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Abstract: To learn whether or not the levels of β-amyloid protein precursor (APP) and τ mRNAs are related to the formation of β-amyloid and neurofibrillary tangles, we quantified these mRNA levels in three cortical regions of 38 aged human brains, which were examined immunocyto-chemically for β-amyloid and tangles. Marked individual variabilities were noted in APP and τ mRNA levels among elderly individuals. The mean APP mRNA level was slightly reduced in the β-amyloid plaque (++) group, but not in the plaque (+) group, compared to the plaque (−) group. Some brains in the plaque (−) group showed increased APP expression, the extent of which was not seen in the plaque (+)or(++) group. The differences in the mean τ mRNA levels were not statistically significant among the tangle (−), (+), and (++) groups. These results show that β-protein and τ deposition do not accompany increased expression of the APP and τ genes, respectively, and thus suggest that factors other than gene expression may be at work in the progression of β-amyloid and/or tangle formation in the aged human brain.  相似文献   

To address the question of the possible functions of different Alzheimer's disease beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP) isoforms in the brain, we studied their expression at different times during postnatal rat brain development and in various regions of the adult rat brain. Polyclonal antibodies directed to two peptide antigens were used. The majority of all beta-APP forms was found to be soluble as revealed by western blot analysis. The highest level of most beta-APP forms was reached in the second postnatal week, which is the time of brain maturation and completion of synaptic connections. Strikingly high concentrations of the Kunitz protease inhibitor-containing beta-APP were present in the adult olfactory bulb, where continuous synaptogenesis occurs in the adult animal. These findings support the idea of an involvement of beta-APPs in the processes of cell differentiation and, probably, in the establishment of synaptic contacts.  相似文献   

Abstract: The β-amyloid precursor protein (βAPP) is the source of the amyloid β-peptide that accumulates in the brain in Alzheimer's disease. A major processing pathway for βAPP involves an enzymatic cleavage within the amyloid β-peptide sequence that liberates secreted forms of βAPP (APPSs) into the extracellular milieu. We now report that postischemic administration of these APPSs intracerebroventricularly protects neurons in the CA1 region of rat hippocampus against ischemic injury. Treatment with APPS695 or APPS751 resulted in increased neuronal survival, and the surviving cells were functional as demonstrated by their ability to synthesize protein. These data provide direct evidence for a neuroprotective action of APPSs in vivo.  相似文献   

Abstract: Almost all patients >40 years of age with Down's syndrome (DS) develop the pathology characteristic of Alzheimer's disease: abundant β-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. We have investigated the gene expression of β-amyloid protein precursor (APR) and τ in DS and age-matched control brains and found that levels of both mRNAs were significantly elevated in DS. Such up-regulation was not observed in two other neuronal proteins. A correlation between total APP and τ mRNA levels was also found in DS brain but distinct from the pattern observed in normal brain. Although a proportionality existed between APP-695 mRNA and three-repeat τ mRNA in DS, the proportionality between APP-751 mRNA and four-repeat τ mRNA, which is normally present, was not observed. Thus, DS brains are primarily characterized by the up-regulation of τ mRNA as well as APP mRNA and disruption of the coordinate expression between APP-751 and four-repeat τ.  相似文献   

Abstract: Recent evidence suggests that β-amyloid peptide (β-AP) may induce tau protein phosphorylation, resulting in loss of microtubule binding capacity and formation of paired helical filaments. The mechanism by which β-AP increases tau phosphorylation, however, is unclear. Using a hybrid septal cell line, SN56, we demonstrate that aggregated β-AP1–40 treatment caused cell injury. Accompanying the cell injury, the levels of phosphorylated tau as well as total tau were enhanced as detected immunochemically by AT8, PHF-1, Tau-1, and Tau-5 antibodies. Alkaline phosphatase treatment abolished AT8 and PHF-1 immunoreactivity, confirming that the tau phosphorylation sites were at least at Ser199/202 and Ser396. In association with the increase in tau phosphorylation, the immunoreactivity of cell-associated and secreted β-amyloid precursor protein (β-APP) was markedly elevated. Application of antisense oligonucleotide to β-APP reduced expression of β-APP and immunoreactivity of phosphorylated tau. Control peptide β-AP1–28 did not produce significant effects on tau phosphorylation, although it slightly increased cell-associated β-APP. These results suggest that βAP1–40-induced tau phosphorylation may be associated with increased β-APP expression in degenerated neurons.  相似文献   

