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The lipid and fatty acid compositions of Chlamydomonas sp. isolated from a volcanic acidic lake and C. reinhardtii were compared, and the effects of pH of the medium on lipid and fatty acid components of Chlamydomonas sp. were studied. The fatty acids in polar lipids from Chlamydomonas sp. were more saturated than those of C. reinhardtii. The relative percentage of triacylglycerol to the total lipid content in Chlamydomonas sp. grown in medium at pH 1 was higher than that in other cells grown at higher pH. A probable explanation might be that Chlamydomonas sp. has two low pH adaptation mechanisms. One mechanism is the saturation of fatty acids in membrane lipids to decrease membrane lipid fluidity, and the other is the accumulation of triacylglycerol, as a storage lipid, to prevent the osmotic imbalance caused by high concentrations of H2SO4.  相似文献   

The quadriflagellate snow alga Chlainomonas Christen, distributed in New Zealand and North America, has several unusual structural attributes. A process assumed to be cytokinesis involves extrusion of protoplasm from the parent through a narrow canal, C. kolii (J. T. Hardy et Curl) Hoham produces a net‐like outer envelope rather than a cell wall, and the flagellar basal apparatus of Chlainomonas consists of two semi‐independent pairs of basal bodies. Structural connections between basal body pairs appear minimal, but a connecting system different from that observed in other genera exists within each pair. Phylogenetic analysis using rbcL sequences places Chlainomonas in the Chloromonas clade, other known members of which are all biflagellate. Chlainomonas is split into two robust lineages, with New Zealand collections sharing an origin with northern North American collections. Although the quadriflagellate condition is regarded as ancestral in the Chlorophyceae, we speculate—based on ultrastructural and molecular data presented here—that Chlainomonas represents a derived form that has arisen from fusion of two ancestral biflagellate cells. Other explanations (for example, that Chlainomonas represents a diploid form of a biflagellate species) are remotely possible but are presently at odds with extensive observations of field material. Improvements in techniques for experimental manipulation of these sensitive cryophiles will be required to fully characterize their structure and progress our understanding of their biology.  相似文献   

A psychrophilic green alga belonging to the Chloromonas genus and here named ANT1 was collected in Antarctica. The activities of two enzymes, nitrate reductase and argininosuccinate lyase, were measured at various temperatures and compared to the corresponding enzyme activities in the mesophilic species Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard. For both enzymes, the temperature for apparent optimal activity was about 20°C lower in ANT1 than in C. reinhardtii. The enzymes were also submitted to various heat treatments before measuring their activities. Both psychrophilic enzymes were more sensitive to heat than the corresponding mesophilic enzymes. It is worth stressing, however, that in both species nitrate reductase was much more sensitive to heat than argininosuccinate lyase, which probably indicates that the peculiar structure of each protein primarily determines its dependence to temperature. Secondary adaptations to low temperatures should then occur to confer the psychrophilic character.  相似文献   

An extensive phylogenetic analysis of the biflagellate genera, Chlamydomonas Ehrenberg and Chloromonas Gobi emend. Wille, was undertaken using 18S rDNA and rbcL gene sequence analysis. Emphasis was placed on 21 cold‐tolerant taxa of which 10 are from snow. These taxa occurred in four distinct clades each in the 18S rDNA and rbcL phylogenies, and when taken together suggest at least five distinct origins in cold habitats. Most of these taxa occur in a single clade (A), and all snow species occurred in this clade. In the rbcL and combined rbcL–18S rDNA analyses, the snow taxa fell into three groups. Two groups occurred in subclade 1: Chlamydomonas augustae Skuja CU, Chlamydomonas augustae UTEX, and Chlamydomonas sp.‐A and Chloromonas clathrata Korshikov, Chloromonas rosae Ettl CU, and Chloromonas rosae v. psychrophila var. nov. The third snow group, subclade 2, included three species with unique cell divisions, Chloromonas brevispina (Fritsch) Hoham, Roemer et Mullet, Chloromonas pichinchae (Lagerheim) Wille, and Chloromonas sp.‐D, and the basal Chloromonas nivalis (Chodat) Hoham et Mullet with normal cell divisions. This suggests that the snow habitat has been colonized at least twice and possibly three times in the history of these biflagellates. In the 18S rDNA tree, one cold‐tolerant Chloromonas species fell outside clade A: Chloromonas subdivisa (Pascher et Jahoda) Gerloff et Ettl. In the rbcL tree, three cold‐tolerant Chloromonas species fell outside clade A: Chloromonas subdivisa, Chloromonas sp.‐ANT1, and Chloromonas sp.‐ANT3. These results support previous findings that pyrenoids have been gained and lost several times within this complex.  相似文献   

