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R S Khush  E Becker    M Wach 《Applied microbiology》1992,58(9):2971-2977
Single 10-bp primers were used to generate random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers from commercial and wild strains of the cultivated mushroom Agaricus bisporus via the polymerase chain reaction. Of 20 primers tested, 19 amplified A. bisporus DNA, each producing 5 to 15 scorable markers ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 kbp. RAPD markers identified seven distinct genotypes among eight heterokaryotic strains; two of the commercial strains were shown to be related to each other through single-spore descent. Homokaryons recovered from protoplast regenerants of heterokaryotic strains carried a subset of the RAPD markers found in the heterokaryon, and both of the haploid nuclei from two heterokaryons were distinguishable. RAPD markers also served to verify the creation of a hybrid heterokaryon and to analyze meiotic progeny from this new strain: most of the basidiospores displayed RAPD fingerprints identical to that of the parental heterokaryon, although a few selected slow growers were homoallelic at a number of loci that were heteroallelic in the parent, suggesting that they represented rare homokaryotic basidiospores; crossover events between a RAPD marker locus and its respective centromere appeared to be infrequent. These results demonstrate that RAPD markers provide an efficient alternative for strain fingerprinting and a versatile tool for genetic studies and manipulations of A. bisporus.  相似文献   

Summary DNA from the cultivated mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, was cloned into the bacteriophage lambda vector EMBL3 creating a partial genomic library. Ten random clones from the library were used to probe for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Six of the ten probes detected polymorphisms and were used to demonstrate variation in wild and cultivated strains of the mushroom. These results suggest that RFLPs could form a basis for genetic finger-printing and subsequent strain protection in A. bisporus. In single spore progeny, RFLPs were used to demonstrate normal meiotic segregation and to differentiate between homokaryons and heterokaryons. RFLPs therefore have great potential in the development of the genetics and breeding of this commercially important species.  相似文献   

Agaricus bisporus grew well in submerged culture in a medium containing malt extract, phosphate, and casein. Moderate growth occurred in defined media containing glucose, asparagine, phenylalanine, vitamins and minerals. Other amino acids did not stimulate growth. Growth was stimulated by vegetable oils, partly due to utilization of the oils, and partly to a more complex mechanism. Oleates had the same effect as vegetable oils; palmitates a lesser one. In shaken flasks maximum yield was reached after 22–24 days and in stirred and aerated fermentors after 8–10 days. Besides dry weight of mycelium, laccase activity was determined. The latter determination is suitable for a rapid estimation of the growth in routine experiments. The flavour of the mycelium was like that of mushrooms but weaker. It was strongest in standing liquid cultures and on solid media. The mycelium grown in submerged culture was suitable as spawn for mushroom culture. Presented at the First International Mycological Congress, Exeter, 7–16 September 1971, and at the Meeting of the Netherlands Society for Microbiology, Rotterdam, 8 December 1971. We thank the Mushroom Experiment Station, Horst, the Netherlands, for kindly supplying the compost for fructification experiments and Mr. P. Arntz, M.Sc., for advice in the fermentor work. F. IJ. Dijkstra is indebted to the Royal Netherlands Fermentation Industries (Gist-Brocades), Delft, for a research grant.  相似文献   

Application of biotechnology to the cultivated mushroom,Agaricus bisporus, has been hampered thus far by the lack of a transformation system. Here, transformation of both a homo- and a heterokaryotic strain ofA. bisporus to hygromycin B resistance is described. Transforming DNA was integrated into theA. bisporus genome and stably maintained throughout vegetative growth. Transformants of the heterokaryotic strain formed transgenic fruiting bodies. Promoters derived from the unrelated ascomyceteAspergillus nidulans and fromA. bisporus itself, were able to drive expression of the hygromycin B resistance gene. Expression controlled by a fragment of 265 bp from theA. bisporus GPD promoter was sufficient to generate transformants. However, transformation efficiency was not enhanced by using this homologous promoter.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate metabolism of the mushroom and the respiration of the sporophore after harvest at different stages of growth have been studied. Mannitol and trehalose were found to be the major soluble carbohydrates in the sporophore and mycelium respectively. Mannitol and trehalose levels fall during sporophore storage, and feeding experiments with14C-labelled sugars indicate that they are metabolised. The results were discussed in relation to the post-harvest development of the sporophore.  相似文献   

