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The anatomy and morphology of leaves in Carex have the potential to be taxonomically useful. However, studies on the variability of leaf characteristics in the genus are sparse. Researchers therefore risk using leaf anatomical characters without the knowledge of whether they are consistent in a species. We examined 22 qualitative and seven quantitative leaf anatomy characters from transverse leaf sections to test their consistency across 11 Carex spp. The characters were clearly described and primarily microscopic. Some characters were found to exhibit high levels of intraspecific variation, whereas other characters exhibited high levels of consistency in a species, including the shape of the leaf section, the density of papillae and the size of epidermal cells. Caution must be applied when choosing leaf anatomy to delimit taxa because of the intraspecific variability found in some characters, but sufficient numbers of invariant characters exist to provide useful taxonomic separation. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 172 , 371–384.  相似文献   

Biogas could provide a more sustainable energy source than wood fuels for rural households in sub‐Saharan African. However, functioning of biogas digesters can be limited in areas of low water availability. The water required is approximately 50 dm3 day?1 for each cow and 10 dm3 day?1 for each pig providing manure to the digester, or 25 (±6) dm3 day?1 for each person in the household, using a digester volume of 1.3 (±0.3) m3 capita?1. Here, we consider the potential of domestic water recycling, rainwater harvesting, and aquaculture to supply the water needed for digestion in different countries of sub‐Saharan Africa. Domestic water recycling was found to be important in every country but was usually insufficient to meet the requirements of the digester, with households in 72% of countries need to collect additional water. Rooftop rainwater harvesting also has an important role, iron roofs being more effective than thatched roofs at collecting water. However, even with an iron roof, the size of roof commonly found in sub‐Saharan Africa (15 to 40 m2) is too small to collect sufficient water, requiring an extra area (in m2) for each person of (R/100) (where R is the rainfall in mm). If there is a local market for fish, stocking a pond with tilapia, fed on plankton growing on bioslurry from the digester, could provide an important source of additional income and hold the water required by the digester. In areas where rainfall is low and seasonal, the fishpond might be stocked only in the rainy season, allowing the pond to be covered during the dry period to reduce evaporation. If evaporative losses (E in mm) exceed rainfall, an extra catchment area is needed to maintain the water level in the pond, equivalent to approximately (1.5 × ((E?R)/R)) m2 for each person in the household.  相似文献   

Carex section Schiedeanae (subg. Euthyceras) has long been thought to comprise at most five species of Mexican sedges. Our morphological studies in the field and herbarium, however, supported by more recent DNA sequencing work, demonstrate that the section is, in fact, three times as species-rich, making it one of the largest sections in Mexico. Its 15 species range from Chihuahua to Tamaulipas south to Veracruz and Oaxaca; a single species, Carex muriculata, extends into the United States. The section has unusual inflorescences with simple (except in Carex complexa), uniformly androgynous, sessile spikes, utriculiform cladoprophylls, and perigynia with a unique combination of pubescence types composed of papillae; unicellular, simple hairs; and (in many species) multicellular tubercles. We recognize five previously described species (C. muriculata,Carex perstricta,Carex schiedeana, Carex stellata, and Carex vizarronensis) and describe 10 additional species (Carex angustilepis, Carex cabralii, Carex complexa, Carex dentata, Carex gypsophila, Carex mesophila, Carex paneroi, Carex planilamina, Carex revoluta, and Carex tehuacana). We have expanded the morphological features used in the section to include particularly anther, staminate scale, and style features, and more detailed micromorphology of the perigynia, especially indumentum. In total, 13 of the 15 species recognized herein, with a total of 32 individuals, were examined for ETS and ITS for phylogenetic reconstruction. Phylogenetically, the xeric species (plus C. paneroi) form a grade leading to a clade of the more mesophytic species adapted to forest understories, plus the unique cliff dwelling C. complexa.  相似文献   

