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Prass  Marju  Ramula  Satu  Jauni  Miia  Setälä  Heikki  Kotze  D. Johan 《Biological invasions》2022,24(2):425-436
Biological Invasions - The ecological impacts of invasive species may change or accumulate with time since local invasion, potentially inducing further changes in communities and the abiotic...  相似文献   

A growing number of studies seeking generalizations about the impact of plant invasions compare heavily invaded sites to uninvaded sites. But does this approach warrant any generalizations? Using two large datasets from forests, grasslands and desert ecosystems across the conterminous United States, we show that (i) a continuum of invasion impacts exists in many biomes and (ii) many possible species–area relationships may emerge reflecting a wide range of patterns of co-occurrence of native and alien plant species. Our results contradict a smaller recent study by Powell et al. 2013 (Science 339, 316–318. (doi:10.1126/science.1226817)), who compared heavily invaded and uninvaded sites in three biomes and concluded that plant communities invaded by non-native plant species generally have lower local richness (intercepts of log species richness–log area regression lines) but steeper species accumulation with increasing area (slopes of the regression lines) than do uninvaded communities. We conclude that the impacts of plant invasions on plant species richness are not universal.  相似文献   

Climate change represents a major challenge to the maintenance of global biodiversity. To date, the direction and magnitude of net changes in the global distribution of plant diversity remain elusive. We use the empirical multi-variate relationships between contemporary water-energy dynamics and other non-climatic predictor variables to model the regional capacity for plant species richness (CSR) and its projected future changes. We find that across all analysed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change emission scenarios, relative changes in CSR increase with increased projected temperature rise. Between now and 2100, global average CSR is projected to remain similar to today (+0.3%) under the optimistic B1/+1.8°C scenario, but to decrease significantly (−9.4%) under the ‘business as usual’ A1FI/+4.0°C scenario. Across all modelled scenarios, the magnitude and direction of CSR change are geographically highly non-uniform. While in most temperate and arctic regions, a CSR increase is expected, the projections indicate a strong decline in most tropical and subtropical regions. Countries least responsible for past and present greenhouse gas emissions are likely to incur disproportionately large future losses in CSR, whereas industrialized countries have projected moderate increases. Independent of direction, we infer that all changes in regional CSR will probably induce on-site species turnover and thereby be a threat to native floras.  相似文献   

Historically, diversity in a community was often believed to result primarily from local processes, but recent evidence suggests that regional diversity may strongly influence local diversity as well. We used experimental and observational vegetation data from Konza Prairie, Kansas, USA, to determine if: (1) there is a relationship between local and regional richness in tallgrass prairie vegetation; (2) local dominance reduces local species richness; and (3) reducing local dominance increases local and regional species richness. We found a positive relationship between regional and local richness; however, this relationship varied with grazing, topography and fire frequency. The decline in variance explained in the grazed vegetation, in particular, suggested that local processes associated with grazing pressure on the dominant grasses strongly influenced local species richness. Experimental removal of one of the dominant grasses, Andropogon scoparius , from replicate plots resulted in a significant increase in local species richness compared to adjacent reference plots. Overall all sites, species richness was higher in grazed (192 spp.) compared to ungrazed (158 spp.) areas. Across the Konza Prairie landscape, however, there were no significant differences in the frequency distribution of species occurrences, or in the relationship between the number of sites occupied and average abundance in grazed compared to ungrazed areas. Thus, local processes strongly influenced local richness in this tallgrass prairie, but local processes did not produce different landscape-scale patterns in species distribution and abundance. Because richness was enhanced at all spatial scales by reducing the abundance of dominant species, we suggest that species richness in tallgrass prairie results from feedbacks between, and interactions among, processes operating at multiple scales in space and time.  相似文献   

