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There is a recent surge of evidence supporting disruptive coloration, in which patterns break up the animal's outline through false edges or boundaries, increasing survival in animals by reducing predator detection and/or preventing recognition. Although research has demonstrated that false edges are successful for reducing predation of prey, research into the role of internal false boundaries (i.e. stripes and bands) in reducing predation remains warranted. Many animals have stripes and bands that may function disruptively. Here, we test the possible disruptive function of wing band patterning in a butterfly, Anartia fatima, using artificial paper and plasticine models in Panama. We manipulated the band so that one model type had the band shifted to the wing margin (nondisruptive treatment) and another model had a discontinuous band located on the wing margin (discontinuous edge treatment). We kept the natural wing pattern to represent the false boundary treatment. Across all treatment groups, we standardized the area of colour and used avian visual models to confirm a match between manipulated and natural wing colours. False boundary models had higher survival than either the discontinuous edge model or the nondisruptive model. There was no survival difference between the discontinuous edge model and the nondisruptive model. Our results demonstrate the importance of wing bands in reducing predation on butterflies and show that markings set in from the wing margin can reduce predation more effectively than marginal bands and discontinuous marginal patterns. This study demonstrates an adaptive benefit of having stripes and bands.  相似文献   

Butterflies have distinctively large wings relative to body size, but the functional and fitness consequences of wing size for butterflies are largely unknown. I use natural and experimentally generated variation in wing surface area to examine how decreased wing size affects flight and survival in a population of the western white butterfly, Pontia occidentalis. In the laboratory, experimental reductions in wing area (reduced-wings manipulation) significantly increased wingbeat frequencies of hovering butterflies, whereas a control manipulation had no detectable effects. In contrast, behavioral observations and mark-release-recapture (MRR) studies in the field detected no significant differences in flight activity, initial dispersal rates, or recapture probabilities among treatment groups. Estimated selection coefficients indicated that natural variation in wing size, body mass, and wing loading in the population were not significantly correlated with survival in the two MRR studies. In two mark-recapture studies with manipulated butterflies, survival probabilities were not significantly different for reduced-wings individuals compared with control or unmanipulated individuals. In summary, experimental reductions in wing area significantly altered aspects of flight in the laboratory, but did not detectably alter flight or survival in the field for this population. The large wing size typical of butterflies may reduce the functional and survival consequences of wing size variation within populations.  相似文献   

The cues used by ♂♂ and ♀♀ of the checkered white butterfly, Pieris protodice, were explored using an assay that involved timing the responses of free-flying butterflies to tethered animals (“angling”). The models included ones that were made from the wings of ♂♂ and ♀♀ that had been extracted in a dilute ammonia solution. This procedure removes an ultraviolet-absorbing pigment from the wings and renders them more ultraviolet reflectant than normal without altering any other aspect of their coloration. The results show that both sexes make sexual discriminations using the sexual dimorphism in ultraviolet reflectance found in this species rather than using differences in the melanic markings on the wings, movement patterns, or chemical signals.  相似文献   

1. This article reports the responses of wild, adult jacamars to butterflies with distinct coloration types in central Brazil. Fully aposematic species, i.e. those exhibiting bright and/or contrasting colours on both wing surfaces (= A/A), were predominantly sight‐rejected by birds and, with one exception, the few butterflies attacked and captured were taste‐rejected afterwards. 2. Aposematic and cryptic butterflies, i.e. those exhibiting bright and/or contrasting colours on the upper and cryptic colours on the underwings (= A/C) were sight‐rejected while flying, when they show their conspicuous colours to predators. This suggests that birds associate butterfly colours with their difficulty of capture, as in the case of Morpho and several Coliadinae species. These butterflies, however, were heavily attacked at rest, when they are cryptic. 3, Fully cryptic butterflies, i.e. those exhibiting cryptic colours on both wing surfaces (= C/C) did not elicit sight rejections by birds. Comparisons involving the number of attacks and the capture success of flying and resting individuals showed no significant differences in species more frequently observed like some cracker butterflies (Hamadryas feronia and H. februa) and Taygetis laches. Compared with the A/C Coliadinae, these butterflies showed a lesser, although not significantly different, ability to escape while flying, but a greater and significantly different ability to escape while at rest. 4, A hunting tactic of jacamars, which consists of following flying A/C and C/C butterflies on sight, and waiting until they perch to locate and attack them, is described for the first time.  相似文献   

