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Purpose: In recent years, the measurement of heart rate variability (HRV) has gained ground even outside research settings in everyday clinical and outpatient practice and in health promotion. Methods: Using the search terms “heart rate variability”, “hrv” and “circadian”, a systematic review was carried out in the PubMed database to find original work that analysed the course of HRV parameters over a 24-h period. Results: A total of 26 original studies were found. Almost all the studies detected a circadian rhythm for the HRV parameters analysed. HRV increased during the night in particular and a nighttime peak during the second half of the night was identified. Conclusions: HRV follows a circadian rhythm. But until today, there isn′t any possibility to make quantitative statements about changes over the course of the day for planning short-term measurements. More qualitative studies must be carried in order to close this knowledge gaps.  相似文献   

BackgroundStress system consists of the hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the locus caeruleus/norepinephrine-autonomic nervous system (ANS). Traditionally, HPA axis activity is evaluated by measuring its end-product cortisol, while the activity of ANS is assessed using heart rate variability (HRV) indices. Alterations in cortisol levels and HRV measures during laboratory-based stress tasks were extensively studied in previous research. However, scarce data exist on the associations of HRV measures with the levels of other adrenal steroid hormones under baseline conditions. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the activity of the HPA axis by measuring salivary cortisol, cortisone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) levels, and their ratios and to examine its association with HRV measures in a sample of healthy young and middle-aged adults.MethodsFor each participant (n=40), three data collection sessions taking place at the same time of the day were scheduled within five working days. Participants completed a self-reported questionnaire on sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics, filled out t h e Perceived Stress Scale and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Also, saliva samples were collected, and physiological measures, including resting HR and HRV, were recorded during three data collection sessions.ResultsStatistically significant associations between diminished parasympathetic vagal tone evaluated by time domain HRV measures and higher salivary cortisol, lower DHEA levels, as well as decreased DHEA to cortisol ratio, were found. Also, physiological stress indicators (i.e., HRV) showed greater intraindividual stability compared with biochemical biomarkers (i.e., salivary steroid hormones) within five days.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that both cortisol and DHEA mediate the link between two stress-sensitive homeostatic systems.  相似文献   

目的:研究糖尿病人植物神经病变与心率变异的关系。对象:正常对照组和根据临床有无糖尿病神经病变(DAN)分组的糖尿病病人,方法:应用24小时动态心电图对正常和糖尿病人进行心率变异的线性,非线性散点图和非线性定量参数分析,结果:单纯糖尿病组SDNN,SDANN和PNN50低于正常组(P〈0.05);糖尿病+DAN组各项线性时域分析指标均低于正常和单纯糖尿病组(P〈0.01-0.001),散点图分析结果  相似文献   

目的:研究血管紧张Ⅱ(AngⅡ)对家兔心率变异(HRV)影响的机制。方法:分别给家兔静脉输注生理盐水,AngⅡ,溴化六烃季胺(HEXB),HEXB+AngⅡ检测安静状态下连续5 min的心电图并进行HRV的时域和频域分析。结果:血管紧张素Ⅱ组的时域指标SDNN和RMSSD较对照组明显降低,频域指标低频(LF)升高,而高频(HF)和总功率(TP)明显降低;HEXB+AngⅡ组与HEXB组相比无明显区别。结论:交感神经阻断剂HEXB不能影响AngⅡ的作用,AngⅡ主要通过抑制中枢自主神经的传出,降低迷走神经张力来降低HRV。  相似文献   

M. KIMURA 《Animal genetics》1989,20(2):105-108
Summary. To provide information on the extent to which domestication has altered the natural levels of genetic variability of the wild quail, electrophoretic variability at 32 loci was estimated in a quail population established by capturing wild quail and keeping them for 15 years in a domestic environment without any artificial selection. The gene frequencies of the domesticated quail population were very similar to those of the commercial and laboratory quail populations and different from those of the wild quail populations previously reported by Kimura et al . (1984).  相似文献   

