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The mating strategies of male fiddler crabs are variable and highly flexible within species. In this study I examine three types of mating strategy used by individual male Uca vocans hesperaie. The most common strategy, termed a ‘standard gambit’, where males approached females at their burrow entrance and initiated courtship, accounted for 63% of mating attempts and 75% of successful matings. The rarest strategy (4% of mating attempts) was the ‘dig out’, where males attempted to mate with females whose burrows they had excavated. This strategy accounted for 19% of successful matings. ‘Herding’ behaviour which involved a male attempting to herd a female into a burrow and mate, contributed 33% of mating attempts but were generally unsuccessful, accounting for only 2.6% of successful matings. Males used more than one strategy during the study period. Smaller males used the standard gambit strategy more often than herding or dig outs while larger males used the herding strategy more often. There was no relationship between male size and mating success and males did not preferentially mate with females of a certain size. The predominant strategy adopted by males over the lunar cycle depended on female behaviour. Herding behaviour was induced by female wandering which escalated at full moon. Standard gambits were the commonest strategy adopted at and around new moon. The low success rate of male mating attempts (16%) indicates a reluctance by females to mate multiply. This may lead to conflict between the sexes because in fiddler crabs there is last male sperm precedence.  相似文献   

In many animals, females prefer large males to small males, which allow large males to be choosier than small males when selecting a mate. We investigated the courtship intensity of small- and large-sized male fiddler crabs (Austruca perplexa) by examining their claw-waving rates (waves/min) towards small- and large-sized females. We found that large males showed a greater preference for large females by producing more waves/min towards them, whereas small males did not show any apparent preference for either large or small females. Moreover, the waving rate of large males was positively correlated with female size, but there was no correlation between waving rate and female size in small males. These results indicate that large males in a population become choosier and show strong mate choice, which is most likely due to their greater preference among females.  相似文献   

An unusual courtship pattern for fiddler crabs is described from field observations in Panama. This behavior pattern, referred to here as “directing,” differs considerably from the more frequently observed communal courtship system found in close relatives of Uca deichmanni. A male involved in “directing” approaches a female and attempts to carry or maneuver her into his burrow for mating. The female usually struggles to escape from the male. This activity often attracts other males which attempt to “direct” the female if she escapes from the first male. A male is most successful in “directing” a female into his burrow if a) he is larger than the female, b) the female is wandering (a sign of physiological receptivity) prior to the “directing” attempt, and c) several males attempt to “direct” the female at once. The results suggest that females are choosing mates by inciting several males to compete for them. The males which successfully “direct” the struggling females are probably the most fit males.  相似文献   

In most species females do not exhibit conspicuous sexual behaviours and female mate preferences are often measured by means of the time spent close to males. In spite of its widespread use, in only a few studies has this measure been validated as a reliable indicator of female mate preference. Sex-role-reversed species offer a better opportunity to test female preferences, as females usually court males. We tested in a sex-role-reversed population of the blenny Salaria pavo (Risso) if the time spent by females close to males related to the number of courtship displays directed towards males, and whether these measures of female preference reliably predicted matings. Females were simultaneously presented with two males behind a glass partition and the time spent close to each male was measured. We then allowed females to have access to the males' compartments and measured the courtship behaviours performed by females towards each male and recorded with which of the males females spawned. Females spent more time close to the male that subsequently received more courtship displays, and the preferred male had a more developed head crest. However, both measures of female preference failed to predict matings. Females were often attacked by males and probably had, in some occasions, to spawn with the less preferred male. Females that spawned with the previously preferred male had more swollen bellies than females that spawned with the less preferred male, suggesting a male preference towards more ripe females. These results validate the use of "time spent close to a sexual partner" as a measure of female preference in S. pavo. We argue that matings may not always reliably indicate mate preferences, particularly in the less choosy sex.Communicated by R. Serrão Santos  相似文献   