Abstract Reflection of ultraviolet (UV) light by the wings of the female Eurasian cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae, shows a large geographic variation. The wings of the female of the European subspecies, P. rapae rapae, reflect little UV light, while butterflies of the Asian subspecies, P. rapae crucivora, may reflect it strongly or at only intermediate levels. The geographic region where P. rapae originated remains to be determined. Moreover, it is not clear if females with wings that reflect little UV light are ancestral to females with wings that reflect UV strongly or vice versa. In the present study, we aimed to determine the geographic origin and ancestral UV pattern of cabbage butterflies through mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence analysis and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis. The results of these investigations suggest that P. rapae is of European origin and that it has expanded its distribution eastward to Asia. It follows that the ancestral subspecies is the type with UV‐absorbing wings. Lower nucleotide diversities and haplotype network patterns of mtDNA derived from East Asian populations suggest that population expansion from Europe to East Asia probably occurred fairly recently and at a rapid rate.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the effects of two methods of non‐lethal tissue sampling on post‐release flight behaviour (short‐term response) and survival (long‐term response) of two butterflies, Pieris rapae and Coenonympha tullia, within the same natural habitat. We applied three treatments: control (no tissue removal), wing clipping, and leg removal. Our study is the first to directly compare the effects of these common sampling methods. 2. We monitored the flight behaviour of the butterflies by following individuals immediately after their release. In 99 behaviour trials of P. rapae and 101 of C. tullia we found no significant differences in proportion of time spent flying or displacement per unit time among treatment groups in either species. 3. We used standard mark–recapture techniques continuously throughout the flight season to compare the survival of individuals. We marked a total of 687 P. rapae and 490 C. tullia butterflies. We found no significant differences in survival among treatments in either species. 4. We detected differences between the sexes in survival in P. rapae and flight behaviour in C. tullia. In addition to indicating differences in ecology between the sexes, these results also suggest that our analyses were sufficiently powerful to detect a significant effect of tissue removal had such an effect existed. 5. Our work is an important addition to the accumulating evidence that these methods of non‐lethal tissue sampling are generally not detrimental. These sampling techniques closely mimic conditions in the wild, as wing wear and leg losses occur naturally.  相似文献   

The selective advantage of Müllerian mimicry in nature was investigated by releasing live mimetic and nonmimetic butterflies close to wild, aerial‐hunting tropical kingbirds (Tyrannus melancholicus) and cliff‐flycatchers (Hirundinea ferruginea) in three Amazon habitats (rain forest, a city, and “canga” vegetation). Only mimetic butterflies elicited sight‐rejections by birds, but protection conferred by mimicry was restricted to sites in which both predators and mimics co‐occurred, as in the case of six mimicry rings at a forest site and two at a city site. Most other Müllerian mimics released at city and canga vegetation were heavily attacked and consumed by birds. These results appear to reflect the birds’previous experiences with resident butterfly faunas and illustrate how birds’discriminatory behavior varied among habitats that differed in butterfly species and mimicry ring composition.  相似文献   

