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During conjugation, the micronucleus of Tetrahymena thermophila undergoes five consecutive nuclear divisions: meiosis, third prezygotic division (pregamic mitosis) and two postzygotic mitoses of the synkaryon. The four products of the synkaryon differentiate into macronuclear anlagen and new micronuclei and the old macronucleus is resorbed. The protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide, applied during conjugation, induced several developmental blocks. Pairs shifted to the drug during early meiotic prophase (stages I–III) were arrested at prophase. Cycloheximide applied to cells at pachytene (stages IV-VI) to metaphase arrested the conjugants at the stage of modified prometaphase/metaphase with overcondensed, swollen bivalents. In contrast to other systems, in the presence of cycloheximide, separation of chromatids, decondensation of chromosomes and exit from metaphase I were inhibited in both diploid and haploid cells. Pairs shifted to the drug after metaphase I were arrested at postmeiotic interphase after completing one nuclear cycle. The same rule applied to the subsequent cycle; then cells were arrested at the stage of pronuclei, and those pairs with functional pronuclei and synkarya were arrested at the stage of two products of the first postzygotic division (pronuclei were not arrested in nuclear transfer and karyogamy). Only pairs with two products of the first postzygotic division were arrested at the same stage after the cycloheximide treatment. Pairs shifted to cycloheximide during the second postzygotic division were arrested in development of macronuclear anlagen and resorption of old macronuclei. The postmeiotic conjugants pulse-treated with cycloheximide (2 h) yielded heterokaryons retaining parental macronuclei (i.e. they exhibited macronuclear retention).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. DNA is eliminated during development of the somatic MACronucleus from the germinal MICronucleus in the ciliated protozoan, Tetrahymena thermophila. Facultatively persistent sequences are a class of sequences that persist in the MAC DNA of some cell lines but are eliminated from the MAC DNA of other cell lines. One cloned MAC fragment contains a persistent sequence as well as sequences normally retained in the MAC. When this cloned fragment was used to construct MAC restriction maps of this region in cell lines whose MAC DNAs do, or do not, contain the persistent sequence, extensive variation in the map flanking this region was observed. The different DNA rearrangements of this MIC segment are epigenetically determined during or soon after MAC development. Moreover, different rearrangements may occur among the 45 copies of this MIC segment as a MAC is formed, resulting in polymorphisms that are later resolved by phenotypic assortment.  相似文献   

Micronuclear changes of variety 1 of Tetrahymena pyriformis during meiotic prophase have been observed by the light microscope. Morphologic changes in the micronucleus are divided into 6 stages. In stage I, chromatin begins to polarize; in stage II, the micronucleus becomes spindle shaped; and in stage III, one end of the micronucleus protrudes to form a “neck.” In stage IV, where the micronucleus elongates to maximal length, the whole micronucleus consists of 2 chromatin threads pairing longitudinally. One thread probably contains one genome. In stage V, the elongated thread becomes shorter and thicker. Finally, in stage VI, separate chromosomes appear and enter into metaphase. To discover the role of the elongation of the micronucleus, called crescent formation, autoradiographic analysis of RNA and DNA synthesis were undertaken using [3H]uridine and [3H]thymidine. Pulse label and chase experiments show that the crescent in stages II and III is actively synthesizing RNA. Though no remarkable DNA synthesis was observed during meiosis, a small amount of DNA synthesis occurred during the 1st and 2nd prezygotic divisions.  相似文献   

