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两种陆栖等足类的种群及其分解落叶的作用   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
采用固定路线进行种群数量调查,并用落叶饲养,测定食性、食量,以探讨潮虫、鼠妇在广东小良人工阔叶混交林中分解落叶的作用。结果:(1)潮虫Philoscia sp.喜湿,主要分布于低湿、荫蔽处;鼠妇Armadillo sp.耐干旱,主要分布在较高爽处。(2)两种虫的种群数量高峰均在6月份。潮虫繁殖期延长到雨季之后,鼠妇则在雨季高峰前结束。(3)对未经沤化过的落叶多选食薄且质软的。鼠妇在25℃时摄食量最大,为117.1±12.4毫克/克体重·天;潮虫在20℃时食量最大,为251.2±7.3毫克/克体重·天。 通过种群年生物量变化及不同温度下的摄食量等因素来推算林中等足类的年分解落叶量:在荫蔽潮湿的林下,其分解量最大,占凋落物的自然消耗量的11.4%。  相似文献   

Behavior can play a mediating role in determining the selective pressures that influence the evolution of morphological structures. To examine this, I quantified patterns of morphological variation among larvae of Enallagma damselfly species (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) that use different behaviors to avoid the major predators found in each of two communities, lakes with and without fish. Specifically, I quantified the sizes and shapes of the abdomens and caudal lamellae (used for swimming) and legs for three species from fishless lakes and six species from lakes with fish. A preliminary cladistic analysis indicates that species within each lake type are not members of a single clade, which supports the conclusions of previous odonate taxonomists. Previous studies have shown that species in fishless lakes are very active, running and swimming frequently and at high rates of speed in the absence of predators, and they avoid their primary predators, large dragonflies, by swimming. These species have the widest abdomens, the largest caudal lamellae relative to overall body size, and the longest legs of the species studied, which should make them powerful swimmers and runners. Furthermore, species in fishless lakes are morphologically very similar to one another and differ greatly from fish-lake species, although each is more closely related to species in fish lakes. In contrast, species from lakes with fish move very slowly and infrequently in the absence of predators and do not attempt to evade attacking predators. However, despite their behavioral similarity, large interspecific variation in morphology exists among the fish-lake species, and the only morphological patterns were differences associated with membership in the two primary clades identified in the cladistic analysis. A modification of Felsenstein's (1985) method of evolutionary contrasts which allows character change to be isolated along single branches is introduced and is used to reconstruct the evolutionary histories of these characters. This analysis suggests that large increases in caudal lamella size, abdominal segment lengths and widths, and leg length accompany speciation events associated with habitat shifts from fish-lakes to fishless lakes. Following habitat shifts selection pressures exerted by dragonfly predation apparently favored swimming as an escape tactic, which mediated selection pressures onto morphologies used in swimming to increase swimming performance; morphological patterns in extant species reflect this adaptation to a new environment. Mechanisms by which behaviorally mediated selection could have accelerated evolutionary dynamics following founder events are discussed.  相似文献   

The pattern of sperm predominance in doubly mated female crickets, Gryllodes supplicans, was investigated using a radiation-sterility technique. Female G. supplicans made significant use of sperm from both males in fertilizing eggs; overall, first males to mate enjoyed a small advantage, fertilizing about 60% of the offspring produced subsequent to the second mating. The combined use of the sperm of both males in fertilizing eggs occurred soon after the second mating; evidently, mixing of ejaculates within a female's spermatheca does occur. Male G. supplicans provide females with a nuptial gift, the spermatophylax, which influences the time at which a female removes the externally attached sperm-ampulla; this in turn determines the quantity of sperm that is transferred. Moreover, the degree of sperm precedence achieved by a male may be positively related to the time at which the female removes his sperm ampulla. Thus males, by feeding females, ensure not only that a sufficient number of sperm are transferred to fertilize all of a female's eggs, but also may increase the certainty of their paternity. In mating systems in which females control sperm transfer and paternity is influenced by numbers of sperm (i.e., numerical sperm competition), an increase in prezygotic investment in females may be an adaptive male response.  相似文献   

