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A revision of the genus Trixa Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genus Trixa Meigen, 1824 is revised. Dexiotrix Villeneuve, 1936 and Trixella Mesnil, 1980, each of which was sometimes treated as a distinct genus, are treated as junior synonyms of Trixa Meigen. Two species from Sichuan and Yunnan, China, are described as new to science, viz. Trixa chinensis sp. nov. and T. chaoi sp. nov. T. alpina Meigen is treated as a junior synonym of T. caerulescens Meigen. T. nox (Shima) and T.pubiseta (Mesnil) are newly recorded from China. Males of T. pubiseta (Mesnil) and T.longipensis (Villeneuve) are described for the first time. Diagnoses, figures and a key to twelve species in Trixa are given.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of a newly recorded genus of parasitoid fly from Taiwan, Admontia quwi sp. nov. is described. Diagnostic characteristics and variations of the male post abdomen are illustrated. A key to the eight Oriental species of Admontia is provided.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4B148B4B-A132-4B85-8BFE-A6FB1129EE98.  相似文献   

Japanese species of the subgenus Ceranthia Robineau‐Desvoidy are revised. Five species are recognized in Japan, three of which are described as new to science: Siphona (Ceranthia) angusta, S. (C.) nigra and S. (C.) setigera. A key to Japanese species is provided and male terminalia are illustrated. Monophyly of this group is discussed.  相似文献   

Two new Trichadenotecnum species, T. corniculum and T. germinatum, were described from Japan. These species were considered to compose a monophyletic group newly defined here as the corniculum group. Judging from morphology of male terminalia, the corniculum group was considered to represent the basal most clade of the genus Trichadenotecnum.  相似文献   

The genus Stichillus in Japan is revised. Three species are recognized: S. japonicus (Matsumura), S. spinosus Liu and Chou and S. cylindratus sp. nov. Stichillus brunneicornis Beyer is excluded from the Japanese fauna. These Japanese species are described and keyed. The male genitalia and the female terminalia are illustrated. Some unique characters of the male genitalia in the genus are reported, and morphology of the male genitalia and the female terminalia is discussed.  相似文献   

Winthemiini is a worldwide tribe in the subfamily Exoristinae (Diptera: Tachinidae) with 200 species in 16 genera. We confirm the monophyly of Winthemiini and examine relationships among the constituent genera based on a parsimonious analysis of adult morphological characters for 53 species representing 12 out of 16 currently recognized Winthemiini genera. As a result, Winthemiini is divided into three major clades, with relationships as follows: ((Rhaphiochaeta [Ossidingia, Nemorilla]) ((Hemisturmia [Avibrissosturmia, Triodontopyga]) ([Smidtia, Winthemia])). A revised classification system for Winthemiini is proposed, recognizing 12 genera. Four new synonymies are proposed – Diotrephes and Chesippus as junior synonyms of Smidtia, and Hemisturmiella and Parachetolyga as junior synonyms of Winthemia – along with four new combinations: Winthemia brasiliana (Guimarães) comb.n. , W. metopia (Bischof) comb.n. , Smidtia atriventris (Walker) comb.n. , and S. notialis (Reinhard) comb.n.  相似文献   

The genera Ptycta Enderlein, 1925, and Copostigma Enderlein, 1903, are defined as a monophyletic complex based on the morphology of the male terminalia. Ptycta is redefined as those species of the Copostigma–Ptycta complex with forewing veins Rs+M fused for a short distance. Two new species of Ptycta from Japan are described, P. recava sp. nov. and P. johnsoni sp. nov., increasing the number of Japanese species to four, along with P. parvidentata Tsutsumi, 1964, and P. micromaculata Thornton, Lee, and Chui, 1972. Distributional information and illustrations of each species, and a key to Japanese species of Ptycta are included.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the subgenera of Exorista Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae) are inferred from morphological data. Our results show that the genus Exorista is not monophyletic and that members of the subgenus Spixomyia Crosskey are divided into two clades. Each subgenus is redefined based on male and female morphological features. The Japanese species of Exorista are revised and classified into five subgenera: Adenia Robineau‐Desvoidy, Exorista Meigen, Podotachina Brauer and Bergenstamm, Ptilotachina Brauer and Bergenstamm, and Spixomyia Crosskey. Thirteen species are recognized, including two newly recorded species, Exorista (Adenia) cuneata Herting and Exorista (Spixomyia) lepis Chao. Exorista cantans Mesnil is transferred to the subgenus Podotachina from Spixomyia.  相似文献   

