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Models of competitor coevolution, especially the genetic feedback hypothesis, suggest that a negative correlation between intraspecific and interspecific competitive effects may be important in sustaining competitor coexistence, and can give rise to oscillatory dynamics with repeated reversals of competitive superiority. I reanalyzed previously published census data from an experiment in which populationsof Drosophila melanogaster andD. simulans underwent competitive coevolution in one familiar and two novel environments, to specifically look for any evidence of a negative relationship between intraspecific and interspecific competitive effects on population growth rates, and for any indication of short period cycling in the relative magnitude of intraspecific and interspecific competitive effects. While there was considerable variation in the relative magnitude of intraspecific and interspecific competitive effects over generations, among both populations and environments, there was no clear evidence supporting the genetic feedback hypothesis. Intraspecific and interspecific competitive effects on population growth rates were strongly positively correlated in novel environments, and uncorrelated in the familiar environment. Data from the familiar environment indicated that indices of competition of populations of the initially superior competitor,D. melanogaster, might be showing some cyclic behaviour, but I argue that this is likely to be transient, and not suggestive of sustained oscillatory dynamics predicted by the genetic feedback model. I discuss the results in the context of the importance of the genetic architecture of intraspecific and interspecific competitive abilities in determining the coevolutionary trajectory of competitive interactions.  相似文献   

We study an SIR epidemic model with a variable host population size. We prove that if the model parameters satisfy certain inequalities then competition between n pathogens for a single host leads to exclusion of all pathogens except the one with the largest basic reproduction number. It is shown that a knowledge of the basic reproduction numbers is necessary but not sufficient for determining competitive exclusion. Numerical results illustrate that these inequalities are sufficient but not necessary for competitive exclusion to occur. In addition, an example is given which shows that if such inequalities are not satisfied then coexistence may occur.  相似文献   

The Leslie-Gower model is a discrete time analog of the competition Lotka-Volterra model and is known to possess the same dynamic scenarios of that famous model. The Leslie-Gower model played a historically significant role in the history of competition theory in its application to classic laboratory experiments of two competing species of flour beetles (carried out by Park in the 1940s-1960s). While these experiments generally supported what became the Competitive Exclusion Principle, Park observed an anomalous coexistence case. Recent literature has discussed Park's 'coexistence case' by means of non-Lotka-Volterra, non-equilibrium dynamics that occur in a high dimensional model with life cycle stages. We study this dynamic possibility in the lowest possible dimension, that is to say, by means of a model involving only two species each with two life cycle stages. We do this by extending the Leslie-Gower model so as to describe the competitive interaction of two species with juvenile and adult classes. We give a complete account of the global dynamics of the resulting model and show that it allows for non-equilibrium competitive coexistence as competition coefficients are increased. We also show that this phenomenon occurs in a general class of models for competing populations structured by juvenile and adult life cycle stages.  相似文献   

Spatial coexistence depends on a variety of biological and physical processes, and the relative scales of these processes may promote or suppress coexistence. We model plant competition in a spatially varying environment to show how shifting scales of dispersal, competition, and environmental heterogeneity affect coexistence. Spatial coexistence mechanisms are partitioned into three types: the storage effect, nonlinear competitive variance, and growth-density covariance. We first describe how the strength of each of these mechanisms depends on covariances between population densities and between population densities and the environment, and we then explain how changes in the scales of dispersal, competition, and environmental heterogeneity should affect these covariances. Our quantitative approach allows us to show how changes in the scales of biological and physical processes can shift the relative importance of different classes of spatial coexistence mechanisms and gives us a more complete understanding of how environmental heterogeneity can enable coexistence. For example, we show how environmental heterogeneity can promote coexistence even when competing species have identical responses to the environment.  相似文献   

