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This paper describes marine aquaculture production and the regulation thereof in Turkey. Dominated by the cage farming of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and sea bream (Sparus aurata), shellfish farming is insignificant. Finfish farmers must obtain permits from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) as the main authority responsible for regulating marine finfish aquaculture. In addition, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MEF) controls the compatibility of interactions with the environment while the provincial governments issue permits for marine public property use and organize the leasing procedures. Finfish farming activities are controlled by a number of specific laws and regulations administered mainly through the MARA and the MEF. This article provides a review of the development and present status of the licensing, regulating and monitoring procedures for finfish aquaculture in Turkey. The notable expansion of the finfish aquaculture sector in recent years and the problems created in relation to the current relevant legislation and applications are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Biofouling in marine aquaculture is one of the main barriers to efficient and sustainable production. Owing to the growth of aquaculture globally, it is pertinent to update previous reviews to inform management and guide future research. Here, the authors highlight recent research and developments on the impacts, prevention and control of biofouling in shellfish, finfish and seaweed aquaculture, and the significant gaps that still exist in aquaculturalists’ capacity to manage it. Antifouling methods are being explored and developed; these are centred on harnessing naturally occurring antifouling properties, culturing fouling-resistant genotypes, and improving farming strategies by adopting more sensitive and informative monitoring and modelling capabilities together with novel cleaning equipment. While no simple, quick-fix solutions to biofouling management in existing aquaculture industry situations have been developed, the expectation is that effective methods are likely to evolve as aquaculture develops into emerging culture scenarios, which will undoubtedly influence the path for future solutions.  相似文献   

For many of the world’s poor, aquatic products are critical for food security and health. Because the global population is increasing as wild aquatic stocks are declining, aquaculture is an increasingly important source of aquatic products. We undertook a scoping review of the English-language peer-reviewed literature to evaluate how the research community has examined the impacts of aquaculture on four key determinants of human health: poverty, food security, food production sustainability, and gender equality. The review returned 156 primary research articles. Most research (75%) was focused in Asia, with limited research from Africa (10%) and South America (2%). Most research (80%) focused on freshwater finfish and shrimp production. We used qualitative content analysis of records which revealed 11 themes: famer income; the common environment; shared resources; integrated farming/ polyculture; employment; extensive vs. intensive production; local vs. distant ownership; food security; income equity; gender equality; and input costs. We used quantitative content analysis of records and full-text publications about freshwater finfish and shrimp aquaculture to record the frequency with which themes were represented and the positive or negative impacts of aquaculture associated with each theme. Scatter plots showed that no theme was identified in more than half of all articles and publications for both production types. Farmer income was a theme that was identified commonly and was positively impacted by both shrimp and fresh water finfish aquaculture. Polyculture, employment, and local ownership were identified less often as themes, but were also associated with positive impacts. The common environment and shared resources were more common themes in shrimp aquaculture than freshwater finfish aquaculture research, while polyculture and local ownership were more common themes in freshwater finfish aquaculture than shrimp aquaculture. Gender equality, employment, and food security were themes found in a lower percentage of records than full-text publications for both production types.  相似文献   

Current monitoring methods to assess benthic impacts of marine finfish aquaculture are based on complex biological indices and/or geochemistry data. The former requires benthic macrofauna morpho‐taxonomic characterization that is time‐ and cost‐intensive, while the latter provides rapid assessment of the organic enrichment status of sediments but does not directly measure biotic impacts. In this study, sediment samples were collected from seven stations at six salmon farms in British Columbia, Canada, and analyzed for geochemical parameters and by eDNA metabarcoding to investigate linkages between geochemistry and foraminifera. Sediment texture across farm sites ranged from sand to silty loam, while the maximum sediment pore‐water sulphide concentration at each site ranged from 1,000 to 13,000 μM. Foraminifera alpha diversity generally increased with distance from cage edge. Adonis analyses revealed that farm site explained the most variation in foraminifera community, followed by sediment type, enrichment status, and distance from cage edge. Farm‐specific responses were observed in diversity analyses, taxonomic difference analyses, and correlation analyses. Results demonstrated that species diversity and composition of foraminifera characterized by eDNA metabarcoding generated signals consistent with benthic biodiversity being impacted by finfish farming activities. This substantiates the validity of eDNA metabarcoding for augmenting current approaches to benthic impact assessments by providing more cost‐effective and practicable biotic measures than traditional morpho‐taxonomy. To capitalize on this potential, further work is needed to design a new nomogram that combines eDNA metabarcoding data and geochemistry data to enable accurate monitoring of benthic impacts of fish farming in a time‐ and cost‐efficient way.  相似文献   

