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A modular detector for measuring multicolor fluorescence from cells illuminated by single or multiple lasers has been developed for flow cytometers. Motion picture projector, camera, and CCTV/video lenses were evaluated for use in the detector by comparing their physical characteristics, image quality, and light collection efficiencies. A 25-mm focal length F/0.95 CCTV lens was selected, based on our criteria and test results. The detector was constructed out of square aluminum extrusion channels. A CCTV lens mounted on the outside of the first channel collected light emitted from cells and collimated it towards filters and secondary CCTV lenses located in each channel. The secondary lenses functioned as relay optics for directing and focusing light onto pinhole spatial filters for measurement by photomultipliers. The detector design allowed any number of channels to be connected together and the versatility for making simultaneous or sequential measurements. Measurements on lymphocytes labeled with four monoclonal antibodies conjugated to fluorescent dyes and measurements on viable tumor cells stained for DNA content and with three fluorescent-labeled antibodies were used to demonstrate the detector's capabilities.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The tools for high throughput flow cytometry have been limited in part because of the requirement that the samples must flow under pressure. We describe a simple system for sampling repetitively from an open vessel. METHODS: Under computer control, the sample is loaded into a sample loop in a reciprocating eight-way valve by the action of a syringe. When the valve position is switched, the plug of sample in the sample loop is transported to the flow cytometer by a pressure-driven fluid line. By coupling the plug-forming capability to a second multi-port valve, samples can be delivered sequentially from separate vessels. RESULTS: The valve is able to deliver samples at rates ranging up to about 9 samples per minute. Each plug of sample has uniform delivery characteristics with a reproducible coefficient of variation (CV). Even at the highest sampling rate, carryover between samples is limited. CONCLUSIONS: Plug-flow flow cytometry has the potential to automate the delivery of small samples from unpressurized sources at rates compatible with many screening and assay applications.  相似文献   

A new method was developed for selective measurement of DNA distributions in viable cell populations. The method is based on the fact that non-viable cells lose membrane integrity and treatment of such cells with DNase should remove their DNA. The DNase-treated cells were stained with DNA fluorochrome 4′-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) in the presence of Triton X-100. DNA distribution was measured by flow cytometry prior to and after treatment with DNase. Percentage of cells stained after DNase treatment was considered as an index of cell viability. Optimal conditions for DNase treatment and application of DNase exclusion test for the analysis of spontaneous cell death, selective death of cells arrested in S/G2 phases, instant cell disintegration induced by cytotoxic compounds and cell death induced by hyperthermia are described.  相似文献   

We endeavored to develop a method for viability determination of solventogenic clostridia and to apply it for monitoring acetone–butanol–ethanol (ABE) fermentation. Six fluorescent probes (propidium iodide [PI], ethidium bromide, fluorescein diacetate, carboxyfluorescein diacetate [cFDA], rhodamine 123, bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid)trimethine oxonol [BOX]) were tested in order to distinguish two subpopulations of live and dead clostridial cells in suspension. Three of them were found to be appropriate (PI, BOX and cFDA) for this purpose. Developed fluorescent staining methods were applied to batch fermentation processes of Clostridium pasteurianum and C. beijerinckii carried out in a laboratory bioreactor under anaerobic conditions. Whereas PI was found to be applicable to both strains, BOX was convenient only for viability determination of C. pasteurianum. Although cFDA can distinguish two cell subpopulations in suspension, it was found to be unsuitable for viability determination under tested conditions, since it reflected more variable esterase activity during sporulation cell cycle than viability. Flow cytometry in combination with convenient fluorescent probe has been proved to be a valuable tool for viability determination. We assume this rapid and simple method can help to obtain more complex and precise information about ABE fermentation.  相似文献   

