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Holloway (1984) used a method of direct tape-arc measurements on chimpanzee brain casts to reject the hypothesis that the lunate sulcus is located in an anterior position in the Taung endocast. However, Holloway neglected to measure the occipital pole-lunate sulcus (OP-LS) arc directly on the Taung endocast as he did on chimpanzee brain casts (a crucial part of his methodology); instead, he determined the relative position of Taung's lunate sulcus on the basis of a calculation that confounds direct measurements and measurements from photographs. When arc OP-LS is measured directly on Taung according to Holloway's methods, the feature that has been identified as the medial end of the lunate sulcus is shown to be located within the range that Holloway determined for chimpanzees. Thus Holloway's methodology and data support rather than refute the claim that the lunate sulcus is located in a pongid-like position in australopithecines.  相似文献   

Indices of rostrality (ir, ir') are developed to assess the extent to which the medial end of the lunate sulcus (L) is rostrally positioned in photographs and figures of lateral views of primate brains and endocasts, and indices are determined for chimpanzees, SK 1585 and the Taung endocast. Ir quantifies the extent of rostrality as it has traditionally been viewed (in A-P projections) while ir' takes dorsal curvature into account. The ir of the feature that I have identified as the lunate sulcus of Taung is within one standard deviation of the mean ir for Pan and its ir' is within 1.5 standard deviations from the mean ir' for Pan. Both findings are compatible with my earlier statement that the medial end of the lunate sulcus of the Taung endocast is in a pongid-like position. Use of stereoplotting to transfer the position of L from chimpanzee endocasts and brains to australopithecine endocasts is critically assessed: Holloway stereoplotted five chimpanzee brains and then transferred their mean coordinates that describe the lunate sulcus to the Taung endocast. If stereoplotting successfully transfers the extent to which L is rostrally located, one would expect the mean L of Pan and its transferred counterpart in Taung to have identical index values of rostrality. However, the ir of the lunate sulcus that Holloway located on Taung is over two standard deviations lower than the mean ir for the five chimpanzees he stereoplotted to determine its angular coordinates, and Holloway's ir' for Taung is one standard deviation lower than the five chimpanzees' mean ir'. These discrepancies are shown to be due to shape differences, and it is concluded that stereoplotting should not be used to transfer sulci between differently shaped endocasts without correcting for these differences. I also reply to Holloway's criticisms of my use of L/H indices, palpation, techniques for sampling endocasts, and illustration of the Taung endocast. It is shown that there is room on the Taung specimen for the lateral end of L, and the pongid-like sulcal pattern of Taung is reaffirmed. Thus, we do not yet know when human-like sulcal patterns first appeared in the hominid fossil record.  相似文献   

Using an increased sample of chimpanzee brains and brain casts, 32 hemispheres were measured to determine the variability of OP-FP (occipital-pole) and OP-LS (occipital pole-lunate sulcus) arc dimensions and their ratios. The Taung endocast was remeasured to test Falk's assertions that the lunate sulcus is in a pongid position. The average ratio for the chimpanzee brains was 0.218, a value more than 2+ S.D.'s posterior to Falk's placement of the lunate sulcus on the Taung specimen. It is suggested that the chimpanzee and Taung occipital poles have a different morphometric pattern, the former being coincident with the caudal end of the LC (lateral calcarine) fissure. The Taung OP-LS arc consistently measured at least 42 mm, and not 40 mm as claimed by Falk.  相似文献   

It has been argued that changes in the relative sizes of visual system structures predated an increase in brain size and provide evidence of brain reorganization in hominins. However, data about the volume and anatomical limits of visual brain structures in the extant taxa phylogenetically closest to humans-the apes-remain scarce, thus complicating tests of hypotheses about evolutionary changes. Here, we analyze new volumetric data for the primary visual cortex and the lateral geniculate nucleus to determine whether or not the human brain departs from allometrically-expected patterns of brain organization. Primary visual cortex volumes were compared to lunate sulcus position in apes to investigate whether or not inferences about brain reorganization made from fossil hominin endocasts are reliable in this context. In contrast to previous studies, in which all species were relatively poorly sampled, the current study attempted to evaluate the degree of intraspecific variability by including numerous hominoid individuals (particularly Pan troglodytes and Homo sapiens). In addition, we present and compare volumetric data from three new hominoid species-Pan paniscus, Pongo pygmaeus, and Symphalangus syndactylus. These new data demonstrate that hominoid visual brain structure volumes vary more than previously appreciated. In addition, humans have relatively reduced primary visual cortex and lateral geniculate nucleus volumes as compared to allometric predictions from other hominoids. These results suggest that inferences about the position of the lunate sulcus on fossil endocasts may provide information about brain organization.  相似文献   

