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The traditional use of medicinal plants used by the inhabitants of Shahgram Valley, District Swat, Northern Pakistan. A total of 90 plant species from 53 families were studied through questionnaire, interviews and group discussions. However, the family Asteraceae (10%) was the most important and dominant family. Plant habit wise percentage was observed as (herb 65.55%), (shrubs 20%) and (trees 14.44%) and part used as whole plant (42.22%) fruit (15.55%), leaves (7.77%), bark (7.77%), seed (6.66%), root (6.66%), stem (3.33%), flower (3.33%), rhizome (2.22%), tuber (1.11%), shoot (1.11%), corms (1.11%) and bulb (1.11%). For the preparation of ethnomedicines, the locals use decoction (43.33%), crushed (40%), extract (11.11%), paste (4.44%) and original (1.11%). Out of 18 disease categories diuretic (16.05%) was observed as high. Route of ethnomedicines was observed high oral as (88.88%). The dose was observed as once a day (41.11%), twice (53.33%), (5.55%) thrice. Informant consensus factor (ICF) was observed high for a diuretic (0.94). Highest plant species use citation was observed for a diuretic (187) and lowest (3) for Stimulant. High FL value (100) was observed for A. bracteosa, while lowest (50.0) for M. cummunis. Among trees, M. azedarach got a first rank (22) followed by shrubs, B. lyceum (16) and herbs, A. plantago (13). The research was carried out to identify and document traditional uses of medicinal plants in the locality for new drug discovery. Medicinal flora was found towards extinction due to overgrazing and unwise utilization.  相似文献   

The semi-arid region (Caatinga), that corresponds to 18.26% (1,540,000 km2) of Brazil, occupies most the northeast region. Rainfall is irregular and concentrated within the first 3 months of the year. Prolonged periods of drought, with low total rainfall, may extend for two or more years. Most of the rivers of this biome are temporary, remaining totally dry during periods of drought. We collected and observed the natural history and biology of the species Proceratophrys cristiceps, Pleurodema diplolister and Physalaemus spp, both in the rainy and dry seasons, in ten field expeditions to the State of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil). We focused on the morphology of the skin and cutaneous glands, specifically in their defence against desiccation. During the dry season, they form concentrations in the bed of temporary rivers, burrowing themselves in favourable locations within the sand, at depths that may exceed 1.50 m. No morphological evidence was found that there are specific cutaneous adaptations against water loss. We suggest that the cutaneous fragility per se is a cutaneous adaptation to water balance. The behaviour of such anuran species, together with their physiological characteristics, should be the main tools to face the challenge of living in xeric conditions.  相似文献   

This study was conducted during 2018–19 to evaluate the floristic composition and ecological characteristics of vegetation of Pashat valley, Bajaur. Floristic list of the valley contains 385 species distributed in 291 genera and 102 families. The dicotyledons having 83 families with 311 species and monocotyledons with 12 families contains 61 species. Pteridophytes having 05 families with 11 species and gymnosperm with a single family of two species. The leading family was Asteraceae with 42 species (10.90%) followed by Poaceae with 39 species (10.10%), Papilionaceae (Fabaceae) with 24 species (6.23%), Lamiaceae with 20 species (5. 19%) and Rosaceae with 15 species (3.90%). Therophytes 180 species (46.80%), hemicryptophytes 53 species (13.80%), nanophanerophytes 51 species (13.20%) and geophytes 35 species (9.09%) were the dominant life form groups. Leaf size class was dominated by microphylls (138 species, 35.84%) followed by nanophylls (124 species, 32.21%) and mesophylls (89 species, 23.12%). Habit wise the vegetation was mostly herbs (289 species) followed by shrubs (54 species), trees (38 species) and lianas (4 species). According to flowering phenology, most plants (62.30%) bloomed in spring followed by in summer (34%), in autumn (1.82%), in the whole year (1.30%) and in winter (0.52%). Based on chorological affinities, most of the species were bioregional in distribution (170 species, 44.15%) followed by mono-regional (157 species, 40.78%), pluri-regional (43 species, 11.17%) and cosmopolitan (15 species, 3.89%). The ecological characteristics like life form and leaf size spectra of the vegetation have a strong correlation with the prevailing environmental conditions such as altitude, slope, precipitation and temperature.  相似文献   

