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蛋白质作为生命活动的执行者,其功能往往体现在与其他蛋白质的相互作用中,研究蛋白-蛋白相互作用对于人们深入了解和预防传染病、靶向治疗多基因疾病、阐明蛋白质的分子作用机制及各种复杂的生命现象具有重要意义。目前,有多种技术被用来研究蛋白间的相互作用,研究难点在于实时捕获瞬时或弱蛋白质间的相互作用,质谱技术(mass spectrometry, MS)可在某种程度上解决该难点。由于质谱技术可研究简单的蛋白质复合物再到大规模的蛋白质组实验,基于质谱技术研究蛋白质间相互作用被越来越多地应用于科学研究中。综述了蛋白质间相互作用检测方法的研究进展,重点介绍了氢氘交换质谱法和化学交联质谱法研究蛋白质间相互作用的优缺点及其应用,最后对基于质谱技术研究蛋白质间相互作用进行了总结与展望,以期为深入开展相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

An automated approach for the rapid analysis of protein structure has been developed and used to study acid-induced conformational changes in human growth hormone. The labeling approach involves hydrogen/deuterium exchange (H/D-Ex) of protein backbone amide hydrogens with rapid and sensitive detection by mass spectrometry (MS). Briefly, the protein is incubated for defined intervals in a deuterated environment. After rapid quenching of the exchange reaction, the partially deuterated protein is enzymatically digested and the resulting peptide fragments are analyzed by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The deuterium buildup curve measured for each fragment yields an average amide exchange rate that reflects the environment of the peptide in the intact protein. Additional analyses allow mapping of the free energy of folding on localized segments along the protein sequence affording unique dynamic and structural information. While amide H/D-Ex coupled with MS is recognized as a powerful technique for studying protein structure and protein–ligand interactions, it has remained a labor-intensive task. The improvements in the amide H/D-Ex methodology described here include solid phase proteolysis, automated liquid handling and sample preparation, and integrated data reduction software that together improve sequence coverage and resolution, while achieving a sample throughput nearly 10-fold higher than the commonly used manual methods.  相似文献   

The bacterial protease ClpP consists of 14 subunits that assemble into two stacked heptameric rings. The central degradation chamber can be accessed via axial pores. In free ClpP, these pores are obstructed by the N-terminal regions of the seven subunits at either end of the barrel. Acyldepsipeptides (ADEPs) are antibacterial compounds that bind in hydrophobic clefts surrounding the pore region, causing the pores to open up. The ensuing uncontrolled degradation of intracellular proteins is responsible for the antibiotic activity of ADEPs. Recently published X-ray structures yielded conflicting models regarding the conformation adopted by the N-terminal regions in the open state. Here, we use hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) mass spectrometry to obtain complementary insights into the ClpP behavior with and without ADEP1. Ligand binding causes rigidification of the equatorial belt, accompanied by destabilization in the vicinity of the binding clefts. The N-terminal regions undergo rapid deuteration with only minor changes after ADEP1 binding, revealing a lack of stable H-bonding. Our data point to a mechanism where the pore opening mechanism is mediated primarily by changes in the packing of N-terminal nonpolar side chains. We propose that a “hydrophobic plug” causes pore blockage in ligand-free ClpP. ADEP1 binding provides new hydrophobic anchor points that nonpolar N-terminal residues can interact with. In this way, ADEP1 triggers the transition to an open conformation, where nonpolar moieties are clustered around the rim of the pore. This proposed mechanism helps reconcile the conflicting models that had been put forward earlier.  相似文献   

