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The length variability of four human interstitial telomeric sequences (ITs) is described. Three of the ITs contain short telomeric stretches ranging between 53 and 84 bp and are localized in 21q22, 2q31, and 7q36; the fourth IT derives from the subtelomeric domain of chromosome 6p and contains a tract of a few hundred basepairs of exact and degenerate repeats. Using primers flanking the repeats, we amplified the genomic DNA from unrelated individuals and from family members, and we found that all the loci are polymorphic. At the 21q22 IT locus, two equally frequent alleles were found, while the number of alleles at the 2q31, 7q36, and 6pter IT loci was 8, 6, and 4, respectively. Sequence analysis revealed that in the three loci containing short ITs the alleles differ from one another for multiples of the hexanucleotide; it is likely that the mechanism leading to the polymorphism is DNA polymerase slippage. These loci were also unstable in gastric tumor cells characterized by microsatellite instability. At the 6pter IT locus, the four alleles range in length from about 500 to about 700 bp; this variability is probably due to unequal exchange or gene conversion. Our data indicate that stretches of exact internal telomeric repeats can be highly unstable, like microsatellites with shorter units, and that they can be useful polymorphic markers for linkage analysis, for forensic applications, and for the detection of genetic instability in tumors.  相似文献   

Telomeres are composed of TTAGGG repeats and located at the ends of chromosomes. Telomeres protect chromosomes from instability in mammals, including mice and humans. Repetitive TTAGGG sequences are also found at intrachromosomal sites, where they are named as interstitial telomeric sequences (ITSs). Aberrant ITSs are implicated in chromosomal instability and found in cancer cells. Interestingly, in pigs, vertebrate telomere sequences TTAGGG (vITSs) are also localized at the centromeric region of chromosome 6, in addition to the end of all chromosomes. Surprisingly, we found that botanic telomere sequences, TTTAGGG (bITSs), also localize with vITSs at the centromeric regions of pig chromosome 6 using telomere fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and by comparisons between several species. Furthermore, the average lengths of vITSs are highly correlated with those of the terminal telomeres (TTS). Also, pig ITSs show a high incidence of telomere doublets, suggesting that pig ITSs might be unstable and dynamic. Together, our results show that pig cells maintain the conserved telomere sequences that are found at the ITSs from of plants and other vertebrates. Further understanding of the function and regulation of pig ITSs may provide new clues for evolution and chromosomal instability.  相似文献   

We describe a novel chromosome structure in which telomeric sequences are present interstitially, at the apparent breakpoint junctions of structurally abnormal chromosomes. In the linear chromosomes with interstitial telomeric sequences, there were three sites of hybridization of the telomere consensus sequence within each derived chromosome: one at each terminus and one at the breakpoint junction. Telomeric sequences also were observed within a ring chromosome. The rearrangements examined were constitutional chromosome abnormalities with a breakpoint assigned to a terminal band. In each case (with the exception of the ring chromosome), an acentric segment of one chromosome was joined to the terminus of an apparently intact recipient chromosome. One case exhibited apparent instability of the chromosome rearrangement, resulting in somatic mosaicism. The rearrangements described here differ from the telomeric associations observed in certain tumors, which appear to represent end-to-end fusion of two or more intact chromosomes. The observed interstitial telomeric sequences appear to represent nonfunctional chromosomal elements, analogous to the inactivated centromeres observed in dicentric chromosomes.  相似文献   

Telomeres are specialized nucleoproteic complexes localized at the physical ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes that maintain their stability and integrity. The DNA component of telomeres is characterized by being a G-rich double stranded DNA composed by short fragments tandemly repeated with different sequences depending on the species considered. At the chromosome level, telomeres or, more properly, telomeric repeats--the DNA component of telomeres--can be detected either by using the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique with a DNA or a peptide nucleic acid (PNA) (pan)telomeric probe, i.e., which identifies simultaneously all of the telomeres in a metaphase cell, or by the primed in situ labeling (PRINS) reaction using an oligonucleotide primer complementary to the telomeric DNA repeated sequence. Using these techniques, incomplete chromosome elements, acentric fragments, amplification and translocation of telomeric repeat sequences, telomeric associations and telomeric fusions can be identified. In addition, chromosome orientation (CO)-FISH allows to discriminate between the different types of telomeric fusions, namely telomere-telomere and telomere-DNA double strand break fusions and to detect recombination events at the telomere, i.e., telomeric sister-chromatid exchanges (T-SCE). In this review, we summarize our current knowledge of chromosomal aberrations involving telomeres and interstitial telomeric repeat sequences and their induction by physical and chemical mutagens. Since all of the studies on the induction of these types of aberrations were conducted in mammalian cells, the review will be focused on the chromosomal aberrations involving the TTAGGG sequence, i.e., the telomeric repeat sequence that "caps" the chromosomes of all vertebrate species.  相似文献   

