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对兰州生物制品研究所自行构建的轮状病毒基因重配株G4型LH9株在Vero细胞中传代的稳定性进行研究。将基因重配LH9毒株接种于Vero细胞上从7代传至17代,经电镜检查、病毒滴度测定、病毒基因组RNA电泳图谱分析、基因序列测定分析、轮状病毒型别鉴定及其它相关检定,结果均符合药典要求。证实该毒株为A群G4P〔12〕型轮状病毒,在Vero细胞传代中具有良好的稳定性,为疫苗研制提供安全有效的依据。  相似文献   

为进一步深入研究我国人群中轮状病毒主要流行的P[4]、P[6]和P[8]型毒株的受体结合特点及结构基础,本研究将P[4]、P[6]和P[8]型毒株VP8*核心区(VP8*core)基因分别构建到原核表达载体pGEX4T-1和pET30a中,利用大肠杆菌表达获得轮状病毒P[4]、P[6]和P[8]型毒株VP8*核心区蛋白,并通过亲和层析分别纯化得到VP8*core-GST融合蛋白和VP8*-his标签蛋白,SDS-PAGE显示蛋白大小分别为46kDa和20kDa。综上,本研究成功构建了pGEX4T-1-VP8*core和pET30a-VP8*core重组质粒,利用原核表达系统得到VP8*coreGST融合蛋白和VP8*core-his蛋白,为VP8*蛋白的功能和结构研究提供基础。  相似文献   

Group A rotavirus are the most frequently detected viral agent associated with the acute diarrhea in calves.In order to investigate the situation of rotavirus strains circulating in diary farms,a total of 117 fecal specimens were collected from diarrhea calves under 4 weeks-age on Yinluo diary farm in Daqing region in China from 2008 to 2009.Ten specimens were detected to be positive by a Rotavirus Group A Diagnostic Kit,which confirmed that the rotavirus was important viral agent associated with diarrhea i...  相似文献   

G3P[3]型别多见于猫/狗A组轮状病毒(Group A rotavirus,RVA)。本研究前期工作中从广西农村一名腹泻儿童粪便标本中检测到1例在人的感染中少见的G3P[3]型RVA(命名M2-102),但经初步基因分析提示其VP7和VP4基因均同猫/狗G3P[3]RVAs进化距离远。为了解M2-102的种属来源,本研究对其全基因组11条基因进行了RT-PCR扩增、测序和序列分析。使用RotaC分型工具对所获得的M2-102全基因组基因序列进行分型。结果显示RVA/Human-wt/CHN/M2-102/2014/G3P[3]具有G3-P[3]-I3-R3-C3-M3-A9-N3-T3-E3-H6基因组型。序列分析进一步显示M2-102基因组中有5条基因(VP7、VP1、VP2、NSP2和NSP3)同云南蝙蝠MYAS33株亲缘关系近,处于相同的进化树支;另有5条基因(VP4、VP3、NSP1、NSP4和NSP5)同猿猴RRV株进化距离近,位于相同的进化树支;仅有1条基因VP6同人AU-1样RVAs处在相同进化树支,并具有较高核苷酸同源性。推测M2-102是一例由人AU-1样病毒同蝙蝠株MYAS33及猿猴株RRV类似病毒经基因重配而产生的多种属来源的重配毒株。  相似文献   

为开展鳗鲡病毒性疾病流行病学调查和病原生物学研究,进行鳗鲡病毒的分离、培养和鉴定,研究采用组织块培养法,以欧洲鳗鲡肾脏组织为材料,建立了欧洲鳗鲡肾脏细胞系(European eel kidney cell line, EEK),EEK形态呈类纤维状,经过约12个月的培养,已成功传至38代。通过对其培养液、血清浓度和培养温度等条件进行优化,发现DMEM/F12、L15培养液均适合其正常生长和增殖,而在MEM培养液中无法正常生长;在5%—15%FBS(Fetal Bovine Serum)浓度范围内,其生长速度随FBS浓度的升高而增快,当FBS浓度高于20%或过低于5%时,其生长速率有所减慢;在22—27℃时生长良好,但当温度低于17℃和高于32℃时细胞生长速度明显减慢。对EEK细胞进行鳗鲡疱疹病毒(Anguillid herpesvirus, AnHV)敏感性实验,结果表明该细胞系对鳗鲡疱疹病毒敏感,可产生明显的细胞病变。EEK的建立丰富了鱼类细胞系的种类,为鳗鲡病毒性疾病诊断、病毒性病原学研究和病毒疫苗研制提供了重要实验材料。  相似文献   

