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Familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCH) is a common genetic lipid disorder with a frequency of 1-2% in the population. In addition to the hypercholesterolemia and/or hypertriglyceridemia that affected individuals exhibit, small, dense LDL particles and decreased HDL-cholesterol levels are traits frequently associated with FCH. Recently, we reported that families with FCH and families enriched for coronary artery disease (CAD) share genetic determinants for the atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype (ALP), a profile presenting with small, dense LDL particles, decreased HDL-cholesterol levels, and increased triglyceride levels. Other studies in normolipidemic populations have shown that the hepatic lipase (HL) gene is linked to HDL-cholesterol levels and that a polymorphism within the HL promoter (-514C-->T) is associated with increased HDL-cholesterol levels as well as larger, more buoyant LDL particles. In the present study, we tested whether the HL gene locus also contributes to ALP in a series of Dutch FCH families using nonparametric sibpair linkage analysis and association analysis. Evidence for linkage of LDL particle size (P < 0.019), HDL-cholesterol (P < 0.003), and triglyceride levels (P < 0.026) to the HL gene locus was observed. A genome scan in a subset of these families exhibited evidence for linkage of PPD (LOD = 2.2) and HDL-cholesterol levels (LOD = 1.2) to the HL gene locus as well. The -514C-->T promoter polymorphism was significantly associated (P < 0.0001) with higher HDL-cholesterol levels in the unrelated males of this population, but not in unrelated females. No association was observed between the polymorphism and LDL particle size or triglyceride levels. Our results provide support that ALP is a multigenic trait and suggest that the relationship between small, dense LDL particles, HDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in FCH families is due, in part, to common genetic factors.  相似文献   

Statins are hypolipidemic drugs which not only improve cholesterol but also triglyceride levels. Whereas their cholesterol-reducing effect involves inhibition of de novo biosynthesis of cellular cholesterol through competitive inhibition of its rate-limiting enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase, the mechanism by which they lower triglycerides remains unknown and forms the subject of the current study. Treatment of normal rats for 4 days with simvastatin decreased serum triglycerides significantly, whereas it increased high density lipoprotein cholesterol moderately. The decrease in triglyceride concentrations after simvastatin was caused by a reduction in the amount of very low density lipoprotein particles which were of an unchanged lipid composition. Simvastatin administration increased the lipoprotein lipase mRNA and activity in adipose tissue and heart. This effect on lipoprotein lipase was accompanied by decreased mRNA as well as plasma levels of the lipoprotein lipase inhibitor apolipoprotein C-III. These results suggest that the triglyceride-lowering effect of statins involves a stimulation of lipoprotein lipase-mediated clearance of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins.  相似文献   

Familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL) is a common dyslipidemia predisposing to premature coronary heart disease (CHD). The disease is characterized by increased levels of serum total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TGs), or both. We recently localized the first locus for FCHL, on chromosome 1q21-q23. In the present study, a genomewide screen for additional FCHL loci was performed. In stage 1, we genotyped 368 polymorphic markers in 35 carefully characterized Finnish FCHL families. We identified six chromosomal regions with markers showing LOD score (Z) values >1.0, by using a dominant mode of inheritance for the FCHL trait. In addition, two more regions emerged showing Z>2.0 with a TG trait. In stage 2, we genotyped 26 more markers and seven additional FCHL families for these interesting regions. Two chromosomal regions revealed Z>2.0 in the linkage analysis: 10p11.2, Z=3.20 (theta=.00), with the TG trait; and 21q21, Z=2.24 (theta=.10), with the apoB trait. Furthermore, two more chromosomal regions produced Z>2.0 in the affected-sib-pair analysis: 10q11.2-10qter produced Z=2.59 with the TC trait and Z=2.29 with FCHL, and 2q31 produced Z=2.25 with the TG trait. Our results suggest additional putative loci influencing FCHL in Finnish families, some potentially affecting TG levels and some potentially affecting TC or apoB levels.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is known to play a crucial role in lipoprotein metabolism by hydrolyzing triglycerides; however its role in atherogenesis has yet to be determined. We have previously shown that low density lipoprotein receptor knockout mice overexpressing LPL are resistant to diet-induced atherosclerosis due to the suppression of remnant lipoproteins. Plasma lipoproteins and atherosclerosis of apolipoprotein (apo) E knockout mice which overexpress the human LPL transgene (LPL/APOEKO) were compared with those of control apoE knockout mice (APOEKO). On a normal chow diet, LPL/APOEKO mice showed marked suppression of the plasma triglyceride levels compared with APOEKO mice (54 vs. 182 mg/dl), but no significant changes in plasma cholesterol and apoB levels. Non-high density lipoproteins (HDL) from LPL/APOEKO mice had lower triglyceride content, a smaller size, and a more positive charge compared with those from APOEKO mice. Cholesterol, apoA-I, and apoA-IV were increased in HDL. Although both groups developed hypercholesterolemia to a comparable degree in response to an atherogenic diet, the LPL/APOEKO mice developed 2-fold smaller fatty streak lesions in the aortic sinus compared to the APOEKO mice. In conclusion, overproduction of LPL is protective against atherosclerosis even in the absence of apoE.  相似文献   

Familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCH) is a common lipid disorder characterized by elevations of plasma cholesterol and/or triglyceride in first-degree relatives. A predominance of small, dense LDL particles and elevated apolipoprotein B (apoB) levels is commonly found in members of FCH families. Many studies have investigated the genetic mechanisms determining individuals' lipid levels, in FCH families. Previously, we demonstrated a major gene effect on LDL particle size and codominant Mendelian inheritance involved in determination of apoB levels in a sample of 40 well-defined FCH families. An elevation of apoB levels is associated metabolically with a predominance of small, dense LDL particles in FCH. To establish whether a common gene regulates both traits, we conducted a bivariate genetic analysis to test the hypothesis of a common genetic mechanism. In this study, we found that 66% of the total phenotypic correlation is due to shared genetic components. Further bivariate segregation analysis suggested that both traits share a common major gene plus individual polygenic components. This common major gene explains 37% of the variance of adjusted LDL particle size and 23% of the variance of adjusted apoB levels. Our study suggests that a major gene that has pleiotropic effects on LDL particle size and apoB levels may be the gene underlying FCH in the families we studied.  相似文献   

In familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL), affected family members frequently have reduced levels of HDL cholesterol, in addition to elevated levels of total cholesterol and/or triglycerides (TGs). In the present study, we focused on those determinants that are important regulators of HDL cholesterol levels in FCHL, and measured postheparin plasma activities of hepatic lipase (HL), lipoprotein lipase, cholesterol ester transfer protein, and phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) in 228 subjects from 49 FCHL families. In affected family members (n = 88), the levels of HDL cholesterol, HDL2 cholesterol, HDL3 cholesterol, and apolipoprotein A-I were lower than in unaffected family members (n = 88) or spouses (n = 52). The main change was the reduction of HDL2 cholesterol by 25.4% in affected family members (P < 0.001 vs. unaffected family members; P = 0.003 vs. spouses). Affected family members had higher HL activity than unaffected family members (P = 0.001) or spouses (P = 0.013). PLTP activity was higher in affected than unaffected family members (P = 0.025). In univariate correlation analysis, a strong negative correlation was observed between HL activity and HDL2 cholesterol (r = -0.339, P < 0.001). Multivariate regression analysis demonstrated that gender, HL activity, TG, and body mass index have independent contributions to HDL2 cholesterol levels. We suggest that in FCHL, TG enrichment of HDL particles and enhanced HL activity lead to the reduction of HDL cholesterol and HDL2 cholesterol.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of familial chylomicronemia (type I hyperlipoproteinemia), a rare autosomal recessive trait, was investigated in six unrelated individuals (five of Spanish descent and one of Northern European extraction). DNA amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis allowed rapid identification of the underlying mutations. Six different mutant alleles (three of which are previously undescribed) of the gene encoding lipoprotein lipase (LPL) were discovered in the five LPL-deficient patients. These included an 11 bp deletion in exon 2, and five missense mutations: Trp 86 Arg (exon 3), His 136 Arg (exon 4), Gly 188 Glu (exon 5), Ile 194 Thr (exon 5), and Ile 205 Ser (exon 5). The Trp 86 Arg mutation is the only known missense mutation in exon 3. The other missense mutations lie in the highly conserved "central homology region" in close proximity with the catalytic site of LPL. These and other previously reported missense mutations provide insight into structure/function relationships in the lipase family. The missense mutations point to the important role of particular highly conserved helices and beta-strands in proper folding of the LPL molecule, and of certain connecting loops in the catalytic process. A nonsense mutation (Arg 19 Term) in the gene encoding apolipoprotein C-II (apoC-II), the cofactor of LPL, was found to underlie chylomicronemia in the sixth patient who had normal LPL but was apoC-II-deficient.  相似文献   

Familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL) is a common inherited hyperlipidemia and a major risk factor for atherothrombotic cardiovascular disease. The cause(s) leading to FCHL are largely unknown, but the existence of unidentified "major" genes that would increase VLDL production and of "modifier" genes that would influence the phenotype of the disease has been proposed. Expression of apolipoprotein A-II (apoA-II), a high density lipoprotein (HDL) of unknown function, in transgenic mice produced increased concentration of apoB-containing lipoproteins and decreased HDL. Here we show that expression of human apoA-II in apoE-deficient mice induces a dose-dependent increase in VLDL, resulting in plasma triglyceride elevations of up to 24-fold in a mouse line that has 2-fold the concentration of human apoA-II of normolipidemic humans, as well as other well-known characteristics of FCHL: increased concentrations of cholesterol, triglyceride, and apoB in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL), reduced HDL cholesterol, normal lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipase activities, increased production of VLDL triglycerides, and increased susceptibility to atherosclerosis. However, FCHL patients do not have plasma concentrations of human apoA-II as high as those of apoE-deficient mice overexpressing human apoA-II, and the apoA-II gene has not been linked to FCHL in genome-wide scans. Therefore, the apoA-II gene could be a "modifier" FCHL gene influencing the phenotype of the disease in some individuals through unkown mechanisms including an action on a "major" FCHL gene. We conclude that apoE-deficient mice overexpressing human apoA-II constitute useful animal models with which to study the mechanisms leading to overproduction of VLDL, and that apoA-II may function to regulate VLDL production.  相似文献   

Intravenous injections of anti-lipoprotein lipase serunis quantitatively block the catabolism of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and portomicron triglyceride and specifically inhibit triglyceride transport into ovarian follicles. The immunological studies presented provide information on the site of action of lipoprotein lipase (LPL). In the anti-LPL serum-treated animals initial plasma triglyceride accumulation occurs at the time of antiserum injection. This instantaneous inhibition of triglyceride removal provides direct evidence that the functional LPL responsible for VLDL and portomicron triglyceride hydrolysis is located in sites within the plasma compartment readily accessible to immunoglobulins. In vitro immunological studies show that the adipose, heart, ovarian, and liver LPL share common immunological determinants. Biochemical studies on highly purified heart and adipose LPL suggest that these enzymes have identical protein moieties.  相似文献   

We have recently described a novel recycling pathway of triglyceride-rich lipoprotein (TRL)-associated apolipoprotein (apo) E in human hepatoma cells. We now demonstrate that not only TRL-derived apoE but also lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is efficiently recycled in vitro and in vivo. Similar recycling kinetics of apoE and LPL in normal and low density lipoprotein receptor-negative human fibroblasts also indicate that the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein seems to be involved. Intracellular sorting mechanisms are responsible for reduced lysosomal degradation of both ligands after receptor-mediated internalization. Immediately after internalization in rat liver, TRLs are disintegrated, and apoE and LPL are found in endosomal compartments, whereas TRL-derived phospholipids accumulate in the perinuclear region of hepatocytes. Subsequently, substantial amounts of both proteins can be found in purified recycling endosomes, indicating a potential resecretion of these TRL components. Pulse-chase experiments of perfused rat livers with radiolabeled TRLs demonstrated a serum-induced release of internalized apoE and LPL into the perfusate. Analysis of the secreted proteins identified approximately 80% of the recycled TRL-derived proteins in the high density lipoprotein fractions. These results provide the first evidence that recycling of TRL-derived apoE and LPL could play an important role in the modulation of lipoproteins in vivo.  相似文献   