We aimed to determine how age‐associated changes in mechanisms extrinsic and intrinsic to pacemaker cells relate to basal beating interval variability (BIV) reduction in vivo. Beating intervals (BIs) were measured in aged (23–25 months) and adult (3–4 months) C57BL/6 male mice (i) via ECG in vivo during light anesthesia in the basal state, or in the presence of 0.5 mg mL?1 atropine + 1 mg mL?1 propranolol (in vivo intrinsic conditions), and (ii) via a surface electrogram, in intact isolated pacemaker tissue. BIV was quantified in both time and frequency domains using linear and nonlinear indices. Although the average basal BI did not significantly change with age under intrinsic conditions in vivo and in the intact isolated pacemaker tissue, the average BI was prolonged in advanced age. In vivo basal BIV indices were found to be reduced with age, but this reduction diminished in the intrinsic state. However, in pacemaker tissue BIV indices increased in advanced age vs. adults. In the isolated pacemaker tissue, the sensitivity of the average BI and BIV in response to autonomic receptor stimulation or activation of mechanisms intrinsic to pacemaker cells by broad‐spectrum phosphodiesterase inhibition declined in advanced age. Thus, changes in mechanisms intrinsic to pacemaker cells increase the average BIs and BIV in the mice of advanced age. Autonomic neural input to pacemaker tissue compensates for failure of molecular intrinsic mechanisms to preserve average BI. But this compensation reduces the BIV due to both the imbalance of autonomic neural input to the pacemaker cells and altered pacemaker cell responses to neural input.  相似文献   

目的:观察不同频率迷走神经刺激对蟾蜍离体心脏的心率及心率变异的影响。方法:将蟾蜍心脏和右侧迷走交感干离体后,以不同频率电刺激神经,记录心电图曲线并作心率变异性(HRV)分析。结果:交感神经阻断后,电刺激迷走交感干,心率(HR)显著下降(P0.01),全部正常心动周期的标准差(SDNN)和相邻正常心动周期差值的均方根(RMSSD)显著升高(P0.01),不同频率刺激组之间没有明显差异;与对照组相比,各指标变化较大;给药组0.2Hz时高频(HF)显著升高(P0.01),低频/高频比值(LF/HF)明显降低(P0.05),0.8Hz时HF和LF/HF接近刺激前水平。结论:一定范围内增加刺激频率,迷走神经降低心率的作用增强;没有交感神经调节条件下的迷走神经对心率和心率变异的调节可能存在不同的机制。  相似文献   

The effects of endurance training on endurance performance characteristics and cardiac autonomic modulation during night sleep were investigated during two 4-week training periods. After the first 4-week training period (3 x 40 min per week, at 75% of HRR) the subjects were divided into HIGH group (n = 7), who performed three high-intensity endurance training sessions per week; and CONTROL group (n = 8) who did not change their training. An incremental treadmill test was performed before and after the two 4-week training periods. Furthermore, nocturnal RR-intervals were recorded after each training day. In the second 4-week training period HIGH group increased their VO2max (P = 0.005) more than CONTROL group. At the same time, nocturnal HR decreased (P = 0.039) and high-frequency power (HFP) increased (P = 0.003) in HIGH group while no changes were observed in CONTROL group. Furthermore, a correlation was observed between the changes in nocturnal HFP and changes in VO2max during the second 4-week training period (r = 0.90, P < 0.001). The present study showed that the increased HFP is related to improved VO2max in sedentary subjects suggesting that nocturnal HFP can provide a useful method in monitoring individual responses to endurance training.  相似文献   

Objectives: Elevated oxidative stress and reduced heart rate variability (HRV) is prevalent in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Previous studies have identified a positive association between elevated oxidative stress and autonomic dysfunction, however this relationship has not yet been investigated in the CKD population.

Methods: Plasma was collected from 78 patients with stage 3–4 CKD (estimated glomerular filtration rate 25–60?ml/min/1.73?m2) for the assessment of oxidative stress, including plasma total F2-isoprostanes, glutathione peroxidase activity and total antioxidant capacity. Time and frequency HRV parameters were measured from a three lead electrocardiogram.

