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Species-richness (recorded as number of species in 16 m2 quadrats), in more than 60 coastal sites developed over various substrata, exhibited a significant non-linear relationship with soil total phosphorus extracted from associated soil samples. Although the general form of this relationship is not incompatible with a resource competition model, the significant proportion of the total variance accounted for by the species-richness/phosphorus relationship suggests that a more detailed examination of phosphorus use at a community level will be profitable.  相似文献   

Basidiomycete communities were profiled using terminal RFLP (TRFLP) and amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) approaches at seven field sites under differing land use in northern-central New South Wales (NSW), Australia. TRFLP data indicated greater basidiomycete species richness at sites with natural vegetation. Sixty-seven basidiomycete ARDRA-types were detected. Various putatively ectomycorrhizal fungi were detected at all sites with native vegetation. Most ectomycorrhizal taxa had affinities to the genus Tomentella, while two Pisolithus taxa and putatively ectomycorrhizal Cantharellales taxa were also detected. Although soils under woodland or grassland communities supported a range of putatively saprotrophic taxa, only members of the Ceratobasidiales were detected in soils under agricultural land use. This study is the first investigation of fungal communities in soils of northern-central NSW, Australia.  相似文献   

Litter fall on two catchments, one with an almost continuous canopy of Eucalyptus spp., the other with a discontinuous eucalypt canopy was measured for 29 4-week periods. Annual litter accretion(2.5-3.7 t ha?1) was low by world standards, but similar to other Australian dry sclerophyll forests. Between 33 and 54% of the total litter fall occurred during summer, and only 6-13% in winter. Leaf was the major component of litter fall and usually contributed more than 50% of the total. Variability between the 4-weekly litter falls was high, but coefficients of variation for the total annual fall were low (<5%). Half-life of total litter fall in the continuous forest (2.14 y) was double that in the discontinuous forest (0.98 y), and may have been due to differences in air temperature and surface soil moisture. The pattern of litter fall on each catchment was related to hydro-meteorological variables including air temperature, solar radiation, rainfall and soil moisture content.  相似文献   

Increased use of anthropogenically fixed N and the release of N in combustion products have led to concerns about possible long-term impacts on terrestrial ecosystems. Previous studies demonstrating the potential of atmospheric N deposition to influence forest soil carbon have focused on decomposition processes with much less known about potential impacts on mycorrhiza-derived carbon. Glomalin is a unique glycoprotein produced by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi that has been implicated in the formation of soil aggregates and potentially a significant store of soil carbon. To determine the possible impact of experimental N deposition of such stores we examined the operationally defined glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) levels over two growing seasons in three forest types receiving background N deposition (control) or treated with 80 kg N ha−1 year−1 as NaNO3. Three sites of each of three forest types, sugar maple-basswood (SMBW), sugar maple-red oak (SMRO), and black oak-white oak (BOWO), in northern Lower Michigan were studied during the 2001 and 2002 growing seasons. GRSP were extracted from air-dried soils with citric acid and measured by the Bradford method. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences related to forest type and sample date in easily extractable Bradford reactive (EE-BRSP) and Bradford-reactive soil protein (BRSP), but failed to detect significant effects of experimental N amendment. EE-BRSP and BRSP varied in a pattern that was consistent with an AM fungal origin; a pattern that reflected the mycorrhizal types of the dominant over and understory plants of each forest ecosystem. SMBW forests dominated by AM plants had the highest levels of protein. BOWO forests with low AM plant cover had the lowest protein levels and SMRO forests were intermediate. Both Bradford-reactive fractions and their ratio varied seasonally, generally being highest in fall samples. Significant correlations observed between BRSP fractions, phosphorous, and soil organic matter were likely related to covariation of soil properties across forest types. While not statistically significant, response patterns of BRSP to N deposition were ecosystem-specific and reflected mycorrhizal types of dominant species. Abundance of these proteins reflected previously observed changes in SOC in the two forest types examined with abundant AM hosts. Specifically, nitrate addition led to BRSP decreases in SMBW and increases in SMRO forests. Changes in BRSP accounted for a small fraction of the changes in SOC; appearing to increase as a fraction of residual SOC consistent with the idea that GRSP are recalcitrant. BRSP remained unchanged at BOWO sites despite a significant increase in SOC at these sites. Our results point to the potential of proteins as contributors to differential, mycorrhizal type-specific responses to changes in soil carbon following N amendment.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Changes in the composition and abundance of 5 marsupial and 3 eutherian mammal species, and of their helminth communities pre- and post-perturbation by wildfire at Nadgee and Timbillica State Forests in southeastern coastal New South Wales during the period September 1977 to September 1985 are reported.
  • 2.2.Dasyurid marsupials (Antechinus stuartii, Antechinus swainsonii and Sminthopsis leucopus), peramelid marsupials (Perameles nasuta and Isoodon obesulus) and native eutherian rodents (Rattus fuscipes and Rattus lutreolus) occurred pre-fire. These species and the introduced house mouse (Mus musculus) occurred post-fire.
  • 3.3. All host taxa harboured a diverse helminth fauna dominated by nematodes. The helminth communities in A. stuartii, A. swainsonii, S. leucopus and R. lutreolus represented more than 70%, those in P. nasuta, R. fuscipes and M. musculus represented more than 50% and that in I. obesulus represented less than 40% of the total helminth faunas known to occur in these hosts throughout their geographic ranges in Australia.
  • 4.4. Adult nematodes of Capillaria sp. 11 and Tetrabothriostrongylus mackerrasae occurred in all host groups, those of Peramelistrongylus skedastos occurred in both marsupial groups but not in rodents, larval stages of the ascaridoid nematode Ophidascaris robertsi occurred in all host groups and physalopterid nematode larvae believed to be Abbreviata spp. occurred in dasyurid marsupials and in rodents but not in peramelid marsupials.
  • 5.5. Four helminth communities were recognised: one in the dasyurid marsupials, a second in the peramelid marsupials, a third in the native rodents and a fourth in the introduced house mouse.
  • 6.6. Differences in the helminth communities in host taxa pre- and post-wildfire were associated with the ecological strategies of the hosts and their roles as opportunistic invaders (M. musculus), fire-enhanced species (S. leucopus) or slow recolonisers (P. nasuta) post-perturbation by wildfire.

