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Summary The dopaminergic innervation of the goldfish pituitary gland was studied by immunocytochemistry at the electron-microscope level using highly specific antibodies against dopamine coupled to bovine serum albumin with glutaraldehyde. A satisfactory preservation of the tissue was achieved after immersion in 5% glutaraldehyde in phosphate buffer containing sodium metabisulfite to prevent oxidation of the endogenous dopamine. The immunocyto-chemical procedure was performed on Vibratome sections using the preembedding method. Immunoreactivity was restricted to part of the neurosecretory type-B fibers (diameter of the secretory vesicles lower than 100 nm) in which it was found to occupy the whole cytoplasm. Labeled fibers were observed within the neurohypophysis in the different parts of the gland and in the adenohypophyseal tissue where immunoreactive profiles were detected in close apposition to the different cell types. These data are in agreement with previous results obtained by means of radioautography and further support a role for dopamine in the neuroendocrine regulation of pituitary functions in teleosts.  相似文献   

The cDNA molecule encoding the mouse GABA transporter gene(GAT-1) was used as probe for selecting GAT-1 gene from mouse genomic library.A positive clone,harboring the whole open reading frame of the GAT-1 protein and designated as MGABAT-G,was fished out from the library,the 5‘ proximal region and intron 1 were sequenced and analysed,and low homology was found in the above region between GAT-1 genes from mouse and human except some short conserved sequences.The DNA-protein interactions between DNA fragments containing the conserved sequences in the 5‘ proximal region and nuclear proteins from different tissues of mouse were studied by means of gel-shift assay,and Southern-Western blot.The results indicate a possible positive-negative regulation mode controlling the expression of the mouse GAT-1 gene.  相似文献   

通过观察不同强度电针对睡眠节律紊乱大鼠下丘脑γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)及受体(GABRA1)的影响,初步探讨针灸治疗失眠的作用机制及不同强度电针的效应差异.用免疫组织化学技术观察失眠大鼠下丘脑GABA阳性细胞的表达情况,用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)检测失眠大鼠下丘脑GABRA1 mRNA表达改变.研究发现,对氯苯丙氨酸(PCPA)化失眠大鼠下丘脑GABA阳性细胞染色较浅,且表达量减少,GABRA1mRNA表达明显降低(P<0.01);经电针治疗5 d后,失眠大鼠下丘脑GABA阳性神经元染色较深,表达量较多,GABRA1 mRNA表达显著升高(P<0.01),且2 V电针刺激作用比1 V电针刺激更为明显.结果表明电针可增加失眠大鼠下丘脑GABA及受体的表达,调节睡眠-觉醒周期,发挥镇静催眠作用,且2 V电针刺激效果优于1 V电针刺激.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary thyroxine on the immunoreactivity of cells in the pars distalis of the adenohypophysis in dwarf (dw/dw) mice were determined by ultrastructural immunocytochemistry. In nontreated dwarfs only adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) cells and luteinizing hormone (LH) cells showed positive reactions to their respective antibodies, whereas no cells showed immunoreactivity to antibodies to growth hormone (GH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), or prolactin (Prl). In dwarfs supplemented postnatally with dietary thyroxine for 9 wks, the treatment failed to produced immunoreactive GH, TSH or Prl cells. However, LH cells became more prominent and fully developed, with denser concentrations of immunoreactive particles overlying the secretory granules than occurred in nontreated dwarfs. In thyroxine-treated dwarfs, ACTH cells were similar in ultrastructural features and immunoreactivity to those in nontreated dwarfs.  相似文献   