Results: Participants with elevated F2-isoprostanes had reduced HRV compared to patients with normal levels of F2-isoprostanes. A number of HRV parameters were found to be inversely correlated with F2-isoprostanes in all CKD patients, including SDNN (r?=??0.337; P?r?=??0.281, P?=?0.01), LF (r?=??0.315, P?r?=??0.288, P?=?0.01). Multiple linear regression found F2-isoprostanes to be an independent predictor of SDNN (r2?=?0.287, β?=??0.272, P?=?0.01).

Discussion: Oxidative stress is significantly and independently associated with HRV in patients with CKD. Identifying oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of autonomic dysfunction may help target therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Heart rate (HR) measurements have been used to determine stress in livestock species since the beginning of the 1970s. However, according to the latest studies in veterinary and behaviour–physiological sciences, heart rate variability (HRV) proved to be more precise for studying the activity of the autonomic nervous system. In dairy cattle, HR and HRV indices have been used to detect stress caused by routine management practices, pain or milking. This review provides the significance of HR and HRV measurements in dairy cattle by summarising current knowledge and research results in this area. First, the biological background and the interrelation of the autonomic regulation of cardiovascular function, stress, HR and HRV are discussed. Equipment and methodological approaches developed to measure interbeat intervals and estimate HRV in dairy cattle are described. The methods of HRV analysis in time, frequency and non-linear domains are also explained in detail emphasising their physiological background. Finally, the most important scientific results and potential possibilities for future research are presented.  相似文献   


Background and Objectives

Irregular and poor quality sleep is common in business process outsourcing (BPO) employees due to continuous shift working. The influence of this on the cardiac autonomic activity was investigated by the spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV).


36 night shift BPO employees (working from 22:00 to 06:00h) and 36 age and sex matched day shift BPO employees (working from 08:00 to 16:00h) were recruited for the study. Five minute electrocardiogram (ECG) was recorded in all the subjects. Heart rate variability was analyzed by fast Fourier transformation using RMS Vagus HRV software. The results were analyzed using Mann Whitney U test, Student t-test, Wilcoxon signed rank test and were expressed as mean ± SD.


Sleepiness was significantly higher among night shift workers as measured by Epworth Sleepiness Scale (p<0.001). Night shift BPO employees were found to have a trend towards lower values of vagal parameters - HF power (ms2), and higher values of sympathovagal parameters like LF Power (ms2) and the LF/HF power (%) suggesting decreased vagal activity and sympathetic over activity, when compared to day shift employees. However, HRV parameters did not vary significantly between the day shift employees and night shift workers baseline values, and also within the night shift group.

Interpretation and Conclusion

Night shift working increased the heart rate and shifted the sympathovagal balance towards sympathetic dominance and decreased vagal parameters of HRV. This is an indicator of unfavorable change in the myocardial system, and thus shows increased risk of cardiovascular disease among the night shift employees.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to identify the effects of a static magnetic field (SMF) on rat brain structures that control autonomic functions, specifically heart rate and heart rhythmicity. The experiments were carried out on 44 male Wistar rats under ketamine-xylazine anesthesia. SMF was induced using samarium-cobalt fused magnets (20 x 20 x 10 mm in size) placed bitemporally. Magnetic induction intensity was 100 mT on the surface of the head. Duration of magnetic field application was 15 min. An electrocardiogram was recorded from limb lead II, and both heart rate (average duration of cardiac cycles) and heart rhythmicity were analyzed before and after SMF application. SMF evoked changes in both heart rate and rhythm in 80% of the animals; the predominant effects were bradycardia and disappearance of respiratory sinus arrhythmia. However, the effectiveness of SMF in large measure depends on both functional peculiarities and functional activities of brain autonomic centers.  相似文献   

