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Changes made to the scientific names of southern African freshwater fishes since 2001 are explained and discussed. Adjustments to the phylogeny and classification of the fauna are outlined. Recent systematic studies on cyprinines are discussed and changes to the genera Labeobarbus (expanded concept), Pseudobarbus (expanded concept), and Enteromius are supported. The introduction of the family names Alestidae and Nothobranchiidae is discussed. Adjustments made to the genera Nannocharax, Micropanchax, Tilapia, Coptodon and Mastacembelus are explained. Species name changes for Hepsetus and Zaireichthys are detailed. New species described from the region, or resurrected from synonymy, since 2001 are listed.  相似文献   

It is argued, with selected examples from freshwaterfish systematics, that species should be viewed as anexpression of self-perpetuated clustered variation innature, conforming to the phylogenetic speciesconcept. The importance of species lies in thefunctional and structural significance of theirdiagnostic characters. Species can be nested by theircharacters into a tree diagram (phylogeny) orhierarchical alignment structure (classification) ofcharacter distribution, which may be taken to reflectevolution, the unifying theory of organismaldiversification. The phylogenetic species concept,which emphasizes recognition of a pattern ofvariation, describes better than any other proposedconcept the units called species by systematists.Other concepts are based on processes and normally donot permit recognition of particular taxa. Specieshave unique histories, and speciation may proceed bydifferent mechanisms. Whereas it may be postulatedthat speciation entails an irreversible change in thegenetic structure of taxa, recognized by phenotypicexpression and apparently also maintained to a largeextent by selection for a particular phenotype,species recognition must remain independent ofassumptions about species history and spatialdistribution. Species are monophyletic taxa and thespecies category does not differ significantly inphylogenetic regard from other systematic categories.Species as such are not necessarily evolutionaryunits. It is recommended to apply species names withreference to the diagnostic characters of the speciesand to abandon the type specimen described by theInternational Code of Zoological Nomenclature as anomenclatural reference unit.  相似文献   

Paradoris , traditionally a generic taxon of discodorid sea slugs, is revised for the first time. One hundred and thirty specimens were examined, including all types and most of the nontype specimens available. New records for Paradoris are provided: South Africa, Tanzania, Seychelles, Western Australia, Thailand, Philippines, shallow waters of New Caledonia, southern Japan, and Hawaii. The individual variation of all taxonomic characters is thoroughly evaluated. Prior to the present study, Paradoris included 15 nominal species: 12 valid names and three synonyms. Three additional names, Discodoris erythraeensis , D. lora , and D. cavernae , are re-allocated to Paradoris , based on phylogenetic analysis. A phylogenetic diagnosis is provided for Paradoris : in particular, two new synapomorphies are described. Eight species names are regarded as valid: P. araneosa , P. dubia , P. erythraeensis , P. indecora , P. liturata , P. lopezi , P. mulciber , and P. tsurugensis . However, most of these species are poorly known, i.e. from very few specimens, and their taxonomic status might change when more individuals are available. P. lora is regarded as a nomen dubium . Six new synonymies are proposed, and explained by the fact that: (1) species names were created for one or a few specimens, without considering individual variation; (2) authors have not worked within a phylogenetic framework and have created new species names without considering all the existing species names already available within Paradoris . Three new morphospecies are described, but not formally named because their taxonomic status is still uncertain for several reasons (e.g. lack of knowledge of individual variation for some critical features).  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 147 , 125–238.  相似文献   

An extended molecular phylogenetic analysis of Uvaria (Annonaceae) is presented, using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods, based on sequences of four plastid DNA regions (matK, psbA‐trnH spacer, rbcL and trnL‐F). The additional taxa include the monotypic West African genus Balonga, the monotypic South‐East Asian genus Dasoclema and seven Australian representatives of the genus Melodorum. The results indicate that all of these taxa are nested within a well‐supported clade otherwise consisting of Uvaria species, indicating that their taxonomic treatment needs to be reassessed. The distinguishing morphological characteristics of the taxa are re‐evaluated and interpreted as specialized adaptations of the basic Uvaria structure. The genus Uvaria is accordingly extended following the transfer of these species, necessitating six new nomenclatural combinations and two replacement names. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 33–43.  相似文献   