Ran是细胞内的一种具有GTP酶活性的功能蛋白,可以调节染色体稳定性、细胞核组建以及核质运输等多种细胞进程.Ran结合蛋白1(Ran-binding protein 1, Rbp1p )是Ran的必要调控因子,促进Ran-GTP水解为Ran-GDP.本研究从嗜热四膜虫大核基因组中鉴定出1个保守的Ran结合蛋白基因RBP1(TTHERM_00158040, http://www.ciliate.org).实时荧光定量PCR表明,RBP1在四膜虫营养生长和有性生殖过程中都有表达,且在有性生殖过程中表达水平提高.免疫荧光定位表明,在营养 生长期Rbp1p定位于细胞质中.过表达RBP1或敲减RBP1后,细胞生长速率下降,大核的无丝分裂异常,细胞分裂末期产生了无大核的异常细胞,同时过表达RBP1导致了多小核的产生.结果表明,Rbp1p影响四膜虫细胞核的分裂进程,它的正常表达对细胞增殖过程起到重要的调节作用.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Exchange of cytoplasm in Tetrahymena pyriformis, syngen 1, has been demonstrated by growing cells of 1 mating type in medium supplemented with H3-uridine or H3-histidine, washing, mixing with cells of an unlabeled, starved mating type, sampling conjugants at different times, and preparing autoradiographs. It was found that cytoplasmic interchange begins soon after the mates unite, and has become extensive before the end of the 1st prezygotic prophase (micronuclear crescent stage). When the RNA in one mating type had been labeled with H3-uridine, the activity was distributed almost evenly between the mates by late stages of conjugation. These results are consistent with electron micrographs of this syngen showing small pores in the attachment region of the mates, and many free ribosomes in the cytoplasm (8,11). By contrast, when protein in one mating type had been labeled with H3-histidine, these cells at late conjugation remained about twice as active as their originally unlabeled mates, presumably because of the physical characteristics of some structures which incorporated the amino acid (for example, cilia and membranes of the cell surface; cytoplasmic bodies, such as mitochondria, larger than the pores). That the radioactivity in the originally unlabeled cells came from their mates and not from the environment is indicated by the continued presence of inactive non-conjugants after 1 and 2 days in the mating type mixtures. Other cells which did acquire small amounts of active cytoplasm probably had engaged in abortive conjugation, separating from labeled mates before forming and exchanging pronuclei.  相似文献   

Tetrahymena thermophila has a multiple mating type system. While a sexually mature cell usually expresses only one mating type, its germline (micronucleus) carries the genetic potential for 5 to 7 mating types. The set of allowed mating types is specified by the mat locus. The choice of which particular mating type is expressed by a cell reflects a somatically inherited, developmentally programmed differentiation of the somatic nucleus (macronucleus). In this work we report that the mat locus maps to the left arm of chromosome 2, as determined by nullisomic deletion mapping. We also report a distance of 29 cM between the mat locus and the ribosomal RNA gene, previously mapped to chromosome 2L. This represents another (rare) case of meiotic linkage in Tetrahymena. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The ends of eukaryotic chromosomes are protected by DNA-protein structures called telomeres. Telomeric DNA is highly conserved, usually consisting of long tracts of a repeating G-rich sequence. Tetrahymena thermophila telomeric DNA consists of alternating blocks of GGGG and TT sequences (i.e. a G4T2 repeat sequence). We examined the relative importance of the guanine and thymine elements of the repeat sequence in promoting in vitro binding by T. thermophila proteins. We identified single- and, for the first time, double-stranded telomere binding activities from a crude T. thermophila protein extract and tested the binding of these activities to altered telomere repeat sequences. All deletions or substitutions made to the guanine element virtually abolished binding, indicating that four G's are essential for recognition by the binding activity. However, G's alone are not sufficient for efficient binding, as elimination of the thymine element dramatically reduced binding. By contrast, substantial expansion of the thymine element was well tolerated, even though one such change, G4T4, is lethal in vivo. We tested up to a four-fold expansion of the thymine element and found that highly efficient binding was still achieved. These results suggest a minimal recognition sequence for T. thermophila proteins, with the T element providing an important spacer between essential G elements.  相似文献   

