manage the conflict between mute swans and the keystone macrophyte, R. pseudofluitans, in chalk streams, and the modelling approach used here offers a potentially useful tool for this purpose. 相似文献
Interactions between herbivores and seed predators may have long-term consequences for plant populations that rely on persistent seed banks for recovery after unpredictable fires. We assessed the effects of browsing by deer and seed predation by rodents, ants and birds on the densities of seeds entering the seed bank of Ceanothus cuneatus var. rigidus, a maritime chaparral shrub in coastal California. Ceanothus produced many more seeds when protected from browsers in long-term experimental exclosures than did browsed plants, but the seed densities in the soil beneath browsed and unbrowsed Ceanothus were the same at the start of an intensive one-year study. The density of seeds in the soil initially increased in both treatments following summer seed drop: while densities returned to pre-drop levels within a few weeks under browsed plants, soil seed densities remained high for 5–8 months beneath unbrowsed plants. Rodent abundance (especially deer mice) was higher near unbrowsed plants than >30 m away, and rodents removed Ceanothus seeds from dishes in the experimental plots. At least in the short term, rodent density and rates of seed removal were inversely related to the intensity of browsing. Our data have management implications for maintaining viable Ceanothus populations by regulating the intensity of browsing and the timing, intensity and frequency of fires.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at . 相似文献
We examined spatial and temporal variability of understory herbaceousvegetation on opposing north- and south-facing slopes in an eastern deciduousold-growth forest in southeastern Ohio, USA. Secondly, we explored theinfluenceof sampling scale and analytical technique on our assessment of diversitypatterns. The influence of aspect and seasonality were examined at varyingsampling scales using observed richness, evenness, andH diversity measures, non-parametric richnessestimators, species-area curves, and SHE analysis. Herb layer composition,abundance, and diversity were strongly influenced by location (north slope vs.south slope), seasonal sampling period (April, June, August), and plot size(micro (2 m2)- vs. meso (70m2)-scale samples). Although north and south plots werecompositionally distinct, they followed similar courses of change through thegrowing season. Richness, evenness, and H diversitywere generally greater on the south plot whereas herbaceous abundance wasgreater on the north plot. Species composition and diversity showed markedphenological (temporal) changes, and comparison of diversity measures at micro-and meso-scales produced markedly different results. Minimum sample areas of150–200 m2 were needed to evaluate micro-scalerichness in these species rich communities, suggesting that forest understoriesmay be frequently undersampled in ecological studies. Comparison of observedandestimated meso-scale richness also suggested underestimation of richness in thenorth plot, particularly earlier in the growing season. Thus, sample size,area,and time of sampling appear critical to assessment of diversity in spatiallyandtemporally variable communities such as herbaceous forest understories. 相似文献
Effects of genetic impoverishment on plant community diversity 总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8
Hampe A 《Oecologia》2008,156(1):137-145
Vertebrate frugivore communities are easily satiated by abundant fruit supplies and, contrary to abiotic dispersal agents,
typically disperse only part of the available seed pool. This frugivore satiation is likely to be a widespread phenomenon
and should be an influential predictor of plants’ ability to disperse their offspring to suitable establishment sites; yet
it has never been systematically quantified. Here I investigate patterns of fruit abundance, frugivore activity and frugivore
satiation, and their consequences for seed dispersal in the fleshy-fruited tree Frangula alnus. Based on constant-effort seed trapping conducted over 3 years, I assess densities of total and frugivore-consumed seedfall
across two spatial (within/between populations) and two temporal (within/between ripening seasons) scales. Furthermore, I
examine relationships between fruit abundance and the amount of seeds that are actually dispersed away from fruiting trees.
Frugivore activity tightly matched fruit abundance, although some differences existed between scales. This marked fruit tracking
did not prevent a significant frugivore satiation, however, and only 53% of the available fruit crops were actually consumed.
