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Ethylbenzene is synthesized from benzene; subject to catalytic dehydrogenation it yields styrene, a raw material for the production of synthetic rubber and plastics. Long-term biomonitoring of occupational ethylbenzene exposures, carried out in the past 20 years in some 200 ethylbenzene-production workers, revealed this substance to pose little hazard to human health. As it turned out, mandelic acid concentrations in these workers' urine never exceeded 3.25 mmol.l-1 and none of the exposed showed damage to hematopoiesis and/or liver tissue. Over the last 10 years no case of malignancy has been recorded in this industrial facility belonging to a larger chemical complex where the overall incidence of cancer is about 3 times the national average. Today's low-level ethylbenzene exposures would make it fully justifiable if the present-day MAC limits, both whole-shift (200 mg.m-3) and peak (1,000 mg.m-3), were to be halved, i.e. to be lowered to 100 mg.m3 and 500 mg.m3 respectively. These newly recommended limit values are no more exceeded nowadays.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis in workers occupationally exposed to nickel carbonyl   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D C Cai  M Jin  L Han  S Wu  Z Q Xie  X S Zheng 《Mutation research》1987,188(2):149-152
Chromosomal aberration and sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) base-line frequencies and SCE frequencies induced by 10 ng/ml mitomycin C (MMC) were analysed in cultured peripheral lymphocytes of 65 workers occupationally exposed to nickel carbonyl Ni(CO)4. The subjects were divided into 4 groups: (1) control; (2) exposed to nickel carbonyl (= exposed); (3) cigarette smokers; (4) smoking-exposed. The results show that there are no significant differences in chromosomal aberration frequencies, breaks or gaps, between the various groups. However, the SCE base-line frequency of the smoking-exposed group, with an average of 7.7/cell, was significantly higher than that of the control group, with an average of 6.5/cell (P less than 0.01), and also than that of the exposed group with an average of 5.9/cell (P less than 0.01). Similarly, the SCE frequency induced by 10 ng/ml MMC in the smoking-exposed group which averaged 15.5/cell was significantly higher than that of the control group (average of 13.2/cell (P less than 0.05], and also than that of the exposed group with an average of 12.3/cell (P less than 0.01). Under our experimental conditions, it may be that the level of exposure was not high enough to elicit an increase in chromosomal aberrations and SCE frequencies in the non-smoker exposed group. The fact that an increase in SCE frequencies was only found in the smoking-exposed group implies that the two factors, smoking and exposure to nickel carbonyl, are jointly responsible for the result.  相似文献   

Tobacco dust mainly contains nitrosamines, which are readily absorbed by the body tissues like skin, respiratory epithelium, and mucous membrane of mouth, nose and intestines. Exposure to tobacco dust is known to affect the respiratory tracts in humans. In the present study, cytogenetic effects of exposure to tobacco dust are evaluated in 154 male tobacco factory workers and 138 age and sex matched controls by analysing chromosomal aberrations in their peripheral blood lymphocytes. The workers were in the age group of 20-55 years and were employed in the tobacco processing factory for 1-32 years. Heparinised blood samples were collected from workers and control subjects and lymphocyte cultures were carried out by using standard technique. Slides were prepared and 150 metaphases were screened for each sample for various structural and numerical types of abnormalities. A statistically significant increase was observed in the frequencies of chromosomal aberrations in non-smoking and smoking exposed groups when compared to the respective controls. An increase in the frequencies of chromosomal aberrations was also observed with increase in years of service in the exposed subjects.  相似文献   

R H See  B P Dunn  R H San 《Mutation research》1990,241(3):251-259
Genotoxicity in the urine of orchardists occupationally exposed to pesticides was investigated. Urine samples were obtained during pre-spraying and spraying periods from 22 non-smoking orchardists who spray large amounts of pesticides during the fruit growing season. For comparison purposes, urine was collected from 11 non-smoking personnel at an agricultural research station located near the application site and from 21 non-smoking individuals (reference controls) in a non-agricultural area. Organic material was isolated from urine by preparative reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography, and assayed for clastogenic activity using Chinese hamster ovary cells. Urine samples collected during the pre-spraying period showed no significant differences in clastogenic activity compared to that found for the reference control group. However, clastogenic activity of urine specimens collected during the spraying period was significantly elevated (p less than 0.001) for the highly-exposed orchardists, but not for the research station personnel. Clastogenicity of orchardists' urine was observed within 8 h of pesticide application.  相似文献   

