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《Marine Mammal Science》1985,1(2):179-184
Book reviews in this article:
C ommunication and B ehavior of W hales . R. Payne (ed.).
S trandings : W ays T o S ave W hales . F. D. r obson .
O rders and F amilies of R ecent M ammals of T he W orld . S. Anderson and J. Knox Jones, Jr. (eds.).
S oviet -A merican C ooperative R esearch on M arine M ammals . V olume l—P innipeds . F. H. Fay and G. A. Fedoseev (eds.).
P athobiology of M arine M ammal D iseases . E. B. Howard (ed.).
S eals of T he W orld . (Second Edition.) J. E. Ring. British Museum and Cornell University Press.
T he G ray W hale : E schrichtius R obustus . M. L. Jones, S. L. Swartt and S. Leatherwood.
T he S ierra C lub H andbook of W hales and D olphins . S. Leatherwood and R. R. Reeves.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1981,88(3):587-594
Book reviewed in this article
The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. By A. J. E. S mith .
The Equatorial Rain Forest: a Geological History. By J. R. F lenley .
Patterns of Chloroplast Reproduction – A Developmental Approach to Protoplasmic Plant Anatomy . By T heodor B utterfass .
Reproduction in flowering plants. Ed. by Q. W. R uscoe .
The Life of the Green Plant. By A. A. G alston , P. J. D avies and R uth L. S atter .
Introduction to Fungi , by J ohn W ebster .
The Northwest European Pollen Flora, 11. Ed. by W. P unt and G. C. S. C larke .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1958,57(3):400-408
General Microbiology . By R. Y. S tanier , M. D oudoroff and E. A. A delberg
Looking at Chromosomes . By J ohn M c L elish and B rian S noad
Drawings of British plants . Part X. Saxifragaceae, Crassulaceae. By S tella R oss -C raig
Marine Algae of the Northeastern Coast of North America . By W illiam R andolph T aylor
'Die Fagus- Abies- und Piceagurtelarten in der Kontaktzone der Tannen- und Fichtenwälder der Schweiz .' By A. S axer
Protoplasmatologia Handbuch der Protoplasmaforschung . By M. E rrhra
Bericht über das Geobotanische Forschungsinstitut Rübel in Zürich für das Jahr 1956 . Edited by E. RÜ bel and W. LÜ udi
An Atlas of Airborne Pollen Grains . By H. A. H yde and K. F. A dams
Flora of the British Isles , Illustrations. I Pteridophyta to Papilionaceae. Drawn by S ybil J. R oles . By A. R. C lapham , T. G. T utin and E. F. W arburg
Advances in Genetics , vol. IX. Edited by M. D emerec
Protoplasmatologia. Handbuch der Protoplamaforschung (L. V. Heilhrunn and F. Weber, editors), vol. 1, 2. Biocolloids and their Interactions . By H. L. B ooij and H. G. B ungenberg de J ong
Annual Review of Plant Physiology , vol. 9. Edited by A. S. C rafts , L. M achlis and J. G. T orrey  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1952,50(3):400-409
Book reviewed in this article:
The Natural Philosophy of Plant Form. By A gnes A rber .
Plant Pathology. By J ohn C harles W alker .
Plants of Bikini and other Northern Marshall Islands. By W illiam R andolph T aylor .
Grundlagen und Methoden einer Erneuerung der Systematik der höheren Pflanzen. ( Die Forderung dynaniischer Systematik im Bereiche der Blütenpflanzen. ) By F ranz B uxbaum .
Soil Conditions and Plant Growth. By S ir E. J ohn R ussell .
Plant-Growth Substances. (Symposium.)
British Plants. By N. L. E dlin .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1970,69(4):1189-1197
Books reviewed in this article:
The Biology of Mycorrhiza. By J. L. H arley .
Techniques for Plant Electron Microscopy by B. E. J uniper , A. J. G ilchrist and P. R. W illiams .
Dormancy and Survival. Ed. by H. W. W oolhouse .
Organization and Control in Procaryotic and Eucaryotic Cells. Ed. by H. P. C harles and B. C. J. G. K night .
The Induction of Flowering. Ed. by L. T. E vans .
Anatomy of the Monocotyledons. Ed. by C. R. M etcalfe
Population Dynamics. By M aurice S olomon .
Chemical and Botanical Guide to Lichen Products. BY C hicita F. C ulberson .