A procedure to stain the centromeric region of chromosomes for dual beam flow cytometric analysis is described. Serum from a CREST (Scleroderma syndrome) patient presenting a high titer of anticentromeric antibodies was chosen on the basis of specificity of labeling of cells on slides. The high affinity of the antibodies to centromeres and low binding to chromosomal arms allowed the development of an indirect immunofluorescent labeling procedure using isolated and unfixed chromosomes stabilized by Mg++ ions. Discontinuous Ficoll gradients were used to separate chromosomes from unbound antibodies. With this procedure, chromosome clumping and degradation were minimal. The chromosomes were then stained with the DNA dyes Hoechst 33258 and chromomycin A3, before dual beam flow cytometric analysis. Flow karyotypes, with good chromosome peak resolution, were obtained for both human and hamster chromosomes subjected to the immunolabeling procedure. For quantification of FITC fluorescence due to bound antibody, chromosomes were counterstained with Hoechst only. The FITC intensity of antibody-labeled human and hamster chromosomes were 4-10 and 20 times greater than control chromosomes, respectively. These results suggest that the staining procedure may be suitable for immunolabeling of chromosomes with antibodies recognizing other nuclear proteins and their subsequent quantification by flow cytometry.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry offers the possibility to simultaneously analyze, on a cell by cell basis, different parameters related to cell viability i.e. cell size, morphology and incorporation of dyes. Different types of analysis: light absorption of unstained/stained cells, forward angle light scattering (FALS), right angle light scattering (RALS) or both, cell fluorescence based on dye retention or dye exclusion (due to erythrosin B, ethidium bromide, fluorescein diacetate, rhodamine 123) were tested and compared, with the classical Trypan blue exclusion test, for their effectiveness in the determination of cell viability. Two types of cells in monolayer cultures (L929, SIRC) and a freshly isolated suspension of mouse splenocytes were used. For each dye, the optimal dose, incubation time and conditions for analysis were determined. Viability indications by different techniques for the three type of cell line and their reliability as compared with Trypan blue were analyzed.  相似文献   

Analysis of dead versus live cells is shown to be possible using Calcoflour White M2R (CFW), a fluorescent brightener. Comparison of CFW with both propidium iodide (PI) and fluorescein diacetate (FDA) was performed on a FACS 440 dual laser flow cytometer on several populations of cultured rat and mouse cell lines, peripheral leukocytes, splenocytes, diatoms, and plant protoplasts. As a measure of cell viability, staining results with CFW were strongly associated with PI (correlation coefficient of 0.9886) and FDA (inverse correlation coefficient of 0.9647). With plant and algal cells, controls are necessary as CFW does stain live cells to some extent. CFW (excitation: UV, emission max: 435 nm) can be used in conjunction with two-color immunofluorescence analysis using fluorochromes excited at 488 nm with no interference.  相似文献   

Applying flow cytometric single cell analysis, we compared the performance of UV excitation from argon ion and HeCd lasers using various UV-excitable fluorochromes of cell kinetic and cell physiological relevance. The AT-specific DNA fluorochromes DAPI, Hoechst 33258, and Hoechst 33342 showed no significant differences of G1-phase resolution and cell cycle distribution. With the HeCd laser, high-resolution cell kinetic analysis applying the novel BrdU/Hoechst-PI quenching technique showed superior resolution and an almost normalized G2M/G1 channel ratio of the first cell cycle. Indo-1 analysis for detection of intracellular free calcium gave similar results for both excitation sources, although the indo-1 ratio of activated cells was lower for HeCd excitation. Monochlorobimane as an indicator fluorochrome of glutathione content could not be excited sufficiently with the 325-nm line of the HeCd laser and exhibited poor resolution between positive and negative cells. However, the second glutathione-specific fluorochrome o-phtalaldehyde gave even better results with the HeCd laser. Our data indicate that air-cooled HeCd lasers are cheap and reliable UV-excitation sources for most UV-excitable fluorochromes, and might be an alternative to the expensive water-cooled argon and krypton laser.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to develop a method to simultaneously examine phenotype, proliferation, apoptosis, and death of antigen-stimulated porcine lymphocytes. METHODS: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from pigs vaccinated with a Brachyspira hyodysenteriae bacterin. RESULTS: Once isolated, PBMCs were stained with the fluorescent membrane intercalating dye, PKH67, and cultured with or without B. hyodysenteriae whole-cell sonicate antigen. Serial samples of nonstimulated and B. hyodysenteriae-stimulated PBMCs were harvested for flow cytometric analysis. Fluorochrome excitation was performed with spatially separated air-cooled argon and red helium neon laser beams. Five-color analysis included signal detection of PKH67 (proliferation), phycoerythrin (cell surface antigen), Texas Red phycoerythrin tandem (cell surface antigen), allophycocyanin (annexin V), and 7-amino-actinomysin D (7AAD; viability). For analysis, gates were set on live (annexin V(-), 7AAD(-)), intact apoptotic (annexin V(+), 7AAD(dim)), and live plus intact apoptotic (annexin V(+/-), 7AAD(dim/-)) cells, and the phenotypes of PBMCs within these populations were determined during the course of the in vitro response. Dead cells (i.e., 7AAD(bright)) were excluded from the analysis. CONCLUSION: Application of this method for the determination of porcine lymphocyte subset proliferation is presented.  相似文献   