We investigated the patterns of mitochondrial DNA variation in the global population of the commercial mushroom Agaricus bisporus . Through the analysis of RFLP's among 441 isolates from nine countries in North America and Eurasia, we found a total of 140 mtDNA haplotypes. Based on population genetic analysis, there are four genetically distinct natural populations in this species, found in coastal California, desert California, France and Alberta (Canada). While 134 of the 140 mtDNA haplotypes were unique to single geographical regions, two mtDNA haplotypes, mt001 and mt002, were found in almost every population surveyed. These two mtDNA haplotypes also predominate among cultivars used throughout the world for at least the last two decades. These two mtDNA haplotypes are more similar to the cosmopolitan groups of mtDNA haplotypes than to the indigeneous clusters of mtDNA haplotypes from the two Californian regions.  相似文献   

During the last decade several major breakthroughs have been achieved in mushroom biotechnology, which greatly enhanced classical mushroom breeding. DNA-based technologies such as restriction fragment length polymorphisms and randomly amplified polydisperse DNA sequences have allowed for a measure of genetic diversity, for the isolation of homokaryons, for the determination of inheritance of nuclear and mitochondrial markers, and for the production of a genetic linkage map. The recent availability of ready-to-use and affordable DNA technologies has resulted in a substantial increase in the number of Agaricus bisporus genes that have been identified and characterized. A major breakthrough was achieved in 1996 when the first successful and stable transformation system of A. bisporus was reported. Together, the availability of an increasing number of known genes and the possibility to produce transgenic mushrooms will result in a better understanding of the molecular, physiological and biochemical processes that are essential for mushroom production, shelf life and quality aspects such as flavor, texture and disease resistance. Some potential targets for strain improvement are discussed, such as the genes involved in brown discoloration, substrate utilization, carbon and nitrogen metabolism, and fruit body development. Received: 19 January 1999 / Received revision: 27 May 1999 / Accepted: 4 June 1999  相似文献   

Inoculating crops of a white strain of mushroom with virus-infected cultures delayed cropping and decreased yields; the effects were progressively less the later that infection occurred, and/or the larger the amount of healthy spawn used. Crops in trays inoculated at a single site usually developed three zones: (1) a barren zone about the site of inoculation, progressively enlarging as the crops aged; and surrounded by (2) a band of stunted mushrooms bordering an outer area (3) of apparently healthy crop, in which a few sporophores might show hard-gill or watery-stipe abnormalities. Mycelial isolates taken at different distances from the sites of inoculation grew at different rates, growth being inversely proportional to the virus content of the fruit-bodies as estimated by electron microscopy and serology. Isolates from virus-free mushrooms grew rapidly on agar media, producing white fluffy colonies with many coarse strands, whereas those obtained from the few fruit-bodies near sites of inoculation were brown, adpressed to the medium, and grew very slowly. Between these extremes a continuous range of intermediates occurred, most of which remained constant when subcultured. Isolates taken at successive intervals from the same site in a tray had progressively smaller growth rates. Unsterilized mushroom-growing equipment (e.g. trays) is thought to carry viruses in infected spores and mycelial fragments which infect later crops without inducing characteristic zones. Instead, cropping of the whole tray declines with each successive flush. Such infection was prevented by heat-sterilizing the trays between crops.  相似文献   

An Agaricus bisporus microsatellite with the tetranucleotide motif TATG tandemly repeated was isolated from an A. bisporus library enriched in repeated sequences. The use of the 16-mer oligonucleotide (TATG)4 indicates that many loci contain nearby copies of the microsatellite in opposite orientations. The wide distribution of the microsatellite in the A. bisporus genome was assessed (i) by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the products generated by directed amplification of microsatellite-region DNA (DAMD) and (ii) by hybridization of these products with A. bisporus chromosomes separated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. This is, to our knowledge, the first microsatellite reported in the cultivated edible mushrooms. DAMD-PCR products were generated using DNA of three Pleurotus species (P. pulmonarius, P. sajor-caju, and P. florida), indicating that (TATG)4 repeats are also present in these cultivated species. The variability found within closely related strains indicates that such microsatellites are useful in fingerprinting and studying genetic variability in wild and commercial mushrooms.  相似文献   

