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The effect of triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) treatment (15 mug/100 g body weight daily for 10 days) on the activity of mitochondrial alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GPOX) in different nephron segments of the male rat was investigated by a histochemical staining method. The study showed marked segmental differences regarding the response to T3-treatment: 1. The first two proximal segments were unstained in the control rats and intensely stained following treatment. 2. The third proximal segments, the thick ascending limbs of Henle's loop and the distal convolted tubules showed a strong or moderate reaction in controls and a moderate increase after T3-treatment. 3. The high activity of collecting ducts in the cortex and outer zone of the medulla in controls was slightly increased by treatment. 4. Faintly reacting glomeruli and negative thin limbs of Henle's loop and collecting ducts in the inner medulla (papilla) were unaffected by T3-treatment. The results are discussed in relation to biochemical and physiological data.  相似文献   

Summary The histochemical localization of lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) activity and the prevailing type of isoenzyme in different segments of the nephron in male and female rats are described. Polyvinyl alcohol was added to the incubation medium in order to reduce enzyme diffusion. Localization of the reaction product was further improved by the use of a high concentration of Nitro BT (and of PMS and NAD).The three segments of the proximal tubules exhibited clearly different staining patterns. In glomeruli, terminal parts of the third proximal segments, thin limbs of Henle, and collecting ducts M subunits of LDH predominated, whereas in the remaining tubular segments H subunits prevailed. Sex differences were observed in respect to the LDH reaction in the proximal tubules, but not in the rest of the nephron. The localization of -hydroxy acid oxidase was also investigated, as this enzyme oxidizes lactate and therefore contributes to the reaction. Under certain conditions, i.e. high substrate concentration, the activity of -hydroxy acid oxidase was negligible in comparison with that of LDH.The Abbreviations used are PVA polyvinyl alcohol - PMS phenazine methosulfate - NAD nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - Nitro BT nitroblue tetrazolium - Tris Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane - PCMB p-chloromercuribenzoate Supported by grants from Fonden til Lægevidenskabens Fremme, and the Danish Medical Research Council.The terms H isoenzyme and M isoenzyme denote isoenzymes of LDH containing predominantly H subunits and M subunits, respectively.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to compare and contrast the histochemical, histological and ultrastructural variations (microanatomical differences) in the nephrons of selected snake species, Eryx jaculus (Boidae), Psammophis sibilans (Colubridae), Naja haje (Elapidae) and Echis pyramidum (Viperidae) from Egypt. The structural studies were carried out by conventional light and electron microscopy. The nephron, the renal unit of snakes, consists of renal corpuscle, proximal tubule, intermediate segment, distal tubule and collecting tubule. The renal corpuscles have large capillaries with clear and dark fenestrated endothelial cells. The proximal tubule showed long microvilli, cytoplasmic vacuoles, developed endoplasmic reticulum and abundant mitochondria. The intermediate segment was lined by ciliated cells. The lining cells of the distal tubules showed few microvilli, abundant dense mitochondria and clear vesicles of mucous appeared in the terminal portion. The collecting tubules consisted of mucous cells. In summary, the ultra-structure studies of nephrons revealed several interspecies similarities and also some intra-species differences in species of snakes.  相似文献   

The intestinal absorption of lipids was investigated in plastic sections from glycol methacrylate embedded intestine after fat administration. In the catfish, the lipids are absorbed by the enterocytes of the proximal intestinal segment, thus forming fat cytoplasmic inclusions that were demonstrated by Sudan black B staining. The histochemical characterization of lipids by the Nile blue sulphate test revealed the neutral or triglyceride nature of the cytoplasmic droplets, both after the corn oil and oleic acid feeding. There is lipid accumulation in the lamina propria and lymphatic vessels.  相似文献   

In 20 bovine embryos and fetuses 6-65 mm long (crown-rump length) and 23 to 60-70 days old, the structure and localization of acid and neutral mucopolysaccharides and glycogen in their notochord were investigated. Also, the localization in the notochord was examined of the activity of alkaline and acid phosphatases, alpha-glycerophosphate-, glucose-6-phosphate-, isocitrate-, glutamate-, lactate- and succinic- dehydrogenases, and nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide- and nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide-phosphate- diaphorases. It was found that the bovine notochord begins decomposing at the end of embryonal and the beginning of fetal development (45-50 days old) and that in the fetus aged 55-65 days it no longer represents an unbroken cord of notochordal cells. Secretory activity of notochordal cells which produce the notochordal sheath starts very early (in 10 mm-long embryos), and interruptedly increases up to the end of the embryonal developmental period when regression appears at the beginning of the fetal period. These findings agree with findings in the human embryo where, however, they relate to earlier developmental periods.  相似文献   