4株乳酸菌对14种抗生素的敏感性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验模拟饲料中益生菌与抗生素接触环境,对益生菌的存活比率进行量化表示,对用于饲料添加剂的4株乳酸菌进行抗生素敏感性试验。结果表明除极个别乳酸菌和抗生素的组合外,乳酸菌均在此种实验方法下对抗生素有很好的耐受性,实验结果对微生物饲料添加剂的研制及其在畜禽生产中的应用具有指导意义。  相似文献   

粘虫胚胎细胞系的建立及对MsNPV敏感性的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用培养24h的粘虫受精卵成功地建立一株粘虫胚胎细胞后,命名为NEAU-Ms-980312,目前已传代201代,该细胞系主要含有圆形和纺锤形两种细胞,在28℃、120h的细胞群体倍增时间为47.82h.该细胞系对粘虫核型多角体病毒有较高的敏感性,用原代病毒以感染复数(m.o.i.)为0.08TCID50/细胞感染细胞,在接毒后10d,病毒感染率和每细胞产生的多角体数量分别是为62.10%和33.59PIB.  相似文献   

目的:对分离自新疆沙漠的4株小球藻GTD8A1、GTD4A-1、GTD7C-2和TLD6B进行几种常用基因工程抗生素的敏感性研究,以期筛选出沙漠小球藻基因工程中选择标记的抗生素。方法:运用藻株在液体培养过程中藻体颜色变化和血球板细胞计数的方法,系统性研究沙漠小球藻对几种常用基因工程抗生素的敏感性。结果:4株沙漠小球藻对卡那霉素和链霉素都非常敏感,敏感浓度(细胞致死浓度,下同)均为25μg/m L;对氯霉素也很敏感,GTD8A1、GTD7C-2和TLD6B的敏感浓度也均为25μg/m L,GTD4A-1的敏感浓度为100μg/m L;4株沙漠小球藻对氨苄西林和头孢霉素的敏感性都不是很明显,在一定的浓度范围,氨苄西林和头孢霉素对藻细胞的生长还具有促进作用,当氨苄西林和头孢霉素的浓度很高时才表现出一定的抑制作用。结论:卡那霉素和链霉素可作为沙漠小球藻基因工程选择标记中的2种抗生素,为今后建立其遗传转化系统奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的建立狂犬病病毒固定毒CTN-1V株在人二倍体细胞Walvax-2株上的传代适应株。方法用狂犬病病毒固定毒CTN-1V株经昆明小鼠鼠脑回传后的病毒接种Walvax-2细胞,连续传代,检测各代次病毒的滴度及免疫原性。结果 CTN-1V株能较好地适应Walvax-2细胞,通过连续带毒传代至第7代,病毒滴度可达6.78 lg LD50/mL,并在第10~15代内滴度维持在7.0 lg LD50/mL以上,15~30代滴度稳定在7.0 lg LD50/mL左右。以15代适应毒株CTN-1V-HDC P15制备的疫苗原液,各项指标均符合《中华人民共和国药典》三部(2010版)的要求,疫苗效力在6.0IU/剂以上。结论所获人胚肺二倍体细胞Walvax-2株传代适应狂犬病毒固定毒株CTN-1V-HDC可用于人用狂犬病疫苗的生产开发。  相似文献   