We evaluated their circadian rhythms using data from electrocardiographic records and examined the change in circadian period related to normal RR intervals for astronauts who completed a long-term (≥6-month) mission in space. The examinees were seven astronauts, five men and two women, from 2009 to 2010. Their mean?±?SD age was 52.0?±?4.2 years (47–59?yr). Each stayed in space for more than 160 days; their average length of stay was 172.6?±?14.6 days (163–199 days). We conducted a 24-h Holter electrocardiography before launch (Pre), at one month after launch (DF1), at two months after launch (DF2), at two weeks before return (DF3), and at three months after landing (Post), comparing each index of frequency-domain analysis and 24-h biological rhythms of the NN intervals (normal RR intervals). Results show that the mean period of Normal Sinus (NN) intervals was within 24?±?4?h at each examination. Inter-individual variability differed among the stages, being significantly smaller at DF3 (Pre versus DF1 versus DF3 versus Post?=?22.36?±?2.50 versus 25.46?±?4.37 versus 22.46?±?1.75 versus 26.16?±?7.18?h, p?<?0.0001). The HF component increased in 2 of 7 astronauts, whereas it decreased in 3 of 7 astronauts and 1 was remained almost unchanged at DF1. During DF3, about 6 months after their stay in space, the HF component of 5 of 7 astronauts recovered from the decrease after launch, with prominent improvement to over 20% in 3 astronauts. Although autonomic nervous functions and circadian rhythms were disturbed until one month had passed in space, well-scheduled sleep and wake rhythms and meal times served as synchronizers.  相似文献   

迷走神经和交感神经系统不同活动状态对心率变异性的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Li L  Zhu JW  Cao YX  Li P 《生理学报》1998,50(5):519-524
实验在氯醛糖加氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉的新西兰兔上进行。记录血压、心率、心电图并对心电R-R间期(RRI)作功率谱密度(PSD)分析。以单调性电刺激和低频率的波动性电刺激分别刺激减压神经、疑核和右侧迷走神经外周端,观察到低频率的波动性刺激对增加PSD中低频成分(LF)的作用比单调性电刺激更大(P〈0.05)。注射新福林仅在头一个256个心动周期时间内引起总变异性(TV)、LF、PSD中高频成分(HF)。L  相似文献   

Heart rate monitoring was used to measure heart rate variability (HRV) at thermoneutral conditions (Ta 24 °C) in healthy women resting in supine position before and after acute and after repeated (3 times a week during a 3-month period) whole-body cryotherapies (WBC), at −110 °C. The observed acute cooling-related increase in high frequency power (HFP) of RR-intervals indicates an increase in cardiac parasympathetic modulation. After 3 months of repeated WBC the increase in parasympathetic tone was attenuated, which may be interpreted as an adaptation of autonomic function. The repeated WBC exposures-related increase in resting low frequency power (LFP) of RR-intervals during the 3 months resembles the response observed related to exercise training.  相似文献   

The notion that sedentary behavior is harmful to human health is widespread. Little is known about the short term influence of sedentary behavior on heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) circadian rhythms. Therefore the purpose of the present study was to examine the influence of short term sedentary behavior on the circadian rhythms of HR and HRV using cosine periodic regression analysis. Sixteen healthy young students were included in a randomized crossover study. All subjects underwent 24-h ECG Holter monitoring in two different states of physical activity, an active condition (more than 15,000 steps per day) and a sedentary condition (less than 1,000 steps per day). Hourly mean values were calculated for HR and HRV, and then were evaluated using cosine periodic regression analysis. The circadian rhythm parameters, amplitude, mesor, and acrophase for HR and HRV variables were obtained. As a result, the significance of the circadian rhythm was confirmed for all variables in each condition. The measure of fit R2 value was decreased in sedentary condition. The amplitude of the sedentary condition was significantly smaller than that of the active condition with respect to HR (7.94 ± 1.91 bpm vs. 15.4 ± 3.93 bpm, p < 0.001), natural log of the high frequency measurement (lnHF) (0.38 ± 0.21 ms2 vs. 0.80 ± 0.28 ms2, p < 0.001), and low frequency/high frequency ratio (LF/HF) (0.75 ± 0.54 vs. 1.24 ± 0.69, p = 0.008). We found that sedentary behavior not only significantly lowered the amplitude of HR and HRV variables, but also might have led to weakness of the circadian rhythm of the HR and HRV variables.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we showed that operators of radiofrequency (RF) plastic sealers, RF operators (n = 35) had a lower heart rate during nighttime compared to a control group (n = 37). We have analyzed the heart rate variability (HRV) on the same group of people to better understand the possible underlying rhythm disturbances. We found a significantly increased total HRV and very low frequency (VLF) power during nighttime among the RF operators compared to a control group. Together with our previous finding of a significantly lower heart rate during nighttime among the RF operators compared to the controls, this finding indicates a relative increase in parasympathetic cardiac modulation in RF operators. This could in turn be due to an adaptation of the thermoregulatory system and the cardiac autonomic modulation to a long-term low-level thermal exposure in the RF operators.  相似文献   

