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Capsule: The 2007 national survey of the UK breeding population of Little Ringed Plovers shows a further spread into Scotland and Wales since the previous survey in 1984. In contrast, there has been a significant decrease in the Ringed Plover breeding population.

Aims: To provide new breeding population estimates in the UK and Great Britain for Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius and Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula in 2007 and investigate changes in breeding distribution and habitat use since 1984.

Methods: Breeding population estimates were made by combining counts of pairs from ‘key sites’ (2?×?2?km tetrads known to be occupied in/since 1984) and estimates of the numbers of pairs away from these sites based on stratified sampling. Survey periods for Little Ringed Plover: 15 April to 15 July, three visits; Ringed Plover: 15 April to 30 June, two visits.

Results: Population estimates, for 2007, of 1239 (95% confidence intervals: 1175–1311) pairs of Little Ringed Plover and 5291 (5106–5478) pairs of Ringed Plovers were calculated for Great Britain, with 5438 (5257–5622) pairs of Ringed Plover estimated in the UK. Counts of Ringed Plover at inland and coastal sites, covered in both 1984 and 2007, decreased by 83% and 53%, respectively. The Little Ringed Plover population has expanded in range northward and westward since 1984. Main habitats used in 2007 by Little Ringed Plover were inland gravel and sand (25.9%) and river shingle (17.8%); and, for Ringed Plover, coastal shingle and sand (38.5% and 13.7%, respectively) and machair plus associated habitats (23.8%) in the Outer Hebrides.

Conclusions: Between 1984 and 2007, the Little Ringed Plover breeding population in the UK increased considerably, expanding northward and westward, with increased use of river shingle habitats. During the same period Ringed Plover breeding numbers in the UK declined considerably in both coast and inland habitats, likely to be due to human disturbance and habitat change, respectively.  相似文献   

The breeding habitat preferences of Kentish Plover and Little Ringed Plover were studied on a shingle bed. The location of each nest was measured as the distance to the sea wall, nearest pond and nearest path. The habitat surrounding nests was measured at radii of 0.15 m and 15 m as the proportional cover of shingle, gravel, sand, live and dead vegetation. When all variables were considered simultaneously, the differences between the habitats used by the species were related to the cover of shingle within 15 m of the nest and the distance to the sea wall. Nest sites located close to the sea wall and with high shingle cover almost always belonged to Kentish Plover, while those more distant and with low shingle cover almost always belonged to Little Ringed Plover. Kentish Plover nested in areas of newly exposed shingle, while Little Ringed Plovers used areas which had been stable for longer and hence were colonized by vegetation. This study suggests that management which maintains a high proportion of exposed substrate on shingle beds will increase their suitability for Kentish Plover.  相似文献   

Capsule Little Ringed Plovers breeding in South Sweden migrate towards the southeast in the autumn, via the Middle East, to winter in Saharan and sub-Saharan locations or in India, while the spring migration is more directly towards the north.

Aims To study the migration routes and wintering area of Little Ringed Plovers (Charadrius dubius) breeding in South Sweden, and to investigate the migration strategy and speed for this little studied shorebird.

Methods We use light-level geolocators to track the year-round movements of Little Ringed Plovers breeding in South Sweden.

Results Autumn migration proceeded towards the southeast, in three birds via lengthy stopovers in the Middle East, followed by movements towards the west and southwest to final winter destinations in Africa, while one male made a long stopover in northwestern Iran before migrating to India. The birds wintering in Africa probably stayed at freshwater locations in the Sahara or just south or north of the Sahara. Spring migration was more directly back to the breeding area. Overall migration speeds were similar during autumn and spring migration at about 189 and 209?km/day, respectively. The migration was carried out mainly as many short flights between stopovers. In particular, autumn migration was longer than the direct distance between breeding and wintering sites.

Conclusions This study shows that the geolocator method can successfully be used with relatively small (40?g) shorebirds. We found that a local population of Little Ringed Plover may have widely differing wintering sites (low connectivity), from sub-Saharan Africa to the Indian subcontinent. The migration strategy of the Little Ringed Plover, with multiple short flights, deviates from that of many other long-distance migrating shorebirds that, instead, make one or a few long flights.  相似文献   

J. W. Macdonald 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):147-167
The 1984 census revealed that the population of Little Ringed Plovers summering in Britain had increased by approximately 30% since 1973 to a minimum of 608 pairs, thus continuing the upward trend which began in the 1940s. There was an extension of range westwards and an expansion within the northern part of the existing range. The population changed very little in the south, where it is possible that the available habitat is now fully occupied, although interaction with Ringed Plovers Charadrius hiaticula¸ may be a limiting factor in places. Some concern must he expressed for the long-term future of the species in Britain as it depends largely on man-made habitats, free of vegetation, for breeding.  相似文献   

