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Four benthic algae are reported here for the first time in the North Carolina flora. The new brown algal genus and species, Onslowia endophytica Searles, is described as an endophyte of Halymenia floridana from the North Carolina continental shelf. New records of Boodleopsis pusilla and Naccaria corymbosa from North Carolina constitute range extensions of these tropical species on the American coast north from Florida. Blastophysa rhizopus, an endophyte and epiphyte known from the North Atlantic coast of Europe and America as well as the Caribbean is reported from North Carolina for the first time and in a new host, Predaea feldmannii.  相似文献   

Neoardissonea naccarioides (J. Ag.) Kylin, the type and only species of its genus, is shown to be referable to Naccaria Endlicher, to which genus it is transferred as Naccaria naccarioides (J. Ag.) comb. nov.  相似文献   

Eggert , Donald A. (Yale U., New Haven, Conn.) Studies of Paleozoic ferns: Tubicaulis stewartii sp. nov. and evolutionary trends in the genus. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(8): 594–602. Illus. 1959.—Tubicaulis stewartii, a new species of the order Coenopteridales is described. The specimen was derived from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Berryville, Illinois, and is characterized by having a lacunar middle cortex, a well-developed integumentary system bearing uniseriate hairs, and xylem parenchyma organized into vertically anastomosing strands. In addition, multiseriate (somewhat transitional to reticulate) bordered pitting is present in the petiolar metaxylem elements, while those of the stem stele are multiseriate scalariform. The habit is intermediate between that of a form such as Osmunda and a tree fern, having an upright tapering stem which gives off prominently decurrent petioles in a 2/5 divergence. A reinvestigation of the type specimen of the most closely allied species, T. multiscalariformis, of Upper-Middle Pennsylvanian age, has shown that it has similar features in the cortex, metaxylem, and integumentary layers. Tubicaulis multiscalariformis and T. stewartii form a distinct group in the 6 species now known, whose evolution has most likely involved the retention of a more primitive form of pitting (multiseriate scalariform) with parenchymatization of the xylem. The remaining species of the genus have not developed xylem parenchyma but have developed circular bordered pitting. The relationships of the genus to other genera in the Coenopteridales remain obscure.  相似文献   

Two new species of Gracilariopsis from the Indian Ocean are proposed—Gracilariopsis (Gp.) mclachlanii Buriyo, Bellorin et M. C. Oliveira sp. nov. from Tanzania and Gracilariopsis persica Bellorin, Sohrabipour et E. C. Oliveira sp. nov. from Iran—based on morphology and DNA sequence data (rbcL gene and SSU rDNA). Both species fit the typical features of Gracilariopsis: axes cylindrical throughout, freely and loosely ramified up to four orders, with an abrupt transition in cell size from medulla to cortex, cystocarps lacking tubular nutritive cells and superficial spermatangia. Nucleotide sequence comparisons of rbcL and SSU rDNA placed both species into the Gracilariopsis clade as distinct species from all the accepted species for this genus, forming a deeply divergent lineage together with some species from the Pacific. The new species are very difficult to distinguish on morphological grounds from other species of Gracilariopsis, stressing the importance of homologous molecular marker comparisons for the species recognition in this character‐poor genus.  相似文献   

A new genus of Pfiesteria‐like heterotrophic dinoflagellate, Luciella gen. nov., and two new species, Luciella masanensis sp. nov. and Luciella atlantis sp. nov., are described. These species commonly occur with other small (<20 μm) heterotrophic and mixotrophic dinoflagellates in estuaries from Florida to Maryland and the southern coast of Korea, suggesting a possible global distribution. An SEM analysis indicates that members of the genus Luciella have the enhanced Kofoidian plate formula of Po, cp, X, 4′, 2a, 6″, 6c, PC, 5+s, 5?, 0p, and 2″″. The two four‐sided anterior intercalary plates are diamond shaped. The genus Luciella differs from the other genera in the Pfiesteriaceae by a least one plate in the plate tabulation and in the configuration of the two anterior intercalary plates. An SSU rDNA phylogenetic analysis confirmed the genus as monophyletic and distinct from the other genera in the Pfiesteriaceae. The morphology of Luciella masanensis closely resembles Pfiesteria piscicida Steid. et J. M. Burkh. and other Pfiesteria‐like dinoflagellates in size and shape, making it easily misidentified using LM. Luciella atlantis, in contrast, has a more distinctive morphology. It can be distinguished from L. masanensis and other Pfiesteria‐like organisms by a larger cell size, a more conical‐shaped epitheca and hypotheca, larger rhombic‐shaped intercalary plates, and an asymmetrical hypotheca. The genus Luciella is assigned to the order Peridiniales and the family Pfiesteriaceae based on plate tabulation, plate pattern, general morphology, and phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