The evolution of female mate choice, broadly defined to include any female behaviour or morphology which biases matings towards certain male phenotypes, is traditionally thought to result from direct or indirect benefits which females acquire when mating with preferred males. In contrast, new models have shown that female mate choice can be generated by sexual conflict, where preferred males may cause a fitness depression in females. Several studies have shown that female Drosophila melanogaster bias matings towards large males. Here, we use male size as a proxy for male attractiveness and test how female fitness is affected by reproducing with large or small males, under two different male densities. Females housed with large males had reduced lifespan and aged at an accelerated rate compared with females housed with small males, and increased male density depressed female fitness further. These fitness differences were due to effects on several different fitness components. Female fitness covaried negatively with male courtship rate, which suggests a cost of courtship. Mating rate increased with male size, whereas female fitness peaked at an intermediate mating rate. Our results suggest that female mate choice in D. melanogaster is, at least in part, a by-product of sexual conflict over the mating rate.  相似文献   

Semilunar courtship rhythm is a widely distributed phenomenon among fiddler crabs in the genus Uca (Decapoda, Ocypodidae). Typically, synchronous courtship has been reported to peak near spring tides. To determine whether a region of large tidal variation shifts reproductive activity, we measured the frequency of specific courtship behaviors including claw-waving and semidome building for U. lactea males on Kanghwa Island, Korea. We found that synchronized courtship for U. lactea peaked near neap tides, whereas near the spring tides, seawater flooded the habitat and males predominantly fed on the mudflat. Although active females, which hold their burrows and usually feed on the mudflat, are abundant near to spring tides, males rarely claw-waved to attract females. This pattern is atypical for the species because other populations of U. lactea on Japan and Taiwan are synchronous around spring tides. We suggest that males invest most of their time in feeding during spring tides because foraging is limited during neap tides. During neap tides, males feed infrequently and thus expend stored energy on courtship signals. We conclude that patterns of reproductive synchrony may be dependent on food availability in periodically changing environments.  相似文献   

The social structure and reproductive behaviour of the wide-eyed flounder, Bothus podas, was studied in the coastal waters around the Azorean Islands. Both sexes are territorial throughout the year. Adult males defend large territories, which include several smaller female territories. Intraspecific agonistic behaviour was frequent and differed between sexes: males were more aggressive towards other males, while females were only aggressive towards each other and juveniles. During the reproductive season and only at dawn, territorial males court and mate successively with females in their territories, and females seem to show mating fidelity to their dominant male. Such territoriality and mating patterns indicate a haremic social system in the wide-eyed flounder. In order to identify potential factors influencing female mate choice acting on this haremic system, we examined male mating success and some of its potential correlates. We found no evidence for female preference for any of the males' physical or territory characteristics. However, courtship effort was strongly correlated with the total number of attempted and successful spawnings, indicating that females seem to mate preferentially with males that court them more vigorously. Thus, our data suggest that courtship plays an important role in determining male mating success in the wide-eyed flounder and, that it may possibly serve as an honest indicator of male `quality' for female choice.  相似文献   

Conflict between the sexes has traditionally been studied in terms of costs of mating to females and female resistance. However, courting can also be costly to males, especially when females are larger and aggressively resist copulation attempts. We examined male display intensity towards females in the Cape dwarf chameleon, Bradypodion pumilum, in which females are larger than males and very aggressive. We assessed whether aggressive female rejection imposes potential costs on males and whether males vary their display behaviour with intensity of female rejection, female size or relative size differences. Males persisted in courtship after initial female rejection in 84% of trials, and were bitten in 28% of trials. Attempted mounts were positively associated with males being bitten. Males reduced courtship with increased intensity of female rejection. Male courtship behaviour also varied with female size: males were more likely to court and approach smaller females, consistent with the hypothesis that larger females can inflict more damage. These results suggest that, in addition to assessing female willingness to mate, male dwarf chameleons may use courtship displays to assess potential costs of persistence, including costs associated with aggressive female rejection, weighed against potential reproductive pay-offs associated with forced copulation.  相似文献   

