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The strategy of migrants crossing the Sahara desert has been the subject of debate, but recent evidence from radar studies has confirmed that most passerines use an intermittent migration strategy. The latter has also been suggested from previous studies in oases during autumn migration. It was found that migrants with relatively high fuel loads rest in the desert during daytime and continue migration during the following night, whereas lean migrants stopover in oases for several days to refuel. However, data from the Sahara are scarce for spring migration. We captured passerine migrants near B?r Amrane (22°47′N, 8°43′W) in the plain desert of Mauritania for 3 weeks during spring migration in 2004. We estimated flight ranges of 85 passerines stopping over in the desert to test whether they carried sufficient fuel loads to accomplish migration across the Sahara successfully. High fat loads of the majority of birds indicated that they were neither “fall-outs” nor too weak to accomplish migration successfully. The flight range estimates, based on mean flight speeds derived from radar measurements (59 km/h), revealed that 85% of all birds were able to reach the northern fringe of the desert with an intermittent migration strategy. Furthermore, birds stopping over in an oasis (Ouadane, 370 km to the southwest of B?r Amrane) did not carry consistently lower fuel loads compared to the migrants captured in the desert.  相似文献   

K. D. Smith 《Ibis》1965,107(4):493-526
Fifteen months were spent in Morocco. A few ecological aspects of the country are described, together with their influence on the dispersal of birds in winter. Some winter visitors are listed and discussed, several species were much commoner in the winter of 1962/63 than in 1963/64, in some cases presumably as a result of the cold weather in Europe, although in others not obviously so. Cold-weather movements of gulls, Lapwings and Cranes were observed. Individuals of species that are normally trans-Saharan migrants winter in Morocco in small numbers. Spring migration in southeast Morocco is excluded from discussion, but autumn migration in western Morocco is summarized and compared with existing data. The systematic list is devoted largely to winter visitors and passage migrants, but resident species are listed when new localities, breeding data or field notes warrant their inclusion. Six species not hitherto recorded in Morocco, were seen.  相似文献   

Radar observations of the diurnal timing of bird migration in the Sahara Desert are presented for autumn migration. Study sites were on a transect along the north-south migratory direction. Three groups of birds migrating either during day, evening or night in the northern part of the Western desert in Egypt were identified. The maximum of day and night groups occurred later the further south the study sites were. Based on the distance between sites and the timing of peak migration, birds were flying at an estimated ground speed of about 20 m/s. The maximum of the evening group was at about 21:00 h at all sites. The three groups were classified according to three different strategies of migration across the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert: (1) the day group of birds performed a non-stop flight across the sea and at least the northern part of the desert; [2] the night group performed an intermittent migratory strategy with stopover at the coast of Egypt to continue migration the next evening; (3) the evening group birds were also intermittent migratory fliers, but they stopped somewhere in the desert after a continuous flight across the sea and part of the desert. About 20% of all migrants are involved in non-stop migration and 80% in intermittent migration with stopover at the coast (70%) or with stopover in the desert (10%). It is argued that any species of small passerine has the option to use any of the three strategies.  相似文献   

