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Felsenstein distinguished two ways by which selection can directly strengthen isolation. First, a modifier that strengthens prezygotic isolation can be favored everywhere. This fits with the traditional view of reinforcement as an adaptation to reduce deleterious hybridization by strengthening assortative mating. Second, selection can favor association between different incompatibilities, despite recombination. We generalize this "two allele" model to follow associations among any number of incompatibilities, which may include both assortment and hybrid inviability. Our key argument is that this process, of coupling between incompatibilities, may be quite different from the usual view of reinforcement: strong isolation can evolve through the coupling of any kind of incompatibility, whether prezygotic or postzygotic. Single locus incompatibilities become coupled because associations between them increase the variance in compatibility, which in turn increases mean fitness if there is positive epistasis. Multiple incompatibilities, each maintained by epistasis, can become coupled in the same way. In contrast, a single-locus incompatibility can become coupled with loci that reduce the viability of haploid hybrids because this reduces harmful recombination. We obtain simple approximations for the limits of tight linkage, and strong assortment, and show how assortment alleles can invade through associations with other components of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

By demonstrating the evolution of significant premating isolation, previous laboratory experiments have provided some evidence for the founder-flush model of speciation. However, these experiments are subject to a number of criticisms, including the use of hybrid populations recently collected from the wild and the use of multiple bottlenecks. Here we present the results of a test of founder-flush speciation using a single, well-adapted laboratory stock of Drosophila melanogaster subjected to one founder-flush event. The experiment was replicated at larger scale than previous studies, and results indicate that none of 50 independent founder-flush lines evolved significant assortative mating relative to the control (base) population. This suggests a diminished emphasis on population bottlenecks in speciation of D. melanogaster and perhaps in general.  相似文献   

Endosymbiotic bacteria of the genus Wolbachia are widespread among insects and in many cases cause cytoplasmic incompatibility in crosses between infected males and uninfected females. Such findings have been used to argue that Wolbachia have played an important role in insect speciation. Theoretical models, however, indicate that Wolbachia alone are unlikely to lead to stable reproductive isolation between two formerly conspecific populations. Here we analyze the components of reproductive isolation between Drosophila recens, which is infected with Wolbachia, and its uninfected sister species Drosophila subquinaria. Laboratory pairings demonstrated that gene flow via matings between D. recens females and D. subquinaria males is hindered by behavioral isolation. Matings readily occurred in the reciprocal cross (D. quinaria females × D. recens males), but very few viable progeny were produced. The production of viable hybrids via this route was restored by antibiotic curing of D. recens of their Wolbachia symbionts, indicating that hybrid offspring production is greatly reduced by cytoplasmic incompatibility in the crosses involving infected D. recens males. Thus, behavioral isolation and Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility act as complementary asymmetrical isolating mechanisms between these two species. In accordance with Haldane's rule, hybrid females were fertile, whereas hybrid males invariably were sterile. Levels of mtDNA variation in D. recens are much lower than in either D. subquinaria or D. falleni, neither of which is infected with Wolbachia. The low haplotype diversity in D. recens is likely due to an mtDNA sweep associated with the spread of Wolbachia. Nevertheless, the existence of several mtDNA haplotypes in this species indicates that Wolbachia have been present as a potential isolating mechanism for a substantial period of evolutionary time. Finally, we argue that although Wolbachia by themselves are unlikely to bring about speciation, they can increase the rate of speciation in insects.  相似文献   

How variation and variability (the capacity to vary) may respond to selection remain open questions. Indeed, effects of different selection regimes on variational properties, such as canalization and developmental stability are under debate. We analyzed the patterns of among‐ and within‐individual variation in two wing‐shape characters in populations of Drosophila melanogaster maintained under fluctuating, disruptive, and stabilizing selection for more than 20 generations. Patterns of variation in wing size, which was not a direct target of selection, were also analyzed. Disruptive selection dramatically increased phenotypic variation in the two shape characters, but left phenotypic variation in wing size unaltered. Fluctuating and stabilizing selection consistently decreased phenotypic variation in all traits. In contrast, within‐individual variation, measured by the level of fluctuating asymmetry, increased for all traits under all selection regimes. These results suggest that canalization and developmental stability are evolvable and presumably controlled by different underlying genetic mechanisms, but the evolutionary responses are not consistent with an adaptive response to selection on variation. Selection also affected patterns of directional asymmetry, although inconsistently across traits and treatments.  相似文献   