Butterflies are regularly used as model systems for understanding the role of coloration in communication because of their highly variable and conspicuous phenotypes. Most research showing a role for color in communication has focused on aspects of brightness or hue of entire wings or large color patches. However, evidence is accumulating that butterflies sometimes use smaller wing pattern elements in communication. Here we provide evidence that both male and female cabbage white butterflies (Pieris rapae L.) discriminate among conspecifics on the basis of the number of small but conspicuous black wing spots of the dorsal forewing. Male butterflies were more interactive with model butterflies with two spots, which resemble female butterflies, than with model butterflies with only one spot, which resemble male butterflies. Female butterflies showed the opposite response, being more interactive with male-like (one-spot) models than with female-like (two-spot) models. Some of our experiments were conducted with an electronic device designed to create a realistic and controlled fluttering behavior of the models. We describe the design and function of this device and provide evidence that it increased butterfly responses compared to a non-fluttering model. This device could prove useful for others addressing questions of communication in butterflies or other flying insects.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature concerning the ovipositional behaviour of Pieris rapae (small cabbage white butterfly) and where appropriate considers results from studies involving other butterflies. The paper considers searching behaviour, stimuli utilised in host plant finding and identification and concludes with a general section on the role of learning and prior experience in ovipositional behaviour.  相似文献   

Butterfly nectaring flowers: butterfly morphology and flower form   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The profitability of butterfly foraging depends in part on the corolla depth and clustering of flowers, and the tongue length, body mass and wing loading of butterflies. Interactions among these attributes of flowers and butterflies were investigated, using data from a field study in Cornwall and from Porter et al. (1992). The maximum corolla depth from which a butterfly can feed depends on tongue length, which correlates with the more easily measured attributes of body mass and wing loading. Small, short-tongued butterflies did not visit deep flowers. The quantity of nectar sugar per flower necessary for profitable foraging depends on foraging costs, which are expected to correlate with wing loading. Butterfly species with a high wing loading generally confined their visits to flowers that were clustered or very nectar-rich. Butterfly species with a low wing loading included solitary and less nectar-rich flowers in their diet. Body mass and wing loading affect a butterfly's load-carrying capacity (limiting the distance between fuelling stops) and cooling rate (limiting the distance between stops for basking or endothermic warming), and will therefore influence the capacity for floral selectivity and for migration and dispersal. Body mass, wing loading and tongue length characterised families or subfamilies of butterflies. For example vanessine nymphalids, with their long tongues and high wing loading, visited the deep, massed flowers of Buddleja davidii, but lycaenids, with their short tongues and low wing loading, did not. These often visited members of the Asteraceae. Eupatorium cannabinum, with massed flowers offering abundant and accessible nectar, was visited by butterflies of all tongue lengths and both high and low wing loading. These findings may help to inform habitat management for butterfly nectaring flowers.  相似文献   

Urban areas are increasing globally, providing opportunities for biodiversity researchers to study the process in which species become established in novel, highly disturbed habitats. This ecological process can be understood through analyses of morphological and genetic variation, which can shed light on patterns of neutral and adaptive evolution. Previous studies have shown that urban populations often diverge genetically from non-urban source populations. This could occur due to neutral genetic drift, but an alternative is that selection could lead to allele frequency changes in urban populations. The development of genome scan methods provides an opportunity to investigate these outcomes from samples of genetic variation taken along an urbanization gradient. Here we examine morphological variation in wing size and diversity at neutral amplified fragment length polymorphisms in the butterfly Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) sampled from the center to the periphery of Marseille. We utilize established and novel environmental correlation approaches to scan genetic variation for evidence of selection. We find significant morphological differences in urban populations, as well as weak genetic structure and decreased genetic diversity in urban versus non-urban sites. However, environmental correlation tests provide little support for selection in our dataset. Our comparison of different methods and allele frequency clines suggests that loci identified as significant are false positives. Although there is some indication that selection may be acting on wing size in urban butterflies, genetic analyses suggest P. rapae are undergoing neutral drift.  相似文献   