Summary Using the immunoperoxidase technique and antisera to the specific beta () subunits of bovine and rat TSH1, selective immunocytochemical staining was localized in a specific cell population in the pars distalis of the dog pituitary gland. These TSH cells were found to be positive to aldehyde fuchsin, alcian blue, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and aniline blue. With the performic acidalcian blue (pH 0.2) -PAS-orange G procedure these cells stained blue-purple, demonstrating FSH/LH cells (blue or turquoise), ACTH/MSH cells (redpurple) and PRL cells (orange-red). The TSH cells were further differentiated from other functional cell types of the pars distalis on the basis of their typical cytological features, intraglandular distribution and by immunocytochemical double staining. In the pars distalis of adult male dogs the TSH cells were mostly shown to be smaller in size and less numerous than in bitches in the anestrous phase of the sexual cycle. Moreover, cytological alterations in the immunoreactive thyrotrophs in the pituitary of male and female dogs generally paralleled the spontaneous changes in thyroid function associated with thyroid atrophy and/or pituitary insufficiency, and thyroid hyperplasia or goiter. In conclusion, because of their specificity and high potency, the antisera to the -subunits of bovine and rat TSH represent an effective tool for the selective immunocytochemical localization of TSH in the dog pituitary. This allows the study of the morphology and function of TSH cells under different physiological, pathological and experimental conditions.Abbreviations for Hormones cited in this Paper ACTH Adrenocorticotropin - FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone - GH Growth Hormone - LH Luteinizing Hormone - MSH Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone - PRL Prolactin - TSH Thyrotropin - TRH TSH Releasing Hormone - CG Chorionic Gonadotropin The authors are grateful to Mrs. B. Schilk and Miss U. Tüshaus for their excellent technical assistance  相似文献   

Origin of the pituitary innervation in the goldfish   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Despite the large number of studies devoted to the pituitary of teleosts, the origin of the direct pituitary innervation is still largely unknown. Although such a model is ideal for applying retrograde transport techniques, these methods involve the difficult in vivo injection of tracers into the pituitary and have never been applied. Recently, a lipophilic fluorescent dye (1-1-dioctadecyl-3,3,3,3-tetramethylindocarbocyanin; DiI) has been introduced and shown to have the capacity of being transported by the membranes of paraformaldehydefixed tissues. Microcrystals of DiI were implanted via a ventral approach into the pituitary of goldfish previously fixed by intracardiac perfusion of paraformaldehyde. The goldfish heads were kept immersed in paraformaldehyde for various periods of time (2–6 weeks). The brains were then dissected and cut transversally using a Vibratome. The results demonstrate that hypophysiotrophic areas are essentially restricted to the preoptic region, the mediobasal hypothalamus and the nucleus dorsolateralis thalami. In addition, cell bodies probably containing gonadotrophin releasing-hormone were also retrogradely stained along a pathway that can be traced up to the olfactory bulbs. The results also confirm that cell bodies, located around the ventral aspect of the preoptic recess and probably corresponding to dopaminergic neurons, project to the pituitary. Large neurons have also been observed in the rostral dorsal midbrain tegmentum just caudal to the posterior commissure. Most neurons of the so-called paraventricular organ remain unstained. Finally, a fiber tract originating from an undetermined territory of the posterior brain has been observed. The results are discussed in relation to the possible chemical nature of the hypophysiotropic neurons.  相似文献   

Summary An extensive system of somatostatin-immunoreactive neurons has been localized in the forebrain and pituitary of the molly (Poecilia latipinna), using the unlabelled antibody immunocytochemical method.In the hypothalamus, reactive perikarya were scattered throughout the parvocellular divisions of the preoptic nucleus. These cells were smaller in size and more ventral in position than those which stained with antisera to the neurohypophysial hormones, vasotocin and isotocin. A few very small somatostatin-immunoreactive cells were observed in the tuberal region and in the nuclei of the lateral and posterior recesses — areas which were rich in somatostatin-immunoreactive fibres.Somatostatin cells were also found in a small area of the ventral thalamus, mainly in the dorsolateral nucleus. Some of these neurons were large and multipolar, and appeared to form tracts of fibres into the posterior hypothalamus. In the telencephalon there were a few stained cells in the ventral area, with a complex pattern of fibres occurring in parts of the dorsal area.Somatostatin-immunoreactivity was intense in the central and posterior neurohypophysis, and particularly in its finger-like projections into the proximal pars distalis, around groups of growth hormone cells. Examination of material from fishes under various experimental conditions provided evidence for the somatostatin fibres originating from the preoptic neurons being involved in the control of growth hormone secretion.  相似文献   