Do complex life histories affect the conditions under which competitors can coexist? We investigated this using a two-species, two-stage Ricker model. With complex life cycles, the competition coefficients associated with each life-history stage suggest one of three competitive outcomes-coexistence, alternate stable states, or competitive exclusion-that depend on the relative magnitudes of intraspecific and interspecific competition. When the two stages suggest the same outcome, only that outcome can occur. When the stages suggest different outcomes, either one may prevail. It is also possible to have emergent outcomes, in which the outcome is not suggested by either stage. This can occur when the two stages suggest competitive exclusion by opposite species or when one stage suggests alternate stable states and the other suggests coexistence. Therefore, determining the mechanisms of coexistence in species with complex life histories may require consideration of competitive interactions within all life-history stages.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizal fungi have been demonstrated to be important in the makeup of plant communities. Likely, their most important role is in altering mineral nutrition of plants, which, in turn, is thought to be among the most important determinants of plant competitive ability. Using mathematical models we examine what role these fungi can play in determining the competitive outcome between two plants in competition for one mineral resource. Depending on different relationships between the benefit accrued to the plant and the fungi, the presence of mycorrhizal fungi can (i) have no impact on which plant wins in competition, (ii) change the order of competitive dominance or (iii) enable coexistence when compared with the system in the absence of mycorrhizal fungi. Furthermore, environmental conditions, such as light and nutrient levels, can determine if coexistence is possible. We describe the necessary biological trade‐offs for coexistence and experimental tests for these trade‐offs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse a discrete stage-structured model which is a generalization of the two-species competition model studied in [2]. Motivated by plant populations, each species is assumed to reproduce both sexually and clonally. We show that this model has a dynamical behaviour that is similar to that of the classical continuous two-dimensional Lotka-Volterra model under weak nonlinearities of the Beverton-Holt type. By allowing the species to have different competition efficiencies, we show that it is possible to obtain different dynamics including coexistence, bistability and competitive exclusion, in contrast with the model studied in [2], which exhibits only competitive exclusion behaviour.  相似文献   

We investigated a mathematical model of the dynamics of the ecological system consisting of two competing perennial species, each of which leads a sedentary life. It is an individual-based model, in which the growth of each individual is described. The rate of this growth is weakened by competition from neighboring individuals. The strength of the competitors' influence depends on their size and distance to them. The conditions, in which the competitive exclusion of one of the competitors and the coexistence of both competitors take place are provided. The influence of the parameters responsible for the strength of competition, the degree of competitive asymmetry, and consideration of the importance of specific elements of the spatial structure of this ecological system on the results of the competition were analyzed. Both species co-exist when they are equal competitors. Permanent coexistence is possible only when interspecific competition is weaker than intraspecific. When interspecific competition is stronger, the coexistence of equal interspecific competitors is random. Both species have equal probability of extinction. If species are not equal competitors, the stronger one wins. This result can be modified by different strengths of intraspecific competition. The weaker interspecific competitor can permanently coexist with stronger one, when its individuals suffer stronger intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

Alternative models of the maintenance of genetic variability, theories of life-history evolution, and theories of sexual selection and mate choice can be tested by measuring additive and nonadditive genetic variances of components of fitness. A quantitative genetic breeding design was used to produce estimates of genetic variances for male life-history traits in Drosophila melanogaster. Additive genetic covariances and correlations between traits were also estimated. Flies from a large, outbred, laboratory population were assayed for age-specific competitive mating ability, age-specific survivorship, body mass, and fertility. Variance-component analysis then allowed the decomposition of phenotypic variation into components associated with additive genetic, nonadditive genetic, and environmental variability. A comparison of dominance and additive components of genetic variation provides little support for an important role for balancing selection in maintaining genetic variance in this suite of traits. The results provide support for the mutation-accumulation theory, but not the antagonistic-pleiotropy theory of senescence. No evidence is found for the positive genetic correlations between mating success and offspring quality or quantity that are predicted by “good genes” models of sexual selection. Additive genetic coefficients of variation for life-history characters are larger than those for body weight. Finally, this set of male life-history characters exhibits a very low correspondence between estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations.  相似文献   

We describe an experiment exploring the effects of coexistence and population differentiation on the competitive outcome of two species of Tribolium flour beetles, T. castaneum and T. confusum. The only manipulation was whether the populations used in the competitive phase of the study were raised initially in mixed-species communities, single-species populations, or in the standard culture conditions used to maintain stocks in the laboratory. Any treatment effects observed were due to natural selection acting within populations and genetic drift. In the competitive phase, we examined 10 mixed-species communities and 10 pairs of single-species populations. We replicated each community 15 times to provide an assessment of the distribution of competitive outcome. Statistical analysis demonstrates the lineages within the treatments became highly differentiated for all measures of competitive outcome: the outcome of competition (which species won), time to extinction of one of the competing species, and census history. The fraction of the variance that is among lineages has been referred to as the group or community heritability. All of these measures of competitive outcome had high community level heritabilities indicating that competitive ability would evolve rapidly as a result of group or community level selection. In contrast, competitive outcome was not affected by whether the two species had coexisted prior to the competitive phase. This indicates that the outcome of competition was not systematically changed by processes acting within the two species communities.  相似文献   

