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Reproductive strategies of primates: The influence of body size and diet on litter size 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The frequency of multiple births, life history parameters, body size, and diet characteristics were obtained from the literature for 70 primate species. The general pattern within the primate order is to have single infant litters, yet multiple births regularly occur in a number of species in specific phylogenetic groups. Primates which have large litters tend to be small, have short gestation periods and give birth to small infants, which are weaned quickly, and mature rapidly. Species in which multiple births are common also have short interbirth intervals and in the Callitrichidae have males which exhibit paternal care. In addition, they are commonly insectivorous. Although it is difficult to isolate the effects of diet on litter size, independent of body size, analyses suggest that after the influence of body size is statistically removed, as the proportion of insects in the diet increases, animals have larger litters. We suggest that by adopting a mixed diet of insects and fruit primates may be able to ensure access to a seasonally stable food resource that is not greatly restricted by the presence of toxins. This diet would allow a relatively high metabolism and facilitate large litters. 相似文献
Body size dimorphism and sexual segregation in polygynous ungulates: an experimental test with Soay sheep 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Sexual segregation in Soay sheep (Ovis aries) was investigated using an experimental approach in order to test the sexual dimorphism-body size hypothesis. Two corollaries
of the sexual dimorphism-body size hypothesis were tested: (1) in dimorphic species males, the larger sex, have relatively
smaller bite sizes on short swards because of the scaling of incisor arcade with body weight, and (2) they move off earlier
to feed on taller but poorer-quality swards when such swards are patchily distributed on a scale which enables the spatial
segregation of individuals. Patch choice between sexes was estimated using a matrix of grass patches which differed in both
quality and biomass of grass on offer (HQ: high-quality-low-biomass; LQ: low-quality-high-biomass). Sex differences in patch
choice and grazing behaviour were tested in short-term preference trials. Incisor breadth showed no significant difference
between sexes. On the other hand, muzzle width was dimorphic, with females having a narrower muzzle than males. Bite size
was significantly different between the sexes, being smaller in females than in males, although it was not significantly different
between sward types. Females had a higher bite rate than males and the bite rate was higher in the HQ sward type than the
LQ sward type. When the effect of body mass was removed, no sex differences in muzzle size, bite size or bite rate were found.
The intake rate did not differ between the sexes or between sward types. Whilst both sexes preferred the HQ sward type, females
spent a significantly longer time feeding on the LQ sward type than did males. The difference detected between the sexes in
patch choice was not consistent directly with the sexual dimorphism-body size hypothesis. Alternative explanations based on
sex differences in foraging behaviour in relation to body mass sexual dimorphism are discussed to explain the result.
Received: 1 February 1999 / Accepted: 12 May 1999 相似文献
Subfossil platyrrhine tibia (primates: Callitrichidae) from Hispaniola: a possible further example of island gigantism 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
S M Ford 《American journal of physical anthropology》1986,70(1):47-62
A distal right tibia described by G.S. Miller in 1929 (Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 82[5]:1-16) on the island of Hispaniola is shown to be that of a heretofore unknown extinct platyrrhine and is informally referred to as Ceboid M. Its affinities appear to be with the dwarfed callitrichids, especially Saguinus. It is suggested that Ceboid M represents yet another case of gigantism in the Antilles, in response to a lack of both competitors and predators. A reconsideration of the affinities of Xenothrix mcgregori from Jamaica is suggested. 相似文献
Odontometric, dietary, and body weight data were collected for a sample of 29 cercopithecoid species. Each species was assigned to one of three diet classes (frugivore, folivore, and omnivore) , and indices were constructed to estimate the extent of sexual dimorphism in body weight, postcanine area and incisor width in each of the species. Analysis proceeded by means of the analysis of covariance with the dental dimorphism indices as the dependent variables. Body weight dimorphism was not significantly related to either measure of dental dimorphism across the sample, and an analysis by diet alone revealed that omnivores show significantly higher dental dimorphism than do either of the other two diet classes. The relationship between this result and theories of sexual subniche differentiation is discussed. 相似文献
Relative cheek-tooth size in Australopithecus 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
H M McHenry 《American journal of physical anthropology》1984,64(3):297-306
