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Encoding features of spatiotemporally varying stimuli is quite important for understanding the neural mechanisms of various sensory coding. Temporal coding can encode features of time-varying stimulus, and population coding with temporal coding is adequate for encoding spatiotemporal correlation of stimulus features into spatiotemporal activity of neurons. However, little is known about how spatiotemporal features of stimulus are encoded by spatiotemporal property of neural activity. To address this issue, we propose here a population coding with burst spikes, called here spatiotemporal burst (STB) coding. In STB coding, the temporal variation of stimuli is encoded by the precise onset timing of burst spike, and the spatiotemporal correlation of stimuli is emphasized by one specific aspect of burst firing, or spike packet followed by silent interval. To show concretely the role of STB coding, we study the electrosensory system of a weakly electric fish. Weakly electric fish must perceive the information about an object nearby by analyzing spatiotemporal modulations of electric field around it. On the basis of well-characterized circuitry, we constructed a neural network model of the electrosensory system. Here we show that STB coding encodes well the information of object distance and size by extracting the spatiotemporal correlation of the distorted electric field. The burst activity of electrosensory neurons is also affected by feedback signals through synaptic plasticity. We show that the control of burst activity caused by the synaptic plasticity leads to extracting the stimulus features depending on the stimulus context. Our results suggest that sensory systems use burst spikes as a unit of sensory coding in order to extract spatiotemporal features of stimuli from spatially distributed stimuli.  相似文献   

Pairs of active neurons frequently fire action potentials or “spikes” nearly synchronously (i.e., within 5 ms of each other). This spike synchrony may occur by chance, based solely on the neurons’ fluctuating firing patterns, or it may occur too frequently to be explicable by chance alone. When spike synchrony above chances levels is present, it may subserve computation for a specific cognitive process, or it could be an irrelevant byproduct of such computation. Either way, spike synchrony is a feature of neural data that should be explained. A point process regression framework has been developed previously for this purpose, using generalized linear models (GLMs). In this framework, the observed number of synchronous spikes is compared to the number predicted by chance under varying assumptions about the factors that affect each of the individual neuron’s firing-rate functions. An important possible source of spike synchrony is network-wide oscillations, which may provide an essential mechanism of network information flow. To establish the statistical link between spike synchrony and network-wide oscillations, we have integrated oscillatory field potentials into our point process regression framework. We first extended a previously-published model of spike-field association and showed that we could recover phase relationships between oscillatory field potentials and firing rates. We then used this new framework to demonstrate the statistical relationship between oscillatory field potentials and spike synchrony in: 1) simulated neurons, 2) in vitro recordings of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells, and 3) in vivo recordings of neocortical V4 neurons. Our results provide a rigorous method for establishing a statistical link between network oscillations and neural synchrony.  相似文献   

To what extent are sensory responses in the brain compatible with first-order principles? The efficient coding hypothesis projects that neurons use as few spikes as possible to faithfully represent natural stimuli. However, many sparsely firing neurons in higher brain areas seem to violate this hypothesis in that they respond more to familiar stimuli than to nonfamiliar stimuli. We reconcile this discrepancy by showing that efficient sensory responses give rise to stimulus selectivity that depends on the stimulus-independent firing threshold and the balance between excitatory and inhibitory inputs. We construct a cost function that enforces minimal firing rates in model neurons by linearly punishing suprathreshold synaptic currents. By contrast, subthreshold currents are punished quadratically, which allows us to optimally reconstruct sensory inputs from elicited responses. We train synaptic currents on many renditions of a particular bird''s own song (BOS) and few renditions of conspecific birds'' songs (CONs). During training, model neurons develop a response selectivity with complex dependence on the firing threshold. At low thresholds, they fire densely and prefer CON and the reverse BOS (REV) over BOS. However, at high thresholds or when hyperpolarized, they fire sparsely and prefer BOS over REV and over CON. Based on this selectivity reversal, our model suggests that preference for a highly familiar stimulus corresponds to a high-threshold or strong-inhibition regime of an efficient coding strategy. Our findings apply to songbird mirror neurons, and in general, they suggest that the brain may be endowed with simple mechanisms to rapidly change selectivity of neural responses to focus sensory processing on either familiar or nonfamiliar stimuli. In summary, we find support for the efficient coding hypothesis and provide new insights into the interplay between the sparsity and selectivity of neural responses.  相似文献   