IDO IZHAKI  ASAF MAITAV 《Ibis》1998,140(2):223-233
Migrating Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla were mist netted at the desert edge in northern Israel and in Elat (southern Israel) during spring and autumn migrations between 1970 and 1991. Birds in spring in northern Israel were representative of birds that had completed the crossing of the Sahara, while those in Elat still had to cross the 150 km of the Negev Desert, which separates Elat and northern Israel. In autumn, birds captured in northern Israel were representative of those about to cross the Sahara Desert, while those in Elat had already started to cross the desert. The data allowed analysis of seasonal and location differences in the physiological state of Blackcaps before and after crossing the Sahara. Data analysed included body mass, visible fat score and calculated fat content. Autumn migrants were in better physiological condition than spring migrants at both locations, probably as a consequence of their migration route through fertile areas in autumn compared with the crossing of the Sahara in spring. Body mass was less variable after the Sahara crossing in spring than before the crossing in autumn. In spring, 71% and 67% of the birds were fat depleted (fat scores 0 and 1) at Elat and in northern Israel, respectively, while in autumn 34% and 42% were fat depleted. Blackcaps at Elat were 1.6 g lighter than those in northern Israel in autumn and 1.9 g lighter in spring. Potential flight ranges were estimated on the basis of meteorological conditions and flight altitude of passerines above the Negev in Israel (northern Sahara edge) during migration and on a simulation model that considered both energy and water as potential limiting factors for flight duration and distance. The simulation model predicted that half of the Blackcaps that stopped over in Elat and the majority of those that stopped over in northern Israel could not make a nonstop flight over the Sahara Desert in autumn without the assistance of at least an 8 m per s tailwind. Such a wind would still not be sufficient for 34% of the birds in Elat and 42% in northern Israel, and clearly they had insufficient fat reserves to cross the Sahara in a single flight. Although the fattest Blackcaps had accumulated sufficient fat to enable them to traverse the Sahara in a single flight, they probably faced dehydration by at least 12% of their initial body mass when they reached the southern Sahara edge. These birds should use intermittent migration with stopovers at sites with drinking and feeding potential. Their decision to stop over during the day in the desert at sites with shade but without food and water would be beneficial if the meteorological conditions during daytime migration imposed greater risks of dehydration than at night. Spring migrants could not reach their breeding areas in Europe without feeding, but those examined in Elat could cross the remainder of the desert in a single flight.  相似文献   

Obligate insectivorous birds breeding in high latitudes travel thousands of kilometres during annual movements to track the local seasonal peaks of food abundance in a continuously fluctuating resource landscape. Avian migrants use an array of strategies when conducting these movements depending on e.g. morphology, life history traits and environmental factors encountered en route. Here we used geolocators to derive data on the annual space‐use, temporal pattern and migratory strategies in an Afro‐Palaearctic aerial insectivorous bird species – the European nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus. More specifically, we aimed to test a set of hypothesises pertaining to the migration of a population of nightjars breeding in south‐eastern Sweden. We found that the birds wintered across the central and western parts of the southern tropical Africa almost entirely outside the currently described wintering range of the species. The nightjars performed a narrow loop migration across Sahara, with spring Sahel stopovers significantly to the west of autumn stops indicative to an adaptive response to winds during migration. To our surprise, the migration speed was faster in the autumn (119 km d? 1) than in the spring (99 km d? 1), possibly due to the prevailing wind regimes over the Sahara. The estimated flight fraction in both autumn (14%) and spring (12%) was almost exactly as the theoretically predicted 1:7 time relationship between flights and stopovers for small birds. The temporal patterns within the annual cycle indicate that individuals follow alternative spatiotemporal schedules that converge towards the breeding season. The positive relationship between the spatially and temporally distant winter departure and breeding arrival suggests that individuals´ temporal fine‐tuning to breeding may be constrained, leading to potential negative fitness consequences.  相似文献   

Migrating animals should optimise time and energy use when migrating, travelling directly to their destination. Detours from the most direct route may arise however because of barriers and weather conditions. Identifying how such situations arise from variable weather conditions is crucial to understand population response in the light of increased anthropogenic climate change. Here we used light-level geolocators to follow Cyprus wheatears for their full annual cycle in two separate years migrating between Cyprus, over the Mediterranean and the Sahara to winter in north–east sub-Saharan Africa. We predicted that any route detours would be related to wind conditions experienced during migration. We found that spring migration for all birds included an eastern detour, whilst autumn migrations were direct across the Sahara. The direct autumn migration was likely a consequence of consistent tail-winds, whilst the eastern detour in spring is likely to be more efficient given the wind conditions which are against a direct route. Such variable migration routes shaped by coincidence with prevailing winds are probably common suggesting that some birds may be able to adapt to future changes in wind conditions.  相似文献   