A streptavidin-biotin-based three-step immunolabeling protocol for quantitative staining of intracellular antigens for flow cytometric analysis was evaluated using simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen. The concentration as well as the quantity of antibody used required optimization. The optimum labeling conditions varied moderately with cell lines that express T antigen levels over a 40-50-fold range. The procedure resulted in specific fluorescence 2.4 times higher than that using a comparable two-step indirect immunofluorescence technique. The gain in resolution was shown to be greater when staining cells with lower antigen levels. In the analysis of background fluorescence, the principal components were, as for the two-step technique, autofluorescence and propidium spectral overlap. While streptavidin does add to the background, the increase is relatively small. Decreasing the propidium concentration from 50 micrograms/ml to 5 micrograms/ml was found to reduce significantly the level of background from this source. Theoretical aspects of quantitative staining and of resolution versus quantification are discussed.  相似文献   

Preparation of tissues for DNA flow cytometric analysis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A method for measuring DNA in tissue cells by flow cytometry utilizing a one step combination nuclear isolation-DNA fluorochrome staining procedure is described. A variety of cells and tissues, both in vivo and in vitro, was used to illustrate the universal nature of this technique. These included murine bone marrow, liver testicle, sarcoma brain tumor, rat pancreatic islets, human peripheral blood, colon mucosa, colon cancer, sarcoma and brain tumor tissues. A special nuclear isolation medium, which contained either of the DNA fluorochromes, 4',6-diamidino-2 phenylindole-2 HCl or propidium iodide, was utilized successfully to isolate single suspensions of DNA fluorochrome stained nuclei in a rapid (5-10 min), consistent manner from a variety of tissues and cells. Multiple sampling of the same tissue or comparison between whole tissues and their single cell isolates showed that a representative sample was being obtained.  相似文献   

A solution containing citric acid buffered saline (CABS) and 99% ethanol (E) 1:1 was used for preserving cells for flow cytometric DNA analysis. DNA histograms obtained from fine needle biopsy aspirates and preserved in CABS+E had a similar mean coefficient of variation (CV) as was obtained from aspirates taken in CABS (3.3 vs. 3.4%) and a clearly smaller mean CV than was obtained from aspirates preserved in 50% ethanol (mean 4.8%, P less than .0001). Aspirates taken in CABS more often contained a small (less than 3,000) number of cells as compared with aspirates preserved either in CABS+E or ethanol (P less than .0001). Since preservation of cells in CABS+E allows long-term storage of samples and results in a decreased number of insufficient samples as compared with buffered saline and in an enhanced resolution as compared with 50% ethanol, CABS+E is recommended for preservation of cytological samples to be analyzed for DNA content with flow cytometry.  相似文献   

