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Using ColE1-TnA hybrid plasmid RSF2124 as the cloning vector, we constructed a hybrid plasmid, pNO1001, which carried seven ribosomal protein (r-protein) genes in the spc operon together with their promoter. The plasmid also carried three r-protein genes which precede the spc operon, but did not carry the bacterial promoter for these genes. Expression of r-protein genes carried by pNO1001 was studied by measuring messenger ribonucleic acid and r-protein synthesis in cells carrying the plasmid. It was found that the messenger ribonucleic acid for all the promoter-distal r-protein genes was synthesized in large excess relative to messenger ribonucleic acid from other chromosomal r-protein genes which are not carried by the plasmid. However, only the two promoter-proximal r-proteins, L14 and L24, were markedly overproduced. The absence of large gene dosage effects on the synthesis of other distal proteins appeared to be due, at least in part, to preferential inactivation and/or degradation of the distal message which codes for these proteins; in addition, some preferential inhibition of translation of the distal message might also have been involved. Overproduced L14 and L24 were found to be degraded in recA+ strains at both 30 and 42 degrees C; in recA strains, the degradation took place at 42 degrees C but was very slow or absent at 30 degrees C. The recA strains carrying pNO1001 failed to form colonies at 30 degrees C, presumably because of overaccumulation of r-proteins. The results suggest that degradation of excess r-proteins is an important physiological process.  相似文献   

One (rrnE) of the seven operons which codes for ribosomal ribonucleic acid in Escherichia coli was deleted. No significant change in phenotype was observed even under maximum laboratory growth conditions.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis and stability of various RNA fractions was studied in RC(str) and RC(rel) multiple amino acid auxotrophs of Escherichia coli. In conditions of amino acid deprivation, RC(str) mutants were labelled with exogenous nucleotide bases at less than 1% of the rate found in cultures growing normally in supplemented media. Studies by DNA-RNA hybridization and by other methods showed that, during a period of amino acid withdrawal, not more than 60-70% of the labelled RNA formed in RC(str) mutants had the characteristics of mRNA. Evidence was obtained for some degradation of newly formed 16S and 23S rRNA species to heterogeneous material of lower molecular weight. This led to overestimations of the mRNA content of rapidly labelled RNA from such methods as simple examination of sucrose-density-gradient profiles. In RC(rel) strains the absolute and relative rates of synthesis of the various RNA fractions were not greatly affected. However, the stability of about half of the mRNA fraction was increased in RC(rel) strains during amino acid starvation, giving kinetics of mRNA labelling and turnover that were identical with those found in either RC(str) or RC(rel) strains inhibited by high concentrations of chloramphenicol. Coincidence hybridization techniques showed that the mRNA content of amino acid-starved RC(str) auxotrophs was unchanged from that found in normally growing cells. In contrast, RC(rel) strains deprived of amino acids increased their mRNA content about threefold. In such cultures the mRNA content of accumulating newly formed RNA was a constant 16% by wt.  相似文献   

1. The effect of removing Mg(2+) from a purified high-molecular-weight (1.07x10(6)) fraction of Escherichia coli ribosomal RNA was examined by ultracentrifugation, thermal denaturation and optical rotation. 2. At moderate I (0.1m-sodium chloride), EDTA at 2-50mm has little effect on RNA; at low I, 0.01-0.04 (with tris as counter-ion), two boundaries appear. 3. The leading boundary, S(20,w) about 20s, is identified with the original material with counter-ion Mg(2+) (;ionic atmosphere') removed, leading to an expanded form. 4. The slow boundary, 15-16s, is associated with a further loss of Mg(2+) and a further expansion, sensitive to EDTA concentration: it is proposed that this Mg(2+) is localized on the polynucleotide chain, i.e. ;site-bound'. 5. I is important and the EDTA effect at low I is reversible if Na(+) is added immediately after the EDTA: this Na(+) reversibility is lost on standing at 0 degrees . It is suggested that changes in the tertiary structure may be associated with this loss of reversibility. 6. Thermal-denaturation studies show that there is no loss of secondary structure associated with these changes: change in the optical-rotatory-dispersion spectrum in the region of the Cotton effect may be associated with this change in tertiary structure.  相似文献   