Although some waders (Charadrii) are known regularly to attempt to rear 2 broods in some summers (e.g. Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula, Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius l), this ability is not associated with Palearctic waders breeding at higher latitudes, except where one or more clutches are left in the sole care of previous mates. This note documents an attempt made by a male Dotterel to raise a second brood after its first brood of young became independent.  相似文献   

Spearpoint, J. A., Every, B. & Underhill, L. G. 1988. Waders (Charadrii) and other shorebirds at Cape Recife, Algoa Bay, South Africa: seasonality, trends, conservation, and reliability of surveys. Ostrich 59: 166–177.

A total of 126 surveys of waders (Charadrii) and other shorebirds were made along 4 km of shore northwest of Cape Recife. The surveys were conducted bv two observers who counted independently of each other. The variability between observers was least for conspicuous species such as Whitefronted Plover, Blacksmith Plover, African Black Oystercatcher, Whimbrel and Grey Plover, but greatest for cryptic species such as Ringed Plover and for species which formed a minority in mixed flocks such as Curlew Sandpiper and Little Stint. Variability of surveys within years and between years is also considered. Turnstones and Sanderlings were the most abundant waders in summer. Of the Palaearctic waders, Turnstones, Grey Plovers, Sanderlings, Greenshanks and Whimbrels overwintered. In contrast, Ringed Plovers, Curlew Sandpipers, and Little Stints rarely overwintered. Little Egrets, Threebanded Plovers and Water Dikkops occurred mainly in winter. It is recommended that surveys to estimate numbers of Palaearctic waders in summer and winter should be conducted in December, January or February and June or July, respectively. Because of three-year cycles in breeding productivity of certain waders, surveys should be extended over at least three years. There was evidence that waders associated with rocky shores increased in numbers during the study period: this coincided with the erosion of sandy beaches near Cape Recife. Density, biomass and daily field metabolic rates, expressed on an area basis, were similar to those in eastern Scotland. Nine species of tern utilized Cape Recife. It is recommended that the bait-collecting regulations be enforced, that vehicles be prohibited on the beach, and that the tern roost and breeding site be fenced off to create a sanctuary.  相似文献   

Data from 3659 waders of 23 species live-trapped in the years 1971-73 on the Atlantic coast of Morocco during the period of autumn moult and migration are analysed to estimate duration and timing of primary moult. Common Sandpiper was the only species to moult primaries in its first autumn (unless published ageing criteria are incorrect). Several species showed a low incidence of arrested primary moult and a higher incidence was observed in Ringed, Kentish and Grey Plovers. This is discussed in relation to breeding and migration. Similar rates of primary feather replacement relative to specific moult duration were observed in all species for which information was available. Comparisons between species and with published studies showed that variations in rate of moulting between species and between different geographical populations of the same species were largely due to differences in feather growth rate rather than in the numbers of primaries concurrently in growth. Variations in rate between individuals of the same population were achieved, at least in the first part of moult, by differences in feather dropping rate resulting in differences in the numbers of primaries growing concurrently. The timing and duration of moult in different populations and differences between breeding and non-breeding components were closely related to the requirements of other annual cycle activities, notably breeding and migration. Non-breeding birds summering in Morocco had started moult early. Locally breeding birds had an early start to a fairly slow moult which overlapped with breeding and which in some cases passed through an arrested stage. Birds breeding in cold temperate and arctic regions and wintering in Morocco moulted in a short time soon after arrival. In some cases, notably in Ringed Plovers, birds had commenced moulting on the breeding grounds and arrested moult during migration. Most Redshank and possibly Dunlin migrated in active wing moult. The fastest primary moult was achieved by high arctic breeding birds, Curlew Sandpiper and possibly Little Stint, which stopped to moult in Morocco before moving on to wintering areas further south. This situation is contrasted with that of populations of these two and other species wintering in the southern hemisphere where moult occurs over an extended period during the northern winter.  相似文献   