The Aegagropila clade represents a unique group of cladophoralean green algae occurring mainly in brackish and freshwater environments. The clade is sister to the species‐rich and primarily marine Cladophora and Siphonocladus lineages. Phylogenetic analyses of partial LSU and SSU nrDNA sequences reveal four main lineages within the Aegagropila clade, and allow a taxonomic reassessment. One lineage consists of two marine ‘Cladophora’ species, for which the new genus Pseudocladophora and the new family Pseudocladophoraceae are proposed. For the other lineages, the family name Pithophoraceae is reinstated. Within the Pithophoraceae, the earliest diverging lineage includes Wittrockiella and Cladophorella calcicola, occurring mainly in brackish and subaerial habitats. The two other lineages are restricted to freshwater. One of them shows a strong tendency for epizoism, and consists of Basicladia species and Arnoldiella conchophila. The other lineage includes Aegagropila, Pithophora and a small number of tropical ‘Cladophora’ species. The latter are transferred to the new genus Aegagropilopsis. Previously, polypyramidal pyrenoids had been suggested to be apomorphous for this clade, but we report the finding of both polypyramidal and bilenticular pyrenoids in members of the Pithophoraceae, and thus show that this character has no diagnostic value.  相似文献   

The tiny jumping flagellate originally described as Pedinomonas mikron Throndsen was isolated into pure culture from Australian waters and its ultrastructure critically examined. Pedinomonas mikron differs in behavior and in features of the flagellar apparatus from P. minor, the type species from freshwater, and is referred to the new genus Resultor. The two genera are closely related and form the new class Pedinophyceae, which is characterized by features of the flagellar apparatus, mitosis, and cytokinesis. The flagella show the 11/5 orientation otherwise characteristic of Ulvophyceae and Pleurastrophyceae, but they are arranged end to end as in the Chlorophyceae. The flagellar root system is asymmetric and includes a rhizoplast that emerges from the base of one flagellum but subsequently associates with a microtubular root from the second basal body. Mitosis studied previously by Pickett-Heaps and Ott in Pedinomonas is closed, unlike in other green algae, and the spindle is persistent. No phycoplast or phragmoplast is formed during cytokinesis. The eyespot of the Pedinophyceae is located at the opposite end of the cell from the flagella and adjacent to the pyrenoid, as in the most primitive members of the Prasinophyceae. Members of the Pedinophyceae lack prasinoxanthin and Mg 2,4D, characteristic of certain other primitive green algae. The primitive green algae include the classes Prasinophyceae and Pedinophyceae. Micromonadophyceae Mattox et Stewart is considered a synonym of Prasinophyceae. Two new orders are established, Pedinomonadales, containing all known members of the Pedinophyceae, and Scourfieldiales, with the single family Scourfieldiaceae fam. nov. and the single genus Scourfieldia.  相似文献   