Question: What is the nature of the relationships between cover, diversity and abundance of biological soil crusts, cover and diversity of vascular plants, and annual rainfall, soil texture and forestry practices in Callitris glaucophylla woodlands? Location: Arid and semi‐arid Callitris glaucophylla‐domi‐nated woodlands of eastern Australia. Methods: We documented soil crust‐forming mosses, lichens and liverworts at 83 woodland sites along a gradient of declining rainfall. Linear and non‐linear regression were used to examine relationships between soil crust species and attributes of vascular plant communities, and a similarity matrix (species abundance X sites) was subjected to Non‐metric Multi‐Dimensional Scaling (MDS), and Analysis of Similarities (ANOSIM) to show the degree of association between groups of taxa, and soil texture, rainfall classes and forestry practices. Results : We collected 86 taxa. Mosses were dominated by the family Pottiaceae, and lichens were dominated by squamulose forms. Average annual rainfall was highly correlated with soil crust community composition, and loamy soils supported a greater cover and diversity of taxa compared with sandy soils. Increases in tree cover were associated with significant, though weak, increases in abundance, but not diversity, of crusts. Crusts tended to be more diverse in areas that (1) had a sparse cover of ground‐storey plants; (2) were relatively stable ‐ as indicated by the proportion of perennial and/or native plants; (3) had more stable soil surfaces; and (4) were unlogged. Litter cover, overstorey thinning, and livestock grazing had no appreciable effect on crust diversity or cover. Conclusions : Callitris glaucophylla woodlands provide substantial habitat for soil crust organisms, and the dense tree cover and closed canopies of Callitris do not appear to have a major influence on the structure of biological crust communities. Unlike other woodland systems, relatively few patches would be required to reserve a high diversity of crust species.  相似文献   

Amino acid mineralization and its fate in soil have effects on soil nitrogen cycling. Here we used 15N-labeled alanine and methionine to study differences in their mineralization from soil organic nitrogen under 60% WHC (water holding capacity) and 90% WHC soil conditions. We found that the maximum mineralization rates were at the 24th hours for alanine and at the 5th hours for methionine, and about two times greater rates at 60% WHC than at 90% WHC. The half-live was 24–72 h for alanine and > 72 h for methionine. Half-lives of amino acids occurred sooner under 90% WHC than under 60% WHC. The results suggested that some kind of amino acids do lead the nitrogen cycling in a specific ecosystem or as a sign to trigger soil nitrogen cycling when land utilization was altered or disturbed severely by humans.  相似文献   

