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A nitrogen limitation technique elicited the entire life cycle of the marine centric diatoms Chaetoceros diadema (Ehr.) Gran and Leptocylindrus danicus Cleve. In C. diadema the sexual cycle followed the same pattern as in the previously investigated C. didymus. Sexuality took place in narrow diameter cells, only at 2 and 5° C, and was seldom seen. Resting spore formation took place in cells of all sizes and at all temperatures at which the species grew vegetatively (2–15° C). The L. danicus life cycle is probably unique among diatoms. Nitrogen depletion induced sexuality in the entire culture at 10 and 15° C if the cell diameter was narrow (3–8 μm). Auxospore formation was followed by resting spore formation directly within the auxospore. In C. diadema, as in most centric diatoms, resting spores are not an obligate part of the life cycle, but they are in L. danicus. Resting spore formation is a versatile adaptive response in C. diadema, depending only on nitrogen depletion, although promoted by low temperatures. In L. danicus the linkage to the sexual process sharply limits conditions under which resting spores can form.  相似文献   

Small single‐celled Chaetoceros sp. are often widely distributed, but frequently overlooked. An estuarine diatom with an extremely high growth potential under optimal conditions was isolated from the Shinkawa‐Kasugagawa estuary in the eastern part of the Seto Inland Sea, western Japan. It was identified as Chaetoceros salsugineum based on morphological observations. This strain had a specific growth rate of 0.54 h?1 at 30°C under 700 μmol · m?2 · s?1 (about 30% of natural maximal summer light) with a 14:10 L:D cycle; there was little growth in the dark. However, under continuous light it grew at only 0.35 h?1 or a daily specific growth rate of 8.4 d?1. In addition, cell density, chlorophyll a, and particulate organic carbon concentrations increased by about 1000 times in 24 h at 30°C under 700 μmol · m?2 · s?1 with a 14:10 L:D cycle, showing a growth rate of close to 7 d?1. This very rapid growth rate may be the result of adaptation to this estuarine environment with high light and temperature. Thus, C. salsugineum can be an important primary producer in this estuary in summer and also an important organism for further physiological and genetic research.  相似文献   

The amplitude of diel oscillations in photosynthesis as a function of irradiance varied with the growth phase in a marine phytoplankton species. The common centric diatom (Bacillariophyta), Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grun., showed strong periodicity in the photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) relationship, which damped progressively from early to late exponential and stationary phase. These findings suggest that short-term temporal characteristics of phytoplankton production depend on factors which affect growth, and that the amplitude is most enhanced at maximal growth rates likely to be encountered in the natural environment.  相似文献   

Numerous microalgal species are infected by viruses that have the potential to control phytoplankton dynamics by reducing host populations, preventing bloom formation, or causing the collapse of blooms. Here we describe a virus infecting the diatom Chaetoceros cf. wighamii Brightw. from the Chesapeake Bay. To characterize the morphology and lytic cycle of this virus, we conducted a time‐course experiment, sampling every 4 h over 72 h following viral inoculation. In vivo fluorescence began to decline 16 h after inoculation and was reduced to <19% of control cultures by the end of experiment. TEM confirmed infection within the first 8 h of inoculation, as indicated by the presence of virus‐like particles (VLP) in the nuclei. VLP were present in two different arrangements: rod‐like structures that appeared in cross‐section as paracrystalline arrays of hexagonal‐shaped profiles measuring 12 ± 2 nm in diameter and uniformly electron‐dense hexagonal‐shaped particles measuring ~ 22–28 nm in diameter. Nuclei containing paracrystalline arrays were most prevalent early in the infection cycle, while cells containing VLP increased and then declined toward the end of the cycle. The proportion of nuclei containing both paracrystalline arrays and VLP remained relatively constant. This pattern suggests that rod‐like paracrystalline arrays fragmented to produce icosahedral VLP. C. cf. wighamii nuclear inclusion virus (CwNIV) is characterized by a high burst size (averaged 26,400 viruses per infected cell) and fast generation time that could have ecological implications on C. cf. wighamii population control.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry was used to detect and quantify sexual differentiation in the centric diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grun.). Size (light scatter), chlorophyll, protein and DNA contents were measured for each cell throughout the process of differentiation. Male gametes were small round cells characterized by one complement of DNA and a lower protein and chlorophyll content than vegetative cells. Male gamete formation was induced by a long period of darkness (2 days) followed by a transfer to continuous light. Up to 30% of the initial cell population produced male gametes which appeared in the culture 14 h after release from darkness. Male gamete production was also detected in exponentially growing cultures in continuous light, but to a much smaller degree.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry was used to detect and quantify sexual differentiation in the centric diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grun.). Size (light scatter), chlorophyll, protein and DNA contents were measured for each cell throughout the process of differentiation. Male gametes were small round cells characterized by one complement of DNA and a lower protein and chlorophyll content than vegetative cells. Male gamete formation was induced by a long period of darkness (2 days) followed by a transfer to continuous light. Up to 30% of the initial cell population produced male gametes which appeared in the culture 14 h after release from darkness. Male gamete production was also detected in exponentially growing cultures in continuous light, but to a much smaller degree.  相似文献   