A new freshwater benthic diatom genus, Microfissurata gen. nov., was identified from light and scanning electron micrographs. The most characteristic morphological feature (referred to also by the name of the new genus) is the structure of the striae/alveoli, which are simple, mostly uninterrupted, transapical slits. The combination of characteristics of the new genus is unique. It includes two new species: Microfissurata paludosa Cantonati et Lange‐Bert. sp. nov. and M. australis Van de Vijver et Lange‐Bert. sp. nov., distributed in Europe and on an austral island, respectively. The new genus occurs in freshwater dystrophic lakes, pools, seepage springs, mires, and in intermittently wet terrestrial habitats. It is not abundant but widespread wherever these habitat types are well developed, in Nordic‐alpine and sub‐Antarctic areas. Overall, the new genus appears to be mostly epiphytic (bryophilous) and capable of tolerating a wide range of moisture conditions (xerotolerant). The finding of the type species (M. paludosa) in a well‐investigated area like central Europe highlights the diatom species richness of dystrophic habitats and their importance for diatom biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Chrysolepidomonas gen. nov. is described for single-celled monads with two flagella, a single chloroplast, and distinctive canistrate and dendritic scales. The type species, Chrysolepidomonas dendrolepidota sp. nov., is described for the first time. The canistrate scales bear eight “bumps” on the top surface, and the dendriticscales have a tapered base with a quatrifid tip. These organic scales are formed in the Golgi apparatus and storred in a scale reservoir. The scale reservoir is bounded on two sides by the R1 and R2 in microtubular roots of the basal apparatus. The cyst (=stomatocyst, statospore) forms endogenously by means of a silica deposition vesicle. The outer cyst surface is smooth, and the pore region is unornamented. Two other organisms bearing canistrate and dendritic scales, previously assigned to the genus Sphaleromants, are transferred to the genus Chrysolepidomonas. They are C.angalica sp. nov. and C. marine(Pienaar) comb. nov. The distinguishing features of Chrysolepidomonas and Sphaleromantis are discussed. A new family, Chrysolepidomonadceae fam. noc., is described for flagellates covered with organic scales.  相似文献   

Systematics of the red algal order Rhodymeniales was investigated using combined large‐subunit nuclear ribosomal DNA (LSU) and elongation factor 2 (EF2) analyses. These data were subjected to distance, parsimony, and Bayesian analyses, and the resulting phylogenies were largely congruent with previously published SSU results in that the four currently recognized rhodymenialean families (Champiaceae, Faucheaceae, Lomentariaceae, and Rhodymeniaceae) were resolved as monophyletic lineages (with the exception of Coelothrix, which is here transferred to the Champiaceae from the Rhodymeniaceae). In addition, taxa presently considered as incertae sedis consisted of two lineages (Fryeella lineage and Hymenocladia lineage). Based on these results, two new families are proposed: (i) the Fryeellaceae fam. nov. to accommodate the genera Fryeella, Hymenocladiopsis, and a new taxon from Tasmania, Australia; and (ii) the Hymenocladiaceae fam. nov., to accommodate Asteromenia, Hymenocladia, and Erythrymenia. In addition to resolving familial relationships, these analyses resolved some novel interspecific affinities, and we propose a new genus, Neogastroclonium gen. nov., for Gastroclonium subarticulatum, a species that differs significantly in both morphology and molecular data from genuine species of Gastroclonium. Relationships among additional faucheacean and lomentariacean taxa were investigated using LSU data only, and these results are discussed. The familial classification of the Rhodymeniales proposed herein is discussed in light of vegetative and reproductive anatomy, most notably the ontogeny of the tetrasporangia.  相似文献   

Aqualinderella fermentans is described as a new genus and species in the order Leptomitales of the biflagellate, aquatic phycomycetes. Based upon pure as well as gross cultures, an account is given of its germination, its bipolar, unicellular, vegetative thallus, and its reproductive structures. The genus is distinguished particularly by an exceptionally coarse, digitately divided and thick-walled extramatrical body. The species is unique among known true fungi in that it combines a strictly fermentative metabolism with a requirement for high CO2. It is specially adapted to grow saprophytically in warm, stagnant waters on submerged fruits and has been found in equatorial Africa, Central America, and the southern United States.  相似文献   

