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Endophytes, microorganisms that colonize internal tissues of all plant species, create a huge biodiversity with yet unknown novel natural products, presumed to push forward the frontiers of drug discovery. Next to the clinically acknowledged antineoplastic agent, paclitaxel, endophyte research has yielded potential drug lead compounds with antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, insulin mimetic, anti-neurodegenerative and immunosuppressant properties. Furthermore, while being implicated in livestock neurotoxicosis, some endophyte-produced alkaloids have been shown to display insecticidal activity. The endophyte-host relationship is postulated to be a ‘balanced antagonism’. Moreover, the plausibility of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) hypothesis is taken into account. Knowledge of the genetic background of endophytic natural product biosynthesis is discussed on the basis of loline alkaloids, ergopeptines, lolitrems and maytansinoids. The current dynamic progress in genomics will contribute to a better understanding of endophytic microbes and to further exploiting them as a source of pharmaceutically relevant compounds.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the pathogen of tuberculosis (TB), is one of the most infectious bacteria in the world. The traditional strategy to combat TB involves targeting the pathogen directly; however, the rapid evolution of drug resistance lessens the efficiency of this anti-TB method. Therefore, in recent years, some researchers have turned to an alternative anti-TB strategy, which hinders Mtb infection through targeting host genes. In this work, using a theoretical genetic analysis, we identified 170 Mtb infection-associated genes from human genetic variations related to Mtb infection. Then, the agents targeting these genes were identified to have high potential as anti-TB drugs. In particular, the agents that can target multiple Mtb infection-associated genes are more druggable than the single-target counterparts. These potential anti-TB agents were further screened by gene expression data derived from connectivity map. As a result, some agents were revealed to have high interest for experimental evaluation. This study not only has important implications for anti-TB drug discovery, but also provides inspirations for streamlining the pipeline of modern drug discovery.  相似文献   

随着后基因组时代的到来,药物发现研究领域不断涌现出一系列新思路、新技术、新方法,从而迅速推进药物发现的多元化发展。一方面,基因组学、蛋白质组学、转录组学、代谢组学、生物信息学、系统生物学等新兴学科的崛起与发展,为药物发现提供更为广泛而深刻的理论基础;另一方面,计算机辅助药物设计、高通量筛选、高内涵筛选、生物芯片、转基因和RNA干扰等高新技术的发展和完善,为药物发现提供了新的技术手段和有力工具,极大地拓宽了药物发现的途径。本文结合近年来现代生物学的研究进展,综述现代生物学对药物发现过程的影响。  相似文献   

Drug combinations are increasingly important in disease treatments, for combating drug resistance, and for elucidating fundamental relationships in cell physiology. When drugs are combined, their individual effects on cells may be amplified or weakened. Such drug interactions are crucial for treatment efficacy, but their underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. To uncover the causes of drug interactions, we developed a systematic approach based on precise quantification of the individual and joint effects of antibiotics on growth of genome‐wide Escherichia coli gene deletion strains. We found that drug interactions between antibiotics representing the main modes of action are highly robust to genetic perturbation. This robustness is encapsulated in a general principle of bacterial growth, which enables the quantitative prediction of mutant growth rates under drug combinations. Rare violations of this principle exposed recurring cellular functions controlling drug interactions. In particular, we found that polysaccharide and ATP synthesis control multiple drug interactions with previously unexplained mechanisms, and small molecule adjuvants targeting these functions synthetically reshape drug interactions in predictable ways. These results provide a new conceptual framework for the design of multidrug combinations and suggest that there are universal mechanisms at the heart of most drug interactions.  相似文献   

在过去20年里,斑马鱼已成为一种重要的模式脊椎动物,在发育、遗传、免疫、肿瘤和毒理等诸多研究领域中被广泛应用。近年来,斑马鱼作为活体模型越来越多地应用于某些生物学过程的药物筛选。通过斑马鱼初步筛选,在药物研发初期可确定化合物的生物学活性、毒性以及副作用等。最近的研究还发现,斑马鱼不仅用于新药筛选,还可用于药物结构的优化。本文重点介绍斑马鱼在新药发现中的应用。  相似文献   

