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Two subspecies of Barbarea vulgaris are taxonomically recognized as ssp. vulgaris and ssp. arcuata. In addition, two types of Barbarea vulgaris ssp. arcuata occurs in Denmark. The G‐type is resistant to an herbivorous flea beetle (Phyllotreta nemorum) whereas the P‐type is susceptible. A previous study suggested that the P‐type evolved by a loss of resistance from a resistant progenitor. We analyzed the genetic relatedness among eight Barbarea taxa: B. vulgaris spp. vulgaris, B. vulgaris ssp. arcuata G‐ and P‐types, hybrids between the types, B. verna, B. intermedia, B. stricta, B. orthoceras and B. australis, using AFLP and SSR markers. A clear distinction between the G‐ and P‐types was revealed. Both were distinct from B. vulgaris ssp. vulgaris, the G‐type less so than the P‐type. Barbarea verna and B. intermedia formed unambiguous clusters, whereas the remaining taxa produced less discrete groupings. Possible evolutionary scenarios for flea‐beetle resistance and susceptibility are discussed, including lineage sorting from a polymorphic ancestral population, and de novo loss of resistance in the P‐type of B. vulgaris ssp. arcuata.  相似文献   

Hybridisation barriers are likely to evolve during allopatric separation of populations, in parallel with divergent adaptation to different conditions in the two ranges. If the populations secondarily come into contact, limited interbreeding between them may affect the subsequent spread of the two lineages and their adaptations in the region of sympatry. Barbarea vulgaris include two genetically divergent lineages that differ in secondary metabolites and resistances to insects and a pathogen. The two plant types grow in different Eurasian ranges but co-occur in Denmark and neighbouring countries, posing the question why they have not merged and the resistances spread from one type into the range of the other. Here, we tested whether a hybridisation barrier contribute to this. Different proportions of plants of the two types were placed in net tents and pollinated by flies, and paternity of the resulting seeds determined with genetic markers. Lower proportions of fruits and seeds developed successfully in mixtures with higher proportions of heterotypic plants (i.e. of the other plant type). When combined with results on offspring paternity in a statistical analysis, we found that heterotypic pollen was much less successful in fertilizing embryos and that heterotypic seeds survived less frequently than the contypic. Mature F1 hybrids in addition produced lower proportions of mature pollen. The two B. vulgaris plant types are thus separated by substantial prezygotic and postzygotic barriers, as strong as reported for crosses between closely related but taxonomically recognised plant species. This may explain why the two B. vulgaris types have not merged in sympatry and why genes for insect-resistance have not introgressed to any extent from one to the other.  相似文献   

Abstract In a ‘restinga’ habitat of southeastern Brazil, we studied the food habits and the microhabitat use of two lizards with distinct foraging modes: the tropidurid Tropidurus torquatus, a sit-and-wait predator, and the teiid Cnemidophorus ocellifer, a wide forager. The diet of the two species differed strongly, indicating a low level of similarity in their trophic niche. The sit-and-wait predator fed mainly on mobile prey, whereas the wide forager fed mainly on sedentary prey (larvae). The spatial niche breadth of T. torquatus was larger than that of C. ocellifer. Despite interspecific differences, the two species overlapped greatly in micro-habitat use. The data indicate that at Linhares the two lizard species differed more in food resources than in microhabitat, and that most of the food differences reflect the foraging patterns of the species.  相似文献   

The giant fennel, Ferula communis L. (Apiaceae) is a circum-Mediterranean species responsible of severe haemorrhagic intoxication of livestock. Electrophoretic analysis of 14 putative enzyme loci was carried out to assess genetic differentiation among poisonous and non-poisonous chemotypes of F. communis in Sardinia. Genetic structuring characterises all the five populations examined. However, differentiation was higher between poisonous and non-poisonous populations (P<0.00001), and was independent from geographic distances, suggesting a reduced gene flow between the two chemotypes.  相似文献   