Agaricus bisporus sporocarps exhibiting characteristic 'drippy gill' symptoms from a natural outbreak were examined. Discrete bacterial droplets on the hymenial lamellae often coalesced to form ribbons of bacterial ooze. Longitudinal splits on the stipe were lined with a similar bacterial ooze. Bacteria isolated from both the hymenium and stipe were identified as Pseudomonas agarici, and were confirmed to be the causal organism by satisfying Koch's postulates. By light and transmission electron microscopy, the causal bacteria were found to colonize the extrahyphal spaces and degrade the extracellular matrix within affected sporocarps. Degradation of the extracellular matrix was shown to reduce the integrity of the sporocarp, and result in stipe splitting and hymenium disruption. In artificial inoculations of the pileus, bacteria were shown to exist predominantly in sporocarp tissue below the point of inoculation and above affected areas of the hymenium, indicating an approximately vertical passage through the sporocarp via the extracellular spaces. The dissolution of the extracellular matrix, and the observed failure of the bacterium to produce a toxin active against A. bisporus, allow the bacteria to pass through protective membranes unnoticed, and infect the stipe and hymenium prior to veil break. These observations dispel previous assumptions of intrahyphal existence and transmission. In the few instances in which the bacteria were observed to be intrahyphal, the host fungal cell wall was often broken, suggesting intrahyphal existence was opportunistic rather than obligatory. The taxonomic position of a bacterium isolated previously from sporocarps exhibiting symptoms similar to those of drippy gill was determined by examining the biochemical and nutritional profiles of the bacterium, and comparing them with other Pseudomonas agarici isolates.  相似文献   

RAPD discrimination of Agaricus bisporus mushroom cultivars   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cultivars of the white button mushroom Agaricus bisporus are difficult to differentiate, which has made strain protection problematic for this crop species. We have used RAPDs to discriminate between 26 strains of A. bisporus, 24 of which were commercial cultivars, and to characterise the genetic relatedness of these strains. Using 20 primers, 211 RAPD markers were identified and used in hierarchical cluster, patristic distance and parsimony analyses. All strains could be differentiated using the aggregated primer data. Although no one primer could differentiate all 26 strains, several individual primers yielded unique fingerprints for a variety of strains. The greatest differences (up to 28% variation) were observed in comparisons with or between two wild collections of A. bisporus. Quondam cultivars, commercial brown and off-white varieties proved more variable than the widely grown 'hybrid' types. Of the 15 hybrid varieties analysed, only one differed substantially (20% or more variable). The patristic and parsimony analyses both demonstrated the gross similarity of the hybrids, many of which appear to be essentially derived varieties from two original hybrid cultivars. RAPD analyses can assist mushroom strain identification and could play a role in the protection of novel cultivars.  相似文献   

Two complementary DNA (cDNA) libraries were constructed from tissues isolated from primordia and basidiomes of Agaricus bisporus to characterize genes involved in mushroom development. Using single-pass sequencing of 869 cDNA clones, we found 477 expressed sequence tags (ESTs), including 466 not previously described in the databases for A. bisporus. A BLASTX search revealed that 374 ESTs had similarities with protein sequences available from databases; 193 of these ESTs were categorized according to their putative function. Most ESTs were assigned to one of four roles: metabolism (23%), cell structure (15%), cell growth and division (12%), and protein destination and storage (10%). The remaining ESTs with putative homologues were classified in 10 additional categories. Many ESTs could not be functionally assigned. Based on redundancy levels, at least 4 ESTs were preferentially expressed in each tissue type. Sequence analysis also suggested the presence of paralog tyrosinase genes in the A. bisporus genome.  相似文献   

Agaricus bisporus is able to use urate, allantoin, allantoate, urea and alloxanate as nitrogen sources for growth. The presence of urate oxidase, allantoinase, ureidoglycolase and urease activities, both in fruit bodies and mycelia, points to a degradative pathway for urate similar to that found in various microorganisms. So far all efforts, to demonstrate the enzyme responsible for allantoate degradation failed. A urease inhibitor appeared to be present in cell-free extracts, from fruit bodies.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - Agaricus bisporus is the most widely cultivated mushroom species in the world. Cultivation is commenced by inoculating beds of semi-pasteurised composted...  相似文献   

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