Thirty-five green algal species, representing 17 orders in 5 classes, were examined for the presence of the xanthophyll loroxanthin by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Of these, 16 possessed loroxanthin, including at least one member of each class of green algae. The distribution of loroxanthin as established by this and previous studies is disjunct within the Chlorophyta and does not appear to have any taxonomic significance. Most of the green algae examined possessed one or more xanthophyll pigments that have not been found in land plants.  相似文献   

Comparisons of chloroplast DNA restriction fragments in four species of Caulerpa revealed that patterns between the species were different, with few and possibly no homologous bands. Two forms of Caulerpa sertularioides also revealed different patterns, and it is possible that the forms are separate species. The chloroplast genome in Caulerpa sertularioides f sertularioides (S. G. Gmelin) Howe is 131.4 kb in size and lacks large repeat units. The discovery of another green-algal chloroplast genome that lacks an inverted repeat indicates that this feature is either not ancestral to the Chlorophyceae or has been lost several times. Several gene clusters commonly found in chloroplast DNAs were found to occur in Caulerpa chloroplast DNA, for example, psbD/C, atpF/H, and psaA/B. The 16S and 23s rRNA, which are typically adjacent, contained in an inverted repeat, and cotranscribed, are over 40 kb apart. Genes rps12 and tufA, members of the str operon in eubacteria, are over 50 kb in distance from each other in Caulerpa. The gene order in Caulerpa is unlike any other chloroplast genome characterized to date.  相似文献   

Red blooms of snow algae consisting almost exclusively of large spherical red cells of Chlamydomonas nivalis (Bauer) Wille are widespread during the summer in the Beartooth Mountains in Montana and Wyoming. Field studies designed to examine the effects of temperature, light, and water potential on algal activity were performed with natural populations using photosynthetic 14C-HCO3- or 14CO2 incorporation as a measure of activity. The algae photo-synthesized optimally at 5.4 × 104 lx, but were not inhibited by increased light intensity up to 8.6 × 104 lx, the maximum observed in the field. Photosynthesis was sensitive to a reduction in water potential, and since low water potentials develop in snow at temperatures below 0 C, it is unlikely that significant algal activity occurs at the sub-0 temperatures which occur throughout winter. Photosynthesis was much lower following melting of the snow, but this was probably due to decreased diffusion of CO2. The optimal temperatures varied considerably among the different algal populations. Most samples photo-synthesized optimally at 10 or 20 C but retained substantial activity at temperatures as low as 0 or -3 C. Exceptional samples photosynthesized optimally at 0 or -3 C. It is proposed that the varied temperature responses reflect the presence of different temperature strains. Taken together, the data suggest that development of the snow algae can occur only during the summer months.  相似文献   

The effects of humic substances and low pH on short‐term Cd uptake by Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (Korshikov) Hindak and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang were investigated under defined exposure conditions. The uptake experiments were run in the presence of either a synthetic organic ligand (nitrilotriacetate) or natural organic ligands (Suwannee River fulvic or humic acid). An ion‐exchange method was used to measure the free Cd2+ concentrations in the exposure solutions. At pH 5, measured free Cd2+ concentrations agreed with estimations made using the geochemical equilibrium model WHAM, but at pH 7 the model overestimated complexation by both Suwannee River fulvic and humic acids compared with the ion‐exchange measurements. Consistent with the metal internalization step being rate limiting for overall short‐term uptake, intracellular Cd uptake was linear for exposure times less than 20 min at pH 5 or pH 7 for both algal species. After taking into account complexation of Cd in solution, Suwannee River humic substances had no additional effects on cadmium uptake at pH 7, as would be predicted by the free ion model. This absence of effects other than complexation persisted at pH 5, where the tendency of humic substances to adsorb to the algal cell surface is favored. Changes in pH strongly influenced Cd uptake, with the intracellular flux of Cd being at least 20 times lower at pH 5 than at pH 7 for P. subcapitata. Our results support models such as the free ion model or the biotic ligand model, in which humic substances act indirectly on Cd uptake by reducing the bioavailability of Cd by complexation in solution.  相似文献   