Parallel evolution of similar phenotypes provides strong evidence for the operation of natural selection. Where these phenotypes contribute to reproductive isolation, they further support a role for divergent, habitat‐associated selection in speciation. However, the observation of pairs of divergent ecotypes currently occupying contrasting habitats in distinct geographical regions is not sufficient to infer parallel origins. Here we show striking parallel phenotypic divergence between populations of the rocky‐shore gastropod, Littorina saxatilis, occupying contrasting habitats exposed to either wave action or crab predation. This divergence is associated with barriers to gene exchange but, nevertheless, genetic variation is more strongly structured by geography than by ecotype. Using approximate Bayesian analysis of sequence data and amplified fragment length polymorphism markers, we show that the ecotypes are likely to have arisen in the face of continuous gene flow and that the demographic separation of ecotypes has occurred in parallel at both regional and local scales. Parameter estimates suggest a long delay between colonization of a locality and ecotype formation, perhaps because the postglacial spread of crab populations was slower than the spread of snails. Adaptive differentiation may not be fully genetically independent despite being demographically parallel. These results provide new insight into a major model of ecologically driven speciation.  相似文献   

狼洞穴空间格局及生境选择的分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
张洪海  李枫 《兽类学报》1999,19(2):101-117
内蒙古东部草原地区狼洞穴空间分布格局及其生境选择的聚类分析结果表明,影响狼洞穴分布的主要因子为人类活动干扰和水源距离,其次为隐蔽条件、坡位和坡度,狼选择洞穴的最适生境为陡坡,洞口北向,隐蔽条件中等以上,距人为干扰大于1000m和距水源小于1000m的地方  相似文献   

Abstract The evolution of premating isolation after secondary contact is primarily considered in the guise of reinforcement, which relies on low hybrid fitness as the driving force for mating preference divergence. Here I consider two additional forces that may play a substantial role in the adaptive evolution of premating isolation, direct selection on preferences and indirect selection against postmating, prezygotic incompatibilities. First, I argue that a combination of ecological character displacement and sensory bias can cause direct selection on preferences that results in the pattern of reproductive character displacement. Both analytical and numerical methods are then used to demonstrate that, as expected from work in single populations, such direct selection will easily overwhelm indirect selection due to low hybrid fitness as the primary determinant of preference evolution. Second, postmating, prezygotic incompatibilities are presented as a driving force in the evolution of premating isolation. Two classes of these mechanisms, those increasing female mortality after mating but before producing offspring and those reducing female fertility, are shown to be identical in their effects on preference divergence. Analytical and numerical techniques are then used to demonstrate that postmating, prezygotic factors may place strong selection on preference divergence. These selective forces are shown to be comparable if not greater than those produced by the low fitness of hybrids.  相似文献   

紫貂春季和夏季生境选择的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张洪海  马建章 《动物学报》2000,46(4):399-406
1994~1996年,在大兴安岭满归林业局北岸林场的阿巴河流域原始林中,采用无线电跟踪技术和全球定位系统(GPS)对紫貂春季和夏季的生境选择进行了研究。结果表明:1)紫貂对盖度为6%~75%的林地选择性强,而对5%以下和76%以上地区选择性较弱;栖息地优势树种为兴安落叶松;(2)主要喜欢中、下坡位;(3)对小树密度、大树密度、乔木胸径(diameter of breast height,DBH)、  相似文献   

红腹角雉取食栖息地选择的研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
1993年11月-1994年10月,在以无线电遥测技术对贵州省仙人山地区红腹角rugopan temminckii的活动范围,栖息选择及食性研究的基础上,对其取食栖息地的选择作了探讨。红腹角雉遥测位点和粪便相对集中分布。表明对栖息一半存在明显的选择,对食物分布的样方分析表明其活动特点与食物密切相关。红腹角雉各季节我灌木与草本植物的沟谷带上段,春冬季主要取食草本及蕨类植物,活动范围较大小二对二得的物  相似文献   