The interplay between a receiver's sensory system and a sender's courtship signals is fundamental to the operation of sexual selection. Male courtship signals that match a female receiver's preexisting perceptual biases can be favored yet the message they communicate is not always clear. Do they simply beacon the male's location or also indicate his quality? We explored this question in a species of fiddler crab Uca terpsichores that courts under elevated predation risk and that mates and breeds underground in the safety of males' burrows. Sexually receptive females leave their own burrows and are thereby exposed to avian predators as they sequentially approach several courting males before they choose one. Males court by waving their single greatly enlarge claw and sometimes by building a sand hood next to their burrow entrance. Hoods are attractive because they elicit a risk‐reducing orientation behavior in females, and it has been suggested that claw waving may also serve primarily to orient the female to the male. If the wave communicates male quality, then females should discriminate mates on the basis of variation in elements of the wave, as has been shown for other fiddler crabs. Alternatively, variation in elements of the claw waving display may have little effect on the display's utility as a beacon of the location of the male and his burrow. We filmed courting males and females under natural conditions as females responded to claw waving and chose mates. Analysis of the fine‐scale courtship elements between the males that females rejected and those they chose revealed no differences. When predation risk during courtship is high, males' courtship displays may serve primarily to guide females to safe mating and breeding sites and not as indicators of male quality apart from their roles as beacons.  相似文献   

Courtship can be costly and so selection should favour individual males that reduce courtship towards female types that have a low probability of resulting in copulation. One way males can do this is by associating previous courtship failure with the traits of particular rejecting females. We characterised changes in male Drosophila melanogaster courtship behaviour following a failed mating attempt with one of the four female phenotypes that varied in size, age or mating status. To do this, we assessed individual courtship behaviour for each male presented again with a female of the same phenotype that previously rejected him. Males reduced subsequent courtship most strongly for recently mated (sexually non‐receptive) females. More interestingly, males also significantly reduced courtship activity following a failed mating experience from old females but did not do so for control (large, young, virgin) or small females. As such, males significantly reduced courtship towards both female types possessing chemical cues associated with their phenotype (age and mating status), but not towards a female phenotype based on physical characteristics (body size). Our results suggest that males are able to modify their courtship behaviour following experience, but that they are better prepared to associate chemical traits that may be more reliable indicators of the likelihood of courtship failure.  相似文献   

Males of the fiddler crab Uca musica sometimes build sand hoodsat the entrances of their burrows, to which they attract femalesfor mating with claw waving and other displays. Females significantlymore often approached males with hoods than males without hoods,but once at a burrow, they were just as likely to stay andmate whether the male had a hood or not. To determine how hoodsaffect male attractiveness, we conducted experiments that controlledfor other differences in courtship behavior between buildersand nonbuilders; we removed hood builders' hoods and we addedhood models to nonbuilders' burrows. We then measured the attractivenessof hood builders and nonbuilders with and without hoods. Neithermanipulation measurably affected male courtship behavior. Thepresence of a hood did not increase male—female encounterrates, suggesting that hoods do not attract distant femalesinto a male's courtship range. However, once a male courteda female, she was significantly more likely to approach ifhe had a real or model hood. We obtained direct evidence thatfemales orient to hoods by replacing them with hood modelspositioned about 3 cm away from the openings to males' burrows.Females approached the models, not the courting males, about27% of the time. We conclude that hood building is sexuallyselected because courted females differentially approach hoods,not because hoods attract distant females and not because femalesprefer to mate with hood builders.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster are found in sympatry with Drosophila simulans, and matings between the species produce nonfertile hybrid offspring at low frequency. Evolutionary theory predicts that females choose mates, so males should alter their behaviour in response to female cues. We show that D. melanogaster males quickly decrease courtship towards D. simulans females. Courtship levels are reduced within 5 min of exposure to a heterospecific female, and overall courtship is significantly lower than courtship towards conspecific females. To understand changes at the molecular level during mate choice, we performed microarray analysis on D. melanogaster males that courted heterospecific D. simulans females and found nine genes have altered expression compared with controls. In contrast, males that court conspecific females alter expression of at least 35 loci. The changes elicited by conspecific courtship likely modulate nervous system function to reinforce positive conspecific signals and dampen the response to heterospecific signals.  相似文献   