由于具有优异的光学特性,量子点在生物医学领域内的研究和应用取得了一些有意义的进展,同时也引起了新药开发人员的兴趣.本文概述了量子点在新药开发中所具有的优势,分析了量子点在药物传输、药物筛选和药靶确证方面的潜在应用,进一步讨论了当前量子点应用于新药开发存在的问题和不足.  相似文献   

Gedunin from Cedrela odorata (Meliaceae), a potent in vitro antimalarial agent, was investigated for its in vivo efficacy in CD‐1 mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. When orally administered at 50 mg kg‐1 day‐1 for 4 days, gedunin was able to suppress the parasitaemia level by 44%. However, no clear dose‐response effects were observed in the 0–100 mg kg‐1 day‐1 dose range. Preliminary pharmacokinetics in Sprague‐Dawley rats showed poor absorption. However, a binary treatment of 50 mg kg‐1 day‐1 gedunin with 25 mg kg‐1 day‐1 dillapiol, a cytochrome P450 inhibitor, increased parasitaemia clearance in mice to 75%. A clear dose‐response was observed in the 0–50 mg kg‐1 day‐1 gedunin dose range when administration was combined with 25 mg kg‐1 day‐1 dillapiol. In addition, 7‐methoxygedunin, a semi‐synthetic derivative which is more stable to degradation than gedunin, suppressed the level in mice by 67% at 50 mg kg‐1 day‐1. When administered at this dose in combination with 25 mg kg‐1 day‐1 dillapiol, clearance increased to 80%. These results demonstrate the potentialefficacy of antimalarial drugs and phytomedicines based on gedunin and the value of the combination therapy.  相似文献   

Enoyl‐acyl carrier protein reductase (ENR) is a crucial enzyme in the type II fatty acid synthesis pathway of many pathogens such as Plasmodium falciparum, the etiological agent of the most severe form of malaria. Because of its essential function of fatty acid double bond reduction and the absence of a human homologue, PfENR is an interesting drug target. Although extensive knowledge of the protein structure has been gathered over the last decade, comparatively little remains known about the dynamics of this crucial enzyme. Here, we perform extensive molecular dynamics simulations of tetrameric PfENR in different states of cofactor and ligand binding, and with a variety of different ligands bound. A pocket‐volume analysis is also performed, and virtual screening is used to identify potential druggable hotspots. The implications of the results for future drug‐discovery projects are discussed.  相似文献   

Although peptides themselves are not usually the end products of a drug discovery effort, peptide research often plays a key role in many aspects of this process. This will be illustrated by reviewing the experience of peptide research carried out at IRBM in the course of our study of hepatitis C virus (HCV). The target of our work is the NS3/4A protease, which is essential for maturation of the viral polyprotein. After a thorough examination of its substrate specificity we fine-tuned several substrate-derived peptides for enzymology studies, high-throughput screening and as fluorescent probes for secondary binding assays. In the course of these studies we made the key observation: that the protease is inhibited by its own cleavage products. Single analog and combinatorial optimization then derived potent peptide inhibitors. The crucial role of the NS4A cofactor was also addressed. NS4A is a small transmembrane protein, whose central domain is the minimal region sufficient for enzyme activation. Structural studies were performed with a peptide corresponding to the minimal activation domain, with a series of product inhibitors and with both. We found that NS3/4A is an induced fit enzyme, requiring both the cofactor and the substrate to acquire its bioactive conformation; this explained some puzzling results of 'serine-trap' type inhibitors. A more complete study on NS3 activation, however, requires the availability of the full-length NS4A protein. This was prepared by native chemical ligation, after sequence engineering to enhance its solubility; structural studies are in progress. Current work is focused on the P' region of the substrate, which, at variance with the P region, is not used for ground state binding to the enzyme and might give rise to inhibitors showing novel interactions with the enzyme.  相似文献   

Senolytics are a category of drugs that reduce the impact of cellular senescence, an effect associated with a range of chronic and age-related diseases. Since the discovery of the first senolytics in 2015, the number of known senolytic agents has grown dramatically. This review discusses the broad categories of known senolytics—kinase inhibitors, Bcl-2 family protein inhibitors, naturally occurring polyphenols, heat shock protein inhibitors, BET family protein inhibitors, P53 stabilizers, repurposed anti-cancer drugs, cardiac steroids, PPAR-alpha agonists, and antibiotics. The approaches used to screen for new senolytics are articulated including a range of methods to induce senescence, different target cell types, various senolytic assays, and markers. The choice of methods can greatly influence the outcomes of a screen, with high-quality screens featuring robust systems, adequate controls, and extensive validation in alternate assays. Recent advances in single-cell analysis and computational methods for senolytic identification are also discussed. There is significant potential for further drug discovery, but this will require additional research into drug targets and mechanisms of actions and their subsequent rigorous evaluation in pre-clinical models and human trials.  相似文献   