The Palaearctic burrower bug genus Canthophorus Mulsant & Rey, 1866 (Heteroptera: Cydnidae) is revised. New data on the morphology and distribution are given. Structures of the female internal ectodermal terminalia and the completely inflated aedeagi in all species of the genus are described and illustrated for the first time. An extended differential diagnosis as a comparison with representatives of all Palearctic genera of the tribe Sehirini is given for the genus. Based on characters of the external morphology and terminalia of both sexes, new taxa are described: C. dubius sanigarum n. ssp., C. melanopterus mariae n. ssp., C. impressus hajastanicus n. ssp., and C. wagneri hyrcanicus n. ssp.; C. hissaricus Asanova, 1964 is downgraded to a subspecies level and included in C. mixtus Asanova, 1964. C. melanopterus niger (Vidal, 1950) is placed in synonymy with C. melanopterus melanopterus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835). A wide variability of the terminalia, especially in females, was found in C. melanopterus melanopterus; in the latter, six forms are described differing in the shape and size of sclerites in posterior pouches of the gynatrial sac and distributed mainly in the Mediterranean region. A key allowing identification of the species not only by males, but also by females, was compiled for the first time. It is shown that C. aeneus (Walker, 1867) [= Sehirus fuscipennis Horváth, 1899] and C. maculipes (Mulsant & Rey, 1852) have very significant differences from other species of Canthophorus in the male and female terminalia, and at the same time share some characters with the genus Adomerus Mulsant & Rey, 1866, including unique characters shared with several species of this group; therefore, the mentioned two species are transferred to the genus Adomerus.  相似文献   

中国菲寄蝇属分类研究(双翅目: 寄蝇科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵建铭  陈小琳 《昆虫学报》2007,50(9):933-940
经研究发现中国菲寄蝇属现共有9种,其中包括4新种:金额菲寄蝇Phebellia aurifrons sp. nov.,褐粉菲寄蝇Ph. fulvipollinis sp. nov.,宽叶菲寄蝇Ph. latisurstyla sp. nov.和毛基节菲寄蝇Ph. setocoxa sp. nov.。我国新记录3种:叶蜂菲寄蝇Ph. clavellariae (Brauer & Bergenstamm),灰粉菲寄蝇Ph. glauca (Meigen)和拟灰粉菲寄蝇Ph. glaucoides Herting。本文除详细描述新种特征及绘制特征图外,还提供中国菲寄蝇属已知种类的分种检索表。  相似文献   

Sturmiopsis parasitica Curran (Diptera: Tachinidae) is a widely spread parasitoid of various lepidopteran stem borers including Eldana saccharina Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Busseola fusca (Fuller) and Sesamia calamistis Hampson (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in western, eastern and southern Aenica. As the Aenican sugarcane stalk borer, E. saccharina, is currently the most economically important insect pest in South Aenican sugarcane there is an urgent need to develop a control strategy for the management of this pest. S. parasitica has been tested as a biological control agent against E. saccharina with limited success. In seeking possible reasons for this limited success we tested whether there is genetic differentiation among populations of S. parasitica and whether there are hostassociated lineages of S. parasitica enom B. fusca and E. saccharina.

To assess these hypotheses, DNA sequences of cytochrome oxidase I (COI), a mitochondrial proteincoding gene, were obtained enom fifteen specimens collected in western, eastern and southern Aenica. Phylogenetic analysis of these sequences using maximum parsimony grouped the specimens into two main clades, one of which is further subdivided. Examination of pairwise sequence divergence levels supports the hypothesis of two cryptic lineages. However, further supportive evidence is necessary before revising the taxonomy of the species.  相似文献   

