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Remans T  Grof CP  Ebert PR  Schenk PM 《BioTechniques》2005,38(2):209-10, 212, 214-6
In vitro evolution imitates the natural evolution of genes and has been very successfully applied to the modification of coding sequences, but it has not yet been applied to promoter sequences. We propose an alternative method for functional promoter analysis by applying an in vitro evolution scheme consisting of rounds of error-prone PCR, followed by DNA shuffling and selection of mutant promoter activities. We modified the activity in embryogenic sugarcane cells of the promoter region of the "Goldfinger" isolate of banana streak virus and obtained mutant promoter sequences that showed an average mutation rate of 2.5% after applying one round of error-prone PCR and DNA shuffling. Selection and sequencing of promoter sequences with decreased or unaltered activity allowed us to rapidly map the position of one cis-acting element that influenced promoter activity in embryogenic sugarcane cells and to discover neutral mutations that did not affect promoter function. The "selective-shotgun" approach of this promoter analysis method immediately after the promoter boundaries have been defined by 5' deletion analysis dramatically reduces the labor associated with traditional "linker-scanning" deletion analysis to reveal the position of functional promoter domains. Furthermore, this method allows the entire promoter to be investigated at once, rather than selected domains or nucleotides, increasing the prospect of identifying interacting promoter regions.  相似文献   

DNA重排及体外分子进化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
DNA重排是目前为止最简便、最有效的体外定向进化技术,可以对单一基因、质粒、代谢途径、部分甚至整个基因组进行改造。本综述了DNA重排的基本原理、特点、与其它体外进化技术的不同,着重介绍了其在体外分子进化上的广泛应用,并对应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

This communication reports the increase in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) efficiency between two laser dyes in the presence of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Two types of molecular logic gates have been designed where DNA acts as input signal and fluorescence intensity of different bands are taken as output signal. Use of these logic gates as a DNA sensor has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Joseph S. Markson 《FEBS letters》2009,583(24):3938-421
The circadian clock of the cyanobacterium Synechococcuselongatus PCC 7942 is governed by a core oscillator consisting of the proteins KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC. Remarkably, circadian oscillations in the phosphorylation state of KaiC can be reconstituted in a test tube by mixing the three Kai proteins and adenosine triphosphate. The in vitro oscillator provides a well-defined system in which experiments can be combined with mathematical analysis to understand the mechanism of a highly robust biological oscillator. In this Review, we summarize the biochemistry of the Kai proteins and examine models that have been proposed to explain how oscillations emerge from the properties of the oscillator’s constituents.  相似文献   

Although different DNA polymerases have distinct functions and substrate affinities, their general mechanism of action is similar. Thus, they can all be studied using the same technical principle, the primer extension assay employing radioactive tags. Even though fluorescence has been used routinely for many years for DNA sequencing, it has not been used in the in vitro primer extension assay. The use of fluorescence labels has obvious advantages over radioactivity, including safety, speed and ease of manipulation. In the present study, we demonstrated the potential of non-radioactive in vitro primer extension for DNA polymerase studies. By using an M13 tag in the substrate, we can use the same fluorescent M13 primer to study different substrate sequences. This technique allows quantification of the DNA polymerase activity of the Klenow fragment using different templates and under different conditions with similar sensitivity to the radioactive assay.  相似文献   

The difficulty in delineating brain tumor margins is a major obstacle in the path toward better outcomes for patients with brain tumors. Current imaging methods are often limited by inadequate sensitivity, specificity and spatial resolution. Here we show that a unique triple-modality magnetic resonance imaging-photoacoustic imaging-Raman imaging nanoparticle (termed here MPR nanoparticle) can accurately help delineate the margins of brain tumors in living mice both preoperatively and intraoperatively. The MPRs were detected by all three modalities with at least a picomolar sensitivity both in vitro and in living mice. Intravenous injection of MPRs into glioblastoma-bearing mice led to MPR accumulation and retention by the tumors, with no MPR accumulation in the surrounding healthy tissue, allowing for a noninvasive tumor delineation using all three modalities through the intact skull. Raman imaging allowed for guidance of intraoperative tumor resection, and a histological correlation validated that Raman imaging was accurately delineating the brain tumor margins. This new triple-modality-nanoparticle approach has promise for enabling more accurate brain tumor imaging and resection.  相似文献   



Mass spectrometry is the current technique of choice in studying drug metabolism. High-resolution mass spectrometry in combination with MS/MS gas-phase experiments has the potential to contribute to rapid advances in this field. However, the data emerging from such fragmentation spectral files pose challenges to downstream analysis, given their complexity and size.


This study aims to detect and visualize antihypertensive drug metabolites in untargeted metabolomics experiments based on the spectral similarity of their fragmentation spectra. Furthermore, spectral clusters of endogenous metabolites were also examined.


Here we apply a molecular networking approach to seek drugs and their metabolites, in fragmentation spectra from urine derived from a cohort of 26 patients on antihypertensive therapy. The mass spectrometry data was collected on a Thermo Q-Exactive coupled to pHILIC chromatography using data dependent analysis (DDA) MS/MS gas-phase experiments.


In total, 165 separate drug metabolites were found and structurally annotated (17 by spectral matching and 122 by classification based on a clustered fragmentation pattern). The clusters could be traced to 13 drugs including the known antihypertensives verapamil, losartan and amlodipine. The molecular networking approach also generated clusters of endogenous metabolites, including carnitine derivatives, and conjugates containing glutamine, glutamate and trigonelline.


The approach offers unprecedented capability in the untargeted identification of drugs and their metabolites at the population level and has great potential to contribute to understanding stratified responses to drugs where differences in drug metabolism may determine treatment outcome.