Until the discovery of Australopithecus afarensis, cheek-tooth megadontia was unequivocally one of the defining characteristics of the australopithecine grade in human evolution along with bipedalism and small brains. This species, however, has an average postcanine area of 757 mm2, which is more like Homo habilis (759 mm2) than A. africanus (856 mm2). But what is its relative cheek-tooth size in comparison to body size? One approach to this question is to compare postcanine tooth area to estimated body weight. By this method all Australopithecus species are megadont: they have cheek teeth 1.7 to 2.3 times larger than modern hominoids of similar body size. The series from A. afarensis to A. africanus to A. robustus to A. boisei shows strong positive allometry indicating increasing megadontia through time. The series from H. habilis to H. erectus to H. sapiens shows strong negative allometry which implies a sharp reduction in the relative size of the posterior teeth. Postcanine megadontia in Australopithecus species can also be demonstrated by comparing tooth size and body size in associated skeletons: A. afarensis (represented by A.L. 288–1) has a cheek-tooth size 2.8 times larger than expected from modern hominoids; A. africanus (Sts 7) and A. robustus (TM 1517) are over twice the expected size. The evolutionary transition from the megadont condition of Australopithecus to the trend of decreasing megadontia seen in the Homo lineage may have occurred between 3.0 and 2.5 m.y. from A. afarensis to H. habilis but other evidence indicates that it is more likely to have occurred between 2.5 to 2.0 m.y. from an A. africanus-like form to H. habilis. 相似文献
The relationship between body size and feeding ecology is well established for primates. It is argued that the evolutionary history of modern New World monkeys and, in particular, the path to attainment of current body size is significant in understanding the similarities and differences between dietary strategies and other ecological parameters of similar-sized monkeys. Current interpretations of New World monkey evolutionary relationships are reviewed. Based on a synthesis of available body weights and the assumption that the earliest New World monkeys weighed close to 1 kg, similar to modern Aotus and Callicebus, predicted patterns of body size change in each lineage are given. Restrictions on directions of body size change in primates are discussed, and it is shown that "Stanley's Rule" offers a good explanation for differing body size ranges in New and Old World anthropoids. Predicted ecological correlates to body size drawn from the mammalian literature are offered and tested using data on New World monkeys, which show some concurrence and several interesting departures from predicted patterns. Sexual dimorphism in body weight of New World monkey species is reviewed, based on the new summary of body weight data given. 相似文献
Summary Corner's rules for plant form relate the degree of branching to branch diameter, and branch diameter to leaf or inflorescence size. We report the first interspecific test of these rules for inflorescence size and branch diameter. We derived a simple corollary of Corner's rules; since leaf size and inflorescence size are both correlated to branch thickness, they may be correlated to each other. This corollary holds for Leucadendron and Protea (Proteaceae), and in certain other taxa in the Asteraceae, Bruniaceae and Pinaceae which also have leaves and reproductive structures on the same shoot. For such taxa this implies that selection for aspects of floral display (inflorescence size, pollination type) may also be expressed at the level of leaf size and vice versa. This has implications for many aspects of botany and also points to the importance of the co-ordinating role of plant architecture for aspects of plant form. 相似文献
The mandibular corpus of female primates: taxonomic, dietary, and allometric correlates of interspecific variations in size and shape 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
R J Smith 《American journal of physical anthropology》1983,61(3):315-330
Measurements were taken on skulls of 253 adult female anthropoid primates from 32 species, in order to determine patterns and possible causes for variation among species in the cross-sectional size and shape of the mandibular corpus under M1. When all 32 species are considered as a group, there is a tendency for corpus shape to become more robust with increasing body size. However, this does not hold for colobines or cercopithecines evaluated separately. When diets are classified into the general categories of folivory or frugivory, neither size-adjusted measurements of mandibular corpus breadth and height, nor estimates of the second moments of inertia or the polar moment of inertia of the mandibular cross section, show any relationship to dietary variation among species. Species reported to include hard nuts in their diets have larger mandibular cross sections than other species, and the size of the corpus is significantly correlated with size of the dentition and molar enamel thickness. A biomechanical model taking into account frictional effects of tooth-to-tooth contact indicates that mandibular corpus robusticity may not be related to a large horizontal component of force during mastication. 相似文献