We assess the importance of anthropogenic land‐use, altered productivity, and species invasions for observed productivity–richness relationships in California. To this end, we model net primary productivity (NPP) c. 1750 AD and at present (1982–1999) and map native and exotic vascular plant richness for 230 subecoregions. NPP has increased up to 105% in semi‐arid areas and decreased up to 48% in coastal urbanized areas. Exotic invasions have increased local species diversity up to 15%. Human activities have reinforced historical gradients in species richness but reduced the spatial heterogeneity of NPP. Structural equation modelling suggests that, prior to European settlement, NPP and richness were primarily controlled by precipitation and other abiotic variables, with NPP mediating richness. Abiotic variables remain the strongest predictors of present NPP and richness, but intermodel comparisons indicate a significant anthropogenic impact upon statewide distributions of NPP and richness. Exotic and native species each positively correlate to NPP after controlling for other variables, which may help explain recent reports of positively associated native and exotic richness.  相似文献   

Pasture and improved grasslands are commonly managed by a combination of artificial fertilisation and biomass removal, but a deeper understanding of how management options interact over the long-term are required to improve sustainability. Studies of multi-trophic responses to these options can provide important insights for biodiversity and soil management, particularly when they cover long time periods. In this study, we provide a novel perspective on long-term experimental field studies of grassland management by examining the direct and indirect effects of N fertilisation and mowing (with biomass retention and removal) on above-ground biodiversity, below-ground soil chemistry and their interactions. Our experimental treatments were applied annually from 1994 in medium to high soil fertility conditions on a non-native pastoral farm in New Zealand, and analysis of data to 2013 show that in general, plants and soil properties did not respond to N fertiliser treatments. In response to mowing regimes, soil properties exhibited subtle, but annually varying changes mostly related to biomass retention or removal, and plant richness was consistently higher under all mowing treatments. The management regime with the greatest gains in diversity also depended on year of study. We further analysed the indirect effects of mowing treatments on plant and arthropod richness via soil properties using structural equation modelling, and found that the impact of mowing is likely to be mediated by soil chemistry changes. In particular, the direct positive impact of mowing on plant richness may be offset by changes to soil properties, depending on whether biomass is retained or removed. We suggest that management regime effects on soil chemistry may limit plant composition changes to those species able to take advantage of altered conditions. These findings suggest that management to improve grassland diversity and soil conditions should consider the abiotic history and conditions of the site.  相似文献   

Disentangling the relative effects of local and regional processes on local species richness (LSR) is critical for understanding the mechanisms underlying large‐scale biodiversity patterns. In this study we used 1098 forest plots from 41 mountains across China, together with regional flora data, to examine the relative influence of local climate vs regional species richness (RSR) on LSR patterns. Both RSR and LSR for woody species and all species combined decreased with increasing latitude, while richness of herbaceous species exhibited a hump‐shaped pattern. The major climatic orrelates of species richness differed across spatial scales. At the regional scale, winter coldness was the best predictor of RSR patterns for both woody and herbaceous species. At the local scale, however, productivity‐related climatic indices were the best predictors of LSR patterns. Local climate and RSR together explained 48, 54 and 23% of the variation in LSR, for overall, woody and herbaceous species, respectively. Both local climate and RSR independently influenced LSR in addition to their joint effects, suggesting that LSR patterns were shaped by local and regional processes together. Local climate and RSR affected LSR of woody species mainly through their joint effects, while there were few shared effects of climate and RSR on the LSR of herbaceous species. Our findings suggest that while geographic RSR patterns are mainly determined by winter coldness, the ecological processes driven by productivity may be critical to the filtering of regional flora into local communities. We also demonstrate that biogeographic region is not a good surrogate for regional richness, at least for our dataset. Consequently, whether biogeographic region can effectively reflect regional effects needs further examination.  相似文献   

The hump-shaped relationship between plant species richness and productivity is a well-established and important paradigm. While plot-based species richness patterns on local scales have received much attention, little is currently known about species-based patterns on a regional scale. Using Ellenberg's indicator values for 1802 plant species in central Europe, we assess the patterns in regional species richness with respect to light, water, and mineral nutrient availability – three variables that strongly influence productivity. The results of this analysis are compared to those of published studies on smaller scales leading to the following conclusions:
  • 1.

    On a regional scale in central Europe there is a hump-shaped relationship between soil nutrient supply and plant species richness within a given biome.