Cultivation of plants in northern China began at an early date. A number of domesticates were derived from native species, and others were introduced from southeastern Asia. Many vegetable species are included in myths and stories of ancient China. These traditional stories, as well as ancient agricultural and medicinal books, often mention cultivated members of the Cucurbitaceae. Twelve genera and 18 species of cucurbits are currently under cultivation in China. A number of them appear to be endemic to Indochina, while others were introduced from Western Asia and the New World. A recent trip to China and a survey of Chinese literature indicated that many cucurbits are consumed in the immature state as vegetables, some are eaten as fruits, and various species are used for medicine and a variety of other purposes. Resumen histórico de las plantas domésticas de la China con énfasis en las Cucurbitaceae. El cultivo de las plantas comenzó en una edad temprana en el norte de China. Varias plantas domésticas fueron derivadas de especies nativas, mientras que otras fueran introducidas desde el sudeste de Asia. Las historias y los mitos de la China antiqua cuentan de diversas especies vegetales. Estos relatos tradicionales, tanto como los viejos libros de las agricultura y medicina, frecuentemente mencionan los miembros cultivados de las Cucurbitaceae. Hoy en día se cultivan doce géneros y dieciocho especies de las familia en la China. Algunas Cucurbitaceae parecen ser endémicos de la Indochina, mientras que otras fueron introducidas desde el oeste de Asia y del Nuevo Mundo. Un viaje reciente a la China y un estudio de la literatura China indicaron que muchas Cucurbitaceae son consumidas en el estado inmaduro, algunas son comidas como frutas, y varias especies son utilizadas en medicina otros propósitos.  相似文献   

Ranunculus communities have been identified by the European Community Directive on Conservation of Natural and Semi-Natural Habitats as a key habitat in need of protection. The ecological requirements and floristic composition of three Ranunculus communities were investigated in North-Eastern France. We also aimed to determine the relationships between environmental parameters, Ranunculus abundance and species richness. R. fluitans communities clearly differed from the other communities by a higher evenness and species richness and by the occurrence of specific species. In contrast, R. penicillatus and R. peltatus communities displayed similar floristic content. Three different sub-associations were however identified within these communities. If alkalinity was determinant in isolating R. fluitans communities from the other stretches, the ecological ranges of the three communities strongly overlapped while considering parameters linked with other resources or with physical constraints. Further, no significant correlations were highlighted between environmental parameters, Ranunculus abundance and species richness. With respect to conservation, these observations may indicate the particular difficulty in defining each Ranunculus habitat on a European scale, and identify several key points which need to be taken into account when evaluating their status.  相似文献   

Ten species are recognized in the genus Hypocenomyce. Their morphology, anatomy, chemistry, and ecology are discussed, a key is provided, and their distribution in Norway and Sweden is mapped. Hypocenomyce australis Timdal and H. foveata Timdal are described as new, and the combinations H. castaneocinerea (Räsänen) Timdal and H. praestabilis (Nyl.) Timdal are proposed. The genus can be divided into four species groups on the basis of apothecial and conidial characters, type of pigment in the epithecium and pyenidial wall, and chemical properties of the thallus. The delimitation of the genus in relation to Lecidea s. lat. is in need of further elucidation.  相似文献   

The following study is considered as the first ethnobotanical survey in El Kantara's area; the gateway to the Algerian Sahara. The main objective of this survey is to document the indigenous knowledge and to highlight the floristic diversity of this region in order to establish a catalog of traditional medicinal plants used in phytotherapy and the food field, It is useful for subsequent pharmacological research. Ethnobotanical surveys were conducted for two years (2017–2019). The surveys collected sociodemographic data (age, sex, education level) and traditional knowledge on medicinal plants (vernacular name, part used, method of use). The data collected throughout the structured interview was analyzed by using quantitative indices in terms of the value of the use of the species (UV), informant consensus factor (ICF), and fidelity level (FL). A total of 95 informants reported 60 medicinal plants belonging to 29 botanical families of which 11 species have food usage. Asteraceae was the most common family (21.66%), followed by the Lamiaceae family (15%). Results of sociodemographic data showed the predominance of female sex with (64.21%), the majority of surveyed people are aged between 40 and 50 years old, while (67.37%) of the informants were illiterate. Artemisia herba-alba Asso was the most frequently used by the local population, with the highest UV of 1.26 (120 usage reports). The leaves were most used, while infusion was the most preferred form of use. New usage of 28 species was documented. Gastrointestinal system disorders and cardiovascular system diseases had the highest ICF (0.94) with 451 and 261 use reports respectively. The most common species Paronychia argentea Lam. was used for kidney disorders with a degree of fidelity of 100%. This study has highlighted the importance of traditional medicine in the El Kantara area and revealed a wealth of ethnobotanical knowledge in phytotherapy and the food sector. Findings should be subjects of further pharmacological and food studies to isolate bioactive compounds and validate their use.  相似文献   