Backbone dynamics of the camphor monoxygenase cytochrome P450(cam) (CYP101) as a function of oxidation/ligation state of the heme iron were investigated via hydrogen/deuterium exchange (H/D exchange) as monitored by mass spectrometry. Main chain amide NH hydrogens can exchange readily with solvent and the rate of this exchange depends upon, among other things, dynamic fluctuations in local structural elements. A fluxional region of the polypeptide will exchange more quickly with solvent than one that is more constrained. In most regions of the enzyme, exchange rates were similar between oxidized high-spin camphor-bound and reduced camphor- and CO-bound CYP101 (CYP-S and CYP-S-CO, respectively). However, in regions of the protein that have previously been implicated in substrate access by structural and molecular dynamics investigations, the reduced enzyme shows significantly slower exchange rates than the oxidized CYP-S. This observation corresponds to increased flexibility of the oxidized enzyme relative to the reduced form. Structural features previously found to be perturbed in CYP-S-CO upon binding of the biologically relevant effector and reductant putidaredoxin (Pdx) as determined by nuclear magnetic resonance are also more protected from exchange in the reduced state. To our knowledge, this study represents the first experimental investigation of backbone dynamics within the P450 family using this methodology.  相似文献   

微生物代谢产物的结构和功能多样,对相邻微生物和环境会产生重要影响。传统的天然产物分离方法不能系统全面地监测单一或混合微生物样品中代谢物的合成和释放模式。成像质谱能够同时可视化观察从单一微生物菌落到复杂微生物群落的多个代谢产物的时空分布,可以用于发现重要的生物活性分子,观察微生物菌落的代谢交流,以及跟踪微生物之间相互竞争过程中代谢物的修饰等方面的研究。本文综述了成像质谱在微生物代谢产物研究中的最新进展,展望了该技术的应用前景。  相似文献   

Viral capsids are dynamic structures which undergo a series of structural transformations to form infectious viruses. The dsDNA bacteriophage P22 is used as a model system to study the assembly and maturation of icosahedral dsDNA viruses. The P22 procapsid, which is the viral capsid precursor, is assembled from coat protein with the aid of scaffolding protein. Upon DNA packaging, the capsid lattice expands and becomes a stable virion. Limited proteolysis and biochemical experiments indicated that the coat protein consists of two domains connected by a flexible loop. To investigate the properties and roles of the sub-domains, we have cloned them and initiated structure and function studies. The N-terminal domain, which is made up of 190 amino acid residues, is largely unstructured in solution, while the C-terminal domain, which consists of 239 amino acid residues, forms a stable non-covalent dimer. The N-terminal domain adopts additional structure in the context of the C-terminal domain which might form a platform on which the N-terminal domain can fold. The local dynamics of the coat protein in both procapsids and mature capsids was monitored by hydrogen/deuterium exchange combined with mass spectrometry. The exchange rate for C-terminal domain peptides was similar in both forms. However, the N-terminal domain was more flexible in the empty procapsid shells than in the mature capsids. The flexibility of the N-terminal domain observed in the solution persisted into the procapsid form, but was lost upon maturation. The loop region connecting the two domains exchanged rapidly in the empty procapsid shells, but more slowly in the mature capsids. The global stabilization of the N-terminal domain and the flexibility encoded in the loop region may be a key component of the maturation process.  相似文献   

Posttranslational regulation of proteins via protein phosphorylation is one of the major means of protein regulation. Phosphorylation is a very rapid and reversible method of changing the function of proteins. Detection of phosphorylated proteins and the identification of phosphorylation sites are necessary to molecularly link specific phosphorylated events with change in phosphoprotein function. Mass Spectrometry (MS) has become the methodology of choice for phosphosite identification. Here we review current approaches including sample separation and enrichment techniques (SDS-PAGE, immunoprecipitation, metal-assisted enrichment, strong cation exchange, dendrimer capture), quantitative MS analysis methods (SILAC, iTRAQ, AQUA), and the application of recently developed methods including electron transfer dissociation ionization and “top-down” proteomics to phosphoprotein analysis.  相似文献   