Oenanthe conioides is a lower Elbe endemic plant species growing in the freshwater tidal zone around Hamburg (Germany). Its closest relative Oenanthe aquatica is widely distributed in Eurasia and grows in calm and shallow freshwater. The two species differ in habitat requirements but are otherwise sympatrically distributed, suggesting that ecological divergence has to be maintained in the face of gene flow. In the present study, we investigated ecological differentiation and reproductive isolation in these two species. An amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis found clear genetic differentiation between the two species implying reproductive isolation. A reciprocal transplantation experiment including artificial F1 hybrids showed strong selection against immigrants. In the two parental habitats, the non‐native species are less fit than the native species. Hybrids are less fit in the habitat of Oe. aquatica but perform as well as the native species in the habitat of Oe. conioides. We hypothesize that selection against immigrants is the most important component of reproductive isolation between the two species, and that selection against immigrants is the result of exposure to cold and wind in the tidal habitat of Oe. conioides and to herbivory in the habitat of Oe. aquatica. These results are congruent with a role for differential ecological selection in the formation and maintenance of these two species. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 526–535.  相似文献   

The pattern of genetic differentiation between diverging species receives much attention as one of the key observable features of speciation. It has often been suggested that introgression between closely related species occurs commonly where their distributions overlap, leading to their becoming more morphologically and genetically similar, but there are a few opposite results. However, most of these studies have been carried out with animals and separate species; few have looked at intraspecific cases, especially in plants. Here, we conduct a comparative study on patterns of genetic differentiation among populations of two varieties of Oreocharis benthamii in allopatry and sympatry based on ISSR data for 754 individuals from 26 populations, in order to understand the processes leading to speciation. Contrary to expectations, the facultative xenogamy (mixed mating) species O. benthamii has a relatively low genetic diversity within populations (H = 0.1014, I = 0.1528) and high genetic differentiation among populations (GST = 0.5867, ФST = 0.659), as is typically found for selfing species. Genetic variance between the two varieties in sympatric populations (44%, ФST = 0.444) is significantly more than that in allopatric populations (14%, ФST = 0.138). Consistent with the taxonomical delimitation of the two varieties, all sampled individuals of O. benthamii clustered into two genetic groups. Moreover, the genetic structures of populations of both varieties are correlated with their different geographical origins. Our studies show that significant divergence between sympatric populations of the two varieties could be attributed primarily to reinforcement by genetic divergent selection in sympatry where secondary contact had occurred. The major proportion of the genetic variation in outcrossing and mixed mating plants may exist among populations when the populations are distributed in fragmented habitats, due to the paucity of suitable habitat combined with inefficient seed dispersal mechanism and limited pollinator foraging area that may limit the gene flow.  相似文献   

Eucharis candida andE. formosa are two often sympatric species of bulbous geophytes restricted to neotropical rain forest understory. The species are most common in eastern Ecuador, and are the only two east Ecuadorean species of the genus found north of the Pastaza valley. Data from phenetic, karyotypic, and preliminary isozyme electrophoretic analyses of both species are represented. The species are distinguishable phenetically and karyologically, but isozyme-based relationships are more complex. Phenetic resolution of the isozyme phenotypes supports recognition of two species in Ecuador. A Peruvian isolate ofE. formosa, though not morphologically distinct, shows both allozyme and chromosomal divergence from Ecuadorean populations. Cladistic relationships based on overall allozyme data do not support species distinction, but a novel electrophoretic phenotype for glutathione reductase is shared only by individuals ofE. candida. An apparent geographic component within the monophyletic groups resolved in the cladogram suggests that some degree of gene flow between these two species has been maintained without the complete loss of morpholgoical species identity. This may have been mediated either by artificial population structures due to a probable long history of cultivation, or via Pleistocene refugia effects. Both species may have originated in eastern Ecuador from a common ancestral population which has since radiated outward, perhaps several times.  相似文献   