The extent of satiation varied most at the within-population level, likely due to the territorial behaviour of important frugivore
species. In contrast, levels of satiation remained remarkably invariable through time, suggesting that frugivores behave as
opportunists and closely adjust the composition of their diet to the available food supply. Overall, greater fruit abundance
resulted in a higher proportion of seeds falling beneath fruiting trees, but it also helped increase the (absolute) number
of seeds dispersed. This study shows that frugivore satiation can be an important phenomenon even when frugivores tightly
track fruit abundance. Its negative effects on recruitment may be attenuated, however, if greater fruit crops help increase
population-wide frugivore activity and the amount of seeds being dispersed to suitable establishment sites. 相似文献
The establishment of plants depends crucially on where seeds are deposited in the environment. Some authors suggest that in forest understory seed predation is lower than in gaps, and higher than at the forest edge. However, most studies have been carried out in large forest patches and very little is known about the effects of microhabitat conditions on seed predation in forest fragments. We evaluated the effects of three microhabitats (gaps, forest edge, and understory) on seed predation of two palm species (Euterpe edulis and Syagrus romanzoffiana) in two semi-deciduous forest fragments (230 and 2100 ha) in southeast Brazil. Our objective was to test two hypotheses: (1) Low rodent abundance in small fragments as a result of meso-predator action levels leads to lower seed predation in small fragments. (2) Most mammal species in small fragments are generalists with respect to diet and habitat, so that seed predation is similar in different microhabitats (gaps, forest edge and understory) in the small fragment, but not in the larger one. The study community of small fragments is usually composed of generalist species (in diet and habitat aspects), so we expected the same rate of seed predation among microhabitats (gaps, forest edge and understory) in the tested smaller fragment. The experiment was carried out in the dry season (for E. edulis) and in the wet season (for S. romanzoffiana) in 1999. We conclude that post-dispersal seed predation in forest fragments can be directly connected with mammal communities, reflecting their historical and ecological aspects. 相似文献
Masting, the synchronized and intermittent seed production by plant populations, provides highly variable food resources for specialist seed predators. Such a reproductive mode helps minimize seed losses through predator satiation and extinction of seed predator populations. The seed predators can buffer the resource variation through dispersal or extended diapause. We developed a spatially explicit resource-consumer model to understand the effect of masting on specialist seed predators. The masting dynamics were assumed to follow a resource-based model for plant reproduction, and the population dynamics of the predator were represented by a spatially extended Nicholson-Bailey model. The resultant model demonstrated that when host plants reproduce intermittently, seed predator populations go locally extinct, but global persistence of the predator is facilitated by dispersal or extended diapause. Global extinction of the predator resulted when the intermittent reproduction is highly synchronized among plants. An approximate invasion criterion for the predators showed that negative lag-1 autocorrelation in seeding reduces invasibility, and positive lag-1 cross-correlation enhances invasibility. Spatial synchronization in seeding at local scale caused by pollen coupling (or climate forcing) further prevented invasion of the predators. If the predators employed extended diapause, extremely high temporal variability in reproduction was required for plants to evade the predators. 相似文献
Rocío Pérez‐Barrales Geir H. Bolstad Christophe Pélabon Thomas F. Hansen W. Scott Armbruster 《Oikos》2013,122(10):1411-1428
Plant–pollinator relationships are often mediated by floral traits that advertise the presence or amount of rewards. However, herbivores may also use these traits to find their hosts. In Dalechampia scandens, we tested whether floral advertisements that attract pollinators were also used by seed predators, and whether this generated conflicting selection pressures. We studied the influence of natural variation in the size of showy bracts, amount of reward, and two shape traits on pollinator visitation, pollen arrival on stigmas, seed production and seed predation. We then built a multivariate fitness function for these traits to estimate selection generated by pollinators and seed predators. Blossoms with larger bracts were visited by bees more frequently and received more pollen on their stigmas. Seed predators laid more eggs on blossoms with larger bracts and also on blossoms later producing more seeds. Consequently, selection for larger bract size exerted by pollinators was counteracted by the selection exerted by seed predators. As a result, net selection on bract size tended to be stabilizing. Additionally, we found selection on traits that increased the rate of self‐pollination (assuming uniform seed quality). These results illustrate the importance of both mutualists and antagonists in floral evolution, as well as the value of taking an integrative approach to assessing selection on floral traits. 相似文献