Moderately-preserved Silurian radiolarians have been recovered from the Jenolan Caves region, eastern NSW, Australia. Radiolarians were first reported from this area in the late 19th Century by T.W. Edgeworth David, but were not described in detail, neither were they illustrated. Nearly 120 years later, the first images of these fossils are presented. The radiolarians reported include: ?Futobari cf. solidus Furutani, ?Zadrappolus sp., Haplentactiniid gen. and sp. indet, Borisella sp., ?Palaeoephippium sp., ?Insolitignum vivanima MacDonald and ?Helenifore speciosus (Furutani). The fauna is similar to others described from Upper Silurian strata in Japan.  相似文献   

Summary Study of the mineralization of biuret N under aerobic and anaerobic conditions in a sandy loam showed that higher amounts of mineral N accumulated under anaerobic incubation than under aerobic conditions. Under waterlogged incubation, 46.8% of the 100 ppm biuret N was mineralized while under aerobic conditions only 18.3% of biuret-N was converted into mineral N during 5 weeks at 30°C. The results of the study bring out slow-release nature of biuret-N.  相似文献   

康希睿  张涵丹  王小明  陈光才 《生态学报》2020,40(19):6958-6968
森林群落在净化空气、截留沉降污染物、改善地表水质等方面具有重要作用。本研究以北亚热带地区3种典型森林群落(毛竹林、杉木林、青冈阔叶林)为研究对象,通过分析沉降污染物(NH4+-N、NO3--N、NO2--N、TP和SO42-)在大气降水、林内穿透雨、树干茎流、枯透水和地表径流中的浓度和通量变化特征,探讨不同森林群落对氮、磷、硫的截留净化作用和分配特征。结果表明,该区域大气降水中NH4+-N、NO3--N、NO2--N、TP和SO42-年均浓度分别为1.06、0.61、0.04、0.07、1.84 mg/L,其年均pH为5.88;各森林群落林冠层能够调升降雨的pH且全年稳定,对TP和NH4+-N均有吸附作用,截留率分别为79.09%-84.68%和30.88%-69.36%;而枯落物层则是林下氮、磷、硫的主要释放源,对NH4+-N、NO3--N、TP和SO42-均具有淋溶作用;此外,由地表径流(输出)与大气降水(输入)的对比分析可知,各林地对沉降污染物中氮、磷、硫的截留率均超过98%;3种森林群落对沉降污染物中氮、磷、硫的截留能力依次为:青冈阔叶林 > 毛竹林 > 杉木林,阔叶林对沉降污染物的净化能力要高于毛竹林及针叶的杉木林。  相似文献   

New prosauropod material from a cave filling of Upper Triassic/Lower Jurassic age in Pant-y-ffynnon Quarry, South Wales, is described. The Panl-y-ffynnon fauna also includes thecodont, coelurosaur, crocodile and lepidosaur material.
Most of the prosauropod skeleton is represented. An almost complete but disarticulated skull is preserved. The skull and whole skeleton of the prosauropod are reconstructed. Evidence from the size and relative proportions of the bones, also the state of ossification, indicates that the prosauropod remains represent juveniles.
The level of the jaw articulation combined with the form of the teeth would suggest that the Pant-y-ffynnon prosauropod was omnivorous.
The Pant-y-ffynnon prosauropod resembles closely the much less complete Durdham Down (Bristol) remains of Thecodonlosaurus antiquus Morris; the Welsh material could well be juveniles of that species. Here the Pant-y-ffynnon material is ascribed to Thecodonlosaurus sp.
The mode of deposition of the fossil material is discussed, to account for the deposit containing only juveniles of the prosauropod.  相似文献   