Much previous ecological and evolutionary theory about exploitative competition for a continuous spectrum of resources has used the Lotka-Volterra model with competition coefficients given by a Gaussian function of niche separation. Using explicit consumer-resource models, we show that the Lotka-Volterra model and the assumption of a Gaussian competition-similarity relationship both fail to reflect the impact of strong resource depletion, which typically reduces the influence of the most heavily used resources on the competitive interaction. Taking proper account of resource depletion reveals that strong exploitative competition between efficient consumers is usually a highly nonlinear interaction, implying that a single measure is no longer sufficient to characterize the process. The nonlinearity usually entails weak coupling of competing species when their abundances are high and equal. Rare invaders are likely to have effects on abundant residents much larger than those of the resident on the invader. Asymmetrical utilization curves often produce asymmetrical competition coefficients. Competition coefficients are typically non-Gaussian and are often nonmonotonic functions of niche separation. Utilization curve shape and resource growth functions can have major effects on competition-similarity relationships. A variety of previous theoretical findings need to be reassessed in light of these results.  相似文献   

The maintenance of plant diversity is often explained by the ecological and evolutionary consequences of resource competition. Recently, the importance of allelopathy for competitive interactions has been recognized. In spite of such interest in allelopathy, we have few theories for understanding how the allelopathy influences the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of competing species. Here, I study the coevolutionary dynamics of two competing species with allelopathy in an interspecific competition system, and show that adaptive trait dynamics can cause cyclic coexistence. In addition, very fast adaptation such as phenotypic plasticity is likely to stabilize the population cycles. The results suggest that adaptive changes in allelopathy can lead to cyclic coexistence of plant species even when their ecological characters are very similar and interspecific competition is stronger than intraspecific competition, which should destroy competitive coexistence in the absence of adaptation.  相似文献   

The Lotka-Volterra competition model was used to represent the interaction between Laurencia obtusa and Hypnea spinella. A new model that considers effects of competition on algal carrying capacity is suggested. To test the models, data from field experiments conducted in an intertidal region at Cabo Frio Island, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were used. Both models showed that Hypnea was a stronger competitor than Laurencia. The model of interaction through the carrying capacity showed a stable coexistence between the algal populations and better represented the experimental data.  相似文献   

Summary In a simulation study, the effect of various parameter combinations such as linkage, dominance, heritability, and economic weights on the individual trait means was investigated using additive genetic, genotypic and the phenotypic index of Elston (1963). The characters responded differently to these indices under various parameter combinations, indicating favourable and unfavourable effects of the mentioned parameters. Linkage was found to reduce the rate of progress through selection. Depression of genetic gain was greater where the genes governing a character showed dominance and/or heritability coefficients were low. It was, however, noticed that depression of genetic gain due to low heritability of a character could be avoided by assigning higher economic weight to that character. This suggests that desirable changes in the means of characters available for selection can be manipulated by choosing appropriate economic weights. The additive genetic index, where only the additive genetic variances and covariances go into its construction, does not seem to be affected by intra-allelic interactions since they add to variances and covariances due to dominance deviations and these have nothing to do with the additive genetic variances and covariances. It seems that from such studies, if conducted extensively incorporating still more parameters, conclusions may be drawn on the most suitable selection model for simultaneous selection under a given set of parameters available in real biological systems.  相似文献   

梁仁君  林振山  韩洪凌  陈成忠 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5390-5397
建立了集合种群物种在两个斑块中对资源竞争的数学模型,并进行了数值模拟实验,结果表明:(1)通过R^*来预测竞争物种的结局,存在几种可能性:一是具有低R^*值的物种竞争取代高R^*值的物种;二是具有不同R^*值的物种,甚至是具有相同R^*值的物种也存在共存的可能性;三是具有高R^*值的物种也可以竞争排斥低R^*值的物种,结论存在不确定性。(2)竞争物种的随机迁移形成了源一汇结构,对物种竞争共存具有促进作用,但弱的资源利用者(较高的R^*)的迁移率不宜过高。(3)在种群统计率相同的条件下,资源增长率差异越大,越不利于消费者物种的共存;若种群统计率不相同,在资源增长率相同的情况下,物种共存又是不可能的,在自然界中,物种共存需要资源增长率的差异。(4)不同类型的资源增长对竞争物种的稳定性的影响是不同的。  相似文献   

