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贻贝(Mytilus edulis)核型及染色体带型分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对贻贝染色体进行了核型分析,其结果为:2n=28,12m+10sm+6st,NF=50,TCL= 103.90μm,CL:2.735-4.774μm。第1、2、4、8、11、12对为中部着丝粒染色体(m);第6、9、10、13、14对 为亚中部着丝粒染色体(sm);第 3、5、7对为亚端部着丝粒染色体(st)。对贻贝染色体的G带、C带、银 染带进行了分析。银染结果表明,贻贝细胞中有四个银染核仁组织区(Ag-NORs),分布在第 3、5对染 色体长臂末端。  相似文献   

M. Norton-Griffiths   《Ibis》1967,109(3):412-424
Oystercatchers have two methods of opening mussels, both neatly adapted to the structure of the prey. To open mussels exposed by the tide, the bird hammers a hole along the ventral margin of the shell, whereas to open mussels under water, the bird drives its bill into the gape of the valves to cut through the posterior adductor muscle. Large and strong-shelled mussels can be opened by stabbing but not by hammering. Feeding methods of Oystercatchers vary from mussel-bed to mussel-bed. These variations in behaviour are attributable to differences in the strength of the shells of the prey and to the firmness of their attachment to the substrate. Diversity of ecological conditions on the mussel-beds causes an apparent size selection of prey by Oystercatchera.  相似文献   

The prisms in the shell of Mytilus edulis Linné are calcite needles. Their small size and their thin conchiolin cases distinguish them from the prisms of many other species of mollusks. These Mytilus prisms have been studied with the electron microscope. The material consisted of positive replicas of surfaces of the prismatic layer, etched with chelating agents, and of preparations of tubular cases from decalcified prisms which were compared with the conchiolin from decalcified mother-of-pearl of the same species. In the replicas, the cases appear as thin pellicles in the intervals between the prism crystals. Both the prism cases and the nacreous conchiolin, disintegrated by exposure to ultrasonic waves and sedimented on supporting films, appear in the form of tightly meshed, reticulated sheets, described as "tight pelecypod pattern" in former studies on nacreous conchiolin of Mytilus. The results show that in the shell of this species the same conchiolin structure is associated with aragonite in mother-of-pearl and with calcite in the prismatic layer.  相似文献   

The form of beat of cilia and the structure of the metachronal wave on the lateral gill epithelium of Mytulus edulis have been studied on living material by interference-contrast microscopy and stroboscopic illumination, and compared with the same features in rapid-fixed preparations studied by light microscopy and with the scanning electron microscope. The most striking finding is that the beat of the cilia is not planar, as previously assumed, but involves a sideways movement in the recovery stroke Previous reports on nonplanar ciliary beating from protozoan examples describe a planar effective stroke and a counterclockwise rotation in the recovery stroke; in this molluscan example there is a clockwise rotation in the recovery stroke The lateral inclination of the cilia in the recovery stroke is in the same direction as the propagation of the waves, and the orientation of cilia in the recovery stroke is thought to determine whether the waves move to the left or right of the direction of the effective stroke  相似文献   

Two divergent taxa in the marine mussel genus Mytilus are largely isolated geographically and are routinely exposed to distinctly different thermal environments. We tested the hypothesis that the two taxa are physiologically differentiated with respect to temperature and examined the evolved adaptations allowing one of the taxa to exploit habitats where warm-temperate conditions prevail for prolonged periods. We first analyzed the physiological response to high temperature of mussels collected from a hybrid population containing members of both pure taxa, F, hybrids, and a variety of introgressed genotypes. The experimental temperature of 23°C was chosen to be permissive to the taxon that occurs in warm-temperate regions (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and restrictive to the cold-water taxon (Mytilus edulis). The results show that the two taxa are physiologically differentiated. Under the experimental conditions, M. galloprovincialis exhibited a threefold higher feeding rate and a slightly elevated metabolic rate compared with M. edulis. These differences did not result in a significant difference in net energy balance between the two taxa, probably because of an interaction between physiological response and food availability. However, M. galloprovincialis grew significantly faster in the field, indicating that the physiological differences observed in the laboratory also occur in nature. Numerous introgressed genotypes provided the opportunity to test for cosegregation between the physiological differences and four highly differentiated genetic markers. Two of the markers (esterase and octopine dehydrogenase) cosegregate with variation in feeding rate and shell growth and explained most of the physiological differences observed between taxa. A strong concordance existed between these two loci, suggesting that they may be linked and may mark segregation of the same linkage group. The results suggest that the physiological differentiation between these taxa may be controlled by a few genes (perhaps only one) each with large effect.  相似文献   