The gross morphology of the gas bladder is described and compared for representatives of all valid genera of Pseudopimelodidae (Siluriformes). Cephalosilurus albomarginatus and species of Batrochoglanis, and Microglanis have the most basic form: a large, cordiform gas bladder with a simple internal T‐shaped septum. Cephalosilurus apurensis, C. fowleri, and C. nigricauda also have a large, cordiform gas bladder, but they have well‐developed trabeculae associated with the internal T‐shaped septum, and a pair of well‐developed constrictor muscles inserted on the external wall; the latter feature is present in most species of Pimelodidae, but absent in all other catfishes. The monotypic Lophiosilurus alexandri also has well‐developed constrictor muscles, and its gas bladder is moderately sized. The species of Pseudopimelodus and Cruciglanis have a diminutive gas bladder partially divided into two lateral sacs without internal communication, and lack constrictor muscles. The parapophysis of the fourth vertebra is a wide and long shelf connected to the dorsal surface of the gas bladder in most pseudopimelodid genera. However, in the species of Pseudopimelodus and Cruciglanis the parapophysis of the fourth vertebra is shorter and has its anterior ramus folded back, partially covering the gas bladder anteroventrally; and the tympanic opening is smaller than in species of the other genera. Five phylogenetic characters are proposed based on the morphology of the gas bladder and associated structures in species of Pseudopimelodidae, and the evolution of those characters in the family is discussed. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Systematic research on bivalved molluscs (Mollusca: Bivalvia = Pelecypoda) is briefly reviewed in an introduction to a series of papers focusing on seven of the larger branches of the bivalve tree. These are presented in an attempt to summarize current knowledge, to stimulate new research and to highlight needs for future research focus. A revised classification of extant bivalve families (with synonyms and included subfamilies) is presented, based on information compiled from the latest palaeontological, morphological and molecular data.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 148 , 223–235.  相似文献   

The recent worldwide effort to transfer all non‐Australian taxa of Acacia s.l. mostly to the genera Senegalia and Vachellia follows the acceptance of the proposed re‐typification of the genus with an Australian species. The Madagascan species have, as yet, not been included in phylogenetic studies of Acacia s.l. and their position in the new generic classification of Acacia s.l. is therefore still unclear. In this study, plastid DNA sequence data were generated for seven Madagascan species, included in existing matrices for Acacia s.l. and analysed to assess the placement of these species. The results indicate that the Madagascan species are placed either in Senegalia or Vachellia and conform to the morphological characters used to distinguish these genera, despite some taxa having unusual red flowers. New combinations are formalized for Senegalia baronii , S . hildebrandtii , S . kraussiana ssp. madagascariensis , S . menabeensis , S . meridionalis , S . pervillei , S . pervillei ssp. pubescens , S . polhillii , S . sakalava , S . sakalava ssp. hispida , V achellia bellula , V . myrmecophila and V . vigueri . Nomenclatural errors are also corrected for three African taxa and, as such, new combinations are provided for Senegalia fleckii , S . hamulosa and V achellia theronii . © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 288–294.  相似文献   

The gross morphology of the gas bladder is described and illustrated for representatives of most species and all valid genera of the Auchenipteridae (Siluriformes). Although, a simple cordiform gas bladder is present in some species of the family, others are characterized by their distinctive gas‐bladder shape and diverticula disposition. An acute posterior end of the gas bladder characterizes Centromochlus heckelii and C. macracanthus, and is variably present in specimens of Auchenipterus. Tocantinsia piresi and Asterophysus batrachus have distinctive gas bladders differing in number of diverticula (two or many). The two species of Trachycorystes are diagnosed based on their gas bladder morphology: T. menezesi has a simple cordiform bladder, whereas T. trachycorystes has a pair of lateral diverticulum and, usually, a well‐developed terminal diverticulum. Species of Auchenipterichthys are characterized by having a secondary bladder with simple chamber. Short or elongate and divergent terminal diverticula are exclusive to most cis‐andine species of Trachelyopterus. Tetranematichthys and trans‐andine species of Trachelyopterus share a well‐developed secondary chamber or terminal diverticula ventrally or dorsally connected to the posterior chambers. The small‐sized species of Ageneiosus have well‐developed gas bladders with a pair of posterior diverticula, whereas large‐sized species have a reduced gas bladder with tunica externa varying from non‐, partially, or completely ossified. Eight phylogenetic characters are proposed based on the morphology of the gas bladder and associated structures in species of Auchenipteridae, and the evolution of those characters in the family discussed. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

