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Darwin identified explicitly two types of sexual selection, male contests (combat and displays) and female choice, and he devoted the overwhelming majority of his examples to traits that influence the outcome of these interactions. Subsequent treatments of sexual selection have emphasized the importance of intra- and intersexual interactions as sources of sexual selection. However, many traits that are important determinants of mating success influence mating success without necessarily affecting the outcome of intra- and intersexual interactions. Here, I argue that traits can be subject to sexual selection even if they do not affect the outcome of intra- and intersexual interactions. I distinguish two types of sexual selection, interaction-independent and interaction-dependent selection, based on whether variance in mating success is the result of trait-dependent outcomes of interactions between conspecifics. I then use this distinction to construct a framework for classifying types of sexual selection that unifies and expands previously proposed frameworks. Finally, I outline several implications that the concept of interaction-independent sexual selection has for the general theory of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Extant hypotheses predict that, in the face of sexual selection, avian song and plumage may evolve in a concerted fashion, in an antagonistic fashion, or in ways unrelated to each other. To test these ideas regarding which traits sexual selection targets, and the consequences for other traits, we analyzed patterns of song complexity and plumage dimorphism in 56 species of wood warblers (Parulinae). Overall, males of more dimorphic species sang shorter songs more often, but did not have more complex songs. However, when monomorphic species were excluded from the analysis, we found that the total time spent singing and repertoire size increased with plumage dimorphism. Monomorphic species are predominantly ground-nesters and the greater risk of nest predation for these species may constrain males from becoming more visually conspicuous. Thus, sexual selection may have been restricted to targeting song in these species. Even though song may have been the only target of sexual selection in ground-nesting species, overall, song in those species is not more complex than in species that nest above the ground. We propose that traits targeted by sexual selection evolve in concert, except when constrained by some ecological factor.  相似文献   

Maladaptive hybridization is hypothesized to be an important force driving the evolution of reproductive isolation between closely related species. Because the magnitude and direction of selection can vary across a life cycle, an accurate understanding of the ubiquity of reinforcement requires fitness to be estimated across the life cycle, but the literature is surprisingly depauperate of such studies. We present fitness estimates of laboratory‐raised hybrids between the chorus frogs Pseudacris feriarum and Pseudacris nigrita—two species that have undergone reproductive character displacement where they come into secondary contact. By studying viability, mating success, and fertility across the life cycle, we find strong support for reinforcement as the force driving displacement in this system. Specifically, we find hybrid fitness is reduced by 44%. This reduction results from both sexual selection against hybrid males and natural selection on male fertility, but not viability selection. Sexual selection against hybrid males is four times stronger than natural selection. Hybrid female fitness is not reduced, however, suggesting that Haldane's rule may be operating in this system if males are heterogametic. We also found higher variation in hybrid male fertilization success relative to P. feriarum males, suggesting that the hybrid incompatibility genes are polymorphic within one or both of the parent species.  相似文献   

Speciation often has a strong geographical and environmental component, but the ecological factors that potentially underlie allopatric and parapatric speciation remain understudied. Two ecological mechanisms by which speciation may occur on geographic scales are allopatric speciation through niche conservatism and parapatric or allopatric speciation through niche divergence. A previous study on salamanders found a strong latitudinal pattern in the prevalence of these mechanisms, with niche conservatism dominating in temperate regions and niche divergence dominating in the tropics, and related this pattern to Janzen's hypothesis of greater climatic zonation between different elevations in the tropics. Here, we test for latitudinal patterns in speciation in a related but more diverse group of amphibians, the anurans. Using data from up to 79 sister-species pairs, we test for latitudinal variation in elevational and climatic overlap between sister species, and evaluate the frequency of speciation via niche conservatism versus niche divergence in relation to latitude. In contrast to salamanders, we find no tendency for greater niche divergence in the tropics or for greater niche conservatism in temperate regions. Although our results support the idea of greater climatic zonation in tropical regions, they show that this climatic pattern does not lead to straightforward relationships between speciation, latitude, and niche evolution.  相似文献   

We describe results for a diploid, two-locus model for the evolution of a female mating preference directed at an attractive male trait that is subject to viability and/or fertility selection. Using computer simulation, we studied a large, random sample of parameter values, assuming additivity of alleles at the preference locus and partial dominance at the trait locus. Simulation results were classifiable into nine types of parameter sets, each differing in equilibria, evolutionary trajectories, and rates of evolution. For many parameters, evolutionary trajectories converged on curves within the allelic frequency plane and subsequently evolved along the curves toward fixation. Neutrally stable curves of equilibria did not occur in Fisherian models that assume only viability and sexual selection unless there is complete dominance at the trait locus. The Fisherian models also exhibited oscillation of allelic frequencies and unique polymorphic equilibria. “Sexy son” models in which attractive males had reduced fertility were much less likely to lead to increase in traits and preferences than were the Fisherian models. However, if less fertile males had increased viability, trait polymorphisms and fixation of rare “sexy” alleles occurred. In general, the behavior of the diploid model was much more complex than that of analogous haploid or polygenic models.  相似文献   