The population decline of the Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni has been the subject of studies across its Western Palaearctic breeding range, but little is known about its use of pre‐migratory areas or African wintering quarters. We used geolocators to describe the temporal and spatial patterns of Portuguese Lesser Kestrel migration and wintering behaviour. Data on the complete migration were obtained from four individuals and another three provided further information. Prior to southward migration, Lesser Kestrels showed two different behaviours: northward‐orientated movements to Spain and movements in the proximity of the breeding area. Autumn migration took place mostly in late September; spring departures occurred mainly in the first half of February. Wintering grounds included Senegal, Mauritania and Mali, with individuals overlapping considerably in Senegal. Movements registered within the wintering grounds suggest itinerant behaviour in relation to local flushes of prey. During spring migration, birds crossed the Sahara Desert through Mauritania, Western Sahara and Morocco before passing over the Mediterranean to reach Portugal. Autumn migration lasted 4.8 ± 1.1 days, and spring migration lasted 4.1 ± 0.3 days. The mean daily flight range varied between approximately 300 and 850 km for an entire journey of around 2500 km. Effective protection of roosting sites in both pre‐migratory and wintering areas and maintaining grasshopper populations in Sahelian wintering quarters appear crucial in preserving this threatened migratory raptor across its African–Eurasian flyway. There was no evidence of any deleterious effects of fitting birds with loggers.  相似文献   

By using morphometric data and geolocator tracking we investigated fuel loads and spatio‐temporal patterns of migration and non‐breeding in Temminck's stints Calidris temminckii. Body masses in stints captured at autumn stopover sites from Scandinavia to northern Africa were generally not much higher than during breeding and did not vary geographically. Thus, we expected migrating stints to make several stopovers and either circumventing the Sahara desert with low fuel loads or fuelling at north African stopover sites before desert crossing. Geolocation revealed that birds (n = 6) departed their Norwegian breeding site in the last part of July and all but one migrated south‐west over continental western Europe. A single bird headed south‐east to the Balkan Peninsula where the geolocator died. As predicted, southbound migration proceeded in a typical skipping manner with 1–4 relatively short stopovers (median 4 d) during 10–27 d of migration before reaching north‐west Africa. Here birds spent 11–20 d before crossing the Sahara. The non‐breeding sites were located at or near the Niger River in Mali and were occupied continuously for more than 215 d with no indications of itinerancy. Spring migration commenced in late April/early May when birds crossed the desert and used stopover sites in the western Mediterranean basin in a similar manner as during autumn. The lowest body masses were recorded in spring at islands in the central Mediterranean basin, indicating that crossing the Sahara and Mediterranean barriers is exhausting to these birds. Hence, the skipping‐type pattern of migration revealed by geolocators is likely to be natural in this species and not an effect of instrumentation.  相似文献   

The identification of migration routes, wintering grounds and stopover sites are crucial issues for the understanding of the Palearctic-African bird migration system as well as for the development of relevant conservation strategies for trans-Saharan migrants. Using miniaturized light-level geolocators we report a comprehensive and detailed year round track of a granivorous trans-Saharan migrant, the European Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur). From five recovered loggers, our data provide new insights on migratory journeys and winter destinations of Turtle Doves originating from a breeding population in Western France. Data confirm that Turtle Doves wintered in West Africa. The main wintering area encompassed Western Mali, the Inner Delta Niger and the Malian/Mauritanian border. Some individuals also extended their wintering ranges over North Guinea, North-West of Burkina Faso and the Ivory-Coast. Our results reveal that all individuals did not spend the winter period at a single location; some of them experienced a clear eastward shift of several hundred kilometres. We also found evidence for a loop migration pattern, with a post-breeding migration flyway lying west of the spring route. Finally, we found that on their way back to breeding grounds Turtle Doves needed to refuel after crossing the Sahara desert. Contrary to previous suggestions, our data reveal that birds used stopover sites for several weeks, presumably in Morocco and North Algeria. This later finding is a crucial issue for future conservation strategies because environmental conditions on these staging areas might play a pivotal role in population dynamics of this declining species.  相似文献   