Although most telomere repeat sequences are found at the ends of chromosomes, some telomeric repeat sequences are also found at intrachromosomal locations in mammalian cells. Several studies have found that these interstitial telomeric repeat sequences can promote chromosome instability in rodent cells, either spontaneously or following ionizing radiation. In the present study we describe the extensive cytogenetic analysis of three different human cell lines with plasmids containing telomeric repeat sequences integrated at interstitial sites. In two of these cell lines, Q18 and P8SX, instability has been detected in the chromosome containing the integrated plasmid, involving breakage/fusion/bridge cycles or amplification of the plasmid DNA, respectively. However, the data suggest that the instability observed is characteristic of the general instability in these cell lines and that the telomeric repeat sequences themselves are not responsible. Consistent with this interpretation, the chromosome containing an integrated plasmid with 500 bp of telomeric repeat sequences is highly stable in the third cell line, SNG28, which has a relatively stable genome. The stability of the chromosome containing the integrated plasmid sequences in SNG28 makes this an excellent cell line to study the effect of ionizing radiation on the stability of interstitial telomeric sequences in human cells.  相似文献   

N Bosco  T de Lange 《Chromosoma》2012,121(5):465-474
Mouse telomeres have been suggested to resemble common fragile sites (CFS), showing disrupted TTAGGG fluorescent in situ hybridization signals after aphidicolin treatment. This “fragile” telomere phenotype is induced by deletion of TRF1, a shelterin protein that binds telomeric DNA and promotes efficient replication of the telomeric ds[TTAGGG]n tracts. Here we show that the chromosome-internal TTAGGG repeats present at human chromosome 2q14 form an aphidicolin-induced CFS. TRF1 binds to and stabilizes CFS 2q14 but does not affect other CFS, establishing 2q14 as the first CFS controlled by a sequence-specific DNA binding protein. The data show that telomeric DNA is inherently fragile regardless of its genomic position and imply that CFS can be caused by a specific DNA sequence.  相似文献   

We analyzed the behavior of interstitial telomeric sequences (ITSs) in the progeny of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells exposed to the radiomimetic compound bleomycin (BLM) in order to determine if ITSs play some role in the long-term clastogenic effect of this antibiotic. To this end, CHO cells were treated with a single concentration of BLM (2.5μg/ml), and the frequency of unstable chromosomal aberrations was determined at several times after treatment (18h, and 6, 15 and 34/36 days) by using PNA-FISH with a pan-telomeric probe [(TTAGGG)n repeats]. Cytogenetic analysis revealed a higher frequency of aberrations at 18h and 6 days after treatment in BLM-exposed cultures vs. untreated cultures, although the yield of BLM-induced aberrations decreased on average five times 6 days after treatment compared with the one induced 18h after treatment. Moreover, no significant differences in the frequency of aberrations were observed between untreated and BLM-exposed cells at 15 or 34/36 days after treatment. These data indicate that, in terms of unstable aberrations, the in vitro clastogenic effect of BLM on CHO cells persists for at least 6 days but less than 15 days after exposure. In addition, we found that BLM induces ITSs instability, cytogenetically detectable as acentric fragments (18h after treatment) or additional (new) FISH signals (6 days after treatment). We propose that the delayed effect of BLM on ITSs mainly results from breakage of heterochromatic ITSs blocks and further insertion of these sequences at the sites of monochromatid breaks occurring at G2 phase of the cell cycle, since most of the additional FISH signals were present as single dots and located at interstitial sites of the involved chromosomes.  相似文献   

Interstitial telomeric sequences (ITSs) in hamster cells are hot spots for spontaneous and induced chromosome aberrations (CAs). Most data on ITS instability to date have been obtained in DNA repair-proficient cells. The classical non-homologous end joining repair pathway (C-NHEJ), which is the principal double strand break (DSB) repair mechanism in mammalian cells, is thought to restore the morphologically correct chromosome structure. The production of CAs thus involves DNA-PKcs-independent repair pathways. In our current study, we investigated the participation of DNA-PKcs from the C-NHEJ pathway in the repair of spontaneous or radiation-induced DSBs in ITSs using wild-type and DNA-PKcs mutant Chinese hamster ovary cells. Our data demonstrate that DNA-PKcs stabilizes spontaneous DSBs within ITSs from the chromosome 9 long arm, leading to the formation of terminal deletions. In addition, we show that DNA-PKcs-dependent C-NHEJ is employed following radiation-induced DSBs in other ITSs and restores morphologically correct chromosomes, whereas DNA-PKcs independent mechanisms co-exist in DNA-PKcs proficient cells leading to an excess of CAs within ITSs.  相似文献   

