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The subspecific taxonomy and distribution of geladas (Theropithecus gelada Rüppell, 1835) remains uncertain. Recent molecular studies based on mitochondrial sequence data revealed a geographically structured, three-deme population, suggesting that there are three evolutionary units of geladas. However, mitochondrial distributions do not always recover population relationships, particularly in taxa with a complex history of isolation and gene flow. We therefore analysed the nuclear genetic population structure of the global gelada population based on 20 microsatellite loci in 43 samples from across its geographic range. FST values, a STRUCTURE analysis and a principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) confirmed the three-deme population structure corresponding to the mitochondrial population structure. Therefore, our analyses provide additional support for three evolutionary units in geladas, corresponding to (a) a northern (north of Lake Tana, primarily in the Simien Mountains, previously classified as Theropithecus gelada gelada Rüppell, 1835), (b) a central (between Addis Ababa and the highlands east of Lake Tana, previously classified as Theropithecus gelada obscurus Heuglin, 1863) and (c) a southern (south of the Rift Valley, previously tentatively classified as Theropithecus gelada arsi Shotake et al., 2016, Anthropological Science, 124, 157) population. These results pave the way for future conservation decisions and highlight that the gelada population boundaries need more fine-grained genetic sampling and phenotypic analyses, in particular for their taxonomic ranking.  相似文献   

Additional fossil Theropithecus remains, recovered from mid to late Pleistocene deposits near Hopefield , South Africa, include portions of the jaws of at least five individuals. Extensive comparisons with fossil Theropithecus from other African sites, including Makapan , Swartkrans , Kanjera , Olorgesailie , and Olduvai , reveal few morphological differences, especially when variation in modern gelada baboons ( Theropithecus gelada ) and savannah baboons (Papio) is considered. The most pronounced differences between fossil forms are overall size and relative P3 length. However, these traits do not separate the fossil forms either chronologically or geographically. Other traits, such as depth of the fossa of the mandibular corpus, slope of the upper symphyseal shelf, and variation in the depth of the mandibular corpus, do not distinguish alleged primitive forms ( Makapan and lower beds at Olduvai ) from remains found at Hopefield , Swartkrans , Kanjera , Olorgesailie , Olduvai Bed IV, or the lower Ndutu Beds. Other traits, such as canine crown height and incisor size, are poorly documented for fossil Theropithecus . Thus, the available evidence suggests that Theropithecus darti and its successional species, T. oswaldi , can best be considered as a single fossil species, T. oswaldi , of which the remains from Hopefield are a late representative. Furthermore, lack of morphological differences dictates that Hopefield Theropithecus not be considered a distinct subspecies. Variation within the Hopefield sample shows that only one taxa is found at this site. Hypothesized physical and climatic conditions at Hopefield during the Pleistocene suggest that T. oswaldi lived near vleis or fresh water lagoons. Comparisons with modern T. gelada suggest a graminivorous diet for the fossil form.  相似文献   