We compared variation in butterfly communities across 3 years at six different habitats in a temperate ecosystem near Boulder, Colorado, USA. These habitats were classified by the local Open Space consortium as Grasslands, Tallgrass, Foothills Grasslands, Foothills Riparian, Plains Riparian, and Montane Woodland. Rainfall and temperature varied considerably during these years. We surveyed butterflies using the Pollard‐Yates method of invertebrate sampling and compared abundance, species richness, and diversity across habitats and years. Communities were most influenced by habitat, with all three quantitative measures varying significantly across habitats but only two measures showing variation across years. Among habitats, butterfly abundance was higher in Plains Riparian sites than in Montane Woodland or Grassland sites, though diversity was lowest in Plains Riparian areas. Butterfly species richness was higher in Foothills Riparian sites than it was in all but one other habitat (Tallgrass). Among years, butterfly abundance and species richness were lower during the year of least rainfall and highest temperatures, suggesting a substantial impact of the hot, dry conditions. Across habitats and years, butterfly abundance was consistently high at Plains Riparian and Foothills Riparian sites, and richness and diversity were consistently high in Foothills Riparian areas. These two habitats may be highly suitable for butterflies in this ecosystem, regardless of weather conditions. Generally low abundance and species richness in Montane Woodlands sites, particularly in 2002, suggested low suitability of the habitat to butterflies in this ecosystem, and this may be especially important during drought‐like conditions. Finally, to examine the effect that the presence of the very abundant non‐native species Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) has on these communities, we re‐analyzed the data in the absence of this species. Excluding P. rapae dramatically reduced variation of both butterfly abundance and diversity across habitats, highlighting the importance of considering community membership in analyses like ours.  相似文献   

Batesian and Müllerian mimicry relationships differ greatly in terms of selective pressures affecting the participants; hence, accurately characterizing a mimetic interaction is a crucial prerequisite to understanding the selective milieux of model, mimic, and predator. Florida viceroy butterflies (Limenitis archippus floridensis) are conventionally characterized as palatable Batesian mimics of distasteful Florida queens (Danaus gilippus berenice). However, recent experiments indicate that both butterflies are moderately distasteful, suggesting they may be Müllerian comimics. To directly test whether the butterflies exemplify Müllerian mimicry, I performed two reciprocal experiments using red-winged blackbird predators. In Experiment 1, each of eight birds was exposed to a series of eight queens as “models,” then offered four choice trials involving a viceroy (the putative “mimic”) versus a novel alternative butterfly. If mimicry was effective, viceroys should be attacked less than alternatives. I also compared the birds' reactions to solo viceroy “mimics” offered before and after queen models, hypothesizing that attack rate on the viceroy would decrease after birds had been exposed to queen models. In Experiment 2, 12 birds were tested with viceroys as models and queens as putative mimics. The experiments revealed that (1) viceroys and queens offered as models were both moderately unpalatable (only 16% entirely eaten), (2) some birds apparently developed conditioned aversions to viceroy or queen models after only eight exposures, (3) in the subsequent choice trials, viceroy and queen “mimics” were attacked significantly less than alternatives, and (4) solo postmodel mimics were attacked significantly less than solo premodel mimics. Therefore, under these experimental conditions, sampled Florida viceroys and queens are comimics and exemplify Müllerian, not Batesian, mimicry. This compels a reassessment of selective forces affecting the butterflies and their predators, and sets the stage for a broader empirical investigation of the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of mimicry.  相似文献   