Although conspicuous courtship displays are an effective way of attracting the attention of receptive females, they could provide valuable information to rival males on the location of these females. In fiddler crabs, males that see a receptive female wave their single, greatly enlarged claw in a highly conspicuous courtship display. We test whether other males use this courtship display to alert them to the presence of receptive females that they cannot directly see. We show that male fiddler crabs (Uca mjoebergi) eavesdrop on the courtship displays of nearby males to detect mate-searching females. This allows males to begin waving before a female becomes visible. Furthermore, males appear to adjust their waving according to the information available: eavesdropping males wave 12 times faster than non-courting males but only 1.7 times slower than males in full visual contact with the female.  相似文献   

Despite their general notoriety and popularity as pets, little is known of the behavioural ecology of ‘tarantulas’ or theraphosid spiders. We studied a theraphosid of the Arizona deserts, Aphonopelma sp., to determine behavioural events crucial to successful courtship and mating. Males search for spatially scattered females and, at short range, may detect females by substrate-borne cues. When two males are present with a single female, no direct competition such as aggression is observed. Both males may mate with a single female in rapid succession, with no evidence of post-copulatory mate guarding. Despite the potential for sexual cannibalism, courtship and mating behaviour patterns exhibit few aggressive elements and males nearly always survive sexual encounters with females. The mating system of this Aphonopelma species may best be described as a type of scramble-competition polygyny, in which the ability of males to locate receptive females is an important determinant of mating success in males. Multiple mating by females renders predictions concerning fertilization success uncertain, due to the possibility of sperm competition and ‘cryptic’ female mate choice.  相似文献   

Whether premating isolation is achieved by male‐specific, female‐specific or sex‐independent assortative preferences often depends on the underlying evolutionary processes. Here we test mate preferences of males presented with females of different allopatric colour variants of the cichlid fish Tropheus sp., a Lake Tanganyika endemic with rich geographical colour pattern variation, in which the strength of sexual isolation varies between populations. We conducted two‐way mate choice experiments to compare behaviour of males of a red‐bodied morph (population Moliro) towards females from their own population with behaviour towards females from four allopatric populations at different stages of phylogenetic and phenotypic divergence. Males courted same‐population females significantly more intensely than females of other populations, and reduced their heteromorphic courtship efforts both with increasing genetic and increasing phenotypic distinctness of the females. In particular, females of a closely related red‐bodied population received significantly more courtship than either genetically distinct, similarly coloured females (‘Kirschfleck’ morph) or genetically related, differently coloured females (‘yellow‐blotch’ morph), both of which were courted similarly. Genetically and phenotypically distinct females (Tropheus polli) were not courted at all. Consistent with previous female‐choice experiments, female courtship activity also decreased with increasing genetic distance from the males’ population. Given successful experimental and natural introgression between colour morphs and the pervasive allopatry of related variants, we consider it unlikely that assortative preferences of both sexes were driven by direct selection during periods of secondary contact or, in turn, drove colour pattern differentiation in allopatry. Rather, we suggest that sexual isolation evolved as by‐product of allopatric divergence.  相似文献   

Shoaling and sexual behaviour of wild-type male and female white cloud mountain minnow Tanichthys albonubes were measured in the presence of the red fluorescent transgenic conspecifics under laboratory conditions. Wild-type female test fish showed no significant preference, whereas wild-type male test fish preferred to be near a shoal of red transgenic fish rather than wild-type fish. When placed in a potentially reproductive context, wild-type males had a higher competitive ability over transgenic males; wild-type females spent more time with wild-type males in visually mediated experiments, but wild-type males performed more courtship displays towards transgenic females. These results suggest that the red body colouration does not appear to disturb signal communication between wild-type and transgenic T. albonubes in shoaling behaviour; transgenic males have no mating advantage over wild-type males, but the red body colouration of transgenic females may affect mate choice of wild-type males.  相似文献   

In Panama, courting males of three species of fiddler crabs sometimes construct semi-domes of mud (=hoods) over their burrow entrances. Males that do not construct hoods court in a circular area surrounding their burrow entrance. Males with hoods restrict their general activity and courtship to the semi-circular area in front of the hood opening. For Uca latimanus hoods appear to be an integral part of the courtship ritual and are constructed by all courting males. In the other two species, U. musica terpsichores and U. beebei, hood-building is associated with high population density and the presence of hoods reduces the frequency of combat among neighbouring males.  相似文献   