The frequency and position of separation valves in filaments of Melosira granulata were observed both in laboratory cultures and in natural habitats. The numerical relationship between mean filament length in a population and the proportion of separation valves produced (the separation valve index-SVI) has also been determined. The data indicate that filament length is controlled through the production of separation valves and that the SVI gives an indication of the mean filament length. Two series of cell divisions (the first producing the separation valves) are necessary before separation of the filament can occur. Paris of separation valves occur predominantly towards the middle of the filament. We suggest that the SVI may prove to be a useful indicator of mean filament length, and hence of ecological change, even when the filaments are no longer intact, as, for example, in sediment core samples and on permanent slides of acid-cleaned collections.  相似文献   

Five taxa of Chaetoceros occur in inland waters of North America. These most commonly occur in waters with elevated total dissolved solids in arid regions of the western United States and Canada. Chaetoceros amanita Cleve-Euler is characterized by consistently forming relatively long chains of cells and having very spinose primary resting spore valves. Chaetoceros elmorei Boyer also forms long chains of cells which are connected by evident valvar processes; spores are nearly always smooth. Chaetoceros muelleri Lemm. may form short chains with processes between sibling valves, but also produces solitary cells lacking processes. Chaetoceros muelleri var. subsalsum (Lemm.)Johansen et Rushforth is similar to the nominate but never produces cells with Processes. Both of the C. muelleri varieties produce spores with smooth primary valves. Chaetoceros simplex Ostenfeld is characterized by a noncolonial habit, cells lacking processes and the production of resting spores with warty to some what spinose primary valves.  相似文献   

Iron starvation induced marked increases in flavodoxin abundance and decreases in light-saturated and light-limited photosynthesis rates in the diatom Chaetoceros muelleri. Consistent with the substitution of flavodoxin for ferredoxin as an early response to iron starvation, increases of flavodoxin abundance were observed before declines of cell division rate or chl a specific photosynthesis rates. Changes in the abundance of flavodoxin after the addition of iron to iron-starved cells indicated that flavodoxin was not actively degraded under iron-replete conditions. Greater declines in light-saturated oxygen evolution rates than dark oxygen consumption rates indicated that the mitochondrial electron transfer chain was not affected as greatly by iron starvation as the photosynthetic electron transfer chain. The carbon:nitrogen ratio was unaffected by iron starvation, suggesting that photosynthetic electron transfer was a primary target of iron starvation and that reductions in nitrate assimilation were due to energy limitation (the C:N ratio would be expected to rise under nitrogen-limited but energy-replete conditions). Parallel changes were observed in the maximum light-saturated photosynthesis rate and the light-limited initial slope of the photosynthesis-light curve during iron starvation and recovery. The lowest photosynthesis rates were observed in iron-starved cells and the highest values in iron-replete cells. The light saturation parameter, Ik, was not affected by iron starvation, nor was the chl-to-C ratio markedly reduced. These observations were consistent with iron starvation having a similar or greater effect on photochemical charge separation in PSII than on downstream electron transfer steps. Declines of the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence in iron-starved cells were consistent with PSII being a primary target of iron starvation. The functional cross-section of PSII was affected only marginally (<20%) by iron starvation, with the largest values observed in iron-starved cells. The rate constant for electron transfer calculated from fast repetition rate fluorescence was found to covary with the light-saturated photosynthesis rate; it was lowest in the most severely starved cells.  相似文献   

