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Antigenic similarities between Plasmodium and Babesia parasites of the phylum Apicomplexa have been previously demonstrated primarily by the serological cross reactivity observed in the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test. We have now studied the antigenic relationship between the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, and the hemoparasitic agent of cattle, Babesia bovis, using rabbit monospecific antibodies produced against individual culture-derived P. falciparum polypeptides and bovine polyspecific antibodies to B. bovis exoantigens. These respective antibodies were found to be distinctly cross reactive in the IFA test using infected erythrocytes (squirrel monkey—P. falciparum; bovine—B. bovis) as antigen substrates. Immunofluorescence was shown to be highly specific for parasite surfaces. Additionally, the degree of reactivity with soluble exoantigens contained in Plasmodium and Babesia culture supernatants was monitored by a two-site enzyme immunoassay employing the cross-reactive antibodies. Further evidence for antigenic cross reactivity between P. falciparum and B. bovis parasites was shown with the in vitro inhibition assay. Antibodies to P. falciparum and B. bovis were found to be highly inhibitory for the in vitro growth of P. falciparum in human erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Babesia bovis and Plasmodium falciparum are both vector-borne parasites primarily infecting the erythrocytes of their respective hosts. They have obvious differences, yet the diseases caused by these parasites share many common features. Both have generated a considerable body of research but, perhaps because of the classical distinction between veterinary and medical parasitology, many of the similarities between the two have been neglected. As this review shows however, many of the pathophysiological changes in B. bovis infections are poorly described for P. falciparum - and vice versa. Examples are the roles of lipid peroxidation, neutrophil adhesion and production of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) in malaria, which have been largely unstudied in babesiosis, or conversely the roles of fibronectin, immune complexes, cryofibrinogen and the complement cascade in babesiosis, which have been little studied (partly for ethical reasons) in human malaria. To clarify such questions, it may be that each of these diseases may serve as a partial model for the other.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte-dwelling parasites, such as Babesia bovis and Plasmodium falciparum, are not accessible to the host immune system during most of their asexual reproductive cycle because they are intracellular. While intracellular, the host immune response must be directed toward the surface of the infected erythrocyte. Immune individuals mount protective antibody and cell-mediated responses which eliminate most of the parasites, yet some survive to establish chronic infections. In this review, David Allred discusses some of the mechanisms used by these parasites to evade individual immune mechanisms targeting the infected erythrocyte to survive in the hostile environment of an effective immune response.  相似文献   

Exoantigens (E-antigens) of P. falciparum prepared by cationic exchange chromatography from asynchronous culture supernatant were evaluated by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Chromatofocusing, Enzyme Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA), Gel Electrophoresis of Derivated ELISA (GEDELISA) and Immunoblotting. Their mol. wt after denaturation and immunoblotting were: 170,000,135,000 and 100,000. Their isoelectric points (pI) in their native forms were: ⩾ 6.3, 4.1 and ⩽ 3.7. Thermostability tests showed that 65% of their antigenic activity remained after 5 min at 100°C. Metabolic labelling with 3H glucosamine, periodate oxidation and borohydride reduction showed that they were in part glycoproteins. These antigens are excreted or secreted during merozoite release and invasion of erythrocytes. Metabolically labelled (3Ft leucine) culture fluid from synchronous P. falciparum cultures was analysed by Inhibition ELISA (ELISA-I) and CounterImmunoElectrophoresis (CIE) to determine the presence of E-antigens. These antigens inhibited the in vitro growth of Plasmodium falciparum.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum, in in vitro culture, elaborated many antigens including soluble exoantigens that are released into the culture medium. Anionic and cationic methods of isolating these antigens offer a great potential for large scale purification from medium that is rich in proteins but contains relatively low concentrations of P. falciparum specific antigens. These exoantigens have cationic and anionic dependent elution profiles (pI between 3.7 and 4.8). Five apparent molecular weight entities (58, 80, 145, 200, and 290 kdaltons) have been determined by GEDELISA. Susceptibility to lipase and to a proteolytic enzyme confirmed the proteinaceous nature of the antigens. They were isolated from 4 strains of different geographic origin, indicating their ubiquitous nature. The analogy of these exoantigens to circulating antigens in patients with acute malaria and their potential usefulness in immunodiagnosis and immunoprophylaxis are discussed.  相似文献   