The rapid development of intensive fed aquaculture (e.g. finfish and shrimp) throughout the world is associated with concerns about the environmental impacts of such often monospecific practices, especially where activities are highly geographically concentrated or located in suboptimal sites whose assimilative capacity is poorly understood and, consequently, prone to being exceeded. One of the main environmental issues is the direct discharge of significant nutrient loads into coastal waters from open-water systems and with the effluents from land-based systems. In its search for best management practices, the aquaculture industry should develop innovative and responsible practices that optimize its efficiency and create diversification, while ensuring the remediation of the consequences of its activities to maintain the health of coastal waters. To avoid pronounced shifts in coastal processes, conversion, not dilution, is a common-sense solution, used for centuries in Asian countries. By integrating fed aquaculture (finfish, shrimp) with inorganic and organic extractive aquaculture (seaweed and shellfish), the wastes of one resource user become a resource (fertilizer or food) for the others. Such a balanced ecosystem approach provides nutrient bioremediation capability, mutual benefits to the cocultured organisms, economic diversification by producing other value-added marine crops, and increased profitability per cultivation unit for the aquaculture industry. Moreover, as guidelines and regulations on aquaculture effluents are forthcoming in several countries, using appropriately selected seaweeds as renewable biological nutrient scrubbers represents a cost-effective means for reaching compliance by reducing the internalization of the total environmental costs. By adopting integrated polytrophic practices, the aquaculture industry should find increasing environmental, economic, and social acceptability and become a full and sustainable partner within the development of integrated coastal management frameworks.  相似文献   

The development of sustainable integrated aquaculture systems requires combining fed aquaculture (finfish) with extractive inorganic aquaculture (seaweed) and extractive organic aquaculture (shellfish). With the support of AquaNet, the Network of Centers of Excellence in Aquaculture in Canada, we are developing such a system at an industrial pilot scale by co‐cultivating salmon (Salmo salar), kelp (Laminaria saccharina) and blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) at aquaculture sites in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. This presentation will focus on the development of the extractive inorganic component. The entire cycle of rearing Laminaria saccharina has been completed and improved, both in the laboratory and at the integrated sites: release in the laboratory of spores from mature macroscopic sporophytes, seeding of ropes, germination of microscopic gametophytes, sexual maturation of male and female gametophytes, development of zygotes into juvenile sporophytes, which are then transplanted to the sites for rapid grow‐out. Another aspect of the project, food safety monitoring of chemical therapeutants and phycotoxins in mussel and kelp cultured in proximity to salmon, will also be described. The productivity, nutrient absorption capacity, and role of the seaweed component are being analyzed so that its appropriate scale to the other components can be defined in order to develop responsible aquaculture practices in which metabolic/physiological processes of the different co‐cultured organisms counter‐balance each other within acceptable operational limits. Adopting polytrophic strategies will be key to the aquaculture industry to develop its environmentally and economically‐balanced diversification and increase its social acceptability within a broader coastal management framework.  相似文献   

Concern over rapid global changes and the potential for interactions among multiple threats are prompting scientists to combine multiple modelling approaches to understand impacts on biodiversity. A relatively recent development is the combination of species distribution models, land‐use change predictions, and dynamic population models to predict the relative and combined impacts of climate change, land‐use change, and altered disturbance regimes on species' extinction risk. Each modelling component introduces its own source of uncertainty through different parameters and assumptions, which, when combined, can result in compounded uncertainty that can have major implications for management. Although some uncertainty analyses have been conducted separately on various model components – such as climate predictions, species distribution models, land‐use change predictions, and population models – a unified sensitivity analysis comparing various sources of uncertainty in combined modelling approaches is needed to identify the most influential and problematic assumptions. We estimated the sensitivities of long‐run population predictions to different ecological assumptions and parameter settings for a rare and endangered annual plant species (Acanthomintha ilicifolia, or San Diego thornmint). Uncertainty about habitat suitability predictions, due to the choice of species distribution model, contributed most to variation in predictions about long‐run populations.  相似文献   