DÍEZ, M. J. & VALDÉS, B., 1991. Pollen morphology of the tribes Eritrichieae and Cynoglosseae (Boraginaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula and its taxonomic significance.
The pollen morphology of 33 species of Boraginaceae from the Iberian Peninsula belonging to the tribes Eritrichieae and Cynoglosseae has been studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. The results confirm the eurypalinous character of this family, in which a large number of species can be recognized by their pollen characters.
The pollen of these two tribes is basically heterocolpate, a type which is very uncommon in the angiosperms, with 6, 8 or 10 apertures, sometimes with ectoapertures anastomosed at the equator (ectocingulum), or diorate, minute or small in size, outline elliptic or rectangular-elliptic in equatorial view, with or without a constriction at the equator, exine 0.5-1.0 urn thick and the tectum psilate with granules around the colpi. The similarity in shape and apertural system found in several genera such as Asperugo, Gyrocarion and Omphalodes, and some species of Myosotis, does not permit the two tribes to be distinguished on pollen characters. The generic limits of Cynoglossum and the infrageneric classification of Myosotis are discussed.  相似文献   

Carex section Schiedeanae (subg. Euthyceras) has long been thought to comprise at most five species of Mexican sedges. Our morphological studies in the field and herbarium, however, supported by more recent DNA sequencing work, demonstrate that the section is, in fact, three times as species-rich, making it one of the largest sections in Mexico. Its 15 species range from Chihuahua to Tamaulipas south to Veracruz and Oaxaca; a single species, Carex muriculata, extends into the United States. The section has unusual inflorescences with simple (except in Carex complexa), uniformly androgynous, sessile spikes, utriculiform cladoprophylls, and perigynia with a unique combination of pubescence types composed of papillae; unicellular, simple hairs; and (in many species) multicellular tubercles. We recognize five previously described species (C. muriculata,Carex perstricta,Carex schiedeana, Carex stellata, and Carex vizarronensis) and describe 10 additional species (Carex angustilepis, Carex cabralii, Carex complexa, Carex dentata, Carex gypsophila, Carex mesophila, Carex paneroi, Carex planilamina, Carex revoluta, and Carex tehuacana). We have expanded the morphological features used in the section to include particularly anther, staminate scale, and style features, and more detailed micromorphology of the perigynia, especially indumentum. In total, 13 of the 15 species recognized herein, with a total of 32 individuals, were examined for ETS and ITS for phylogenetic reconstruction. Phylogenetically, the xeric species (plus C. paneroi) form a grade leading to a clade of the more mesophytic species adapted to forest understories, plus the unique cliff dwelling C. complexa.  相似文献   

Microbial community profiling using 16S rRNA gene sequences requires accurate taxonomy assignments. ‘Universal'' primers target conserved sequences and amplify sequences from many taxa, but they provide variable coverage of different environments, and regions of the rRNA gene differ in taxonomic informativeness—especially when high-throughput short-read sequencing technologies (for example, 454 and Illumina) are used. We introduce a new evaluation procedure that provides an improved measure of expected taxonomic precision when classifying environmental sequence reads from a given primer. Applying this measure to thousands of combinations of primers and read lengths, simulating single-ended and paired-end sequencing, reveals that these choices greatly affect taxonomic informativeness. The most informative sequence region may differ by environment, partly due to variable coverage of different environments in reference databases. Using our Rtax method of classifying paired-end reads, we found that paired-end sequencing provides substantial benefit in some environments including human gut, but not in others. Optimal primer choice for short reads totaling 96 nt provides 82–100% of the confident genus classifications available from longer reads.  相似文献   

Recent advances in molecular technology have revolutionized research on all aspects of the biology of organisms, including ciliates, and created unprecedented opportunities for pursuing a more integrative approach to investigations of biodiversity. However, this goal is complicated by large gaps and inconsistencies that still exist in the foundation of basic information about biodiversity of ciliates. The present paper reviews issues relating to the taxonomy of ciliates and presents specific recommendations for best practice in the observation and documentation of their biodiversity. This effort stems from a workshop that explored ways to implement six Grand Challenges proposed by the International Research Coordination Network for Biodiversity of Ciliates (IRCN‐BC). As part of its commitment to strengthening the knowledge base that supports research on biodiversity of ciliates, the IRCN‐BC proposes to populate The Ciliate Guide, an online database, with biodiversity‐related data and metadata to create a resource that will facilitate accurate taxonomic identifications and promote sharing of data.  相似文献   