The Sahara desert acts as an ecological barrier for billions of passerine birds on their way to and from their African wintering areas. The Garden Warbler Sylvia borin is one of the most common migrants involved. We used body mass of this species from Greece in autumn and spring to simulate the desert crossing and to assess how body mass relates to fuel requirement. The flight range estimates were adjusted to the seasonal extent of the desert, 2200 km in autumn and about 2800 km in spring. In autumn, with an average fuel load of about 100% of body mass without fuel, birds were not able to cross the desert in still air, but northerly winds prevail during September and with the average wind assistance only one in 14 was predicted to fail to make the crossing. Body mass data from spring, after the desert crossing, was used to estimate departure body mass from south of the desert. The average wind assistance in spring is close to zero and departure body mass of the average bird arriving at Antikythira, a small Greek island, under such conditions was estimated to be 34.6 g, which corresponded to a fuel load of 116%. Calculations based on 1% body mass loss per hour of flight showed slightly larger body mass loss than that calculated from flight range estimates. The results suggest that passerine birds about to cross the eastern part of the Sahara desert need to attain a larger fuel load in spring than in autumn.  相似文献   

We investigated the risk associated with crossing the Sahara Desert for migrating birds by evaluating more than 90 journeys across this desert by four species of raptors (osprey Pandion haliaetus, honey buzzard Pernis apivorus, marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus and Eurasian hobby Falco subbuteo) recorded by satellite telemetry. Forty per cent of the crossings included events of aberrant behaviours, such as abrupt course changes, slow travel speeds, interruptions, aborted crossings followed by retreats from the desert and failed crossings due to death, indicating difficulties for the migrants. The mortality during the Sahara crossing was 31 per cent per crossing attempt for juveniles (first autumn migration), compared with only 2 per cent for adults (autumn and spring combined). Mortality associated with the Sahara passage made up a substantial fraction (up to about half for juveniles) of the total annual mortality, demonstrating that this passage has a profound influence on survival and fitness of migrants. Aberrant behaviours resulted in late arrival at the breeding grounds and an increased probability of breeding failure (carry-over effects). This study also demonstrates that satellite tracking can be a powerful method to reveal when and where birds are exposed to enhanced risk and mortality during their annual cycles.  相似文献   

J. S. Ash 《Ibis》1969,111(1):1-10
Some aspects of the weights of over 5,500 birds of 79 species, mostly migrants, captured in spring at an oasis on the northern edge of the Sahara, are discussed. Mean weights for five species were 26–44% below those of fat birds (those containing at least 30% lipid) weighed about the same time on the south side of the desert. Weights of fresh arrivals in Britain are higher than those in North Africa, but the differences are not great, suggesting that these have also made a long journey across Europe. Peak arrival times of day-migrants differed from those of night-migrants and the weights of some species varied with the time of day. There was no great advantage to migrants in remaining at the oasis; there were few weight changes greater than those normally occurring within an individual's daily range. Several species lost weight steadily during a cold spell, and many died. Male Swallows are heavier and larger than females, and in both sexes weight increases with wing-length.  相似文献   