An antiserum was prepared against the recently purified bullfrog (bf) growth hormone (GH); it was applied to sections of brain and pituitary of three urodele (Ambystoma, Pleurodeles and Cynops) and three anuran (Xenopus, Bufo vulgaris and B. japonicus) species. No immunostaining was obtained in the urodele pituitary, being consistent with the results of immunoblot analysis of the pituitary homogenate. In the three anuran species, strong immunoreactivity was observed in GH cells that were concentrated in the posterodorsal region of the pars distalis. No GH-like immunoreactivity was detectable in the brain of any of the species. A comparison using adjacent sections stained with anti-bf prolactin (PRL) confirmed the anteroventral localization of PRL cells. Colocalization of GH and PRL was not apparent. These data suggest that the molecular structure of amphibian GHs is considerably different between anurans and urodeles. The antiserum used in the present work shows a high species specificity, recognizing only anuran GHs. In contrast anti-bfPRLlabeled PRL cells in all the amphibian species studied in the present work, suggesting that PRLs possess common amino acid sequences recognized by the anti-bfPRL.  相似文献   

Brain GABA levels rise and plateau following prolonged administration of the irreversible GABA-transaminase inhibitor vigabatrin (γ-vinylGABA). Recently it has been shown that increased GABA levels reduces GAD67 protein, one of two major isoforms of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). The effects of GABA elevation on GABA synthesis were assessed in vivo using1H and13C-edited NMR spectroscopy. Rates of turnover of cortical glutamate and GABA from intravenously administered [1-13C]glucose were measured in α-chloralose anesthetized rats 24 hours after receiving vigabatrin (500 mg/kg, i.p.) and in non-treated controls. GABA concentration was increased 2-fold at 24 hours (from 1.3±0.4 to 2.7±0.9 μmol/g) and GABA-T activity was inhibited by 60%. Tricarboxylic acid cycle flux was not affected by vigabatrin treatment compared to non-treated rats (0.47±0.19 versus 0.52±0.18 μmol/g, respectively). GABA-C2 fractional enrichment (FE) measured in acid extracts rose more slowly in vigabatrin-treated compared to nontreated rats, reaching >90% of the glutamate FE after 3 hours. In contrast, GABA FE≥glutamate FE in non-treated rats. A metabolic model consisting of a single glutamate pool failed to account for the rapid labeling of GABA from glutamate. Metabolic modelling analysis based on two (non-communicating) glutamate pools revealed a ∼70% decrease in the rate of GABA synthesis following vigabatrin-treatment, from 0.14 (non-treated) to 0.04 μmol/g/min (vigabatrin-treated). These findings, in conjunction with the previously reported differential effects of elevated GABA on the GAD isoforms, suggests that GAD67 may account for a major fraction of cortical GABA synthesis in the α-chloralose anesthetized rat brain in vivo. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Herman Bachelard.  相似文献   

Summary Using an antiserum to highly purified chum salmon prolactin, prolactin cells were identified in the putative rostral pars distalis of newly hatched tilapia larvae (Oreochromis mossambicus) by the immunogold method for the electron microscope. In the putative rostral pars distalis, some cells had another kind of secretory granule which was much less numerous, much smaller in size, and without immunoreactivity to salmon prolactin antiserum. Controls incubated with salmon prolactin-preabsorbed antiserum or normal serum showed no immunoreactive cells, confirming the specificity of the antiserum. The possible role of prolactin in the osmoregulation of tilapia larvae is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the distribution of neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity in the human hypothalamus, an immunocytochemical localization of this peptide was performed. Using antibodies developed against synthetic porcine neuropeptide Y (NPY), we have been able to localize immunoreactivity in neuronal cell bodies located exclusively in the infundibular nucleus. Immunostained fibers were found in several regions in the hypothalamus with a high concentration in the periventricular areas. Fibers were also found in the neurovascular zone of the median eminence, the pituitary stalk and the posterior pituitary. These results suggest that immunoreactive material related to porcine NPY is present in the human hypothalamus, with a distribution similar to that observed in the rat.  相似文献   

Gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a non‐protein amino acid commonly present in all organisms. Because cellular levels of GABA in plants are mainly regulated by synthesis (glutamate decarboxylase, GAD) and catabolism (GABA‐transaminase, GABA‐T), we attempted seed‐specific manipulation of the GABA shunt to achieve stable GABA accumulation in rice. A truncated GAD2 sequence, one of five GAD genes, controlled by the glutelin (GluB‐1) or rice embryo globulin promoters (REG) and GABA‐T‐based trigger sequences in RNA interference (RNAi) cassettes controlled by one of these promoters as well, was introduced into rice (cv. Koshihikari) to establish stable transgenic lines under herbicide selection using pyriminobac. T1 and T2 generations of rice lines displayed high GABA concentrations (2–100 mg/100 g grain). In analyses of two selected lines from the T3 generation, there was a strong correlation between GABA level and the expression of truncated GAD2, whereas the inhibitory effect of GABA‐T expression was relatively weak. In these two lines both with two T‐DNA copies, their starch, amylose, and protein levels were slightly lower than non‐transformed cv. Koshihikari. Free amino acid analysis of mature kernels of these lines demonstrated elevated levels of GABA (75–350 mg/100 g polished rice) and also high levels of several amino acids, such as Ala, Ser, and Val. Because these lines of seeds could sustain their GABA content after harvest (up to 6 months), the strategy in this study could lead to the accumulation GABA and for these to be sustained in the edible parts.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical investigations show that somatostatin (SRIF)-like immunoreactive material is present in the brain and the pituitary of nine different species of teleosts. In the brain, immunoreactive perikarya and fibers are observed in the preoptic periventricular nucleus, the entopeduncular nucleus, the anterior periventricular nucleus, and the nucleus lateralis tuberis. In the pituitary, SRIF-like-immunoreactive fibers occur in the proximal pars distalis (PPD), which contains the growth hormone (GH)-secreting cells. Nerve fibers are scattered among GH cells (cyprinids), or end on the basal lamina at the neuroglandular interface of the PPD (eel, salmonids). In the eel, the proximal neurohypophysis does not penetrate deeply into the PPD that is very poorly vascularized. In some species, e.g. Myoxocephalus, SRIF-like immunoreactive fibers are also observed in the caudal neurohypophysis, and even among MSH cells of the pars intermedia.In long-term starved carps and eels, the amount of SRIF-like material in the pituitary is clearly reduced. A possible role of SRIF in the concomitant stimulation of GH cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The electron-microscopic immunogold method was applied to Merkel cells of adult mice to demonstrate the subcellular localization of met-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity. Post-embedding incubation with metenkephalin antisera showed that the gold particles were associated with the dense-core granules of the Merkel cells. The majority, but not all, of the dense-core granules were strongly labelled. Osmication caused a significant reduction in the number of gold particles on these granules. The nerve terminal associated with the Merkel cell did not show met-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of the ultrastructural localization of a positive met-enkephalin immunoreactivity in the dense-core granules of Merkel cells in mice.  相似文献   