Sensory neurons encode natural stimuli by changes in firing rate or by generating specific firing patterns, such as bursts. Many neural computations rely on the fact that neurons can be tuned to specific stimulus frequencies. It is thus important to understand the mechanisms underlying frequency tuning. In the electrosensory system of the weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, the primary processing of behaviourally relevant sensory signals occurs in pyramidal neurons of the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL). These cells encode low frequency prey stimuli with bursts of spikes and high frequency communication signals with single spikes. We describe here how bursting in pyramidal neurons can be regulated by intrinsic conductances in a cell subtype specific fashion across the sensory maps found within the ELL, thereby regulating their frequency tuning. Further, the neuromodulatory regulation of such conductances within individual cells and the consequences to frequency tuning are highlighted. Such alterations in the tuning of the pyramidal neurons may allow weakly electric fish to preferentially select for certain stimuli under various behaviourally relevant circumstances.  相似文献   

Most neurons in the primary visual cortex initially respond vigorously when a preferred stimulus is presented, but adapt as stimulation continues. The functional consequences of adaptation are unclear. Typically a reduction of firing rate would reduce single neuron accuracy as less spikes are available for decoding, but it has been suggested that on the population level, adaptation increases coding accuracy. This question requires careful analysis as adaptation not only changes the firing rates of neurons, but also the neural variability and correlations between neurons, which affect coding accuracy as well. We calculate the coding accuracy using a computational model that implements two forms of adaptation: spike frequency adaptation and synaptic adaptation in the form of short-term synaptic plasticity. We find that the net effect of adaptation is subtle and heterogeneous. Depending on adaptation mechanism and test stimulus, adaptation can either increase or decrease coding accuracy. We discuss the neurophysiological and psychophysical implications of the findings and relate it to published experimental data.  相似文献   

Transient, task related synchronous activity within neural populations has been recognized as the substrate of temporal coding in the brain. The mechanisms underlying inducing and propagation of transient synchronous activity are still unknown, and we propose that short-term plasticity (STP) of neural circuits may serve as a supplemental mechanism therein. By computational modeling, we showed that short-term facilitation greatly increases the reactivation rate of population spikes and decreases the latency of response to reactivation stimuli in local recurrent neural networks. Meanwhile, the timing of population spike reactivation is controlled by the memory effect of STP, and it is mediated primarily by the facilitation time constant. Furthermore, we demonstrated that synaptic facilitation dramatically enhances synchrony propagation in feedforward neural networks and that response timing mediated by synaptic facilitation offers a scheme for information routing. In addition, we verified that synaptic strengthening of intralayer or interlayer coupling enhances synchrony propagation, and we verified that other factors such as the delay of synaptic transmission and the mode of synaptic connectivity are also involved in regulating synchronous activity propagation. Overall, our results highlight the functional role of STP in regulating the inducing and propagation of transient synchronous activity, and they may inspire testable hypotheses for future experimental studies.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that networks of spiking neurons with noise can emulate simple forms of probabilistic inference through “neural sampling”, i.e., by treating spikes as samples from a probability distribution of network states that is encoded in the network. Deficiencies of the existing model are its reliance on single neurons for sampling from each random variable, and the resulting limitation in representing quickly varying probabilistic information. We show that both deficiencies can be overcome by moving to a biologically more realistic encoding of each salient random variable through the stochastic firing activity of an ensemble of neurons. The resulting model demonstrates that networks of spiking neurons with noise can easily track and carry out basic computational operations on rapidly varying probability distributions, such as the odds of getting rewarded for a specific behavior. We demonstrate the viability of this new approach towards neural coding and computation, which makes use of the inherent parallelism of generic neural circuits, by showing that this model can explain experimentally observed firing activity of cortical neurons for a variety of tasks that require rapid temporal integration of sensory information.  相似文献   

Niebur E 《Bio Systems》2002,67(1-3):157-166
Attentional selection implies preferential treatment of some sensory stimuli over others. This requires differential representation of attended and unattended stimuli. Most previous research has focused on pure rate codes for this representation but recent evidence indicates that a mixed code, involving both mean firing rate and temporal codes, may be employed. Of particular interest is a distinction of attended from unattended stimuli based on synchrony within neural populations. I review electrophysiological evidence at macroscopic, mesoscopic and microscopic spatial scales showing that the degree of synchronous activity varies with the attentional state of the perceiving organism.  相似文献   

Many neurons possess dendrites enriched with sodium channels and are capable of generating action potentials. However, the role of dendritic sodium spikes remain unclear. Here, we study computational models of neurons to investigate the functional effects of dendritic spikes. In agreement with previous studies, we found that point neurons or neurons with passive dendrites increase their somatic firing rate in response to the correlation of synaptic bombardment for a wide range of input conditions, i.e. input firing rates, synaptic conductances, or refractory periods. However, neurons with active dendrites show the opposite behavior: for a wide range of conditions the firing rate decreases as a function of correlation. We found this property in three types of models of dendritic excitability: a Hodgkin-Huxley model of dendritic spikes, a model with integrate and fire dendrites, and a discrete-state dendritic model. We conclude that fast dendritic spikes confer much broader computational properties to neurons, sometimes opposite to that of point neurons.  相似文献   