We compared forage digestion and passage rates among three groups of Nubian ibex (Capra ibex nubiana) — mature males, non-lactating females, and lactating females — to test hypotheses relating intraspecific digestive ability to body mass and reproduction costs. We hypothesized that large males (60 kg) would exhibit longer forage retention times and more complete digestion of fermentable cell walls than adult females (23 kg). We tested these predictions by measuring digestion and retention of a grass hay and an alfalfa hay, forages that exhibited contrasting rates and extents of cell wall digestion. Consistent with predictions, males retained both forages longer than non-lactating females. However, by substantially increasing gut fill, lactating females increased both intake and retention time with respect to non-lactating females. Contrary to predictions, all three groups digested the grass (66% digestible) and alfalfa hay (63%) equally well. Alfalfa cell wall was less digestible than that of grass hay (60% vs 69% digestible), and retention time of alfalfa was consistently, but not statistically significantly, shorter. Fiber digestion was not correlated with retention time, emphasizing the ability of behavioral processes to modify digestion rate. We postulate that females achieved their greater digestion rate by masticating forages much more thoroughly than males. 相似文献
The secular trend in human physical growth: a biological view 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Nutritionists and anthropometric historians alike are familiar with the secular trend-height and weight in adults, and the rate of physical development in children, increasing since at least the mid 19th century. The social conditions which drive this trend are of interest to anthropometric historians, but the underlying biology is also important. Here the trends for height, weight and menarcheal age are summarised and contrasted. In Northern Europe, adult height has largely stabilised, and the age of menarche has also settled at around 13 years, while weight continues to increase due to obesity. The increase in height from one generation to the next occurs mainly in the first 2 years of life, due to increases in leg length. The height trend has lasted for 150 years or more, i.e. for six generations, because the rate of catch-up from one generation to the next is biologically constrained to avoid the cost of too rapid catch-up. 相似文献
An increase in brain size is a hallmark of human evolution. Questions regarding the evolution of brain development and obstetric constraints in the human lineage can be addressed with accurate estimates of the size of the brain at birth in hominins. Previous estimates of brain size at birth in fossil hominins have been calculated from regressions of neonatal body or brain mass to adult body mass, but this approach is problematic for two reasons: modern humans are outliers for these regressions, and hominin adult body masses are difficult to estimate. To accurately estimate the brain size at birth in extinct human ancestors, an equation is needed for which modern humans fit the anthropoid regression and one in which the hominin variable entered into the regression equation has limited error. Using phylogenetically sensitive statistics, a resampling approach, and brain-mass data from the literature and from National Primate Research Centers on 362 neonates and 2802 adults from eight different anthropoid species, we found that the size of the adult brain can strongly predict the size of the neonatal brain (r2 = 0.97). This regression predicts human brain size, indicating that humans have precisely the brain size expected as an adult given the size of the brain at birth. We estimated the size of the neonatal brain in fossil hominins from a reduced major axis regression equation using published cranial capacities of 89 adult fossil crania. We suggest that australopiths gave birth to infants with cranial capacities that were on average 180 cc (95% CI: 158–205 cc), slightly larger than the average neonatal brain size of chimpanzees. Neonatal brain size increased in early Homo to 225 cc (95% CI: 198–257 cc) and in Homo erectus to approximately 270 cc (95% CI: 237–310 cc). These results have implications for interpreting the evolution of the birth process and brain development in all hominins from the australopiths and early Homo, through H. erectus, to Homo sapiens. 相似文献
The association between mandibular robusticity, postcanine megadontia, and canine reduction in hominins has led to speculation that large and robust jaws might be required to spatially accommodate large canine and molar teeth in hominins and other primates. If so, then variations in mandibular form that are generally regarded as biomechanical adaptations to masticatory demands might instead be incidental effects of functional requirements of tooth support. While the association between large teeth and deep, robust jaws in hominins is well known, the relationship between tooth size and jaw size has not been systematically evaluated in a comparative sample of primates. We evaluate the relationships between molar tooth size, canine tooth size, and mandibular corpus and symphyseal dimensions in a sample of adult anthropoids in interspecific (n=84 species) and intraspecific (n=36 species) contexts. For intraspecific comparisons, tooth size and jaw size are correlated, but for a majority of species this is a function of sexual size dimorphism. Interspecific comparisons lend little direct support to the hypothesis that jaw breadth directly covaries with molar tooth breadth, but they do support the hypothesis that mandibular depth is associated with canine tooth size in males. The latter observation suggests that if there is a causal association between canine size and mandibular depth, it is subject to a threshold effect. In contrast, neither corpus nor symphyseal robusticity, measured as a shape index of breadth/height, are correlated with tooth size. Our results suggest that further studies of the relationship between tooth size and corpus morphology should focus on tooth root size and corpus bony architecture, and that species-specific factors should have a strong impact on such relationships. 相似文献
