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The number of proteomics studies concerning human brain samples has been increasing in recent years, in particular in the discovery of biomarkers for neurological diseases. The human brain samples are obtained from brain banks, which are interested in providing high quality human nervous tissue. In order to provide brain banks as well as scientists working in the proteomics field with measures for tissue quality, the critical factors after death, the effect of post-mortem interval (PMI) and storage temperature on the human brain proteome were investigated. This study was focused on the gray matter of the frontal cortex. The PMI was artificially prolonged from the time of autopsy (2 h after death) by storing samples at 4 degrees C or room temperature over 18, 24, and 48 h. The samples were analyzed by 2-D DIGE using a pH 4-7 gradient, revealing a time course of quantitative protein changes. The degradation of three proteins, peroxiredoxin-1, stathmin, and glial fibrillary acidic protein were further confirmed by Western-blot analysis. Proteins vulnerable to PMI were analyzed by the 2-D DIGE analysis of cortex samples from three donors, and were derived from a variety of functional groups, including metabolic, structural, stress response, antioxidants, synaptosomal, and neuronal proteins.  相似文献   

Kim JC  Kim JY  Yeom SR  Jeong BY  Hwang HZ  Park KJ  Lee SW 《Proteomics》2008,8(17):3632-3644
In a previous study, we examined the physiological responses of male Sprague-Dawley rats over a 4-week exposure to concrete and clay cages. No general toxicological changes were observed in rats exposed to either of the two cage types in summer. Under winter conditions, however, various general toxicological effects were detected in rats housed in concrete cages, although rats housed in clay cages showed no such effects. The infrared thermographic examination indicated that skin temperature in the concrete-housed rats was abnormally low, but not so in the clay-housed rats. We examined proteomic changes in the serum of rats housed in winter in concrete and clay cages using two-dimensional differential in-gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry. Five proteins were identified and quantitatively validated; all were cold stress-induced, acute phase proteins that were either up-regulated (haptoglobin) or down-regulated (alpha-1-inhibitor III, alpha-2u globulin, complement component 3, and vitamin D-binding protein) in the concrete-housed rats. These results suggest that the 4-week exposure to a concrete cage in winter elicited a typical systemic inflammatory reaction (i.e. acute phase response) in the exposed rats.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in protein expression profiling aiming to identify novel diagnostic markers in breast cancer. Proteomic approaches such as two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis coupled with tandem mass spectrometry analysis (2-D DIGE/MS/MS) have been used successfully for the identification of candidate biomarkers for screening, diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of treatment response in various types of cancer. Identifying previously unknown proteins of potential clinical relevance will ultimately help in reaching effective ways to manage the disease. We analyzed breast cancer tissues from five tumor and five normal tissue samples from ten breast cancer subjects with infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC) by 2-D DIGE using two types of immobilized pH gradient (IPG) strips: pH 3-10 and pH 4-7. From all the spots detected, differentially expressed (p < 0.05 and ratio > 2) were 50 spots. Of these, 39 proteins were successfully identified by MS, representing 29 different proteins. Ten proteins were overexpressed in the tumor samples. The 2-D DIGE/MS/MS analysis revealed an increase in the expression levels in tumor samples of several proteins not previously associated with breast cancer, such as: macrophage-capping protein (CAPG), phosphomannomutase 2 (PMM2), ATPase ASN1, methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase (MRI1), peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP4, cellular retinoic acid-binding protein 2 (CRABP2), lamin B1 and keratin, type II cytoskeletal 8 (KRT8). Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) revealed highly significant (p = 10(-26)) interactions between the identified proteins and their association with cancer. These proteins are involved in many diverse pathways and have established roles in cellular metabolism. It remains the goal of future work to test the suitability of the identified proteins in samples of larger and independent patient groups.  相似文献   