Summary The neuronal origin of extracellular levels of dopamine (DA), acetylcholine (ACh), glutamate (Glu), aspartate (Asp) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) simultaneously collected from the neostriatum of halothane anaesthetized rats with in vivo microdialysis was studied. The following criteria were applied (1) sensitivity to K+-depolarization; (2) sensitivity to inhibition of synaptic inactivation mechanisms; (3) sensitivity to extracellular Ca2+; (4) neuroanatomical regionality; sensitivity to selective lesions and (5) sensitivity to chemical stimulation of the characterized pathways.It was found that: (1) Extracellular DA levels found in perfusates collected from the neostriatum fulfills all the above criteria and therefore the changes in extracellular DA levels measured with microdialysis reflect actual release from functionally active nerve terminals, and so reflect ongoing synaptic transmission. (2) Changes in neostriatal ACh levels reflect neuronal activity, provided that a ACh-esterase inhibitor is present in the perfusion medium. (3) Extracellular Glu, Asp and GABA could be measured in different perfusion media in the rat neostriatum and probably reflect metabolic as well as synaptic release. However, (4) the majority of the extracellular GABA levels found in perfusates collected from the neostriatum may reflect neuronal release, since GABA levels were increased, in a Ca2+-dependent manner, by K+-depolarization, and could be selectively decreased by an intrinsic neostriatal lesion. (5) It was not possible to clearly distinguish between the neuronal and the metabolic pools of Glu and Asp, since neostriatal Glu and Asp levels were only slightly increased by K+-depolarization, and no changes were seen after decortication. A blocker of Glu re-uptake, DHKA, had to be included in the perfusion medium in order to monitor the effect of K+-depolarization on Glu and Asp levels. Under this condition, it was found (6) that neostriatal Glu and Asp levels were significantly increased by K+-depolarization, although only increases in the Glu levels were sensitive to Ca2+ in the perfusion medium, suggesting that Glu but not Asp is released from vesicular pools. (7) Evidence is provided that selective stimulations of nigral DA cell bodies may lead to changes in release patterns from DA terminals in the ipsilateral neostriatum, which are in turn followed by discrete changes in extracellular levels of GABA and Glu in the same region. Finally, some methodological considerations are presented to clarify the contribution of neuronal release to extracellular levels of amino acid neurotransmitters in the rat neostriatum.  相似文献   

Abstract By degrading the settlement inducer gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), bacteria may affect the larval settlement of sedentary marine invertebrates. Nearly one third of bacterial isolates from surfaces suitable for abalone ( Haliotis ) settlement were able to grow on GABA as sole carbon source. Compared with similar compounds, GABA was a good source of carbon, nitrogen and energy, and it was utilized concomitantly with glucose. GABA-metabolizing enzymes were constitutive in Pseudomonas fluorescens and inducible in Aeromonas hydrophila . High-affinity ( K m: 20–50 μ M) and low-affinity ( K m: 7–9 mM) uptake systems were produced in response to low and high GABA concentrations, respectively, in the growth medium. Within the ecologically significant temperature range (12–24°C), specific GABA degradation rates varied 2.5-fold in young cells of P. fluorescens . This organism los its ability to degrade GABA during the stationary phase. The results suggest that marine bacteria have the potential to affect invertebrate larval settlement by removing GABA from the settlement habitat.  相似文献   

Summary Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) is a neuropeptide that occurs in several tissues, e.g., in the gut. We have studied PACAP-like immunoreactivity in the pancreas of rat and mouse, and the effects of PACAP-38 on basal and stimulated insulin and glucagon secretion in the mouse. Immunofluorescence staining demonstrated the presence of PACAP-like immunoreactivity in nerve fibers in both the rat and mouse pancreas. The nerve fibers were seen in the exocrine pancreas and surrounding the islets. Occasionally, the nerve fibers occurred within the islets. Most PACAP-positive nerve fibers innervated the intrapancreatic ganglia, although no nerve cell bodies contained PACAP-like immunoreactivity. In-vivo experiments in mice revealed that basal plasma glucagon levels were increased by PACAP-39 injected intravenously at dose levels exceeding 1.8 nmol/kg. Furthermore, PACAP-38 (7 nmol/kg) potentiated the plasma glucagon response to the cholinergic agonist carbachol (0.16 mol/kg). This potentiation was reduced to simple addition by pretreatment with a combined - and -adrenergic blockade by phentolamine (35 mol/kg) and propranolol (8.5 mol/kg). Moreover, PACAP-38 inhibited a carbachol-induced increase in the level of plasma insulin in the absence but not in the presence of adrenergic blockade. PACAP-38 increased basal plasma insulin levels and increased basal plasma glucose levels 6 min and 10 min, respectively, after injection of the peptide. We conclude that PACAP-like immunoreactivity exists in nerve fibers innervating the mouse and rat pancreas, particularly the intrapancreatic ganglia, and that PACAP-38 augments both basal and carbachol-stimulated glucagon secretion in the mouse.  相似文献   