An enzymatic activity that hydrolyzes O,O-diisopropylphosphofluoridate (DFP) and O-1,2,2–trimethylpropylmethyl-phosphonofluoridate (Soman) was discovered in the ciliate protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila. The enzymatic activity classifies the protein as Mazur-type similar to that found in hog kidney and Escherichia coli. The rate of hydrolysis of Soman by the Tetrahymena-extract is the highest, on a per gram of extract basis, of any eucaryote. The molecular weight is approximately 75,400 as determined by Sephacryl column chromatography. A maximum fifteen-fold purification has been achieved. Potential exists for the detoxification and one-step detection of common organofluorophosphate pollutants. Additionally, Tetrahymena should prove an easier subject for manipulation than mammalian or squid sources. Protozoa may be a potentially important source of detoxification and degradation enzymes for other environmental contaminants.  相似文献   

Initiation is the contact-independent phase of sexual conjugation which occurs when mature cells of Tetrahymena thermophila are shifted from growth medium to a low-salt starvation buffer. Immaturity, like high-salt starvation, restricts the ability of cells to conjugate; immature cells do not conjugate in either low- or high-salt buffers. Comparisons between sexually mature cells starved in initiation-restrictive and initiation-permissive buffers, and between immature and mature cells starved in an initiation-permissive buffer permitted the analysis of membrane protein expression correlated with mating competence. No polypeptides identified by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination were found to be specific to mating-competent cells; however, several polypeptides not present in initiated cells were found to be common to the cell surfaces of immature and non-initiated cells which suggests that (1) initiation involves the removal of specific proteins from the cell surface, and (2) immaturity may be due to an inability to initiate.  相似文献   

In Tetrahymena , glutathione is synthesized from the same precursors as it is in higher animals and is present in similar intracellular concentrations. The intracellular thiol-disulfide ratio is also identical to that of mammalian tissues, due to the activity of glutathione reductase. The intracellular GSH-level was found to be dependent on the sulfur-containing amino acids in the chemically defined medium.  相似文献   

In Tetrahymena, glutathione is synthesized from the same precursors as it is in higher animals and is present in similar intracellular concentrations. The intracellular thiol-disulfide ratio is also identical to that of mammalian tissues, due to the activity of glutathione reductase. The intracellular GSH-level was found to be dependent on the sulfur-containing amino acids in the chemically defined medium.  相似文献   

Polypeptides normally excreted to growth or starvation media were revealed using O'Farrell gel-electrophoresis and silver-staining. The major polypeptides detected in conditioned media were either constitutive, growth specific, starvation specific, or high-Tris specific. The majority of the excreted polypeptides could be released from the cells by a hypo-osomotic shock, possibly resulting in membrane leakage, but also mucocyst and/or plasma membrane-associated polypeptides were detected in the conditioned media.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient method is described for the isolation of macronuclei from Tetrahymena thermophila (7B). The steps involved are deciliation and removal of the mucocysts’ contents by dibucaine treatment, digitonin mediated lysis, differential centrifugations, and finally isopyenic sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Judging from the distribution of marker enzymes and electron microscopy, the macronuclei obtained were free of cytoplasmic and paniculate contamination and were highly active in endogenous RNA-synthesis (1.5 pmol UTP incorporation/ng DNA min at 30°C). The ratio of protein: RNA: DNA was 2.0:0.33:1.0 (weight) and each macronucleus contained an average of 17 pg DNA. The average yield of isolation was 50%.  相似文献   