1-bromopropane (1-BP; n-propyl bromide) (CAS No. 106-94-5) is an alternative to ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons that has a variety of potential applications as a degreasing agent for metals and electronics, and as a solvent vehicle for spray adhesives. Its isomer, 2-brompropane (2-BP; isopropyl bromide) (CAS No. 75-26-3) impairs antioxidant cellular defenses, enhances lipid peroxidation, and causes DNA damage in vitro. The present study had two aims. The first was to assess DNA damage in human leukocytes exposed in vitro to 1- or 2-BP. DNA damage was also assessed in peripheral leukocytes from workers with occupational exposure to 1-BP. In the latter assessment, start-of- and end-of-work week blood and urine samples were collected from 41 and 22 workers at two facilities where 1-BP was used as a solvent for spray adhesives in foam cushion fabrication. Exposure to 1-BP was assessed from personal-breathing zone samples collected for 1-3 days up to 8h per day for calculation of 8h time weighted average (TWA) 1-BP concentrations. Bromide (Br) was measured in blood and urine as a biomarker of exposure. Overall, 1-BP TWA concentrations ranged from 0.2 to 271 parts per million (ppm) at facility A, and from 4 to 27 ppm at facility B. The highest exposures were to workers classified as sprayers. 1-BP TWA concentrations were statistically significantly correlated with blood and urine Br concentrations. The comet assay was used to estimate DNA damage. In vitro, 1- or 2-BP induced a statistically significant increase in DNA damage at 1mM. In 1-BP exposed workers, start-of- and end-of-workweek comet endpoints were stratified based on job classification. There were no significant differences in DNA damage in leukocytes between workers classified as sprayers (high 1-BP exposure) and those classified as non-sprayers (low 1-BP exposure). At the facility with the high exposures, comparison of end-of-week values with start-of-week values using paired analysis revealed non-sprayers had significantly increased comet tail moments, and sprayers had significantly increased comet tail moment dispersion coefficients. A multivariate analysis included combining the data sets from both facilities, log transformation of 1-BP exposure indices, and the use of multiple linear regression models for each combination of DNA damage and exposure indices including exposure quartiles. The covariates were gender, age, smoking status, facility, and glutathione S-transferase M1 and T1 (GSTM1, GSTT1) polymorphisms. In the regression models, start-of-week comet tail moment in leukocytes was significantly associated with serum Br quartiles. End-of-week comet tail moment was significantly associated with 1-BP TWA quartiles, and serum Br quartiles. Gender, facility, and GSTM1 had a significant effect in one or more models. Additional associations were not identified from assessment of dispersion coefficients. In vitro and in vivo results provide limited evidence that 1-BP exposure may pose a small risk for increasing DNA damage.  相似文献   

In the context of a large-scale molecular epidemiology study, the possible immunomodulatory effects of mineral fibres, in workers occupationally exposed to asbestos, rockwool and glass fibres, were examined. In each plant, 61, 98 and 80 exposed workers and 21, 43 or 36 control clerical subjects, respectively, were recruited. In the case of the asbestos-exposed subjects, an additional town-control group of 49 people was included. Evidence of pulmonary fibrosis was found in 42% of the asbestos-exposed workers, while evidence of pleural fibrosis was found in 24%. The asbestos-exposed cohort had significantly decreased forced vital capacity of lungs as well as forced expiratory volume per first second. Our findings indicate that exposure to all three types of fibres examined modulates to different degrees the immune response. Suppression of T-cell immunity and to a lesser extent, B-cell immunity was found in the case of workers from a former asbestos cement plant, while stimulation of T-cell response was observed in rockwool workers, and stimulation of T- and B-cell response was seen in glass fibre workers. Depression of the percentage of lymphocyte subpopulation of CD 16+56 (natural killer cells) in peripheral blood was found in glass fibre workers. Statistical analysis showed increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6 asbestos; IL-8 all three fibres), expression of adhesion molecule L-selectin on granulocytes and monocytes (asbestos), levels of soluble adhesion molecules (SAMs) in sera (ICAM-1 all three fibres; E-selectin glass fibres), increased levels of immunoglobulin E (asbestos and rockwool) and elevated expression of activation markers on eosinophils (CD66b asbestos, glass fibres; CD69 asbestos). Significant correlations were observed between lymphocyte proliferation and markers of DNA damage and repair. Increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines, SAMs, immunoglobulin E and elevated expression of activation markers on eosinophils was found in people with symptoms of hypersensitivity and an elevated inflammatory status.  相似文献   