并基角毛藻是硅藻门角毛藻属的典型种类, 以“相邻角毛基部并行融合”作为标志性特征, 但该特征是否稳定, 及如何赋予其分类学价值?尚存较多争议。研究以符合现存并基角毛藻分类标准的藻株作为目标藻株, 采用毛细管显微操作技术从我国沿海代表水域分离藻株, 建立了目标藻株的单克隆培养株系, 利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜分别对其形态学特征进行观察, 同时还扩增了核糖体大亚基编码基因的D1-D3区序列, 并构建系统进化树。综合分析形态学特征和分子系统学数据, 初步得到以下结论: (1)具有相同遗传特征的并基角毛藻株系在“相邻角毛基部并行融合”特征上具有不稳定性, 即“相邻角毛基部并行融合”不能作为并基角毛藻种类的标志性特征; (2)并基角毛藻和洛氏角毛藻作为相似种类, 均显示出较高的物种多样性, 高于目前的认知, 预示着或许存在隐形种或拟隐形种; (3)推测并基角毛藻单胞变型只是并基角毛藻原种的一个生活史阶段, 是并基角毛藻的同种异名, 不宜继续保留其独立的分类学地位。  相似文献   

Acclimation to ambient ultraviolet radiation (UVR) was examined in a subtropical marine diatom, Chaetoceros gracilis Schutt. Short-term exposure to UVR (<24 h) reduced the efficiency of photosynthetic energy conversion, carbon fixation, activity of 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-loxygenase (RUBISCO), and the rapid turnover of the putative Dl reaction center (32 kda) protein, whereas longer-term exposure to ambient UVR (24–48 h) revealed a steady-state acclimation, defined as recovery of carbon fixation and RUBISCO activity to rates equivalent to treatments without exposure to UVR. The turnover of D1 and chlorophyll a (Chl a) remained high during exposure to UVR. Efficiency of energy conversion by photosystem II, measured with double flash (pump and probe) fluorometry, increased by 24% in cells acclimated to UVR. Acclimation to UVR had no detectable effect on the functional absorption cross-section or cellular concentrations of Chl a, Chl c, or total carotenoids. However, the maximum rate of carbon fixation was reduced by UVR on a Chl a basis but remained unaffected on a per-cell basis. Response to UVR exposure in this subtropical diatom has two components: a short-term inhibitory response and a longer-term acclimation process that ameliorates the inhibition of carbon fixation.  相似文献   

Microscope observations of chains of Chaetoceros T. armatum T. West, collected, from its natural habitat, at Copalis Beach, Washington, have been made. A regular daily periodicity in the occurrence of cell division stages and length of the chains was found on each occasion (November, February, April, May, August). During the night, short chains of 3 cells predominated. In early morning hours, average chain lengths increased due to cell elongation, and nuclear and protoplast division occurred. This correlated with the time of day when cell masses of C. armatum first appeared at the surface of the water. In the late afternoon, the new silica valves of the daughter protoplasts were formed. Formation of special bristle-bearing end valves effected the separation of long chains into shorter chains composed predominantly of 3 cells. (Cultured material was used to verify some of these stages.) This correlated with the time of day when cell masses disappeared from the water surface and dispersed.  相似文献   

The toxic effects of copper on resting spore formation and viability in the marine diatom Chaetoceros protuberans Lauder were determined both with and without silicic acid added to the medium. With silicic acid available, partial inhibition of resting spore formation occurred only at the highest cupric ion activity (pCu 8.6), while the percentage of cells forming spores at pCu's 10.2 and 11.3 was nearly the same as in the controls. Without silicic acid added to the medium, sporulation was completely inhibited at pCu 8.6 and greatly inhibited, at pCu 10.2. At pCu 11.3 and in the controls, the rate of spore formation was less than 50%. The results indicate that the inhibition of resting spore formation by copper is related to the concentration of silicic acid available to cells of C protuberans. This is consistent with previous studies which show that copper toxicity during vegetative growth involves interference with silicification in diatoms and is a Junction of the silicic acid concentration of the medium. Viable resting spores of C. protuberans were still present in cultures following exposure to elevated copper concentrations during a 100-day incubation period. This indicates that resting spores can serve to enhance diatom survival in areas polluted by heavy metals.  相似文献   