Polymerization rates of newly formed chains of various RNA fractions were measured in Escherichia coli CP78 (RC(str)) and CP79 (RC(rel)) multiple amino acid auxotrophs, deprived of four amino acids essential for growth. Immediately after the onset of severe amino acid deprivation, in RC(str) strains the rate of labelling of RNA by exogenous nucleotide bases was greatly diminished. At first, the initiation of new RNA chains declined faster than the rate of polymerization in RC(str) organisms, but as starvation proceeded the rate of polymerization was eventually lowered to about 10% of that found during normal growth. In strain CP79 (RC(rel)), on the other hand, chain-polymerization rates were unaffected by amino acid withdrawal. Artificial depletion of the intracellular purine nucleotide pools in RC(str) or RC(rel) strains by trimethoprim, before the onset of amino acid deprivation, showed that in the RC(str), but not the RC(rel) strain, amino acid withdrawal gave rise to an inability of the cells to utilize exogenously supplied purine or pyrimidine bases for RNA synthesis. During a prolonged starvation, the observed 100-fold decrease in the total rate of incorporation of exogenous nucleotide bases into the RNA of RC(str) organisms was ascribed to a combination of a tenfold decrease in the overall rate of RNA chain polymerization, at least a fivefold decrease in the ability of the cells to utilize exogenous bases and a preferential inhibition of initiation of stable RNA chains. None of these changes occurred in the corresponding RC(rel) strain.  相似文献   

The arrangement of transfer ribonucleic acid (RNA) genes in the chromosome of Escherichia coli K-12 (C600) was examined with the techniques of restriction endonuclease digestion and Southern blotting. The number and size of restriction fragments containing transfer or ribosomal RNA sequences or both were estimated by a variety of restriction endonucleases, including EcoRI, BglI, SmaI, SalI, BamHI, and PstI. EcoRI liberated a minimum of 27 fragments which hybridized to transfer RNA and 16 which hybridized to ribosomal RNA. Enzymes which did not cut within the ribosomal RNA operons (PstI and BamHI) liberated 16 and 13 fragments, respectively, which hybridized to transfer RNA. Five PstI and six BamHi fragments also hybridized to ribosomal RNA, suggesting that there may be at least 11 chromosomal locations distinct from ribosomal RNA operons which encode transfer RNA genes. In addition, our data indicated that several transfer RNA genes may be very close to the 5' proximal ends of certain ribosomal RNA operons and close to the 3' distal ends of all seven ribosomal RNA operons. Similar studies have been carried out with 22 purified species of transfer RNA, and we report here the number and size of EcoRI restriction fragments which hybridize to these transfer RNA species.  相似文献   

The concept of promoter efficiency is introduced as frequency of RNA chain initiation at a given promoter normalized to the intracellular concentration of free (but functional) RNA polymerase. Previous observations from this laboratory on the synthesis of ribosomes and beta-galactosidase are used to show that during a nutritional shift-up from succinate minimal to glucose-amino acids medium (3-fold increase in steady-state growth rate) the concentration of free (active) RNA polymerase decreases to one-quarter of the pre-shift value and the promoter efficiencies of the genes for ribosomal RNA and ribosomal proteins increase 9- and 6-fold respectively. This extent of control of ribosomal genes is much greater than expected on the basis of the increase in the rate of ribosome synthesis (3-fold).  相似文献   

Studies of newly synthesized ribosomal ribonucleic acid of Escherichia coli   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
1. RNA synthesized by Escherichia coli during one-hundredth of the generation time contains two fractions distinguishable by hybridization with homologous DNA. One fraction, approximately 30% of the newly synthesized RNA, did not compete with ribosomal RNA, being apparently messenger RNA. The other fraction, approximately 70% of the newly made RNA, hybridized as ribosomal RNA. These values are comparable with previous estimates (McCarthy & Bolton, 1964; Pigott & Midgley, 1968). 2. Hybridization-competition experiments showed that the newly made RNA associated with 70s ribosomes and larger ribosome aggregates was a mixture of ribosomal RNA and messenger RNA, whereas that associated with nascent ribosomal subunits consisted exclusively of ribosomal RNA. This observation provides means by which newly synthesized ribosomal RNA can be isolated free from messenger RNA. 3. Newly made ribosomal RNA in nascent ribosomal subunits was sensitive to shear under conditions where ribosomal RNA in mature ribosomes was shear-resistant. Thus, when RNA was extracted from cells of E. coli disrupted by mechanical means, newly made ribosomal RNA appeared heterogeneous in size, sedimenting as a broad peak extending from 8s to 16s. 4. Newly synthesized ribosomal RNA in nascent ribosomal subunits was rapidly degraded in the presence of actinomycin D and during glucose starvation. 5. Newly synthesized ribosomal RNA stimulated amino acid incorporation in a system synthesizing protein in vitro to the same extent as the RNA which contained the messenger RNA fraction.  相似文献   

Nucleotide distribution of Escherichia coli 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A Muto 《Biochemistry》1970,9(19):3683-3694

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