A relatively complete skeleton of the fossil papionin, Theropithecus brumpti, from the site of Lomekwi, west of Lake Turkana, Kenya, is here described. The specimen, KNM-WT 39368, was recovered at the site of LO 5 (3°51′N and 35°45′E), from sediments dated to approximately 3·3 Ma. The skeleton is that of an old adult male and preserves a number of articulated elements, including most of the forelimbs and tail. The cranial morphology is that of a large, early T. brumpti, exhibiting a deep mandible with a deeply excavated mandibular corpus fossa, and mandibular alveoli and cheek teeth arrayed in a reversed Curve of Spee. The forelimb skeleton exhibits a unique mixture of characteristics generally associated with a terrestrial locomotor habitus, such as a narrow scapula and a highly stable elbow joint, combined with those more representative of habitual arborealists, such as muscle attachments reflecting a large rotator cuff musculature and a flexible shoulder joint. The forelimb of KNM-WT 39368 also presents several features, unique toTheropithecus , which represent adaptations for manual grasping and fine manipulation. These features include a large, retroflexed medial humeral epicondyle (to which large pronator, and carpal and digital flexor muscles attached) and proportions of the digital rays that denote capabilities for precise opposition between the thumb and index finger. Taken together, these features indicate that one of the earliest recognized representatives of Theropithecus exhibited the food harvesting and processing anatomy that distinguished the genus through time and that contributed to its success throughout the later Pliocene and Pleistocene. Based on the anatomy of KNM-WT 39368 and the known habitat preference of T. brumpti, the species is reconstructed as being a generally terrestrial but highly dexterous, very large-bodied, sexually dimorphic, and possibly folivorous papionin. T. brumpti was adapted for propulsive quadrupedal locomotion over generally even ground, and yet was highly adept at manual foraging. The estimate of 43·8 kg body mass for KNM-WT 39368 renders unlikely the possibility that the species, or at least adult males of the species, were highly arboreal. T. brumpti, as represented by KNM-WT 39368, is seen as a large, colorfully decorated, and basically terrestrial papionin that was restricted to riverine forest habitats in the Lake Turkana Basin from the middle to latest Pliocene.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic investigation of 110 adult baboons (Papio cynocephalus) captured in Kenya and sacrificed at the Institut Pasteur, Paris, showed the absence of anomalies, numerical or structural bearing on nonheterochromatic material; a polymorphism of the AgNOR-positive secondary constriction of chromosome 5 in 12% of the animals; a polymorphism of a secondary constriction of chromosome 7 in 2% of the animals; a fragile site of chromosome 6 in one animal. We believe that our data show that cytogenetic observations in present day primates probably reflect their chromosomal evolution.  相似文献   

The site of Ahl al Oughlam near Casablanca, Morocco, dated to ca. 2·5 Ma, has yielded a good sample of Theropithecus atlanticus (Thomas, 1884), a North African late Pliocene species previously known only by its holotype, a lower molar from Algeria. Theropithecus atlanticus, which can now be much better defined, is clearly distinct from other species of the genus, which is thus more diverse than previously thought. The mandible of T. atlanticus has a very characteristic deep and long post-molar sulcus and a deep and well excavated supra-lateral triangular depression of the ramus, with a sharp postero-inferior ridge. The upper and lower canines are rather large but low. The male P3is very wide, with well developed posterior crests; the P4is rounded, with a large talonid and weak notches and clefts. Median lingual notches of the lower molars form an acute angle. Although our incomplete knowledge of T. atlanticus precludes a detailed phylogenetic analysis, we suggest that it arose by clado-genesis from the T. dartiT. oswaldi lineage; it is replaced by the latter species in the Pleistocene.Le gisement de Ahl al Oughlam près de Casablanca (Maroc), daté d'environ 2,5 Ma, a livré une belle collection deTheropithecus atlanticus (Thomas, 1884), espèce du Pliocène supérieur nord-africain qui n'était jusque là connue que par son holotype, une molaire inférieure d'Algérie. T. atlanticus, qui peut maintenant être bien mieux défini, se distingue bien des autres espèces du genre, dont la diversité est ainsi accrue. La mandibule de T. atlanticus est très caractéristique par son espace rétro-molaire vaste et profond, et sa dépression supra-latérale de la branche montante également très profonde, avec un rebord inférieur aigu. Les canines supérieures et inférieures sont grosses mais basses. La P3mâle est très large, avec des crêtes postérieures très développées; la P4est arrondie, avec un grand talonide et des sillons peu profonds. Sur les molaires inférieures, le débouché de la vallée médiane forme un angle aigu. Bien que notre connaissance imparfaite de T. atlanticus interdise une analyse phylétique détaillée, nous suggérons une dérivation par cladogenèse à partir de la lignée T. dartiT. oswaldi; cette dernière espèce le remplace au Pléistocène.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the nature of somatomedin-C (SM-C) in baboon (Papio cynocephalus) blood and to compare various methods for estimating SM-C concentrations. Parallel dose-response curves were obtained with normal baboon serum, normal human serum, and purified SM-C. Recovery of purified SM-C added to baboon serum over a wide dosage range (n = 17) was 111 ± 12%, with slightly better recovery at higher potencies. Chromatography of normal baboon serum on Sephadex G-200 at neutral pH produced a profile similar to that observed in the human, as did samples chromatographed on Sephadex G-50 in acid. Although the SM-C content in acid chromatographed plasma was approximately 2.5 times higher than in native unprocessed plasma, there was excellent correlation between the values (r = 0.9143, p < 0.0001). The SM-C in baboon plasma which had been preincubated with glycine HCl was approximately twice that of unprocessed plasma, but the correlation between the two methods was excellent (r = 0.9593, p < 0.0001). The correlation between values obtained after simple acid-ethanol extraction and those observed in unextracted plasma were also significant (r = 0.7689, p < 0.0001). Following a series of four injections of human growth hormone (hGH) to a normal baboon, plasma SM-C rose approximately sevenfold above the initial concentration and returned to basal levels five days after the final injection. These studies show that although the radioimmunoassay (RIA) for SM-C in unprocessed baboon plasma does not measure all of the SM-C present, it provides a reliable index of the total SM-C concentration and reflects GH status in the baboon.  相似文献   