This study investigated four inselberg landscapes in Namibia's aridNama Karoo. Inselbergs of different size and geology were investigated (a) todetermine environmental variables influencing the number of inselberg restrictedplant species and (b) to investigate seed dispersal spectra as one parameterdescribing functional properties of inselberg specialists. With regard to therole of inselbergs in contributing to local and regional species richness, manyspecies restricted to inselberg habitats occurred (up to 79 species recorded inthis survey) and so contribute to local and regional species richness. As nospecies endemic to an inselberg were recorded in this study, inselbergspecialists may provide an indicator for conservation value of these mountains.Elevation rather than surface area provided a measure for predicting the numberof inselberg specialists. Besides elevation, underlying geology, and resultinglandforms and edaphic conditions, as well as distance to potential mainland alsoinfluenced the number of inselberg specialists. Functional relationships betweeninselbergs based on seed dispersal spectra of inselberg specialists were notconclusive.  相似文献   

Invasion of unsown species to artificially created assemblages of grassland species was investigated in a 3-year field experiment. In the experiment, assemblages varying in species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 species) and functional group richness (1–4, grasses, legumes, rosette forbs, and creeping forbs) were grown in control and fertilized plots, without any attempt to prevent the invasion of unsown species or to weed them. The relationship between species and functional group diversity and above-ground biomass was positive for sown species in all study years (2003, 2004 and 2005). In the latter 2 years, weed invader biomass decreased significantly with increasing biomass of sown species and their functional group richness, but not with number of species. However, no suppressive effect of species or functional group richness beyond that by increased biomass of residents was found. In fact, slight but significant positive partial effect of species richness was found, suggesting that the negative effect of the same amount of resident biomass on invaders is stronger when the biomass is composed of fewer species. The negative relationship between the number of functional groups of residents and invader biomass suggested that better coverage of functional trait space could be a mechanism promoting the resistance to invasion. In Addition, species composition of invaders were significantly related to initial composition of sown residents.  相似文献   


Both local and regional predictors play a role in determining plant community structure and composition. Climate, soil features as well as different local history and management affect forest understorey and tree species composition, but to date their specific role is relatively unknown. Few studies have addressed the importance of these predictors, especially in the Mediterranean area, where environmental conditions and human impacts have generated heterogeneous forest communities. In this study, the relationships between environmental variables and species richness of different groups of vascular plants (vascular species, woody species and open habitat species) and bryophytes were investigated in Tuscan forests. A total of 37 environmental variables were used by generalised linear model fitting in order to find parsimonious sub-sets of environmental factors (predictors) that are able to explain species diversity patterns at the local scale. Moreover, the role of regional and local variable groups on species richness of the considered plant groups was estimated by using the variance partitioning approach. We found that local variables, such as forest management and structure, explained more variance than regional variables for total species richness, open habitat species richness and bryophyte species richness. On the other hand, regional variables (such as elevation) played a central role for woody species richness.  相似文献   

Aim To determine the relationship between the species richness of woody plants and that of mammals after accounting for the effect of environmental variables. Location Southern Africa, including Namibia, South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and part of Mozambique. Methods We used a comprehensive dataset including the species richness of mammals and of woody plants and environmental variables for 118 quadrats (each of 25,000 km2) across southern Africa, and used structural equation models (SEMs) and spatial regressions to examine the relationship between the species richness of woody plants and of mammal trophic guilds (herbivores, insectivores, carni/omnivores) and habitat guilds (aquatic/fossorial, ground‐living, climbers, aerial), after controlling for environment. We compared the results of SEMs with those of single‐predictor regressions (without controlling for environment) and of spatial regressions (controlling for both environment and residual spatial autocorrelation). Results The geographical variation of mammal species richness in southern Africa was strongly and positively related to that of woody plant species richness, and this relationship held for most mammal guilds even when the influence of environment and spatial autocorrelation had been accounted for. However, the effect of woody plant species richness on the richness of aquatic/fossorial species almost disappeared after controlling for environment, suggesting that the congruence in species richness patterns between these two groups results from similar responses to the same environmental variables. For many mammal guilds, the relative role of environmental predictors as measured by standardized partial regression coefficients changed depending on whether non‐spatial single‐predictor regressions, non‐spatial SEMs, or spatial regressions were used. Main conclusions Woody plants are important determinants of the species richness of most mammal guilds in southern Africa, even when controlling for environment and residual spatial autocorrelation. Environmental correlates with animal species richness as measured by simple correlations or single‐predictor regressions might not always reflect direct effects; they might, at least to some degree, result from indirect effects via woody plants. Interpretations of the strength of the effect of environmental variables on mammal species richness in southern Africa depend largely on whether spatial or non‐spatial models are used. We therefore stress the need for caution when interpreting environmental ‘effects’ on broad‐scale patterns of species richness if spatial and non‐spatial methods yield contrasting results.  相似文献   