Human lipoprotein lipase and hepatic triglyceride lipase were purified to homogeneity from post-heparin plasma. These enzymes were purified 250,000- and 100,000-fold with yields of 27 +/- 15 and 19 +/- 6%, respectively. Molecular weight determination by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and reducing agents yielded Mr of 60,500 +/- 1,800 and 65,200 +/- 400, respectively, for lipoprotein lipase and hepatic triglyceride lipase. These lipase preparations were shown to be free of detectable antithrombin by measuring its activity and by probing of Western blots of lipases with a monospecific antibody against antithrombin. In additions, probing of Western blots with concanavalin A revealed no glycoproteins corresponding to the molecular weight of antithrombin. Four stable hybridoma-producing distinct monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to hepatic triglyceride lipase were isolated. The specificity of one mAb, HL3-5, was established by its ability to immunoprecipitate hepatic triglyceride lipase catalytic activity. Interaction of HL3-5 with this lipase did not inhibit catalytic activity. The three other mAb interacted with hepatic triglyceride lipase only after denaturation of the enzyme with detergents. The relatedness of these two enzymes was examined by comparing under the same conditions the thermal inactivation, the sensitivity to sulfhydryl and reducing agents, amino acid composition, and the mobility of peptide fragments generated by cyanogen bromide cleavage. The results of these studies strongly support the view that the two enzymes are different proteins. Immunological studies confirm this conclusion. Four mAb to hepatic triglyceride lipase did not interact with lipoprotein lipase in Western blots, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and immunoprecipitation experiments. These immunological studies demonstrate that several epitopes of the hepatic triglyceride lipase protein moiety are not present in the lipoprotein lipase molecule.  相似文献   

The previously demonstrated inhibition of cow's milk lipoprotein lipase by apoLp-Ala and the deinhibition by monoglyceride have been studied in more detail. The apoLp-Ala inhibition is reversible by the addition of monoglyceride before or after enzyme additions. Quantities of monoglyceride accumulate during hydrolysis of triglyceride which are adequate to prevent inhibition by added apoLp-Ala. Accelerating reaction rates observed when the substrate contains the apoprotein at levels producing partial inhibition are also explained by monoglyceride production. These effects were observed with both crude preparations of skim milk and highly pruified lipase. It is suggested that the generation of monoglyceride may be important in facilitating hydrolysis of triglyceride in lipoproteins containing this inhibitory apolipoprotein.  相似文献   

W J McConathy  C S Wang 《FEBS letters》1989,251(1-2):250-252
A synthetic peptide (residues 139-153) corresponding to the receptor-binding domain of apolipoprotein E (ApoE) was tested for lipoprotein lipase (LPL) inhibitory properties. In systems using both natural and synthetic substrates, inhibition of LPL was observed. Using the synthetic substrate, 50% inhibition was observed at 50 microM while high concentrations completely inhibited LPL activity. These studies suggest an additional functional role for the receptor-binding domain of ApoE-modulation of LPL activity.  相似文献   