T Heiden  N Wang  B Tribukait 《Cytometry》1991,12(7):614-621
A modification of the Hedley-method for flow cytometric DNA analysis of paraffin-embedded tissues is presented. Dewaxed and dehydrated tissue from paraffin blocks was incubated with subtilisin Carlsberg (pronase, Sigma protease XXIV) and then stained directly without washing and centrifugation. The loss of material was minimized, which was advantageous, for example, for the analysis of core-biopsies, and all measured samples showed extremely low frequencies of clumped cell nuclei. This made is easier to detect polyploid nuclei and even rare nuclei of high ploidy could be identified. S-phase analyses were more precise, since the background originating from clumped debris particles was very low. The improved method was applied to the estimation of frequencies of high-polyploid nuclei found in various diploid, tetraploid, and aneuploid human myosarcomas of the uterus.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several staining protocols have been developed for flow cytometric analysis of bacterial viability. One promising method is dual staining with the LIVE/DEAD BacLight bacterial viability kit. In this procedure, cells are treated with two different DNA-binding dyes (SYTO9 and PI), and viability is estimated according to the proportion of bound stain. SYTO9 diffuses through the intact cell membrane and binds cellular DNA, while PI binds DNA of damaged cells only. This dual-staining method allows effective separation between viable and dead cells, which is far more difficult to achieve with single staining. Although SYTO9-PI dual staining is practical for various bacterial viability analyses, the method has a number of disadvantages. Specifically, the passage of SYTO9 through the cell membrane is a slow process, which is significantly accelerated when the integrity of the cell membrane is disrupted. As a result, SYTO9 binding to DNA is considerably enhanced. PI competes for binding sites with SYTO9 and may displace the bound dye. These properties diminish the reliability of the LIVE/DEAD viability kit. In this study, we investigate an alternative method for measuring bacterial viability using a combination of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and PI, with a view to improving data reliability. METHODS: Recombinant Escherichia coli cells with a plasmid containing the gene for jellyfish GFP were stained with PI, and green and red fluorescence were measured by FCM. For comparison, cells containing the plasmid from which gfp was removed were stained with SYTO9 and PI, and analyzed by FCM. Viability was estimated according to the proportion of green and red fluorescence. In addition, bioluminescence and plate counting (other methods to assess viability) were used as reference procedures. RESULTS: SYTO9-PI dual staining of bacterial cells revealed three different cell populations: living, compromised, and dead cells. These cell populations were more distinct when the GFP-PI combination was used instead of dual staining. No differences in sensitivity were observed between the two methods. However, substitution of SYTO9 with GFP accelerated the procedure. Bioluminescence and plate counting results were in agreement with flow cytometric viability data. CONCLUSIONS: In bacterial viability analyses, the GFP-PI combination provided better distinction between current viability stages of E. coli cells than SYTO9-PI dual staining. Additionally, the overall procedure was more rapid. No marked differences in sensitivity were observed.  相似文献   

Studies concerning flow cytometric assessed DNA content reveal problems in interpretating DNA histograms of tumor specimens. The main problems are histograms with a broad coefficient of variation in the G0/G1 fraction; a high G2M fraction and samples with a low percentage of tumor cells. Therefore, in the present study, 382 fresh tumor specimens of carcinomas were analysed routinely, double labeled with, on the one hand, propidium-iodide for assessing DNA content and, on the other, a monoclonal keratin-antibody for marking epithelial and tumor cells. Of the 311 tumor samples, using single parameter analysis 165 (54%) were classified as DNA aneuploid and 146 (46%) as DNA "euploid." By double parameter analysis, 224 (72%) samples were keratin positive and 87 (27%) keratin negative and, of the 224 keratin positive tumors, 175 (78%) were DNA aneuploid and 49 (22%) DNA euploid. The DNA histograms of single and double parameter analysis were compared and it was concluded that in 24 cases (11%) keratin labeling was necessary to recognize DNA aneuploidy. In another 23 (10%) cases, keratin labeling was helpful in assessing DNA aneuploidy. Finally when the results of the 311 samples were combined, 215 (68%) were scored as DNA aneuploid and 99 (32%) DNA euploid. Thus the overall gain in assessing DNA aneuploidy using the double labeling technique is 14%. In conclusion, it is shown that keratin labeling on fresh tumor cell suspensions of epithelial tumors is of additional value in establishing DNA content. Because single parameter DNA assessment is adequate in approximately 60% of the tested samples, the double labeling technique can be performed routinely, or after initial single parameter DNA assessment. Histograms having a broad CV and/or a high G2M are good candidates for the double labeling technique. Using this technique, DNA-content assessment becomes more reliable.  相似文献   