Abstract:A phylogenetic hypothesis based on nuclear ITS sequence data is presented for the familyPhysciaceae , based on various representatives of foliose and fruticose groups and a number of species selected from the crustose genera Rinodina and Buellia s.l. The analysis supports the monophyly of the Physcia - and theBuellia -groups. This is in agreement with existing morphological evidence, particularly ascus characters. ThePhyscia group in the analysis includes the genera Anaptychia, Heterodermia, Hyperphyscia,Mobergia , Phaeophyscia, Phaeorrhiza, Physcia, Physconia, Rinodina, andRinodinella , while the Buellia group includes Amandinea, Buellia and Diploicia. The genera Physcia, Phaeophyscia, Phaeorrhiza and Rinodinella were well supported as monophyletic groups. The support for Physconia is low. Rinodina and Buellia are not supported as monophyletic genera. In agreement with ascus and ascospore characters, Buellia lindingeri is placed within the Rinodina group, close to R. lecanorina. The genus Amandinea as currently circumscribed was not supported as a monophyletic group. The analysis confirms results from other lichen families that foliose members have evolved more than once from crustose lichens.Rinodina and Rinodinella species without chemical compounds in their thalli form the sister group toPhaeophyscia , and both groups form a monophyletic assemblage. A more detailed analysis of the Physcia group is presented. Whilst several of the foliose genera were well supported, there is only poor support for traditionally accepted crustose genera. The taxonomic implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Hypotheses on the evolution of the karyotypes of 8 chromosome races (2n = 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16-two forms, 26) within theOrnithogalum tenuifolium complex are discussed. Four of the karyotypes are strictly bimodal: 2n = 8 (6 long and two short chromosomes), 2n = 10 (6 long and 4 short chromosomes), 2n = 12 (6 long and 6 short chromosomes) and 2n = 16 (12 long and 4 short chromosomes). The hypotheses are tested by means of measurements of nuclear DNA content, studies of meiosis and pollen fertility of hybrids, and comparisons of karyotype morphology. The results indicate that the E. African 2n = 12 chromosome race is the most primitive and has given rise to the other chromosome races. The 2n = 6 race is found to have a significantly higher fitness than the 2n = 12 race.  相似文献   

Aim Predictions of aquatic ecosystem change with global warming require basic data that accurately reflect the environmental conditions underlying species distributions. However, in remote arctic areas such baseline data are scarce. We assess the influence of environmental variables on chironomid distribution and taxon richness in shallow, isothermal lakes in a poorly studied arctic region. We pay particular attention to community variation along the treeline ecotonal zone where many environmental variables change abruptly in a relatively small area. Location Lake transect in Finnish Lapland spanning from boreal coniferous forest to arctic tundra. Methods Chironomid assemblages were determined from surface‐sediment samples of 50 shallow (< 10 m) natural lakes. Abundance and taxon richness data were related to 24 limnological variables using canonical ordination techniques (DCA, CCA, RDA). A Monte Carlo permutation procedure was used to assess the explanatory power of single variables. Between‐vegetation zone differences of richness were tested for statistical significance using one‐way anova . Results In total, 7771 chironomid head capsules were identified, consisting of 13 species, 10 species groups, four subgenera, 41 genera, four genus groups, five types and three with uncertain taxonomic affiliation. A hump‐shaped relationship between taxon richness and elevation was noted along the study transect with a peak in taxon richness occurring in mountain birch woodland lakes at middle elevations, decreasing then towards both warmer and colder ends of the elevation/temperature gradient. Of the individual parameters, sediment organic content, total organic carbon, pH, and lake‐specific air temperature accounted for the greatest amount of variation in the chironomid data. Main conclusions Maximum taxon richness occurred at mid‐elevations where aquatic algae also reached their maximum diversity. This area coincides with an ecotonal transitional zone, which seems more likely to account for the peak in species richness. Our study demonstrates that the factors most strongly affecting chironomids in Finnish Lapland (i.e. temperature, and ecosystem features) are those that with great probability will also change as a result of future climate change. This will likely have an effect on the distribution of chironomids in subarctic and arctic areas.  相似文献   