Traxler E  Bayer E  Stöckl J  Mohr T  Lenz C  Gerner C 《Proteomics》2004,4(5):1314-1323
Comparative proteome profiling, performed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or multidimensional protein identification technology, usually relies on the relative comparison of samples of interest with respect to a reference. Currently, no standardized quantitative protein expression database of human cells, facilitating data comparisons between different laboratories, exists. Recently, we have published two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-based techniques to assess absolute protein data comprising protein amounts, synthesis rates and biological half-lives (Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2002, 1, 528-537). Determination of protein amounts by fluorography of two-dimensional gels was followed by the exact quantification of the amount of incorporated (35)S radiolabel. Here we demonstrate an application of this highly standardized method to quiescent human T cells, phythaemagglutinin-stimulated T cells and Jurkat cells, a human T lymphoblast cell line. While the protein composition of quiescent T cells differed significantly compared to that of Jurkat cells, it was only slightly different compared to the activated T cells. Synthesis profile analyses demonstrated that activated T cells clearly differed from the quiescent cells, performing apparently almost like lymphoblast cells. The great sensitivity of this approach was further demonstrated with human umbilical vein endothelial cells treated for six hours with vascular endothelial growth factor. While no significant alteration of protein amounts was detected at all upon activation, the synthesis rate of several proteins was found to be more than doubled.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of the construction of invariants for characterization of 2-D maps, such as 2-D proteome maps, 2-D NMR spectral maps, etc., that in addition to facilitating cataloguing such maps, can be used for comparison of maps and numerical evaluation of their degree of similarity. A novel approach, based on the concept that the nearest neighborhood of points (spots) on a map are sufficiently flexible to allow one not only to vary the number of points used for characterization of the map but also the density of information on their relative positions, is put forward. The method is illustrated with the Coomassie brilliant blue stained 2-D gel electrophoresis patterns of the proteomes from liver cells of healthy male Fisher F344 rats and the rats treated with four peroxisome proliferators.  相似文献   

Within the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) Brain Proteome Project, a pilot study was launched with reference samples shipped to nine international laboratories (see Hamacher et al., this Special Issue) to evaluate different proteome approaches in neuroscience and to build up a first version of a brain protein database. One part of the study addresses quantitative proteome alterations between three developmental stages (embryonic day 16; postnatal day 7; 8 weeks) of mouse brains. Five brains per stage were differentially analyzed by 2-D DIGE using internal standardization and overlapping pH gradients (pH 4-7 and 6-9). In total, 214 protein spots showing stage-dependent intensity alterations (> two-fold) were detected, 56 of which were identified. Several of them, e.g. members of the dihydropyrimidinase family, are known to be associated with brain development. To feed the HUPO BPP brain protein database, a robust 2-D LC-MS/MS method was applied to murine postnatal day 7 and human post-mortem brain samples. Using MASCOT and the IPI database, 350 human and 481 mouse proteins could be identified by at least two different peptides. The data are accessible through the PRIDE database (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/).  相似文献   

Different plant plastid types contain a distinct protein complement for specialized functions and metabolic activities. plprot was established as a plastid proteome database to provide information about the proteomes of chloroplasts, etioplasts and undifferentiated plastids. The current version of plprot features 2,043 protein entries and consists of two modules. Module one contains a BLAST search option and provides comparative information on the proteomes of different plastid types. The second module contains four searchable databases, three for each individual plastid type and one comprehensive composite database that provides the results of plastid proteome analyses from different laboratories. plprot is accessible at http://www.plprot.ethz.ch.  相似文献   

Pinus radiata is one of the most economically important forest tree species, with a worldwide production of around 370 million m (3) of wood per year. Current selection of elite trees to be used in conservation and breeding programes requires the physiological and molecular characterization of available populations. To identify key proteins related to tree growth, productivity and responses to environmental factors, a proteomic approach is being utilized. In this paper, we present the first report of the 2-DE protein reference map of physiologically mature P. radiata needles, as a basis for subsequent differential expression proteomic studies related to growth, development, biomass production and responses to stresses. After TCA/acetone protein extraction of needle tissue, 549 +/- 21 well-resolved spots were detected in Coommassie-stained gels within the 5-8 pH and 10-100 kDa M(r) ranges. The analytical and biological variance determined for 450 spots were of 31 and 42%, respectively. After LC/MS/MS analysis of in-gel tryptic digested spots, proteins were identified by using the novel Paragon algorithm that tolerates amino acid substitution in the first-pass search. It allowed the confident identification of 115 out of the 150 protein spots subjected to MS, quite unusual high percentage for a poor sequence database, as is the case of P. radiata. Proteins were classified into 12 or 18 groups based on their corresponding cell component or biological process/pathway categories, respectively. Carbohydrate metabolism and photosynthetic enzymes predominate in the 2-DE protein profile of P. radiata needles.  相似文献   

