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Fertilizer treatments that greatly influenced the growth of tobacco and potato plants in pots had little effect on the number that became infected with potato virus Y when the plants were colonized by equal numbers of infective aphids, though the number was slightly decreased by nitrogen and increased by phosphorus.
The number of local lesions produced on leaves of tobacco and Nicotiana glutinosa by tomato aucuba mosaic and tobacco mosaic viruses was increased by additions of both nitrogen and phosphorus, provided that these also increased growth. The predominant effect of both nutrients in increasing susceptibility was indirect by increasing plant size, but over certain critical ranges both elements also increased the numbers of lesions produced per unit leaf area. Conditions of maximum susceptibility approximated closely to those producing optimal growth, and susceptibility, whether measured by lesions per half-leaf or per unit area, was decreased by a deficiency or excess of either element. Sometimes the addition of nitrogen reduced susceptibility when still increasing plant growth.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of French bean plants to infection by the Rothamsted strain of tobacco necrosis virus as measured by the local-lesion method is increased by a rise in temperature and usually by darkening the plant before inoculation. If part only of a leaf is darkened, that part becomes more susceptible. Plants in full light also become more susceptible if carbon dioxide is removed from the air, whereas the susceptibility of plants in the dark is not altered.
Darkening leaves decreases their content of malic, fumaric, succinic and glycolic acids and increases the content of citric acid; the content of oxalic and malonic acids remains constant. These changes occurred in winter and summer and whether or not darkening increased susceptibility.
The effect on susceptibility of individual acids infiltrated into the leaf was measured in leaves kept in the light or in the dark before inoculation. None of the acids used produced any large change in susceptibility.  相似文献   

When plants were kept at 36°C. for some time before inoculation, their susceptibility to infection by five mechanically transmissible viruses was greatly increased. When kept at 36° after inoculation, fewer local lesions were produced than at lower temperatures, but the effects of the post-inoculation treatment differed with different viruses. Tomato spotted wilt and tobacco mosaic viruses multiply in plants at 36°, and the post-inoculation treatment reduced the local lesions they caused to numbers that varied between 10 and 90% of the control; these two viruses also have large thermal coefficients of heat inactivation. By contrast, tobacco necrosis, tomato bushy stunt and cucumber mosaic viruses, were much affected by post-inoculation treatment, lesion formation being completely prevented by exposure to 36° for a day or more. These three viruses appear not to multiply in plants at 36°, and although they have high thermal inactivation points, they have small temperature coefficients of thermal inactivation.
The extent to which lesion formation was affected by pre- or post-inoculation exposure of plants to 36° depended not only on the length of the treatment, but also on the physiological condition of the plants.
The symptoms of infected plants changed considerably if kept at 36°. At 36° Nicotiana glutinosa , inoculated with tobacco mosaic virus, gave chlorotic local lesions instead of necrotic ones, and became systemically infected. When systemically infected plants were brought to ordinary glasshouse temperature, the infected tissues all collapsed and died in a day.  相似文献   

Increasing the amount of water supplied to plants before they were inoculated with viruses greatly increased their susceptibility to infection; plants that received unlimited water produced 10 or more times as many local lesions as plants that received only enough to prevent wilting. Susceptibility was increased throughout the year, but the full response occurred in 2 weeks in winter and 4 weeks in summer. Plants that received unlimited water for the 2 weeks immediately preceding inoculation were no more susceptible than those that received it during the previous 2 weeks, although the external appearance of the plants differed at the time of inoculation. Varying water supply after inoculation did not affect the numbers of lesions.
The differences in susceptibility to infection produced by differential watering were decreased, but not abolished, by growing plants under shade or by incorporating a diatomaceous earth in the inoculum.
Increasing water produced plants with larger and more succulent leaves; the cuticular layer was thinner, and the palisade tissue was less regularly arranged than in the plants kept dry. The increased susceptibility caused by an abundant water supply may be at least partly due to these structural differences, which allow the leaf to be damaged more easily when rubbed with inocula and so present more entry points for virus particles.  相似文献   

In a survey of the virus diseases of leguminous plants in Great Britain, it was not found possible to relate the virus of lettuce mosaic, which Ainsworth & Ogilvie (1939) found able to infect both culinary and sweet peas, to any other virus but, in the course of examining about seventy-five samples of material, a number of different viruses were identified. These, with possibly one exception, appear to have been described in other parts of the world, but the following notes include several new records for this country.  相似文献   

Visible light of different spectral regions was tested for its ability to reverse three effects of ultra-violet radiation, namely, injury (glazing) of French bean leaves, increased resistance of French bean leaves to infection by the Rothamsted tobacco necrosis virus, and inactivation of potato virus X. The different spectral regions were obtained with colorimetric filters and the filtered and unfiltered light from fluorescent tubes; all three effects were reversed only by regions of wave-lengths shorter than 4700 Å. Thirty minutes of illumination at 300–380 f.c. gave substantial photo-reactivation, but irradiated potato virus X did not become affected by visible light until 30 min. after tobacco leaves were inoculated.  相似文献   

1. The negative phototropism of certain land isopods was investigated over a large range of intensities, especially low ones. The responses were determined quantitatively by measuring the angle through which an animal turned away from a line perpendicular to the rays of light. 2. In the absence of light the undirected movements set up by obscure stimuli were such as to compensate each other statistically, the average path being a movement in the direction in which the animal was headed. 3. Over a large range of intensities (0.0026 m.c. up) the average turning is maximal, about 55° (Oniscus). This maximal response is due to an anatomical peculiarity, in that the carapace cuts off the light on the eye after the animal has turned 50–60°. This peculiarity probably accounts for specific differences among land isopods. Any light, therefore, which is strong enough to turn an animal through this maximal angle in a radial distance of 10 cm. will give results whose mean will be maximal. 4. Below 0.0026 m.c. the amount of angular deflection becomes less and less, in proportion to the logarithm of the intensity, until at 0.00003 m.c. the movements are the same as in darkness. 5. This proportionality between amount of turning and the logarithm of the intensity indicates the photochemical nature of phototropism on the basis of Hecht''s work with Mya. As a result, Loeb''s theory of phototropism may then be stated in the mathematical form See PDF for Equation in which I 1 and I 2 are the two intensities, E 1 and E 2, their respective effects, and R, the muscular action set up by the difference in photochemical effect on the two sides.  相似文献   

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