Neuronal synchrony in the basolateral amygdala (BLA) is critical for emotional behavior. Coordinated theta-frequency oscillations between the BLA and the hippocampus and precisely timed integration of?salient sensory stimuli in the BLA are involved in?fear conditioning. We characterized GABAergic interneuron types of the BLA and determined their contribution to shaping these network activities. Using in?vivo recordings in rats combined with the anatomical identification of neurons, we found that the firing of BLA interneurons associated with network activities was cell type specific. The firing of calbindin-positive interneurons targeting dendrites was precisely theta-modulated, but other cell types were heterogeneously modulated, including parvalbumin-positive basket cells. Salient sensory stimuli selectively triggered axo-axonic cells firing and inhibited firing of a disctinct projecting interneuron type. Thus, GABA is released onto BLA principal neurons in a time-, domain-, and sensory-specific manner. These specific synaptic actions likely cooperate to promote amygdalo-hippocampal synchrony involved in emotional memory formation.  相似文献   

Respiratory network plasticity is a modification in respiratory control that persists longer than the stimuli that evoke it or that changes the behavior produced by the network. Different durations and patterns of hypoxia can induce different types of respiratory memories. Lateral pontine neurons are required for decreases in respiratory frequency that follow brief hypoxia. Changes in synchrony and firing rates of ventrolateral and midline medullary neurons may contribute to the long-term facilitation of breathing after brief intermittent hypoxia. Long-term changes in central respiratory motor control may occur after spinal cord injury, and the brain stem network implicated in the production of the respiratory rhythm could be reconfigured to produce the cough motor pattern. Preliminary analysis suggests that elements of brain stem respiratory neural networks respond differently to hypoxia and hypercapnia and interact with areas involved in cardiovascular control. Plasticity or alterations in these networks may contribute to the chronic upregulation of sympathetic nerve activity and hypertension in sleep apnea syndrome and may also be involved in sudden infant death syndrome.  相似文献   

Coherent oscillations have been reported in multiple cortical areas. This study examines the characteristics of output spikes through computer simulations when the neural network model receives periodic/aperiodic spatiotemporal spikes with modulated/constant populational activity from two pathways. Synchronous oscillations which have the same period as the input are observed in response to periodic input patterns regardless of populational activity. The results confirm that the output frequency of synchrony is essentially determined by the period of the repeated input patterns. On the other hand, weak periodic outputs are observed when aperiodic spikes are input with modulated populational activity. In this case, higher firing rates are necessary to input for higher frequency oscillations. The spike-timing-dependent plasticity suppresses the spikes which do not contribute to the synchrony for periodic inputs. This effect corresponds to the experimental reports that learning sharpens the synchrony in the motor cortex. These results suggest that spatiotemporal spike patterns should be entrained on modulated populational activity to transmit oscillatory information effectively in the convergent pathway.  相似文献   

Neuronal circuits in the rodent barrel cortex are characterized by stable low firing rates. However, recent experiments show that short spike trains elicited by electrical stimulation in single neurons can induce behavioral responses. Hence, the underlying neural networks provide stability against internal fluctuations in the firing rate, while simultaneously making the circuits sensitive to small external perturbations. Here we studied whether stability and sensitivity are affected by the connectivity structure in recurrently connected spiking networks. We found that anti-correlation between the number of afferent (in-degree) and efferent (out-degree) synaptic connections of neurons increases stability against pathological bursting, relative to networks where the degrees were either positively correlated or uncorrelated. In the stable network state, stimulation of a few cells could lead to a detectable change in the firing rate. To quantify the ability of networks to detect the stimulation, we used a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. For a given level of background noise, networks with anti-correlated degrees displayed the lowest false positive rates, and consequently had the highest stimulus detection performance. We propose that anti-correlation in the degree distribution may be a computational strategy employed by sensory cortices to increase the detectability of external stimuli. We show that networks with anti-correlated degrees can in principle be formed by applying learning rules comprised of a combination of spike-timing dependent plasticity, homeostatic plasticity and pruning to networks with uncorrelated degrees. To test our prediction we suggest a novel experimental method to estimate correlations in the degree distribution.  相似文献   