Expression of the genes encoding the beta/A4 amyloid protein precursor (APP) and microtubule-associated protein tau was studied in an embryonal carcinoma cell line (P19) that differentiates in vitro into cholinergic neurons after treatment with retinoic acid. Expression of APP increased 34- (mRNA) and 50-fold (protein) during neuronal differentiation; APP-695 accounted for most of this increase. These remarkable increases in APP expression coincided with a proliferation of neuronal processes and with an increase in content of tau mRNA. Moreover, subsequent decreases in the levels of APP and tau mRNA coincided with the onset of the degeneration of the neuronal processes. Immunocytochemical staining suggested that greater than 85% of the P19-derived neurons are cholinergic and that APP is present in the neuronal processes and cell bodies. These results suggest that APP may play an important role in construction of neuronal networks and neuronal differentiation and also indicate that this embryonal carcinoma cell line provides an ideal model system to investigate biological functions of APP and the roles of APP and tau protein in development of Alzheimer's disease in cholinergic neurons.  相似文献   

The beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP) contains a copper-binding site localized between amino acids 135 and 156 (beta-APP(135-156)). We have employed synthetic beta-APP peptides to characterize their capacities to reduce Cu(II) to Cu(I). Analogues of the wild-type beta-APP(135-156) peptide, containing specific amino acid substitutions, were used to establish which residues are specifically involved in the reduction of copper by beta-APP(135-156). We report here that beta-APP's copper-binding domain reduced Cu(II) to Cu(I). The single-mutant beta-APP(His147-->Ala) and the double-mutant beta-APP(His147-->Ala/His149-->Ala) showed a small decrease in copper reduction in relation to the wild-type peptide and the beta-APP(Cys144-->Ser) mutation abolished it, suggesting that Cys144 is the key amino acid in the oxidoreduction reaction. Our results confirm that soluble beta-APP is involved in the reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I).  相似文献   

Abstract: S100β has been implicated in the formation of dystrophic neurites, overexpressing β-amyloid precursor protein (βAPP), in the β-amyloid plaques of Alzheimer's disease. We assessed the effects of S100β on cell viability of, neurite outgrowth from, and βAPP expression by neurons in primary cultures from fetal rat cortex. S100β (1–10 ng/ml) enhanced neuronal viability (as assessed by increased mitochondrial activity and decreased lactic acid dehydrogenase release) and promoted neurite outgrowth. Higher levels of S100β (100 ng/ml, but not 1 µg/ml) produced qualitatively similar, but less marked, effects. S100β also induced increased neuronal expression of the microtubule-associated protein MAP2, an effect that is consistent with trophic effects of S100β on neurite outgrowth. S100β (10 and 100 ng/ml) induced graded increases in neuronal expression of βAPP and of βAPP mRNA. These results support our previous suggestion that excessive expression of S100β by activated, plaque-associated astrocytes in Alzheimer's disease contributes to the appearance of dystrophic neurites overexpressing βAPP in diffuse amyloid deposits, and thus to the conversion of these deposits into the diagnostic neuritic β-amyloid plaques.  相似文献   