Temperature-induced variation and norms of reaction have been analyzed for wing pattern elements of six species belonging to the African butterfly genus Bicyclus (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Five of these species are sympatric in Malawi and exhibit seasonal polyphenism in the savannah-rainforest ecotone. The sixth species originated from Cameroonian equatorial rainforest. The organisms were laboratory reared under four different temperature conditions ranging from 17–28°C. The variation in response to temperature is described by principal component analysis (PCA). Discrimination on the basis of plastic wing pattern characters was performed by discriminant function analysis (DFA) and unweighed pair-group method algorithm (UPGMA) clustering. A phylogenetic reconstruction based on adaptive plastic wing characters was compared with a cladogram built on “nonadaptive” characters. Results demonstrate that: (1) Phenotypic plasticity of wing pattern characters in response to temperature in laboratory-reared organisms is reminiscent of variation induced by seasonal change in the field. (2) Different wing pattern characters are under different control: “exposed” characters of butterflies at rest position are highly sensitive to temperature variation, whereas “hidden” characters, only visible during active behavior, are dominated by species differences. In general the sensitivity of the former can be attributed to their proposed function in deflecting predators. (3) The sexes differ especially in the size of those eyespots that are displayed during active behavior. (4) Species from seasonal and aseasonal environments react in a broadly similar manner to temperature variation. However, savannah species and species of aseasonal rainforest exhibit relatively shallow reaction norms, whereas reaction norms are steeper in species from the savannah-rainforest ecotone. Such a strong response was also apparent in so-called correlation networks between principal components for these species. (5) Phylogenetic distances are to some extent reflected in ordination in both PCA-space and DFA-space: closely related species of the safitza group remain close in both ordinations. The more distantly related species differ in ordination from a pattern as suggested by a phylogenetic reconstruction. It is argued that the wing pattern variation of these species reflects both adaptive processes and historical relationships.  相似文献   

Some eyespots are thought to deflect attack away from the vulnerable body, yet there is limited empirical evidence for this function and its adaptive advantage. Here, we demonstrate the conspicuous ventral hindwing eyespots found on Bicyclus anynana butterflies protect against invertebrate predators, specifically praying mantids. Wet season (WS) butterflies with larger, brighter eyespots were easier for mantids to detect, but more difficult to capture compared to dry season (DS) butterflies with small, dull eyespots. Mantids attacked the wing eyespots of WS butterflies more frequently resulting in greater butterfly survival and reproductive success. With a reciprocal eyespot transplant, we demonstrated the fitness benefits of eyespots were independent of butterfly behaviour. Regardless of whether the butterfly was WS or DS, large marginal eyespots pasted on the hindwings increased butterfly survival and successful oviposition during predation encounters. In previous studies, DS B. anynana experienced delayed detection by vertebrate predators, but both forms suffered low survival once detected. Our results suggest predator abundance, identity and phenology may all be important selective forces for B. anynana. Thus, reciprocal selection between invertebrate and vertebrate predators across seasons may contribute to the evolution of the B. anynana polyphenism.  相似文献   

C. S. Guppy 《Oecologia》1986,70(2):205-213
Summary The adaptive significance of alpine melanism, the tendancy for insects to become darker with increased elevation and latitude, was investigated using the butterfly Parnassius phoebus. The effects on temperature dependent activity of five components of overall wing melanism, as well as size, were examined. The components of wing melanism examined were the transparency of the basal hindwing and distal fore-wing areas, the width of the black patch in the basal hind-wing area and the proportion of black to white scales in that area, and the proportion of the distal fore-wing covered by predominantly black scaling.The body temperature of dead specimens was correlated with air temperature, solar radiation, the width of the black patch at the base of the wings, and the proportion of black to white scales at the base of the wings. The minimum air temperatures and solar radiation levels required for initiation of flight did not vary with wing melanism of P. phoebus, in contrast to the results found for Colias butterflies by Roland (1982). However, under environmental conditions suitable for flight initiation, males with a higher proportion of black to white scales in the basal area of the hind-wing, and wider basal black patches, spent a greater proportion of time in flight at low air temperatures and low insolation. Increased basal wing melanism was also associated with increased movement of males within a population. In contrast, melanism in the distal area of the wings has no effect on activities which are dependant on body temperature. The amount of time spent feeding did not vary with differences in wing melanism. I suggest that in dorsal basking, slow-flying butterflies (Parnassius) basal wing color affects body temperature primarily during flight (rather than while basking), such that butterflies with darker wing bases cool down less rapidly because they absorb more solar radiation during flight.  相似文献   