Hydroxyurea (HU) treatment of early first instar larvae in Drosophila was previously shown to ablate a single dividing lateral neuroblast (LNb) in the brain. Early larval HU application to P[GAL4] strains that label specific neuron types enabled us to identify the origins of the two major classes of interneurons in the olfactory system. HU treatment resulted in the loss of antennal lobe local interneurons and of a subset of relay interneurons (RI), elements usually projecting to the calyx and the lateral protocerebrum (LPR). Other RI were resistant to HU and still projected to the LPR. However, they formed no collaterals in the calyx region (which was also ablated), suggesting that their survival does not depend on targets in the calyx. Hence, the ablated interneurons were derived from the LNb, whereas the HU-resistant elements originated from neuroblasts which begin to divide later in larval life. Developmental GAL4 expression patterns suggested that differentiated RI are present at the larval stage already and may be retained through metamorphosis. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 32: 443–456, 1997  相似文献   

One major mechanism by which Rotavirus A (RVA) evolves is genetic reassortment between strains with different genotype constellations. However, the parental strains of the reassortants generated have seldom been identified. Here, the whole genome of two suspected reassortants, RVA/Human‐wt/VNM/SP127/2013/G1P[4] and RVA/Human‐wt/VNM/SP193/2013/G1P[4], with short RNA electropherotypes were examined by Illumina MiSeq sequencing and their ancestral phylogenies reconstructed. Their genotype constellation, G1‐P[4]‐I2‐R2‐C2‐M2‐A2‐N2‐T2‐E2‐H2, indicated that they were G1 VP7 mono‐reassortants possessing DS‐1‐like genetic backbones. The two strains were ≧99.7% identical across the genome. While their VP7 genes were ≧99.7 identical to that of a Wa‐like strain RVA/Human‐wt/VNM/SP110/2012/G1P[8] which co‐circulated during the 2012/2013 season, 10 genes were ≧99.8% identical to that of the DS‐1‐like strains RVA/Human‐wt/VNM/SP015/2012/G2P[4] (and SP108) that co‐circulated during the season. The identities were consistent with the phylogenetic relationships observed between the genes of the reassortants and those of the afore‐mentioned strains. Consequently, the G1P[4] strains appear to have been generated by genetic reassortment between SP110‐like and SP015‐like strains. In conclusion, this study provides robust molecular evidence for the first time that G1P[4] strains detected in Hanoi Vietnam were generated by inter‐genogroup reassortment between co‐circulating G1P[8] and G2P[4] strains within the same place and season.

Summary Three new cell lines were established from tissues of the grass carp,Ctenopharyngodon idella. Derived from the fin, snout, and swim bladder of two apparently healthy diploid fry, these cell lines have been designated GCF, GCS-2, and GCSB, respectively. The cells grew at temperatures between 24° and 36° C with optimal growth at 32° C and have been subcultured more than 50 times since their initiation in August 1986. Two of the lines remained diploid or pseudodiploid after 38 passages. The cells were tested for microbial contamination, and plating efficiencies were determined. The three cell lines were sensitive toRhabdovirus carpio (RVC), infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV), golden shiner virus (GSV), chum salmon virus (CSV), and infectious pancreatic necrosis virus serotype VR299 IPNV). They were refractory to channel catfish virus (CCV), channel catfish reovirus (CRV), chinook salmon paramyxovirus (CSP), and an Ab serotype of IPNV. This work is a result of research sponsored by the Oregon State University Sea Grant College Program supported by NOAA Office of Sea Grant, U.S. Department of Commerce, under grant NA85AA-D-5G-095, and was undertaken while the first author was on leave from the Department of Fisheries, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China. Salary support was provided by the People's Republic of China. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Paper 8952.  相似文献   

Rotavirus(RV)causes acute gastroenteritis in infants and children worldwide.Recent studies showed that glycans such as histo-blood group antigens(HBGAs)function as cell attachment factors affecting RV host susceptibility and prevalence.P[8]is the predominant RV genotype in humans,but the structural basis of how P[8]RVs interact with glycan ligands remains elusive.In this study,we characterized the interactions between P[8]VP8~*s and glycans which showed that VP8~*,the RV glycan binding domain,recognized both mucin core 2 and H type 1 antigens according to the ELISA-based oligosaccharide binding assays.Importantly,we determined the structural basis of P[8]RV-glycans interaction from the crystal structures of a Rotateq P[8]VP8~*in complex with core 2 and H type 1 glycans at 1.82.3 ?,respectively,revealing a common binding pocket and similar binding mode.Structural and sequence analysis demonstrated that the glycan binding site is conserved among RVs in the P[Ⅱ]genogroup,while genotype-specific amino acid variations determined different glycan binding preference.Our data elucidated the detailed structural basis of the interactions between human P[8]RVs and different host glycan factors,shedding light on RV infection,epidemiology,and development of anti-viral agents.  相似文献   