Aim To test whether it is possible to establish a common biogeographical regionalization for plants and vertebrates in sub‐Saharan Africa (the Afrotropical Region), using objective multivariate methods. Location Sub‐Saharan Africa (Afrotropical Region). Methods We used 1° grid cell resolution databases for birds, mammals, amphibians and snakes (4142 vertebrate species) and c. 13% of the plants (5881 species) from the Afrotropical Region. These databases were analysed using cluster analysis techniques to define biogeographical regions. A β(sim) dissimilarity matrix was subjected to a hierarchical classification using the unweighted pair‐group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA). The five group‐specific biogeographical regionalizations were compared against a regionalization developed from a combined database, and a regionalization that is maximally congruent with the five group‐specific datasets was determined using a consensus classification. The regionalizations were interpreted against measures of spatial turnover in richness and composition for the five datasets as well as the combined dataset. Results We demonstrate the existence of seven well‐defined and consistent biogeographical regions in sub‐Saharan Africa. These regionalizations are statistically defined and robust between groups, with minor taxon‐specific biogeographical variation. The proposed biogeographical regions are: Congolian, Zambezian, Southern African, Sudanian, Somalian, Ethiopian and Saharan. East Africa, the West African coast, and the transitions between the Congolian, Sudanian and Zambezian regions are unassigned. The Cape area in South Africa, Afromontane areas and the coastal region of East Africa do not emerge as distinct regions but are characterized by high neighbourhood heterogeneity, rapid turnover of species and high levels of narrow endemism. Main conclusions Species distribution data and modern cluster analysis techniques can be used to define biogeographical regions in Africa that reflect the patterns found in both vertebrates and plants. The consensus of the regionalizations between different taxonomic groups is high. These regions are broadly similar to those proposed using expert opinion approaches. Some previously proposed transitional zones are not recognized in this classification.  相似文献   

In this study, we report novel data on mitochondrial DNA in two of the largest eastern Bantu‐speaking populations, the Shona from Zimbabwe and the Hutu from Rwanda. The goal is to evaluate the genetic relationships of these two ethnic groups with other Bantu‐speaking populations. Moreover, by comparing our data with those from other Niger‐Congo speaking populations, we aim to clarify some aspects of evolutionary and demographic processes accompanying the spread of Bantu languages in sub‐Saharan Africa and to test if patterns of genetic variation fit with models of population expansion based on linguistic and archeological data. The results indicate that the Shona and Hutu are closely related to the other Bantu‐speaking populations. However, there are some differences in haplogroup composition between the two populations, mainly due to different genetic contributions from neighboring populations. This result is confirmed by estimates of migration rates which show high levels of gene flow not only between pairs of Bantu‐speaking populations, but also between Bantu and non‐Bantu speakers. The observed pattern of genetic variability (high genetic homogeneity and high levels of gene flow) supports a linguistic model suggesting a gradual spread of Bantu‐speakers, with strong interactions between the different lines of Bantu‐speaker descent, and is also in agreement with recent archeological findings. In conclusion, our data emphasize the role that population admixture has played at different times and to varying degrees in the dispersal of Bantu languages. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

中国薹草属黑穗薹草组的数量分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国薹草属黑穗薹草组Sect.Racemosae及外类群冻原薹草组Sect.Frigidae共20种3变种采用38个形态特征进行了数量分类研究。聚类分析结果表明,黑穗薹草组应是一个自然分类群;支持了《中国植物志》将两对相似种:乌拉草(Carer meyeriana)与红原薹草(Carer hongyuanensis)、膨囊薹草(Carex lehmanii)与五台山薹草(Carex montis-wutaii)分别处理为种的观点。主成分分析结果表明,本组的分类特征较为稳定与集中,本组主成分分析散点图与聚类分析的分类结果大致吻合,并表明有关小坚果、果囊、鳞片、主茎叶和苞片的性状在本组的分类中起到了主要作用。  相似文献   

Carex rainbowii (Cariceae, Cyperaceae), a new species from the Drakensberg mountains (KwaZulu-Natal province), is described and illustrated. It was found in the shady understory of the Afromontane forest in the Cathedral Peak area. An additional, nearby population was also identified based on previously collected herbarium material. Morphological and molecular (cpDNA 5′trnK intron and nrDNA ITS and ETS sequences) data were used to evaluate the taxonomic status of these populations and shed light on their systematic placement. Our data strongly support their taxonomic identity and inclusion in Carex sect. Sylvaticae. The new species can be readily distinguished from other related taxa mainly by the frequently androgynecandrous terminal spike, dense female spikes, hyaline glumes, as well as by some quantitative features. This finding implies a considerable biogeographic disjunction from the mainly Eurasian-North African range of the remaining species of sect. Sylvaticae, a pattern also found in the related sections Ceratocystis, Rhynchocystis and Spirostachyae. Comments are provided on previous misidentifications of C. rainbowii as the closely related Carex sylvatica. Data pertinent to the conservation status of the species are provided.  相似文献   

COVID‐19, caused by a novel coronavirus named SARS‐CoV‐2, was identified in December 2019, in Wuhan, China. It was first confirmed in sub‐Saharan Africa in Nigeria on 27 February 2020 and has since spread quickly to all sub‐Saharan African countries, causing more than 111,309 confirmed cases and 2,498 deaths as of 03 June 2020. The lessons learned during the recent Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreaks in some sub‐Saharan African countries were expected to shape and influence the region’s responses to COVID‐19 pandemic. However, some of the challenges associated with the management of the EVD outbreaks persist and create obstacles for the effective management of the COVID‐19 pandemic. This article describes the commonalities between the EVD epidemics and COVID‐19 pandemic, with a view to draw on lessons learned to effectively tackle the ongoing pandemic. Key successes, failures and lessons learned from previous EVD outbreaks are discussed. Recommendations on how these lessons can be translated to strengthen the COVID‐19 response in sub‐Saharan Africa are provided.  相似文献   