The role of intracellular calcium in changes in excitability and responses of defense behavior command neurons LP11 and PP11 of Helix lucorum to sensory stimulation was investigated in semi-intact preparation of a snail during nociceptive sensitization. It was found that application of sensitizing stimuli onto the snail's head initiated membrane depolarization, increase in its excitability as well as depression of neural responses evoked by sensory stimuli in short-term period of sensitization and significant facilitation of neural responses in long-term period of sensitization. To elucidate the contribution of LP11 and PP11 neurons in plasticity rearrangements involved in the mechanisms of sensitization, we applied sensitizing stimuli during strong hyperpolarization of the neurons or after intracellular injection of calcium chelators. Application of sensitizing stimuli during hyperpolarization of the neurons suppressed the increase in membrane excitability and depressed the neural responses evoked by chemical stimulation of snail's head i.m. short- and long-term periods of sensitization. At the same time, synaptic facilitation of neural responses evoked by tactile stimulation of snail's head and foot was observed, which was similar to synaptic facilitation in the control sensitized snail. Intracellular injection of EGTA or BARTA (calcium chelators) before sensitization suppressed synaptic facilitation in neural responses evoked by sensory stimulation. Under these conditions, the increase in excitability was more pronounced then in the control snail neurons. The experimental results suggest the changes in neural responses evoked by sensory stimulation in sensitized snails involve postsynaptic calcium-dependent mechanisms of plasticity in LP11 and PP11 neurons.  相似文献   

Rabang CF  Bartlett EL 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e29375
Acoustic stimuli are often represented in the early auditory pathway as patterns of neural activity synchronized to time-varying features. This phase-locking predominates until the level of the medial geniculate body (MGB), where previous studies have identified two main, largely segregated response types: Stimulus-synchronized responses faithfully preserve the temporal coding from its afferent inputs, and Non-synchronized responses, which are not phase locked to the inputs, represent changes in temporal modulation by a rate code. The cellular mechanisms underlying this transformation from phase-locked to rate code are not well understood. We use a computational model of a MGB thalamocortical neuron to test the hypothesis that these response classes arise from inferior colliculus (IC) excitatory afferents with divergent properties similar to those observed in brain slice studies. Large-conductance inputs exhibiting synaptic depression preserved input synchrony as short as 12.5 ms interclick intervals, while maintaining low firing rates and low-pass filtering responses. By contrast, small-conductance inputs with Mixed plasticity (depression of AMPA-receptor component and facilitation of NMDA-receptor component) desynchronized afferent inputs, generated a click-rate dependent increase in firing rate, and high-pass filtered the inputs. Synaptic inputs with facilitation often permitted band-pass synchrony along with band-pass rate tuning. These responses could be tuned by changes in membrane potential, strength of the NMDA component, and characteristics of synaptic plasticity. These results demonstrate how the same synchronized input spike trains from the inferior colliculus can be transformed into different representations of temporal modulation by divergent synaptic properties.  相似文献   

It is a long-established fact that neuronal plasticity occupies the central role in generating neural function and computation. Nevertheless, no unifying account exists of how neurons in a recurrent cortical network learn to compute on temporally and spatially extended stimuli. However, these stimuli constitute the norm, rather than the exception, of the brain''s input. Here, we introduce a geometric theory of learning spatiotemporal computations through neuronal plasticity. To that end, we rigorously formulate the problem of neural representations as a relation in space between stimulus-induced neural activity and the asymptotic dynamics of excitable cortical networks. Backed up by computer simulations and numerical analysis, we show that two canonical and widely spread forms of neuronal plasticity, that is, spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity and intrinsic plasticity, are both necessary for creating neural representations, such that these computations become realizable. Interestingly, the effects of these forms of plasticity on the emerging neural code relate to properties necessary for both combating and utilizing noise. The neural dynamics also exhibits features of the most likely stimulus in the network''s spontaneous activity. These properties of the spatiotemporal neural code resulting from plasticity, having their grounding in nature, further consolidate the biological relevance of our findings.  相似文献   

Neural synchronization is considered as an important mechanism for information processing. In addition, based on recent neurophysiologic findings, it is believed that astrocytes regulate the synaptic transmission of neuronal networks. Therefore, the present study focused on determining the functional contribution of astrocytes in neuronal synchrony using both computer simulations and extracellular field potential recordings. For computer simulations, as a first step, a minimal network model is constructed by connecting two Morris-Lecar neuronal models. In this minimal model, astrocyte-neuron interactions are considered in a functional-based procedure. Next, the minimal network is extended and a biologically plausible neuronal population model is developed which considers functional outcome of astrocyte-neuron interactions too. The employed structure is based on the physiological and anatomical network properties of the hippocampal CA1 area. Utilizing these two different levels of modeling, it is demonstrated that astrocytes are able to change the threshold value of transition from synchronous to asynchronous behavior among neurons. In this way, variations in the interaction between astrocytes and neurons lead to the emergence of synchronous/asynchronous patterns in neural responses. Furthermore, population spikes are recorded from CA1 pyramidal neurons in rat hippocampal slices to validate the modeling results. It demonstrates that astrocytes play a primary role in neuronal firing synchronicity and synaptic coordination. These results may offer a new insight into understanding the mechanism by which astrocytes contribute to stabilizing neural activities.  相似文献   