Milo Gibaldi 《Chirality》1993,5(6):407-413
A surprisingly large number of marketed drugs are racemic mixtures. The pharmacokinetic literature on racemic drugs contains a vast amount of information on drug–drug interactions derived from the measurement of total drug concentrations in plasma and urine. The appreciation of the role of stereochemistry in drug interactions with racemic warfarin resulted in a long-overdue scientific rigor being applied to the study of drug interactions. It also compelled us to recognize that much of the literature was uninterpretable. A better understanding of oxidative metabolism, particularly the complexity of the cytochrome P-450 family of enzymes, has also strengthened the scientific basis of drug interactions. We now recognize that investigators and clinicians must consider both stereoselectivity and isozyme selectivity in the study of drug interactions to understand the nature of the interaction so as to more effectively use new and potent drugs. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Proteomics in biomarker discovery and drug development   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Proteomics is a research field aiming to characterize molecular and cellular dynamics in protein expression and function on a global level. The introduction of proteomics has been greatly broadening our view and accelerating our path in various medical researches. The most significant advantage of proteomics is its ability to examine a whole proteome or sub-proteome in a single experiment so that the protein alterations corresponding to a pathological or biochemical condition at a given time can be considered in an integrated way. Proteomic technology has been extensively used to tackle a wide variety of medical subjects including biomarker discovery and drug development. By complement with other new technique advances in genomics and bioinformatics, proteomics has a great potential to make considerable contribution to biomarker identification and to revolutionize drug development process. This article provides a brief overview of the proteomic technologies and their application in biomarker discovery and drug development.  相似文献   

Current drug discovery efforts generally focus on a limited number of protein classes, typically including proteins with well-defined catalytic active sites (e.g., kinases) or ligand binding sites (e.g., G protein-coupled receptors). Nevertheless, many clinically important pathways are mediated by proteins with no such obvious targets for small molecule inhibitors. Allosteric inhibitors offer an alternative approach to inhibition of protein activities, particularly for proteins that undergo conformational changes as part of their activity cycle. Proteins regulated by autoinhibitory domains represent one broad class of proteins that meets this criterion. In this article, we discuss the potential of autoinhibited proteins as targets for allosteric inhibitors and describe two examples of small molecules that act by stabilizing native autoinhibited conformations of their targets. We propose that proteins regulated by autoinhibition may be generally amenable to allosteric inhibition by small molecules that stabilize the native, autoinhibited fold.  相似文献   

Summary— Integrating toxicology early in the drug discovery process adds value by providing the earliest possible identification of a compound's potential for toxicological and pathological effects relevant to intended clinical use. With this approach true ‘lead’ candidates, with a high probability of clinical success, are identified and advanced while reducing effort and resources expended on compounds without the requisite therapeutic index. Resources are focussed on the speed of getting a discovery ‘lead’ into early clinical development, defining the mechanisms of observed preclinical toxicity and their relevance to human use, and developing early safety data with in vitro test systems ahead of in vivo systems where possible, thus reducing animal use.  相似文献   

Side effect similarities of drugs have recently been employed to predict new drug targets, and networks of side effects and targets have been used to better understand the mechanism of action of drugs. Here, we report a large‐scale analysis to systematically predict and characterize proteins that cause drug side effects. We integrated phenotypic data obtained during clinical trials with known drug–target relations to identify overrepresented protein–side effect combinations. Using independent data, we confirm that most of these overrepresentations point to proteins which, when perturbed, cause side effects. Of 1428 side effects studied, 732 were predicted to be predominantly caused by individual proteins, at least 137 of them backed by existing pharmacological or phenotypic data. We prove this concept in vivo by confirming our prediction that activation of the serotonin 7 receptor (HTR7) is responsible for hyperesthesia in mice, which, in turn, can be prevented by a drug that selectively inhibits HTR7. Taken together, we show that a large fraction of complex drug side effects are mediated by individual proteins and create a reference for such relations.  相似文献   