Plants can reduce the fitness costs of granivory by satiating seed predators. The most common satiation mechanism is the production of large crops, which ensures that a proportion of the seeds survive predation. Nevertheless, satiation of small granivores at the seed level may also exist. Larger seeds would satiate more efficiently, enhancing the probability of seed survival after having been attacked. However, a larger seed size could compromise the efficiency of satiation by means of large crops if there were a negative relationship between seed size and the number of seeds produced by an individual plant. We analyze both types of satiation in the interaction between the holm oak Quercus ilex and the chestnut weevil Curculio elephas. Both crop size and acorn size differed strongly in a sample of 32 trees. Larger crop sizes satiated weevils, and higher proportions of the seeds were not attacked as crop size increased. Larger seeds also satiated weevil larvae, as a larger acorn size increased the likelihood of embryo survival. Seedling size was strongly related to acorn size and was reduced by weevil attack, but seedlings coming from large weeviled acorns were still larger. The number and the size of the acorns produced by individual trees were negatively related. Larger proportions of the crop were infested in oaks producing less numerous crops of larger acorns. However, contrary to expectations, these trees did not satiate more effectively at the seed level either. Effective satiation by larger acorns was precluded by larger multi-infestation rates associated to smaller seed crops, in such a way that the proportion of attacked seeds that survived did not vary among trees with different acorn sizes. These results highlight the need of considering satiation by means of large crops and large seeds in studies of predispersal seed predation. Long-term monitoring on individual oaks will help to assess whether there is a trade-off between the number and the size of the acorns and, if it existed, how it could condition the fitness consequences of both types of satiation. 相似文献
Peter C. Le Roux Melodie A. McGeoch† Mawethu J. Nyakatya Steven L. Chown‡ 《Global Change Biology》2005,11(10):1628-1639
The cushion plant Azorella selago is widespread across the sub‐Antarctic, and is considered a keystone species in the dominant fellfield vegetation. However, the impact of current changes in climate in the region (increasing temperature and declining rainfall) on this species is unknown. Here, the response of A. selago to reduced rainfall (a direct effect of climate change) and increased shading (a predicted indirect effect of increasing temperatures, via enhanced growth and wider distribution of more responsive competitors and epiphytes) was experimentally determined. Reduced rainfall increased stem mortality and accelerated autumnal senescence. Furthermore, under this treatment senescence was unequally distributed across individual plants, hypothesized to be a consequence of an interactive effect between rainfall and wind patterns. Shaded stems grew more, and carried larger leaves with lower trichome densities, than their exposed equivalents. As a result, shaded plants were less compact and their surface integrity reduced. The species' response to combined drying and shading was generally similar to its response to shading alone, suggesting that, at least over the short term, the indirect effects of climate change could be more severe than the direct effects. Thus, despite the species' slow growth rate and the short duration of the experiment, persistent direct and indirect effects were observed, both with potential longer‐term consequences for A. selago populations. Climate change is, therefore, likely to impact negatively on this long‐lived keystone species, with significant implications for the structure and functioning of fellfield systems. 相似文献
Effects of site and fruit size on the composition of avian frugivore assemblages in a fragmented Afrotropical forest 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Factors influencing the interaction between fruiting trees and their frugivorous seed dispersers in fragmented Afrotropical landscapes are poorly known. With the use of Mantel statistics we analysed assemblages of frugivorous birds on 58 individual trees belonging to 11 species growing in seven Kenyan cloud forest fragments. Overall, frugivores showed little specialization on particular trees. Fruit size explained a substantial amount of the variation in frugivore assemblages among different tree species at the same site. In addition, frugivore assemblages on conspecific trees were significantly more similar when the trees occurred at the same site. This location effect was attributable to the different sites and forest fragments (of different sizes and disturbance levels) varying in the densities and composition of their avian frugivores, vegetation composition and tree fruiting phenologies. It was consolidated further by the low mobility of most of these avian frugivores, particularly their reluctance to cross between forest fragments. Habitat disturbance and fragmentation may therefore have affected fruit selection, with implications for both seed dispersal and regeneration. 相似文献
The ability of ecosystems to maintain their functions after disturbance (ecological resilience) depends on heterogeneity in the functional capabilities among species within assemblages. Functional heterogeneity may affect resilience by determining multiplicity between species in the provision of functions (redundancy) and complementarity between species in their ability to respond to disturbances (response diversity), but also by promoting the maintenance of biological information that enables ecosystems to reorganize themselves (ecological memory). Here, we assess the role of the components of the functional heterogeneity of a plant–frugivore assemblage on the resilience of seed dispersal to habitat loss. For three years, we quantified the distributions of fruits, frugivorous thrushes (Turdus spp.) and dispersed seeds, as well as frugivore diet and movement, along a gradient of forest cover in N Spain. The abundances and the spatial distributions of fruits and birds varied between years. The different thrushes showed similar diets but differed in spatial behavior and response to habitat loss, suggesting the occurrence of both functional redundancy and response diversity. Forest cover and fruit availability affected the spatial distribution of the whole frugivore assemblage. Fruit tracking was stronger in years when fruits were scarcer but more widespread across the whole fragmented landscape, entailing larger proportions of seeds dispersed to areas of low forest cover and open microhabitats. Rather than depending on redundancy and/or response diversity, seed dispersal resilience mostly emerged from the ecological memory conferred by the inter‐annual variability in fruit production and the ability of thrushes to track fruit resources across the fragmented landscape. Ecological memory also derived from the interaction of plants and frugivores as source organisms (trees in undisturbed forest), mobile links (birds able to disperse seeds into the disturbed habitat), and biological legacies (remnant trees and small forest patches offering scattered fruit resources across the landscape). 相似文献