An indirect fluorescent antibody test was used to analyze the antigenic relationships between Babesia argentina, a parasite of cattle, and two human malaria parasites, Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. Elevated antibody titers to P. falciparum were found in cattle infected with B. argentina. Some persons infected with P. falciparum or P. vivax were found to produce antibodies to B. argentina. Explanations for the occurrence of these cross reactions are considered.  相似文献   

For selection of immunogens capable of inducing high levels of antibodies reactive with the Plasmodium falciparum antigen Pf155/RESA, rabbits were immunized with synthetic peptides corresponding to sequences based on the repeat subunits EENVEHDA and (EENV)2 from the C-terminus of this antigen. The antibodies obtained were analyzed with regard to binding to synthetic peptides in ELISA and to reactivity with parasite antigens by immunofluorescence or immunoblotting. All antisera reacted with both the peptides EENVEHDA and (EENV)2 as well as with Pf155/RESA. Antibody fractions specific for each of the two peptides were prepared by affinity chromatography on insolubilized peptides. Strong reactivity with antigens in the membrane of erythrocytes infected with early stages of the parasite as well as reactivity with Pf155/RESA in immunoblotting correlated with reactivity of antibody with (EENV)2. Antibody preparations reactive with EENVEHDA and depleted of (EENV)2 reactivity showed only a weak reactivity with Pf155/RESA but reacted also with P. falciparum polypeptides of 250, 210, and 88 kDa. In immunofluorescence, these antibodies stained mainly the intraerythrocytic parasite. Both EENVEHDA- and (EENV)2-specific antibodies inhibited merozoite reinvasion in P. falciparum in vitro cultures, the latter antibodies being the most efficient. This study defines the specificity and cross-reactivity with other P. falciparum antigens of antibodies to the C-terminal repeats of Pf155/RESA.  相似文献   

The multiplication of Plasmodium falciparum within RBC is energy-dependent and the glucose consumption of infected RBC is increased more than 50 times over the consumption of normal RBC. High levels of glycolytic enzymes such as fructose-1,6-diphosphate aldolase (p41) have been detected in infected RBC. Expression of the cloned aldolase gene of P. falciparum in Escherichia coli resulted in an enzymatically active polypeptide with a high sp. act. and the recombinant p41 aldolase was used for enzymatic and immunologic studies reported here. The presence of antibodies against p41 in the sera of human adults partially immune to malaria and immunization experiments in monkeys suggest that p41 is implicated in protective immune response against the parasite. Therefore, we analyzed the capacity of various antisera to inhibit P. falciparum aldolase activity. It was found that anti-p41 antibodies raised in mice, rabbits, and monkeys inhibited very efficiently aldolase activity in vitro up to dilutions higher than 10(-3). In contrast none of the human sera with high levels of anti-p41 antibodies were able to inhibit parasite aldolase activity even at a dilution of 1/2. The inability of human antisera to neutralize parasite aldolase is not related to antibody titers but is probably related to the specificity of the human antibodies. This finding is discussed in relation to homology of structure of P. falciparum and mammalian aldolase and to a possible mechanism of parasite adaptation and survival in its natural host.  相似文献   

A 33-kDa soluble antigen identified in the culture supernatant by patient serum and monoclonal antibodies was present in rings, trophozoites, schizonts, and merozoites of Plasmodium falciparum. The antigen which is released into the culture supernatant by growing parasites was also observed in the host cells of trophozoites and schizonts and could be localized on the host cell surface. Its specificity for the surface of trophozoites and schizonts was observed to decrease with increased duration without subculture. The antigen could then be detected on the surface of noninfected erythrocytes. The antigenicity of the 33-kDa antigen was destroyed by heating at 65 degrees C. Monoclonal and polyclonal specific antibodies weakly inhibited parasite growth in vitro. The antigen was present in both knob positive and knob negative parasites in all the P. falciparum isolates tested.  相似文献   