The recent revolution in cryo-EM has produced an explosion of structures at near-atomic or better resolution. This has allowed cryo-EM structures to provide visualization of bound small-molecule ligands in the macromolecules, and these new structures have provided unprecedented insights into the molecular mechanisms of complex biochemical processes. They have also had a profound impact on drug discovery, defining the binding modes and mechanisms of action of well-known drugs as well as driving the design and development of new compounds. This review will summarize and highlight some of these structures. Most excitingly, the latest cryo-EM technology has produced structures at 1.2 Å resolution, further solidifying cryo-EM as a powerful tool for drug discovery. Therefore, cryo-EM will play an ever-increasing role in drug discovery in the coming years.  相似文献   

光亲和标记技术在药物发现中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
功能蛋白质组学的研究在药物发现中扮演着重要的角色,而光亲和标记技术是研究功能蛋白质组学的主要策略之一,它主要有两个方面的应用:靶标蛋白的确定和活性小分子配体与靶标蛋白作用模式的揭示,这些信息为药物的发现提供了强有力的支持。  相似文献   

Glycosyltransferases mediate changes in glycosylation patterns which, in turn, may affect the function of glycoproteins and/or glycolipids and, further downstream, processes of development, differentiation, transformation and cell-cell recognition. Such enzymes, therefore, represent valid targets for drug discovery. We have developed a solid-phase glycosyltransferase assay for use in a robotic high-throughput format. Carbohydrate acceptors coupled covalently to polyacrylamide are coated onto 96-well plastic plates. The glycosyltransferase reaction is performed with recombinant enzymes and radiolabeled sugar-nucleotide donor at 37°C, followed by washing, addition of scintillation counting fluid, and measurement of radioactivity using a 96-well -counter. Glycopolymer construction and coating of the plastic plates, enzyme and substrate concentrations, and linearity with time were optimized using recombinant Core 2 1-6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (Core 2 GlcNAc-T). This enzyme catalyzes a rate-limiting reaction for expression of polylactosamine and the selectin ligand sialyl-Lewisx in -glycans. A glycopolymer acceptor for 1-6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V was also designed and shown to be effective in the solid-phase assay. In a high-throughput screen of a microbial extract library, the coefficient of variance for positive controls was 9.4%, and high concordance for hit validation was observed between the Core 2 GlcNAc-T solid-phase assay and a standard solution-phase assay. The solid-phase assay format, which can be adapted for a variety of glycosyltransferase enzymes, allowed a 5–6 fold increase in throughput compared to the corresponding solution-phase assay.  相似文献   

Incyte Genomics' GEM™ Gene Expression Microarray is a proven genomics tool used by a large number of pharmaceutical companies to speed up the drug discovery and development process. The development and integration of this technology, together with Incyte's sequence databases and clone resources, have resulted in GEM microarrays that span approximately 60,000 human genes as well as approximately 60,000 plant, rat, mouse, yeast, and bacterial genes. The technology underlying the use of these arrays and their application to the drug discovery process is highlighted. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 28, 180–185 DOI: 10.1038/sj/jim/7000136 Received 16 November 2000/ Accepted in revised form 01 March 2001  相似文献   

The rapid growth rate of human population, along with the public health crisis encountered in many regions, particularly in developing world, creates an urgent need for the discovery of alternative drugs. Because medicinal plants are not distributed randomly across lineages, it has been suggested that phylogeny along with traditional knowledge of plant uses can guide the identification of new medicinally useful plants. In this study, we combined different statistical approaches to test for phylogenetic signal in 33 categories of plant uses in South Africa. Depending on the null models considered, we found evidence for signal in up to 45% of plant use categories, indicating the need for multiple tests combination to maximize the chance of discovering new medicinal plants when applying a phylogenetic comparative approach. Furthermore, although there was no signal in the diversity of medicinal uses—that is, total number of medicinal uses recorded for each plant—our results indicate that taxa that are evolutionarily closely related have significantly more uses than those that are evolutionarily isolated. Our study therefore provides additional support to the body of the literature that advocates for the inclusion of phylogeny in bioscreening medicinal flora for the discovery of alternative medicines.  相似文献   

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