The cylotaxonomical characteristics of Mytilus tros-sulus, M.edulis and M. galloprovincialis were studied using karyometricanalysis and silver staining. The karyotype of M. trossulus,reported here for the first time, consists of six metacentricand eight submetacentric-subtelocentric chromosome pairs. Theoccurrence of five metacentric chromosome pairs in M. galloprovincialisdifferentiates this taxon from M. trossulus and M. edulis whichboth have six meta-centrics. The number of submetacentric tosubtelo-centric chromosome pairs was variable between populationsand between taxa. We suggest that this variability has arisenfrom differential chromosome condensation rather than from structuralchange. Intercomparison of chromosome relative length showedstrong similarity among the three taxa. Chromosomal nucleolarorganizer regions (NORs) were identically located on two submetacentric-subtelocentricchromosome pairs in all three taxa. However, M. trossulus showeda characteristic difference in the occurrence of NORs on onemetacentric pair, which was absent in M. galloprovincialis andM. edulis. Variability in the number of NORs per cell was observedin all populations studied. We conclude that the three taxaof Mytilus studied here cannot be differentiated by asinglekaryological character, but that a combination of karyologicalcharacters is virtually diagnostic * To whom correspondence should be sent (Received 24 January 1994; accepted 9 March 1994)  相似文献   

It is probable that post larval mussels cut their byssus moorings.For those that gain their freedom in this way, two modes ofpassive flotation are possible. In the ‘summer’mode, they are lifted into the water column on the end of amucus filament; in the ‘winter’ mode, they attachthemselves to certain negatively buoyant debris which leavesthe bottom when the tide flows. Passive flotation prolongs the errant existence of post larvalmussels by increasing their drag. By enabling them to avoidsilt and keep in touch with hard substrates, passive flotationmakes it more likely that they will settle advantageously. The two modes of passive flotation pose an all-the-year-roundthreat of fouling to the cooling water systems of coastal powerstations. (Received 27 April 1982;  相似文献   

The fauna associated with Mytilus edulis at a rocky wave-exposedlocality in North Wales is reported. A total of fifty-nine taxawith representatives from most of the main invertebrate phylawas recorded. In terms of species richness the community wasdominated by crustaceans (25 taxa), molluscs (10 taxa) and cheliceratearthropods (9 taxa), mainly mites. Fora-miniferans and crustaceanswere the most abundant taxa, representing 25% and 23% of thetotal associated fauna respectively. Nemerteans and nema-todeswere also well represented. The mussel bed was broadly stratifiedinto three distinct layers each dominated by a single species.Thus, the foramini-feran Ammonia batavus was restricted to thesediment in the bottom layer, the barnacle Semibalanus balanoidesoccurred only on the outer exposed surfaces of the mussel shells,whilst the tiny brooding bivalve, Lasaea rubra, nestled mainlyamongst the complex matrix of byssal threads and shell fragmentsin the middle layer of the bed. Species richness and diversitydecreased systematically with tidal elevation and both theseindices were also signifocantly depressed amongst mussel communitiesfrom high-shore tide pools. Inclination of the rock surfacehad little or no effect on the mussel populations or their associatedfauna. Small mussel patches generally supported fewer taxa perunit area and had a lower diversity than larger, more extensivepatches. These marked, small-scale spatial variations exhibitedby the fauna associated with M. edulis appear to be relatedlargely to the degree of aerial and tidal exposure, mussel density,the amount of accumulated sediment and mussel patch size. (Received 2 August 1993; accepted 8 November 1993)  相似文献   

The incidence of the shell-boring parasite Polydora ciliatain Mytilus edulis from the Conwy estuary, North Wales is described.Amongst mussels >40 mm in shell length both the occurrenceand abundance of P. ciliata increased steeply with host size.Infestation was highest amongst mussels near the mouth of theestuary where around 60–65% of the population was parasitized;no systematic relationship between the incidence of P. ciliataand tidal elevation was observed. Mussel condition was negativelycorrelated with the degree of infestation. Moderately and heavilyinfested mussels, however, never accounted for more than ca.10% of this population and the overall detrimental effects ofP. ciliata on growth and production is thus probably quite small.Whilst heavily infested mussels were evidently more vulnerableto predation, the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, selected smaller,non-infested mussels whenever these were available. No obviousrelationships were found between the presence of P. ciliataand the incidence of either pearls or pea crabs. (Received 14 January 1991; accepted 2 April 1991)  相似文献   