A powerful feature of global health research is data‐sharing with regions which bear the heaviest burden of disease. It offers novel opportunities for aggregating data to address critical global health challenges in ways higher than relying on individual studies. Yet there exist important stratifiers of the capacity to share data, particularly across the Global North‐South divide. Systemic challenges that characterize sub‐Saharan Africa and disadvantage the region's scientific productivity threaten the burgeoning data‐sharing culture too. Like all endeavors requiring equal commitments under unequal circumstances, a strong ethical impetus is needed to help reduce inequities and imbalances to encourage adherence. This article discusses mandatory data‐sharing in relation to peculiar challenges faced by sub‐Saharan African scientists to suggest ethical principles for rethinking and reframing solutions. We propose six principles which mirror guidelines from the Institute of Medicine and encapsulate principles from the Emanuel Framework, Nairobi Data Sharing Principles, and the COHRED guidelines.  相似文献   



Past analyses of satellite‐based fire activity in tropical savannas support the intermediate fire–productivity hypothesis (IFP), which posits a close correlation with estimates of total net primary productivity in drier savannas and declines towards the extremes. However, these analyses ignore the distinct roles played by herbaceous and woody vegetation in fire ignition and spread. We hypothesize that, as herbaceous vegetation provides the primary fuel, fire activity in African savannas is asymptotically correlated with herbaceous production. Conversely, woody production affects fires indirectly through effects on herbaceous production and its connectivity. In contrast to the IFP, we propose the fuel, cure and connectivity (FCC) conceptual model for tropical fire activity. The FCC model makes explicit the distinct role of herbaceous and woody fuels, avoiding the confounding interpretation of the role of total production, while providing opportunities to quantify fuel curability, effects of trees on herbaceous fuel growth and connectivity, and human management.


Sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA).

Time period


Major taxa studied

Woody and herbaceous vegetation.


We used boosted regression tree analysis to test competing models explaining fire activity: (a) aggregate fuel loads; and (b) partitioned woody and herbaceous fuel loads; both derived from MODIS leaf area index.


Herbaceous fuel load was consistently most influential, providing more explanatory power than overall biomass in fire activity. Fuel curability rated second, then human population density (HPD), and woody biomass was least important. We observed an asymptotic relationship between herbaceous fuel load and fire activity consistent with the FCC model; trees promote fires at low densites but suppress fires at higher densities; fires were rare in wetter regions, emphasizing the need for fuel to cure; and fires were concentrated in areas of low human population, underscoring the crucial role of land management.


The proposed FCC framework provides a more nuanced understanding of fire activity in tropical ecosystems, where herbaceous biomass is the key determinant of fire activity.  相似文献   

The origin of the orthotropic aerial shoot from the plagiotropic, horizontal rhizome of Carex arenaria L. (Cyperaceae) was studied. A previously proposed adnation or fusion of the first internode of the orthotropic shoot and the fourth internode of the plagiotropic shoot could not be anatomically confirmed. The rhizome branches sympodially and the point of branching results from intercalary meristematic activity in the plagiotropic shoot.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 145–151.  相似文献   

摘要描述及图解了浙江薹草属Carex 5新种和1新变种,它们是:灰帽薹草组sect. Mitratae Kükenth.的天目山薹草Carex tianmushanica C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin和拟三穗薹草C. pseudotristachya X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng;匏囊薹草组sect. Lageniformes (Ohwi) Nelmes的密毛薹草C. densipilosa C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin;菱形果薹草组sect. Rhomboidales Kükenth.的浙南薹草C. austrozhejiangensis C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin和朝芳薹草C. chaofangii C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin;疏花薹草组sect. Laxiflorae Kunth的无芒长嘴薹草C. longerostrata C. A. Mey. var. exaristata X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng。  相似文献   

Food security and agriculture productivity assessments in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA) require a better understanding of how climate and other drivers influence regional crop yields. In this paper, our objective was to identify the climate signal in the realized yields of maize, sorghum, and groundnut in SSA. We explored the relation between crop yields and scale‐compatible climate data for the 1962–2014 period using Random Forest, a diagnostic machine learning technique. We found that improved agricultural technology and country fixed effects are three times more important than climate variables for explaining changes in crop yields in SSA. We also found that increasing temperatures reduced yields for all three crops in the temperature range observed in SSA, while precipitation increased yields up to a level roughly matching crop evapotranspiration. Crop yields exhibited both linear and nonlinear responses to temperature and precipitation, respectively. For maize, technology steadily increased yields by about 1% (13 kg/ha) per year while increasing temperatures decreased yields by 0.8% (10 kg/ha) per °C. This study demonstrates that although we should expect increases in future crop yields due to improving technology, the potential yields could be progressively reduced due to warmer and drier climates.  相似文献   