Costs and benefits of encephalization are a major topic of debate in the study of primate and human evolution. Comparative studies provide an opportunity to test the validity of a hypothesis as a general principle, rather than it being a special case in primate or hominid evolution. If a population evolves a larger brain, the metabolic costs of doing so must be paid for by either an increased energy turnover (direct metabolic constraint) or by a trade-off with other energetically expensive costs of body maintenance, locomotion, or reproduction, here referred to as the energy trade-off hypothesis, an extension of the influential Expensive Tissue Hypothesis of Aiello and Wheeler (1995, Curr. Anthropol. 36, 199-221). In the present paper, we tested these hypotheses on birds using raw species values, family means, and independent contrasts analysis to account for phylogenetic influences. First, we tested whether basal metabolic rates are correlated with brain mass or any other variable of interest. This not being the case, we examined various trade-offs between brain mass and the mass of other expensive tissues such as gut mass, which is approximated by gut length or diet quality. Only weak support was found for this original Expensive Tissue Hypothesis in birds. However, other energy allocations such as locomotor mode and reproductive strategy may also be reduced to shunt energy to an enlarged brain. We found a significantly negative correlation between brain mass and pectoral muscle mass, which averages 18% of body mass in birds and is indicative of their relative costs of flight. Reproductive costs, on the other hand, are positively correlated with brain mass in birds. An increase in brain mass may allow birds to devote more energy to reproduction, although not through an increase in their own energy budget as in mammals, but through direct provisioning of their offspring. The trade-off between locomotor costs and brain mass in birds lets us conclude that an analogous effect could have played a role in the evolution of a larger brain in human evolution.  相似文献   

Observations of chimpanzee gestural communication are reported. The observations represent the third longitudinal time point of an ongoing study of the Yerkes Primate Center Field Station chimpanzee group. In contrast to observations at the first two time points, the current observations are of a new generation of infants and juveniles. There were two questions. The first concerned how young chimpanzees used their gestures, with special focus on the flexibility or intentionality displayed. It was found that youngsters quite often used the same gesture in different contexts, and different gestures in the same context. In addition, they sometimes used gestures in combinations in a single social encounter, these combinations did not convey intentions that could not be conveyed by the component gestures, however. It was also found that individuals adjusted their choice of signals depending on the attentional state of the recipient. The second question was how chimpanzees acquired their gestural signals. In general, it was found that there was little consistency in the use of gestures among individuals, especially for non-play gestures, with much individual variability both within and across generations. There were also a number of idiosyncratic gestures used by single individuals at each time point. It was concluded from these results that youngsters were not imitatively learning their communicatory gestures from conspecifics, but rather that they were individually conventionalizing them with each other. Implications of these findings for the understanding of chimpanzee communication and social learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Few things show the distinctiveness of human evolution research better than the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis (AAH). On one hand, we have “orthodox” research into human evolution, firmly based on land; on the other, we have the aquatic ape community, convinced not only that our ancestors went through an aquatic phase, but that the professional scientific community ignores their work and keeps it out of the mainstream. How many fields of science have two entirely parallel communities that essentially are hermetically sealed from each other?  相似文献   

Observations on petalial asymmetry for 190 hominoid endocasts are reported, and their statistical differences assessed. While all taxa of hominoids show asymmetries to various degrees, the patterns or combinations of petalial asymmetries are very different, with fossil hominids and modern Homo sapiens showing an identical pattern of left-occipital, right-frontal petalias, which contrasts with those found normally in pongids. Of the pongids, Gorilla shows the greater degree of asymmetry in left-occipital petalias. Only modern Homo and hominids (Australopithecus, Homo erectus, Neandertals) show a distinct left-occipital, right-frontal petalial pattern. Analysis by x2 statistics shows the differences to be highly significant. Due to small sample size and incompleteness of endocasts, small-brained hominids, i.e., Australopithecus, are problematical. To the degree that gross petalial patterns are correlated with cognitive task specialization, we speculate that human cognitive patterns evolved early in hominid evolution and were related to selection pressures operating on both symbolic and spatiovisual integration, and that these faculties are corroborated in the archaeological record.  相似文献   

To account for the positions in which vascular cambia regenerate in wound callus, a gradient induction hypothesis was proposed in 1961 in terms of gradients in 'some factor as yet unknown'. It now seems likely that the gradient is based on morphogen diffusion between source and sink on opposite sides of existing cambia, with morphogen diffusing into the adjoining wound callus. It is specifically proposed that there are two morphogens, auxin diffusing centrifugally and sucrose diffusing centripetally. The cambium then regenerates along a path where the ratio of auxin to sucrose concentration is similar to that at the original cambium, and its orientation (as regards xylem and phloem formation) is determined by the direction of the gradient in this ratio. These proposals are supported by published evidence on auxin and sucrose concentration gradients across the cambium, and on their sources, movements, and known effects on vascular differentiation. Simulations of the proposed positional control system predict patterns of cambial regeneration and orientation corresponding to those observed in four different types of wound and graft.  相似文献   