The aspartic protease pepsin is less specific than other endoproteinases. Because aspartic proteases like pepsin are active at low pH, they are utilized in hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX MS) experiments for digestion under hydrogen exchange quench conditions. We investigated the reproducibility, both qualitatively and quantitatively, of online and offline pepsin digestion to understand the compliment of reproducible pepsin fragments that can be expected during a typical pepsin digestion. The collection of reproducible peptides was identified from > 30 replicate digestions of the same protein and it was found that the number of reproducible peptides produced during pepsin digestion becomes constant above 5–6 replicate digestions. We also investigated a new aspartic protease from the stomach of the rice field eel (Monopterus albus Zuiew) and compared digestion efficiency and specificity to porcine pepsin and aspergillopepsin. Unique cleavage specificity was found for rice field eel pepsin at arginine, asparagine, and glycine. Different peptides produced by the various proteases can enhance protein sequence coverage and improve the spatial resolution of HDX MS data. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Mass spectrometry in structural biology.  相似文献   

氨基酸突变能够改变蛋白的结构和功能,影响生物体的生命过程.基于串联质谱的鸟枪法蛋白质组学是目前大规模研究蛋白质组学的主要方法,但是现有的质谱数据鉴定流程为了提高鉴定结果的灵敏度往往会有意压缩数据库中的氨基酸突变信息.因此,如何挖掘数据中的氨基酸突变信息成为当前质谱数据鉴定的一个重要部分.当前应用于氨基酸突变鉴定的串联质谱鉴定方法大致可以分为3大类:基于序列数据库搜索的方法、基于序列标签搜索的算法以及基于图谱库搜索的算法.本文首先详细介绍了这3种氨基酸突变鉴定算法,并分析了各种方法的特点和不足,然后介绍了氨基酸突变鉴定的研究现状和发展方向.随着基于串联质谱的蛋白质组学的不断发展,蛋白序列中的氨基酸突变信息将被更好地解析出来,从而得以深入探讨由氨基酸突变引起的蛋白结构和功能改变,为揭示氨基酸突变的生物学意义奠定基础.  相似文献   

Despite high level of homology among non-receptor tyrosine kinases, different kinase families employ a diverse array of regulatory mechanisms. For example, the catalytic kinase domains of the Tec family kinases are inactive without assembly of the adjacent regulatory domains, whereas the Src kinase domains are autoinhibited by the assembly of similar adjacent regulatory domains. Using molecular dynamics simulations, biochemical assays, and biophysical approaches, we have uncovered an isoleucine residue in the kinase domain of the Tec family member Btk that, when mutated to the closely related leucine, leads to a shift in the conformational equilibrium of the kinase domain toward the active state. The single amino acid mutation results in measureable catalytic activity for the Btk kinase domain in the absence of the regulatory domains. We suggest that this isoleucine side chain in the Tec family kinases acts as a “wedge” that restricts the conformational space available to key regions in the kinase domain, preventing activation until the kinase domain associates with its regulatory subunits and overcomes the energetic barrier to activation imposed by the isoleucine side chain.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are powerful therapeutics, and their characterization has drawn considerable attention and urgency. Unlike small-molecule drugs (150–600 Da) that have rigid structures, mAbs (∼150 kDa) are engineered proteins that undergo complicated folding and can exist in a number of low-energy structures, posing a challenge for traditional methods in structural biology. Mass spectrometry (MS)-based biophysical characterization approaches can provide structural information, bringing high sensitivity, fast turnaround, and small sample consumption. This review outlines various MS-based strategies for protein biophysical characterization and then reviews how these strategies provide structural information of mAbs at the protein level (intact or top-down approaches), peptide, and residue level (bottom-up approaches), affording information on higher order structure, aggregation, and the nature of antibody complexes.  相似文献   

Recently, we presented a convenient method combining a deuterium‐hydrogen exchange and electrospray mass spectrometry for studying high‐pressure denaturation of proteins (Stefanowicz et al., Biosci Rep 2009; 30:91–99). Here, we present results of pressure‐induced denaturation studies of an amyloidogenic protein—the wild‐type human cystatin C (hCC) and its single‐point mutants, in which Val57 residue from the hinge region was substituted by Asn, Asp or Pro, respectively. The place of mutation and the substituting residues were chosen mainly on a basis of theoretical calculations. Observation of H/D isotopic exchange proceeding during pressure induced unfolding and subsequent refolding allowed us to detect differences in the proteins stability and folding dynamics. On the basis of the obtained results we can conclude that proline residue at the hinge region makes cystatin C structure more flexible and dynamic, what probably facilitates the dimerization process of this hCC variant. Polar asparagine does not influence stability of hCC conformation significantly, whereas charged aspartic acid in 57 position makes the protein structure slightly more prone to unfolding. Our experiments also point out pressure denaturation as a valuable supplementary method in denaturation studies of mutated proteins. Proteins 2012;. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