Highly polymorphic Arctic charr ( Salvelinus alpinus Linnaeus, 1758) chromosomes were studied using conventional and molecular methods. The diploid chromosome number in the studied individuals was 2n = 81 or 2n = 82, with a fundamental arm number (NF) = 100. These differences are due to Robertsonian fusions. Interindividual variation in the number and size of DAPI and CMA(3) positively stained chromatin sites was observed in studied specimens. In the case of two individuals, the subtelomeric region of the long arm (q) of the largest acrocentric chromosome (chromosome number 10) was positively stained by CMA(3) fluorochrome. Both primed in situ labelling (PRINS) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed that this CMA(3)-positive region was flanked by telomeric sequences. Previously, the subterminal position of interstitial telomeric sequences located in the vicinity of the CMA(3)-positive guanine-rich chromatin have been described in two other Salvelinus species, brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) and lake trout ( Salvelinus namaycush ). Moreover, multichromosomal location and variation in size of CMA(3) bands have been observed in various Salvelinus taxa, including fishes with internally located telomeric sequences. These results suggest that relocation of CMA(3)-positive chromatin segments in these species may be facilitated by flanking interstitial telomeric sequences (ITSs).  相似文献   

We analyzed the induction of chromosomal aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells exposed to the radiomimetic compound streptonigrin (SN), in order to determine whether interstitial telomeric sequences (ITSs) are involved in the long-term clastogenic effect of this antibiotic. CHO cells were treated with a single concentration of SN (100ng/ml), and the frequency of unstable chromosomal aberrations was determined at three times after treatment (18h, and 6 and 15 days) by using PNA-FISH with a pan-telomeric probe. Cytogenetic analysis revealed a higher frequency of aberrations at 18h and 6 days after treatment in SN-exposed cultures vs. untreated cultures. The percentage of damaged cells and the yield of SN-induced aberrations at 6 days after treatment increased on average twofold compared with the ones at 18h after treatment. Moreover, a significant decrease in the frequency of aberrations was observed in SN-exposed cells at 15 days after treatment, resulting in a frequency of aberrations significantly lower than the frequency of aberrations observed in the corresponding control cultures. These data indicate that SN induces delayed chromosomal instability in CHO cells, and that the in vitro clastogenic effect of this compound persists for at least 6 days but less than 15 days after treatment. In addition, we found that SN induces delayed ITSs instability, cytogenetically detectable as additional FISH signals and centromeric breaks involving dissociation of the telomeric signal 6 days after treatment. We propose that the delayed effect of SN on ITSs results from breakage of heterochromatic centromeric ITSs blocks and further insertion of these sequences at the sites of mono- or isochromatid breaks occurring at G2 or G1-S phases of the cell cycle, respectively, since most of the additional FISH signals were present as single or double dots, and located at interstitial sites of the involved chromosomes.  相似文献   

Telomeres often shorten with time, although this varies between tissues, individuals and species, and their length and/or rate of change may reflect fitness and rate of senescence. Measurement of telomeres is increasingly important to ecologists, yet the relative merits of different methods for estimating telomere length are not clear. In particular the extent to which interstitial telomere sequences (ITSs), telomere repeats located away from chromosomes ends, confound estimates of telomere length is unknown. Here we present a method to estimate the extent of ITS within a species and variation among individuals. We estimated the extent of ITS by comparing the amount of label hybridized to in‐gel telomere restriction fragments (TRF) before and after the TRFs were denatured. This protocol produced robust and repeatable estimates of the extent of ITS in birds. In five species, the amount of ITS was substantial, ranging from 15% to 40% of total telomeric sequence DNA. In addition, the amount of ITS can vary significantly among individuals within a species. Including ITSs in telomere length calculations always underestimated telomere length because most ITSs are shorter than most telomeres. The magnitude of that error varies with telomere length and is larger for longer telomeres. Estimating telomere length using methods that incorporate ITSs, such as Southern blot TRF and quantitative PCR analyses reduces an investigator's power to detect difference in telomere dynamics between individuals or over time within an individual.  相似文献   