Quantitative NMR study has shown a significant difference in affinity of (15)NH(4)(+) ions for cation binding sites within G-quadruplexes adopted by d[G3T4G4]2 and d[G4(T4G4)3].  相似文献   

Two P[Gal4] insertion lines in Drosophila melanogaster, MT11 and MT26, express GAL4 specifically in two to three pairs of pharyngeal motor neurons (PMN) in the suboesophageal ganglion. By using various secondary reporters, the architecture of the PMN, including their efferent axons in the pharyngeal nerve, was visualized. This allowed us to identify a pharyngeal dilator muscle as their target. To study the function of these neurons, we crossed line MT11 with a UAS-tetanus toxin gene construct (TNT-C) that inhibits all synaptic transmission. The offspring shows a reduction in food ingestion of 75% compared to the MT11 and TNT-C controls, demonstrating that PMN control food uptake. More important, lines MT11 and MT26 enabled us to follow PMN and their processes through metamorphosis, since labeling appears in the late third larval instar and persists up to adulthood. The motor axons innervate a pharyngeal muscle in the larva as well and extend through the maxillary nerve, proving that this nerve is homologous to the adult pharyngeal nerve. Efferent arborizations persist throughout metamorphosis, even though the larval muscle histolyzes by 20% of pupal life. Yet, some dedifferentiated structures remain, which may serve as a template for the formation of the adult muscle. Labeling of line MT26 with bromodeoxyuridine at embryonic or larval stages suggests that these neurons undergo their terminal mitosis in the mid to late embryo. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 37: 237–250, 1998  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The development of stable producer cell lines for recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) assembly is a strategy followed by many groups to develop scalable production methods suitable for good manufacturing practice (GMP) requirements. The major drawback of this method lies in the requirement for replicating adenovirus (Ad) for rAAV assembly. In the present study, we analyzed the ability of several replication-defective herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) helper viruses to induce rAAV2 particle production from stable producer cell lines. METHODS: Several stable rAAV producer cell clones were infected with wild-type and replication-defective HSV strains and analyzed for rep-cap gene amplification, viral protein synthesis and rAAV titers achieved. In vivo analysis following rAAV injection in the murine brain was also conducted to evaluate the toxicity and biopotency of the rAAV stocks. RESULTS: We demonstrated that an HSV strain mutated in the UL30 polymerase gene could efficiently be used in this context, resulting in rAAV titers similar to those measured with wild-type HSV or Ad. Importantly, with respect to clinical developments, the use of this mutant resulted in rAAV stocks which were consistently devoid of contaminating HSV particles and fully active in vivo in the murine central nervous system with no detectable toxicity. CONCLUSIONS: This study, together with our previous report describing a rAAV chromatography-based purification process, contributes to the definition of an entirely scalable process for the generation of rAAV particles.  相似文献   

Summary Gonadotroph-rich cell lines were established from multipotential pituitary clonal cells (2A8) which were implanted under kidney capsule of hypophysectomized female rats. These cell lines secrete gonadotrophins (FSH and LH) continuously over two months after establishment; LHRH stimulated the secretion of hormones into the culture medium. Many of the cells reacted immunohistochemically to antiserum to FSH or LH, while a small number reacted to antiserum to prolactin or TSH. They did not contain normal secretory granules such as those of gonadotrophs in vivo.Supported by USPHS Grant HD 11826 and NIH Grant P30 HD 10202. The authors wish to thank James Chambers (Immunocytochemistry), and Pat Koym and John Rhode (Radioimmunoassay) for their excellent technical assistance. We also express our thanks to NIAMDD for providing pituitary hormones  相似文献   

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