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Just like you would not buy a car without key information such as service history, you would not "buy" a clinical trial report without key information such as concealment of allocation. Implementation of the updated CONSORT 2010 statement enables the reader to see exactly what was done in a trial, to whom and when. A fully "CONSORTed" trial report does not necessarily mean the trial is a good one, but at least the reader can make a judgement. Clear reporting is a pre-requisite for judgement of study quality. The CONSORT statement evolves as empirical research moves on. CONSORT 2010 is even clearer than before and includes some new items with a particular emphasis on selective reporting of outcomes. The challenge is for everyone to use it.  相似文献   

真菌发光途径(fungal bioluminescence pathway, FBP)是一种来源于真菌的生物发光代谢途径。其能够利用FBP途径基因簇表达的蛋白,以咖啡酸为底物,合成真菌荧光素,在真菌荧光素酶的催化下,生成不稳定高能小分子,之后分子能量衰减释放出波长约为520 nm的绿色荧光。在发光真菌中,真菌发光途径基因在进化上非常保守。与其他生物发光系统不同的是,真菌发光途径适合于真核生物,特别是植物中的工程化应用。目前,经过代谢路径优化的发光植物可以持续发出肉眼可见光,照亮周围环境。该发光系统在生物检测、生物传感器、发光园艺植物培育和绿色照明等领域具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

诱导多能干细胞(Induced pluripotent stem cells,i PSCs)是利用特定的转录因子诱导体细胞获得的,像胚胎干细胞一样,可以进行无限的自我更新,并具有分化成三个胚层的能力。iPSC有可能提供无限的自体细胞治疗,目前研究已经证实,不同种类疾病的患者提供的成体细胞诱导后可产生种类繁多的iPSC,这项技术给目前无有效治疗手段的多类疾病带来了治疗的希望,并有可能避免利用胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ESCs)治疗面临的伦理问题和免疫排斥反应。本文回顾iPSC技术优化过程,着重关注应用i PSC建立细胞模型、进行细胞治疗的进展,并探讨iPSC在基础研究及临床应用中遇到的挑战。  相似文献   

Ericoid mycorrhiza occur only within the plant family Ericaceae, yet are globally widespread and contribute to carbon and nutrient cycling in many habitats where harsh conditions limit decomposition and plant nutrient uptake. An increasingly diverse range of fungi are recognized as ericoid symbionts and patterns in the distribution of ericoid taxa are beginning to emerge across scales. However, the true diversity of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi remains unresolved due to limited sampling from some regions and challenges associated with delineating mycorrhizal taxa from the broader fungal community associated with ericoid plants. Interpreting patterns in the diversity and distributions of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi will ultimately require improved understanding of their functional ecology and functional diversity, which is currently limited to a few well studied species. Fortunately, many ericoid taxa are amenable to experimental manipulation and continued ericoid mycorrhizal research promises to improve general understanding of the ecology and evolution of mycorrhizal symbioses.  相似文献   

Siderophores in environmental research: roles and applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Siderophores are organic compounds with low molecular masses that are produced by microorganisms and plants growing under low iron conditions. The primary function of these compounds is to chelate the ferric iron [Fe(III)] from different terrestrial and aquatic habitats and thereby make it available for microbial and plant cells. Siderophores have received much attention in recent years because of their potential roles and applications in various areas of environmental research. Their significance in these applications is because siderophores have the ability to bind a variety of metals in addition to iron, and they have a wide range of chemical structures and specific properties. For instance, siderophores function as biocontrols, biosensors, and bioremediation and chelation agents, in addition to their important role in weathering soil minerals and enhancing plant growth. The aim of this literature review is to outline and discuss the important roles and functions of siderophores in different environmental habitats and emphasize the significant roles that these small organic molecules could play in applied environmental processes.  相似文献   

Challenges of primate embryonic stem cell research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Embryonic stem (ES) cells hold great promise for treating degenerative diseases, including diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, neural degeneration, and cardiomyopathies. This research is controversial to some because producing ES cells requires destroying embryos, which generally means human embryos. However, some of the surplus human embryos available from in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics may have a high rate of genetic errors and therefore would be unsuitable for ES cell research. Although gross chromosome errors can readily be detected in ES cells, other anomalies such as mitochondrial DNA defects may have gone unrecognized. An insurmountable problem is that there are no human ES cells derived from in vivo-produced embryos to provide normal comparative data. In contrast, some monkey ES cell lines have been produced using in vivo-generated, normal embryos obtained from fertile animals; these can represent a "gold standard" for primate ES cells. In this review, we argue a need for strong research programs using rhesus monkey ES cells, conducted in parallel with studies on human ES and adult stem cells, to derive the maximum information about the biology of normal stem cells and to produce technical protocols for their directed differentiation into safe and functional replacement cells, tissues, and organs. In contrast, ES cell research using only human cell lines is likely to be incomplete, which could hinder research progress, and delay or diminish the effective application of ES cell technology to the treatment of human diseases.  相似文献   

Photon counting imaging: applications in biomedical research   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
R A Wick 《BioTechniques》1989,7(3):262-269
Photon counting imaging, a technique capable of imaging at the single photon level, is finding applications in biological research and is providing unprecedented views of ultra-low light level phenomena. In combination with the optical microscope, this technique has provided a means of directly visualizing gene expression in single cells, imaging metabolites in tumor tissue and visualizing the chemiluminescence associated with oxidative metabolism in phagocytic cells. At the macroscopic level, it has greatly extended the sensitivity of detection in protein blots and has been applied as an image luminometer to assay microtiter plates. The technique holds great promise for use with fluorescence- and luminescence-based methods in many fields of research.  相似文献   

Nanopore sequencing is one of the most promising technologies being developed as a cheap and fast alternative to the conventional Sanger sequencing method. Protein or synthetic nanopores have been used to detect DNA or RNA molecules. Although none of the technologies to date has shown single-base resolution for de novo DNA sequencing, there have been several reports of alpha-hemolysin protein nanopores being used for basic DNA analyses, and various synthetic nanopores have been fabricated. This review will examine current nanopore sequencing technologies, including recent developments of new applications.  相似文献   

The article to which this erratum refers was published in J Cell Phys (2007) 212: 579–582. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Clinical applications of somatostatin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Because of its wide distribution in the organism, natural somatostatin (SRIF) demonstrates an ample spectrum of actions, involving mainly the central neuroendocrine system and the enteropancreatic area. In the former, this peptide may find its field of application in conditions characterized by excessive GH, TSH or ACTH secretion, depending on the central or peripheral cause of the inappropriate hormone control. The inhibitory effect of SRIF on gastrointestinal and pancreatic hormones may be useful in the management of tumors originating in this system and also in the treatment of inflammatory processes such as pancreatitis, in malignant diarrhea, and in gastrointestinal bleeding. A complex action of SRIF and its derivative on insulin release and glucose homeostasis may offer some advantages in the control of unstable diabetes. Dampening of organic functions in the upper digestive tract may also render SRIF and its analogues useful in the exploration of the gallbladder, gastric and pancreatic functions. The effect of such peptides on tissue growth and on the regulation of blood pressure are the subject of present investigations. Cytoprotection, an interesting aspect of SRIF application, is discussed elsewhere in this compendium. Finally, some comments on the possible use of SRIF as an additive to the conventional treatment of burns and sepsis close this review.  相似文献   

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