Glucosinolate content of leaves and roots, diversity in leaf pubescence, and resistance to two near-isogenic lines of the flea beetle Phyllotreta nemorum with or without an R-gene, were determined for 27 accessions of 7 Barbarea taxa, i.e. B. stricta, B. orthoceras, B. intermedia, B. verna, B. vulgaris var. vulgaris, the G-type of B. vulgaris var. arcuata and the P-type of B. vulgaris var. arcuata. Four variable glucosinolate biosynthetic characters were deduced. For (formally) homophenylalanine-derived glucosinolates: (1). Presence or absence of 2-hydroxylation, and if present, R- or S-configuration of 2-hydroxylation; (2). presence or absence of p-hydroxylation; and for tryptophan-derived glucosinolates: (3). presence or absence of N-methoxyglucobrassicin; and (4). presence or absence of 1,4-dimethoxyglucobrassicin. Three phenotypes of leaf-pubescence were observed; (1). glabrous to glabrate leaves; (2). glabrous to glabrate leaves with hairs along the edge; (3). pubescent leaves. The hairs were characterized as simple by scanning electron microscopy. Full resistance to a flea beetle line (ST) was found in B. vulgaris var. vulgaris and in the G-type of var. arcuata; partial resistance was found in B. verna and B. intermedia, while the remaining taxa were fully susceptible to the ST line. All investigated Barbarea taxa were susceptible to larvae from another line containing an R-gene, indicating a similar flea beetle resistance mechanism in the three resistant species. Most Barbarea taxa could be characterized by a particular combination of the investigated characters. The most aberrant was the P-type of B. vulgaris var. arcuata, and the taxonomic status of this type should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Beladjal  Lynda  Peiren  Nico  Dierckens  Kristof R.  Mertens  Johan 《Hydrobiologia》1997,359(1-3):207-212
The transport rate of chalk, clay particles and algal cells (Scenedesmus sp.) through the digestive tract of Streptocephalus torvicornis and Branchipus schaefferi is described under experimental conditions. Differences in transport rate as well as in the degree of digestion at a fixed particle density of algae were found. In S. torvicornis, the transport rate is higher and the digestion of algae lower than in B. schaefferi. These differences might reflect trophic differences related to niche partitioning in these sympatric species. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Glucosinolates are plant secondary metabolites used in host plant recognition by insects specialized on Brassicaceae, such as the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella. Their perception as oviposition cues by females would seem to require their occurrence on the leaf surface, yet previous studies have reached opposite conclusions about whether glucosinolates are actually present on the surface of crucifer leaves. DBM oviposits extensively on Barbarea vulgaris, despite its larvae not being able to survive on this plant because of its content of feeding-deterrent saponins. Glucosinolates and saponins in plant tissue and mechanically removed surface waxes from leaves of Barbarea spp. were analyzed with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Surface waxes from leaves of Barbarea spp. contained glucosinolates, but not feeding-deterrent saponins. Our research is the first to show that glucosinolates are present on the leaf surface of Barbarea spp., but not in other crucifers investigated, resolving some conflicting results from previous studies. Our research is also the first to quantify glucosinolates on the leaf surface of a crucifer, and to show that the concentrations of glucosinolates found on the leaf surface of Barbarea spp. are sufficient to be perceived by ovipositing DBM.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic diversity were examined in five endemic subspecies of the Lobularia canariensis complex from six of the Canary Islands. The taxa are interfertile, insect-pollinated outbreeders with wind dispersal. Electrophoretic analysis revealed a high level of genetic polymorphism at ten loci coding soluble enzymes, with a mean of 2.38 alleles per locus, 73.7 % polymorphic loci, and a mean heterozygosity of 0.279. Excesses of homozygotes, indicating inbreeding, were observed in small populations. The average total diversity was high, F.,=0.518. Among-population diversity, FST=0.318, contributed more to the total diversity than within-population diversity, FIS=0.222. Little geographic or taxonomic patterning of the allozyme variation was observed. The mean genetic identitity for pairwise comparisons of the 19 populations was 0.76, with a range of 0.51–0.96 and c. 17 % of the comparisons below 0.67 and c. 8 % above 0.90. The results contrast with the many cases of high genetic identities reported for populations of endemic plants on oceanic islands. High levels of allozyme divergence suggest a relatively old origin of the L. canariensis complex and a long period of isolation of some of the populations.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is widespread in animals, especially in lizards (Reptilia: Squamata), and is driven by fecundity selection, male–male competition, or other adaptive hypotheses. However, these selective pressures may vary through different life history periods; thus, it is essential to assess the relationship between growth and SSD. In this study, we tracked SSD dynamics between a “fading‐tail color skink” (blue tail skink whose tail is only blue during its juvenile stage: Plestiodon elegans) and a “nonfade color” tail skink (retains a blue tail throughout life: Plestiodon quadrilineatus) under a controlled experimental environment. We fitted growth curves of morphological traits (body mass, SVL, and TL) using three growth models (Logistic, Gompertz, and von Bertalanffy). We found that both skinks have male‐biased SSD as adults. Body mass has a higher goodness of fit (as represented by very high R2 values) using the von Bertalanffy model than the other two models. In contrast, SVL and TL for both skinks had higher goodness of fit when using the Gompertz model. Two lizards displayed divergent life history tactics: P. elegans grows faster, matures earlier (at 65 weeks), and presents an allometric growth rate, whereas P. quadrilineatus grows slower, matures later (at 106 weeks), and presents an isometric growth rate. Our findings imply that species‐ and sex‐specific trade‐offs in the allocation of energy to growth and reproduction may cause the growth patterns to diverge, ultimately resulting in the dissimilar patterns of SSD.  相似文献   