Summary Cells binding anti-bovine TSH serum were found exclusively in the rostral lobe of the adenohypophysis of the drake using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex unlabelled antibody method. The specificity of the binding of the anti-serum to TSH cells was established by relating the morphology and relative abundance of immunochemically stained cells to the TSH content of the adenohypophysis after experimentally altering the activity of the pituitary-thyroid axis. The TSH activity of the adenohypophysis was assessed indirectly, by the weight of the thyroid glands, and directly, by bioassay. As determined by bioassay, the TSH content of the rostral lobe of the adenohypohysis was much greater than that of the caudal lobe. Compared with control drakes, immunochemically stained cells in birds fed a goitrogen, methimazole, seemed to be enlarged and were closer together, while the stained cells in drakes injected with thyroxine were shrunken and less intensely stained. The TSH content of the adenohypophysis was increased in drakes fed methimazole. Castration did not alter the TSH content of the adenohypophysis or change the morphology of immunochemically stained cells. These observations suggest that in the drake: 1) anti-bovine TSH serum binds specifically to TSH cells; 2) the TSH cells occur in the rostral and not in the caudal lobe of the adenohypophysis; and 3) the activity of TSH cells is not inhibited by the feedback effects of gonadal steroids.We thank Dr. L.E. Reichert Jr. and the National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolic and Digestive Diseases for the gift of ovine TSH and Mr. R. Wilkie for technical assistance. We are grateful to Dr. M.F. El Etreby, Professor B.K. Follett, Dr. C.G. Scanes, Dr. J. Seth and Dr. J.G. Pierce for gifts of immunochemicals  相似文献   

Summary Paraffin sections of brain and pituitary of the hagfish Eptatretus burgeri were immunostained with an antiserum to FMRF-amide. Immunoreactivity was visible in a large number of neurons in the posterior part of the ventromedial hypothalamus and in long neuronal processes extending cranially from the hypothalamus to the olfactory system and caudally to the medulla oblongata. FMRF-amide-like immunoreactivity was also found in cells of the adenohypophysis. These observations suggest that the hagfish possesses a brain FMRF-amide-like transmitter system and pituitary cells containing FMRF-amide-like material.Antisera to ACTH, -MSH and pancreatic polypeptide gave no immunoreaction in hagfish brain or pituitary. D aspartic acid - F phenylalanine - L leucine - M methionine - R arginine; - W tryptophan - Y tyrosine  相似文献   

Summary The presence of lutropin (LH)-like material in the pituitary gland of the South-American lungfish, Lepidosiren paradoxa, has been demonstrated by means of the unlabeled antibody-enzyme method, by use of rabbit antiovine LH as first antibody. The LH-like substance was revealed in a single PAS-positive cell type primarily located in the anterior part of the distal lobe. Dot blot tests as well as conventional liquid-phase absorption experiments indicate that the anti-ovine LH antibodies possess specificity against the oLH/gb subunit. These observations indicate that dipnoans (Lepidosiren) share a number of antigenic determinants with those of mammalian LH/gb and support the concept that mammalian LH/gb, or part of it, was established early in evolution. The exact nature and physiological function of the substance detected remains to be defined.  相似文献   

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