A. D. Forbes-Watson   《Ibis》1967,109(3):425-430
A nest-cavity with two nestlings of Leptosomus discolor, found in the Comoro Islands in October 1965, are described. This is apparently the first time that nesting has been observed. The nest was in a natural cavity in a tree growing in light secondary forest. Both nestlings still had traces of their original white down, even though they were nearly fully-feathered. Apart from two thick tufts of white down on the hind-crown, the plumage appeared very like that of the adult male. Fragments of egg-shell were found in the nest. They suggest that the original eggs were rather rounded, of a pale unmarked creamy-buff, slightly glossed, measuring about 46 ± 5 ± 37 ± 5 mm. During six hours observation at the nest the birds made five visits and brought six chameleons (no other food was seen). The female fed the young, but the male accompanied her. She did not enter the nest, except on one occasion. Details of this visit are given in full, being particularly remarkable for the tameness of the female. The threat-display of the young is described and possible predators mentioned. Several calls are described, some apparently for the first time. It seems likely that most prey is caught above ground-level. The evidence suggests that the birds are monogamous, not polyandrous as has been suggested.  相似文献   

数种癞蝗酯酶同工酶的比较研究及其在分类上的应用   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
黄原  郑哲民 《昆虫学报》1990,33(2):149-154
本文应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法分析了癞蝗科三属及一种共十四个种群的酯酶同工酶(EST),结果证明EST在属内具有某些共性.同一种群的个体不存在明显的差异,不同种群间略有差异,而种间则差别非常明显.生化和形态特征结合进行的聚类分析提出将短鼻蝗属的三个类群提升到属或亚属的地位,同时还支持将种群7C和9独立成新种.  相似文献   

DAVID B. JACKSON 《Ibis》1994,136(4):463-473
Adult and post-natal breeding-dispersal movements of Redshank Tringa totanus , Dunlin Calidris alpina and Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula were quantified in west Scotland. Data from 373 returning birds marked as breeding adults and 142 returning birds marked as chicks are presented. Unlike most previous studies, this study measured dispersal movements up to 40 km and attempted to overcome distance-related biases. For each species, adult males were significantly more nest site-faithful between years than were adult females. Likewise, first-time breeding males bred significantly closer to their natal site than did females. The settlement intensity per unit area of habitat showed marked differences between species, age classes and sex in the relative attractiveness of potential areas at different distances to settling birds. Adult dispersal was negatively and significantly related to breeding success in the previous year and positively related to capture on the nest in the previous year. Dispersal movements of adult Ringed Plover breeding on unstable cultivated habitats were significantly related to habitat quality (measured in terms of nest survival) and were always to habitat of better or equal quality.  相似文献   

A. J. Prater 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):156-161
A census of Ringed Plovers in Britain in 1973–74 revealed a total of over 5,700 pairs, with the best concentrations in eastern England (particularly in Norfolk and Essex), the Outer Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland. Some interesting recent changes in habitat are chronicled.  相似文献   

Michael W.  Pienkowski 《Ibis》1984,126(2):133-155
The behaviour, growth and survival of Ringed Plover chicks were studied in 1974 at Mestersvig, northeast Greenland, and from 1973 to 1976 at Lindisfarne, northeast England. Post-fledging survival, dispersal and recruitment were also investigated for the Lindisfarne population. Growth rates were similar in both study areas, and to those reported from other sites. A diurnal rhythm in feeding activity was more evident in the Arctic than at temperate latitudes, despite continuous daylight in the former area. This was correlated with low nocturnal temperatures and prey availability. It is concluded that food supply did not limit growth or chick survival in either study area. Brooding decreased progressively during the pre-fledging period; the relationship of brooding period to age, environmental conditions and area was investigated. The adaptations of feeding and brooding behaviour for arctic and temperate breeding Ringed Plovers are discussed. Survival from hatching to fledging varied between 40% and 60% in different areas and years, and at least 59% of birds survived from fledging to about one year old. Minimum survival from one to two years old was only 57%. but year-to-year survival of older birds was higher, that of breeding adults being at least so?;. Most birds returned to the breeding area and attempted to breed when one year old. The extent of dispersal from Lindisfarne and the wintering areas of the Lindisfarne-breeding birds are investigated.  相似文献   

Three nucleotide data sets, two nuclear (ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions 1 and 2, ITS1 and ITS2) and one mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1, CO1), were analysed using distance matrix and maximum likelihood methods to determine the inter-relationships amongst the four species attributed to the genus Ichthyocotylurus Odening, 1969. Sequence data obtained from all gene loci investigated supported the position of Ichthyocotylurus variegatus as a species discrete from Ichthyocotylurus platycephalus. Phylogenetic analyses yielded congruent trees, with I. variegatus isolates comprising a common clade to which I. platycephalus constitutes a sister taxon. Ichthyocotylurus erraticus and Ichthyocotylurus pileatus were found to demonstrate a similarly close inter-specific relationship. The greatest intra-generic divergence occurred in the CO1 region (16% variability), with resultant disparities in three to eight encoded amino acids. PCR amplification yielded multiple ITS1 products for all Ichthyocotylurus spp. Analyses of equivalent-sized amplicons showed 5.4% intra-generic variation and several point mutations between I. variegatus isolates from different geographical localities and from different piscine hosts. The ITS2 locus was extremely conserved, with less than 1% variation between species. No intra-specific variation was recorded for any CO1 or ITS2 sequences.  相似文献   