Leaves from natural populations of Barbarea vulgaris ssp. arcuata (Brassicaceae) in Denmark were examined for glucosinolate content and resistance to the crucifer specialist flea beetle Phyllotreta nemorum. Two types of the plant (P- and G-type) could be recognized. Leaves of the G-type contained the glucosinolates (only side chains mentioned): (S)-2-hydroxy-2-phenylethyl- (2S), indol-3-ylmethyl- (4) and in trace amount (R)-2-hydroxy-2-phenylethyl- (2R), 2-phenylethyl- (1) and 4-methoxyindol-3-ylmethyl- (5). Leaves of the P-type were dominated by 2R and 4, and had only trace amounts of 1, 2S, and 5 but contained in addition the previously unknown (R)-2-hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl- (3R). The epimer, (S)-2-hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl- (3S) was found in populations believed to be hybrids, and in B. orthoceras. 2S, 2R, desulfo 2S,-2R, -3S and -3R were isolated and identified by NMR and MS. Acylated glucosinolates or allylglucosinolate were not detected in leaves. The glucosinolate content in August was variable, 3-46 micromol/g dry wt, but was low in most populations, 3-15 micromol/g dry wt. In general, the glucosinolate content increased during the autumn, to 35-75 micromol/g dry wt in November. The G-type was resistant to neonate larvae of Phyllotreta nemorum in August and September (survival in 3-day bioassay typically 0%), and gradually lost the resistance in October and November (survival in 3-day bioassay 40-90%), and there was no correlation between glucosinolate content and resistance. Neither did glucosinolates explain the difference in resistance between the P-type (always susceptible) and the G-type (resistant in the summer season).  相似文献   

Species delimitation has been a major research focus in evolutionary biology. However, the genetic delimitation of recently diverged species varies depending on the markers examined. In this study, we aimed to examine genetic differentiation and delimitations between only two species of Pugionium Gaertn (Brassicaceae)—Pugionium cornutum (L.) Gaertn and Pugionium dolabratum Maxim—that occur in the desert habitats of central Asia and have parapatric distributions. We genotyped 169 individuals from 25 populations, using two chloroplast (cp) DNA fragments (trnV-trnM and trnS-trnfM), seven simple repeated sequence (SSR) loci and the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS). Four cp haplotypes were identified, three of which commonly occur in the two species, suggesting incomplete species-specific lineage sorting. Between-species cpDNA differentiation (F CT) was low, even lower than among populations of the same species. However, we found higher than average SSR F CT values, and both Bayesian clustering of SSR variables and maximum-likelihood genetic analyses divided all sampled individuals into two groups, agreeing well with morphological separation, although gene flow between species was obvious according to the SSR loci data. However, two types of ITS sequences were highly consistent with the morphological delimitation of the two species in all sampled individuals. These results together suggest that these two species shared numerous ancestral cpDNA polymorphisms and point to the importance of nuclear DNA (ITS or genetic accumulation at multiple loci) in delimiting recently diverged species.  相似文献   