Summary The luminal surface ultrastructure of the mature mesonephric nephron in 18 day rabbit embryos was studied in order to classify the nephron segments and to compare them with their metanephric counterparts. The proximal tubule has two slightly different segments. Its brush-bordered cells, with lateral ridges and basal microvilli (revealed in disjoined cells) exhibit structural principles similar to those of metanephric cells. The short distal tubule, starting with an abrupt border, cannot be subdivided. Its surface differs from one specimen to the next; the various cellular patterns are regarded as different functional states rather than evidence of a true cellular heterogeneity. Cells with leaf-like meandering borders correspond to similar metanephric cells favoring a paracellular transport mechanism. The collecting tubule shares common features with the metanephric collecting duct in spite of its different origin. Among principal cells, clearly demarcated by marginal microvillous rows and studded with sparse apical microvilli, non-ciliated and strongly bulging intercalated cells occur in small numbers. The latter have exaggerated, sometimes branched microvilli, and occasional microplicae. In the Wolffian duct, which has no metanephric counterpart, the single cilia dominate the picture of a homogeneous cell population. Apical globular protrusions of the tubular epithelia, which have been depicted in almost every paper on the mesonephros, are all fixation artefacts that can only be avoided by properly perfusing the living embryo.  相似文献   

Summary Transmission electron micrographs of the mesonephric nephron in 18 day rabbit embryos reveal major cytological structures reappearing in the nephron of the definitive rabbit kidney. The initial segment of the proximal tubule resembles (despite quite different cell proportions) the cell picture of the metanephric S2-segment. The changes occurring at the end of the terminal proximal segment, the decrease in cell size, flattening of the nuclei, shortening of the brush border and reduction of Golgi profiles and endocytotic organelles largely parallel those between S2 and S3. The type of increased basolateral cell face of the proximal and distal tubule cells shows only quantitative differences to their metanephric counterparts. The distal tubule, which cannot be further subdivided (except the macula densa-region) exhibits varying degrees of cell interdigitations with vertically arranged and partially arching lateral ridges. This tubule matches closely the metanephric medullary straight part of the distal tubule, so that the sequence of the first mesonephric nephron segments is similar to the metanephric ones with the exception that the thin limb of Henle is absent. The large macula densa-region is characterized by its cell height and distended infranuclear spaces. The principal cells of the collecting tubule, with a few basal infoldings and intense short lateral interlockings resemble metanephric cells of the outer medullary collecting duct. The mitochondria-rich intercalated cells occur in dark and light contrasting forms and are more frequent than was evident from our SEM-study. The homogeneous cell population of the Wolffian duct is characterized by large glycogen deposits and comparatively smooth cell faces.  相似文献   

Absorption of iron in the intestine of three different species of fishes, namely; Claris batrachus, Channa striatus and Esomus danricus has been described. These three species of fishes have different feeding habits, being omnivorus, carnivorus and herbivorus respectively. The absorption of iron has been studied at different time intervals; after three hours, six hours and nine hours. The mucosal epithelial cells, submucosal blood vessels and blood capilaries were the main site of iron absorption. A comparative account of absorption of iron of all three fishes is described and discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In freeze-fracture replicas of the entire cross-fractured mesonephros of 18 day rabbit embryos the basolateral and luminal cell faces of the different nephron segments were studied and compared with their metanephric counterparts. In the proximal tubule, the shallow zonula occludens exhibited only 1–2 strands and resembled the corresponding metanephric zonula, a very leaky type, which was found with a considerable paracellular flow component in sites of isotonic reabsorption. Gap junctions were restricted to the proximal tubule and were seen more frequently in its terminal segment. The distal tubule harboured two types of tight junctions. The most common type, a band of 5–8 closely parallel strands, matched the zonula occludens of the metanephric straight distal tubule. The observed particle density of the basolateral membrane (2,500±328/m2) was less than that of the proximal tubule (2,642±306). In addition, the collecting tubule exhibited a zonula occludens of the tight variety similar to that which occurred in the metanephric collecting duct. Rod-shaped particles of the luminal membrane were mainly concentrated in some of the intercalated cells but also had developed on principal cells, and occasionally, in the distal tubule. The Wolffian duct, with a deep tight zonula occludens, had an obviously rather inactive epithelium with no conspicuous transport-linked membrane specializations.  相似文献   

Morphometric and histochemical investigation of musculus sartorius was performed in ontogenesis in Rana ridibunda and Rana temporaria. Muscular composition was characterized according to the type of muscular fibres. Spectrum of lactatdehydrogenase isoenzymes was studied at different developmental stages. As the studies demonstrated, musculus sartorius underwent some essential changes in ontogenesis which manifested themselves in increasing number of muscular fibres and their areas, in changing LDG isoenzymic spectrum. Differentiation of the muscular fibres three types takes place at the 30th stage after P. V. Terentiev and depends on the nerve system maturation.  相似文献   

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