Nitzschia sublinearis Hustedt and N. pura Hustedt are common oligosaprobic freshwater diatom species that frequently occur in diatom inventories, thus being important in water quality studies. Both are considered as species with overlapping diagnostic criteria in several floras, which is typical of the whole genus Nitzschia. The type material of Hustedt of N. sublinearis and N. pura was examined using LM and EM in order to document the range of variation within the type populations and to compare it with populations occurring in different European rivers. Detailed observations allowed recognition of two new freshwater diatom species: N. alicae sp. nov., occurring in mesotrophic up to eutrophic conditions, and N. puriformis sp. nov., mostly occurring in oligotrophic habitats, both in rivers and streams at middle and high altitudes. The most reliable taxonomic features that separate both new species from the most similar taxa are the density of fibulae and striae, valve shape, and valve width as well as the shape of areolae. Morphological examination of different populations indicates that N. puriformis is relatively common in European rivers and has been overlooked to date and confounded with N. pura by several researchers. By contrast, N. alicae has, to date, been collected only in Slovakia and Northern Italy, but with a high frequency of occurrence and sometimes in high abundance at sites.  相似文献   

A new species, Halimeda hummii, and a new variety of Halimeda cryptica Colinvaux and Graham both originally collected from the edge of the continental shelf on the southwest coast of Puerto Rico are newly described. The new species is irregular in its segment morphology and is the smallest species of Halimeda presently known. Halimeda cryptica var. acerifolia from deep water possesses distinctive segments resembling maple leaves. Halimeda copiosa Goreau and Graham and typical H. cryptica are also collected in deep water and are newly recorded from Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

We investigate an organism that closely resembles the nonphotosynthetic dinoflagellate “Gymnodinium elongatum” Hope 1954 using EM and molecular methods. Cells are 20–35 μm long, 10 μm wide, biconical, transparent, and have a faint broad girdle. Thecal plates are thin but present (plate formula Po Pi CP 3′ 1–2A 5″ 3C 6S 4? 3″″). With the exception of one feature, the presence of three antapical plates, the amphiesmal arrangement of this species is consistent with that of the order Peridiniales, family Podolampaceae; it is not at all consistent with the characteristics of the genus Gymnodinium. On the basis of these ultrastructural findings, we establish a new genus, Lessardia, and a new species, Lessardia elongata Saldarriaga et Taylor. Molecular phylogenetic analyses were performed using the small subunit rRNA genes of L. elongata as well as Roscoffia capitata, a member of a genus of uncertain systematic position that has been postulated to be related to the Podolampaceae. These analyses place Lessardia and Roscoffia as sister lineages within the so‐called GPP complex. Thecal plate arrangements led us to expand the family Podolampaceae to include the genus Lessardia and, in combination with new molecular results, to propose a close relationship between the Podolampaceae and Roscoffia. Within this lineage, Lessardia and Roscoffia appear to have retained a number of ancestral characters: Roscoffia still has a well‐developed cingulum, a feature absent in all members of the Podolampaceae, and Lessardia has more than one antapical plate, a character reminiscent of some members of the family Protoperidiniaceae.  相似文献   

The Texas brown tide alga (strain TBA-2) is described as Aureoumbra lagunensis Stockwell, DeYoe, Hargraves, et Johnson, gen. et sp. nov. Pigment composition, chloroplast structure, and 18s ribosomal RNA gene sequence data indicate that A. lagunensis and the east coast brown tide alga Aureococcus anophagefferens (originally placed in the Chrysophyceae) belong in the class Pelagophyceae. The new genus Aureoumbra with A. lagunensis as the type species differs from Aureococcus in 18s ribosomal RNA gene sequence, pyrenoid form, nitrogen physiology, and possession of basal bodies. The genus Aureococcus is placed in the order Pelagomonadates and family Pelagomonadaceae while ordinal placement of Aureoumbra is deferred.  相似文献   

A new coccoid rhodophytan species is described and compared with other species in the genus Rhodella. Thylakoids in the pyrenoid characterize the new species and indicate a closer relationships of Rhodella to Porphyridium than was previously indicated.  相似文献   

Abstract Xenochironomus tuberosus sp. nov. from southern China is here described and illustrated as male imagines. The new species is separated from other known species of this genus in having frontal tubercle, unusual stout setae on tergite VI, characteristic chaetotaxy on tergite IX and unique superior volsela. Based on the new species, an emendation to the diagnosis of the genus is given. This paper is the first record of genus Xenochironomus from China.  相似文献   

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