We performed a study on the presence of chromosome aberrations in a cohort of plutonium workers of the Mayak production association (PA) with a mean age of 73.3 ± 7.2 years to see whether by multi-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (mFISH) translocation analysis can discriminate individuals who underwent occupational exposure with internal and/or external exposure to ionizing radiation 40 years ago. All Mayak PA workers were occupationally exposed to chronic internal alpha-radiation due to incorporated plutonium-239 and/or to external gamma-rays. First, we obtained the translocation yield in control individuals by mFISH to chromosome spreads of age-matched individuals and obtained background values that are similar to previously published values of an international study (Sigurdson et al. in Mutat Res 652:112–121, 2008). Workers who had absorbed a total dose of >0.5 Gy external gamma-rays to the red bone marrow (RBM) displayed a significantly higher frequency of stable chromosome aberrations relative to a group of workers exposed to <0.5 Gy gamma-rays total absorbed RBM dose. Thus, the translocation frequency may be considered to be a biological marker of external radiation exposure even years after the exposure. In a group of workers who were internally exposed and had incorporated plutonium-239 at a body burden >1.48 kBq, mFISH revealed a considerable number of cells with complex chromosomal rearrangements. Linear associations were observed for translocation yield with the absorbed RBM dose from external gamma-rays as well as for complex chromosomal rearrangements with the plutonium-239 body burden.  相似文献   

A N Jha  T Sharma 《Mutation research》1991,260(4):343-348
To estimate the level of radiation exposure of personnel handling diagnostic X-ray machines, the yield of chromosomal aberrations was analysed in peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures. These occupationally exposed individuals showed higher frequencies of dicentrics as well as acentrics than normal controls. Absorbed radiation doses calculated by extrapolating reference in vitro dose-response curve for dicentrics ranged between 0.13 and 0.17 Gy. This implies exposure beyond the permissible limit of 0.05 Gy/year for the whole body. However, no obvious trend of increased aberrations as a function of either duration of employment or age was noticed. The increase in the aberration yields in this personnel underscores the need of adopting measures to avoid or minimise such overexposure.  相似文献   

V Senft  F Losan  M Tucek 《Mutation research》1992,279(3):171-179
The authors carried out a cytogenetic examination of chromosomal aberrations of peripheral lymphocytes (100 cells evaluated in each sample) with simultaneous monitoring of the level of exposure by means of determination of nickel in the urine, serum and hair. The series included 21 workers occupationally exposed to nickel at two workshops producing NiO (6 persons) and NiSO4 (15 persons) in a chemical plant. At the same time a comparable control group, i.e., 19 workers of the same chemical plant but without any direct occupational nickel exposure (clerks, service men, etc.), were examined in the same way. In the exposed group chromosomal aberrations of peripheral lymphocytes were detected with an average value of 6.41 +/- 1.9% (range 2-14%); in the group producing NiO it was, on the average, 9.5 +/- 3.2% (range 7-14%) whereas in the NiSO4 production workers it was only 5.2 +/- 1.9% (range 2-10%). There was a dependence of chromosomal aberrations of peripheral lymphocytes on the exposure time and on the nickel content of the biological material. Significantly increased values (in contrast to the normal value of chromosomal aberrations of peripheral lymphocytes, up to 2%) were detected in the control group as well (average value of 4.05 +/- 2.27%, range 1-10%). The authors explain this fact by the nickel-polluted environment of the whole observed chemical plant.  相似文献   

Results of the risk analysis of mortality from ischemic heart disease (IHD) in the cohort of Mayak nuclear workers (18763 individuals) first employed in 1948-1972, with follow-up to 31.12.2005, were summarized. The mortality risk of IHD in the cohort of Mayak workers depended on the non-radiation factors such as gender, age, calendar period, smoking, alcohol consumption, arterial hypertension, body mass index. There was no statistically significant relationship between mortality from 1HD and total external dose. The risk of mortality from IHD was significantly higher for workers exposed to the total absorbed dose to liver > 0.025 Gy from internal alpha-radiation. There was a significantly increasing trend (ERR/Gy) of the IHD mortality with the total absorbed dose to liver from internal alpha-radiation due to incorporated plutonium. However, there was a decreasing trend of ERR/Gy with restriction of the follow-up to Ozyorsk and adjustment for the external dose.  相似文献   