Impaired chylomicron (chylo) remnant clearance and small VLDL overproduction are major metabolic abnormalities in familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL). Quantitative data on postprandial apolipoprotein B-48 (apoB-48) and apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100) in TG rich lipoproteins (TRL) in FCHL have not been reported before. Eight untreated FCHL patients and 10 matched controls underwent a 24 h oral fat load. Fasting apoB-48 and apoB-100 were significantly higher in all TRL in FCHL. Maximal concentrations of chylo-[Svedberg's flotation rate (Sf) >400] apoB-48 and apoB-100 were reached later in FCHL (at t = 6 h), in contrast to controls (t = 4 h). Maximal VLDL1-(Sf60-400)-apoB-48 occurred at the same time point (t = 2 h) in both, whereas VLDL1-apoB-100 was maximal at t = 4 h in both, most likely representing delayed VLDL clearance by preferential clearance of chylo and their remnants by competition for the same clearance mechanisms. VLDL2-(Sf20-60)-apoB-48 and VLDL2- apoB-100 decreased in FCHL, in contrast to an increase of apoB-48, and no change of apoB-100 in controls, suggesting impaired conversion of VLDL1-apoB-48 into VLDL2-apoB-48 in FCHL, and partly also of VLDL1-apoB-100. In conclusion, in FCHL clearance of large postprandial Sf >400 apoB-48 and apoB-100 TRL is delayed. ApoB-100 accumulates in the VLDL1 range postprandially in both FCHL and controls, reaching higher levels in FCHL and thereby conferring a higher atherogenic burden in the postprandial situation in FCHL.  相似文献   

Familial hypertriglyceridemia has been suggested to be an autosomal dominant condition with age-dependent penetrance, but so far the underlying defective gene has not been elucidated. We examined the possible role of three candidate gene loci by linkage analysis in six Finnish families with familial clustering of hypertriglyceridemia. The probands were initially recruited from a group of hyperlipidemic outpatients after measurement of serum triglyceride concentrations exceeding 2.00 mmol/l on two occasions. Altogether, 71 subjects were included in the linkage analyses. Bior multiallelic DNA polymorphisms were used as markers for the apolipoprotein B gene (chromosome 2), lipoprotein lipase gene (chromosome 8), and apolipoprotein A-I/C-III/A-IV gene cluster (chromosome 11). Linkage analysis was performed by applying two alternative phenotyping models, one adopting quantitative serum triglyceride concentrations and another using qualitative classification of the subjects into hypertriglyceridemic, normotriglyceridemic, and borderline hypertriglyceridemic groups. Using either approach, the cumulative lod scores of each of the three candidate genes in the six families were less than -2.0 at the recombination fraction 0.0. These results suggest that none of the candidate genes investigated is involved in familial clustering of hypertriglyceridemia in our study.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the association of apoA-IV with high density lipoproteins (HDL) were investigated by employing a crossed immunoelectrophoresis assay to estimate the distribution of rat plasma apoA-IV between the lipoprotein-free and HDL fractions. Incubation of rat plasma at 37 degrees C resulted in the complete transfer of lipoprotein-free apoA-IV to HDL within 45 min. When plasma obtained from fat-fed rats was incubated at 37 degrees C in the presence of postheparin plasma as a source of lipolytic activity, there was a complete transfer of HDL apoA-IV to the lipoprotein-free fraction within 30 min. With extended incubation (120 min), lipoprotein-free apoA-IV began to transfer back to HDL. Similar patterns of apoA-IV redistribution were seen when plasma from fat-fed rats was incubated with postheparin heart perfusate or was perfused through a beating heart. Incubations conducted with plasma obtained from fasted rats showed similar but markedly attenuated apoA-IV responses. Similar observations were found in vivo following intravenous heparin administration. To determine whether the transfer of apolipoproteins from triglyceride-rich lipoproteins to HDL was partially responsible for the lipolysis-induced redistribution of apoA-IV, purified apoA-I, apoE, and C apolipoproteins were added to plasma from fasted rats. When added to plasma, all of the apolipoproteins tested displaced apoA-IV from HDL in a dose-dependent manner. Conversely, apolipoproteins were removed from HDL by adding Intralipid to plasma from fasted rats. With increasing concentrations of Intralipid, there was a progressive loss of HDL apoC-III and a progressive increase in HDL apoA-IV. Intravenous injection of a bolus of Intralipid to fasted rats resulted in a transient decrease of HDL apoC-III and concomitant increase in HDL apoA-IV. From these studies, we conclude that the binding of apoA-IV to HDL is favored under conditions that result in a relative deficit of HDL surface components, such as following cholesterol esterification by LCAT or transfer of apolipoproteins to nascent triglyceride-rich lipoproteins.  相似文献   