The taxonPraeanthropus africanus (Weinert, 1950), represented by the Garusi maxilla, is valid and reinstated. The morphological pattern of the Garusi maxilla is not that of a primitive hominid, but of a relatively generalized pongid. Since the apelike lectotype L.H.-4 and paralectotype A.L.200-1a ofAustralopithecus afarensis Johanson et al. 1978 are conspecific withP. africanus, and originate from the same formation, they are reassigned toPraeanthropus africanus.  相似文献   

D. Formenti 《Genetica》1975,45(3):307-313
Data are presented on the nuclear DNA content (Feulgen positive material) in lymphocytes of nine species ofCercopithecus. On the basis of comparisons betweenCercopithecus talapoin (2n=54), the species recently classified as belonging toC. aethiops (C. sabaeus, C. pygerythrus, C. tantalus, C. griseoviridis; 2n=60) andC. cephus (2n=66) it is hypothesized that a correlation exists between the genome length and the DNA content. The variability in DNA content observed between individuals of the same species is critically discussed.  相似文献   

At least three diurnal primate taxa are still present in Eritrea, NE Africa: hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas), olive baboons (Papio h. anubis) and grivet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops aethiops). However, information on status and distribution of primates and their habitats in Eritrea is outdated and incomplete. We conducted a primate survey, focussing on hamadryas baboons, to obtain data which will be integrated in a national wildlife management and conservation plan in Eritrea. We obtained information about the geographical distribution and abundance of baboons, their altitudinal range, habitat quality of their home-ranges, aggregation sizes at sleeping cliffs and predator presence. We described habitat quality via the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), a vegetation classification of Landsat MSS satellite data. Hamadryas and olive baboons are still present in Eritrea in ample numbers. Their geographical distributions in 1997 and 1998 did not deviate significantly from their historical distributions. An estimated 15,000 Papio hamadryas hamadryas lived in the 25,000-km2 area of survey (0.58 baboons/km2). Population densities of hamadryas baboons in many parts of the survey area are higher than at Kummer's (1968) study site in Ethiopia. Hamadryas baboons live at all altitudes in four of five ecogeographical zones of Eritrea. Olive baboons replaced them in the western lowlands. Both baboon taxa tend to select better quality habitats, characterized by a higher normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) than the average for the respective ecogeographical zones. Hamadryas baboons show a greater ecological plasticity than olive baboons, which are confined to riverbeds with extended gallery forest. By the end of 1999, a hybrid zone could not be confirmed.  相似文献   

The paper examines recent information on the history of the ‘southern hemisphere’ conifer family Araucariaceae and gives supplementary notes to previously published monographs. Important data from the Mesozoic fossil record are presented and summarized to describe the ancient diversity and distribution of Araucariaceae. Information on the origin of the family and oldest fossil records of the present-day genera are assembled. Existing models on phylogenetic relationships within the family inferred from molecular data are compared with relationships between the genera determined from morphological data. Reasons for disappearance of representatives of this conifer family in the latest Cretaceous in North America and Europe are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):48-54

The endemic Tasmanian hepatic Vandiemenia ratkowskiana Hewson, originally referred to the family Vandiemeniaceae (Marchantiophyta), is restudied taxonomically. The rhizoids, female plants, calyptrae and sporophytes are described for the first time. These features are closest to those of Metzgeria (Metzgeriaceae) and support the placement of Vandiemenia within the Metzgeriaceae.  相似文献   