药用植物内生真菌的多样性及生物功能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
药用植物内生真菌资源丰富,其代谢产物常具有抗肿瘤、抗氧化、抑菌等作用,能产生药用植物生长调节物质及与宿主相同或类似的次生代谢产物,从而成为近年来的研究热点。本文对药用植物内生真菌的分离鉴定、多样性、生物活性及生物学功能等方面进行综述,以期为今后筛选及利用有效的药用植物内生真菌奠定基础。  相似文献   

Summary The value of a mixture of genetic entries present in different proportions is defined. A measure of the disadvantage of reduced diversity is defined as the sum of the squares of the proportions of the different entries. An algorithm for maximizing genetic gain of the mixture under the constraint of a constant disadvantage is developed. The optimal deployment strategy is one that lets the proportion of the genetic entries be linearly dependent on their genetic value. By use of rankits as entries for genetic values, optimal solutions for deployment were calculated for a range of values of available entries (from 10 to 5,000) and preset diversity-related disadvantage-factors (the preset values correspond to mixtures of between 2 and 100 entries in identical proportions). The values are tabulated so they can be used by breeders. The superiority of the proposed strategy increases with the proportion of the available entries which are selected. In the situation that around half would have been selected if truncation selection was applied, the improvement in genetic gain compared to classical truncation selection is up to 18%. Thus, considerable improvements in gain are possible without any sacrifice in diversity. Applications are discussed with particular reference to clonal forestry.  相似文献   

The quantitative determination of sarcosine is of great importance in clinical chemistry, food and fermentation industries. Elevated sarcosine levels are associated with Alzheimer, dementia, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer and sarcosinemia. This review summarizes the various methods for quantitative analysis of sarcosine with special emphasis on various strategies of biosensors and their analytical performance. The current bio sensing methods have overcome the drawbacks of conventional methods. Sarcosine biosensors work optimally at pH 7.0 to 8.0 in the linear range of 0.1 to 100?μM within 2 to 17?s and between 25 and 37?°C, within a limit of detection (LOD) between 0.008 and 500?mM. The formulated biosensors can be reused within a stability period of 3–180?days. Future research could be focused to modify existing sarcosine biosensors, leading to simple, reliable, and economical sensors ideally suited for point-of-care treatment.
  • Clinical significance
  • Elevated sarcosine levels are associated with prostate and colorectal cancer, Alzheimer, dementia, stomach cancer and sarcosinemia.

  • Quantitative determination of sarcosine is of great importance in clinical chemistry as well as food and fermentation industries.

  • Attempts made in development of sarcosine biosensors have been reviewed with their advantages and disadvantages, so that scientist and clinicians can improvise the methods of developing more potent sarcosine biosensor applicable in multitudinous fields.

  • This is the first comprehensive review which compares the various immobilization methods, sensing principles, strategies used in biosensors and their analytical performance in detail.


Different symbiotic mycorrhizal associations between plantsand fungi occur, almost ubiquitously, in a wide range of terrestrialecosystems. Historically, these have mainly been consideredwithin the rather narrow perspective of their effects on theuptake of dissolved mineral nutrients by individual plants.More recent research has placed emphasis on a wider, multifunctionalperspective, including the effects of mycorrhizal symbiosison plant and microbial communities, and on ecosystem processes.This includes mobilization of N and P from organic polymers,release of nutrients from mineral particles or rock surfacesvia weathering, effects on carbon cycling, interactions withmyco-heterotrophic plants, mediation of plant responses to stressfactors such as drought, soil acidification, toxic metals, andplant pathogens, as well as a range of possible interactionswith groups of other soil micro-organisms. Mycorrhizal fungiconnect their plant hosts to the heterogeneously distributednutrients required for their growth, enabling the flow of energy-richcompounds required for nutrient mobilization whilst simultaneouslyproviding conduits for the translocation of mobilized productsback to their hosts. In addition to increasing the nutrientabsorptive surface area of their host plant root systems, theextraradical mycelium of mycorrhizal fungi provides a directpathway for translocation of photosynthetically derived carbonto microsites in the soil and a large surface area for interactionwith other micro-organisms. The detailed functioning and regulationof these mycorrhizosphere processes is still poorly understoodbut recent progress is reviewed and potential benefits of improvedunderstanding of mycorrhizosphere interactions are discussed. Key words: Arbuscular mycorrhiza, biotic interactions, carbon flow, ectomycorrhiza, ericoid mycorrhiza, mycelium, nutrient uptake, symbiosis, weathering Received 22 January 2008; Revised 7 February 2008 Accepted 7 February 2008  相似文献   