Molt is an important life-history stage in avian species, but little is known about the effects of chronic stress during this period. Three weeks after the onset of molt, captive European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) were exposed to 18 days of chronic stress, induced with four 30-minute randomized stressors presented daily. Birds showed no chronic-stress-induced changes in heart rate or heart rate variability when measured either during the middle of the day or at night. These data suggest that chronic stress did not alter the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system regulation of cardiovascular function, which contrasts with data from an earlier study indicating that chronic stress profoundly alters cardiovascular function in non-molting starlings. Additionally, there was a significant increase in restraint-induced corticosterone secretion the first week of chronic stress that subsequently returned to pre-chronic-stress levels by the second week of exposure. The attenuated corticosterone response again contrasts with data from non-molting starlings that showed significant decreases in corticosterone responses. Consequently, the resistance to cardiovascular and corticosterone changes indicates that the physiological changes induced by chronic stress are greatly attenuated in molting birds. Overall, the data suggest that molt requires a degree of physiological stability that must be protected, so that if a bird is exposed to chronic stress during this life-history stage, molt takes priority.  相似文献   



This study aimed to present normative reference values of heart rate variability and salivary alpha-amylase in a healthy young male population with a particular focus on their distribution and reproducibility.


The short-term heart rate variability of 417 young healthy Japanese men was studied. Furthermore, salivary alpha-amylase was measured in 430 men. The average age of the subjects were 21.9 years with standard deviation of 1.6 years. Interindividual variations in heart rate variability indices and salivary alpha-amylase levels were plotted as histograms. Data are presented as the mean, median, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, skewness, kurtosis, and fifth and 95th percentiles of each physiological index.


Mean recorded values were heart period 945.85 ms, log-transformed high frequency component 9.84 ln-ms2, log-transformed low frequency component 10.42 ln-ms2, log-transformed low frequency to high frequency ratio 0.58 ln-ratio, standard deviation of beat-to-beat interval 27.17 ms and root mean square of successive difference 37.49 ms. The mean value of raw salivary alpha-amylase was 17.48 U/mL, square root salivary alpha-amylase 3.96 sqrt[U/mL] and log-transformed salivary alpha-amylase 2.65 ln[U/mL]. Log-transformed heart rate variability indices exhibited almost symmetrical distributions; however, time-domain indices of heart rate variability (standard deviation of beat-to-beat interval and root mean square of successive difference) exhibited right-skewed (positive skewness) distributions. A considerable right-skewed distribution was observed for raw salivary alpha-amylase. Logarithmic transformation improved the distribution of salivary alpha-amylase, although square root transformation was insufficient. The day-to-day reproducibility of these indices was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficients. Intraclass correlation coefficients of most heart rate variability and salivary indices were approximately 0.5 to 0.6. Intraclass correlation coefficients of raw salivary markers were approximately 0.6, which was similar to those of heart rate variability; however, log transformation of the salivary markers did not considerably improve their reproducibility. Correlations between sympathetic indicators of heart rate variability and salivary alpha-amylase were not observed.


Because the sample population examined in this study involved limited age and gender variations, the present results were independent of these factors and were indicative of pure interindividual variation.  相似文献   

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