Clines in life history traits, presumably driven by spatially varying selection, are widespread. Major latitudinal clines have been observed, for example, in Drosophila melanogaster, an ancestrally tropical insect from Africa that has colonized temperate habitats on multiple continents. Yet, how geographic factors other than latitude, such as altitude or longitude, affect life history in this species remains poorly understood. Moreover, most previous work has been performed on derived European, American and Australian populations, but whether life history also varies predictably with geography in the ancestral Afro‐tropical range has not been investigated systematically. Here, we have examined life history variation among populations of D. melanogaster from sub‐Saharan Africa. Viability and reproductive diapause did not vary with geography, but body size increased with altitude, latitude and longitude. Early fecundity covaried positively with altitude and latitude, whereas lifespan showed the opposite trend. Examination of genetic variance–covariance matrices revealed geographic differentiation also in trade‐off structure, and QSTFST analysis showed that life history differentiation among populations is likely shaped by selection. Together, our results suggest that geographic and/or climatic factors drive adaptive phenotypic differentiation among ancestral African populations and confirm the widely held notion that latitude and altitude represent parallel gradients.  相似文献   

Several species of migratory swifts breed in the Western Palearctic, but they differ in reproductive traits and nonbreeding areas explored in Africa. We examined survival and recapture probabilities of two species of swifts by capture–mark–recapture data collected in northern Italy (Pallid Swift Apus pallidus in Carmagnola, Turin, and Common Swift Apus apus in Guiglia, Modena) in the breeding season (May–July). Apparent survival rates were relatively high (>71%), comparable to other studies of European swifts, but showed marked annual variations. We used geolocators to establish the exact wintering areas of birds breeding in our study colonies. Common Swifts explored the Sahel zone during migration and spent the winter in SE Africa, while the Pallid Swifts remained in the Sahel zone for a longer time, shifting locations southeast down to Cameroun and Nigeria later in winter. These movements followed the seasonal rains from north to south (October to December). In both species, we found large yearly differences in survival probabilities related to different climatic indices. In the Pallid Swift, wintering in Western Africa, the Sahel rainfall index best explained survival, with driest seasons associated with reduced survival. In the Common Swift, wintering in SE Africa, the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle performed significantly better than Sahel rainfall or North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Extreme events and precipitation anomalies in Eastern Africa during La Niña events resulted in reduced survival probabilities in Common Swifts. Our study shows that the two species of swifts have similar average annual survival, but their survival varies between years and is strongly affected by different climatic drivers associated with their respective wintering areas. This finding could suggest important ecological diversification that should be taken into account when comparing survival and area use of similar species that migrate between temperate breeding areas and tropical wintering areas.  相似文献   

Bruno Massa 《ZooKeys》2015,(524):17-44
Results of the study of specimens collected in tropical Africa and preserved in different European collections and museums are reported and extensively illustrated. The following three new species are described: Horatosphaga aethiopica sp. n., Dapanera occulta sp. n. and Cestromoecha laeglae sp. n. In addition, new diagnostic characters or distributional data for Ruspolia differens (Serville, 1838), Thyridorhoptrum senegalense Krauss, 1877, Horatosphaga leggei (Kirby, 1909), Horatosphaga linearis (Rehn, 1910), Preussia lobatipes Karsch, 1890 and Dapanera eidmanni Ebner, 1943 are reported. Finally, Symmetropleura plana (Walker, 1869) is proposed to be transferred to the genus Symmetrokarschia Massa, 2015, Conocephalus carbonarius (Redtenbacher, 1891) to the genus Thyridorhoptrum Rehn & Hebard, 1915; the genus Gonatoxia Karsch, 1889 is proposed to be synonymized with Dapanera Karsch, 1889.  相似文献   

在整理和鉴定浙闽薹草属Carex植物的过程中,发现福建薹草Cares fokienensis Dunn较早发表但并未被注意。通过文献查阅、模式标本研究和野外观察,认为闽清薹草C.minqingensis Z.P.Wang、九仙山薹草C jiuxiangshanensis L.K.Dai&Y.Z.Huang、苍绿薹草C.pallideviridis K.L.Chv(裸名)在果囊和雌花鳞片等鉴别性特征上与福建薹草并没有区别,应该处理为福建薹草的异名。  相似文献   

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