Abstract: The genes for both the β-amyloid precursor protein and apolipoprotein E (ApoE) have been linked to Alzheimer's disease. This connection suggests the possibility that these proteins interact physically or functionally. To explore this idea, we focused on the neuroprotective activity of secreted amyloid precursor protein (sAPP) and related signal transduction events. After coincubation with ApoE, sAPP exhibited an enhanced [Ca2+]i-lowering activity and enhanced protection against excitotoxicity in rat primary hippocampal neurons. In contrast, the stimulation of phosphoinositide production by sAPP was inhibited by ApoE. Kinetic analyses and coimmunoprecipitation experiments indicated that these actions result from formation of a heteromeric complex between ApoE and sAPP. Furthermore, the ApoE4 isoform, which seems to accelerate the onset of Alzheimer's disease, was less potent than ApoE3 in modifying each activity of sAPP. These data suggest that sAPP-dependent neuroprotective mechanisms would be compromised in individuals expressing ApoE4, a scenario that may contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Abstract: Studies of cell injury and death in Alzheimer's disease have suggested a prominent role for β-amyloid peptide (β-AP), a 40–43-amino-acid peptide derived from a larger membrane glycoprotein, β-amyloid precursor protein (β-APP). Previous experiments have demonstrated that β-AP induces cytotoxicity in a neuronal hybrid cell line (MES 23.5) in vitro. Here, we demonstrate that β-APP mRNA content is increased 3.5-fold in 24 h after treatment with β-AP1–40. Accompanying β-AP1–40-induced cell injury, levels of cell-associated β-APP and a C-terminal intermediate fragment are increased up to 15-fold, and levels of secreted forms of β-APP and 12- and 4-kDa fragments are also increased. Application of β-APP antisense oligodeoxynucleotide reduces both cytotoxicity and β-APP expression. 6-Hydroxydopamine application or glucose deprivation causes extensive cell damage, but they do not increase β-APP expression. These results suggest a selective positive feedback mechanism whereby β-AP may induce cytotoxicity and increase levels of potentially neurotrophic as well as amyloidogenic fragments of β-APP with the net consequence of further neuronal damage.  相似文献   

One of the major clinical findings in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the formation of deposits of beta-amyloid protein in amyloid plaques, derived from the beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP). To determine the possible use of beta-APP as a diagnostic marker for AD in CSF, a monoclonal antibody-based immunoassay specific for this protein was developed. The assay does not differentiate between beta-APP695 and beta-APP751 forms but does preferentially recognize beta-APP751 complexed with a protease. Of the two sets of CSF samples tested, one set, obtained from living patients, gave a slightly lower level of beta-APP in AD and Parkinson's disease patients relative to controls, whereas the other set, composed of postmortem samples, showed no significant differences between the AD and control groups.  相似文献   

Abstract: Recent reports indicate that missense mutations on presenilin (PS) 1 are likely responsible for the main early-onset familial forms of Alzheimer's disease (FAD). Consensual data obtained through distinct histopathological, cell biology, and molecular biology approaches have led to the conclusion that these PS1 mutations clearly trigger an increased production of the 42-amino-acid-long species of β-amyloid peptide (Aβ). Here we show that overexpression of wild-type PS1 in HK293 cells increases Aβ40 secretion. By contrast, FAD-linked mutants of PS1 trigger increased secretion of both Aβ40 and Aβ42 but clearly favor the production of the latter species. We also demonstrate that overexpression of the wild-type PS1 augments the α-secretase-derived C-terminally truncated fragment of β-amyloid precursor protein (APPα) recovery, whereas transfectants expressing mutated PS1 secrete drastically lower amounts of APPα when compared with cells expressing wild-type PS1. This decrease was also observed when comparing double transfectants overexpressing wild-type β-amyloid precursor protein and either PS1 or its mutated congener M146V-PS1. Altogether, our data indicate that PS mutations linked to FAD not only trigger an increased ratio of Aβ42 over total Aβ secretion but concomitantly down-regulate the production of APPα.  相似文献   