Function of hepatic triglyceride lipase in lipoprotein metabolism   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Rat hepatic triglyceride lipase (H-TGL) was purified from liver tissue extracts by affinity chromatography on Sepharose 4B with covalently linked heparin. The purified rat H-TGL exhibited the properties previously described for this enzyme. Enzyme protein was injected into rabbits for anti-H-TGL antibody production. Antirat-H-TGL did not react against rat lipoprotein lipase (LPL) but inhibited H-TGL-activity both in vitro and in vivo greater than 90%. These antibodies were injected into rats and lipoprotein analyses were performed over a 36-hr period. It could be shown that inactivation of H-TGL by anti-H-TGL gamma-globulins in vivo led to an increase in total triglyceride concentration from 70 mg/dl to 230 mg/dl due to an increase in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) triglycerides 4 hr after antibody injection; a marked increase in high density lipoprotein (HDL) phospholipid concentration was observed with almost no change in HDL-cholesterol and HDL-triglycerides. This study documents the ability of antirat-H-TGL-gamma-globulins to inhibit H-TGL in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, the inhibition of triglyceride removal in vivo demonstrated that this enzyme together with LPL is responsible for the catabolism of VLDL-triglyceride.  相似文献   

Familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCH) is a heritable lipid disorder, in which dense low-density lipoprotein (LDL) subfraction profiles due to a predominance of small dense LDL particles are frequently observed. These small dense LDL particles are associated with cardiovascular disease. Using segregation analysis, we investigated to what extent these LDL subfraction profiles are genetically determined; also, the mode of inheritance was studied. Individual LDL subfraction profiles were determined by density gradient ultracentrifugation in 623 individuals of 40 well-defined Dutch FCH families. The individual LDL subfraction profile was defined as a quantitative trait by the continuous variable K, a reliable estimate of the relative contribution of each LDL subfraction to the overall profile. Variation in parameter K due to age, sex, and hormonal status was taken into account by introducing liability classes. Segregation analysis was performed by fitting a series of class D regressive models, implemented in the Statistical Analysis for Genetic Epidemiology (SAGE) program, after which genetic models were compared using log-likelihood ratio tests. Our data show that 60% of the variability of parameter K could be explained by lipid and lipoprotein levels and that a major autosomal locus, recessively inherited, with a population frequency of .42 +/- .07, and an additional polygenic component of .25 best explained the clustering of atherogenic dense LDL subfraction profiles in these FCH families. Therefore, dense LDL subfraction profiles, associated with elevated lipid levels, appear to have a genetic basis in FCH.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that hepatic triglyceride lipase (H-TGL) and lipoprotein lipase (LPL), purified from human postheparin plasma, can each hydrolyze both glyceryl trioleate and palmitoyl-CoA. The average ratio of glyceryl trioleate/palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase activities, obtained with enzyme preparations from 15 human postheparin plasma samples was 1.30 (1.18-1.52) for H-TGL and 8.75 (7.45-10.25) for LPL. Albumin was identified as the serum cofactor required for the hydrolysis of palmitoyl-CoA by H-TGL. It protected this enzyme from inactivation by this substrate. In contrast, palmitoyl-CoA activated and protected LPL from denaturation by dilution and incubation at 25 degrees C. The effects of other detergents were investigated on glyceryl trioleate hydrolase activities of both enzymes. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (0.4 mM) and Trisoleate (0.4 mM), which also effectively activated and protected LPL against inactivation, had only moderate protective effect on H-TGL. Sodium dodecyl sulfate at a higher concentration (1 mM) produced little or no inhibition of LPL, while completely inactivating H-TGL. Conversely, sodium taurodeoxycholate (0.4 mM) protected and activated H-TGL, but had only moderate protective effect on LPL. Triton X-100 (0.1-0.8 mM) and egg lysolecithin (0.05-2 mM) also protected H-TGL, but not LPL. The very dissimilar effects of detergents on preparations on H-TGL and LPL may form the basis for the direct assay of each enzyme in the presence of the other.  相似文献   

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