A period of pairing between nonhomologous centromeres occurs early in meiosis in a diverse collection of organisms. This early, homology-independent, centromere pairing, referred to as centromere coupling in budding yeast, gives way to an alignment of homologous centromeres as homologues synapse later in meiotic prophase. The regulation of centromere coupling and its underlying mechanism have not been elucidated. In budding yeast, the protein Zip1p is a major component of the central element of the synaptonemal complex in pachytene of meiosis, and earlier, is essential for centromere coupling. The experiments reported here demonstrate that centromere coupling is mechanistically distinct from synaptonemal complex assembly. Zip2p, Zip3p, and Red1p are all required for the assembly of Zip1 into the synaptonemal complex but are dispensable for centromere coupling. However, the meiotic cohesin Rec8p is required for centromere coupling. Loading of meiotic cohesins to centromeres and cohesin-associated regions is required for the association of Zip1 with these sites, and the association of Zip1 with the centromeres then promotes coupling. These findings reveal a mechanism that promotes associations between centromeres before the assembly of the synaptonemal complex, and they demonstrate that chromosomes are preloaded with Zip1p in a manner that may promote synapsis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Crude homogenates of the ciliate protozoon, Tetrahymena thermophila, can hydrolyze the potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitors O, O-diisopropylphosphorofluoridate (DFP) and O-1,2,2-trimethylpropylmethylphosphonofluoride (soman). Characterization of the enzymatic activity of the homogenate has been performed. The DFPase operates over a pH range of 4 to 10 and an ionic range of 0–500 mM NaCl. Rate of reaction increases three-to four-fold from 25°C to 40°C and is still present at 55°C. These results indicate that the enzymatic activity operates over a broad range of environmental conditions, making it an attractive material for use in the detoxification and detection of organofluorophosphates. DFPases may be important in the metabolism of naturally occurring organophosphates.  相似文献   

We have investigated the occurrence of methylated adenine residues in the macronuclear ribosomal RNA genes of Tetrahymena thermophila. It has been shown previously that macronuclear DNA, including the palindromic ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA), of Tetrahymena thermophila contains the modified base N-6-methyladenine, but no 5-methylcytosine. Purified rDNA was digested with restriction enzymes Sau 3AI, MboI and DpnI to map the positions and levels of N-6-methyladenine in the sequence 5' GATC 3'. A specific pattern of doubly methylated GATC sequences was found; hemimethylated sites were not detected. The patterns and levels of methylation of these sites did not change significantly in different physiological states. A molecular form of the rDNA found in the newly developing macronucleus and for several generations following the sexual process, conjugation, contained no detectably methylated GATC sites. However, both the bulk macronuclear DNA and palindromic rDNA from the same macronuclei were methylated. Possible roles for N-6-methyladenine in macronuclear DNA are discussed in light of these findings.  相似文献   

The sequence requirements for splicing of the Tetrahymena pre-rRNA have been examined by altering the rRNA gene to produce versions that contain insertions and deletions within the intervening sequence (IVS). The altered genes were transcribed and the RNA tested for self-splicing in vitro. A number of insertions (8-54 nucleotides) at three locations had no effect on self-splicing activity. Two of these insertions, located at a site 5 nucleotides preceding the 3'-end of the IVS, did not alter the choice of the 3' splice site. Thus the 3' splice site is not chosen by its distance from a fixed point within the IVS. Analysis of deletions constructed at two sites revealed two structures, a hairpin loop and a stem-loop, that are entirely dispensable for IVS excision in vitro. Three other regions were found to be necessary. The regions that are important for self-splicing are not restricted to the conserved sequence elements that define this class of intervening sequences. The requirement for structures within the IVS for pre-rRNA splicing is in sharp contrast to the very limited role of IVS structure in nuclear pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We have used the anti-phosphoprotein antibody MPM-2 to examine changes in phosphorytation of cortical proteins during cilia regeneration in Tetrahymena thermophila . Although numerous cortical proteins are phosphorylated in both nondeciliated and deciliated cells, deciliation induces a dramatic increase in the phosphorylation of a 90-kDa cortical protein. The 90-kDa protein remained phosphorylated during cilia regeneration and then gradually became dephosphorylated. The 90-kDa protein was phosphorylated and dephosphorylated normally in Tetrahymena mutants that assemble short cilia, suggesting that achievement of full length is not the signal that triggers dephosphorylation of the 90-kDa protein. When initiation of cilia assembly is blocked, the 90-kDa protein becomes phosphorylated and remains phosphorylated for an extended period of time, suggesting that initiation of cilia elongation triggers eventual dephosphorylation of the 90-kDa protein, regardless of how long the cilia actually become.  相似文献   

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