Nonfertilizing sperm with special morphologies have long been known to exist in invertebrates. Until recently, abnormal sperm in mammals were considered errors in production. Now, however, Baker and Bellis (1988, 1989) have proposed that mammalian sperm, like some invertebrate sperm, are polymorphic and adapted to a variety of nonfertilizing roles in sperm competition, including prevention of passage of sperm inseminated by another male. More specifically, their “kamikaze” sperm hypothesis proposes that deformed mammalian sperm are adapted to facilitate the formation and functioning of copulatory plugs (Baker and Bellis, 1988). Here I argue that most, maybe all, mammals are unlikely to produce nonfertilizing sperm. First, mammals might not be able to afford to evolve nonfertilizing sperm, given that a) fertilization is often unlikely despite the huge numbers of sperm produced; b) production of larger numbers of sperm is constrained, presumably because of metabolic costs, evidence for which includes the fact that in species in which sperm morphology and anatomy of the female reproductive tract increase the probability of fertilization, the numbers of sperm produced is lower than in others; and c) selection appears to act against the production of deformed sperm. Second, some of the evidence advanced for the existence of nonfertilizing sperm does not in fact support the idea. Third, accessory gland secretions are sufficient on their own to coagulate semen and produce fully functioning plugs; thus the male that used accessory gland secretions would be at a clear advantage over the male that diluted his fertilizing sperm with “kamikaze” sperm; and indeed, current evidence indicates selection on accessory glands, not sperm morphology, to enhance coagulation of semen. Fourth, predictions made on the basis of the “kamikaze” sperm hypothesis are not supported by quantitative comparisons of data from polyandrous and monandrous primates (i.e., those in which several males mate with a fertile female, and therefore in which sperm competition should be operating, and those in which only one male mates). Although sperm competition is almost certainly more intense in polyandrous genera than in monandrous genera (as indicated by, e.g., more frequent copulations and the production of more sperm per ejaculate from larger spermatogenic organs), polyandrous genera do not produce a greater proportion of deformed (i.e., nonfertilizing) sperm than do monandrous genera, or even necessarily a greater number of deformed sperm; nor a greater variety of sperm sizes—indeed they might produce fewer; nor fewer motile sperm (as might be expected if sperm are selected to stay behind and compete with sperm from subsequent males); and nor larger sperm (as might be expected if sperm are produced for functions other than to reach the egg). In sum, currently available evidence suggests that the function of all mammalian sperm is to fertilize, and that sperm competition in mammals occurs through scramble competition, not contest competition.  相似文献   

家蝇巨螯螨的侵袭行为及其对蝇类的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道1983年4月至1984年9月对家蝇巨螯螨的某些行为的观察研究结果,包括对跗节1形态的扫描电镜观察,以及截肢前后侵袭家蝇的行为。见到跗节1有约10根毛状感受器,它们在感觉和寻找宿主上起重要作用。该螨对腐食性蝇类,如家蝇、厩腐蝇、夏厕蝇等具有较强的侵袭力。该螨在附着蝇体当螨量超过10只时,宿主卵巢滤泡发育受抑制,寿命缩短。每只雌螨每天平均消耗2个蝇卵,每4只雌螨每天平均消耗1条1龄蝇类幼虫。另外,也观察到家蝇成虫的日龄与性别对螨的诱引力没有明显差异,而卵的新鲜程度却有明显的差异。最后,对实验结果加以讨论,并对该螨的研究和利用提出一些建议。  相似文献   