The control of chemicals used in aquaculture in Europe   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A range of chemicals are used in European marine aquaculture and these may be categorized as disinfectants, antifoulants and medicines (includes vaccines). This article provides a review of chemicals used in aquaculture in Europe, their regulatory status, and a checklist of points considered best practice in the use (and avoidance of use) of medicines in marine aquaculture. The release of antifoulants and disinfectants into the marine environment is controlled by local and/or national waste discharge regulations that may in turn be guided by wider environmental quality objectives. The authorization of veterinary medicines, biologicals (vaccines) and pharmaceuticals (chemicals), in Europe is the subject of several EC Directives. Registration dossiers address the issues of product quality, safety and efficacy and include environmental and consumer safety where the product is destined for use in a food‐producing animal. Fish farmers, like all livestock producers, must have access to a range of properly authorized medicines to safeguard animal health and welfare. The distribution and supply of medicines must be appropriately controlled and their authorization appropriately includes environmental risk assessment to a common European Union (EU) or international standard. There is progress towards the harmonization of the authorization process within the EU and this will help to ensure the continued availability of medicines for fish. Consumer safety is addressed by the setting of maximum residue limits (MRLs) derived through toxicological risk assessment and by surveillance of food for residues of veterinary medicines. The system for the environmental risk assessment of chemicals used in aquaculture is being developed and is outlined in the present article. It is recommended that the supply and use of fish medicines is uniformly regulated in the EU and supported by appropriate codes of best practice. A number of codes of practice that include reference to the use of medicines have been produced both at a European level and in member states. It is recommended that all European marine aquaculture producers adopt a code of best practice for the use of medicinal and other chemicals their industry. Medicines are one part of an integrated package in dealing with animal health. This includes environmental conditions, nutrition and hygiene. The best practice guidelines presented here are based on the outcome of three European workshops as part of the EU MARAQUA project that involved industry, government and research scientists. They cover the avoidance and minimizing of the need to use medicines and other chemicals, to recording and monitoring their use and effectiveness (in case of resistance development), exchange of experiences within the industry, and staff training. Recommendations are also included for manufacturers of medicines and other chemicals, and for regulatory authorities. Minimizing the need to use medicines and other chemicals requires attention to a healthy source of fish stock. Staff must be appropriately trained in fish husbandry (to minimize stress), hygiene and disease recognition and treatment, including management of the farm site to keep it disease free. The latter may require single generations of fish per site to allow a fallow period during which a disease or parasite cycle is broken. These recommendations and guidelines are in accordance with the current codes of practice being developed by different sectors of the aquaculture industry in different countries. They do not necessarily involve significantly higher production costs and indeed are more likely to save costs as medicines and disease impacts are very costly to industry.  相似文献   

A method was developed to use the stable isotope 15N to trace the fate of cage aquaculture‐derived nutrients at an experimental cage aquaculture site in Fremantle Harbour, Western Australia. Artificial enrichment of a finfish diet in 15N was achieved through the enrichment of the macroalgae Ulva rigida, which was fed to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to produce 15N‐labelled fishmeal. From the subsequently produced fishmeal, a pelleted feed with a 15N signal of 298 ± 58‰ (mean ± SE) was produced and fed to pink snapper (Pagrus auratus) in a seacage. Strong enrichment (15N range: 38–53‰) was detected in primary producers and suspended particulate organic matter in the vicinity of the cage immediately following enrichment, and a delayed uptake (to 15N 15.9 ± 0.2‰, mean ± SE) was detected in deposit feeders under the cage 14 days following enrichment. No further enrichment signal could be detected near the cage in this short‐term trial. The limited accumulation of aquaculture waste in the vicinity of cages was supported by findings from concurrent environmental monitoring. It was concluded that artificially enriched aquaculture feeds provide a sensitive method for tracing aquaculture wastes in the environment, but that further development of the technique is required to make it viable for more widespread use.  相似文献   