The genetic risk run by workers occupationally exposed to styrene vapors was assessed in two different plants A and B, using the cytogenetic analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes. In plant A engaged in the manufacture of polystyrene vessels the mean styrene exposure level was found to range between 70 and 150 mg . m-3, in plant B manufacturing sports boats, plastic slides for children and plastic guard-stones it reached the level of about 200 mg . m-3. The rate of aberrant cells (AB.C.) found in plant A workers (N = 36) at the time of first sampling was 1.38% and the value of break/cell (B/C) ratio was 0.015; at the second sampling the rate of AB.C. was 1.41% and the B/C ratio was 0.014. The group of matched controls (N = 19) was found to have 1.26% of AB.C. and 0.014 breaks per cell. Plant B workers (N = 22) exhibited at the first sampling 1.72% of AB.C. and their value of B/C ratio was 0.018, the group of matched controls (N = 22) had 1.36% of AB.C and the B/C ratio 0.015; the respective values at the time of second sampling were 2.81% for AB.C. rate and 0.029 for B/C ratio in the exposed and 1.89% for AB.C. rate and 0.021 for B/C ratio in the control group. It is concluded that styrene exposure levels below 100 mg . m-3 do not pose any serious genetic risk for the exposed population groups. The variations found in the degree of chromosome injury by smoking habits, drug intake pattern, or sex were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Chromosome aberration tests were carried out in a group of 31 pressed glass makers operating an automatic line of press-and-blow machines known to release mineral oil mists containing relatively high concentrations of the mutagenic chemicals belonging to a class of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The workers were exposed to the mineral oil aerosol levels that did not exceed the Czechoslovak maximum allowable concentration limit of 5 mg . m-1 of air. The tests revealed that the frequency of aberrant cells (% AB.C.) and the value of breaks per cell (B/C) ratio found in mineral oil-exposed workers were increased significantly, accounting for 4.65 +/- 0.29% AB.C. (0.0532 B/C) vs. 1.13 +/- 0.19% AB.C. (0.0113 B/C) seen in matching controls. Also, a higher rate of dicentrics, reciprocal translocations and cells with pulverization was observed in this group of glass workers. These finding are considered as evidence suggesting that these workers might experience an increased risk of genetic injury due to exposure to mineral oil mists.  相似文献   

Zhang M  Chen Z  Chen Q  Zou H  Lou J  He J 《Mutation research》2008,654(1):45-51
DNA damage of peripheral lymphocytes in 60 workers occupationally exposed to trivalent chromium [Cr(III)] in a tannery was studied using comet assay. The urinary and blood chromium levels were detected as a biomarker of internal exposure. The 90 subjects were divided into three groups: (i) exposure group I included 30 tannery workers highly exposed to chromium from tanning department; (ii) exposure group II included 30 tannery workers with moderate chromium exposure from finishing department; (iii) control group included 30 individuals without exposure to physical or chemical genotoxic agents. No significant difference was found among the three groups for age and smoking. The results showed that the medians of blood and urinary Cr of two exposure groups were significantly higher than those of control group (P<0.01). And the medians of blood and urinary Cr of exposure group I were significantly higher than those of exposure group II (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The medians of mean tail length (MTL) of the three groups were 5.33 (2.90-8.50), 3.43 (2.31-8.29) and 2.04 (0.09-3.83) microm, respectively; The medians of mean tail moment (MTM) of the three groups were 6.28 (2.14-11.81), 3.41 (1.25-11.07) and 0.53 (0.13-3.29), respectively. The MTL and MTM of two exposure groups were significantly higher than those of control group (P<0.01). The MTL and MTM of exposure group I were significantly higher than those of exposure group II (P<0.01). The results of the present investigation suggest that occupational exposure to trivalent chromium can lead to a detectable DNA damage of human peripheral lymphocytes. Moreover, DNA damage was associated with chromium levels in blood. DNA damage may serve as a valuable effective biomarker and total chromium in blood may serve as a useful internal exposure biomarker in the population occupationally exposed to trivalent chromium.  相似文献   