Drawings of British Plants; Part XXVI: Polygonaceae-Buxaceae. By S tella R oss -C raig .
The Native Cacti of California. By L yman B enson .
Lehrbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie . By H. M ohr .
Experimente zur Pfianzenphysiologie . By P eter S chopfer .
Biologie de la vigne . By F. B ugnon and R. B essis
La Phyllotaxie . By J.-E. L oiseau .
Leven en werk van Hugo de Vries . By P. H. W. A. M. de V eer .
Chemical Analysis of Leaves and other Organs of Theobroma cacao L. as a Means of Diagnosing Fertiliser Requirements . By T. E ernstman .
Cactus-Feeding Insects and Mites . By J ohn M ann .
Bredin-Archbold-Smithsonian Biological Survey of Dominica. Myxotnycetes from Dominica . By M arie L. F arr .
A Revision of the Genus Camissonia (Onagraceae) . By P eter H. R aven .
Protoplasmatologia . Band VIII/7/b. Aktiver Transport (Kurzstreckentransport bet Pflan-zen) . By U. L uttge .
Protoplasmatologia . Band VIII/8. Sekretion und Exkretion bei Pflanzen. By E. S ciinepf .
Protoplasmatologia . Band II/C/6. Die Hydration und Hydratur des Protoplasmas der Pflanzen und Hire öko-physiologische Bedeutung. By H. W alter und K. K reeb .  相似文献   

Book Notices     
《Ecological Entomology》1976,1(4):297-300
Butterflies of Lebanon. By T orben B. L arsen
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Trichoptera, Lunz am See ( Austria ), September 16–20, 1974. Edited by H ans M alicky
Mosquito Ecology: Field Sampling Methods. By M. W. S ervice
Butterflies: their World, their Life Cycle, their Behaviour. By T homas C. E mmel
Butterfly Culture: a Guide to Breeding Butterflies, Moths and Other Insects. By J ohn L. S. S tone and H. J. M idwinter , with a foreword by J ohnny M orris
Annual Review of Entomology , Vol. 21. Edited by R ay F. S mith , T homas E. M ittler and C arroll N. S mith  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1950,49(2):277-282
Book reviewed in this article:
Die Pilze—Grundzüge ihrer Entwicklungsgeschichte und Morphologie. By E rnst G äumann .
An Introduction to Botany, with Special Reference to the Structure of the Flowering Plant. By J. H. P riestley and L orna I. S cott .
Plant Pathology. By EdW in J. B utler and S. C. J ones .
An Introduction to Plant Biochemistry. By C. C. S teele .
The Dianthus. By W ill I ngwersen .
The Delphinium. By F rank B ishop
Plant Physiology since Sachs. Fifty Years of Plant Physiology. By T h . W eevers , with an introduction by F. W. W ent .
Introgressive Hybridization. By E dgar A nderson .  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
HACCP: A P ractical A pproach (1994). By S. Mortimore and C. Wallace.
M olecular B iology of A rchaea (1994). Edited by F. Pfeiffer, P. Palm and K.-H. Schleifer.
R otaviruses (1994). Edited by R.F. Ramig.
P ower U nseen : H ow M icrobes R ule the W orld (1994). By B. Dixon.
V iruses and C ancer (1994). Edited by A. Minson, J. Niel and M. McCrae.
W ater M icrobiology (1994). By G. Bitton.
H andbook for R hizobia : M ethods in L egume - Rhizobium T echnology (1994). By P. Somasegaran and H.J. Hoben.
S tatistics and E xperimental D esign : A n I ntroduction for B iologists and B iochemists (1994). 3rd Edition. By G.M. Clarke
P rinciples of G ene M anipulation : A n I ntroduction to G enetic E ngineering (1994). 5th Edition. By R.W. Old and S.B. Primrose.
R espiratory I nfections : D iagnosis and M anagement (1994). Third edition. Edited by J.E. Pennington.
O bstetric and G ynecologic I nfectious D isease (1994). Edited by J.G. Pastorek II.
M olecular G enetics of B acteria (1994). 2nd Edition. By J.W. Dale.
B acterial P athogenesis : P art A: I dentification and R egulation of V irulence F actors (1994). Methods in Enzymology, Volume 235. Edited by V.L. Clark and P.M. Bavoil
B acterial P athogenesis : P art B: I nteraction of P athogenic B acteria with H ost C ells (1994). Methods in Enzymology, Volume 236. Edited by V.L. Clark and P.M. Bavoil.