Two cryophilic Desmotetra species, D. aureospora , sp. nov., and D. antarctica (Fritsch) Ling appear to be unique to the southern hemisphere snow ecosystem, or at least to the Windmill Island region, Antarctica. They have not been encountered in previous extensive studies of the Arctic and northern alpine regions. Also unusual are the higher pH (6.8 and 7.8) and conductivities of 279 μS·cm−1 and 426 μS·cm−1 for habitat conditions of D. antarctica that can be attributed to the influence of penguin guano. Both species are characterized by cells enveloped in individual mucilage layers, 1–3 contractile vacuoles, and a cup-shaped chloroplast containing a diffuse pyrenoid. The cells divided in three planes to form cubical loosely aggregated green cell packages embedded in mucilage. Vegetative cells of the two species cannot be distinguished with certainty; however, their zygospores are very different. Desmotetra aureospora has spherical, smooth-walled, golden zygospores, whereas D. antarctica has pale, yellow green, aereolate zygospores. Mucilage stalk morphology of cells in stationary-phase cultures can also be used to separate the two species. Zygospores of D. antarctica have previously been identified as the snow alga Trochiscia antarctica Fritsch. Both species are currently maintained in culture at the Australian Antarctic Division. The cultures did not grow at temperatures above 15° C. The two species are compared with the soil alga D. stigmatica (Deason) Deason et Floyd, the only other species in the genus, and also with Chlorosarcina stigmatica Deason strain T105. Results show that the three Desmotetra species form a natural group and that the absence or presence of a wall on the zoospore is of dubious value in classifications of green algal taxa above the species level.  相似文献   

Two species of the colonial green flagellate family Volvocaceae are worldwide in distribution yet exhibit contrasting species structure. Geographically disparate isolates of Gonium pectorale Mueller can interbreed while isolates of Pandorina morum Bory behave quite differently. More than 20 sexually isolated subpopulations occur within this species; these have been termed “syngens” (sensu Sonneborn). Because prezygotic barriers to mating cause intersyngen pairings to fail, breeding analyses cannot be used to estimate genetic relatedness among the syngens of P. morum. DNA comparisons provide an alternative method of assessing genetic relatedness. We compared the nucleotide sequence of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal repeat among clones of P. morum and of G. pectorale. Members of syngens of P. morum with distribution restricted to one small geographical area show great similarity. Likewise, members of any syngen of worldwide distribution show near uniformity, even those from different continents. However, the ITS sequence of each syngen differs from that of other syngens. In contrast, G. pectorale, which has an ITS region that is remarkably uniform throughout the world, appears to consist of a single syngen within North America and Europe by mating tests. The molecular data are in complete conformity with previous syngen assignment. Because the latter is based on mating affinity, with two complementary mating types per syngen, the evolution of new mating type pairs appears to be the basis of microevolution in these algae. We infer that either P. morum is a more ancient species than G. pectorale or that P. morum has a less stable genome. In either case, the biogeographic distribution of certain syngens may reflect climatological changes of the past.  相似文献   

The structure of the pyrenoid supports the separation of Chlorella species into two groups based on cell wall chemistry and suggests evolutionary relationships. Chlorella species with a glucan-type wall exhibit quite diverse pyrenoid structures, which may indicate that these species are not closely related. Those species with glucosamine cell walls (C. kessleri, C. sorokiniana, C. vulgaris) are virtually identical in pyrenoid morphology, indicating a closer evolutionary relationship. In the species with glucosamine walls, the thylakoid that penetrates into the pyrenoid matrix, is unijormly double-layered. Pyrenoids in the species with glucan walls show various features: 1) a pyrenoid matrix only, 2) a pyrenoid traversed by a few discs of double thylakoids with many adhering pyrenoglobuli, 3) a pyrenoid penetrated with tubelike structures or 4) a pyrenoid penetrated with many single undulating thylakoids. The pyrenoid structure of the symbiotic Chlorella in Paramecium bursaria resembles those of free-living Chlorella with glucosamine walls.  相似文献   