The relations between two tooth indices, post-canine area and incisor width in the upper jaw, and three variables, diet, body weight and body weight dimorphism, were examined separately for the males and females of 29 cercopithecoid species. Each species was assigned to one of three diet classes (folivore, frugivore, omnivore). Data on the other variable consisted of species means (log-transformed) obtained from published sources. The analytic techniques used were bivariate and multiple regression, the tooth indices being the dependent variables. All tooth indices scaled isometrically within diet classes, and all except female incisor width scaled with positive allometry across diet classes. In both sexes, the body weight adjusted mean incisor width of folivores was significantly smaller than that of either frugivores or omnivores. In the females, the body weight adjusted mean post-canine areas did not differ significantly across diet classes, while in the males the omnivores had a larger body weight adjusted mean post-canine area than either the folivores or frugivores. Female post-canine area was the only tooth index for which body weight dimorphism was a significant predictor. Extrapolations of these findings to other extant and to fossil primate species are discussed. 相似文献
Seed size and seedling emergence: an allometric relationship and some ecological implications 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
We develop a geometric model predicting that maximum seedling emergence depth should scale as the cube root of seed weight. We tested the prediction by planting seeds from 17 species ranging in weight from 0.1 to 100 mg at a variety of depths in a sand medium. The species were spread across 16 genera and 13 families, all occurring in fire-prone fynbos shrublands of South Africa. Maximum emergence depth was found to scale allometrically with seed weight with an exponent of 0.334, close to the predicted value. We used the allometry to predict recruitment response to experimentally simulated variation in fire intensity. Five species with small (<2 mg) seeds and five with large (>10 mg) seeds were planted at ≤20-mm and 40-mm depths and exposed to low and high heat treatments and a control. The allometric equation predicted that species with large seeds would be able to emerge from a depth of 40 mm but those with small seeds would not. Only 1% of 481 seedlings from small-seeded species emerged from the 40-mm planting compared with 40% of 626 seedlings from the large-seeded group. The simulated fire treatments killed seeds in shallow, but not deeper, soil layers. At simulated high fire intensities, seedling emergence was poor in small-seeded species but good in large-seeded species, with most seedlings emerging from the 40-mm planting depth. Seed size could be a useful general predictor of recruitment success under different fire intensities in this system. We suggest that allometric relationships in plants deserve wider attention as predictive tools. Received: 28 September 1998 / Accepted: 3 March 1999 相似文献
Richard F. Preziosi Daphne J. Fairbairn Derek A. Roff Julie M. Brennan 《Oecologia》1996,108(3):424-431
The general female bias in body size of animals is usually attributed to fecundity selection. While many studies have demonstrated a positive relationship between body size and fecundity, the most common interpretation of fecundity selection is that larger females have larger abdomens and can hold more eggs, yet the relationship between abdomen size and fecundity has rarely been examined. For the waterstrider, Aquarius remigis, we find a significant relationship between body size and fecundity and demonstrate that the target of fecundity selection is abdomen size. Thus, larger females have higher fecundities because they have larger abdomens and not because of their total size per se. The rate at which fecundity increases with increasing abdomen size exceeds that which would be expected due to a simple volume constraint and suggests that other factors, such as increased ability to obtain resources, may contribute to the increase in fecundity with body size. Selection intensities estimated from our data indicate that fecundity selection could be a significant selective force on both total and abdomen lengths. Previous studies have found that abdomen size increased faster than body size and thus, larger females had relatively larger abdomens. The relationship of abdomen length and thorax length in A. remigis is hypoallometric and indicates that larger females have relatively smaller abdomens. We hypothesize that this may reflect conservation of abdomen size in females developing under poor conditions. Finally, while egg size is not directly related to body size, we find a trade-off between egg size and number when female abdomen length is held constant, suggesting that selection on egg size may influence abdomen length only indirectly through its effects on fecundity. 相似文献
An enclosure experiment was performed to test for direct predationeffects on fecundity and adult body size of the copepod Eudiaptomus gracilis in the field. By introducing a high densityof fish (15 underyearling roach, Rutilus rutilus, per 350litre enclosure) and documenting the short-term effects on traitsin a rapidly decreasing prey population, responses to changes inthe phytoplankton community were minimized. After 68 hours ofpredation, clutch size and frequency of females carrying eggs weresignificantly lower in fish enclosures. Female density was moreaffected than male density. Predation selected against large bodysize in both sexes but less so in females, leading to an increasedsexual size dimorphism. The results agree with predictions based onprey selectivity in fish. Predation risk should increase withclutch size and body size since these traits increase theconspicuousness of prey. The size of the highly visible egg-clutchmay be more important than body size. Female body size wasuncorrelated to clutch size, which may explain the weaker sizeeffect among females and the changed sexual sizedimorphism. 相似文献