The authors discuss various aspects of a recently developed method permitting a detailed flow cytometric analysis of the individual cell karyotypes such as instrumentation, histochemistry, data proceeding algorithms. Possible drawbacks of the method and the ways of their overcoming are considered. Results of analysis of the Chinese hamster cells are presented that illustrate the possibilities of the method, including the metaphase chromosome distribution according to their fluorescence intensity, the analysed cell distribution according to their chromosomes number, the table in which the individual cell karyotypes are distributed according to their fluorescence. The results obtained show that the developed method may be successfully used for investigating chromosomal iNstability and heterogeneity of the mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Bioengineered organs raised in vitro are candidate substitutes for natural organs in biological, pharmacological and clinical applications. We have studied cell kinetics in a human skin equivalent (HSE) using a combined immunohistochemical and flow cytometric approach. Morphological analysis has shown that, relative to unstimulated natural skin, cell proliferation mainly occurs in the basal layer of the epidermal equivalent. Immunohistochemical and flow cytometric measurements of the growth fraction suggested a cell turnover comparable to that of natural skin. Immunohistochemical labelling indices matched well with flow cytometric data. These observations are consistent with morphological and histochemical data demonstrating normal cell differentiation and tissue architecture in HSE and suggest that such HSE may be a usefull substitute for human skin.  相似文献   

A numerical method for deriving the fractions of cells in different phases of the cell cycle from a single observed DNA histogram is presented. The observed histogram is regarded as a polluted version (containing allocation errors) of the true histogram. A mathematical model is used to describe the pollution process. A theoretical histogram, representing the true histogram, is constructed so that G1 cells are put into one channel and G2M cells into another; the distribution of S cells in between is approximated with a set of harmonic functions. This theoretical histogram is subsequently disturbed with Gaussian dispersion functions to stimulate the pollution, yielding a predicted histogram. Using a maximum likelihood estimation technique, the model parameters are adjusted iteratively, matching the predicted histogram to the actually observed one. With the final parameter values substituted, the corresponding final theoretical histogram is regarded as a reliable reconstruction of the true histogram. From the latter, the required percentages can be read directly. The advantage of this approach over other mathematical analysis methods is that it allows a wide range of different, continuous distributions for relatively few model parameters (thus featuring flexibility and realism and a diminished risk of encountering computational problems). In addition, estimation errors providing a measure of accuracy can be obtained. To test the method, it was used to analyze various observed histograms from the literature that have been obtained by either simulation or actual flow cytometric measurements. The method appeared to perform well, as compared to the reported results of several other methods of analysis applied to the same data.  相似文献   

Analysis of environmental bacteria on the single cell level often requires fixation to store the cells and to keep them in a state as near life-like as possible. Fixation procedures should furthermore counteract the increase of autofluorescence, cell clogging, and distortion of surface characteristics. Additionally, they should meet the specific fixation demands of both aerobically and anaerobically grown bacteria. A fixation method was developed based on metal solutions in combination with sodium azide. The fixation efficiencies of aluminium, barium, bismuth, cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, and tungsten salts were evaluated by flow cytometric measurement of the DNA contents as a bacterial population/community stability marker. Statistical equivalence testing was involved to permit highly reliable flow cytometric pattern evaluation. Investigations were carried out with pure cultures representing environmentally important metabolic and respiratory pathways as controls and with activated sludge as an example for highly diverse bacterial communities. A mixture of 5 mM barium chloride and nickel chloride, each and 10% sodium azide was found to be a suitable fixative for all tested bacteria. The described method provided good sample stability for at least 9 days.  相似文献   

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