The effects of two kinds of molecules, Pb2+ and folic acid, on the formation of clathrin-coated pits and vesicles were studied in the unicellular green alga, Dunaliella salina Teod. Measurable amounts of algal clathrin were obtained in the postmicrosomal fraction from cells treated with folic acid. In contrast, algal clathrin heavy chains were below the detection limit in the postmicrosomal fraction from control and lead nitrate-treated cells. Consistent with the biochemical evidence, electron microscopy showed more clathrin-coated pits and vesicles in folic acid-treated cells compared to control cells or cells treated with lead nitrate alone. Observations of folic acid/lead nitrate-treated cells confirmed the endocytosis of Pb2+ through clathrin-coated pits and vesicles. As additional evidence for clathrin in the folic acid-stimulated cells of Dunaliella salina, clathrin was isolated and, for the first time in algae, the calcium-dependent reconstitution of clathrin cages was successfully obtained in vitro.  相似文献   

Although Spirogyra Link (1820) is a common mat‐forming filamentous alga in fresh waters, little is known of its ecology. A 2‐year field study in Surrey Lake, Indiana, showed that it grew primarily in the spring of each year. The population consisted of four morphologically distinct filamentous forms, each exhibiting its own seasonal distribution. A 45‐μm‐wide filament was present from February to late April or early May, a 70‐μm‐wide form was present from late April to mid‐June, a 100‐μm‐wide form was present from February to mid‐June, and a 130‐μm‐wide form appeared only in February of 1 of 2 study years. The 70‐ and 100‐μm‐wide forms contributed to the peak amount of biomass observed in late May and early June. Multiple regression analysis indicated that the presence of the 45‐, 70‐, and 100‐μm‐wide forms was negatively correlated with temperature. Presence of the 130‐μm‐wide form was negatively correlated with irradiance. Isolates of these filament forms were exposed to temperature (15, 25, and 35° C)/irradiance (0, 60, 200, 400, 900, and 1500 μmol·m?2·s?1) combinations in the laboratory. Growth rates of the 45‐μm‐wide form were negative at all irradiances at 35° C, suggesting that this form is susceptible to high water temperatures. However, growth rates of the other forms did not vary at the different temperatures or at irradiances of 60 μmol·m?2·s?1 or above. Net photosynthesis was negative at 35° C and 1500 μmol·m?2·s?1 for the 100‐ and 130‐μm‐wide forms but positive for the 70‐μm‐wide form. All forms lost mat cohesiveness in the dark, and the 100‐ and 130‐μm‐wide forms lost mat cohesiveness under high irradiances and temperature. Thus, the morphological forms differed in their responses to irradiance and temperature. We hypothesize that the rapid disappearance of Spirogyra populations in the field is due to loss of mat cohesiveness under conditions of reduced net photosynthesis, for example, at no to low light for all forms or at high light and high temperatures for the 100‐ and 130‐μm‐wide forms. Low light conditions can occur in the interior of mats as they grow and thicken or under shade produced by other algae.  相似文献   

Complete sequences of the Rrn 18 genes were obtained from 13 strains of the nonphotosynthetic algal genus Polytoma. Phylogenetic analyses showed that these strains formed two clades. One clade shows only modest sequence diversity but is represented by strains collected at widely dispersed sites in Europe and America. The other clade consists of a single isolate from the Canary Islands. Both clades lie well within the extended clade that includes all species of Chlamydomonas for which sequence data are available. The two Polytoma clades are separated from each other by several green species, suggesting that the extant nonphotosynthetic Chlamydomonadaceae arose from photosynthetic ancestors at least twice. These results suggest that nonphotosynthetic mutants are capable of establishing lineages that can spread widely but have a higher probability of extinction than their photosynthetic congeners.  相似文献   