Aquaculture is currently one of the fastest growing food production systems in the world with production increasing at an average rate of 9.6% per year over the past decade. As world fish stocks are reaching the limits of exploitation, we shall rely to a far greater extent on products from aquaculture as food sources of high nutritional value. Approximately 90% of global aquaculture production is based in Asia, where it provides an important source of dietary animal protein of the region and income for millions of small-scale farmers. Commercial aquaculture contributes significantly to the economies of many producing countries, where highly valued species are a major source of foreign. Many different aquaculture systems exist world wide, ranging from small family-sized fish ponds to intensive cage culture industries as used in salmon fishing. There has been an expansion in the use of integrated farming systems, especially in Asia, where animal and human faeces are used to fertilise ponds. This paper will review global aquaculture systems used in the production of finfish and crustaceans and will focus on potential hazards arising from biological contamination of products that pose risks to public health.  相似文献   

Models used to assess the environmental impacts of aquaculture are becoming increasingly numerous and complicated. It is therefore becoming more and more difficult to present these moiels to non-scientists, even though the ultimate clients of research on aquaculture impacts are administrators and producers who have to deal with ractical considerations and have little time or inclination to deal with the complexities of scientific morfels. The Aquaculture Research Group within the Habitat Ecology Division has therefore been exploring the development of a decision support system (DSS) as a tool for communicating scientific advice to managers, specifically addressing the use of models to evaluate environmental impacts in order to assess whether the licensing of finfish aquaculture sites is likely to lead to degradation of natural marine habitat. The proposed DSS will incorporate simplified versions of several models along with a geographical data base of relevant hydrographic and other environmental information. The user will be able to enter various scenarios in a simple fashion (for example, a mouse can be used to specify site locations) and see an evaluation of the proposal based on several scientific models. Although a computer program cannot be expected to represent more than a fraction of the expertise of real scientists, the DSS approach appears to have several advantages; these include the ability to deliver a degree of expertise in remote and isolated regions, and, perhaps most important, a chance for managers to access scientific resources in a private environment which lets them explore various options without having to justify their eventual actions to scientists who may not fully appreciate all the pressures which bear on their decisions. The material developed so far includes a prototype of the proposed DSS in form of a computer program which demonstrates what the user interface for a working DSf would look like. The program has only a crude graphical user interface and does not actually interact with a real database, but the models are realistic and the output offers a simplified representation of what a real Decision Support System might provide.  相似文献   

We used life cycle assessment to evaluate a subset of the cradle‐to‐destination‐port environmental impacts associated with the production, processing, and transportation of frozen, packaged Indonesian tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fillets to ports in Chicago and Rotterdam. Specifically, we evaluated the cumulative energy use; biotic resource use; and global warming, acidifying, and eutrophying emissions at each life cycle stage and in aggregate. We identify the importance of least environmental cost feed sourcing for reducing supply chain environmental impacts. We also highlight the need for more effective nutrient cycling in intensive aquaculture. The environmental trade‐offs inherent in substituting technological inputs for ecosystem services in intensive pond‐based versus lake‐based production systems are discussed. We further call for more nuanced considerations of comparative environmental advantage in the production and interregional trade of food commodities than has been characteristic of historic food miles discussions. Significant opportunities exist for improving environmental performance in tilapia aquaculture. This product compares favorably, however, with several other fishery, aquaculture, and animal husbandry products, according to the suite of impact categories considered in this study.  相似文献   

Aim Robust and reliable predictions of the effects of climate change on biodiversity are required in formulating conservation and management strategies that best retain biodiversity into the future. Significant challenges in modelling climate change impacts arise from limitations in our current knowledge of biodiversity. Community‐level modelling can complement species‐level approaches in overcoming these limitations and predicting climate change impacts on biodiversity as a whole. However, the community‐level approaches applied to date have been largely correlative, ignoring the key processes that influence change in biodiversity over space and time. Here, we suggest that the development of new ‘semi‐mechanistic’ community‐level models would substantially increase our capacity to predict climate change impacts on biodiversity. Location Global. Methods Drawing on an expansive review of biodiversity modelling approaches and recent advances in semi‐mechanistic modelling at the species level, we outline the main elements of a new semi‐mechanistic community‐level modelling approach. Results Our quantitative review revealed a sharp divide between mechanistic and non‐mechanistic biodiversity modelling approaches, with very few semi‐mechanistic models developed to date. Main conclusions We suggest that the conceptual framework presented here for combining mechanistic and non‐mechanistic community‐level approaches offers a promising means of incorporating key processes into predictions of climate change impacts on biodiversity whilst working within the limits of our current knowledge.  相似文献   