Preliminary observation of the flights of swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus revealed that its dihedral angle is larger than 30° and that the section of its left hind wing close to its body and the counterpart of its right hind wing actually clap and form a “vertical tail”. In this study, the effects of these two features on the lateral-directional dynamic flight stability of these butterflies were analyzed theoretically and revealed the following: (a) when the dihedral angle is larger than 30°, the lateral-directional motion of the swallowtail becomes stable; (b) the vertical tail stabilizes the dutch roll mode; (c) the effects of the dihedral angle on the roll and spiral modes of a swallowtail are qualitatively the same as those of a meter-sized airplane; and (d) with increasing dihedral angle, the stability of the dutch roll mode decreases for a meter-sized airplane with vertical and horizontal tails but increases for the swallowtail. A possible explanation for the latter effect is the smaller Reynolds number of the insect that causes the drag coefficient of the swallowtail wings to increase more rapidly with an increasing angle of attack compared to a large airplane.  相似文献   

Encroachment by invasive plants is a leading threat to rare butterflies. Restoration plans increasingly recommend herbicides to control invasive plants within butterfly habitats. Few studies address the effects of these herbicides on at-risk butterflies. The effects of two graminicides (fluazifop-p-butyl and sethoxydim) and a surfactant (Preference®) were evaluated on Icaricia icarioides blackmorei and Pieris rapae. The effects on butterfly larvae were assessed by mimicking recommended timing and mixture rates of field applications. Differences in survival to adult eclosure, development time, biomass, sex ratio and adult morphology were assessed. Survival of P. rapae was reduced by 32% with sethoxydim and 21% with fluazifop-p-butyl. Wing size and pupal weights of P. rapae were reduced by herbicide treatments. Icaricia icarioides blackmorei experienced a 21% reduction in development time from the date of treatment to eclosure. These results highlight the importance of careful consideration in the use of herbicides in habitats harboring at-risk butterfly populations.  相似文献   

The ability to fly is crucial for migratory insects. Consequently, the accumulation of damage on the wings over time can affect survival, especially for species that travel long distances. We examined the frequency of irreversible wing damage in the migratory butterfly Vanessa cardui to explore the effect of wing structure on wing damage frequency, as well as the mechanisms that might mitigate wing damage. An exceptionally high migration rate driven by high precipitation levels in their larval habitats in the winter of 2018–2019 provided us with an excellent opportunity to collect data on the frequency of naturally occurring wing damage associated with long-distance flights. Digital images of 135 individuals of V. cardui were collected and analyzed in Germany. The results show that the hindwings experienced a greater frequency of damage than the forewings. Moreover, forewings experienced more severe damage on the lateral margin, whereas hindwings experienced more damage on the trailing margin. The frequency of wing margin damage was higher in the painted lady butterfly than in the migrating monarch butterfly and in the butterfly Pontia occidentalis following artificially induced wing collisions. The results of this study could be used in future comparative studies of patterns of wing damage in butterflies and other insects. Additional studies are needed to clarify whether the strategies for coping with wing damage differ between migratory and nonmigratory species.  相似文献   

Wing morphological variations are described here for the lycaenid butterfly Tongeia fischeri. A landmark‐based geometric morphometric approach based on wing venation of 197 male and 187 female butterflies collected in Japan was used to quantify wing size and shape variations between sexes and among populations. Sexual dimorphism in wing size and shape was detected. Females had significantly larger wings than males, while males showed a relatively elongated forewing with a longer apex and narrower wing tornus in comparison to females. Intraspecific variations in wing morphology among populations were revealed for the wing shape, but not wing size. Distinct wing shape differences were found in the vein intersections area around the distal part of the discal cell where median veins originated in the forewing and around the origin of the CU1 vein in the hindwing. In addition, phenotypic relationships inferred from wing shape variations grouped T. fischeri populations into three groups, reflecting the subspecies classification of the species. The spatial variability and phenotypic relationships between conspecific populations of T. fischeri detected here are generally in agreement with the previous molecular study based on mitochondrial and nuclear sequences, suggesting the presence of a phylogenetic signal in the wing shape of T. fischeri, and thus having taxonomic implications.  相似文献   

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