Freshwater species of Cladophora (Chlorophyta) are globally distributed and occupy an unusually wide range of ecological habitats. Delineating species is difficult because most easily observed morphological traits are highly variable and because sexual reproduction has not been clearly documented. Synthesizing ecological data on freshwater Cladophora species is problematic because it is unclear whether freshwater Cladophora species comprise many genetically distinct species or a few ecologically and morphologically variable and/or plastic species. We determined nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal cistron of freshwater Cladophora species from a wide range of habitats and geographic locations. We compared these sequences to those derived from culture collections of C. fracta and C. glomerata, the two most commonly reported freshwater Cladophora species. Cladophora fracta and C. glomerata had very similar ITS sequences (95.3%). All other sequences were identical to those from the C. fracta or C. glomerata culture collections with the exception of one California sample that was similar to both C. fracta (95.6%) and C. glomerata (92.4%). ITS genotypes did not correlate with morphology or geography. This analysis shows that common freshwater Cladophora species comprise very few (possibly one) ecologically and morphologically variable species.  相似文献   

The very common green seaweeds Enteromorpha intestinalis (L.) Nees and E. compressa (L.) Nees are important fouling organisms and have commonly been used as indicators of eutrophication, but their taxonomic status is problematic. The genus presents extreme difficulties because there is wide intraspecific variation in morphology, but morphological differences between species are small and difficult to detect. In this study, molecular data were used in parallel with morphological characters to resolve the taxonomic problems. Phylogenetic analysis of sequences of the internal transcribed spacers ITS1 and ITS2 and the 5.8S gene distinguished two groups of samples, which were identified by morphological characters as E. compressa (branched) and E. intestinalis (normally unbranched). There was a low level of sequence divergence within each group of samples, but divergence between groups was as great as that between either of the two species and the outgroup E. prolifera. Clades representing E. compressa and E. intestinalis were also found in analyses of an independent molecular data set, chloroplast DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Enteromorpha intestinalis and E. compressa represent two distinct, genetically divergent species. Reinterpretation of published studies shows that these species are reproductively isolated. However, E. compressa and E. intestinalis are sometimes very difficult to distinguish from each other and could be regarded as cryptic species. The presence or absence of branching was the most useful character distinguishing these two species, but there was an element of ambiguity because low salinity or salinity shock can induce branching in E. intestinalis. If environmental factors such as salinity are taken into account, branching can be used to identify the great majority of thalli correctly. This study therefore provides a basis for identifying the two most important marine fouling macroalgae and for their use in environmental monitoring and experimentation. Typification of these two Linnaean species showed that current usage of the names accords with the lectotype and protologue of both species. Samples that resembled E. usneoides did not form a clade in any of the trees, and constraining the data to support the monophyly of this group incurred a penalty. Enteromorpha usneoides appears to be an ecotype of E. compressa.  相似文献   

Eight complete nuclear-encoded small-subunit ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) gene sequences were determined for four genera of the Microthamniales (Pleurastrophyceae) and for Gloeotilopsis planctonica Iyengar & Philipose (Ulvophyceae, Ulotrichales) to investigate evolutionary relationships within the Microthamniales and the taxonomic position of this order within the green algae. Phylogenies inferred from these data revealed specific relationships at the level of genera and species that disagree with those inferred from vegetative cell morphology but agree with those inferred from motile cell characters. The rRNA phylogenies provide even better resolution than that gained from morphology alone. The coccoid lichen alga Trebouxia spp. is specifically related to other coccoid lichen and soil algae (i.e. Myrmecia biatorellae Boye-Petersen and Friedmannia israelensis Chantanachat & Bold), forming the “Lichen Algae Group,” an evolutionarily distinct lineage within the Microthamniales. Trebouxia is a paraphyletic and Pleurastrum a polyphyletic genus in rRNA phylogenies. In contrast to previous hypotheses based on morphology, Pleurastrum terrestre Fritsch & John is not closely related to Trebouxia but occupies an isolated position within the Microthamniales. The filamentous alga Microthamnion kuetzingianum is not ancestral to coccoid members of the Microthamniales but is closely related with the coccoid Fusochloris perforata (Lee & Bold) Floyd, Watanabe & Deason. The Microthamniales are inferred to be an array of independent lineages that radiate nearly simultaneously and may also include some autosporic coccoid taxa previously classified in the Chlorophyceae. Monophyly of the Microthamniales could not be demonstrated unequivocally. In contrast to a hypothesis based on ultrastructure, the Microthamniales are evolutionarily distinct from the Ulotrichales. The latter are ancestral to the radiation of the Microthamniales and the Chlorophyceae in the rRNA phylogenies.  相似文献   