The spatial scale at which climate and species’ occupancy data are gathered, and the resolution at which ecological models are run, can strongly influence predictions of species performance and distributions. Running model simulations at coarse rather than fine spatial resolutions, for example, can determine if a model accurately predicts the distribution of a species. The impacts of spatial scale on a model's accuracy are particularly pronounced across mountainous terrain. Understanding how these discrepancies arise requires a modelling approach in which the underlying processes that determine a species’ distribution are explicitly described. Here we use a process‐based model to explore how spatial resolution, topography and behaviour alter predictions of a species thermal niche, which in turn constrains its survival and geographic distribution. The model incorporates biophysical equations to predict the operative temperature (Te), thermal‐dependent performance and survival of a typical insect, with a complex life‐cycle, in its microclimate. We run this model with geographic data from a mountainous terrain in South Africa using climate data at three spatial resolutions. We also explore how behavioural thermoregulation affects predictions of a species performance and survival by allowing the animal to select the optimum thermal location within each coarse‐grid cell. At the regional level, coarse‐resolution models predicted lower Te at low elevations and higher Te at high elevations than models run at fine‐resolutions. These differences were more prominent on steep, north‐facing slopes. The discrepancies in Te in turn affected estimates of the species thermal niche. The modelling framework revealed how spatial resolution and topography influence predictions of species distribution models, including the potential impacts of climate change. These systematic biases must be accounted for when interpreting the outputs of future modelling studies, particularly when species distributions are predicted to shift from uniform to topographically heterogeneous landscapes.  相似文献   

Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) crops are important agricultural commodities in water‐limited environments across the globe, yet modelling of CAM productivity lacks the sophistication of widely used C3 and C4 crop models, in part due to the complex responses of the CAM cycle to environmental conditions. This work builds on recent advances in CAM modelling to provide a framework for estimating CAM biomass yield and water use efficiency from basic principles. These advances, which integrate the CAM circadian rhythm with established models of carbon fixation, stomatal conductance and the soil–plant‐atmosphere continuum, are coupled to models of light attenuation, plant respiration and biomass partitioning. Resulting biomass yield and transpiration for Opuntia ficus‐indica and Agave tequilana are validated against field data and compared with predictions of CAM productivity obtained using the empirically based environmental productivity index. By representing regulation of the circadian state as a nonlinear oscillator, the modelling approach captures the diurnal dynamics of CAM stomatal conductance, allowing the prediction of CAM transpiration and water use efficiency for the first time at the plot scale. This approach may improve estimates of CAM productivity under light‐limiting conditions when compared with previous methods.  相似文献   

Quarry exploitation and restoration practices are expected to have overarching and contrasting impacts on animal communities. Although many studies describe these impacts, they generally overlook the effects on population dynamics and individual movements. We assessed the impacts of quarry exploitation and restoration activity on population dynamics, individual movement, and habitat use of a sand‐dwelling specialist beetle (Scarites cyclops). The study was performed on three plots: one adjacent to the margin of quarry exploitation, another subjected to restoration practices, and a control plot with no disturbance. A capture‐mark‐recapture approach was undertaken to estimate population parameters, movement, and habitat use. In the exploitation plot S. cyclops exhibited lower probability of recapture and lower apparent survival, as well as many movements fleeing away from quarry limits. Habitat suitability modeling showed that the exploitation plot provided better habitat conditions for the species than the restoration plot. It exhibited higher bare ground cover with scattered clumps of vegetation and higher proportions of fine sand (<0.4 mm). In the restoration plot, S. cyclops population showed a lower abundance, with a higher rate of recaptures, and a more limited dispersal ability of the individuals. There is an apparent early stage of colonization by S. cyclops in the restoration plot, but movements may already be hampered by unsuitable habitat restoration (higher herbaceous cover and different soil texture). We suggest preserving suitable habitat patches in the vicinity of the impacted areas and providing dispersal routes. Beyond vegetation, soil texture must be considered to allow local animal communities to establish in restored areas.  相似文献   