C. De  Lucca 《Ibis》1969,111(3):322-337
The present paper is based on data obtained during several years' observations and three recent surveys. Little has previously been published on migration through the Maltese Islands. The geographical, vegetational and climatic factors of the islands are discussed in so far as they affect the migrants. Visible migration is seen with anticyclonic weather and westerly winds. Birds are found grounded after night migration in cyclonic weather with southwesterly or easterly winds, much larger numbers and variety being seen with the latter. When there is a deterioration in the weather during the night, a large influx of birds is seen on the following morning, and in addition large flocks of migrating Turtle Doves are seen. Several trans-Saharan migrants may pass in smaller numbers during autumn than spring, but the difference may be more apparent than real because in early autumn the birds may depart after only a very short stay, and a few conspicuous species are absent or scarce. By contrast several species which winter north of the Sahara pass only or in much larger numbers during autumn, and these more than make up for those which are absent or rare. There is no evidence from bird ringing that in spring Malta regularly gets birds from Tunisia, at any rate from that part covered by the ringing stations (Cap Bon, Enfidaville, Gabes). The migrants which pass through Malta probably originate from an area in North Africa around Tripoli and some way westwards of it. During autumn the bulk of recoveries is from eastern European countries with a smaller percentage from northern and central Europe. Several species or groups of species are dealt with individually. In the discussion stress is laid on the very close relationship between migration and weather, especially the wind component. The comparatively small numbers of birds seen at Malta probably form part of a larger movement travelling on a broad front. It is argued that the large “falls” of migrants in bad weather result from drift acting on a mass passing mainly to one side or the other of the islands. Since much larger densities are seen with easterly than with westerly winds, it follows, if the hypothesis of drift be correct, that the numbers of birds travelling to the east of Malta are larger than those to the west of it. Moreover, since day migrants are seen with westerly winds and the bulk of night migrants with easterly ones, it is inferred that day migrants normally pass to the west, and the bulk of night migrants to the east, of the Maltese Islands. A parallel is drawn between the autumn migration and the performance of racing pigeons which are flown from the north and NE at this season.  相似文献   

P. R. Evans  G. W. Lathbury 《Ibis》1973,115(4):572-585
The visible migration of birds of prey at Gibraltar is analysed from records kept throughout the spring passages of 1967–70 and the autumn passages of 1967–69. In early spring most visible passage is noted in the afternoons, whereas radar observations by Houghton (1970) indicate passage in the mornings. Later in the year an additional burst of visible passage sometimes occurs in the early morning, but it is concluded that most morning movements take place above visible range. Visible migration is recorded on most days of westerly wind during the migration seasons at Gibraltar. Passage is rarely seen when the winds are easterly. It is argued that under the latter conditions a strong upcurrent of air (standing wave) is formed over Gibraltar, and that this carries nearly all migrants above visible range.
Observations of visible passage elsewhere in the Straits suggest that, in spring, raptors of all species cross on a broad front from Tangier to Ceuta, except Honey Buzzards, which probably cross chiefly near Ceuta. In autumn, all species from northern Europe cross chiefly between Tarifa and to the east of Gibraltar, while birds from western Iberia probably cross mainly near Tarifa.
The periods of passage of the common migrant species are summarised.
On the basis of visual observations and published radar results, it is argued that raptors can compensate for lateral drift by the wind and so fly on chosen courses; but that in very strong cross-winds, e.g. the easterly Levanters, they may have to let themselves be drifted off-course.  相似文献   

Investigators studying the stopover ecology of migrating birds typically use the capture–recapture method to examine important parameters such as fuel deposition rates (FDR) and stopover duration. However, such studies can be constrained by the number of recaptures. An alternative method is to calculate a regression of mass over time of day, but this method may not be reliable because patterns of mass change of individual birds through the day may not reflect that of the whole population. Given the potential constraints of these methods, using them in combination with other methods, such as behavioral observations of foraging birds, may improve our understanding of the patterns of fuelling in birds at stopover sites. We observed the foraging behavior of three songbird species, including Western Bonelli's (Phylloscopus bonelli), Subalpine (Sylvia cantillans), and Willow (Phylloscopus trochilus) warblers, from 15 March to 30 April 2011 at a small oasis at the northern border of the Sahara desert in southeast Morocco. Given the location of our study site at the northern edge of the Sahara desert, birds migrating north likely needed to replenish their energy reserves at this stage of their journey. We assessed foraging effort by determining the rate (number per unit time) at which birds pecked at substrates or made aerial forays after flying insects. Peck rates were higher for Western Bonelli's Warblers than for Subalpine and Willow warblers, suggesting either species‐specific adaptations to feeding in arid environments or differences in the motivation to feed. In addition, Western Bonelli's Warblers had FDRs that were negative or close to zero and, therefore, were apparently unable to refuel successfully (i.e., increase their fuel stores) despite greater effort, possibly indicating less efficiency in obtaining food (i.e., more unsuccessful pecks). The lower peck rates of Subalpine and Willow warblers suggest either that they were less efficient at finding prey or were simply foraging at lower rates. For all three species, peck rates were lower at higher wind speeds, suggesting that wind may alter prey availability and detectability, especially of flying insects. Interactions among species‐specific migration strategies, environmental conditions, and habitat quality ultimately define the success of migration. Our results suggest that using observational data in combination with capture data may improve our understanding of these interactions at migration stopover sites.  相似文献   