In the World urbanization is a serious problem especially in developing countries which creates serious environmental problems like climatic and ecological changes in the ecosystem. The present paper aims to explain urbanization that causes loss of agriculture lands, biodiversity, soil erosions and grazing in District Dir. Urbanization decreased species richness such as Salix alba and Populus alba in the last few years in the local area. Soil of local area was divided into three different zones and was tested for soil texture and mineral percentage. Zone I soil showed sandy loamy texture with a pH of 8.3, Nitrogen 0.012%, Phosphorus 5.0% and organic matter was 0.74 (ppm). Zone II soil was loamy sand in texture with pH 8.1, Nitrogen 0.011%, Phosphorus 6.2%, and organic matter was 0.24 (ppm) while Zone III soil texture was silty clay loam with a pH of 8.1, Nitrogen 0.032%, Phosphorus 11.3%, and organic matter was 0.60 (ppm). The current work concludes that urbanizations affect natural biodiversity and agriculture lands, and that soil erosion and watering-points trampled by livestock is one of the significant problems in district Dir, and that the main degrading factor is the overexploitation of vegetation for fuel-wood and livestock grazing.  相似文献   

Mediterranean junipers are of special ecological importance as key components of resource islands in semi-arid mountain ecosystems of the Mediterranean basin. The fragmentation of their habitat, which was primarily natural and driven by climatic drought conditions, is currently being aggravated by anthropogenic pressure. In the framework of this concern, the present work aims to contribute establishing a genomic profile of Juniperus in its western Mediterranean range, with a special emphasis placed on J. thurifera. DNA contents were assessed by flow cytometry in 43 populations of nine taxa within their Mediterranean range (first reports for J. navicularis, J. thurifera subsp. africana and J. thurifera subsp. thurifera). Chromosome numbers were determined by orcein staining in eight taxa (first counts for J. oxycedrus subsp. badia, J. phoenicea subsp. phoenicea, J. phoenicea subsp. turbinata, of 2n?=?2x?=?22, and for J. thurifera subsp. thurifera, of 2n?=?4x?=?44). Tetraploid cytotypes have been the only ones found in the 19 populations of J. thurifera studied, this being the first report of a Juniperus species exclusively polyploid. In J. thurifera, C-value does not respond to habitat fragmentation, in the same way that genetic diversity within populations was previously shown to be unaltered, suggesting that this factor has not had, at least to date, a significant impact on populations at genomic and genetic levels. Habitat fragmentation leads to deeply age-biased populations with a male-biased imbalanced sex ratio (lack of females), indicating an urgent need to improve regeneration within the populations of this species.  相似文献   

Scolopendra cingulata has a tube-shaped digestive system that is divided into three distinct regions: fore-, mid- and hindgut. The midgut is lined with a pseudostratified columnar epithelium which is composed of digestive, secretory and regenerative cells. Hemocytes also appear between the digestive cells of the midgut epithelium. The ultrastructure of three types of epithelial cells and hemocytes of the midgut has been described with the special emphasis on the role of regenerative cells in the protection of midgut epithelium. The process of midgut epithelium regeneration proceeds due to the ability of regenerative cells to proliferate and differentiate according to a circadian rhythm. The regenerative cells serve as unipotent stem cells that divide in an asymmetric manner.Additionally, two types of hemocytes have been distinguished among midgut epithelial cells. They enter the midgut epithelium from the body cavity. Because of the fact that numerous microorganisms occur in the cytoplasm of midgut epithelial cells, we discuss the role of hemocytes in elimination of pathogens from the midgut epithelium. The studies were conducted with the use of transmission electron microscope and immunofluorescent methods.  相似文献   

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