To localize interstitial telomeric sequences (ITSs) and to test whether their pattern of distribution could be linked to chromosomal evolution, we hybridized telomeric sequence probes (peptide nucleic acid, PNA) on metaphases of New World monkeys: Callithrix argentata, Callithrix jacchus, Cebuella pygmaea, Saguinus oedipus, Saimiri sciureus, Aotus lemurinus griseimembra, Aotus nancymaae (Cebidae), Lagothrix lagotricha (Atelidae) and Callicebus moloch (Pithecidae), characterized by a rapid radiation and a high rate of chromosomal rearrangements. Our analysis of the probe signal localization allowed us to show in all the species analysed, as normally, the telomeric location at the terminal ends of chromosomes and unexpected signal distributions in some species. Indeed, in three species among the nine studied, Aotus lemurinus griseimembra, Aotus nancymaae (Cebidae) and Lagothrix lagotricha (Atelidae), we showed a high variability in terms of localization and degree of amplification of interstitial telomeric sequences, especially for the ones found at centromeric or pericentromeric positions (het‐ITS). A comparative analysis, between species, of homologous chromosomes to human syntenies, on which we have found positive interspersed PNA signals, allowed us to explain the observed pattern of ITS distribution as results of chromosomal rearrangements in the neotropical primates analysed. This evidence permitted us to discuss the possible implication of ITSs as phylogenetic markers for closely related species. Moreover, reviewing previous literature data of ITSs distribution in Primates and in the light of our results, we suggest an underestimation of ITSs and highlight the importance of the molecular cytogenetics approach in characterizing ITSs, which role is still not clarified.  相似文献   

The DNA breakage detection-fluorescence in situ hybridization (DBD-FISH) procedure was applied to analyze the effect of Wortmannin (WM) in the rejoining kinetics of ionizing radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in the whole genome and in the long interstitial telomeric repeat sequence (ITRS) blocks from Chinese hamster cell lines. The results indicate that the ITRS blocks from wild-type Chinese hamster cell lines, CHO9 and V79B, exhibit a slower initial rejoining rate of ionizing radiation-induced DSBs than the genome overall. Neither Rad51C nor the catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs) activities, involved in homologous recombination (HR) and in non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathways of DSB repair respectively, influenced the rejoining kinetics within ITRS in contrast to DNA sequences in the whole genome. Nevertheless, DSB removal rate within ITRS was decreased in the absence of Ku86 activity, though at a lower affectation level than in the whole genome, thus homogenizing both rejoining kinetics rates. WM treatment slowed down the DSB rejoining kinetics rate in ITRS, this effect being more pronounced in the whole genome, resulting in a similar pattern to that of the Ku86 deficient cells. In fact, no WM effect was detected in the Ku86 deficient Chinese hamster cells, so probably WM does not add further impairment in DSB rejoining than that resulted as a consequence of absence of Ku activity. The same slowing effect was also observed after treatment of Rad51C and DNA-PKcs defective hamster cells by WM, suggesting that: (1) there is no potentiation of the HR when the NHEJ is impaired by WM, either in the whole genome or in the ITRS, and (2) that this impairment may probably involve more targets than DNA-PKcs. These results suggest that there is an intragenomic heterogeneity in DSB repair, as well as in the effect of WM on this process.  相似文献   

The study of the proteins that bind to telomeric DNA in mammals has provided a deep understanding of the mechanisms involved in chromosome-end protection. However, very little is known on the binding of these proteins to nontelomeric DNA sequences. The TTAGGG DNA repeat proteins 1 and 2 (TRF1 and TRF2) bind to mammalian telomeres as part of the shelterin complex and are essential for maintaining chromosome end stability. In this study, we combined chromatin immunoprecipitation with high-throughput sequencing to map at high sensitivity and resolution the human chromosomal sites to which TRF1 and TRF2 bind. While most of the identified sequences correspond to telomeric regions, we showed that these two proteins also bind to extratelomeric sites. The vast majority of these extratelomeric sites contains interstitial telomeric sequences (or ITSs). However, we also identified non-ITS sites, which correspond to centromeric and pericentromeric satellite DNA. Interestingly, the TRF-binding sites are often located in the proximity of genes or within introns. We propose that TRF1 and TRF2 couple the functional state of telomeres to the long-range organization of chromosomes and gene regulation networks by binding to extratelomeric sequences.  相似文献   

Replication of telomeres requires the action of telomerase, the semi-conservative replication machinery and the stabilization of the replication fork during passage through telomeric DNA. Whether vertebrate telomeres support initiation of replication has not been experimentally addressed. Using Xenopus cell free extracts we established a system to study replication initiation within linear telomeric DNA substrates. We show binding of TRF2 to telomeric DNA, indicating that exogenous DNA exclusively composed of telomeric repeats is recognized by shelterin components. Interaction with telomere binding proteins is not sufficient to prevent a DNA damage response. Notably, we observe regulated assembly of the pre-replicative complex proteins ORC2, MCM6 and Cdc6 to telomeric DNA. Most importantly, we detect origin-dependent replication of telomeric substrates under conditions that inhibit checkpoint activation. These results indicate that pre-replicative complexes assemble within telomeric DNA and can be converted into functional origins.  相似文献   