Abstract: Extracellular amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) deposition is a pathological feature of Alzheimer's disease and the aging brain. Intracellular Aβ accumulation is observed in the human muscle disease, inclusion body myositis. Aβ has been reported to be toxic to neurons through disruption of normal calcium homeostasis. The pathogenic role of Aβ in inclusion body myositis is not as clear. Elevation of intracellular calcium following application of calcium ionophore increases the generation of Aβ from its precursor protein (βAPP). A receptor-based mechanism for the increase in Aβ production has not been reported to our knowledge. Here, we use caffeine to stimulate ryanodine receptor (RYR)-regulated intracellular calcium release channels and show that internal calcium stores also participate in the genesis of Aβ. In cultured HEK293 cells transfected with βAPP cDNA, caffeine (5–10 m M ) significantly increased the release of Aβ fourfold compared with control. These actions of caffeine were saturable, modulated by ryanodine, and inhibited by the RYR antagonists ruthenium red and procaine. The calcium reuptake inhibitors thapsigargin and cyclopiazonic acid potentiated caffeine-stimulated Aβ release. NH4Cl and monensin, agents that alter acidic gradients in intracellular vesicles, abolished both the caffeine and ionophore effects. Immunocytochemical studies showed some correspondence between the distribution patterns of RYR and cellular βAPP immunoreactivities. The relevance of these findings to Alzheimer's disease and inclusion body myositis is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Levels of immunoreactive β-amyloid precursor protein and interleukin-1α were found to be elevated in surgically resected human temporal lobe tissue from patients with intractable epilepsy compared with postmortem tissue from neurologically unaffected patients (controls). In tissue from epileptics, the levels of the 135-kDa β-amyloid precursor protein isoform were elevated to fourfold ( p < 0.05) those of controls and those of the 130-kDa isoform to threefold ( p < 0.05), whereas those of the 120-kDa isoform ( p > 0.05) were not different from control values. β-Amyloid precursor protein-immunoreactive neurons were 16 times more numerous, and their cytoplasm and proximal processes were more intensely immunoreactive in tissue sections from epileptics than controls (133 ± 12 vs. 8 ± 3/mm2; p < 0.001). However, neither β-amyloid precursor protein-immunoreactive dystrophic neurites nor β-amyloid deposits were found in this tissue. Interleukin-1α-immunoreactive cells (microglia) were three times more numerous in epileptics than in controls (80 ± 8 vs. 25 ± 5/mm2; p < 0.001), and these cells were often found adjacent to β-amyloid precursor protein-immunoreactive neuronal cell bodies. Our findings, together with functions established in vitro for interleukin-1, suggest that increased expression of this protein contributes to the increased levels of β-amyloid precursor protein in epileptics, thus indicating a potential role for both of these proteins in the neuronal dysfunctions, e.g., hyperexcitability, characteristic of epilepsy.  相似文献   

Inhibition of β-Amyloid Production by Activation of Protein Kinase C   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The cellular factors regulating the generation of β-amyloid from the amyloid precursor protein (APR) are unknown. Activation of protein kinase C (PKC) by phorbol ester treatment inhibited the generation of the 4-kDa β-amyloid peptide in transfected COS cells, a human glioma cell line, and human cortical astrocytes. An analogue of diacylglycerol, the endogenous cellular activator of PKC, also inhibited the generation of β-amyloid. Activation of PKC increased the level of secreted APP in transfected COS cells but did not significantly affect the level of secreted APP in primary human astrocytes or in the glioma cell line. Cell-associated APP and the secreted APP derivative, but not β-amyloid, were phosphorylated on serine residues. Activation of PKC did not increase the level of APP phosphorylation, suggesting that PKC modulates the proteolytic cleavage of APP indirectly by phosphorylation of other substrates. These results indicate that PKC activation inhibits β-amyloid production by altering APP processing and suggest that β-amyloid production can be regulated by the phospholipase C-diacylglycerol signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