Natural genetic materials contain many biosynthetic gene clusters encoding potentially valuable natural products,many of which can be used directly without codon optimization or other manipulations.With the development of synthetic biology,several DNA assembly standards have been proposed,conveniently facilitating the reuse of natural materials.Among these standards,the iBrick assembly standard was developed by our laboratory to manipulate large DNA fragments,employing two homing endonucleases.Considering the difficulty of cloning large iBrick parts using conventional endonuclease-mediated restriction and ligation methods,we herein present a new method,known as iCatch,which readily captures biosynthetic gene clusters.As the clusters cloned by iCatch have the prefix and suffix of the iBrick standard,they serve as new iBrick parts and are therefore conducive to further editing and assembly with the iBrick standard.iCatch employs the natural homologous recombination system to flank the region of interest with I-Scel and PI-Pspl recognition sites,after which the genome is digested with I-Scel or PI-Pspl and the fragments are then self-ligated to clone the target DNA fragments.We used this method to successfully capture the actinorhodin biosynthetic cluster from Streptomyces coelicolor and then heterologously expressed this cluster in a thermophilic Streptomyces strain.We propose that iCatch can be used for the cloning of DNA sequences that are dozens of kilobases in length,facilitating the heterologous expression of microbial natural products.Moreover,this cloning methodology can be a complementary tool for the iBrick standard,especially in applications requiring the manipulation of large DNA fragments.  相似文献   

The anticancer activity of triamterene on HCT116 and CT26 colon cancer cells lines was investigated. Furthermore, the mechanism of interaction between triamterene and calf thymus DNA (ct-DNA) and also human serum albumin (HSA) was conducted using spectroscopic and molecular docking techniques. In vitro cytotoxicity of triamterene against HCT116 and CT26 cells showed promising anticancer effects with IC50 values of 31.30 and 24.45 μM, respectively. Competitive studies of the triamterene with NR (neutral red) and MB (methylene blue) as intercalator probes showed that triamterene can be replaced by these probes. The viscosity data also confirmed that triamterene binds to calf–thymus DNA through intercalation binding mode. Binding properties of triamterene with HSA in the presence of warfarin and ibuprofen showed that triamterene competes with warfarin for the site I of human serum albumin (HSA). In addition, the binding modes of triamterene with DNA and HSA were verified by molecular docking technique. Abbreviations ct-DNA calf thymus DNA

CV cyclic voltammetry

DNA deoxyribonucleic acid

DPV differential pulse voltammetry

FBS fetal bovine serum

HSA human serum albumin

NR neutral red

MB methylene blue

MTT 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Proteins recognize specific DNA sequences not only through direct contact between amino acids and bases, but also indirectly based on the sequence-dependent conformation and deformability of the DNA (indirect readout). We used molecular dynamics simulations to analyze the sequence-dependent DNA conformations of all 136 possible tetrameric sequences sandwiched between CGCG sequences. The deformability of dimeric steps obtained by the simulations is consistent with that by the crystal structures. The simulation results further showed that the conformation and deformability of the tetramers can highly depend on the flanking base pairs. The conformations of xATx tetramers show the most rigidity and are not affected by the flanking base pairs and the xYRx show by contrast the greatest flexibility and change their conformations depending on the base pairs at both ends, suggesting tetramers with the same central dimer can show different deformabilities. These results suggest that analysis of dimeric steps alone may overlook some conformational features of DNA and provide insight into the mechanism of indirect readout during protein–DNA recognition. Moreover, the sequence dependence of DNA conformation and deformability may be used to estimate the contribution of indirect readout to the specificity of protein–DNA recognition as well as nucleosome positioning and large-scale behavior of nucleic acids.  相似文献   

Two Pseudomonas strains were engineered to contain the nptII gene and plasmid vector sequences in their chromosomes. After incubation of these strains in nonsterile soil, total bacterial DNA was isolated and analyzed by Southern blot hybridization with the nptII gene and the plasmid vector as probes. In addition to the expected bands of hybridization, a new band corresponding to the loss of vector sequences from the chromosome while retaining the nptII gene was observed for one of the strains. The more stressful conditions encountered in soil appeared to increase the frequency of loss of the vector sequences from this strain.  相似文献   

Summary Mononucleated striated muscle cells and one type of endoderm can be isolated from anthomedusae and cultivated in artificial sea-water. In the cultivated muscle the differentiated state is maintained. In the cultivated endoderm flagella are formed, but no new cell types differentiate and DNA synthesis or mitosis is not observed. When isolated muscle is grafted upon endoderm, regeneration or formation of new cell types is not observed. Following treatingment with bacterial collagenase DNA synthesis and flagellum formation are initiated in the isolated muscle; in the isolated endoderm, collagenase treatment has no effect. When striated muscle treated with collagenase is grafted upon endoderm, DNA synthesis is observed in the endoderm, and a regenerate is formed involving transdifferentiation. Although desmosomal contact between collagenase treated muslce and the endoderm is established, it is not sufficient to induce DNA synthesis; complete covering of the endoderm by the muscle is required.  相似文献   

Female birds can be identified through the presence of a W-chromosome. We describe a procedure for amplifying a W-linked DNA marker in the starling (Sturnus vulgaris) by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) so allowing the diagnosis of sex in this species. The technique is sensitive, allowing even the smallest chicks to be sexed from a blood sample. The method possesses a positive internal control to ensure accuracy. It is also applicable to the spotless starling (S. unicolor) but not to two bird species outside the genus. The nucleotide sequence of the female-specific PCR product is given.  相似文献   

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