Adenine occurs in the strand containing repeated G clusters in the telomeric DNA of a variety of organisms, including that of humans. The role of adenine has been investigated by constructing two sets of oligonucleotides each with one, two, or four copies of the telomeric sequence dTTTAGGG together with a control sequence in which T replaces the A residue, dTTTTGGG. Comparison of the stability and spectral properties of these two sequences in the presence of Na+ or K+ affords a basis for defining the role of adenine in these structures. In Na+, the A residue stabilizes the structure formed by each oligomer significantly, presumably by a base-pairing interaction with T. In K+, by contrast, there is little difference in stability. In two- and four-copy oligomers, the A sequence has a different structure from its T analog, as detected by CD spectroscopy. In the presence of either Na+ or K+, the tetraplexes of A and T interact with intercalators.  相似文献   

Some Alliaceae species have no tandemly repeated TTTAGGG sequences. Instead, at the very end of their chromosomes, there are highly repetitive satellite and (or) rDNA sequences. These sequences apparently replace the canonical plant telomeric sequences in these species. A method of preparing two-dimensional surface spreads of plant synaptonemal complexes (SCs), combined with fluorescent in situ hybridization, has revealed that telomeric chromatin is tightly condensed at the ends of SCs in plants and animals. Using this method, we have tested the organization and location of those sequences postulated to cap the chromosomes in two species of the genus Allium: A. cepa and A. altaicum. We have also extended this study to other putative telomere candidates, such as LTR (long terminal repeat) and non-LTR retrotransposons. None of the DNA sequences analyzed showed the characteristic telomeric organization at pachytene.  相似文献   

Guanine-rich oligonucleotides and short telomeric DNA sequences can self-associate into G-quartet stabilized complexes. We discovered that this self-association can occur in sequencing reactions and that higher-order structures stimulate DNA polymerase to synthesize extended DNA strands. Base analogues were used to identify Hoogsteen base pairings as stabilizing forces in these stimulatory DNA structures. Scanning force microscopy confirmed that quartet-DNA was formed from these oligomers and that these extended, four-stranded structures could be bound by DNA polymerase. Since guanine quartet-stabilized structures are proposed to exist in vivo, such structures may stimulate DNA polymerization in vivo.  相似文献   

Karyotype analysis of the Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) was performed after DAPI-banding of metaphase chromosomes obtained from cultivated skin fibroblasts of a newborn animal. Fluorescence in situ hybridization with telomeric FITC-conjugated peptide nucleic acid probe was applied to map interstitial blocks of (TTAGGG)(n) repeats. Strong fluorescence in situ hybridization signals corresponded to interstitial telomeric repeats in pericentromeric chromatin bands of chromosomes 2, 4, 14, 20, and X. High-resolution DAPI-banding allowed specifying the arrangement of bands in the pericentromeric regions of these chromosomes.  相似文献   

DeBaryshe PG  Pardue ML 《Genetics》2011,187(1):51-60
Repeated DNA in heterochromatin presents enormous difficulties for whole-genome sequencing; hence, sequence organization in a significant portion of the genomes of multicellular organisms is relatively unknown. Two sequenced BACs now allow us to compare telomeric retrotransposon arrays from Drosophila melanogaster telomeres with an array of telomeric retrotransposons that transposed into the centromeric region of the Y chromosome >13 MYA, providing a unique opportunity to compare the structural evolution of this retrotransposon in two contexts. We find that these retrotransposon arrays, both heterochromatic, are maintained quite differently, resulting in sequence organizations that apparently reflect different roles in the two chromosomal environments. The telomere array has grown only by transposition of new elements to the chromosome end; the centromeric array instead has grown by repeated amplifications of segments of the original telomere array. Many elements in the telomere have been variably 5'-truncated apparently by gradual erosion and irregular deletions of the chromosome end; however, a significant fraction (4 and possibly 5 or 6 of 15 elements examined) remain complete and capable of further retrotransposition. In contrast, each element in the centromere region has lost ≥ 40% of its sequence by internal, rather than terminal, deletions, and no element retains a significant part of the original coding region. Thus the centromeric array has been restructured to resemble the highly repetitive satellite sequences typical of centromeres in multicellular organisms, whereas, over a similar or longer time period, the telomere array has maintained its ability to provide retrotransposons competent to extend telomere ends.  相似文献   

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