Several models for sexual selection, both by male-male competition and female choice, predict that a character which covaries with mating success should be near an equilibrium where the intensity of sexual selection opposes viability selection. This prediction was used to design experiments for estimating the intensity of sexual and viability selection on wing length in a recently captured population of Drosophila melanogaster. Observations of matings by males color-marked for wing length indicated that the standardized sexual selection differential on wing length was 0.24 under a wide range of effective sex ratios. After estimating the heritability of wing length to be 0.62, the expected standardized response due to sexual selection was calculated as 0.15 (SE = 0.15). The response due to viability selection was then estimated by comparing wing lengths of progeny of flies that had been randomly mated, thereby preventing sexual selection, with progeny of flies that had been allowed to acquire mates in a mass-mating chamber. The results support an equilibrium model in that the standardized response due to viability selection (?0.31, SE = 0.08) was opposite in sign and similar in magnitude to the estimated response due to sexual selection. Observations of females orienting in front of males which differed in wing length indicated that the mating advantage accruing to long-winged males was not due to female choice. Instead, male-male competition in which the larger of two randomly chosen males succeeded in mating, explains the observed sexual selection. An experimental analysis of genotype-environment interaction revealed that larval density had a nonlinear effect on mean wing length within sibships. If a population is displaced from equilibrium, therefore, the evolutionary trajectory of mean wing length will depend both on the intensity of selection and the environment in which that selection is operating.  相似文献   

Character displacement occurs when two species compete, and those individuals most dissimilar from the average resource‐use phenotypes of the other species are selectively favored. Few studies have explored the sequence of events by which such divergence comes about. We addressed this issue by studying two species of spadefoot toads that have undergone ecological character displacement with each other. Previous research revealed that phenotypic shifts between sympatric and allopatric populations of one species, Spea multiplicata, reflect a condition‐dependent maternal effect. Here, we show that analogous shifts in the other species, S. bombifrons, cannot similarly be explained by such a maternal effect, and that these shifts instead appear to be underlain by allelic differences. We hypothesize that these two species have evolved different mechanisms of character displacement because they differ in duration in sympatry. Specifically, because they occur at the edge of a range expansion, populations of S. bombifrons have been exposed to S. multiplicata for a longer period. Consequently, S. bombifrons have likely had more time to accumulate genetic changes that promote character displacement. Generally, character displacement may often progress through an initial phase in which trait differences are environmentally induced to one in which they are constitutively expressed.  相似文献   

Males of monogamous birds often show secondary sexual traits that are conspicuous but considerably less extreme than those of polygynous species. We develop a quantitative-genetic model for the joint evolution of a male secondary sexual trait, a female mating preference, and female breeding date, following a theory proposed by Darwin and Fisher. Good nutritional condition is postulated to cause females to breed early and to have high fecundity. The most-preferred males are mated by early-breeding females and receive a sexual-selection advantage from those females' greater reproductive success. Results show that conspicuous male traits that decrease survival can evolve but suggest that the extent of maladaptive evolution is greatly limited relative to what is possible in a polygynous mating system for two reasons. First, in the absence of direct fitness effects of mate choice on the female, the equilibria for the male trait and female preference form a curve whose shape shows that the maximum possible strength of sexual selection on males (and hence the potential for maladaptive evolution) is constrained. Under certain conditions, a segment of the equilibrium curve may become unstable, leading to two alternative stable states for the male trait. Second, male parental care will often favor the evolution of mating preferences for less conspicuous males. We also find that sexual selection can appear in the absence of the nutritional effects emphasized by Darwin and Fisher. A review of the literature suggests that the assumptions of the Darwin-Fisher mechanism may often be met in monogamous birds and that other mechanisms may often reinforce it by producing additional components of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Libellula luctuosa, a pond dragonfly found in eastern North America, is apparently sexually dimorphic. Previous studies of the mating behavior in this species suggested that both male-male competition and female mate choice are important influences. Males compete for territories, where they attract females and where mating occurs. Female behavior influences both the copulation success and the fertilization success of males. Because of temporal and spatial separation of these episodes of sexual selection, multivariate and nonparametric statistical techniques could be used to investigate the influence of components of sexual selection on various sexually dimorphic traits. Sexual dimorphism in L. luctuosa was first quantified; then the direct effects and the form of selection were estimated. Sexually dimorphic wing size, body size, wing coloration, and body coloration are distributed either continuously or discontinuously between the sexes in L. luctuosa. These traits have apparently diverged between the sexes as a result of directional sexual selection. Body size is further influenced by stabilizing selection. Intrasexual selection (success in gaining access to a territory) and intersexual selection (success in copulation and fertilization) can influence the same or different sexually dimorphic characters. Body size is influenced by directional selection during the intrasexual phase of sexual selection and is also influenced by stabilizing selection during intersexual selection. The size of the brown wing patch is influenced by directional selection, primarily during the intersexual phase of sexual selection. There is directional selection on the white wing patch during both phases. Thus, the different proximate mechanisms of sexual selection may jointly or separately affect the evolution of sexually dimorphic characters. Further empirical and theoretical investigations into the differences in the effects of intrasexual selection and intersexual selection are needed to clarify the circumstances leading to separate consequences of these two mechanisms of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation is ubiquitous in nature and a precondition for adaptive evolution. However, theory predicts that the extent of phenotypic variation should decrease with increasing strength of selection on a trait. Comparative analyses of trait variability have repeatedly used this expectation to infer the type or strength of selection. Yet, the suggested influence of selection on trait variability has rarely been tested empirically. In the present study, I compare estimates of sexual selection strength and trait variability from published data. I constricted the analysis to acoustic courtship traits in amphibians and insects with known variability and corresponding results of female binary choice experiments on these traits. Trait variability and strength of sexual selection were significantly correlated, and both were correlated with signal duration. Because traits under stronger selection had lower variation even after the effect of signal duration was eliminated, I conclude that traces of the strength of selection can be observed with respect to variation of acoustic signaling traits in insects and amphibians. The analysis also shows that traits under stabilizing selection have significantly lower phenotypic variability than traits under directional selection.  相似文献   

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