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Myc proteins are known to have an important function in stem cell maintenance. As Myc has been shown earlier to regulate microRNAs (miRNAs) involved in proliferation, we sought to determine whether c‐Myc also affects embryonic stem (ES) cell maintenance and differentiation through miRNAs. Using a quantitative primer‐extension PCR assay we identified miRNAs, including, miR‐141, miR‐200, and miR‐429 whose expression is regulated by c‐Myc in ES cells, but not in the differentiated and tumourigenic derivatives of ES cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses indicate that in ES cells c‐Myc binds proximal to genomic regions encoding the induced miRNAs. We used expression profiling and seed homology to identify genes specifically downregulated both by these miRNAs and by c‐Myc. We further show that the introduction of c‐Myc‐induced miRNAs into murine ES cells significantly attenuates the downregulation of pluripotency markers on induction of differentiation after withdrawal of the ES cell maintenance factor LIF. In contrast, knockdown of the endogenous miRNAs accelerate differentiation. Our data show that in ES cells c‐Myc acts, in part, through a subset of miRNAs to attenuate differentiation.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells express a unique set of microRNAs   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  

Human embryonic stem (hES) cells have the capacities to propagate for extended periods and to differentiate into cell types from all three germ layers both in vitro and in vivo. These characteristics of self‐renewal and pluripotency enable hES cells having the potential to provide an unlimited supply of different cell types for tissue replacement, drug screening, and functional genomics studies. The hES‐T3 cells with normal female karyotype cultured on either mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) in hES medium (containing 4 ng/ml bFGF) (T3MF) or feeder‐free Matrigel in MEF‐conditioned medium (supplemented with additional 4 ng/ml bFGF) (T3CM) were found to express very similar profiles of mRNAs and microRNAs, indicating that the unlimited self‐renewal and pluripotency of hES cells can be maintained by continuing culture on these two conditions. However, the expression profiles, especially microRNAs, of the hES‐T3 cells cultured on Matrigel in hES medium supplemented with 4 ng/ml bFGF and 5 ng/ml activin A (T3BA) were found to be different from those of T3MF and T3CM cells. In T3BA cells, four hES cell‐specific microRNAs miR‐372, miR‐302d, miR‐367, and miR‐200c, as well as three other microRNAs miR‐199a, miR‐19a, and miR‐217, were found to be up‐regulated, whereas five miRNAs miR‐19b, miR‐221, miR‐222, let‐7b, and let‐7c were down‐regulated by activin A. Thirteen abundantly differentially expressed mRNAs, including NR4A2, ERBB4, CXCR4, PCDH9, TMEFF2, CD24, and COX6A1 genes, targeted by seven over‐expressed miRNAs were identified by inverse expression levels of these seven microRNAs to their target mRNAs in T3BA and T3CM cells. The NR4A2, ERBB4, and CXCR4 target genes were further found to be regulated by EGF and/or TNF. The 50 abundantly differentially expressed genes targeted by five under‐expressed miRNAs were also identified. The abundantly expressed mRNAs in T3BA and T3CM cells were also analyzed for the network and signaling pathways, and roles of activin A in cell proliferation and differentiation were found. These findings will help elucidate the complex signaling network which maintains the self‐renewal and pluripotency of hES cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 109: 93–102, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

人胚胎干细胞向生殖细胞分化的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
小鼠胚胎干细胞体外已成功诱导分化为配子细胞,人胚胎干细胞理论上也具备分化为生殖细胞的潜能。本文从影响人胚胎干细胞体外向生殖系分化的基因调控和干细胞小生境(niche)方面进行综述,并指出胚胎干细胞在生殖医学及不孕治疗中的研究方向和应用前景。  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem (hES) cells provide a promising supply of specific cell types for transplantation therapy. We presented here the method to induce differentiation of purified neural precursors from hES cells. hES cells (Line PKU-1 and Line PKU-2) were cultured in suspension in bacteriological Petri dishes, which differentiated into cystic embryoid bodies (EBs). The EBs were then cultured in N2 medium containing bFGF in poly-L-lysine-coated tissue culture dishes for two weeks. The central, small cells with 2–3 short processes of the spreading outgrowth were isolated mechanically and replated. The resulting neurospheres were cultured in suspension for 10 days, then dissociated into single cell suspension with a Pasteur pipette and plated. Cells grew vigorously in an attached way and were passed every 4–5 days. Almost all the cells were proved nestin positive by immunostaining. Following withdrawal of bFGF, they differentiated into neurons expressing β-tubulin isotypeIII, GABA, serotonin and synaptophysin. Through induction of PDGF-AA, they differentiated into astrocytes expressing GFAP and oligodendrocytes expressing O4. The results showed that hES cells can differentiate into typical neural precursors expressing the specific marker nestin and capable of generating all three cell types of the central nervous system (CNS)in vitro.  相似文献   

Neural precursors derived from human embryonic stem cells   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Before the successful isolation of human embryonic stem (hES) cells, many investigations had shown that mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells can be induced to differentiate into neural precursors which could be purified and differentiated to mature dopamine, motor, serotonin, GABA neurons, and oligodendrocytes and astrocytes in vitro[1―3]. mES cell-derived dopamine neurons have been shown capable of integrating into host brains after transplanting to the rodents of Park-inson’s disease model …  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,Escs)具有自我复制和多潜能分化的特性。相对于体细胞,胚胎干细胞的细胞周期调控非常特别。比如,G1期较短;P53、RB等调控细胞周期“检验点”的蛋白分子功能“异常”等。胚胎干细胞细胞周期调控的研究对于研究胚胎干细胞的自我复制和多潜能性,都具有重要指导意义。该文将重点比较体细胞和胚胎干细胞在细胞周期调控方面的差异,并对近年来有关小鼠和人胚胎干细胞的细胞周期调控的研究进展进行介绍。  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cell like (MSCl) cells were generated from human embryonic stem cells (hESC) through embryoid body formation, and isolated by adherence to plastic surface. MSCl cell lines could be propagated without changes in morphological or functional characteristics for more than 15 passages. These cells, as well as their fluorescent protein expressing stable derivatives, efficiently supported the growth of undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells as feeder cells. The MSCl cells did not express the embryonic (Oct4, Nanog, ABCG2, PODXL, or SSEA4), or hematopoietic (CD34, CD45, CD14, CD133, HLA-DR) stem cell markers, while were positive for the characteristic cell surface markers of MSCs (CD44, CD73, CD90, CD105). MSCl cells could be differentiated toward osteogenic, chondrogenic or adipogenic directions and exhibited significant inhibition of mitogen-activated lymphocyte proliferation, and thus presented immunosuppressive features. We suggest that cultured MSCl cells can properly model human MSCs and be applied as efficient feeders in hESC cultures.  相似文献   

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