To help prevent anaemia, it is a requisite for blood donors to undergo a haemoglobin test to ensure levels are not too low before donation. It is therefore important to have an accurate testing device and strategy to ensure donors are not being inappropriately bled. A recent study in blood donors used a selective testing strategy where if a donor's haemoglobin level is below the level required for donation, then another reading is taken and if this occurs again, a third and final reading is used. This strategy can reduce the average number of readings required per donor compared to taking three measurements for all donors. However, the final decision‐making measurement will on average be higher than a single measurement. In this paper, a selective testing strategy is compared against other strategies. Individual‐level biases are derived for the selective strategy and are shown to depend on how close a donor's true haemoglobin level is to the donation threshold and the magnitude of error in the testing device. A simulation study was conducted using the distribution of haemoglobin levels from a large donor population to investigate the effects different strategies have on population performance. We consider scenarios based on varying the measurement device bias and error, including differential biases that depend on the underlying haemoglobin level. Discriminatory performance is shown to be affected when using the selective testing strategies, especially when measurement error is large and when differential bias is present in the device. We recommend that the average of a number of readings should be used in preference to selective testing strategies if multiple measurements are available.  相似文献   

Animal polyembryony appears to be paradoxical because it clones an unproven genotype at the expense of genetic diversity in a clutch. However, it is employed by at least 18 taxa in six phyla (excluding instances of occasional twinning). Most polyembryony occurs in parasitic stages or in other environments whose quality is not predictable by the mother; in some instances, it compensates for a constraint on zygote number. We predict that polyembryony is likely to evolve when the offspring has more information regarding optimal clutch size than the parents.  相似文献   

New evidence demonstrates that facilitation plays a crucial role even at the edge of life in Maritime Antarctica. These findings are interpreted as support for the stress‐gradient hypothesis (SGH) – a dominant theory in plant community ecology that predicts that the frequency of facilitation directly increases with stress. A recent development to this theory, however, proposed that facilitation often collapses at the extreme end of stress and physical disturbance gradients. In this paper, we clarify the current debate on the importance of plant interactions at the edge of life by illustrating the necessity of separating the two alternatives to the SGH, namely the collapse of facilitation, and the switch from facilitation to competition occurring in water‐stressed ecosystems. These two different alternatives to the SGH are currently often amalgamated with each other, which has led to confusion in recent literature. We propose that the collapse of facilitation is generally due to a decrease in the effect of the nurse plant species, whilst the switch from facilitation to competition is driven by environmental conditions and strategy of the response species. A clear separation between those two alternatives is particularly crucial for predicting the role of plant–plant interactions in mediating species responses to global change.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of the brain of the lesser panda Ailurus fulgens was carried out, using both ratios and progression indices. In a general way, the lesser panda appears to be an intermediate form between the giant panda and the raccoon. Relations between brain size or brain component size, and life-habits, suggest the same conclusion. The traditionally assumed closeness of both pandas implied in the vernacular names, is questioned. A comprehensive neuroethological work on the comparative organization of the brain in all ursoid species is desirable, as a good case in fundamental functional morphology.  相似文献   

This paper presents an extension of the Red Queen Hypothesis (hereafter, RQH) that we call the Red Tooth Hypothesis (RTH). This hypothesis suggests that predator-prey relations may play a role in the maintenance of sexual reproduction in many higher animals. RTH is based on an interaction between learning on the part of predators and evolution on the part of prey. We present a simple predator-prey computer simulation that illustrates the effects of this interaction. This simulation suggests that the optimal escape strategy from the prey's standpoint would be to have a small number of highly reflexive, largely innate (and, therefore, very fast) escape patterns, but that would also be unlearnable by the predator. One way to achieve this would be for each individual in the prey population to have a small set of hard-wired escape patterns, but which were different for each individual.We argue that polymorphic escape patterns at the population level could be produced via sexual reproduction at little or no evolutionary cost and would be as, or potentially more, efficient than individual-level protean (i.e., random) escape behavior. We further argue that, especially under high predation pressure, sexual recombination would be a more rapid, and therefore more effective, means of producing highly variable escape behaviors at the population level than asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Synonymous codon usage in related species may differ as a result of variation in mutation biases, differences in the overall strength and efficiency of selection, and shifts in codon preference—the selective hierarchy of codons within and between amino acids. We have developed a maximum-likelihood method to employ explicit population genetic models to analyze the evolution of parameters determining codon usage. The method is applied to twofold degenerate amino acids in 50 orthologous genes from D. melanogaster and D. virilis. We find that D. virilis has significantly reduced selection on codon usage for all amino acids, but the data are incompatible with a simple model in which there is a single difference in the long-term N e, or overall strength of selection, between the two species, indicating shifts in codon preference. The strength of selection acting on codon usage in D. melanogaster is estimated to be |N e s|≈ 0.4 for most CT-ending twofold degenerate amino acids, but 1.7 times greater for cysteine and 1.4 times greater for AG-ending codons. In D. virilis, the strength of selection acting on codon usage for most amino acids is only half that acting in D. melanogaster but is considerably greater than half for cysteine, perhaps indicating the dual selection pressures of translational efficiency and accuracy. Selection coefficients in orthologues are highly correlated (ρ= 0.46), but a number of genes deviate significantly from this relationship. Received: 20 December 1998 / Accepted: 17 February 1999  相似文献   

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