Abstract The 16S rDNA of 17 strains of Azospirillum , 14 assigned to one of the known species A. amazonense A. brasilense A. halopraeferens A. irakense and A. lipoferum , and the other three of uncertain taxonomic position, was sequenced after polymerase chain reaction amplification and analysed in order to investigate the phylogenetic relationships at the intra-generic and super-generic level. The phylogenetic analysis confirms that the genus Azospirillum constitutes a phylogenetically separate entity within the a subclass of Proteobacteria and that the five species are well defined. A. brasilense and A. lipoferum are closely related species and form one cluster together with A. halopraeferens ; the pair of species A. amazonense and A. irakense forms a second cluster in which Rhodospirillum centenum is also placed.  相似文献   



Most phylogenetic studies using current methods have focused on primary DNA sequence information. However, RNA secondary structures are particularly useful in systematics because they include characteristics, not found in the primary sequence, that give "morphological" information. Despite the number of recent molecular studies on octocorals, there is no consensus opinion about a region that carries enough phylogenetic resolution to solve intrageneric or close species relationships. Moreover, intrageneric morphological information by itself does not always produce accurate phylogenies; intra-species comparisons can reveal greater differences than intra-generic ones. The search for new phylogenetic approaches, such as by RNA secondary structure analysis, is therefore a priority in octocoral research.  相似文献   

M.C. Radford 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):154-160
A census of breeding Ringed Plovers in the UK in 1984 revealed 7534 pairs and a further 1083 pairs were estimated, bringing the total to just over 8600 territorial pairs. Two-thirds of these were in Scotland. The Western Isles, particularly the dry machair, supported 2324 of these, 27% of the national total. Estimated numbers in England (2389) and Wales (224) showed, using the comparison of counted areas only, increases over 1973/74 of 19.6% and 21.1% respectively. Elsewhere, however, a similar comparison showed that numbers were stable or decreasing slightly. The large increase in the UK total over 1973/74 was primarily due to improved coverage in Scotland. Of the habitats used, open beaches throughout most of the UK and machair in the Western Isles were by far the most important. A trend was apparent, most clearly in England, for birds to spread to inland sites. The concentration of Ringed Plovers into nature reserves and other protected sites, especially in England, is discussed, along with the implications for the design of access arrangements to such areas.  相似文献   

John Niles  David Rice 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):175-176
Large numbers of Ringed Plovers pass through Morecambe Bay in spring, believed bound for Greenland. In autumn, when numbers are smaller, two separate stocks are involved: a moulting population drawn from temperate Europe (some of which overwinter), and birds of arctic origins which pause to put on weight but do not moult there.  相似文献   

Leg rings are frequently used to mark aquatic birds in order to identify individuals, and study population dynamics and migration patterns, with the proviso being that the rings should not affect the birds. The effects of tags and rings are of particular interest in diving birds because any change in body shape could impact swimming efficiency and costs, as water is almost a thousand times denser than air. We attached tri-axial accelerometers to both ringed and unringed breeding Imperial Shags Leucocarbo atriceps to assess dive performance based on descent angle, descent rate, power stroke rate, power stroke peak acceleration amplitude and Vectorial Dynamic Body Acceleration (VeDBA) as a proxy for energy expenditure. Ringed birds, especially females, had a higher foot-stroke amplitude than unringed animals. In addition, the overall efficiency of the ringed individuals, as expressed by the descent rate per unit VeDBA, was compromised (by 3.5% in females and 4.3% in males) compared with unringed birds. We conclude that leg rings change the diving performance of Imperial Shags, although the effect is small and may not affect reproductive success. However, given that birds are typically ringed for life, we urge researchers to be particularly careful about the potential cumulative effect of attaching leg rings to foot-propelled diving species.  相似文献   

Skin reactions to various doses of X-rays (300 and 10 kV) and ultraviolet light (u.v.) have been compared using hairless mice. Two regions of epidermis with widely differing cell kinetics and gross structure have been compared. Little evidence could be found to support the idea that the early phases of the reaction are dependent on cell cycle time. The data can be explained by a model based on the assumption that epidermis contains only a small fraction of clonogenic (stem) cells and this fraction may vary in different epidermal regions. X-rays appear to exert their greatest destructive action on these clonogenic cells while u.v. is more indiscriminate in its action, killing both clonogenic and non-clonogenic cells.  相似文献   

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