Seven years after fertilization the rate of CO2 production in the soil samples taken from the organic horizons of a poor pine forest site (Calluna vulgaris site type), treated with urea or ammonium nitrate with lime, was lower than that in the unfertilized soil. The same trend was also observed in samples of theEmpetrum-Calluna site type 14 years after fertilization. In the more fertileVaccinium myrtillus site type these rapidly-soluble N fertilizers had a long-term enhancing effect on the production of CO2. Apatite and biotite eliminated the decreasing effect of urea on the production of CO2. One reason for this might be the long-term increase in soil pH caused by apatite and biotite, or their constituents (Ca, Mg, K, P). Nitroform (a slow-releasing N fertilizer) had no statistically significant effect on the production of CO2 in soil samples from any of the forest types. Despite the high N mineralization in the samples from nitroform fertilized soils there was no nitrification, and the high content of total N indicated that after nitroform fertilization the losses of N were low.The correlation between the net mineralization values for C (CO2 production) and N was poor. However, multiple linear regression analysis, which also took into account the effect of nutrients and pH, indicated that there was a link between the mineralization of C and N.  相似文献   

The effects of slow (apatite, biotite) and fast-release nutrients (P, K, Mg) on C and N mineralization in acid forest soil were studied. These nutrients were applied alone or together with urea or urea and limestone. The production of CO2 in the soil samples taken one and three growing seasons after the application was lower in the soils treated with the fast-release nutrients than in the untreated soils. Similar reduction of microbial activity was not seen after the apatite and apatite+biotite treatments. In the first growing season, urea and urea+limestone enhanced CO2 production, but after three growing seasons, the opposite was true. Apatite and apatite+biotite added together with urea did not compensate for the decreasing effect of urea on the CO2 production. The addition of fast-release salts increased somewhat the concentration of NH inf4 sup+ in the soil and more NH4 + accumulated during laboratory incubation in the soil samples taken one growing season after the application. The urea addition immediately increased the concentrations of NH4 + and of NO3 in the soil, but, three growing seasons after application, urea had only a slight increasing effect on mineral N content of the soil. Slow-release nutrients seem to have a more favourable effect than fast-release salts on nutrient turnover in acid forest soil.  相似文献   

Summary The urease activity of soil profiles under swards of improved pasture, from five great soil groups from northern New South Wales, was determined by the modified Hoffmann-Teicher method. Arbitrary sampling depths generally coincided with well differentiated horizon boundaries and comparisons on a depth basis were made among the different soil groups.In all profiles urease activity was higher in the surface soil than in deeper horizons; except in the krasnozem the fall below the surface three inches was sharp. The urease activity below 18 inches in the chocolate soil was higher than in the podzolic and red-brown earth groups. In six samples from podzolic soils containing weathering parent material or gley mottles, no urease activity was detected.The surface 0–3 inches of krasnozem soil, in four out of five profiles, had a lower urease activity than that soil immediately below. The cause of this different pattern of distribution was not determined.A highly significant correlation (r=+0.875) between urease activity and soil organic carbon indicated a moderately strong positive relationship. In the krasnozem this relationship was highly significant (r = +0.929) and in the red-brown earth and yellow podzolic soils significant correlations (r=+0.918, r=+0.777) were found. The correlation of urease activity and soil reaction for all soils was not significant.The presence of gleyed zones in the gley podzolic soil and the higher pH of the red-brown earth are discussed as other factors influencing the pattern of urease activity distribution in the soil profiles examined.  相似文献   

Abstract: Twenty‐six species (nineteen of them formally named) of scutelluid trilobites belonging to eight genera are described from limestones of the lower Wenlock to Ludlow Mirrabooka Formation and its stratigraphical equivalents in the Orange district of New South Wales. Two genera, Borenoria and Mirrabooka, are new. Japonoscutellum, previously employed mainly for several species from Japan, is a globally widely distributed genus in rocks of middle Llandovery to Ludlow age and includes a number of species previously assigned to Kosovopeltis. Japonoscutellum is remarkably diverse in the faunas from Orange where it is represented by eleven species, one of them known also from Kazakhstan. Flexiscutellum and Tosacephalus are regarded as junior synonyms of Decoroscutellum and Kosovopeltis, respectively. The homology of various scutelluid cephalic structures is discussed, in particular the cephalic borders and border furrows that have routinely been misidentified; the term ‘bolus’ is introduced for the variably developed swelling that is enclosed by S1 on the glabella of most scutelluids. New species are Australoscutellum iota, A. microps, A. pulex, A. trica, Borenoria cirrita, Decoroscutellum planes, Eoscutellum annosum, Illaenoscutellum tryo, Japonoscutellum borenorense, J. crassum, J. diascetum, J. gephyricum, J. guttulatum, J. serangicum, J. strabo, Kosovopeltis trepida, K. xynon and Mirrabooka harryi. Some of these trilobites show strong affinity with species from the Kurosegawa Terrane of south‐western Japan and the Chu‐Ili Terrane of Kazakhstan, as previously reported also for the effaced Illaenina from the same limestones. Australoscutellum and Mirrabooka are presently known only from eastern Australia. The new genus Securifrons is proposed for several species previously assigned to Kosovopeltis or Eokosovopeltis from the Sandbian or Katian to Llandovery of North Greenland, Canada, Scotland, South China and New South Wales.  相似文献   