对于非捕食 被捕食(食饵)生态系统,强弱物种之间存在一定的竞争影响.在不考虑栖息地毁坏的情况下,引进双向竞争机制,将Tilman的单向竞争模式推广为n集合种群双向竞争模型,并对6-集合种群的竞争动态进行了计算机模拟研究.结果表明,在平衡态,种群竞争共存的条件是其竞争能力与扩散能力呈现指数型负相关关系,竞争的结果使物种的强弱序列发生变化;物种竞争排除与共存受迁移扩散能力和竞争能力影响很大,在局域斑块上竞争排斥的集合种群在广域尺度上可以竞争共存,即逃亡共存.  相似文献   

A simple differential equation model was developed to describe the competitive interaction that may occur between species through reproductive interference. The model has the form comparable to Volterra's competition equations, and the graphical analysis of the outcome of the two-species interaction based on its zero-growth isoclines proved that: (1) The possible outcome in this model, as in usual models of resource competition, is either stable coexistence of both species or gradual exclusion of one species by the other, depending critically upon the values of the activity overlapping coefficient cij; (2) but, for the same cij-values, competitive exclusion is much more ready to occur here than in resource competition; (3) and moreover, the final result of the competition is always dependent on the initial-condition due to its non-linear isoclines, i.e., even under the parameter condition that generally allows both species to coexist, an extreme bias in intial density to one species can readily cause subsequent complete exclusion of its counterparts. Thus, it may follow that the reproductive interference is likely to be working in nature as an efficient mechanism to bring about habitat partitioning in either time or space between some closely related species in insect communities, even though they inhabit heterogeneous habitats where resource competition rarely occurs so that they could otherwise attain steady coexistence.  相似文献   

A model of competition   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
B. Shorrocks  M. Begon 《Oecologia》1975,20(4):363-367
Summary The paper considers a model of competition, based upon the Lotka-Volterra equations, which explicitly considers the effect of density independent mortality upon the outcome of competition. The model's possible application to wild Drosophila species in Europe are considered.  相似文献   

The Leslie-Gower model is a discrete time analog of the competition Lotka–Volterra model and is known to possess the same dynamic scenarios of that famous model. The Leslie–Gower model played a historically significant role in the history of competition theory in its application to classic laboratory experiments of two competing species of flour beetles (carried out by Park in the 1940s–1960s). While these experiments generally supported what became the Competitive Exclusion Principle, Park observed an anomalous coexistence case. Recent literature has discussed Park’s ‘coexistence case’ by means of non-Lotka–Volterra, non-equilibrium dynamics that occur in a high dimensional model with life cycle stages. We study this dynamic possibility in the lowest possible dimension, that is to say, by means of a model involving only two species each with two life cycle stages. We do this by extending the Leslie–Gower model so as to describe the competitive interaction of two species with juvenile and adult classes. We give a complete account of the global dynamics of the resulting model and show that it allows for non-equilibrium competitive coexistence as competition coefficients are increased. We also show that this phenomenon occurs in a general class of models for competing populations structured by juvenile and adult life cycle stages.  相似文献   

In the regression analysis of clustered data it is important to allow for the possibility of distinct between- and within-cluster exposure effects on the outcome measure, represented, respectively, by regression coefficients for the cluster mean and the deviation of the individual-level exposure value from this mean. In twin data, the within-pair regression effect represents association conditional on exposures shared within pairs, including any common genetic or environmental influences on the outcome measure. It has therefore been proposed that a comparison of the within-pair regression effects between monozygous (MZ) and dizygous (DZ) twins can be used to examine whether the association between exposure and outcome has a genetic origin. We address this issue by proposing a bivariate model for exposure and outcome measurements in twin-pair data. The between- and within-pair regression coefficients are shown to be weighted averages of ratios of the exposure and outcome variances and covariances, from which it is straightforward to determine the conditions under which the within-pair regression effect in MZ pairs will be different from that in DZ pairs. In particular, we show that a correlation structure in twin pairs for exposure and outcome that appears to be due to genetic factors will not necessarily be reflected in distinct MZ and DZ values for the within-pair regression coefficients. We illustrate these results in a study of female twin pairs from Australia and North America relating mammographic breast density to weight and body mass index.  相似文献   

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