M ononuclear P hagocytes : B iology of M onocytes and M acrophages (1992). Edited by R. van Furth.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1964,63(1):119-133
Plant Communities of the Scottish Highlands. A Study of Scottish Mountain, Moorland and Forest Vegetation . (Monographs of the Nature Conservancy, No. 1.) By D onald McV ean and D erek A. R atcliffe .
* L unde , T. (1962). An investigation into the pH-amplitudes of some mountain plants in the county of Trorns. Acta borealia. A: Scientia , Nr. 20.
Physiology and Biochemistry of Algae . Edited by R alph A. L ewin .
Fungal Genetics . By J. R. S. F incham and P. R. D ay .
The Young Botanist . By C. T. P rime .
Organization in Plants . By W. M. M. B aron .
Chromosome Marker . By K. R. L ewis and B. J ohn .
Symbiotic Associations . Thirteenth Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology. Edited by P. S. N utman and B arbara M osse .
The Developmental Anatomy of Isoetes. By D ominick J. P aolillo , Jr.
Cucurbits: Botany, Cultivation and Utilization . By T homas W. W hitaker and G len N. D avis .
Common Malayan Plants . By H. B. Gilliland.
Sierra Nevada Natural History . By T racey L. S torer and R obert R. U singer .
Croissance et Développement des Plantes . By L ucie K ofler .
Modern Methods of Plant Analysis , vol. VI. Founded by K. P aech and M. V. T racey , continued by H. F. L inskens and M. V. T racey in co-operation with B. D. S anwal .
Enzyme Chemistry of Phenolic Compounds . Edited by J. B. P ridham .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1962,61(2):224-232
Book reviewed in this article:
Mushrooms and Truffles: Botany, Cultivation and Utilization . By R. S inger .
The Development of Agriculture and Forestry in the Tropics . By J ohn P hillips .
Electrolytes and Plant Cells . By G. E. B riggs , A. B. H ope and R. N. R obertson .
On Growth and Form . By the late S ir D'ARCY W entworth T hompson . An abridged edition, prepared by J. T. Bonner.
Sol, Microflore et Vegetation . By B ernard B oullard and R ichard M oreau .
Erläuterungen zur Vegatationskarte der Schweiz . By E mil S chmid .
Plants, Viruses and Insects . By K atherine E sau .
Mechanisms in Biological Competition . Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology. No. 15. Edited by F. L. M ilthorpe .
Anatomy of the Monocotyledons , vol. 2. Palmae. By P. B. T omlinson .
Morphology of the Angiosperms . By A. J. E ames .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1962,61(1):101-110
Book reviewed in this article:
Respiratory Metabolism in Plants . By H arry B eevers .
Plant Pathology: an Advanced Treatise . Volume 2: The Pathogen. Edited by J. G. H orsfall and A. E. D imond .
Flammenphotometrie . By R. H errmann and C. T. J. A lkemade .
Soil Conditions and Plant Growth . By S ir E. J ohn R ussell .
Bacterial Plant Pathogens . By C. S tapp . Translated by A. S choenfeld .
Die Pflanzliche Zellwand . By A. F rey -W yssling
Maps of Distribution of Norwegian Vascular Plants . Edited by K nut F aegri , O lav G jaerevoll , J ohannes L id , R olf N ordhagen . Volume I. Coast Plants by K nut F aegri .
Les forêts acidophiles du Jura. Materiaux pour le levé géobotanique de la Suisse , Fascicule 38. By J. L. R ichard .
A Symposium on Light and Life . Edited by W illiam D. M celroy and B entley G lass .
Woody Plants of Ghana . By F. R. I rvine .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1961,60(2):211-218
Book reviewed in this article:
The Handling of Chromosomes . By C. D. D arlington and L. F. L a C our .
Plant Physiology , volume 1B: Photosynthesis and Chemosynthesis. Edited by F. C. S teward .
Agriculture and Ecology in Africa . A study of actual and potential development south of the Sahara by J ohn P hillips
Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States , vol. IV. By L. A brams and R. S. F erris .
The Anatomy of the Monocotyledons , vol. 1. Gramineae. By C. R. M etcalfe .
Vitamine und Antivitamine. Protoplasmatologia II , B 2 b β. By A lfred P ongratz .
Plant Disease Handbook . By C ynthia W estcott .