Bioclimate envelope models are often used to predict changes in species distribution arising from changes in climate. These models are typically based on observed correlations between current species distribution and climate data. One limitation of this basic approach is that the relationship modelled is assumed to be constant in space; the analysis is global with the relationship assumed to be spatially stationary. Here, it is shown that by using a local regression analysis, which allows the relationship under study to vary in space, rather than conventional global regression analysis it is possible to increase the accuracy of bioclimate envelope modelling. This is demonstrated for the distribution of Spotted Meddick in Great Britain using data relating to three time periods, including predictions for the 2080s based on two climate change scenarios. Species distribution and climate data were available for two of the time periods studied and this allowed comparison of bioclimate envelope model outputs derived using the local and global regression analyses. For both time periods, the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve derived from the analysis based on local statistics was significantly higher than that from the conventional global analysis; the curve comparisons were also undertaken with an approach that recognised the dependent nature of the data sets compared. Marked differences in the future distribution of the species predicted from the local and global based analyses were evident and highlight a need for further consideration of local issues in modelling ecological variables.  相似文献   

The plant richness hypothesis (PRH) is used to explain herbivorous insect richness based on the number of plant species, predicting a positive relationship. However, the influence of plant richness on insect distribution can become stronger with greater levels of specialization of herbivores. In this meta-analysis, I tested whether there is any difference in the correlation force recorded between studies that investigated endophagous versus exophagous herbivores, and galling versus non-galling guilds, in order to determine whether more specialized groups have a stronger relationship. Furthermore, I calculated whether effect sizes were homogeneous between galling studies carried out at local and regional scales, and between tropical and temperate regions. A total of 52 correlations were analyzed between plant species richness and herbivore species richness, with 18 correlations derived from galling herbivores and 34 from non-galling herbivores. The effect sizes were significant and positive in all studies, being higher for endophages than for exophages, and for galling than for non-galling studies. These results provide evidence that groups of insects with a higher level of host specialization and specificity (e.g., endophagous and galling) exhibit a greater dependence on plant richness. There was no difference in effect sizes for galling studies between the local and regional level or between tropical and temperate groups. Despite the large variability found for galling studies, effect sizes were consistent independently of climatic region and latitudinal variation. These results suggest that the PRH for galling insects can be generalized to most ecosystem and vegetation types.  相似文献   

Aim We analysed the interdependence of avian frugivore‐ and fruited plant‐species richness at the scale of major river basins across Europe, taking into account several environmental factors along different spatial gradients. Location Continental Europe and the British Isles. Methods We focused on wintering birds and autumn/winter fruiting plants, and used major river basins as geographical units and Structural Equation Modelling as the principal analytical tool. Results The statistical influence of disperser species richness on fleshy‐fruited plant species richness is roughly double that of the reverse. Broad‐scale variation in frugivore richness is more dependent on environmental factors than on fruited plant richness. However, the influence of disperser richness on plant richness is four times higher than the influence of environmental factors. Environmental influences on both birds and plants are greater than purely spatial influences. Main conclusions Our results are interpreted as indicating that biotic dispersal of fruits strongly affects broad‐scale geographical trends of fleshy‐fruited plant species richness, whereas richness of fruited plants moderately affects frugivore richness.  相似文献   

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