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Two minimum mean square error estimators of heritability are proposed and compared with the conventional regression estimator with live data. 相似文献
Parvinder Kaur 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1985,27(1):101-105
When stratified random sampling is used for the estimation of population mean, use of ‘Combined ratio estimator’ is well known. Some improved estimators for population mean are proposed which are better than ‘Combined ratio estimator’ and some other well known existing ones, from the point of view of bias and mean square error. An empirical illustration is given. 相似文献
Product method of estimation (MURTHY, 1964) using supplementary information on an auxiliary variable having high negative correlation with the main variable under our study, is well known. In this paper, we propose product-cum-difference method of estimation for the population total and the product of population parameters when supplementary information is available on two auxiliary variables. A comparison of product-cum-difference method of estimation with the usual product method of estimation using single auxiliary character and the estimators by SINGH (1965) for the estimation of product of population parameters has been made along with an empirical study. 相似文献
This paper generalizes the estimator proposed by Searles (1964) and further studied by SRIVASTAVA (1980) and gives some expressions for the first two moments and an integral representation for the αth raw moment. The latter is found suitable for computational purposes. Some points in SRIVASTAVA'S (1980) paper are also clarified. Efficiencies of 3 estimators belonging to this class are analyzed with respect to the usual sample mean. 相似文献
For the estimation of population mean a class of estimators has been proposed when the coefficient of variation is known and its efficiency is compared with the usual unbiased estimator and the estimators suggested by various researchers. The properties of the proposed class of estimators have been also discussed in the case of normal population. 相似文献
The use of ratio and product estimators, using auxiliary information, for estimating the mean of a finite population is well known. The efficiency of ratio estimator or product estimator is high depending on whether the auxiliary character is highly positively or negatively coorelated with the main character of interest. This paper proposes a product-type estimator which is more efficient than the usual ratio and product estimators in practical situations. We consider the case of double sampling from which the single sampling results may easily be derived. 相似文献
G. J. McLachlan 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1980,22(2):125-129
Some numerical results are presented for generalized ridge regression where the additive constants are based on the data. The adaptive estimator so obtained is compared with the least-squares estimator on the basis of mean square error (MSE). It is shown that the MSE of each component of the vector of ridge estimators may be as low as 47.1% of the variance of the corresponding component of the least squares vector or as high as 125.2%. 相似文献
Parvinder Kaur 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1985,27(1):107-110
For the estimation of population mean in simple random sampling, an efficient regression-type estimator is proposed which is more efficient than the conventional regression estimator and hence than mean per unit estimator, ratio and product estimators and many other estimators proposed by various authors. Some numerical examples are included for illustration. 相似文献
The regression type estimator proposed by KAUR (1985) is considered. Another expression for the approximated mean square error (AMSE), to a first degree of approximation, is obtained. This AMSE is also minimized with respect to a parameter α. Three numerical examples are included. These numerical examples show that this estimator is not significantly more efficient than regression estimator and with respect to ratio and sample mean estimators, it does not always exhibit a high efficiency, as was contended by KAUR (1985). Moreover, an upper bound for the relative precision of the proposed estimator with respect to linear regression estimator is derived. 相似文献
S. Ejaz Ahmed 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1995,37(5):627-638
This article considers the asymptotic estimation theory for the log relative potency in a symmetric parallel bioassay when uncertain prior information about the true log relative potency is assumed to be a known quantity. Three classes of point estimation, namely, the unrestricted estimator, the shrinkage restricted estimator and shrinkage preliminary test estimator are proposed. Their asymptotic mean squared errors are derived and compared. The relative dominance picture of the estimators is presented. Interestingly, proposed shrinkage preliminary test estimator dominates the unrestricted estimator in a range that is wider than that of the usual preliminary test estimator. Most importantly, the size of the preliminary test is much appropriate than the usual preliminary test estimator. 相似文献