P D Gingerich 《American journal of physical anthropology》1977,47(3):395-398
Second molar length and body weight are used to test the correlation between tooth size and body size in living Hominoidea. These variates are highly correlated (r= 0.942, p less than 0.001), indicating that tooth size can be used in dentally unspecialized fossil hominoids as one method of predicting the average body weight of species. Based on tooth size, the average body weight of Aegyptopithecus zeuxis is estimated to have been beteen 4.5 and 7.5 kg, which is corroborated by known cranial and postcranial elements. Using Radinsky's estimates of brain size, the encephalization quotient (EQ) for Aegyptopithecus was between 0.65 and 1.04. A similar analysis for Proconsul africanus yields a body weight between 16 and 34 kg, and an EQ between 1.19 and 1.96. 相似文献
Endocranial volumes of primate species: scaling analyses using a comprehensive and reliable data set
Isler K Christopher Kirk E Miller JM Albrecht GA Gelvin BR Martin RD 《Journal of human evolution》2008,55(6):967-978
We present a compilation of endocranial volumes (ECV) for 176 non-human primate species based on individual data collected from 3813 museum specimens, at least 88% being wild-caught. In combination with body mass data from wild individuals, strong correlations between endocranial volume and body mass within taxonomic groups were found. Errors attributable to different techniques for measuring cranial capacity were negligible and unbiased. The overall slopes for regressions of log ECV on log body mass in primates are 0.773 for least-squares regression and 0.793 for reduced major axis regression. The least-squares slope is reduced to 0.565 when independent contrasts are substituted for species means (branch lengths from molecular studies). A common slope of 0.646 is obtained with logged species means when grade shifts between major groups are taken into account using ANCOVA. In addition to providing a comprehensive and reliable database for comparative analyses of primate brain size, we show that the scaling relationship between brain mass and ECV does not differ significantly from isometry in primates. We also demonstrate that ECV does not differ substantially between captive and wild samples of the same species. ECV may be a more reliable indicator of brain size than brain mass, because considerably larger samples can be collected to better represent the full range of intraspecific variation. We also provide support for the maternal energy hypothesis by showing that basal metabolic rate (BMR) and gestation period are both positively correlated with brain size in primates, after controlling for the influence of body mass and potential effects of phylogenetic relatedness. 相似文献
Phytoplankton growth rate as a function of cell size: an experimental test in Lake Biwa 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
It is well known that algal growth rates decrease with increasing cell size. Most of these findings were, however, obtained
under laboratory conditions. It is not clear if these allometric relationships are also applicable to in situ conditions.
In the present study, the relationship between growth rates and cell size of algal species was examined seasonally in Lake
Biwa by in situ dilution bioassays. The bioassays revealed that the highest growth rate of each species throughout the experiments
was negatively correlated with cell size consistent with known allometric relationships. At each incubation experiment, however,
growth rates were not necessarily correlated with cell size. This was true even when both macro- and micronutrients were added,
although a substantial number of species responded to nutrient enrichment. These results showed that nutrient supplies affected
algal species differently regardless of cell size and that factors other than nutrient supplies limited the growth rate of
some algal species. Due to such species-specific differences in limiting factors, at any given time in situ growth rates of
algae are not determined exclusively by cell size.
Received: August 24, 2000 / Accepted: March 2, 2001 相似文献
Miller OK 《Mycologia》2003,95(1):176-183
Recent studies in the Gomphidiaceae have clearly delimited two genera, Gomphidius and Chroogomphus, both of which are mycorrhizal associates only with the Pinaceae. Ecological studies show Chroogomphus as a mycorrhizal associate of Pinus (Pinoideae), while Gomphidius is associated with the other three gymnosperm subfamilies Piceoideae, Lariceideae, and Abietoideae. The genus Brauniellula, which is based upon the secotioid habit and the presence of orthotropic, statismosporic basidia, falls within Chroogomphus in a clade with ballistosporic species. Brauniellula is, therefore, placed in synonymy with Chroogomphus. Molecular and morphological studies of new material from Nepal, Russia, Korea, and the United States have delimited two new species in each genus. The morphologically identical Chroogomphus rutilus clades are separate, one European and one North American. The relationship of the two genera in the Gomphidiaceae, with their mycorrhizal associates, is related to similar host relationships within other genera in the Suilloid Clade. 相似文献