To study the human genetic damage induced by vincristine (VCR), the cytogenetic effects in workers occupationally exposed to vincristine were studied with micronucleus (MN) test, comet assay, hypoxantinepho-guanine phosphoribosyl-transferase (hprt) gene mutation assay and T-cells receptor (TCR) gene mutation assay. Fresh peripheral blood samples were collected from the workers and controls. Fifteen workers from a plant producing antineoplastic drug (vincristine) and 15 controls were matched according to age, gender and smoking. The results of MN test showed that the mean micronuclei rate (MNR) and mean micronucleated cells rate (MCR) in 15 workers were 17.80+/-1.88 per thousand and 13.67+/-1.56 per thousand, respectively, which were significantly higher than those (3.73+/-0.80 per thousand and 3.13+/-0.59 per thousand) in controls (P<0.01). It was found in the comet assay that the mean tail length (MTL) of 15 workers and 15 controls were 1.72+/-0.15 microm and 0.71+/-0.01 microm, respectively, there was significant difference between workers and controls for MTL (P<0.05), but the difference between the mean tail moment (MTM, 0.29+/-0.03) of 15 workers and MTM (0.17+/-0.05) of 15 controls was not significant (P>0.05). The results of hprt gene mutation assay showed that the average mutation frequency of hprt (Mf-hprt) in workers was 1.03+/-0.02 per thousand, which was significantly higher than that (0.87+/-0.01 per thousand) in controls (P<0.05). Meanwhile, the results of TCR gene mutation assay indicated that Mfs-TCR of workers and controls were 2.52+/-0.34 x 10(-4) and 1.51+/-0.11 x 10(-4), respectively, there was a significant difference between workers and controls (P<0.01). It is found in the results of our study that the genetic damage is detectable in 15 workers occupationally exposed to vincristine.  相似文献   

DNA damage of peripheral lymphocytes in 60 workers occupationally exposed to trivalent chromium [Cr(III)] in a tannery was studied using comet assay. The urinary and blood chromium levels were detected as a biomarker of internal exposure. The 90 subjects were divided into three groups: (i) exposure group I included 30 tannery workers highly exposed to chromium from tanning department; (ii) exposure group II included 30 tannery workers with moderate chromium exposure from finishing department; (iii) control group included 30 individuals without exposure to physical or chemical genotoxic agents. No significant difference was found among the three groups for age and smoking. The results showed that the medians of blood and urinary Cr of two exposure groups were significantly higher than those of control group (P < 0.01). And the medians of blood and urinary Cr of exposure group I were significantly higher than those of exposure group II (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). The medians of mean tail length (MTL) of the three groups were 5.33 (2.90–8.50), 3.43 (2.31–8.29) and 2.04 (0.09–3.83) μm, respectively; The medians of mean tail moment (MTM) of the three groups were 6.28 (2.14–11.81), 3.41 (1.25–11.07) and 0.53 (0.13–3.29), respectively. The MTL and MTM of two exposure groups were significantly higher than those of control group (P < 0.01). The MTL and MTM of exposure group I were significantly higher than those of exposure group II (P < 0.01). The results of the present investigation suggest that occupational exposure to trivalent chromium can lead to a detectable DNA damage of human peripheral lymphocytes. Moreover, DNA damage was associated with chromium levels in blood. DNA damage may serve as a valuable effective biomarker and total chromium in blood may serve as a useful internal exposure biomarker in the population occupationally exposed to trivalent chromium.  相似文献   

The genetic risk run by workers occupationally exposed to chemicals, including the newly developed cytostatics, was assessed in large chemical laboratories. The exposed group comprising 38 people consisted of chemists, laboratory assistants and pilot plant workers. The average rate of aberrant cells in peripheral blood lymphocytes (AB.C). was 3.9% and the value of break/cell ratio was 0.046. The group of matched controls (N = 18) was found to have 1.5% of AB.C. and 0.020 breaks/cell. In the exposed group, there were, on average, 8.94 SCEs/cell, and in controls, 5.81. Urine mutagenicity tests on Salmonella typhimurium tester strain TA98 revealed a significant increase of activity in 23 (64%) out of 36 urine samples tested as compared to the control group (N = 19) with 4 (21%) positive urine samples. Strain TA100 showed only a weak response to urine mutagens.  相似文献   

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