This paper consists of a taxonomic and systematic revision of the extinct felid genus Dinofelis (Felidae, Ma-chairodontinae) and an analysis of its ecomorphology and evolution. Dinofelis has a broad distribution, with material from all northern continents and Africa, the latter of which was the apparent centre of evolution of the genus. We describe new material of Dinofelis from a number of sites in eastern Africa and reconsider all previously described material. We name two new species and identify several other distinct species-level taxa but refrain from naming these due to a paucity of well-preserved material. At the same time, we synonymize the two named Asian species, D. cristata and D. abeli , of which the former has priority. There are few characters useful in systematic analysis, but we can suggest at least one migration from eastern to southern Africa. Ecomorphological analysis of both craniodental and postcranial characters suggests that Dinofelis in many respects converged on modern pantherine cats in morphology and behaviour, a trend culminating in the South African D. barlowi and the Asian D. cristata , which are the most pantherine-like of all machairodont felids. This trend is reversed in the evolution of the youngest species, D. piveteaui , which is also the most machairodont in its ecomorphology. The timing of the extinction of Dinofelis is difficult to determine. Outside Africa material is scarce at all times, while in Africa the apparent extinction of Dinofelis at about 1.4 Mya coincides with the end of the good, semi-continuous fossil record present in eastern Africa from about 4 Mya onwards. Dating of Kanam East (with D. piveteaui) to the Jaramillo Subchron (1.070-0.990 Mya) suggests possible survival considerably later. Thus, the extinction datum for Dinofelis cannot at present be firmly established.  相似文献   

The systematic excavation of the Dmanisi site (Republic of Georgia) has provided the earliest evidence of hominins outside Africa, dating back to ca. 1.8Ma. The analysis of the hominin remains has mainly focused on the morphology of the crania and mandibles. We present the first detailed morphological analysis and comparison of the Dmanisi teeth. The dental evidence from Dmanisi shows a unique combination of primitive and derived traits. In general, although the Dmanisi dental fossils show primitive morphology that resembles that seen in Australopithecus and H. habilis, they also display some derived characteristics, particularly in relation to dental reduction, resembling that seen in the dentition of H. erectus from the Far East.  相似文献   

According to DeVore and Washburn's protection theory of the spatial organization of moving baboon troops, walking infants, which are among the most vulnerable and least self-sufficient of all troop members, should tend to occupy the troop's center. The protection theory is an ultimate hypothesis from which persistently recurring behavior is expected. Two troops living in Mikumi National Park, Tanzania, were compared with troops studied at other locations. Walking infants tended to occupy the center of their troop and to be underrepresented primarily in the frontal portion of progressions and secondarily in the rear. The lead position of progressions was analyzed using 82 walking infants, 11 troops, three locations, two species, and three studies involving eight or more observers employing somewhat different procedures at the different study sites. Despite so many opportunities for variation, 1,317 observations from these 11 troops did not produce a single instance in which a walking infant led the troop and very few in which one was in the frontal twelfth.  相似文献   

We take advantage of an array of hybrid baboons (Papio anubis x Papio hamadryas) living in the same social group to explore the causes and consequences of different male mating strategies. Male hamadryas hold one-male units and exhibit a sustained, intense interest in adult females, regardless of the latter's reproductive state. Anubis baboons, by contrast, live in multi-male, multi-female groups where males compete for females only when the latter are estrous. These two taxa interbreed to form a hybrid zone in the Awash National Park, Ethiopia, where previous work has suggested that hybrid males have intermediate and ineffective behavior. Here, we first examine male mating strategies with respect to morphological and genetic measures of ancestry. We found significant relationships between behavioral measures and morphology; males with more hamadryas-like morphology had more hamadryas-like behavior. However, genetic ancestry was not related to behavior, and in both cases intermediates displayed a previously unreported level of behavioral variation. Furthermore, male behavior was unrelated to natal group. Second, we evaluated reproductive success by microsatellite-based paternity testing. The highest reproductive success was found for individuals exhibiting intermediate behaviors. Moreover, over nine years, some genetically and morphologically intermediate males had high reproductive success. We conclude that the behavior of hybrid males is therefore unlikely to be an absolute barrier to admixture in the region.  相似文献   

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