The migration of the great snipe Gallinago media was previously poorly known. Three tracks in 2010 suggested a remarkable migratory behaviour including long and fast overland non‐stop flights. Here we present the migration pattern of Swedish male great snipes, based on 19 individuals tracked by light‐level geolocators in four different years. About half of the birds made stopover(s) in northern Europe in early autumn. They left the breeding area 15 d earlier than those which flew directly to sub‐Sahara, suggesting two distinct autumn migration strategies. The autumn trans‐Sahara flights were on average 5500 km long, lasted 64 h, and were flown at ground speeds of 25 m s?1 (90 km h?1). The arrival in the Sahel zone of west Africa coincided with the wet season there, and the birds stayed for on average three weeks. The birds arrived at their wintering grounds around the lower stretches of the Congo River in late September and stayed for seven months. In spring the great snipes made trans‐Sahara flights of similar length and speed as in autumn, but the remaining migration through eastern Europe was notably slow. All birds returned to the breeding grounds within one week around mid‐May. The annual cycle was characterized by relaxed temporal synchronization between individuals during the autumn–winter period, with maximum variation at the arrival in the wintering area. Synchronization increased in spring, with minimum time variation at arrival in the breeding area. This suggests that arrival date in the breeding area is under strong stabilizing selection, while there is room for more flexibility in autumn and arrival to the wintering area. The details of the fast non‐stop flights remain to be elucidated, but the identification of the main stopover and wintering areas is important for future conservation work on this red‐listed bird species.  相似文献   

Migratory birds wintering in Africa face the challenge of passing the Sahara desert with few opportunities to forage. During spring migration birds thus arrive in the Mediterranean area with very low energy reserves after crossing the desert. Since early arrival to the breeding grounds often is of importance to maximize reproductive success, finding stopover sites with good refuelling possibilities after the Saharan passage is of utmost importance. Here we report on extensive fuelling in the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus on the south coast of Crete in spring, the first land that they encounter after crossing the Sahara desert and the Mediterranean Sea in this area. Birds were studied at a river mouth and due to an exceptional high recapture rate (45 and 51% in two successive years), we were able to get information about stopover behaviour in 56 individual great reed warblers during two spring seasons. The large proportion of trapped great reed warbler compared to other species and the large number of recaptures suggest that great reed warblers actively choose this area for stopover. They stayed on average 3–4 d, increased on average about 3.5 g in body mass and the average rate of body mass increase was 4.8% of lean body mass d–1. Wing length affected the rate of increase and indicated that females have a slower increase than males. The results found show that great reed warblers at this site regularly deposit larger fuel loads than needed for one continued flight stage. The low body mass found in great reed warblers (also in birds with high fat scores) is a strong indication that birds staging at Anapodaris still had not been able to rebuild their structural tissue after the strenuous Sahara crossing, suggesting that rebuilding structural tissue may take longer time than previously thought.  相似文献   