The inter-and intratubular morphological variability in thedigestive diverticula of Littorina littorea and Mytilus edulishas been investigated by planimetric procedures. Five parametershave been measured: mean epithelial thickness (MET), mean diverticularradius [MDR], mean luminal radius (MLR), MLR/MET ratio and MET/MDRratio. The results indicate that irrespective of the patternof tubule organization within the digestive diverticula (whethertubule types are clustered or not), variability between individualsis greater than that between zones of the digestive gland. Thishas implications for the design of sampling strategies in investigationsof the morphology of digestive diverticula in physiologicaland pathological studies. The variability in the epithelialthickness within diverticular sections is of minor relevancein assessing the overall condition of the digestive gland inthese studies, because variability in epithelial thickness betweentubules is significantly greater than within tubules in bothspecies. (Received 10 March 1989; accepted 16 October 1989)  相似文献   

Secondary pit connections are common between cells of hosts and parasites in the widespread phenomenon of red algal parasitism. The DNA-specific fluorochrome 4′,-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) reveals that in host-parasite secondary pit connection (SPC) formation between the parasitic red alga Choreocolax polysiphoniae and its host Polysiphonia confusa, a nucleus and other cytoplasmic components of the parasite are delivered into the cytoplasm of a host cell. Host cells receive large numbers of parasite nuclei and these, apparently arrested in G1, are maintained intact in host cells for periods of several weeks. Within these enlarged, differentiated cells, starch accumulates and cytoplasmic organelles proliferate as the central vacuole decreases in size. Host nuclear DNA synthesis is stimulated in the infected host cell, resulting in an increase in the number of host nuclei, or an increase in DNA in each of the existing host nuclei (i.e. somatic polyploidy). Occasionally, infected host cells will recommence division and engender a new host branch. Microspectrofluorometry of nuclear DNA quantitatively confirms not only the identity and transfer of parasite nuclei to host cells, but also the transfer of parasite nuclei to other parasite cells. Measurements also reveal that the single nucleus of Choreocolax becomes progressively more polyploid as cells become larger and more highly differentiated. Secondary pit connection formation between Choreocolax and Polysiphonia provides the mechanism for the transfer of parasite genetic information (via the parasite nucleus and cytoplasm) into the host. The parasite nuclei may thereby control and redirect the physiology of the host for the benefit of the parasite.  相似文献   

The intact acrosome of the Mytilus edulis spermatozoon consists of a conical vesicle, the basal side of which is deeply invaginated so that the whole vesicle forms a sheath around a very slender axial rod, about 2.7 µ long, inserted in a tube passing through the nucleus. The annular base of the acrosomal vesical is filled with a homogeneous substance; the outer wall of the vesicle is lined with a somewhat irregular layer of a particulate substance interspersed with very fine tubular elements, and its lumen is nearly filled by a strand of material which extends from the inner tip of the invagination to the apex of the acrosome. The lumen of the invagination appears empty except for the rod and a delicate sleeve-like structure which surrounds it. The plasma membrane of the sperm cell lies in immediate contact with the acrosomal membrane over its whole outer surface. In its general organization, this molluscan acrosome shows a rather close homology with that of the annelid Hydroides.  相似文献   

Steep clinal transitions in one or several inherited characters between genetically distinct populations are usually referred to as hybrid zones. Essentially two different mechanisms may maintain steep genetic clines. Either selection acts against hybrids that are unfit over the entire zone due to their mixed genetic origin (endogenous selection), or hybrids and parental types attain different fitness values in different parts of the cline (exogenous selection). Survival rate estimates of hybrids and parental forms in different regions of the cline may be used to distinguish between these models to assess how the cline is maintained. We used reciprocal transplants to test the relative survival rates of two parental ecotypes and their hybrids over microscale hybrid zones in the direct-developing marine snail Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) on the rocky shores of Galicia, Spain. One of the parental forms occupies upper and the other lower shores, and the hybrids are found at various proportions (1–38%) along with both parental forms in a midshore zone a few meters wide. The survival rate over one month was 39-52% of the native ecotype on upper shores, but only 2-8% for the lower-shore ecotype. In contrast, only 4-8% of the upper-shore ecotype but 53% of large (> 6 mm) and 8% of small (3-6 mm) native lower-shore ecotype survived in the lower shores. In the midshores, both the two parental ecotypes and the hybrids survived about equally well. Thus there is a considerable advantage for the native ecotypes in the upper and lower shores, while in the hybrid zone none of the morphs, hybrids included, are favored. This indicates that the dimorphism of L. saxatilis is maintained by steep cross-shore selection gradients, thus supporting the selection-gradient model of hybrid zones. We performed field and laboratory experiments that suggest physical factors and predation as important selective agents. Earlier studies indicate assortative mating between the two ecotypes in the midshore. This is unexpected in a hybrid zone maintained by selection gradients, and it seems as if the reproductive barrier compresses the hybrid zone considerably.  相似文献   

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