A simple linear regression model is considered where the independent variable assumes only a finite number of values and the response variable is randomly right censored. However, the censoring distribution may depend on the covariate values. A class of noniterative estimators for the slope parameter, namely, the noniterative unrestricted estimator, noniterative restricted estimator and noniterative improved pretest estimator are proposed. The asymptotic bias and mean squared errors of the proposed estimators are derived and compared. The relative dominance picture of the estimators is investigated. A simulation study is also performed to asses the properties of the various estimators for small samples. 相似文献
G. Wimmer 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1980,22(2):131-139
The problem of the best linear unbiased estimation (BLUE) of random regression parameters is considered. It is proved that increasing informations about the mean value of the parameters both extend the class of estimable linear functionals and improve on the estimation. In all investigated cases the uniqueness of BLUE is proved. In the case of known mean values the BLUE is shown to be numerically equivalent with the MMSEE almost everywhere. A numerical example shows the improvements of BLUE due to increasing informations about the mean values of the parameters. 相似文献
A generalized negative binomial (GNB) distribution was introduced by JAIN and CONSUL (1971) and was modified by NELSON (1975). The probability function of the distribution is defined by the function p(x; m, β, θ)= θx (1 - θ)m+βx—x for x=0, 1, …, and zero otherwise, where m>0, 0<θ<1 and β=0 or 1≦β<θ?1. The Bayes estimators for a number of parametric functions of θ when m and β are known are derived. The prior information on θ may be given by a beta distribution, B(a, b), to which no subjective significance is attached. It has been illustrated that the parameters in the prior distribution can be assigned by a computer. Comparisons are made of the Bayes estimate of P(X=k) to the corresponding ML estimate and the MVU estimate for any given sample to the order n?1 for different values of k.. 相似文献
Dinesh S. Bhoj Mohammad Ahsanullah 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1993,35(7):791-799
Consider the two linear regression models of Yij on Xij, namely Yij = βio + βil Xij + εij,j = 1,2,…,ni, i = 1,2, where εij are assumed to be normally distributed with zero mean and common unknown variance σ2. The estimated value of a mean of Y1 for a given value of X1 is made to depend on a preliminary test of significance of the hypothesis β11 = β21. The bias and the mean square error of the estimator for the conditional mean of Y1 are given. The relative efficiency of the estimator to the usual estimator is computed and is used to determine a proper choice of the significance level of the preliminary test. 相似文献
The paper deals with the quadratic invariant estimators of the linear functions of variance components in mixed linear model. The estimator with locally minimal mean square error with respect to a parameter ? is derived. Under the condition of normality of the vector Y the theoretical values of MSE of several types of estimators are compared in two different mixed models; under a different types of distributions a simulation study is carried out for the behaviour of derived estimators. 相似文献
Using two-phase sampling mechanism, two alternative estimators in the presence of the available knowledge on second auxiliary variable z are considered, when the population mean of the main auxiliary variable × is unknown. The suggested estimators are found to be more eficient than the ratio-type and regression-type estimators suggested by KIREGYERA (1980, 1984). 相似文献
Dinesh S. Bhoj Mohammad Ahsanullah 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1994,36(2):153-163
Consider the two linear regression models of Yij on Xij, namely Yij = βio + βij, Xij + Eij = 1, 2,…, ni, i = 1, 2, where Eij are assumed to be normally distributed with zero mean and common unknown variance σ2. The problem of estimating the conditional mean of Y1 for a given value of X1 is considered when it is a priori suspected that β10 = β20 and β11 = β21. The preliminary test estimator is proposed. The exact expressions for the bias and the mean square error of the estimator are derived. The relative efficiency of the new estimator to the usual least square estimator based on the first regression alone is computed and is used to determine the appropriate value of the significance level of the preliminary test β10 = β20 and β11 = β21. 相似文献
J. Subramani 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1993,35(4):465-470
In this paper an attempt has been made to obtain explicit expressions for the estimators of the several missing values in hyper-graeco-latin square designs. Further it has been shown that the estimates of the missing values in latin square designs and graeco-latin square designs are obtained as a particular case of the estimates of the missing values in hyper-graeco-latin square designs. 相似文献
Matched case-control studies often include pairs with incomplete exposure information. This work presents and compares two estimators for the odds ratio that can be used when the exposures of some of the cases and controls are missing. A simulation study shows that the estimator that uses the marginal exposure frequencies is usually more efficient than the estimator based on discordant pairs. 相似文献