Immune modulation of Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum gametocytes occurs over the course of erythrocytic infection. The response is linked to proliferative and inflammatory responses, which may be stimulated by stage-specific gametocyte proteins. Stage-specific exoantigens were purified from supernatants of P. falciparum and P. vivax gametocyte cultures, and either primary or secondary postinfection lymphocytes were stimulated for proliferation. Five of 25 exoantigens purified from P. falciparum gametocyte cultures and 6 of 28 exoantigens isolated from P. vivax were gametocyte stage specific. Metabolic labeling of soluble P. falciparum gametocyte proteins confirmed synthesis and secretion of 5 stage-specific exoantigens, with molecular masses of 118, 62, 52, 37, and 33 kDa. Purified gametocyte exoantigens within the range of 50 to 100 kDa stage-specifically stimulated proliferation of lymphocytes from postprimary P. falciparum infections, and from postprimary and secondary P. vivax infection patients with homologous purified exoantigens. T-cell receptor (TCR)gammadelta+, and CD3+ CD8+ and CD3+ CD4- CD8- T cells were specifically upregulated from P. falciparum primary- and P. vivax secondary-infection lymphocytes, respectively, using gametocyte stage-specific exoantigens. CD25+ was the major activation marker expressed by CD3+ and gammadelta T cells when stimulated with gametocyte exoantigens. None of the T cell markers was significantly upregulated using gametocyte stage-specific exoantigens with primary-infection P. vivax lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Babesia bovis-specific T cell lines were established from cattle infected with either tick-derived or cultured parasites by stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells with a crude parasite membrane fraction. Induction and enrichment of CD4+ T cells occurred over time. All cell lines responded vigorously and in a dose-dependent, MHC-restricted manner to intact merozoites, and to soluble and membrane fractions derived from merozoites by homogenization and high-speed centrifugation. Solubilization of the membrane fraction with nondenaturing zwitterionic or nonionic detergents yielded antigenic extracts which also stimulated the T cells. However, a differential response was observed, in that cell lines from one animal proliferated vigorously to the detergent extracts of the membrane fraction, whereas cell lines from a second animal proliferated only weakly to these extracts. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed common protein bands of 90 and 22 kDa in the various immunogenic fractions. Cell lines from the animal infected with cultured parasites also responded to parasite culture supernatant "exoantigens" and to the related parasite, Babesia bigemina. We conclude that antigens present in merozoite membranes and soluble parasite extracts preferentially stimulate CD4+ T cells from cattle immune to Babesia bovis. The differential pattern of response of T cell lines from different cattle suggests that more than one protein or epitope is immunodominant for T cells.  相似文献   



The genetic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum has been extensively studied in various parts of the world. However, limited data are available from Pakistan. This study aimed to establish molecular characterization of P. falciparum field isolates in Pakistan measured with two highly polymorphic genetic markers, i.e. the merozoite surface protein 1 (msp-1)and 2 (msp-2).


Between October 2005 and October 2007, 244 blood samples from patients with symptomatic blood-slide confirmed P. falciparum mono-infections attending the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, or its collection units located in Sindh and Baluchistan provinces, Pakistan were collected. The genetic diversity of P. falciparum was analysed by length polymorphism following gel electrophoresis of DNA products from nested polymerase chain reactions (PCR) targeting block 2 of msp-1 and block 3 of msp-2, including their respective allelic families KI, MAD 20, RO33, and FC27, 3D7/IC.


A total of 238/244 (98%) patients had a positive PCR outcome in at least one genetic marker; the remaining six were excluded from analysis. A majority of patients had monoclonal infections. Only 56/231 (24%) and 51/236 (22%) carried multiple P. falciparum genotypes in msp-1 and msp-2, respectively. The estimated total number of genotypes was 25 msp-1 (12 KI; 8 MAD20; 5 RO33) and 33 msp-2 (14 FC27; 19 3D7/IC).


This is the first report on molecular characterization of P. falciparum field isolates in Pakistan with regards to multiplicity of infection. The genetic diversity and allelic distribution found in this study is similar to previous reports from India and Southeast Asian countries with low malaria endemicity.  相似文献   

Babesia divergens Rouen 1987 was cultivated with a high percentage of parasitized erythrocytes (30–40%) in either RPMI 1640 supplemented by 10% human serum or in a serum-free medium consisting of RPMI 1640 supplemented with 5 g/l Albumax I®. Analysis of serum and Albumax culture supernatants, using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, revealed the presence of at least 10 parasitic exoantigens of B. divergens with molecular weights ranging between 27 and 200 kDa. The gerbils were injected twice, at 3-week intervals, with Albumax culture supernatants or seric culture supernatants. The vaccine doses ranged from 3 μl to 1.5 ml. The highest immunofluorescent antibody titers in gerbils (in 42 days) were obtained using Albumax supernatant and Quil A saponin as adjuvant. Analysis of the gerbil humoral response by immunoprecipitation showed that only three exoantigens were immunodominant: 92 kDa, 50 kDa and 37 kDa proteins. The gerbils were challenged 3 weeks after the last vaccine injection and the maximum protection was observed with vaccine doses ranging from 30 μl to 1.5 ml of culture supernatant and Quil A adjuvant. Albumax medium-derived antigens potentiated better protection at lower dose rates than that of serous medium-derived antigens (for example the gerbil mortality was 0% when they are immunized with 30 μl of Albumax supernatant and 100% with 30 μl of seric supernatant).  相似文献   