Scyllaeidae represents a small clade of dendronotoid nudibranchs. Notobryon wardi Odhner, 1936, has been reported to occur in tropical oceans from the Indo‐Pacific and eastern Pacific to temperate South Africa. The systematics of Notobryon has not been reviewed using modern systematic tools. Here, specimens of Notobryon were examined from the eastern Pacific, the Indo‐Pacific, and from temperate South Africa. Additionally, representatives of Scyllaea and Crosslandia were studied. Scyllaeidae was found to be monophyletic. Notobryon was also found to be monophyletic and is the sister group to Crosslandia plus Scyllaea. The molecular data also clearly indicate that within Notobryon, at least three distinct species are present, two of which are here described. Genetic distance data indicate that eastern Pacific and South African exemplars are 10–23% divergent from Indo‐Pacific exemplars of Notobryon wardi. Scyllaea pelagica has been regarded as a single, circumtropical species. Our molecular studies clearly indicate that the Atlantic and Indo‐Pacific populations are distinct and we resurrect Scyllaea fulva Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 for the Indo‐Pacific species. Our morphological studies clearly corroborate our molecular findings and differences in morphology distinguish closely related species. Different species clearly have distinct penial morphology. These studies clearly reinforce the view that eastern Pacific, Indo‐Pacific, and temperate biotas consist largely of distinct faunas, with only a minor degree of faunal overlap. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 311–336.  相似文献   

The genus Dendrokingstonia (Annonaceae) is taxonomically revised and palynologically studied. Three species are recognized, one of which, D. gardneri , is described as new to science. One new combination, D. acuminata , is made. The genus occurs from southern Thailand to Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. On the basis of macromorphology and pollen characters, it is considered to be related to Monocarpia. Both genera show a combination of macromorphological characters that is rare in the family, i.e. considerably enlarged stigmas, leaves with percurrent tertiary veins, a highly reduced number of carpels per flower and relatively large monocarps with a thick, hard wall. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy show that the pollen grains of Dendrokingstonia and Monocarpia are monosulcate monads with a columellate infratectum and a more or less bulging intine at the sulcus. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 168 , 76–90.  相似文献   

The genus Rimosodaphnella Cossmann, 1916 was proposed for Murex textile Brocchi, 1814, a European Miocene–Pliocene species, and is sometimes thought to be represented in the recent fauna by three Atlantic species. Here, we assign only one Atlantic species, Pleurotoma (Drillia) morra Dall, 1881 distributed from North Carolina to Southern Brazil, to the genus and introduce three new species of Rimosodaphnella from the Indo-Pacific region. One, Rimosodaphnella solomonensis, n. sp. from the Solomon Islands, while two others, Rimosodaphnella tenuipurpurata n. sp. and Rimosodaphnella brunneolineata n. sp., from the Philippines Islands; these findings suggest that the genus may be well represented in the Indo-Pacific region.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pubBD6E8AA4-445C-43A5-8171-65A7CE8BA20B  相似文献   

The diagnosis of the genus Labidochromis is revised to include species with bicuspid outer teeth. Sixteen species, of which 13 are new, are described and illustrated and the validity of five others is discussed. The interrelationships between members of the genus and the relationship of the genus to other genera are discussed. No clearly defined sister group to the genus has been found either within or outside the Lake Malawi cichlid species flock. A key based on the coloration of known species is included.  相似文献   

Liparis tsii, a new orchid from Guangdong, China, is described and illustrated. It is compared with its closest allies: L. sasakii Hayata, L. nanlingensis H.Z. Tian & F.W. Xing, L. krameri Franch. & Sav., L. reckoniana T.C. Hsu and L. brunnea Ormerod belonging to section Liparis. Further phylogenetic study based on combined molecular data from nrITS and plastid trnL-F ascertained its phylogenetic position as L. tsii being sister to L. sasakii and L. nanlingensis. A key to identification with the allied species is provided.  相似文献   

Dexiosoma Rondani is a small Old World genus belonging to the Microphthalmini (Tachininae) and parasitic on larvae of Scarabaeidae, and collected in the weeds. In this study Dexiosoma is newly recorded from China, one new species, D. nigricornis sp. nov. from Sichuan, Yunnan and Xizang (Tibet) is described, and D. caninum (Fabricius) from Liaoning and Jilin, China is newly recorded and briefly redescribed, and a key to the five species (males) of Dexiosoma is provided. The specimens of two identified species are housed in the collection of Shenyang Normal University.  相似文献   

The furva species group of the genus Nomada in Japan is taxonomically revised and the following three species are recognized: N. okubira Tsuneki, 1973, stat. nov., N. pulawskii Tsuneki, 1973, and N. taicho Tsuneki, 1973. Nomada okubira is raised to species rank, and N. etigonis Tsuneki, 1986, is synonymized under N. okubira. Detailed illustrations of male terminalia are provided for N. okubira and N. taicho. A key to the Japanese species is provided.  相似文献   

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