Sexual conflicts due to divergent male and female interests in reproduction are common in parasitic Hymenoptera. The majority of parasitoid females are monandrous, whereas males are able to mate repeatedly. Thus, accepting only a single mate might be costly when females mate with a sperm‐depleted male, which may not transfer a sufficient amount of sperm. In the present study, we investigated the reproductive performance in the parasitoid Lariophagus distinguendus Först. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) and studied whether mating with experimentally sperm‐depleted males increases the tendency of females to remate. Males were able to mate with up to 17 females offered in rapid succession within a 10‐h test period. The resulting female offspring, as an indirect measure of sperm transfer, remained constant during the first six matings and then decreased successively with increasing number of copulations by the males. Experimentally sperm‐depleted males continued to mate even if they transferred only small amounts or no sperm at all. Unlike males, the majority of females mated only once during a 192‐h test period. A second copulation was observed only in a few cases (maximum 16%). The frequency of remating was not influenced by the mating status of the first male the females had copulated with, suggesting that these events are not controlled by sperm deficiency of the females. Furthermore, we investigated male courtship behaviour towards mated females. Male courtship intensity towards mated females decreased with increasing time. However, females that had mated with an experimentally sperm‐depleted male did not elicit stronger or longer‐lasting behavioural responses in courting males than those that had mated with a virgin male. As the observed behaviours in L. distinguendus are known to be elicited by a courtship pheromone, these results suggest that females no longer invest in pheromone biosynthesis after mating (as indicated by ceasing behavioural responses of courting males), irrespective of whether they have received a sufficient amount of sperm or not. We discuss the results with respect to a possible mating strategy of sperm‐depleted males.  相似文献   

Mating decisions can vary considerably depending on individual experience, mate availability and nutritional status. Here, we applied short‐term dietary restrictions to adult female spiders that were well fed during the juvenile stage in an effort to understand whether and how brief periods of food shortage can influence male and female mating decisions and mating behaviour. To assess whether responses vary between closely related species, we conducted the same experiment on the dwarf spiders Oedothorax retusus and O. apicatus. During courtship and mating, males of both species offer secretion to females from glandular tissue in their prosoma. Females were subject to food shortage over a period of 3 wks (‘low‐diet’ treatment, LD) or fed regularly (‘high‐diet’ treatment, HD). We compared courtship probability, mating probability/behaviour, and reproductive output between dietary groups and species. In both Oedothorax species, females in the LD treatment were less likely to mate and more aggressive towards males. Furthermore, LD females produced egg sacs that were significantly lighter than were those of the HD females. Effects of food deprivation on copulation duration, gustatory behaviour and oviposition latency differed between species. Our study shows that short periods of dietary restriction during the adult stage can strongly affect mating behaviour and reproductive output with differences between closely related species.  相似文献   

Magenta Petrels Pterodroma magentae were caught at light-attraction stations on southwest Chatham Island, New Zealand, and most were fitted with transmitters. Of 52 captured since 1993, 71% were males, and all 36 tracked adequately proved to be non-breeders in the breeding season of capture. Our data indicated no sex bias in their probability of being captured at lights. Males provided 86% of trackings, and 87% of trackings of birds flying over the breeding area were males. Males landed 118 times; females 13 times. Only males were found on the ground, by night and day, apparently unassociated with burrows (three with and ten without transmitters), but subsequently digging burrows ( n  = 8). Of 19 birds banded as fledglings up to 2000, males were first recaptured nearing 4 years old (at lights and on the ground) and a female nearing 6 years old (in burrow). Among 37 fledglings, the sex ratio was even. Nine tracked males occupied burrows, as did two females, but the latter were older recaptures (10+ and 25+ years old). It appears that only males claimed existing, or dug new, burrows. They then attracted a mate to the burrow by means unknown, but from among females frequenting an inshore courtship area near the colony, or occasionally flying over the colony, at night. Females established in burrows, but then losing their mate, were able to re-mate there, by calling from near the burrow or by attracting a mate in flight or from the postulated inshore courtship area. Both sexes sometimes took years to pair or re-mate, possibly reflecting the dearth of available mates.  相似文献   

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