Storage conditions are known to be important for postmortem deterioration of fish muscle, and temperature is one of the factors with the strongest impact on this process. In order to shed light on the influence of temperature on the status of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) muscle proteins during postmortem storage, a 2-D DIGE and mass spectrometry study was performed on fish kept at either 1 or 18°C for 5 days. As expected, the greatest alterations in sea bass filet protein composition were observed upon postmortem storage at 18°C, with distinct changes appearing in the 2-D protein profile after 5 days of storage at this temperature. In particular, degradation of the myofibrillar protein myosin heavy chain and of the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, among the most abundant muscle proteins, could be clearly observed upon storage at higher temperatures. Although to a lesser extent, however, several proteins were observed to vary in abundance also upon storage for 5 days at 1°C. In particular, one of the most interesting observations was the rapid and significant decrease in the abundance of nucleoside diphosphate kinase B and phosphoglycerate mutase 2, which was observed also at low storage temperatures and appeared to be temperature-independent. The results of this study offer new knowledge on changes occurring in sea bass muscle proteins during postmortem storage at different temperatures and provide indications on protein degradation trends that might be useful for monitoring freshness of fish and quality of storage conditions.  相似文献   

Scaife C  Mowlds P  Grassl J  Polden J  Daly CN  Wynne K  Dunn MJ  Clyne RK 《Proteomics》2010,10(24):4401-4414
Meiosis is the cell division that generates haploid gametes from diploid precursors. To provide insight into the functional proteome of budding yeast during meiosis, a 2-D DIGE kinetic approach was used to study proteins in the pH 6-11 range. Nearly 600 protein spots were visualised and 79 spots exhibited statistically significant changes in abundance as cells progressed through meiosis. Expression changes of up to 41-fold were detected and protein sequence information was obtained for 48 spots. Single protein identifications were obtained for 21 spots including different gel mobility forms of 5 proteins. A large number of post-translational events are suggested for these proteins, including processing, modification and import. The data are incorporated into an online 2-DE map of meiotic proteins in budding yeast, which extends our initial DIGE investigation of proteins in the pH 4-7 range. Together, the analyses provide peptide sequence data for 84 protein spots, including 50 single-protein identifications and gel mobility isoforms of 8 proteins. The largest classes of identified proteins include carbon metabolism, protein catabolism, protein folding, protein synthesis and the oxidative stress response. A number of the corresponding genes are required for yeast meiosis and recent studies have identified similar classes of proteins expressed during mammalian meiosis. This proteomic investigation and the resulting protein reference map make an important contribution towards a more detailed molecular view of yeast meiosis.  相似文献   

This study assesses the ability of a novel family of machine learning algorithms to identify changes in relative protein expression levels, measured using 2-D DIGE data, which support accurate class prediction. The analysis was done using a training set of 36 total cellular lysates comprised of six normal and three cancer biological replicates (the remaining are technical replicates) and a validation set of four normal and two cancer samples. Protein samples were separated by 2-D DIGE and expression was quantified using DeCyder-2D Differential Analysis Software. The relative expression reversal (RER) classifier correctly classified 9/9 training biological samples (p<0.022) as estimated using a modified version of leave one out cross validation and 6/6 validation samples. The classification rule involved comparison of expression levels for a single pair of protein spots, tropomyosin isoforms and alpha-enolase, both of which have prior association as potential biomarkers in cancer. The data was also analyzed using algorithms similar to those found in the extended data analysis package of DeCyder software. We propose that by accounting for sources of within- and between-gel variation, RER classifiers applied to 2-D DIGE data provide a useful approach for identifying biomarkers that discriminate among protein samples of interest.  相似文献   

Brain development and aging is a complex process involving proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Elucidating proteome changes in these processes can help to understand the mechanisms of brain development and maintenance as well as neurodegenerative diseases. The research reported here is a contribution to the HUPO Brain Proteome Project mouse pilot study. Whole, frozen C57BL/6J mouse brain comprising three different developmental stages (embryonic day 16, postnatal day 7, and postnatal days 54-58) were processed by using 2-D DIGE. A total of 1999 spots were matched between all gels. Of these, 206 spots were differentially expressed between the different stages: 122 spots were highest in intensity in embryonic stage E16, 26 highest in the juvenile group P7 and 58 spots highest in P56, the adult stage. The results show a pattern of temporal expression. Based on the expression patterns we tentatively suggest that proteins involved in the establishment of primary structures in the brain are expressed highest in the embryonic mouse. Proteins involved in the development of the brain are expressed highest in the juvenile phase and proteins that make utilization of the brain possible by delivering energy are expressed highest in the adult mice.  相似文献   

We have undertaken the identification of basic proteins (pH 6–11) of the human heart using 2‐DE. Tissue from the left ventricle of human heart was lysed and proteins were separated in the first dimension on pH 6–11 IPG strips using paper‐bridge loading followed by separation on 12% SDS polyacrylamide gels in the second dimension. Proteins were then identified by mass spectrometry and analysed using Proline, a proteomic data analysis platform that was developed in‐house. The proteome map contains 176 identified spots with 151 unique proteins and has been made available as part of the UCD‐2DPAGE database at http://proteomics‐portal.ucd.ie:8082 . The associated mass spectrometry data have been submitted to PRIDE (Accession number ?10098). This reference map, and the other heart reference maps available through the UCD‐2DPAGE database, will aid further proteomic studies of heart diseases such as dilated cardiomyopathy and ischaemic heart disease.  相似文献   