Based on phenology, passage and median dates gathered from large number of study sites, we measured autumn and spring migration speeds of eleven long distance migratory passerines in four different ecogeographic sectors: Europe, desert, north-eastern and eastern Africa. Results demonstrate that, during the southward autumn migration, late-departing species, such as lesser whitethroat Sylvia curruca , garden warbler S. borin , spotted flycatcher Muscicapa striata , whitethroat S. borin , and willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus cover their migration route with a slower average migration speed across Europe than do early migrating species. During spring migration, late-departing species (marsh warbler Acrocephalus palustris , garden warbler, spotted flycatcher, red-backed shrike Lanius collurio ) across north-eastern Africa showed a higher speed than early migrating species. Our results show overall shorter migration duration estimates in spring than autumn. Sector-wise seasonal comparisons of duration indicate that migration journey in the African and desert sectors are covered in a relatively shorter time in spring than in autumn. Periods required to cover the distance between northern latitude breeding grounds and desert during both seasons were equivalent.  相似文献   

Many birds have advanced their spring migration and breeding phenology in response to climate change, yet some long‐distance migrants appear constrained in their adjustments. In addition, bird species with long generation times and those in higher trophic positions may also be less able to track climate‐induced shifts in food availability. Migratory birds of prey may therefore be particularly vulnerable to climate change because: 1) most are long‐lived and have relatively low reproductive capacity, 2) many feed predominately on insectivorous passerines, and 3) several undertake annual migrations totaling tens of thousands of kilometers. Using multi‐decadal datasets for 14 raptor species observed at six sites across the Great Lakes region of North America, we detected phenological shifts in spring migration consistent with decadal climatic oscillations and global climate change. While the North Atlantic and El Niño Southern Oscillations exerted heterogeneous effects on the phenology of a few species, arrival dates more generally advanced by 1.18 d per decade, a pattern consistent with the effects of global climate change. After accounting for heterogeneity across observation sites, five of the 10 most abundant species advanced the bulk of their spring migration phenology. Contrary to expectations, we found that long‐distance migrants and birds with longer generation times tended to make the greatest advancements to their spring migration. Such results may indicate that phenotypic plasticity can facilitate climatic responses among these long‐lived predators.  相似文献   

U. Safriel 《Ibis》1968,110(3):283-320
Several years' observations at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba are summarized. Migrants occur the whole year round, but most numerously in March-April and September. Only a few of the 185 species recorded pass the winter at Elat. About 25 species are recorded more in autumn, whereas about 50 species are commoner in spring. The causes of these disparities are discussed. Thousands of soaring raptors pass through, mainly in spring. In spring only, thousands of Lesser Black-backed Gulls stream through Elat, and many rest there for a short period. Mass migration of storks occurs too, more conspicuously in spring than autumn. An attempt is made to construct the routes of these birds between Eurasia and Africa, by analysing published sight records of raptors and storks and ringing recoveries of gulls. It is suggested that many of these birds move in autumn on a wide front, which may include Arabia, but that the core of the spring passage is shifted westward and part of it is channelled through the Rift Valley north of the northern end of the Red Sea and in the areas between the rift and the Mediterranean (Fig. 4). Supporting evidence is still needed from Arabia and the coasts of the Red Sea, especially from its southern end, where birds may be concentrated at the straits of Bab-el-Mandeb, as they are over the Bosphorus. Pelicans and a few other species perform very late southerly movements. These movements involve small numbers of birds, which may belong to late-breeding populations. About 45 other species of water and shore birds have been recorded, many of which occur in winter. With the expansion of areas of artificial water, some of them have become very common. About 75 passerines, near-passerines and other migrants pass through. The numbers involved suggest that the movement is on a broad front. Out of about 50 species whose passage is adequately recorded for seasonal comparison, 30 are more common in spring. Most of these are also commoner in other eastern Mediterranean countries and in Iraq in spring, md are presumed to perform a continuous overhead flight in autumn. Cases of “loop-migration” among these species are rare.  相似文献   

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