The in vitro antimalarial activity of sodium selenite (NaSe) was investigated and the mechanism of its action was studied. NaSe had antimalarial activity against both the chloroquine-susceptible strain FCR-3 and chloroquine-resistant strain K-1 of Plasmodium falciparum. The shrunken cytoplasm of the parasite was observed in a smear 12 h after treatment with NaSe. Co-treatment with copper sulfate (CuSO(4)) in culture did not affect the antimalarial activity of NaSe, but NaSe cytotoxicity against the mammalian cell line Alexander was decreased significantly. The intracellular reduced glutathione level of parasitized red blood cells was decreased significantly by treatment with NaSe, and the decrease was consistent with their mortality. Treatment with NaSe had a strong inhibitory effect on plasmodial development, and NaSe cytotoxicity to human cells was decreased by co-treatment with CuSO(4). These results suggest that co-treatment with NaSe and CuSO(4) may be useful as a new antimalarial therapy.  相似文献   



Rosetting is a Plasmodium falciparum virulence factor implicated in the pathogenesis of life-threatening malaria. Rosetting occurs when parasite–derived P. falciparum Erythrocyte Membrane Protein One (PfEMP1) on the surface of infected erythrocytes binds to human receptors on uninfected erythrocytes. PfEMP1 is a possible target for a vaccine to induce antibodies to inhibit rosetting and prevent severe malaria.


We examined the vaccine potential of the six extracellular domains of a rosette-mediating PfEMP1 variant (ITvar9/R29var1 from the R29 parasite strain) by immunizing rabbits with recombinant proteins expressed in E. coli. Antibodies raised to each domain were tested for surface fluorescence with live infected erythrocytes, rosette inhibition and phagocytosis-induction. Antibodies to all PfEMP1 domains recognized the surface of live infected erythrocytes down to low concentrations (0.02–1.56 µg/ml of total IgG). Antibodies to all PfEMP1 domains except for the second Duffy-Binding-Like region inhibited rosetting (50% inhibitory concentration 0.04–4 µg/ml) and were able to opsonize and induce phagocytosis of infected erythrocytes at low concentrations (1.56–6.25 µg/ml). Antibodies to the N-terminal region (NTS-DBL1α) were the most effective in all assays. All antibodies were specific for the R29 parasite strain, and showed no functional activity against five other rosetting strains.


These results are encouraging for vaccine development as they show that potent antibodies can be generated to recombinant PfEMP1 domains that will inhibit rosetting and induce phagocytosis of infected erythrocytes. However, further work is needed on rosetting mechanisms and cross-reactivity in field isolates to define a set of PfEMP1 variants that could induce functional antibodies against a broad range of P. falciparum rosetting parasites.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study involving 76 individuals living in Dafinso and Vallée du Kou (near Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, West Africa) was performed in June 1987 (beginning of the transmission period), August-September 1987 (during) and January 1988 (after). The serological antibody (Ab) responses against synthetic peptides representing repeat amino acid sequences of the P. falciparum Ring-Infected Erythrocyte Surface Antigen (RESA): (EENV)5, (EENVEHDA)4, (DDEHVEEPTVA)2 were evaluated by ELISA. The clinical longitudinal study during the transmission period allowed us to define three different groups in terms of age and occurrence of clinical malarial attack (greater than 5000 parasites mm-3 of blood and axillary fever greater than 37.7 degrees C). Levels (A620) of Ab to (EENVEHDA)4 and (DDEHVEEPTVA)2 were correlated with age. The adult group (III) had the highest prevalences of Ab to RESA peptides. No significant difference was found between groups of children with or without malaria attack. Nevertheless, at the beginning of the transmission period, children who had at least one malaria attack during the study presented the lowest level of antibodies to RESA peptides.  相似文献   

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