An Introduction to the Biology of Micro-organisms . By L ilian E. H awker , A. H. L inton , B. F. F olkes and M. J. C arlile .
Ainsworth and Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi . Fifth Edition by G. C. A insworth .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1983,95(3):505-508
Book reviewed in this article
Mycoplasma Diseases of Trees and Shrubs. Ed. by K. M aramorosch and S. P. R aychaudhuhi .
Alpine Rasengesellschaften auf Silikatgestein bei Davos. By L uca V etterli .
The Rust Fungi. Ed. by K. J. S cott and A. K. C hakravorty .
Environment and Plant Ecology. By J. R. E thehington .
Cryptogams. By K. E sser
Nitrogen fixation. Volume 1: Ecology. Ed. by W. J. B roughton .
Agricultural Plants. By R. H. M. L anger and G. D. H ill
Decomposer Basidiomycetes: their Biology and Ecology. Ed. by J. C. F rankland , J. N. H edger and M. J. S wift .
Cell Walls'81: Proceeding of the Second Cell Wall Meeting held in Gottingen, April 8–11, 1981. Ed. by D. G. R obinson and H. Q uader .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1954,53(1):160-164
La vie des Fruits. By R. U lrich .
The genus 'Euglena'. By M ary G ojdics .
Textbook of Practical Botany. By R. C. M c L ean and W. R. I vimey -C ook .
A Text-Book of General Botany. 5th edition. By G ilbert M. S mith , E dward M. G ilbert , G eorge S. B ryan , R ichard I. E vans and J ohn E. S tauffer .
The Physiology of Seeds. By W. C rocker and L. V. B arton .
Medical Mycology. By G. C. A insworth .
The Vegetation of British Guiana: a Preliminary Review. By D. B. F anshawe .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1963,62(1):105-122
Book reviewed in this article:
Atlas of the British Flora . Edited by F. H. P erring and S. M. W althrs .
Handbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie: Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology . Vol. XIV: Growth and Growth Substances. Edited by W. R uhland .
Drawings of British Plants . Part XVII: Compositae (3). By S tella R oss -C raig .
Apical Meristems . By F. A. L. C lowes . Botanical Monographs, vol. 2. Edited by W. O. J ames .
Cellular Regulatory Mechanisms . Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology
Proceedings of the Summer School of Botany held June 2–15, 1960, at Darjeeling . Edited by P. M aheshwari , B. M. J ohri and I. K. V asil .
Exotic Forest Trees in the British Commonwealth . By R. J. S treets . Edited by Sir H arry C hampion .
A Flora of the Alaskan Arctic Slope . By I. L. W iggins and J. H. T homas
Grundzüge der Pflanzenanatomie . By B. H uber .
Taschenbuch der Botanik . By H. M iehe . Revised by W. M evius .
A Conspectus of Aphids as Vectors of Plant Viruses . By J. S. K ennedy , M. F. D ay and V. F. E astop .
Crop Adaptation and Distribution . By C arroll P. W ilsie .
Flora of Cultivated Plants of the U.S.S.R. Vol. XIII: Perennial Leguminous Plants: Medicago, Melilotus and Trigonella. Edited by E. N. S inskaya . Translated by N. L andau .
Der Federsee . Edited by W. Z immermann .
Carbohydrate Resources within the Perennial Plant . By C. A. P riestley .
Flora of the British Isles . By A. R. C lapham , T. G. T utin and E. F. W arburg .
Mineral Salts Absorption in Plants . By J. F. S utcliffe .
The Development of British Heathlands and their Soils . By G. W. D imbleby .
Annual Review of Plant Physiology , vol. 13. Edited by L. M achlis and W. R. B riggs .  相似文献   

Books reviews in this article:
J arofke, D.; L ange, J.: Reptilien. Krankheiten und Haltung.
K alb, J. E.; M ebrate, A.: Fossil elephantoids from the hominid-bearing Awash group, middle Awash Valley, Afar Depression, Ethiopia.
R entz, D. C. F.: Tettigonüdae of Australia. Vol. 2: The Austrosaginae, Zaprochilinae and Phasmodinae.
B ittner, A. (ed.): Madagaskar - Menschen und Natur itn Konflikt.
O ld, R. W.; P rimrose, S. B.: Gentechnologie - Eine Einführung.
U eckermann, E.: Das Sikawild. Vorkommen, Naturgeschichte, Bejagung. 2., neubearb. u. enw. Aufl.