Sparse representation of sounds in the unanesthetized auditory cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
How do neuronal populations in the auditory cortex represent acoustic stimuli? Although sound-evoked neural responses in the anesthetized auditory cortex are mainly transient, recent experiments in the unanesthetized preparation have emphasized subpopulations with other response properties. To quantify the relative contributions of these different subpopulations in the awake preparation, we have estimated the representation of sounds across the neuronal population using a representative ensemble of stimuli. We used cell-attached recording with a glass electrode, a method for which single-unit isolation does not depend on neuronal activity, to quantify the fraction of neurons engaged by acoustic stimuli (tones, frequency modulated sweeps, white-noise bursts, and natural stimuli) in the primary auditory cortex of awake head-fixed rats. We find that the population response is sparse, with stimuli typically eliciting high firing rates (>20 spikes/second) in less than 5% of neurons at any instant. Some neurons had very low spontaneous firing rates (<0.01 spikes/second). At the other extreme, some neurons had driven rates in excess of 50 spikes/second. Interestingly, the overall population response was well described by a lognormal distribution, rather than the exponential distribution that is often reported. Our results represent, to our knowledge, the first quantitative evidence for sparse representations of sounds in the unanesthetized auditory cortex. Our results are compatible with a model in which most neurons are silent much of the time, and in which representations are composed of small dynamic subsets of highly active neurons.  相似文献   

Although it is well established that the neural code representing the world changes at each stage of a sensory pathway, the transformations that mediate these changes are not well understood. Here we show that self-motion (i.e. vestibular) sensory information encoded by VIIIth nerve afferents is integrated nonlinearly by post-synaptic central vestibular neurons. This response nonlinearity was characterized by a strong (~50%) attenuation in neuronal sensitivity to low frequency stimuli when presented concurrently with high frequency stimuli. Using computational methods, we further demonstrate that a static boosting nonlinearity in the input-output relationship of central vestibular neurons accounts for this unexpected result. Specifically, when low and high frequency stimuli are presented concurrently, this boosting nonlinearity causes an intensity-dependent bias in the output firing rate, thereby attenuating neuronal sensitivities. We suggest that nonlinear integration of afferent input extends the coding range of central vestibular neurons and enables them to better extract the high frequency features of self-motion when embedded with low frequency motion during natural movements. These findings challenge the traditional notion that the vestibular system uses a linear rate code to transmit information and have important consequences for understanding how the representation of sensory information changes across sensory pathways.  相似文献   

We wondered whether random populations of dissociated cultured cortical neurons, despite of their lack of structure and/or regional specialization, are capable of modulating their neural activity as the effect of a time-varying stimulation – a simulated ‘sensory’ afference. More specifically, we used localized low-frequency, non-periodic trains of stimuli to simulate sensory afferences, and asked how much information about the original trains of stimuli could be extracted from the neural activity recorded at the different sites. Furthermore, motivated by the results of studies performed both in vivo and in vitro on different preparations, which suggested that isolated spikes and bursts may play different roles in coding time-varying signals, we explored the amount of such ‘sensory’ information that could be associated to these different firing modes. Finally, we asked whether and how such ‘sensory’ information is transferred from the sites of stimulation (i.e., the ‘sensory’ areas), to the other regions of the neural populations. To do this we applied stimulus reconstruction techniques and information theoretic concepts that are typically used to investigate neural coding in sensory systems. Our main results are that (1) slow variations of the rate of stimulation are coded into isolated spikes and in the time of occurrence of bursts (but not in the bursts’ temporal structure); (2) increasing the rate of stimulation has the effect of increasing the proportion of isolated spikes in the average evoked response and their importance in coding for the stimuli; and, (3) the ability to recover the time course of the pattern of stimulation is strongly related to the degree of functional connectivity between stimulation and recording sites. These observations parallel similar findings in intact nervous systems regarding the complementary roles of bursts and tonic spikes in encoding sensory information. Our results also have interesting implications in the field of neuro-robotic interfaces. In fact, the ability of populations of neurons to code information is a prerequisite for obtaining hybrid systems, in which neuronal populations are used to control external devices.  相似文献   

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