The edaphic macroarthropod communities of three sites representative of the forest succession in the Lake Duparquet region (situated in the southern part of the boreal forest, Abitibi, Quebec, Canada) were studied. A 47-year-old deciduous forest, a 144-year-old mixed forest, and a 231-year-old coniferous forest form a successional forest gradient with a vegetation composition that is a function of the time elapsed since the last forest fire. Along with forest succession, there is a reduction in macroarthropod community biodiversity. There is a negative gradient for mean total abundance (237–41 individuals), total richness (63–23 species), density (1792–661 individuals/m2), diversity (H′ = 1.478–1.007) and equitability (J = 0.821–0.739). These community changes affect saprophagous organisms more than predators. Certain species or taxa show preferences for a particular forest type, such as larval Diptera for the deciduous forest. A comparison of these results with the literature suggests an inverse preference as to habitat choice between microarthropods (Acarina and Collembola) and macroarthropods. From a conservation point of view, macroarthropod biodiversity will be favored by the protection of all forest types since each environment possesses a particular community structure and species. Received: 17 April 1995 / Accepted: 1 April 1996  相似文献   

On the southern slopes of Barrington Tops, N.S.W., an exploratory study was made of altitudinal gradation between subantarctic or temperate rain forest (at higher elevations) and subtropical rain forest. The former is dominated by Nothofagus moorei while the latter has no clear dominants and is floristically and structurally more complex. To sample the ecotone, a single 800 m line containing thirty-seven 200 m2 circular plots was placed on a S.S.W.-facing slope between altitudes of 800 and 1040 m. The inclinations of the surfaces of individual plots ranged from 5° to 35°. Measurement and analysis were restricted to trees (including coppices), vines and tree ferns, with emphasis on density, basal area and importance values. Vertical extent of the ecotone is determined rather arbitrarily as being about 90 m. Floristically, the ecotone has elements both of a mosaic and of a gradual mix of species of the upper and lower rain forests. Its areal complexity is increased by the presence of small-scale topographic features; the typical step-and-terrace sequence resulting from dissection of multiple basalt flows. There is a gradual dropping out of species of the subtropical rain forest upwards along the whole transect. The rate of drop-out is greatest at the bases of any steep steps on the slope. Certain species, notably Doryphora sassafras, are shared by the two kinds of rain forest. In physiognomy too, there is further evidence for continuity: the size and density of vines as well as leaf sizes of trees and vines decrease gradually upwards. In terms of Webb's system of structural types of Australian rain forest there is sustained gradation from notophyll-microphyll vinefern forest (at the bottom) to microphyll fern forest. There is strong evidence that Nothofagus moorei is not regenerating within most of the ecotone. Speculation is offered about ecotonal dynamics in terms of climatic change, fire frequency and the mode of reproduction of N. moorei.  相似文献   

The shallow macrobenthic communities of Wallis and Smiths Lakes on the central N.S. W. coast have been studied by replicate grab samples. Wallis Lake is a coastal marine lagoon constantly open to the sea, whereas Smiths Lake, also a coastal lagoon, is periodically closed to the sea for several months at a time. The benthic communities were described using indices of dominance and diversity. Between site communities were compared using MULTBET and a GOWER ordination. Generally, sites in Wallis Lake had a more diverse fauna than those in Smiths Lake. Weed beds supported more species and individuals than sandy substrates. The benthic fauna of these two lakes is compared with other coastal rivers and lagoons which have been studied in temperate eastern Australia.  相似文献   

Selaginella harrisiana ap. nov. is described from the Permian (Kungurian) Upper Coal Measures at Victoria Pass, N.S.W. It resembles Selaginella selaginoides in its leafy parts but has a long leafless rhizome recalling Asteroxylon. The present evidence suggests that the herbaceous and arborescent ly copsids are taxonomically remote.  相似文献   

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