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC), the most common neoplasm affecting the adult kidney, is characterised by heterogeneity of histological subtypes, drug resistance, and absence of molecular markers. Two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) technology in combination with mass spectrometry (MS) was applied to detect differentially expressed proteins in 20 pairs of RCC tissues and matched adjacent normal kidney cortex (ANK), in order to search for RCC markers. After gel analysis by DeCyder 6.5 and EDA software, differentially expressed protein spots were excised from Deep Purple stained preparative 2DE gel. A total of 100 proteins were identified by MS out of 2500 spots, 23 and 77 of these were, respectively, over- and down-expressed in RCC. The Principal Component Analysis applied to gels and protein spots exactly separated the two sample classes in two groups: RCC and ANK. Moreover, some spots, including ANXA2, PPIA, FABP7 and LEG1, resulted highly differential. The DIGE data were also confirmed by immunoblotting analysis for these proteins. In conclusion, we suggest that applying 2-D DIGE to RCC may provide the basis for a better molecular characterization and for the discovery of candidate biomarkers.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoke exposure is known to induce obstructive lung disease and several cardiovascular disease states in humans and also in animal models. Smoking leads to oxidative stress and inflammation that are important in triggering pulmonary and cardiovascular disease. The objective of the current study was to quantify differences in expression levels of plasma proteins of cigarette smoke -exposed and control mice, at the time of disease onset, and identify these proteins for use as potential biomarkers of the onset of smoking-induced disease. We utilized 2-D DIGE/MS to characterize these proteomic changes. 2-D DIGE of plasma samples identified 11 differentially expressed proteins in cigarette smoke -exposed mice. From these 11 proteins, 9 were downregulated and 2 were upregulated. The proteins identified are involved in vascular function, coagulation, metabolism and immune function. Among these, the alterations in fibrinogen (2.2-fold decrease), α-1-antitrypsin (1.8-fold increase) and arginase (4.5-fold decrease) are of particular interest since these have been directly linked to cardiovascular and lung pathology. Differences in expression levels of these proteins were also confirmed by immunoblotting. Thus, we observe that chronic cigarette smoke exposure in mice leads to prominent changes in the protein expression profile of blood plasma and these changes in turn can potentially serve as markers predictive of the onset and progression of cardiovascular and pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

Zhang N  Chen R  Young N  Wishart D  Winter P  Weiner JH  Li L 《Proteomics》2007,7(4):484-493
Both organic solvent and surfactant have been used for dissolving membrane proteins for shotgun proteomics. In this work, two methods of protein solubilization, namely using 60% methanol or 1% SDS, to dissolve and analyze the inner membrane fraction of an Escherichia coli K12 cell lysate were compared. A total of 358 proteins (1417 unique peptides) from the methanol-solubilized protein mixture and 299 proteins (892 peptides) from the SDS-solubilized sample-were identified by using trypsin digestion and 2-D LC-ESI MS/MS. It was found that the methanol method detected more hydrophobic peptides, resulting in a greater number of proteins identified, than the SDS method. We found that 159 out of 358 proteins (44%) and 120 out of 299 proteins (40%) detected from the methanol- and SDS-solubilized samples, respectively, are integral membrane proteins. Among the 190 integral membrane proteins 70 were identified exclusively in the methanol-solubilized sample, 89 were identified by both methods, and only 31 proteins were exclusively identified by the SDS method. It is shown that the integral membrane proteins reflected the theoretical proteome for number of transmembrane helices, length, functional class, and topology, indicating there was no bias in the proteins identified.  相似文献   

Proteome studies with small sample amounts are difficult to perform, especially when membrane proteins are the focus of interest. In our study a new method for the analysis of scarce membrane protein samples combining large gel 2-D-CTAB/SDS-PAGE with fluorescence dye saturation labelling (satDIGE) was developed, allowing a highly sensitive differential analysis of different cell states. After Triton X-114 phase partitioning, enriched membrane protein samples of T cells were labelled at cysteine residues using fluorescence dyes and separated by large gel 2D-CTAB/SDS-PAGE. For a differential analysis 3 mug protein was found to be sufficient to detect proteins in a widespread well-separated diagonal spot pattern.  相似文献   

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