Levels and distribution of genetic variation were investigated in ten populations of the perennialArabis serrata distributed along a latitudinal gradient throughout Japan. Populations of this endemic species occupy predominantly three types of habitats: limestone and derived soils, volcanic and disturbed sites. Previous studies showed that plants ofA. serrata are differentiated in morphological and ecological traits under both natural conditions and common garden experiments suggesting genetic differentiation among populations. To assess the degree of genetic differentiation under different habitats ofA. serrata populations, we analyzed the isozyme genetic structure. Ten populations, located in mountains of central and northern Honshu and Hokkaido, were analyzed by starch gel enzyme electrophoresis. Fourteen loci of eight enzymes were resolved and six loci were monomorphic for all the populations. Populations sampled maintain low levels of genetic variation (P=0.16;H=0.05;A=1.16) compared to that maintained by other outcrossing seed plants. In some cases, few or no heterozygous individuals were detected, and consequently, mean observed heterozygosity was zero or near zero. Six (29%) of the fixation indices,F, estimated deviated significantly from Hardy Weinberg genotypic expectations indicating a deficiency of heterozygotes in most of the cases. The mean genetic identity (Nei'sI) between population pairs was 0.852 and indicates a moderate level of genetic differentiation among populations.Arabis serrata has most of its genetic variation distributed among rather than within populations. The among-population component of the total genetic diversity (G ST mean value) was 0.416, indicating genetic differentiation between populations. There groups of populations were recognized in an unrooted tree generated by the Neighbor-Joining method. These results suggest groups of populations differentiated regionally. Estimates of interpopulational gene flow (Nm) were very variable (range 0.049–3.718) with a meanNm=1.203 for all populations.  相似文献   

Hassall M  Helden A  Goldson A  Grant A 《Oecologia》2005,143(1):51-60
Armadillidium vulgare differed in growth and survivorship on two field sites. Growth rates were higher at a site with consistently higher quality food than at the other site where less high-quality food was produced and which was less predictably accessible. Survivorship was higher at the second site where temperature fluctuations were consistently smaller. Individuals from the two populations were kept for 6 months under the same food and temperature conditions and patterns of resource allocation to reproductive traits analysed. Members of the population from the site with good growth conditions had significantly higher reproductive allocation, by 13.5%, and larger broods, by 9.1%, than those from the site with poor growth conditions. Contrary to theoretical predictions, they also had significantly larger offspring, by 7.5% dry mass. Larger offspring survived better than small ones. This differential survivorship, by 20% for a 3.4% difference in live mass, was much more pronounced under conditions of moisture stress and under fluctuating temperature regimes. Larger offspring would therefore be at a selective advantage on the site with more severe temperature fluctuations. Phenotypic plasticity in reproductive traits in response to experimental changes in food quality, temperature and crowding were monitored. Reproductive allocation was increased by 20.8% under conditions of higher food quality, by 14.7% at higher temperatures, and by 12.5% under less crowded conditions. Brood size, but not offspring dry mass, increased when food quality increased. When crowding increased by 25.0%, the size of broods remained the same but the dry mass of individual offspring decreased by 11.2%. Members of the population from the site with more variable access to high-quality food showed more plasticity in reproductive traits in response to changes in food supply than members of the population from the site with the more predictable food supply. Members of the population from the site with more stable temperatures showed less plasticity to temperature changes than members of the population from the site with greater temperature fluctuations. It is concluded that the observed microevolutionary processes and phenotypic plasticity have adaptative value as responses to spatial and temporal heterogeneity in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Two sympatric morphs (type A with a vertebral number of 25 and type B with a vertebral number of 24) of striped jack Pseudocaranx dentex (Bloch & Schneider) were analysed genetically. A part of the 16S–rRNA region of mtDNA was amplified with polymerase chain reaction for 24 specimens, and a restriction enzyme fragment polymorphism showed significant differences between the two types. While all specimens sampled in Ogasawara were identified as type B, about 90% of striped jack in Oita were type A and 10% were type B. Although the spawning areas of these two types are still unknown, significant genetic differences between the two sympatric morphs show that recruitment and migration patterns might differ from each other. The current system suggests the possibility that the juveniles of type B in Oita may migrate from the Ogasawara Islands.  相似文献   

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