Two zones of intergradation between populations of Plethodon have been studied for 18 and 20 years, respectively. The data consist of systematic scores of colors, made at least twice annually. Near Heintooga Overlook in the Balsam Mountains (Great Smoky Mountains National Park), the salamanders' cheeks are gray. Proceeding north toward the Smokies, there is increasing frequency and intensity of red color at two, four, and six miles. There has been no change in the scores at any location. The width of the zone and our failure to detect any change can be explained by assuming neutrality of the character and random diffusion during the probable time since contact between the two intergrading forms, which most likely took place after the Hypsithermal Interval, 8,000–5,000 BP. At Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in the Nantahala Mountains, Plethodon jordani and P. glutinosus hybridize at intermediate elevations. The lateral white spots of glutinosus decrease and the red on the legs of jordani increases with elevation from 685 m to 1,052 m. At the higher elevation, the proportion of animals scored as “pure” jordani declined significantly from 1974 to 1990, an indication that the hybrid zone is spreading upward. The rate of spread is too great to be explained by random diffusion, so selection for glutinosus characters is the best explanation. The rate of spread of the hybrid zone indicates that hybridization began 60–65 years ago, at the end of the time of intense timbering. Such human disturbances have caused hybridization in other organisms.  相似文献   

The evolution of components of interspecific competitive ability was examined in three different environments for three replicate pairs of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans populations. Populations evolved enhanced competitive ability in three ways: (1) increased effectiveness at reducing the numbers of the competitor species; (2) increased resistance to the inhibitory effects of the competitor species; or (3) a combination of the two. Considerable variation was seen in the evolutionary outcomes of competition among environments, and also among replicate populations within environments. Significant replicate-by-environment interactions were also observed. The results suggest that the evolutionary routes to the evolution of enhanced competitive abilities can potentially differ among subdivided populations, creating a geographic mosaic of outcomes.  相似文献   

(1) Parallel evolution from separate marine ancestors has given rise to two groups of genera of terrestrial nemerteans, representative of at least two different family stocks. They have colonized land by the direct route, moving up the shore on widely separated oceanic islands. The relationships between the known terrestrial and semi-terrestrial nemerteans, comprising seven genera and 15 species, are defined and their geographic distribution is discussed.
(2) In fresh water, three heteronemertean and nine hoplonemertean species are known. The hoplonemerteans arise from two different families representing two different evolutionary routes to fresh water, one by way of estuaries and the other via land. The distribution of freshwater nemerteans and the characters common to all species are discussed.
(3) Very little is known about the comparative physiology of land and freshwater nemerteans. However, information about the physiology of marine forms is combined with morphological differences from them found in terrestrial and freshwater species to suggest profitable lines of future research.
(4) Water relations pose a major problem for both terrestrial and freshwater nemerteans. The role of the cerebral organs, the blood and the excretory system in the osmotic physiology of some littoral nemerteans is beginning to be understood. These systems in land and freshwater forms have clearly distinctive features which need to be thoroughly investigated.
(5) Suggestions are given for valuable lines of investigation of the mucous glands, digestive physiology and general behaviour of terrestrial and freshwater nemerteans.  相似文献   

Male ejaculates include large amounts of seminal fluid proteins (Sfps) that influence male sperm competitive success. In spite of their diverse proximate functions, Sfps involved in sperm competition increase male fitness in one of three ways: (1) “avoidance” proteins help males avoid sperm competition, (2) “defense” proteins help males defend their sperm from displacement by the female's subsequent mate, and (3) “offense” proteins aid males in displacing sperm of preceding males. Here, we present a population genetic model of the evolution of allocation of finite resources by males to the three kinds of Sfps. We analyze the influence of relative efficiencies of different Sfps, of plasticity in resource allocation, and of differences in viability costs of Sfps. We find that in absence of plasticity or different viability costs, equal investment in defense and offense Sfps evolves, irrespective of their relative efficiency. In all cases, males evolve to invest more in avoidance when avoidance proteins are increasingly efficient, and when offense is more efficient than defense. Differences in viability costs result in lower investment in costly proteins, whereas plasticity has complex effects, influencing both the optimal seminal fluid composition and maintenance of variation in investment in these proteins across populations.  相似文献   

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