毛细管区带电泳/串联质谱联用法鉴定多肽和蛋白质   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
建立了毛细管区带电泳-串联质谱联用(CZE/MS/MS)对多肽和蛋白质高灵敏度鉴定方法,对Met-脑啡肽和Leu-脑啡肽的混合物进行了分析,用CZE/MS/MS方法验证了各自的序列,同样对细胞色素c的胰蛋白酶酶解产物用CZE/MS/MS方法进行了肽质谱分析,几科所有肽段的序列及其与在分子中的位置都得到了确定,通过SEQUEST软件进行蛋白质序列数据库搜索得到准确的鉴定结果,所消耗的样品量均在低皮可  相似文献   

Mutations of the receptor tyrosine kinase KIT are linked to certain cancers such as gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). Biophysical, biochemical, and structural studies have provided insight into the molecular basis of resistance to the KIT inhibitors, imatinib and sunitinib. Here, solution‐phase hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) and direct binding mass spectrometry experiments provide a link between static structure models and the dynamic equilibrium of the multiple states of KIT, supporting that sunitinib targets the autoinhibited conformation of WT‐KIT. The D816H mutation shifts the KIT conformational equilibrium toward the activated state. The V560D mutant exhibits two low energy conformations: one is more flexible and resembles the D816H mutant shifted toward the activated conformation, and the other is less flexible and resembles the wild‐type KIT in the autoinhibited conformation. This result correlates with the V560D mutant exhibiting a sensitivity to sunitinib that is less than for WT KIT but greater than for KIT D816H. These findings support the elucidation of the resistance mechanism for the KIT mutants.  相似文献   

Hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (H/D MS) of monomeric actin (G-actin), polymeric actin (F-actin), phalloidin-bound F-actin and G-actin complexed with DNase I provides new insights into the architecture of F-actin and the effects of phalloidin and DNase I binding. Although the overall pattern of deuteration change supports the gross features of the Holmes F-actin model, two important differences were observed. Most significantly, no change in deuteration was observed in the critical "hydrophobic plug" region, suggesting this feature may not be present. Polymerization also produced deuteration increases for peptide fragments containing the ATP phosphate-binding loops, suggesting G-actin transitions to a more "open" conformation upon polymerization. However, polymerization produced decreases in deuteration mainly localized to the "inner", filament-axis side as predicted by the Holmes model. Mapping the phalloidin-induced decreases in F-actin deuteration onto the Lorenz binding site produced a single common patch straddling two monomers across the 1-start helix contact, again consistent with the Holmes architecture. Finally, both DNase I and phalloidin were able to alter the deuteration of regions distal to their respective binding sites. These results highlight the great opportunities for H/D MS to exploit high-resolution structures for detailed studies of the organization and dynamics of complex molecular assemblies.  相似文献   

Direct Analysis of Protein Mixtures by Tandem Mass Spectrometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methods to identify proteins contained in mixtures are described. The approach uses microcolumn liquid chromatography and automated tandem mass spectrometry in conjunction with protein and nucleotide database searching algorithms. This approach is applied to the identification of proteins obtained by immunoprecipitation reactions, interaction with a GST protein fusion products and interaction with a macromolecular complex.  相似文献   

A proteoform is a defined form of a protein derived from a given gene with a specific amino acid sequence and localized post‐translational modifications. In top‐down proteomic analyses, proteoforms are identified and quantified through mass spectrometric analysis of intact proteins. Recent technological developments have enabled comprehensive proteoform analyses in complex samples, and an increasing number of laboratories are adopting top‐down proteomic workflows. In this review, some recent advances are outlined and current challenges and future directions for the field are discussed.  相似文献   

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