Speciation can be driven by the evolution of many forms of reproductive isolation. Comparative study is a powerful approach for elucidating the relative importance of individual isolating barriers in the speciation process. A recent contribution by Scopece and colleagues provides comparative data for two groups of deceptive pollination orchids and aims to test hypotheses about which forms of isolation are most important in the two clades. The authors compare pollinator isolation and postmating isolation between the two orchid groups, and conclude that food-deceptive orchid species have less isolation by pollinator specificity than sexually deceptive species, and that postmating isolation is more important in the food-deceptive clade. Although we find this approach to be novel and potentially powerful, these conclusions are called into question by the methods used to define and select species and quantify pollinator isolation. Definition and selection of taxa were performed in a biased manner that undermines the ability to infer general patterns of speciation. Furthermore, pollinator isolation was calculated inconsistently for the two groups under study, effectively nullifying the comparison.  相似文献   

Natural selection can act against maladaptive hybridization between co‐occurring divergent populations leading to evolution of reproductive isolation among them. A critical unanswered question about this process that provides a basis for the theory of speciation by reinforcement, is whether natural selection can cause hybridization rates to evolve to zero. Here, we investigated this issue in two sibling mosquitoes species, Aedes mariae and Aedes zammitii, that show postmating reproductive isolation (F1 males sterile) and partial premating isolation (different height of mating swarms) that could be reinforced by natural selection against hybridization. In 1986, we created an artificial sympatric area between the two species and sampled about 20,000 individuals over the following 25 years. Between 1986 and 2011, the composition of mating swarms and the hybridization rate between the two species were investigated across time in the sympatric area. Our results showed that A. mariae and A. zammitii have not completed reproductive isolation since their first contact in the artificial sympatric area. We have discussed the relative role of factors such as time of contact, gene flow, strength of natural selection, and biological mechanisms causing prezygotic isolation to explain the observed results.  相似文献   

放牧对蝗虫栖境结构的改变及其对蝗虫栖境选择的影响   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
颜忠诚  陈永林 《生态学报》1998,18(3):278-282
放牧是草原植被利用的主要形式,牲畜的牧食极易改变蝗虫生存的栖境结构,本研究表明:在重牧区蝗虫发生的密度最高,而轻牧区蝗虫发生的密度最低,这说明,不同的牧压强度所形成的栖境对蝗虫栖境选择的适合度不一致。  相似文献   

A major goal of speciation research is to understand the processes involved in the earliest stages of the evolution of reproductive isolation (RI). One important challenge has been to identify systems where lineages have very recently diverged and opportunities for hybridization are present. We conducted a comprehensive examination of the components of RI across the life cycle of two subspecies of Clarkia xantiana, which diverged recently (ca. 65,000 bp). One subspecies is primarily outcrossing, but self‐compatible, whereas the other is primarily selfing. The subspecies co‐occur in a zone of sympatry but hybrids are rarely observed. Premating barriers resulted in nearly complete isolation in both subspecies with flowering time and pollinator preference (for the outcrosser over the selfer) as the strongest barriers. We found that the outcrosser had consistently more competitive pollen, facilitating hybridization in one direction, but no evidence for pollen–pistil interactions as an isolating barrier. Surprisingly, postzygotic isolation was detected at the stage of hybrid seed development, but in no subsequent life stages. This crossing barrier was asymmetric with crosses from the selfer to outcrosser most frequently failing. Collectively, the results provide evidence for rapid evolution of multiple premating and postzygotic barriers despite a very recent divergence time.  相似文献   

The nasuta subgroup of Drosophila consists of 12 known species classified within the immigrans group. D. nasuta and D. albomicans are two sibling species widely distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific tropics, which, although morphologically indistinguishable, have different meta-phase-chromosome configurations: chromosomes X and 3 are attached in D. albomicans, so that about 60% of its genes are sex-linked. Our experiments show that, at least in the laboratory, there is no sexual, mechanical, or gametic isolation between the two species. There is, however, hybrid “breakdown” expressed in three ways: 1) reduction in the number of F2 hybrids produced per culture; 2) reduction in the fertility of F2 (males) and F3 (males and females) hybrid progenies; and 3) abnormal sex ratios in the progenies of crosses between strains of certain localities. In experimental populations, the karyotypes of both species are still present in substantial frequencies after 20 generations, although the frequencies of the two karyotypes vary depending on the geographic origin of the strains. Our results support the hypothesis that, in allopatry, the evolution of postzygotic isolation precedes that of prezygotic isolation. The mtDNA is polymorphic in both D. nasuta and D. albomicans and fairly similar between them. Assuming typical rates of mtDNA evolution, the two species would have diverged from each other about 500,000 years ago, whereas the African and Indian populations of D. nasuta (considered to be different subspecies by some authors) might have diverged some 350,000 years ago.  相似文献   

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