Development of mariculture and its impacts in Chinese coastal waters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
China has a long history of aquaculture. Since the 1980s, mariculture has been considered by the government as an increasingly important sub-sector of aquaculture. Mariculture provides nutritional and economic benefits, and decreases the intensity of exploitation on declining wild living resources. China now has the highest mariculture production in the world. Kelp made up 50–60% the total Chinese mariculture production in 1967–1980. Production of Laminaria japonicaAresch, the leading species, reached 252, 907 t (dry wet) in 1980. The percentage of kelp production decreased after 1981 because of proportionally greater production of molluscs, shrimps and finfish. Marine finfish and mollusc production increased sharply after 1990. In 2001, the total mariculture production reached 11,315,000 t from a production area of 1,286,000 ha. The rapid development and changes in mariculture species have aroused increasing concern about maricultures impact on the coastal environment. The impact of coastal aquaculture, such as water quality deterioration and contaminants, will have a significant bearing on the expansion of mariculture. The key of improving and maintaining the long-term health of mariculture zones lies in adopting sustainable culture systems. It is imperative that the density of stocking fish and other economically important organisms such as oysters, and scallops, be controlled, in addition to restricting the total number of net-cages in the mariculture zones. The authors suggest moving rafts (cages) periodically and to development of a fallow system in which area fish culture will be suspended for 1–2 years to facilitate recovery of the polluted sediment. Moving fish culture offshore into deeper waters is also suggested. The authors also believe that large-scale seaweed cultivation will reduce eutrophication in coastal culture zones in China.  相似文献   

Current status and future perspectives of Italian finfish aquaculture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Currently available data show that shellfish and finfish production in Italy, derived both from fisheries and aquaculture activities, is on the order of 474,000 tons, each activity representing 50 % of the total amount. In this context, the finfish aquaculture industry contributes on average 31 % to the national aquaculture production and on average 59 % of its value, giving a total amount of 72,000 tons and a value of around 351 million € (2010). According to FEAP statistics, Italy is the fourth largest finfish producer in EU27, after the UK, Greece, and Spain, while it is also one of the six largest finfish producers among the non-EU and EU member countries, together with Norway, UK, Greece, Turkey, and Spain. Presently, fish culture activities are mainly focused on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, 55.5 %), followed by European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, 13.6 %), gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata, 12.2 %), gray mullet (Mugil cephalus, 5.3 %), sturgeon (Acipenser spp., 2 %), and European eel (Anguilla anguilla, 1.7 %). Over the last 20 years, freshwater fish production and aquaculture (trout, carp, and eel) have decreased in Italy, with the exception of sturgeon. In contrast, marine fish production has significantly increased during the same period, and the two leading species, European sea bass and gilthead sea bream, presently contribute 25.8 % of the finfish production. From 1,900 tons in 1990, production reached 19,000 tons in 2010, with a 900 % increase, at an average percentage of 4.5 %. In addition, new marine fish species were successfully cultured over the same period. This review outlines the past and present situation of finfish culture in Italy and discusses future developments and priorities, with particular emphasis on new, emerging aquaculture species.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence shows that environmental fluctuations and exploitation jointly affect marine fish populations, and understanding their interaction is a key issue for fisheries ecology. In particular, it has been proposed that age truncation induced by fisheries exploitation may increase the population's sensitivity to climate. In this study, we use unique long‐term abundance data for the Northeast Arctic stock of cod (Gadus morhua) and the Norwegian Spring‐Spawning stock of herring (Clupea harengus), which we analyze using techniques based on age‐structured population matrices. After identifying time periods with different age distributions in the spawning stock, we use linear models to quantify the relative effect of exploitation and temperature on the population growth rates. For the two populations, age truncation was found to be associated with an increasing importance of temperature and a relatively decreasing importance of exploitation, while the population growth rate became increasingly sensitive to recruitment variations. The results suggested that the removal of older age classes reduced the buffering capacity of the population, thereby making the population growth rate more dependent on recruitment than adult survival and increasing the effect of environmental fluctuations. Age structure appeared as a key characteristic that can affect the response of fish stocks to climate variations and its consequences may be of key importance for conservation and management.  相似文献   

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