The toxic effects of copper on resting spore formation and viability in the marine diatom Chaetoceros protuberans Lauder were determined both with and without silicic acid added to the medium. With silicic acid available, partial inhibition of resting spore formation occurred only at the highest cupric ion activity (pCu 8.6), while the percentage of cells forming spores at pCu's 10.2 and 11.3 was nearly the same as in the controls. Without silicic acid added to the medium, sporulation was completely inhibited at pCu 8.6 and greatly inhibited at pCu 10.2. At pCu 11.3 and in the controls, the rate of spore formation was less than 50%. The results indicate that the inhibition of resting spore formation by copper is related to the concentration of silicic acid available to cells of C. protuberans. This is consistent with previous studies which show that copper toxicity during vegetative growth involves interference with silicification in diatoms and is a function of the silicic acid concentration of the medium. Viable resting spores of C. protuberans were still present in cultures following exposure to elevated copper concentrations during a 100-day incubation period. This indicates that resting spores can serve to enhance diatom survival in areas polluted by heavy metals.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, ionic composition, and conductivity on growth rates of ten strains of Chaetoceros muelleri Lemmerman (mostly var. subsalsum Johan. & Rushf.) were studied. Lipid content of stressed and unstressed cells and fatty acid composition were also determined. Considerable physiological variability was observed in the ten strains, although principal components analysis of physiological data indicated that all strains fell into one of two major groups: C. muelleri (var. muelleri and var. subsalsum) and an undescribed Chaetoceros species morphologically close to C. muelleri var. subsalsum. A high degree of agreement was found among morphological, physiological, and biochemical data sets, indicating that physiological and biochemical data may be helpful in making taxonomic decisions in diatoms, particularly in taxa with few morphological characters. We also conclude that nonmorphological characters such as those employed in the present study can be used to test phylogenetic hypotheses formulated from traditional morphological data.  相似文献   

Patterns of changes in cell size, growth rate, and the inducibility of spermatogenesis were followed in eight sub‐clones of two isolates of the centric diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) Fryxell & Hasle grown at saturating light. One isolate originated from Long Island Sound, New York, USA and the other originated from Jakarta Harbor, Indonesia. As expected from previous studies, oscillations between intervals of cell size reduction and cell size enlargement were observed for each sub‐clone. For both isolates, sperm were easily detected, but cells resembling eggs and auxospores were rarely observed and fertilization was not confirmed, suggesting that the observed cell size increases may have resulted from a combination of asexual cell enlargement and rare auxosporulation. The two isolates differed in their minimum and maximum sizes, and the threshold size for the induction of sperm formation. However, the two sets of isolated sub‐clones displayed comparable relationships between growth rate, sperm inducibility, and cell size relative to the minimum, maximum, and threshold sizes. Growth rate increased as cell size decreased during vegetative divisions until the threshold for sperm inducibility was crossed. Below the size threshold for sperm inducibility, growth rate declined as cell size continued to decrease. Smaller cells were susceptible to failure of normal cytokinesis and valve deposition, resulting in the formation of abnormally long and often multinucleate cells. Culture conditions may select against restoration of cell size via auxosporulation due to the relationship between growth rate and cell size.  相似文献   

An axenic clonal culture of Chattonella antiqua (Hada) Ono was grown on a 12: 12 h LD cycle in a laboratory culture tank containing 1 m3 of f/2 medium. Diel changes in mean cell volume, cellular carbon (carbon content per cell), C/N ratio, cellular Chl a, Chl a/c ratio and carotenoid composition were observed. Mean cell volume and cellular C, N and pigments increased during the light period as a result of photosynthesis and decreased with increase of cell concentration by phased cell division during the dark period. These changes indicated that carbon assimilation and pigment synthesis occurred together during the light period. However, the patterns of increase were not the same since different diel patterns were also found in the ratios of C/N and chl a/c. Photosynthetic pigments were analyzed by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with ion-pairing solution. This analysis showed that the dominant carotenoids in C. antiqua were fucoxanthin, violaxanthin and β-carotene. Diel patterns of Chls a and c were similar to that of fucoxanthin but different from those of violaxanthin and β-carotene. The cellular contents of Chl a, fucoxanthin and carbon increased in a parallel manner during the light period. On the other hand, the increase of violaxanthin was restricted to only a few hours at the beginning of the light period during cell division cycles.  相似文献   

The diel patterns of light-saturated and light-limited photosynthesis were measured for three diatom species in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica during the transition from late austral winter to summer. Maximum photosynthetic capacity occurred around mid-day during September, when there was a well defined light/dark cycle, and progressively shifted to about midnight by late october when irradiance was continuous. There was a concomitant shift in minimum photosynthetic capacity from midnight to midday. Rates of light-saturated and -limited photosynthesis covaried, and the magnitude of seasonal and diel changes in photosynthetic characteristics were similar. The linear relationship between light-saturated and -limited photosynthesis suggests that the shapes of the photosynthesis-irradiance curves remained relatively constant over the day and througout the season. The unique diel patterns of photosynthesis of these polar phytoplankton appear to be a response to the persistently low, yet continuous irradiance of the polar summer.  相似文献   

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