R iedl, R.: Wahrheit und Wahrscheinlichkeit. Biologische Grundlagen des Für-Wahr-Nehmens.
R emo, M. A.; T hompson, R. L.: Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race.  相似文献   

Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr O. A ppel .
Third International Congress of Comparative Pathology, Athens , 1936. Reports , vol. I, part 2. Section of Plant Pathology.
The Genus Septobasidium. By J ohn N. C ouch .
Soilless Growth of Plants. By C arleton E llis and M iller W. S waney .
Plant Growth Substances. By H ugh N icol .
Common British Grasses and Legumes. By J. O. T homas and L. J. D avies .
Plant Ecology. By J. E. W eaver and F. E. C lements .
Forest Bibliography to 31st December 1933. Compiled and published by the Department of Forestry, University of Oxford.
Textbook of Dendrology. By W. M. H arlow and E. S. H abrar .
Cryptogamic Botany. By G ilbert M. S mith . Vol. I: Algae and Fungi.
Evolution. Essays on Aspects of Evolutionary Biology presented to Prof. E. S. Goodrich on his Seventieth Birthday. Edited by G. R. de B eer .
Heredity. By A. F ranklin S hull .  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
M icroalgae (1994) By E.W. Becker.
T he E volutionary B iology of V iruses (1994). Edited by S.S. Morse.
MCQ s in M edical M icrobiology and I nfectious D iseases (1993). By P.W. Ross and F.X.S. Emmanuel.
T uberculosis : B ack to T he F uture (1994). Edited by J.D.H. Porter and K.P.W. McAdam.
M aking S afe F ood : A M anagement G uide for M icrobiological Q uality (1991). By W.F. Harrigan and R.W.A. Park.
B acterial P rotein T oxins : FEMS S ymposium No. 73. (1994). Edited by J. Freer, R. Aitken, J.E. Alouf, G. Boulnois, P. Falmagne, F. Fehrenbach, C. Montecucco  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1969,68(1):215-232
Book reviewed in this article:
Excursion Flora of the British Isles , 2nd edn. By A. R. C lapham , T. G. T utin and E. F. W arburg .
Critical Supplement to the Atlas of the British Flora . Ed. by F. H. P erring assisted by P. D. S ell .
Drawings of British Plants . Part XXIV. Labiatae . By S tella R oss -C raig .
Britain's Green Mantle , 2nd edn. By the late A. G. T ansley . Revised by M. C. F. P roctor .
The Flora of Berkshire . By H. J. M. B owen .
Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands . By P. H. D avis , assisted by J. C ullen and M. J. E. C oode .
Plants and Man on the Seychelles Coast . By J. D. S auer .
Key to the Families of Flowering Plants of the World . Revised and enlarged by J. H utchinson .
The Diversity of Green Flants . By P. R. B ell and C. L. F. W oodcock .
IBP Handbook No . 5: Handbook to the Conservation Section of the International Biological Programme . By E. M. N icholson .
Plants, Man and Life , 2nd edn. By E dgar A nderson .
Production and Mineral Cycling in Terrestrial Vegetation . By L. E. R odin and N. I. B azilevich . Translation by Scripta Technica Ltd (Ed. by G. E. F ogg ).
'Torrey Canyon' Pollution and Marine Life . A Report by the Plymouth Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Ed. by J. E. S mith .
Geobotanische Untersuchungen auf der Feddersen Wier de . By U. K örber -G rohne .
Cell Walls and Membranes . By H. J. R ogers and H. R. P erkins .
Wachstums regulatoren bei Pflanzen . Ed. by E. L ibbert and B. S teyer .
The Ecology of Soil Bacteria ( An International Symposium ). Ed. by T. R. G. G ray and D. P arkinson .
Genetics of Fungi . By K arl E sser and R udolf K uenen . Translated by E rich S teiner .
Plant Pathologist's Pocketbook . Compiled by The Commonwealth Mycological Institute.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
Limnology , 2nd ed. By P aul S. W elch
Fundamentals of Limnology , 2nd ed. By F ranz R uttner . Translated by D. G. FREY and F. E. J. FRY.
Zoogeography of the Sea . By S ven E kman .
Physiology of Seeds . By W. C rocker and L. V. B arton .
Insect Physiology . Edited by K. D. R oeder .
Legumes in Agriculture . By R. O. W hyte and H. C. T rumble .
Plant Diseases . By F. T. B rooks . Second edition.  相似文献   

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