In a recent study, Avise & Liu (2011) (Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 102: 707–714) presented evidence indicating that Linnean ranks are not temporally standardized (i.e. taxa of the same rank differ greatly in age). This is one more argument that ranks veil rather than convey biological comparability. The authors also discuss recent suggestions as to how these shortcomings should be overcome, in particular temporal banding (by which the same rank is assigned to taxa of the same geological age) and time‐clipping (adding a code to each taxon denoting the geological episode when it originated). In this short comment, it is argued that both temporal banding and time‐clipping may be deleterious in taxonomic practice and that the abandonment of the Linnean ranks is long overdue. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 732–734.  相似文献   

On the basis of the study of the original material used by Planchon, the typification previously made by other authors is discussed, and an interpretation of the U. minor-galli group is presented. We conclude that the name U. galli must continue in use in its traditional sense, and, therefore, U. cantabricus Alvarez Martínez el al. must become a mere synonym. The new combinations U. breoganii (Castroviejo & Valdés-Bermejo) Castroviejo & Valdés-Bermejo, stat. nov. and U. minor subsp. gallii (Planchon) Castroviejo & Valdés-Bermejo, comb. nov. are proposed.  相似文献   

The globally distributed avian family Motacillidae consists of five to seven genera (Anthus, Dendronanthus, Tmetothylacus, Macronyx and Motacilla, and depending on the taxonomy followed, Amaurocichla and Madanga) and 66–68 recognized species, of which 32 species in four genera occur in sub‐Saharan Africa. The taxonomy of the Motacillidae has been contentious, with variable numbers of genera, species and subspecies proposed and some studies suggesting greater taxonomic diversity than currently recognized (five genera and 67 species). Using one nuclear (Mb) and two mitochondrial (cyt b and CO1) gene regions amplified from DNA extracted from contemporary and museum specimens, we investigated the taxonomic status of 56 of the currently recognized motacillid species and present the most taxonomically complete and expanded phylogeny of this family to date. Our results suggest that the family comprises six clades broadly reflecting continental distributions: sub‐Saharan Africa (two clades), the New World (one clade), Palaearctic (one clade), a widespread large‐bodied Anthus clade, and a sixth widespread genus, Motacilla. Within the Afrotropical region, our phylogeny further supports recognition of Wood Pipit Anthus nyassae as a valid species, and the treatment of Long‐tailed Pipit Anthus longicaudatus and Kimberley Pipit Anthus pseudosimilis as junior subjective synonyms of Buffy Pipit Anthus vaalensis and African Pipit Anthus cinnamomeus, respectively. As the disjunct populations of Long‐billed Pipit Anthus similis in southern and East Africa are genetically distinct and geographically separated, we propose a specific status for the southern African population under the earliest available name, Nicholson's Pipit Anthus nicholsoni. Further, as our analyses indicate that Yellow‐breasted Pipit Anthus chloris and Golden Pipit Tmetothylacus tenellus are both nested within the Macronyx longclaws, we propose transferring these species to the latter genus.  相似文献   

A new species of Megaleporinus is described from the Rio de Contas, a coastal drainage of eastern Brazil, and its phylogenetic relationships are studied using molecular data. The new species is unique among Anostomidae by possessing two exclusive features: an irregular dark longitudinal stripe from supracleithrum to second midlateral blotch and anterior cranial fontanel partially closed. In addition, the new species is diagnosed by having three premaxillary teeth, three dentary teeth, 37 or 38 scales in lateral line, 16 scale rows around caudal peduncle, three dark midlateral blotches on body, and red fins in life. The new species is closely related to M. obtusidens from the São Francisco basin, corroborating previous studies that indicated that the latter represents a species complex as currently defined. The new species exhibits the first rib enlarged in mature males, a feature described for some congeners. The new species is herein considered to be Endangered under the IUCN criteria.  相似文献   

While working on a treatment of Violaceae for the Flore de Nouvelle-Caledonie et dependences , two new species were recognized, Agatea veillonii Munzinger and A. lecointei Munzinger. These species are here described and illustrated. Some taxonomic notes and a regional identification key are provided.  相似文献   

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