In all seven genera belonging to the order Siphonocladales and in two genera of the Cladophorales (Chlorophyta) that were examined, extracts of total DNA contained abundant low molecular weight (LMW) molecules. This DNA typically ranged in size from 1.5 to 3.0 kb among the different genera studied. The complexity of the populations of molecules found in different genera also varied with regard to sizes and numbers of bands evident in electrophoresis gels. Our data suggest that the LMW DNA is ubiquitous among these algae since it occurred in each of our six isolates of Ernodesmis verticillata (Kützing) Børgesen collected in both the Caribbean and the Gulf of California. The LMW DNA from Ernodesmis and Ventricaria ventricosa (J. Agardh) Olsen et J. West was denser than high molecular weight (HMW) DNA in CsCl/bisbenzimide gradients. Ultrastructurally, the LMW DNA molecules were linear, averaging 0.65 μm (Ernodesmis) and 1.0 μm (Ventricaria) in length. Approximately 2%–5% of the former possessed an apparent loop or lariat at one end, as visualized in the electron microscope after rotary shadowing. The LMW DNA molecules appeared to be predominantly double-stranded DNA based upon staining with acridine orange. The 2.2-kb DNA from Ernodesmis has features typical of plasmids in that it rapidly reannealed after heat denaturation, and it was selectively enriched in an alkaline-lysis extraction procedure. In denaturing gels, this DNA migrated at >4.0 kb, indicating that the molecules may actually be single-stranded DNA species with intramolecular base pairing, each containing a long inverted repeat folded back on itself in a hairpin conformation in the native state. Digestion with mung bean nuclease revealed that additional single-stranded regions may occur in many of the LMW molecules, in addition to the hairpin loop. Although the endonuclease DNase I rapidly digested the LMW DNA, neither exonuclease III nor lambda exonuclease digested it. This suggests that the ends of these DNA molecules are protected. Collectively, the data indicate that members of the Siphonocladales and Cladophorales contain linear plasmid-like DNA molecules that appear to have a novel combination of features.  相似文献   

The filamentous desmid Spondylosium panduriforme (Heimerl) Teiling var. panduriforme f. limneticum (West & West) Teiling (Desmidiaceae), strain 072CH-UFCAR, is surrounded by a well-defined, mucilaginous capsule consisting of a capsular polysaccharide (CPS). This microalga also produces an extracellular polysaccharide (EPS), which can be isolated from the culture medium. Analysis of the carbohydrate composition of the two polymers by gas chromatography showed that they were different. Both were composed, of galactose, fucose, xylose, arabinose, rhamnose, and glucose but in different amounts. For example, glucuronic acid accounts for 24% of the EPS material but only traces were found in the CPS. Significant differences were also found during methylation analysis. Fucose appeared to have a higher degree of branching in the EPS than in the CPS. These branches were located on C-3 and could be the position for the attachment of the glucuronic acid units in the EPS. The glucuronic acid was present as 1→4-linked and terminal units. A possible explanation for the formation of the EPS is suggested.  相似文献   

Chloroplast division in Nannochloris bacillaris Naumann (Chlorophyta) was examined by electron microscopy after preparation of samples by freeze-substitution. A pair of belts appeared on the surface of the outer and inner envelope membranes at the middle of the chloroplast. These belts seemed to be constructed of thin fibrils that run parallel to the longitudinal direction of the belts. The outer fibrillar belt increased in width as the constriction of the chloroplast advanced. It appears that the fibrillar belt is the division apparatus of the chloroplast. It encircles the chloroplast and finally divides the chloroplast in two as the diameter of the belt decreases.  相似文献   

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