Abstract: The major pathological feature of Alzheimer's disease is the presence of a high density of amyloid plaques in the brain tissue of patients. The plaques are predominantly composed of human β-amyloid peptide (Aβ), a 39–43-mer peptide the neurotoxicity of which is related to its aggregation state. Previous work has demonstrated that certain metals that have been implicated as risk factors for Alzheimer's disease (Al, Fe, and Zn) also cause substantial aggregation of Aβ. In particular, we reported that zinc cations at concentrations of >10?4M dramatically accelerate the rate of Aβ aggregation at physiological peptide concentrations at 37°C in vitro. In the present study, we investigate the effect of Zn2+ on aggregation of radiolabeled and unlabeled human and rat Aβ over a wide range of peptide concentrations in the presence and absence of salt and blocking protein. Aggregation was assayed by centrifugation and filtration using amino acid analysis, immunoassay, and γ-counting for quantification over a wide range of concentrations of Zn2+ and Aβ above and below physiological values. The results of this study demonstrate the following: (a) Radio-iodinated Aβ accurately tracked unlabeled Aβ, (b) zinc concentrations of at least 10?4M were required to induce significant aggregation of Aβ, and (c) rat and human Aβ species were cleared from aqueous solutions by similar concentrations of zinc. These results stand in significant quantitative disagreement (~100-fold in zinc concentration) with one previous study that reported significant aggregation of Aβ by <1 µM Zn2+. Differences between the present study and the latter study from another laboratory appear to result from inappropriate reliance on optical density to measure Aβ concentrations and nonspecific loss of Aβ to plastic in the absence of blocking protein.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Alzheimer's disease (AD) β-amyloid precursor proteins (βAPPs) are large membrane-spanning proteins that give rise to the βA4 peptide deposited in AD amyloid plaques. βAPPs can also yield soluble forms (APPss) that are potently neuroprotective against glucose deprivation and glutamate toxicity, perhaps through their ability to lower the intraneuronal calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i). We have investigated the mechanism through which APPss exert these effects on cultured hippocampal neurons. The ability of APPss to lower rapidly [Ca2+]i was mimicked by membrane-permeable analogues of cyclic AMP (cAMP) and cyclic GMP (cGMP), as well as agents that elevate endogenous levels of these cyclic nucleotides. However, only cGMP content was increased by APPs treatment, and specific inhibition of cGMP-dependent protein kinase (but not cAMP-dependent kinase) blocked the activity of APPss. A membrane-permeable analogue of cGMP (8-bromo-cGMP) also mimicked the ability of APPss to attenuate the elevation of [Ca2+]i by glutamate, apparently through inhibition of NMDA receptor activity. In addition, 8-bromo-cGMP afforded protection against glucose deprivation and glutamate toxicity, and the protection by APPss against glucose deprivation was blocked by an inhibitor of cGMP-dependent kinase. Together, these data suggest that APPss mediate their [Ca2+]i-lowering and excitoprotective effects on target neurons through increases in cGMP levels.  相似文献   

Abstract: Amyloid β protein (Aβ), 39–43 amino acids long, is the principal constituent of the extracellular amyloid deposits in brain that are characteristic of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Several lines of evidence indicate that Aβ may play an important role in the pathogenesis of AD. However, there are several discrepancies between the production of Aβ and the development of the disease. Thus, Aβ may not be the sole active fragment of β-amyloid precursor protein (βAPP) in the neurotoxicity associated with AD. Consequently, the possible effects of other cleaved products of βAPP need to be explored. The recent concentration on other potentially amyloidogenic products of βAPP has produced interesting candidates, the most promising of which are the amyloidogenic carboxyl-terminal (CT) fragments of βAPP. This review discusses a possible etiological role of CT fragments of βAPP in AD.  相似文献   

Abstract: The β-amyloid peptides, Aβ1-42 and Aβ1-40, were quantified in ventricular CSF taken daily for up to 3 weeks from six individuals with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). There was considerable interindividual variability in the levels of Aβ peptides, but in general Aβ1-42 levels equalled or exceeded those of Aβ1-40. Averaging the daily totals of our trauma cohort revealed that the levels of Aβ1-42 and Aβ1-40 rose after injury, peaking in the first week and then declining toward control levels over the next 2 weeks. Aβ1-42 levels were on average two to three times higher in the trauma cohort than in CSF from nontrauma samples. Compared with nontrauma samples, the Aβ1-40/Aβ1-42 ratio decreased about fivefold in the trauma patients, further indicative of increased Aβ1-42 levels. The ratio remained low at all time points studied. No change was measured in the levels of β-amyloid precursor protein during the same interval. These results suggest that Aβ1-42 becomes elevated in the CSF after severe brain trauma.  相似文献   

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